IBM Lotus Enterprise Integrator for Domino (LEI)
Release 8.5.1
September 24, 2009
A) What's new in LEI 8.5.1
B) System requirements
C) Installation considerations
D) Operational considerations
E) What's been fixed in LEI 8.5.1
F) Documentation errata
G) Troubleshooting and support
A) What's new in LEI 8.5.1
The LEI technical documentation is available at
https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/documentation/lei/ and
For the latest information about Lotus Enterprise Integrator offerings, visit
LEI 8.5.1 is a point release to the major LEI 8.5 release. If you are new to LEI 8.5, see the LEI 8.5
readme.txt file at the IBM developerWorks technical library at
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/documentation in the Lotus Enterprise
Integrator product category.
- Support for Data Direct ODBC 5.3.2 drivers
- Support for MySQL 5.1 using ODBC Connector with 5.3.2 drivers
- Support for Windows 2008 operating system
- Support for SLES 11 operating system
- LEI 64 bit version is now supported on Windows 2008 64 bit platform.
This will work with Domino 64 bit version on Windows platform and has support for DB2, Oracle
and MS SQL native connectors. For platform and connector support details for this version, see
the "System requirements" section.
B) System requirements
*Hardware requirements -- LEI 32 bit *
- 60MB
- 80MB
- 15MB
- 90MB
- 90MB
disk space on Win32
disk space on UNIX and IBM i
temp space on Win32 - required by LEI installer
temp space on UNIX - required by LEI installer
temp space on Win32 - required by IBM i LEI installer
* Memory requirement -- LEI 32 Bit*
For Microsoft Windows
- 256 MB RAM (above Domino requirements) for data management activities only
- 512 MB (above Domino requirements) for real time and data management activities
For Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, and Linux
- 256 MB RAM (above Domino requirements) for data management activities only
- 512 MB (above Domino requirements) for real time and data management activities
*Hardware requirements -- LEI 64 bit *
- 60MB disk space on Win64
- 20MB temp space on Win64 - required by LEI installer
Note: To run 64 bit LEI, you must be running 64 bit versions of Domino, the Lotus Connector and
all client connectivity software.
* Memory requirement -- LEI 64 Bit*
For Microsoft Windows
- 256 MB RAM (above Domino requirements) for data management activities only
- 512 MB (above Domino requirements) for real time and data management activities
- 256 MB RAM (above Domino requirements) for data management activities only
- 512 MB (above Domino requirements) for real time and data management activities
LEI 8.5.1 - 32 bit version
LEI 32 bit is supported on the following platforms:
1) Windows 2003 Server and Server Enterprise Edition 32 bit
Database client connectivity:
Oracle 9i ,10g,11g - Native client and ODBC
DB2 8.2.2, 9.1, 9.5 - Native client and ODBC
DB2 Universal Database for IBM i - Native client and ODBC
Sybase 15 - Native client and ODBC
MS SQL Server 2000, 2005 - Native client and ODBC
Informix - ODBC only
MySQL 5.0, 5.1 - ODBC only
2) Windows 2003 Server and Server Enterprise Edition 64 bit (as a 32 bit application)
Database client connectivity:
Oracle 9i, 10g, 11g - Native client only
DB2 8.2.2, 9.1, 9.5 - Native client only
DB2 Universal Database for IBM i - Native client only
Sybase 15 - Native client only
MS SQL Server 2000, 2005 - Native client only
3) Windows 2008 Server and Server Enterprise Edition 32 bit
Database client connectivity:
Oracle 10g,11g - Native client and ODBC
DB2 9.1, 9.5 - Native client and ODBC
DB2 Universal Database for IBM i - Native client and ODBC
Sybase 15 - Native client and ODBC
MS SQL Server 2005 - Native client and ODBC
MS SQL Server 2000 - ODBC only
Informix - ODBC only
MySQL 5.0, 5.1 - ODBC only
4) Windows 2008 Server and Server Enterprise Edition 64 bit (as a 32 bit application)
Database client connectivity:
Oracle 10g, 11g - Native client only
DB2 9.1, 9.5 - Native client only
DB2 Universal Database for IBM i - Native client only
