Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Network Processors:
A Definition and Comparison
A growing class of communications silicon, the Network Processor, promises to
revolutionize how networking vendors architect, develop, and support their products.
Network Processors deliver dramatic improvements in time-to-market, product lifetime,
and system capabilities. This paper examines the benefits of Network Processors in
comparison to other networking silicon offerings.
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A Brief History of Network Product Design
The design of networking products has undergone continuous evolution as the speed and
functionality of local and wide-area networks have grown. In the early days of
packet-based networking, networking devices (such as bridges and routers) were built
with a combination of general purpose CPUs, discrete logic, and ASSPs (Application
Specific Standard Products), including interface controllers and transceivers. The
software-based nature of these devices was key to adapting to new protocol standards
and the additional functionality required by networks, such as the early Internet. Although
these designs were large, complex, and comparatively slow, they met the needs of these
early networks (generally comprised of a few Ethernet or Token Ring connections and
slow (56kbps) wide-area links).
By: David Husak
C-Port Founder and
Chief Technical Officer
Over time, as network interface speeds and densities increased, the performance of
general-purpose processors fell short of what was needed. This led network vendors to
develop simpler, fixed-function devices (such as Layer 2 Ethernet switches) that could be
built with ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits). These devices traded-off the
programmability of software-based designs for hardware-based speed. As ASIC
technology progressed (and vendors invested heavily in hardware-oriented design
teams), more and more functionality was incorporated into the hardware. This was
enabled in part by protocol consolidation around IP and Ethernet as the dominant
enterprise network technology, which reduced the need for product flexibility.
The relative simplification of network products has allowed merchant silicon vendors to
“commoditize” some networking segments through specific chipsets, such as Layer 2
Ethernet “switch-on-a-chip” products. Some of these solutions offer significant
functionality within a narrow range of applications, such as ATM switching or basic
Ethernet/IP switching. However, network vendors seeking clear product differentiation
still required long and risky internal ASIC development programs.
Today’s Network System Development Challenge
“It’s the software, stupid!”
Vint Cerf, Senior VP for Internet Architecture and Technology MCI WorldCom, and “Father of the Internet”
ComSec Seminar, January 1999
Today, the convergence of public voice and data networks is speeding up the pace of
change in the communications industry. This is leading to increased time-to-market
pressure and shorter product lifecycles — just when product development cycles are
growing due to complex ASIC designs and associated software re-designs.
Although IP is emerging as the dominant protocol, newly defined IP capabilities, such as
Quality of Service (QoS) and Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS), require vendors to
continually support new applications. In addition, the number of different interface types,
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ranging from sub-T1 through OC-48 in the WAN space in
addition to 10/100 and Gigabit Ethernet in the LAN space, is
increasing rather than decreasing.
As a result, networking products require the same
programmability and flexibility that was available in the
early CPU-based architectures in order to quickly adapt to
emerging standards, while maintaining the performance
gains achieved through ASICs. To accomplish this, a radically
new approach is required. See Figure 1.
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Figure 1 Network Processors Are the New Approach
General Purpose CPUs
Functionality and Flexibility
Table 1 Network Processor’s Seven Key Attributes
Complete programmability
Supports universal networking
A simple programming model
Leads to faster time-to-market
Maximum system flexibility
Enables longer time-in-marketTM
Massive processing power
Provides scalable performance
High functional integration
Lowers total system costs
Open programming interfaces
Delivers higher availability
Third-party support
Encourages continuous innovation in
the industry
Complete Programmability
For real platform leverage, a Network Processor must be
universally applicable across a wide range of interfaces,
protocols, and product types. This requires programmability
at all levels of the protocol stack, from Layer 2 through Layer
7. Protocol support must include packets, cells, and data
streams (separately or in combination) across various
interfaces to meet the requirements of carrier edge devices,
for example, that are the cornerstone of the emerging
multiservice carrier network. See Figure 2.
Figure 2 Universal Switch-Router Line Cards Based on Network
Network Processors: Universal
Programmability and Performance
Network Processors, emerging on the market today, deliver
hardware-level performance to software programmable
systems. This powerful combination offers a revolutionary
approach to the design of communication systems. It allows
systems designers to focus on higher-level services and
ensures longer product lifecycles, rather than simply
meeting the “speeds and feeds” of the moment.
The power of true Network Processors is best examined in
light of the seven attributes that are listed in Table 1 and
described in the following sections. These attributes are
derived from next-generation network requirements for
programmability, performance, and openness.
