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Motorola Semiconductor Engineering Bulletin
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
How to Use the MC68HC812A4 in Special Expanded
Narrow Mode Using the M68HC12AEVB
By Edgar Saenz
Motorola Microcontroller Division
Austin, Texas
The MC68HC812A4 (812A4) is designed primarily as an expanded
mode microcontroller. It can be operated in expanded narrow mode for
8-bit peripheral devices and in expanded wide mode for 16-bit peripheral
The M68HC12A4EVB (A4EVB) is designed to accommodate expanded
narrow mode of operation, although in the factory it is configured in
expanded wide mode.
The steps to set up the evaluation board are described in this
engineering bulletin. They are designed to help guide users to configure
emulation RAM (random-access memory) in expanded narrow mode
and to utilize a third-party debugger to debug in C language.
© Motorola, Inc., 2000
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Engineering Bulletin
Hardware Setup
Setting up the A4EVB in special expanded narrow mode requires
modifying the evaluation board.
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Follow these steps to make the modification:
When setting up the evaluation board, turn off the power to the
Jumpers W42 and W34 should be shunted between pins 1 and 2.
W30 should be left floating or pulled out.
Remove the 74HC32 chip from U3.
Make a wire jumper from pin 2 on U3 socket to pin 3. This will
make a direct connection from the RAM-CS signal to
RAM-MSB-CS. Chip enable (CE) on pin 22 will have a direct
connection to chip select header W11.
Select CSP0 by shunting W11-8 between pin 2 and pin 3. CSP0
is enabled from reset and should be used to test the application
program properly.
Insert RAM chip in socket U6B. Notice that U6A does not have
address line 0 routed, and it is used for expanded wide mode. On
the other hand, U6B does have address line 0 routed directly and
is designed for the use of expanded narrow mode.
When memory paging is enabled, the EVB includes the footprint
for a 28- and 32-pin RAM footprint. Address lines 16 and 18 are
hardwired to U6B. However, address line 17 needs to be
configured via jumper header W12 by shunting pin 3 and pin 4.
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Engineering Bulletin
Software Setup Using P&E’s SDBUG12 Program
Software Setup Using P&E’s SDBUG12 Program
When using a software debugger in special expanded narrow mode, it is
important to note that the mode register has to be modified.
To start the program, simply get into the directory where the executable
is loaded. Type sdbug12 freq x000000 where x is the A4EVB’s bus
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When this command is typed, either COM1 or COM2 can be used.
Contact P&E Microcomputer Systems, Inc., at its Web site,, for specifics.
Once the SDBUG12 screen is displayed, execute a register modify to
ensure the software is communicating properly with the PC. Type A 55
and watch the screen value for the A accumulator value change. Reset
it to 0 by typing A 00 and observe the A accumulator value change.
So far, the microcontroller is in special single-chip mode. For expanded
narrow mode functionality, the mode register needs to be written twice
with $39 which will provide access to external peripherals in expanded
narrow format and gain access to the bus in 8-bit mode where the data
is provided on data lines d8 to d15.
Make sure the chip select control register (CSCTL) has CSP0 enabled.
Execute a memory modify command by typing mm 3C, and when the
enter key is pressed, the debugger will provide the current value and
designate a field to place the new value in. If the register does not show
the proper value ($20) for CSP0 to be enabled, set it to the proper value.
To check U6B’s accessibility, simply execute a memory modify
command at a memory location inside the RAM’s address space. Type
mm <address>, and the command will respond with the current value
and prompt for the new value.
If this is successful, download an S19 record to the microcontroller,
provided that the record is within RAM’s range.
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Freescale Semiconductor, Inc...
Engineering Bulletin
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