Sybase 15 - Native client only
MS SQL Server 2005 - Native client only
5) AIX 5.3 and 6.1 - 32 bit and 64 bit
Database client connectivity:
Oracle 9i ,10g,11g -Native client and ODBC
DB2 8.2.2, 9.1,9.5 -Native client and ODBC
DB2 Universal Database for IBM i -Native client and ODBC
Sybase 15 -Native client and ODBC
MS SQL Server -ODBC only
Informix -ODBC only
MySQL 5.0, 5.1 - ODBC only
6) Solaris 10
Database client connectivity:
Oracle 9i, 10g, 11g - Native client and ODBC
DB2 8.2.2, 9.1, 9,5 - Native client and ODBC
DB2 Universal Database for IBM i - Native client and ODBC
Sybase 15 - Native client and ODBC
MS SQL Server-ODBC only
Informix - ODBC only
MySQL 5.0, 5.1 - ODBC only
7) RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.0, 5.1, 5.2 - 32 bit and 64 bit
(as a 32 bit application)
Database client connectivity:
Oracle 9i, 10g, 11g - Native client and ODBC
DB2 8.2.2, 9.1, 9.5 - Native client and ODBC
DB2 Universal Database for IBM i - Native client and ODBC
Sybase -ODBC only
MS SQL Server - ODBC only
Informix - ODBC only
MySQL 5.0, 5.1 - ODBC only
8) Novell SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10 - 32 bit and 64 bit
(as a 32 bit application)
Database client connectivity:
Oracle 9i, 10g, 11g - Native client and ODBC
DB2 8.2.2, 9.1, 9.5 - Native client and ODBC
DB2 Universal Database for IBM i - Native client and ODBC
Sybase - ODBC only
MS SQL Server -ODBC only
Informix - ODBC only
MySQL 5.0, 5.1 - ODBC only
9) Novell SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 - 32 bit and 64 bit
(as a 32 bit application)
Database client connectivity:
DB2 8.2.2, 9.1, 9.5 - Native client and ODBC
DB2 Universal Database for IBM i - Native client and ODBC
Sybase - ODBC only
MS SQL Server -ODBC only
Informix - ODBC only
MySQL 5.0, 5.1 - ODBC only
10) IBM i 5.4, 6.1
Database client connectivity:
Universal Database for IBM i - Native client and ODBC
Oracle - ODBC only
Sybase - ODBC only
MS SQL Server - ODBC only
Informix - ODBC only
MySQL 5.0, 5.1 - ODBC only
Read all Domino documentation regarding the specific patches Domino requires for its 32 bit
server. The patch level required by Domino is a prerequisite for successful LEI installation. Patch
requirements are updated periodically. See the Domino documentation for details:
*Other Software requirements -- LEI 32 bit *
Note: Database client libraries must be 32 bit. If a client version is not available on a platform then
that client configuration is not supported. For example, Oracle 9i (client only) is not available
on Linux, thus support for this configuration of Oracle client is not supported on Linux.
LEI 8.5.1 32 bit requires Notes/Domino 8.5.1 32 bit.
*Current supported data drivers list -- LEI 32 bit*
Supported Lotus Connector data driver versions are listed below:
These include the Data Direct Sybase, Oracle, Informix, DB2, MS SQL, MySQL server ODBC wire
Note: DataDirect ODBC drivers should be used with the Lotus Connector for ODBC. LEI supports
the Lotus-branded DataDirect ODBC Wire Protocol drivers. LEI recommend using the Lotus-
branded DataDirect ODBC Wire Protocol drivers.
LEI 8.5.1 - 64 bit version
LEI 64 bit is supported on the following platforms:
1) Windows 2003 Server and Server Enterprise Edition 64 bit
Database connectivity:
Oracle 9i ,10g,11g -Native client only
DB2 8.2.2, 9.1, 9.5 -Native client only
MS SQL Server 2005 -Native client only
2) Windows 2008 Server and Server Enterprise Edition 64 bit
Database connectivity:
Oracle 10g,11g -Native client only
DB2 9.1,9.5 -Native client only
MS SQL Server 2005 -Native client only
3) AIX 5.3 and 6.1 (64 bit)
Database client connectivity:
Oracle 9i ,10g,11g -Native client only
DB2 8.2.2, 9.1,9.5 -Native client only
Read all Domino documentation regarding the specific patches Domino requires for its 64 bit
server. The patch level required by Domino is a prerequisite for successful LEI installation. Patch
requirements are updated periodically. See the Domino documentation for details:
*Other Software requirements -- LEI 64 bit *
Note: Database client libraries must be 64 bit.