Frame Relay
Single Line Card
Vast Range
of Solutions
Multiple Daughter
Interface Cards
This type of multiprotocol solution offers important
time-to-market competitive advantages, and dramatically
reduces support costs for both the network vendor and
service provider.
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Network Processors: Universal Programmability and Performance
Simple Programming Model
The programmability of a Network Processor must be
readily accessible to the developer in order to be useful. By
far the most common software languages in real-time
communications systems are C and C++, with millions of
skilled programmers and many more lines of existing code.
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Programming in the C and C++ languages also enhances
the future portability of the code-base, enabling use in
future generations of Network Processors and industry
standard programming interfaces. This is not possible with
specialized languages or state-machine codes.
Maximum System Flexibility
True Network Processors integrate all the functions
implemented between the physical interfaces and the
switching fabric, enabling an open approach for the PHY
and fabric levels. This permits best-of-breed, multi-vendor
solutions that allow vendors to offer true product
differentiation and scalability. In addition, software
implementation of these functions allows simpler upgrade
paths in this constantly changing networking world.
Massive Processing Power
The architecture of the Network Processor needs to be more
than the amalgamation of a few RISC core processors and
some packet processing state machines. A fully optimized
processing architecture, with a high MIPs (millions of
instructions per second) to Gbps (Gigabits per second) ratio
is required to support wire-speed operation at high
bandwidths and still have processing headroom for
advanced applications.
High Functional Integration
Network Processors need to provide a high level of system
integration that dramatically reduces part count and system
complexity, while simultaneously improving performance,
as compared to using a design that incorporates multiple
components (such as ASSPs).
In addition, a highly integrated Network Processor avoids
the interconnection bottlenecks common with component
oriented designs. Integrated coprocessor engines (such as
for classification or queuing) can be fully utilized by internal
processing units without interconnection penalties.
Integration of lower layer functions (such as SONET framers)
within the chip also enables higher port densities and lower
costs than have typically been possible in the past.
Figure 3 and Figure 4 provide a comparison of a multiple
component system versus a highly-integrated system.
May 3, 2000
Figure 3 Typical Interworking Design Using ASSPs and CPU
Figure 4 Interworking Design Using a Highly Integrated Network
Single Network Processor
Table lookups,
Memory Mgmt
Stable Programming Interfaces
A communication processor cannot deliver on software
flexibility and portability if the programming interfaces are
dependent on the processor. The processor’s architecture
must support generic “Communications Programming
Interfaces” to simplify the programming task and allow
future software reuse across generations of the processor.
By delivering software stability across product generations,
Network Processors radically improve software
development cycles and reliability. Software reliability is the
largest factor in total system availability.
Third-Party Support
To realize the full potential of a software-driven
environment, the Network Processor needs to be the
foundation of a complete communications platform that
takes advantage of industry-wide hardware extensions,
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software applications, and tool suites. This is only possible
with an architecture that has the flexibility to support
virtually any third-party protocol stack, any PHY or fabric
interface, and links with industry standard tools. Such broad
support significantly decreases time-to-market.
The design tools for complex ASICs can run in the
millions of dollars (ASIC emulators, for instance) and
require constant refresh as the technology advances.
Perhaps the largest, and often hidden cost, is the need to
re-architect and re-write critical software associated with
each product generation. Frequently, the extent of the
re-write is unforeseen and prescribed by the need to
optimize the designs around the hardware and ASIC
technology, rather than around software re-use. Thus
regardless of how much key functionality is embedded
in the hardware, a massive amount of “slow-path”
software is generally still required.
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Network System Design Alternatives
Of course, before the Network Processor there were a
number of design alternatives that in their own ways
provided some assistance in building better networking
products. From using completely hard-wired solutions to
configurable processors, and more recently, network
processor chipsets, networking vendors have incrementally
improved and evolved their designs, but not without major
Custom ASIC Designs
Until recently, common practice of high-speed networking
design has involved the development of custom ASICs for
critical elements of the architecture. This approach has been
dictated by the requirement for “wire-speed” performance
at reasonable cost.
Most vendors have had limited success in leveraging an
ASIC or ASIC family into multiple product lines, preventing
them from amortizing the development costs across a
broad range of revenue-generating products.
