Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Technical Data TANGO3 MC33493/D Rev. 1.6, 6/2002 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PLL tuned UHF Transmitter for Data Transfer Applications PIN CONNECTIONS FEATURES • Selectable frequency bands: 315-434MHz and 868-928MHz • OOK and FSK modulation • Adjustable output power range • Fully integrated VCO • Supply voltage range: 1.9-3.6V • Very low standby current: 0.1nA @ TA =25°C • Low supply voltage shutdown • Data clock output for microcontroller • Extended temperature range: -40°C to 125°C • Low external component count • Typical application compliant with ETSI standard DATACLK 1 14 MODE DATA 2 13 ENABLE BAND 3 12 VCC GND 4 11 GNDRF XTAL1 5 10 RFOUT XTAL0 6 9 VCC REXT 7 8 CFSK Ordering Information Figure 1: Simplified block diagram Device Ambiant Temperature Range Package MC33493 DTB -40°C to 125°C TSSOP14 This document contains information on a new product under development. Motorola reserves the right to change or discontinue this product without notice. For More Information On This Product, Go to: © Motorola, Inc., 2002 PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Pin Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DATACLK DATA BAND GND XTAL1 XTAL0 REXT CFSK VCC RFOUT GNDRF VCC ENABLE MODE Description Clock output to the microcontroller Data input Frequency band selection Ground Reference oscillator input Reference oscillator output Power amplifier output current setting input FSK switch output Power supply Power amplifier output Power amplifier ground Power supply Enable input Modulation type selection input ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Parameter Symbol Value Unit VCC VGND - 0.3 to 3.7 V VGND - 0.3 to VCC + 0.3 V ESD HBM Voltage Capability on Each Pin (note 1) ±2000 V ESD MM Voltage Capability on Each Pin (note 2) ±150 V Supply Voltage Voltage Allowed on Each Pin Storage Temperature Ts -65 to +150 °C Junction Temperature Tj +150 °C Notes: 1 Human Body model, AEC-Q100-002 Rev. C. 2 Machine Model, AEC-Q100-003 Rev. E. TRANSMITTER FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION MC33493 is a PLL tuned low power UHF transmitter. The different modes of operation are controlled by the microcontroller through several digital input pins. The power supply voltage ranges from 1.9V to 3.6V allowing operation with a single lithium cell. PHASE LOCKED LOOP AND LOCAL OSCILLATOR The VCO is a completely integrated relaxation oscillator. The Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) and the loop filter are fully integrated. The exact output frequency is equal to: fRFOUT = fXTAL x [PLL Divider Ratio]. The frequency band of operation is selected through the BAND pin. Table 1 provides details for each frequency band selection. 2 MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. RF OUTPUT STAGE Table 1: Band selection and associated divider ratios BAND Input Frequency PLL Divider Crystal Oscillator Level Band (MHz) Ratio Frequency (MHz) 315 9.84 High 32 434 13.56 Low 868 64 An out-of-lock function is performed by monitoring the PFD output voltage. When it exceeds defined limits, the RF output stage is disabled. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... RF OUTPUT STAGE The output stage is a single ended square wave switched current source. Harmonics are present in the output current drive. Their radiated absolute level depends on the antenna characteristics and output power. Typical application demonstrates compliance to ETSI standard. A resistor Rext connected to the REXT pin controls the output power allowing a trade-off between radiated power and current consumption. The output voltage is internally clamped to Vcc ±2Vbe (typ. Vcc ±1.5V @ TA=25°C). MODULATION A low logic level has to be applied on pin MODE to select the