LEI 8.5.1 64 bit version requires Domino 8.5.1 64 bit version.
*Additional Requirements*
- Notes 8.5.1 client to administer the LEI Administrator database and run the LEI server if LEI is
installed on a Notes client
- Domino 8.5.1 server to manage the LEI Administrator database and run the LEI server if LEI is
installed on a Domino server
- Client libraries of the external systems to be accessed must be installed on the LEI server and
the Domino server. When running activities, if the LEI server and the Domino server are on
separate machines, the client libraries must be installed on
both machines.
- For UNIX, X Window system server environment
- For UNIX, X Window system client libraries
Verify that all of your database software is current with all available maintenance releases and/or
fix packs.
For IBM i , LEI installation requires Windows Internet Explorer 6.0 or later.
*Testing connectivity*
- The supplied DCTEST program tests connectivity from the system on which the LEI server is
installed to external data sources. The LEI server acts as a client to your external data server.
- Run the appropriate connectivity test program from the Domino server before running LEI. The
program names are listed below by platform:
Issue the following command for Windows: ndctest
Issue the following command for UNIX: dctest
Issue the following command for IBM i:
(*NO) where xxx is the Domino release
A command window help menu provides information for using the connectivity test program.
C) Installation considerations
See the Installation Guide supplied with LEI and also available at
http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/documentation/lei for complete LEI installation
instructions. See below for related considerations.
Install considerations:
- When installing LEI as a Windows service for use with a local Domino server or a local Notes
client, be sure that the service starts with the same Windows login credentials as Domino. For
both cases set the following notes.ini parameter as specified below:
Using this value in the notes.ini sets LEI to use operating system allocation, rather than Domino
memory allocation, which is beneficial to Order Metaconnector users.
- The user ID of the user who is installing LEI must be resident in the Domino Directory group
LocalDomainAdmins or the LEI installation will fail.
- The LEI installation utility does not inform you that you must make changes to your Domino
Directory in order to support the server-side browsing method used by LEI. See the LEI
Installation Guide for details.
- The LEI server must be installed on a machine where a Notes client or a Domino server is
installed. Only one LEI server can be installed on any single non-partitioned machine. On a
partitioned machine, an LEI server can be installed on each partition. The LEI server version and
the Notes/Domino version must match, for example Domino 8.5.1 with LEI 8.5.1
- On UNIX, do not use the following characters in an LEI server name: ", ', &, ;, :, /
- If you will be installing LEI to a Notes client, set the Notes ID to share its password with other
Notes-based systems, as documented in the LEI installation guide. To avoid multiple prompting
for password, ensure that your Notes client is running during LEI install.
Uninstall considerations:
- In a failover cluster, uninstall the first failover server in the cluster last. Uninstall the failover
servers sequentially from last to first.
D) Operational considerations
- Current LEI Tech Notes and other user information can be found at
- For platform and version support, see the LEI readme file on the developerWorks Technical
documentation page at https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/documentation/lei.
E) What's been fixed in LEI 8.5.1
The fixlist database at http://www.lotus.com/ldd/r5fixlist.nsf lists each LEI issue resolved
in this release. Follow the steps to see what's been fixed in LEI 8.5.1:
1. Click "Product area" and then "Enterprise "Integration."
2. Click the release number to view the list of resolved issues.
F) Documentation errata
- All instances of the term "System i" or "i5/OS" should have been changed to "IBM i" in the LEI
documentation set.
- Missing documentation for IBM i system: As a prerequisite for successful LEI installation, see
(weblink: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/lotus/) and the Domino documentation
regarding the platform patch-level required for the Domino server. The LEI installation program
checks which IBM i version is installed on your system. Install the required PTFs and other
resources needed for your IBM i version.
G) Troubleshooting and support
The Lotus Connector LotusScript Extensions Guide and Lotus Connectors and Connectivity Guide
are supplied with Domino. You can also obtain these guides at
For the latest information about Lotus Enterprise Integrator product offerings, visit the following
Web sites:
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© Copyright IBM Corporation 1985, 2009 All rights reserved. Printed in the United States. US Government
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Revision History: Original material produced for IBM Lotus Notes and IBM Lotus Domino Release 8.5.1.
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