Implementing product architectures in ASICs is a high-cost
proposition from a number of perspectives:
The design cycle is typically 18 months (and can extend
beyond 3 years). Projecting market requirements that far
in advance is difficult given the competitive dynamics of
the market, resulting in the same company needing to
place “multiple bets” to assure market success.
Additionally, the large opportunity cost of software
re-writes often prevents vendors from delivering the
value-added services and applications that provide true
market differentiation.
While there remains a set of products that will require the
customization available from ASICs, most vendors are eager
to move to design alternatives that will improve their
time-to-market and reduce development risks.
Customizable ASICs and Configurable Processor
Several new design technologies are emerging to address
some of the issues and risks of ASIC-based designs. These
Integrated Circuits (ICs) incorporating fixed-function
network logic blocks with configurable interconnects
(sometimes termed “systems-on-a-chip”)
Configurable processor cores with changeable
instruction sets that allow limited modifications to
accomplish some network-specific tasks
The risk of design failures in ASIC-based development is
large, given the many months that are often required to
correct design flaws (due to the lack of flexibility present
in hardware-based designs).
The limited flexibility of hardware-based designs
severely limits the ability to adjust product functionality
to evolving market demands before and after market
introduction. The result is shorter product lifecycles and
greater to-market risks.
Configurable “Systems-on-a-Chip”
Configurable “system-on-a-chip” approaches mix a number
of fixed-function blocks, perhaps including a CPU-core, on a
single chip with FPGA-like configurable interconnects.
These devices speed-up the development cycle by enabling
designers to choose from a “menu” of available functions
that they assemble to build the desired part. Such devices
sometimes promise future field re-configurability of the
interconnection between different elements.
ASIC design expertise is a rare commodity. The ability to
hire and retain talented designers has become a
fundamental limit to the rate of product development
for many vendors.
While this approach offers some time-to-market
advantages compared to traditional ASICs, having a
collection of fixed-function blocks limits the flexibility to
adapt to new features and standards because the design
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Network System Design Alternatives
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remains essentially in hardware. In addition, having a single
software-capable CPU element limits both performance
and programmability.
Configurable Processor Cores
Configurable processor cores embedded in an ASIC design
allow customization of the instruction set. In networking
applications, this may allow the designer to create
specialized instructions for certain communications tasks,
such as the implementation of specific software encryption
algorithms. However, such architectures assume that the
software is handling the data and thus the processor must
be inserted in the primary data path. This approach does
not scale and has been the main reason discrete
CPU-oriented systems have failed to keep pace in the past.
Moreover, this approach also does not address the
fundamental bottleneck in “soft” architectures —
separating the control path from the data path in an
effective and scalable way.
Both the configurable “systems-on-a-chip” and
configurable processor cores are variations on the custom
chip theme, and suffer in varying degrees the limitations
described above for ASIC-based approaches. In particular,
these methods do not address maximizing software re-use
as the key to higher reliability, faster time-to-market,
increased product lifespan, and the delivery of expanded
network services.
Application-Specific Standard Products
Most communications system designs, whether based on
CPU or ASIC architectures, make use of some specialized
components. These are often used where a specific function
is difficult to build into an ASIC, is available in a low cost
off-the-shelf component, or is not central to the system
design. An example of an ASSP-based design is shown in
Figure 3. Some silicon vendors have continued to make
standalone ASSPs attractive by supplying increasing
functional density, such as has occurred with low-speed
framers and physical interfaces (transceivers).
Smart MACs
Communications IC vendors have also been working to
make some components smarter, integrating more and
more of the functions that would normally be handled by a
CPU and software (or in hardware with a custom ASIC) into
the component.
For example, some makers of Ethernet MAC ICs have begun
incorporating some protocol data parsing and processing
functions within the interface, alleviating some of the
May 3, 2000
lower-level tasks from the system software. This can be
beneficial for certain classes of products (such as network
interface cards, for example), but is really only a small
incremental improvement over traditional design
methodologies for mainstream communication systems.
Single-Function Components
A different approach has been taken by other vendors who
have set out to design optimized components addressing a
single, higher-level function within the system. Examples
include IP address lookup engines and traffic classifiers.
These components reduce the number of functions the
system designer must implement in custom ASICs and
subsequently reduce time-to-market. Some of these
components also represent the state-of-art for a particular
function, increasing the capability of the system solution.
However, systems based on these devices still suffer from
the limitations of a hardware-oriented approach. The
configurability provided in the components is usually only
enough to support the specific design, but not enough to
adapt to emerging customer requirements or standards.
