ib technology
Data Sheet
6 Pages
Last Revised 18/02/08
Micro RWD MF (Mifare) Antenna Specification
The MicroRWD MF (Mifare) module has been designed to interface to a simple high Q
antenna coil of around 1uH inductance together with some capacitor and resistor
components. The antenna coil and passive components form the “tuned” RLC (ResistorInductor-Capacitor) circuit, which is designed to resonate at the 13.56 MHz carrier
frequency and have a Q factor of 35-40. For the 125 kHz family of MicroRWD
modules, the low Q antenna (700uH) has a relatively wide tolerance of inductance so
the capacitor components are fixed and mounted on the RWD module itself – pins AN1
and AN2 connect to an external antenna coil directly. For the 13.56 MHz MicroRWD
modules, the antenna Q is higher and the inductance tolerance is narrow. For this reason
the capacitor components are external to the module to allow fine-tuning and adjustment
of the LC circuit as shown below. The external resistors are used to limit the antenna
current and correct the antenna Q to 35-40 range.
Approx 3cm max
65mm diameter coil, 2 turns 0.45mm diameter
Enamelled Cu wire (26 SWG), approx 1uH
C1 = 22pF
AN1 (pin 9)
5-50pF trimming
C3 = 220pF
GND (pins 7/13)
C4 = 220pF
AN2 (pin 12)
Centre tap not required
for simple antenna
C2 = 22pF
typically < 0.5R
All capacitors ceramic 50v minimum
NPO/COG types +/- 5% or better
Directly connected antenna arrangement
For maximum range and performance the following factors should be considered:
1) Maximum range and coupling between transponder and RWD is based on the ratio
of their antenna diameters. Very approximately the RWD antenna loop diameter
should be 2-3 times the diameter of the transponder coil. The basic method of
communication is via magnetic flux linkage (like an air-cored transformer) so the
more lines of flux that intersect the transponder coil, the better the overall
performance. For ISO card transponders there is little benefit in using an RWD
antenna larger than 10cm diameter. Circular antenna coils generally give a more
uniform flux distribution
ib technology
2) The Micro RWD is designed to generate a 13.56 MHz carrier frequency in short
bursts of energy with a peak-to-peak voltage of up to 60 volts. This RF field is only
turned-on whenever there is card communication and for the remainder of time the
RF field is off. This dramatically reduces the average current consumption to around
20ma with short bursts of up to 200ma.
3) Generally for 65mm diameter wound antenna or similar sized PCB antenna the
range is around 5 cm, larger antenna (10 – 15cm diameter) can achieve up to 10cm
range under ideal conditions. Lower burst current can be achieved by adjusting the
series resistors in the antenna loop circuit (ensuring Q value is around 35-40).
4) Sample antenna supplied are for evaluation only. The characteristics of an antenna
for EMC approval will vary according to shape of coil, type of wire, style of
winding, bobbin material, spacing between windings or PCB track design and PCB
material etc.
5) The antenna coil (PCB or wire wound) should be positioned as close to the capacitor
components as possible and the coil-capacitor (LC) arrangement should be no more
than 3cm from the MicroRWD module for optimum performance. For longer
distances a screened twisted-pair antenna cable can be used with an impedance
matching transformer, this technique is not described here.
6) The position and environment of the antenna in the final applications should be
taken into account and a trimming capacitor can be used to adjust the capacitance to
fine tune the LC arrangement back to 13.56 MHz resonance. An oscilloscope should
be connected ACROSS the antenna coil connections. With NO transponder card in
the field a pulsed 13.56 MHz sine wave will be seen with a peak-to-peak voltage of
up to 60 volts. The trimming capacitor should be adjusted to achieve the highest
amplitude of sine wave. The antenna resistance should then be checked to ensure the
Quality factor is correct. The capacitor and coil inductance values have been
carefully chosen for optimum performance so any custom antenna should be
designed to be as close to this arrangement as possible.
7.5 ms
100ms (default polling delay)
Antenna waveform
13.56 MHz
NO card in field – RF duty cycle
60v peak-to-peak measured
across the antenna coil
ib technology
0.7 – 1.4uS
RWD to transponder communication – pulse pause modulation, ISO14443A timing
specification and waveform envelope for ideal Quality factor
7) For optimum performance the antenna Q (Quality factor) should not exceed 40.
Practically the Quality factor effects the shape of the waveform envelope and if too
low or too high then read/write performance (range) will be poor or the system will
not work at all.