On Off Keying (OOK) modulation. This modulation is performed by switching on/off the RF output stage. The logic level applied on pin DATA controls the output stage state: DATA=0 → output stage off, DATA=1 → output stage on. If a high logic level is applied on pin MODE, then Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) modulation is selected. This modulation is achieved by crystal pulling. An internal switch connected to CFSK pin enables to switch the external crystal load capacitors. Figure 2 shows the possible configurations: serial and parallel. The logic level applied on pin DATA controls the state of this internal switch: DATA=0 → switch off, DATA=1 → switch on. DATA input is internally re-synchronized by the crystal reference signal. The corresponding jitter on the data duty cycle cannot exceed ±1 reference period (±75ns for a 13.56MHz crystal). This crystal pulling solution implies that the RF output frequency deviation equals the crystal frequency deviation multiplied by the PLL Divider Ratio (see table 1). MOTOROLA MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: 3 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MICROCONTROLLER INTERFACE Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 2: Crystal pulling configurations MICROCONTROLLER INTERFACE Four digital input pins (ENABLE, DATA, BAND and MODE) enable the circuit to be controlled by a microcontroller. It is recommended to configure the band frequency and the modulation type before enabling the circuit. One digital output (DATACLK) provides to the microcontroller a reference frequency for data clocking. This frequency is equal to the crystal oscillator frequency divided by 64 (see table 2). Table 2: DATACLK frequency vs crystal oscillator frequency Crystal Oscillator Frequency (MHz) DATACLK Frequency (kHz) 9.84 154 13.56 212 STATE MACHINE Figure 3 details the state machine. 4 MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. STATE MACHINE Figure 3: State machine Power ON AND ENABLE=0 State 1 Standby mode Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... ENABLE=0 ENABLE=1 State 2 PLL out of lock-in range No RF output PLL in lock-in range PLL out of lock-in range ENABLE=0 State 4 Shutdown mode Vbattery < Vshutdown State 3 Transmission mode State 1: The circuit is in standby mode and draws only a leakage current from the power supply. State 2: In this state, the PLL is out of the lock-in range. Therefore the RF output stage is switched off preventing RF transmission. Data clock is available on pin DATACLK. Each time the device is enabled, the state machine passes through this state. State 3: In this state, the PLL is within the lock-in range. If t<tPLL_lock_in then the PLL can still be in acquisition mode. If t≥tPLL_lock_in, then the PLL is locked. Data entered on pin DATA are output on pin RFOUT according to the modulation selected by the level applied on pin MODE. State 4: When the supply voltage falls below the shutdown voltage threshold (VSDWN) the whole circuit is switched off. Applying a low level on pin ENABLE is the only condition to get out of this state. Figure 4 shows the waveforms of the main signals for a typical application cycle. MOTOROLA MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: 5 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. POWER MANAGEMENT Figure 4: Signals waveforms and timings definition ENABLE DATACLK tDATACLK_settling > tPLL_lock_in tPLL_lock_in Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... DATA MODE=0 (OOK) RFOUT MODE=1 (FSK) fcarrier fhigh State 1 flow State 2 fcarrier fhigh flow State 3 fhigh State 1 : PLL locked POWER MANAGEMENT When the battery voltage falls below the shutdown voltage threshold (VSDWN) the whole circuit is switched off. It has to be noted that after this shutdown, the circuit is latched until a low level is applied on pin ENABLE (see state 4 of the state machine). DATA CLOCK At start-up data clock timing is valid after the data clock settling time. As clock is switched off asynchronously, the last period duration cannot be guaranteed. 