Higher-level services, which must be implemented in
software, are also limited (if not prevented) by this
Perhaps the biggest obstacle to single-function
components is the level of effort required to effectively
integrate various components into a complete system. For
the higher bandwidth interfaces (like Gigabit Ethernet,
OC-12, and OC-48), the interconnect design between
components is often the primary system bottleneck.
Multiple components lead to more complex hardware
designs, less scalability, and increased time-to-market.
Programmable Communications Components
There are classes of communications-focused ICs with
programmability similar to Network Processors. No matter
how programmable a specific component may be, however,
it is still limited by the overall system design issues of
integrating various independent components. See Figure 5.
Digital Signal Processors
Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) offer a great deal of
flexibility in the implementation of signal processing
algorithms for a wide range of physical layer applications
such as high-speed modems. With custom instruction sets
for fixed and floating point arithmetic, DSPs are optimized
for the mathematically intensive algorithms used in
advanced signal processing.
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Some vendors have proposed using DSPs (or multiple DSP
cores on a single chip) to expand beyond pure signal
processing into higher-level protocol handling. While some
protocol processing may be supported within DSP
architectures, the basic tasks of data formatting, parsing,
classification, modification, and switching are
fundamentally different from the mathematically oriented
tasks of DSPs.
The tools for programming DSPs are also oriented toward
algorithmic implementations and require specialized
language support. So, while DSPs are a great example of the
power of programmability within communications systems,
they are not an adequate universal processing solution for
the higher-level protocol processing functions.
Configurable State Machine Engines
Another approach for achieving flexibility at the component
level is the application of configurable state machine
engines for off-loading some of the protocol processing
from general purpose CPUs.
These devices have sometimes been classified as “network
processors”, although they do not execute any “software” in
the traditional sense. Instead, they have a series of
configurable state machines that perform some of the
framing, data parsing, and classification functions. Based on
the configuration, these devices may pre-process ATM,
Frame Relay, or Ethernet formatted data for a
general-purpose CPU, for additional components (such as a
MAC, classification engine, or custom ASIC), or for both.
Figure 5 shows a product design using a configurable state
machine engine.
Figure 5 Typical State Machine Engine-Based Design
Packet Memory
Packet Processing
State Machine
Host CPU
Host CPU
The state machines are configured through CPU-accessible
registers or external devices (such as FPGAs). Because the
configuration of state machines can be quite complex,
some vendors implement the required functions using
specialized procedural languages to generate the actual
state machine code; while other vendors provide a suite of
pre-configured codes for a variety of ‘canned’ applications.
Although these state-machine-oriented devices offer more
flexibility than typical fixed-function ASSPs, they suffer from
the same architectural limitations. The design must still
revolve around a general-purpose CPU or a custom ASIC in
the switching path, with the requisite performance,
flexibility, and time-to-market trade-offs.
Programmable Special Purpose Devices
Some communication component vendors have focused on
increasing the programmability of their single-function
components in order to provide better future adaptability
and to broaden the market appeal of their devices.
An example is segmentation and reassembly (SAR) devices,
designed specifically to perform the interworking between
frame-based (Ethernet and IP) networks and ATM-based
networks. SAR architectures typically consist of Utopia
interfaces, frame and cell parsing logic, dedicated
scheduling and queuing support, and a custom processor
for implementing the interworking protocols. A softwareoriented processor is attractive in SAR components due to
the rapidly evolving ATM interworking standards.
Vendors of other components, such as HDLC controllers, are
also allowing the “extra” processing cycles within their
devices to be used for customer-defined applications.
There are many difficulties when applying these devices
beyond their originally intended purpose (SARing, HDLC
multiplexing, and so on). For example, it can be difficult to
determine exactly how many “extra” cycles are really
available for custom processing. Further, The internal
processors themselves are typically proprietary CPUs,
specifically designed for one function. This means
questionable suitability to more general processing tasks,
often surprisingly large impacts on system performance,
and the possible immaturity of the programming tools.
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Network System Design Alternatives
Pattern Matching Processors
Another approach at providing programmability is a further
extension of the single-function component. Examples of
this include “pattern matching processors” that focus on
providing configurable classification engines (see Figure 6).