The formula for calculating Q = 2*pi*fL / Rant = 102 / Rant
where f = Resonant frequency, 13.56 MHz, L = Antenna inductance, 1.2 uH
Rant = Overall antenna resistance = Rdriver + Rext + (Rcu + Rrf)
Rdriver = Resistance of FET driver (from IC spec)
Rcu = Resistance of Copper (coil)
Rrf = RF resistive component (eddy current losses etc)
For Q = 35, Rant = 102 / Q = 102 / 35 = 3 R
By measurement (and IC spec) Rdriver + (Rcu + Rrf) = approx 2R
Therefore Rext = 1R
8) The Micro RWD has been designed to work at optimum performance with a
Quality factor of 35-40 using 1uH inductor and Rant < 3 R.
For practical purposes Rext will be <1R and may be omitted and a thinner
gauge of wire used for the coil.
(Note that Rext would be shared between two series resistors of value Rext/2)
9) When designing and winding antenna coils, the wire gauge and its DC resistance
must be considered to keep close to the design optimum. Significant differences in
Rant will affect EMC and overall performance.
ib technology
Ferrite Shielding
When the RWD antenna coil is positioned close to metal objects such as the reader
housing or even the PCB ground plane then the RF field induces eddy currents in the
metal. This absorbs the RF field energy and has the effect of detuning the antenna
(reducing the inductance). Both these factors can very significantly affect the
performance of the RWD system. Therefore for operation in metallic environments it
may be necessary to shield the antenna with ferrite. This shielding has the effect of
concentrating the magnetic field lines close to the ferrite material, which introduces a
fixed field component that detunes the antenna system (which can be accounted for in
antenna design). Practically, there is a compromise between the shielding effect
(reduction of eddy currents) and the concentration of the magnetic field (reduced range),
so the ferrite plane should only slightly overlap the antenna coil. The optimum size of
the ferrite plane, the distance from the coil and the degree of overlap are very hard to
calculate and must be determined practically. Tests have shown that best performance is
achieved when the antenna coil and ferrite plane overlap by around 5mm.
Magnetic field
around antenna
Eddy Currents
Eddy currents absorb energy
and cause detuning of antenna
Metal Plane
Magnetic field
around antenna
Optimum field distribution,
fixed antenna detuning with
minimum loss of energy
Ferrite Plane
Metal Plane
5mm overlap
Antenna Design
A useful formula is given below for calculating the approximate number of turns
required to achieve a particular inductance.
N = (approx)
or L = 2 . A . ln(A / D). N
2 . A . ln(A / D)
L = Required Inductance (nH) i.e H x 10
A = Antenna Circumference (cm) ie. Pi x diameter (cm)
D = Wire Diameter (cm) e.g 0.0450 cm
N = Approx number of windings
ib technology
Example Antennas
Wire wound coil 0.450mm diameter (26 swg) Enamelled Cu wire.
Antenna 6.5 cm internal diameter, 2 turns.
Inductance approx 1.2uH (micro Henry)
Maximum range: approx 5cm with ISO card transponders
C1/C2 = 22pF
C3/C4 = 220pF, Rext = 0R (zero ohm)
IBT Evaluation kit antenna
10mm between coil and PCB
30mm long connecting wires with stripped
tinned ends (ribbon cable).
Antenna coil 65mm diameter, 2 turns 0.45mm diameter En Cu
wire (26 SWG). Wire covered in contact adhesive (“Evo-stik”)
or bound in PTFE tape to stiffen coil assembly.
PCB antenna
Dimensions: 51 x 42 mm
Track width: 1.27 mm, 35uM Cu thickness
Distance between 2 turns: 1.75 mm
Number of turns: 4
Inductance approx 1.2uH
Rext = 0.5 R
ib technology
Reducing EMC emission
To reduce the EMC emission and transmission of stray harmonic frequencies, the
antenna should have partial electrical shielding. This is easiest to implement using a
PCB antenna and a 4-layer board. The shielding loops are on the top and bottom layers
and cover the antenna track area. These shielding loops must not be closed. The
shielding must be connected to system ground at one point only. The coil is routed on
the first inner layer. The optional centre tap of the coil is connected to ground with a via
as shown. The connection of the coil ends to the matching circuit should be routed close
together to avoid additional inductance.
No responsibility is taken for the method of integration or final use of Micro RWD
More information on the Micro RWD and other products can be found at the Internet web site:
Or alternatively contact IB Technology by email at:
[email protected]