6 MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise specified, voltage range Vcc=[Vshutdown;3.6V], temperature range TA=[-40°C;+125°C], Rext=12kΩ+/-5%, RF output frequency fcarrier=433.92MHz, reference frequency freference=13.560MHz, output load RL=50Ω+/-1% (figure 9). Values refer to the circuit shown in the recommended application schematics: figure 12 (14) for OOK (FSK) modulation. Typical values reflect average measurement at VCC=3V, TA=25°C. Limits Parameter Test Conditions, Comments Typ. Max. TA≤25°C - 0.1 5 nA TA=60°C - 7 30 nA TA=85°C - 40 100 nA 1.4 TA=125°C - 800 1700 nA 1.7 315 & 434 bands, OOK and FSK modulation, continuous wave, TA=25°C - 11.6 13.5 mA 1.5 315 & 434 bands, DATA=0, -40°C≤TA≤125°C - 4.4 6.0 mA 868MHz band, DATA=0, -40°C≤TA≤125°C - 4.6 6.2 mA 1.8 315 & 434 bands, OOK and FSK modulation, continuous wave, -40°C≤TA≤125°C - 11.6 14.9 mA 1.9 868MHz band, OOK and FSK modulation, continuous wave, -40°C≤TA≤125°C - 11.8 15.1 mA - 3 3.6 V 1 General Parameters 1.1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Unit Min. 1.2 1.3 1.6 1.10 Supply Current in Standby Mode Supply Current in Transmission Mode Supply Voltage 1.11 TA=-40°C - 2.04 2.11 V 1.12 TA=-20°C - 1.99 2.06 V TA=25°C - 1.86 1.95 V TA=60°C - 1.76 1.84 V 1.15 TA=85°C - 1.68 1.78 V 1.16 TA=125°C - 1.56 1.67 V 1.13 1.14 Shutdown Voltage Threshold MOTOROLA MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: 7 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise specified, voltage range Vcc=[Vshutdown;3.6V], temperature range TA=[-40°C;+125°C], Rext=12kΩ+/-5%, RF output frequency fcarrier=433.92MHz, reference frequency freference=13.560MHz, output load RL=50Ω+/-1% (figure 9). Values refer to the circuit shown in the recommended application schematics: figure 12 (14) for OOK (FSK) modulation. Typical values reflect average measurement at VCC=3V, TA=25°C. Limits Parameter 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 2.1 Test Conditions, Comments Unit Min. Typ. Max. 12 - 21 kΩ RF Parameters Rext value 2.2 315 & 434MHz bands, with 50Ω matching network - 5 - dBm 2.3 868MHz band, with 50Ω matching network - 1 - dBm 2.4 315 & 434MHz bands, -40°C≤TA≤125°C -3 0 3 dBm 2.8 868MHz band, -40°C≤TA≤125°C -7 -3 0 dBm 315 & 434MHz bands, with 50Ω matching network - -0.35 -0.25 - dB/kΩ mA/ kΩ 315 & 434MHz bands, with 50Ω matching network - -34 - dBc 868MHz band, with 50Ω matching network - -49 - dBc 2.15 315 & 434MHz bands - -23 -17 dBc 2.16 868MHz band - -38 -27 dBc 2.17 315 & 434MHz bands, with 50Ω matching network - -32 - dBc 868MHz band, with 50Ω matching network - -57 - dBc 2.19 315 & 434MHz bands - -21 -15 dBc 2.20 868MHz band - -48 -39 dBc 315 & 434MHz bands - -36 -24 dBc 868MHz band - -29 -17 dBc 315 MHz band - -37 -30 dBc 434MHz band - -44 -34 dBc 868MHz band - -37 -27 dBc 315MHz band - -62 -53 dBc 434MHz band - -80 -60 dBc 868MHz band - -45 -39 dBc Output Power 2.12 Current & Output Power Variation vs. Rext value 2.13 2.14 2.18 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.41 2.26 2.27 8 Harmonic 2 Level Harmonic 3 Level Spurious Level @ fcarrier ±f DATACLK Spurious Level @ fcarrier ±f reference Spurious Level @ fcarrier/2 MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise specified, voltage range Vcc=[Vshutdown;3.6V], temperature range TA=[-40°C;+125°C], Rext=12kΩ+/-5%, RF output frequency fcarrier=433.92MHz, reference frequency freference=13.560MHz, output load RL=50Ω+/-1% (figure 9). Values refer to the circuit shown in the recommended application schematics: figure 12 (14) for OOK (FSK) modulation. Typical values reflect average measurement at VCC=3V, TA=25°C. Limits Parameter Test Conditions, Comments 2.30 Phase Noise Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 2.31 2.32 PLL Lock-in Time, tPLL_lock_in 2.33 XTAL1 Input Capacitance 2.34 2.35 OOK Modulation Depth 2.36 FSK Modulation Carrier Frequency Total Deviation 2.37 2.38 2.39 CFSK Output Capacitance 2.40 Data Rate 2.41 Max. 315 & 434MHz bands, ±175kHz from f carrier - -75 -68 dBc/ Hz 868MHz band, ±175kHz from f carrier - -73 -66 dBc/ Hz fcarrier within 30kHz from the final value, crystal series resistor=150Ω - 400 1600 µs - 1 - pF - 20 200 20 50 75 90 - dBc 315 & 434MHz bands, see note 1 - - 100 kHz 868MHz band, see note 1 - - 200 kHz MODE=0, DATA=x MODE=1, DATA=0 50 70 - kΩ MODE=1, DATA=1 - 90 300 Ω - 1 - pF Manchester coding - - 10 kBit/s MODE=0, see note 2 3.5 5.25 7.5 µs MODE=1, see note 2 -200 - 200 ns FSK modulation CFSK Output Resistance 2.43 Typ. OOK modulation Crystal Resistance 2.44 Unit Min. Data to RF delay difference between falling and rising edges, 2.42 tdelay_difference Ω Note 1: This parameter is depending on crystal characteristics, load capacitor values (see Table 6) and PCB track capacitance. Note 2: Delay difference definition Input data From 50% of data edge to corresponding demodulated signal envelope edge: tdelay_difference=tdelay_fall-tdelay_rise Demodulated data tdelay_rise MOTOROLA tdelay_fall MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: 9 RF OUTPUT SPECTRUM Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise specified, voltage range Vcc=[Vshutdown;3.6V], temperature range TA=[-40°C;+125°C], Rext=12kΩ+/-5%, RF output frequency fcarrier=433.92MHz, reference frequency freference=13.560MHz, output load RL=50Ω+/-1% (figure 9). Values refer to the circuit shown in the recommended application schematics: figure 12 (14) for OOK (FSK) modulation. Typical values reflect average measurement at VCC=3V, TA=25°C. Limits Parameter Test Conditions, Comments Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 3 Unit Min. Typ. Max. 0 - 0.3 x VCC V 0.7 x VCC - VCC V - - 120 mV - - 100 nA Microcontroller Interfaces 3.1 Input Low Voltage 3.2 Input High Voltage 3.3 Input Hysteresis Voltage 3.4 Input Current 3.5 ENABLE Pull Down Resistor - 180 - kΩ 3.6 DATACLK Output Low Voltage 0 - 0.25 x VCC V 0.75 x VCC - VCC V Cload = 2pF, measured from 20% to 80% of the voltage swing - 250 500 ns - 150 400 ns 45% < Duty Cycle fDATACLK < 55% - 800 2000 µs Pins BAND, MODE, ENABLE, DATA Pins BAND, MODE, DATA = 1 Cload = 2pF 3.7 DATACLK Output High Voltage 3.8 DATACLK Rising Time 3.9 DATACLK Falling Time 3.10 DATACLK Settling Time, tDATACLK_settling RF OUTPUT SPECTRUM Following are spectrums of transmitter carrier, measured in conduction mode. Three different spans have been used. The 5MHz span spectrum (figure ) shows phase noise response close to the RF carrier, and the noise suppression within the PLL loop bandwidth. The 50MHz span spectrum (figure 6) shows both phase noise and reference spurious. Finally figure 7 shows second and third harmonics of carrier. All these spectrums are measured in OOK modulation, at DATA=1. Figure 8 shows spectrum in case of FSK modulation, with 45kHz deviation, at 4kbit/s data rate. 10 MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. RF OUTPUT SPECTRUM Figure 5: RF spectrum at 434MHz frequency band displayed with a 5MHz span Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Resolution bandwidth: 100kHz Resolution bandwidth: 30kHz Figure 6: RF spectrum at 434MHz frequency band displayed with a 50MHz span MOTOROLA MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: 11 RF OUTPUT SPECTRUM Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 7: RF spectrum at 434MHz frequency band displayed with a 1.5GHz span Figure 8: RF spectrum at 434MHz band for a 70kHz FSK deviation at 4.8kbit/s 12 MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. OUTPUT POWER MEASUREMENT OUTPUT POWER MEASUREMENT The RF output levels given in the electrical characteristics section are measured with a 50Ω load directly connected to the pin RFOUT as shown below in figure 9. This wideband coupling method gives results independent of the application. Figure 9: Output power measurement configurations VCC Impeder: TDK MMZ1608Y102CTA00 RFOUT RF output 100pF Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... RL=50 Ω The configuration shown in figure 10-a provides a better efficiency in terms of output power and harmonics rejection. Schematic on figure 10-b gives the equivalent circuit of the pin RFOUT and the DC bias impeder as well as the matching network components for 434MHz frequency band. Figure 10: Output model and matching network for 434MHz band VCC Impeder: TDK MMZ1608Y102CTA00 RFOUT (a) Matching Network RF output RL=50 Ω Matching Network L1 39nH (b) C0 R0 1.5pF 250Ω RFOUT pin 3kΩ C3 330pF Ri Impeder 50Ω RL Load Figure 11 gives the output power versus the Rext resistor value with 50Ω load and with matching network. MOTOROLA MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: 13 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. COMPLETE APPLICATION SCHEMATIC AND PCB FOR OOK MODULATION Figure 11: Output power at 434MHz band vs Rext value Output power measurement in typical conditions (434MHz - Vcc=3V - 25°C) REXT SPECIFIED RANGE 8 6 Output power when matched (dBm) -0.35dB/kΩ Ω # -0.35mA/kΩ Ω 4 2 RFOUT Level (dBm) -2 Output power on 50Ω Ω load (dBm) -4 -6 6 9 12 15 Rext (kΩ Ω) 18 21 24 The 50Ω matching network used for the 868MHz band is similar to the 434MHz, except components values: in figure 10b, L1 is changed to 8.2nH and C3 to 470pF. The typical gain of this 868MHz matching network is 4dB compared to unmatched configuration. COMPLETE APPLICATION SCHEMATIC AND PCB FOR OOK MODULATION Figure 12 gives a complete application schematic using a Motorola MC68HC908RK2 microcontroller. OOK modulation is selected, fcarrier= 433.92MHz. C2 to C5 capacitors can be removed if switches debounce is done by software. Figure 12: Application schematic for OOK modulation, 434MHz frequency band Vbat SW1 SW1a SW2a SW2 Vbat LED1 1 B1 C2 C3 C4 C5 2.2nF 2.2nF 2.2nF 2.2nF R1 2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... 0 750 Vbat U1 1 2 3 U2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PTA0 PTA1/KBD1 PTB0/MCLK PTA2/KBD2 PTB1 PTA3/KBD3 PTB2/TCH0 PTA4/KBD4 PTB4/TCH1 PTA5/KBD5 PTB5 PTA6/KBD6 PTB3/TCLK PTA7 OSC1 RST OSC2 IRQ1 VSS VDD MC68HC908RK2 4 C6 8.2pF 20 5 19 Y1 6 13.56MHz 18 7 17 R2 16 DATACLK DATA BAND MODE ENABLE VCC GND GNDRF XTAL1 RFOUT XTAL0 VCC REXT CFSK MC33493 12K 14 C7 22nF 13 12 11 10 C9 2.2pF 9 8 C8 100pF 15 14 13 12 11 Vbat C10 100nF Note that for 868MHz band application, the input pin BAND must be wired to ground. See component description 14 MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. COMPLETE APPLICATION SCHEMATIC AND PCB FOR FSK MODULATION on following tables 3 and 4. Component Y1 R2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... C6 C7 C8 Table 3: External components description for OOK Function Value 315MHz band: 9.84 Crystal, 434MHz band: 13.56 see table 4 868MHz band: 13.56 RF output level setting 12 resistor (Rext) Crystal load capacitor Power supply decoupling capacitors 8.2, see note 3 22 100 Unit MHz MHz MHz kΩ pF nF pF Note 3: C6 value equals recommended crystal load capacitance reduced by the PCB stray capacitances. Examples of crystal reference are given below (see characteristics on table 4) for different application bands: - at 315MHz band (freference= 9.84375MHz, -40°C < TA < 85°C): NDK LN-G102-950, - at 434/868MHz bands (freference= 13.56MHz, -40°C < TA < 125°C): NDK NX8045GB/CSJ S1-40125-8050-12 and NDK NX1255GA. Parameter Load capacitance Motional capacitance Static capacitance Loss resistance Table 4: Typical crystal characteristics (SMD package) NDK NX8045GB/CSJ NDK LN-G102-950 NDK NX1255GA S1-40125-8050-12 (for 315MHz) (for 434MHz & 868MHz) (for 434MHz & 868MHz) 12 12 12 3.33 4.4 10.5 1.05 1.5 2.46 28 18.5 10 Unit pF fF pF Ω Figure 13 shows a two buttons keyfob board. Size is 30 x 45 millimeters. Figure 13: Two buttons keyfob board layout COMPLETE APPLICATION SCHEMATIC AND PCB FOR FSK MODULATION Figure 14 gives a complete application schematic using a Motorola MC68HC908RK2 microcontroller. FSK modulation is selected, fcarrier= 433.92MHz. C1 capacitor can be removed if switch debounce is done by software. MOTOROLA MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: 15 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. COMPLETE APPLICATION SCHEMATIC AND PCB FOR FSK MODULATION Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 14: .Application schematic for FSK modulation, serial configuration, 434MHz frequency band Note that for 868MHz band application, the input pin BAND must be wired to ground. See component description on table 5. Component Y1 R1 C3 C4 C2 C6 Table 5: External components description for FSK Function Value 315MHz band: 9.84, see table 4 434MHz band: 13.56, Crystal see table 4 868MHz band: 13.56, see table 4 RF output level setting 12 resistor (Rext) Crystal load capacitor See table 6 Power supply decoupling capacitor 22 100 Unit MHz MHz MHz kΩ pF pF nF pF Figure 15 gives the corresponding PCB layout. 16 MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FSK MODULATION Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 15: Application PCB layout for FSK modulation, serial configuration, 434MHz frequency band Table 6 gives the measured FSK deviations respective to C3 and C4 capacitor values for three deviations. Crystal reference is NDK NX8045GB/CSJ S1-40125-8050-12. Table 6 : Crystal pulling capacitor values versus carrier frequency total deviation -1Carrier frequency Carrier frequency C3 capacitor C4 capacitor Recommended (MHz) total deviation (kHz) (pF) (pF) R_off value (kΩ) 45 4.7 6.8 10 434 70 2.2 10 100 1 15 22 90 4.7 6.8 10 868 140 2.2 10 200 1 15 22 Another crystal reference, NDK NX1255GA (see table 4), enables to reach higher deviation as mentioned on table 7. These results are due to the higher crystal motional capacitor. Table 7 : Crystal pulling capacitor values versus carrier frequency total deviation -2Carrier frequency Carrier frequency C3 capacitor C4 capacitor Recommended (MHz) total deviation (kHz) value (pF) value (pF) R_off value (kΩ) 434 150 1 27 868 300 1 27 - RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FSK MODULATION FSK deviation is function of total load capacitance presented to the crystal. This load capacitance is constituted by various contributors: - the crystal characteristic, especially its static capacitance, - the external load capacitors (C3, C4 as defined in figure 14 and table 6), - the device internal capacitance of pins XTAL0, XTAL1, CFSK, - the PCB track capacitance. The schematic given in figure 16 shows a typical FSK application using serial capacitor configuration, where device pads and PCB track capacitances are mentioned. Device pad capacitance is defined by the package capacitance and by the internal circuitry. Typical capacitance values for these pads are given in table 8. Some realistic assumptions and measurements have been made concerning track parasitic capacitances for a 0.8mm FR4 double side application PCB. They are given in table 8 and the corresponding PCB layout is shown in figure 15. To achieve large deviations, this total load capacitance need to be lowered. For a