Figure 6 Typical Pattern Processor Design (OC-12 WAN Interface)
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Host CPU
Host CPU
Packet Memory
Lookup Memory
Control Memory
Among the high-end switching chipsets are the early
“network processors”, offering a complete fabric and packet
processing solution for systems ranging up to multi-gigabit
performance. Some of these architectures support both
packet and cell-oriented systems, though not at the same
time. Additionally, there may be fixed, limited interfaces
within the architecture that enable networking vendors to
program a small amount of functionality, or pass data to an
external device (usually of custom design).
Pattern matching processors provide more flexibility and
configurability than the fixed-function devices described
above, even allowing support for multiple protocol types
(ATM, IP, and so on). The value of these devices is in
embedded algorithms specifically useful for classification,
which are sometimes configurable through a proprietary
programming language.
Aside from the obvious issues with proprietary languages, it
is often difficult to evaluate the performance of these
processors within an overall system design, due to the
performance links between the classification functions and
the switching and routing functions that must be
implemented elsewhere in the design.
Network Processor Chip Sets
One of the fastest growing areas of merchant
communications silicon is in the area of switching chipsets.
Many ATM switching platforms are based on standard
silicon, as are most low-end Ethernet workgroup switches.
A key drawback of the “switch-on-a-chip” and network
processor designs is the limited flexibility for providing
system differentiation or additional services beyond those
envisioned by the original silicon architects. Invariably, the
instruction sets provided in the architecture are proprietary,
primitive, and have limited tool support. It is not
uncommon for designers to discover the performance and
functional limitations of these interfaces late in the design
cycle, forcing time-to-market delays and critical functional
Most of these solutions also use proprietary interconnects
between the various chipset components, from port
processing through switching fabric. Not only does this limit
the ability of the networking vendor to choose
“best-in-class” solutions, but the silicon architecture tends
to “blur the lines” between functions. The end result is
limited scalability of the final product, preventing future
growth and adaptability of the product line. Such an “all or
nothing” approach to system design can often be difficult
for networking vendors to accept for strategic product lines.
For commodity-oriented communication products,
complete “switch-on-chip” solutions can be viable
time-to-market approaches. However, for higher-end
products that must live in a complex and evolving
application environment, an open approach (from both
hardware and software perspectives) is required.
For the low-end systems, the obvious benefits are the ability
to develop commodity-oriented products quickly and at
very low cost. While at the high-end, systems are often built
with a mixture of the standard components that make up
the chipset and custom designs (usually ASICs) that provide
vendor differentiation.
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Table 2 Comparison of Network System Design Approaches
Programming Third-Party
Network Processors
Custom ASICs
Configurable SOC
Configurable Processor Cores
Smart MACs
Single Function Components
Configurable Processors
Application-Specific Standard Products (ASSPs)
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Programmable Communications Components
State Machine Engines
Special Purpose Devices
Pattern Matching Processors
L2 chipsets
Network Processor chip sets
Switching Chipsets
++ is excellent; + is good; - is fair; and -- is poor
As you can see, Network Processors offer a revolutionary
way of developing networking products that deliver
dramatic improvements in time-to-market and
time-in-marketTM. Table 2 provides a comparison of Network
Processors to the alternatives discussed in this paper.
Only true Network Processors, like the C-Port C-5 Digital
Network Processor (DCP), offer all of these significant
Complete programmability — At all protocol layers
from Layer 2 through 7, enabling adaptability to a wide
range of requirements at any point in the network
Simple programming model — Leveraging well
known programming methods and languages (C and
C++) to allow faster time-to-market and portability of
code across platforms.
Maximum system flexibility — Maintaining a “soft”
approach to enable new services and standards to be
deployed with software-only upgrades.
Massive processing power — Required to fully and
robustly implement the key networking functions and
new services, and deliver wire-speed operation at high
High functional integration — Implementing all the
network functions in a single chip solution to lower total
system costs.
Stable programming interfaces — Simultaneously
simplifying programming tasks and maximizing
software reuse for future product generations.
Third-Party support — Leveraging the proven
solutions of industry leaders in the software and
hardware development community for faster
time-to-market and better reliability.
Because of these advantages, networking vendors can
leverage the power and flexibility of software to apply a
platform approach to system development, and focus more
R&D resources on delivering the functions and services
demanded in today’s highly competitive market.
C-5, C-Port, C-Ware CPI, C-Ware Partner, the C-Port logo, and time-in-market are all
trademarks of C-Port Corporation.
© 1999, 2000 C-Port Corporation
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