given crystal, the PCB must be very carefully laid out in order to reduce as much as possible the capacitance of the tracks wired to XTAL0, MOTOROLA MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: 17 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FSK MODULATION XTAL1, CFSK pins. Recommendation: a R_off resistor can be added in parallel with the FSK switch to optimize the transient response of demodulated signal. Table 6 gives the optimized R_off values for two deviations. Note that there is no footprint for R_off resistor on the layout figure 15. When used, this component can be soldered on top of C3. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... Figure 16: Schematic detailing the crystal load capacitance contributors Table 8: Pads and tracks parasitic values Capacitance Value Unit C_pad_XTAL0 1 pF C_pad_XTAL1 1 pF C_pad_CFSK 1 pF C_track_XTAL0 1.5 pF C_track_XTAL1 1.5 pF C_track_CFSK 1.5 pF 18 MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CASE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS CASE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 14X K REF NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER. 3. DIMENSION A DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH, PROTRUSIONS OR GATE BURRS. MOLD FLASH OR GATE BURRS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.15 (0.006) PER SIDE. 4. DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION. INTERLEAD FLASH OR PROTRUSION SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.25 (0.010) PER SIDE. 5. DIMENSION K DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.08 (0.003) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE K DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. 6. TERMINAL NUMBERS ARE SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY. 7. DIMENSION A AND B ARE TO BE 0.10 (0.004)M T U S V S 0.15 (0.006)T U S N 2X L/2 14 0.25 (0.010) 8 M B -U- L Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... PIN 1 IDENT. N F 7 1 0.15 (0.006)T U S DETAIL E K A -V- K1 J J1 SECTION N-N -W- C 0.10 (0.004) -T- SEATING D PLANE G H DIM A B C D F G H J J1 K K1 L M DETAIL E MILLIMETERS MIN MAX 4.90 5.10 4.30 4.50 --1.20 0.05 0.15 0.50 0.75 0.65 BSC 0.50 0.60 0.09 0.20 0.09 0.16 0.19 0.30 0.19 0.25 6.40 BSC 0° 8° INCHES MIN MAX 0.193 0.200 0.169 0.177 --- 0.047 0.002 0.006 0.020 0.030 0.026 BSC 0.020 0.024 0.004 0.008 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.012 0.007 0.010 0.252 BSC 0° 8° CASE 948G-01 ISSUE O MOTOROLA MC33493 Technical Data For More Information On This Product, Go to: 19 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. HOW TO REACH US: USA/EUROPE/LOCATIONS NOT LISTED: Motorola Literature Distribution; P.O. Box 5405, Denver, Colorado 80217 1-303-675-2140 or 1-800-441-2447 JAPAN: Motorola Japan Ltd.; SPS, Technical Information Center, 3-201, Minami-Azabu Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8573 Japan 81-3-3440-3569 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc... ASIA/PACIFIC: Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software Motorola Semiconductors H.K. Ltd.; Silicon Harbour Centre, 2 Dai King Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong 852-26668334 TECHNICAL INFORMATION CENTER: implementers to use Motorola products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits or integrated circuits based on the information in this document. Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its 1-800-521-6274 products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of HOME PAGE: the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in Motorola data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. Motorola and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. © Motorola, Inc. 2002 MC33493/D For More Information On This Product, Go to: