19-4375; Rev 1; 5/10 ৰۇ భᄋຶ ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ``````````````````````````````````` ᄂቶ NBY3149! 9ᄰࡸభܤᐐፄहࡍ)WHB*ਜ਼భ߈ܠ9വຫ ᑣ࣪ሣቶࣞĂࣅზपᆍጲૺࢅᐅဉިဉ߅ስਜ਼໋ࣶ ಗ።ऎଐăඛവहࡍ࣒ᎌތॊၒྜྷਜ਼ၒ߲Ljᔐᐐ ፄपᆍᆐ53eC )࢜ቯᒋ*ăࠥᅪLjWHBથᎌࢅࡼၒ߲ݬ ఠᐅဉLjးᎧ23ᆡBEDೌă ♦ 9ᄰࡸଦ৩ NBY3149! WHBளଐᎁછLj࣪ᐐፄᇙތቃ᎖±1/36eCLj ጲཀྵۣިဉ݆ၦ߅ተᄰࡸମૹᇙތᔢቃăୈࡼތॊၒ ߲భᄰਭᅪݝᇄᏎఝࢶ݆ᒇདࣅިဉBEDăඛৈ हࡍၒ߲થᄋభᓞࡼὥᆡถLjጲሢᒜၒ߲ቧLj ࠭ऎऴᒏBEDਭདࣅۥਜ਼ă ♦ ளਭᎁછࡼᔢࡍᐐፄĂᐐፄपᆍጲૺၒ߲ݬఠᐅဉᒎܪLj းᎧ23ᆡBEDೌ ᔢࡍᐐፄᆐ3:/6eC ᔐᐐፄपᆍᆐ53eC 6NI{ဟLjᎌ33oW0√I{ࡼިࢅၒ߲ݬఠᐅဉ ୈࡼࣅზቶถளਭᎁછLjࡍࡍଢ଼ࢅ೫ပᑞLjᑽߒऔࠨ ቕ݆߅ስăᏴWPVU > 2/6WQ.Q ਜ਼gJO > 6NI{ဟLjୈࡼऔ ࠨቕ݆ပᑞᆐ.81eCdǗᏴWPVU > 2/6WQ.Q ਜ਼gJO > 6NI{ဟLj ިဉਖप*ၷፒ4ୣࢯပᑞᆐ.63eCdă NBY3149થૹ߅೫9വᑵୣຫᑫਜ਼భ߈ܠMPሤᆡ खညLj৩߅ᅲ۸ࡼDX݆ၦ߅ተऱښăభጲᄰਭၫᔊࠈ ቲాਜ਼ৈຫဟᒩኡᐋඛৈᄰࡸࡼMPሤᆡLjጐభጲ ᎅॊಭࡼ5! y! MPဟᒩᒇདࣅඛ࣪আᏭຫࡼMPăࠈ ቲాᏤࣶৈୈऱܣቲೌLjጲି߈ܠ ాሣࡼၫăMPॊሤభጲᒙᆐ5Ă9Ă27ৈᑵୣ ሤᆡăඛৈDXຫࡼၒྜྷᄰവ۞భኡࡼࢅᄰ݆Lj ᎖ᎁછDXEᐅဉቶถăᑚቋຫၒ߲ሤଝࡵJਜ਼Rތ ॊ࢟ഗၒ߲ăຫਜ਼MPखညଐ᎖ဣሚᎁፊࡼᐅ ဉቶถǖ2/36NI{Ᏺ݆Ă2lI{ມጤဟᆐ.266eCd0I{ă ♦ ૹ߅ࣞಯሯ᎖ިဉ߅ስᇹᄻ ♦ ᎧިဉWHB! NBY3148୭ରྏ WHBᄂቶ ♦ ࣪ᐐፄᇙތᆐ±1/36eC ♦ ඛᄰࡸᆐ231nX ♦ భᓞࡼၒ߲WHBὥᆡถLjሿ߹BEDਭདࣅ ♦ ཝތॊWHBၒ߲ᒇདࣅBED ♦ భܤᐐፄपᆍᑽߒ53eCࣅზपᆍ ♦ WPVU >! 2/6WQ.QĂgJO >! 6NI{ဟLjIE3ᆐ.81eCd ♦ WPVU >! 2/6WQ.QĂgJO >! 6NI{ဟLjިဉਖप*ࢾፃࡼၷ ፒJNE4ᆐ.63eCd DX໋ࣶಗຫᄂቶ ♦ 2/36NI{Ᏺ݆Ă2lI{ຫມဟຫᐅဉࢅᒗ .266eCd0I{ ♦ ࠈాభ߈ܠMPሤᆡखညLjᄋ5Ă9Ă27! MPᑵୣሤ ᆡॊܦൈ NBY3149ݧ,6/1W࢟LjWHBෝါሆඛᄰࡸஞᆐ 231nXǗܪᓰDXᔫෝါሆඛᄰࡸஞᆐ37:nXǗࠥ ᅪથᄋࢅDXෝါLjඛᄰࡸஞᆐ337nXăୈ ᄋࡒൡࡼ211୭URGQ )25nn y 25nn y 2nn*ᇄ ॖᓤăᏴ1°Dᒗ,81°Dᆨࣞपᆍดถۣᑺ࢟ቶถă ♦ ඛᄰࡸᆐ37:nX! )ܪᓰᔫෝါ*ਜ਼ 337nX! )ࢅෝါ* ``````````````````````````````````` ። ``````````````````````````````` ࢾ৪ቧᇦ ިဉ߅ስ ဉฃ ♦ భኡᐋࣖೂᄰࡸࡼ5! y! gMP MPၒྜྷདࣅ PART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE MAX2038CCQ+D 0°C to +70°C 100 TQFP-EP* MAX2038CCQ+TD 0°C to +70°C 100 TQFP-EP* +ܭာᇄ)Qc*0९SpITܪᓰࡼॖᓤă E! >! ऴޭ۞ᓤă U! >! ௳ࡒ۞ᓤă *FQ! >! ൡă *༿ݬఠ።ቧᇦᒦࡼިဉਖपࢾፃࡼJNE4 ݝॊă ୭ᒙᏴၫᓾ೯ࡼᔢઁ߲ă ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1 ۾ᆪဵ፞ᆪၫᓾ೯ࡼፉᆪLjᆪᒦభถࡀᏴडፉࡼݙᓰཀྵࡇᇙăྙኊጙݛཀྵཱྀLj༿Ᏼิࡼଐᒦݬఠ፞ᆪᓾ೯ă ᎌਈଥৃĂૡૺࢿ৪ቧᇦLj༿ೊNbyjnᒴሾ၉ᒦቦǖ21911!963!235:!)۱ᒦਪཌ*Lj21911!263!235:!)ฉᒦਪཌ*Lj षᆰNbyjnࡼᒦᆪᆀᐶǖdijob/nbyjn.jd/dpnă NBY3149 ``````````````````````````````````` গၤ NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VCC, VREF to GND .................................................-0.3V to +5.5V Any Other Pins to GND...............................-0.3V to (VCC + 0.3V) CW Mixer Output Voltage to GND (CW_IOUT+, CW_IOUT-, CW_QOUT+, CW_QOUT-) ................................................13V VGA Differential Input Voltage (VGIN_+, VGIN_-)............8.0VP-P Analog Gain Control Differential Input Voltage (VG_CTL+, VG_CTL-) ..................................................8.0VP-P CW Mixer Differential Input Voltage (CWIN_+, CWIN_-).......................................................8.0VP-P CW Mixer LVDS LO Differential Input Voltage..................8.0VP-P Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) 100-Pin TQFP (derated 45.5mW/°C above +70°C)...3636.4mW Operating Temperature Range...............................0°C to +70°C Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C θJC (Note 1) .....................................................................+2°C/W θJA (Note 1) ...................................................................+22°C/W Storage Temperature Range .............................-40°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300°C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260°C Note 1: Package thermal resistances were obtained using the method described in JEDEC specification JESD51-7, using a fourlayer board. For detailed information on package thermal considerations, refer to china.maxim-ic.com/thermal-tutorial. Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—VGA MODE (Typical Application Circuit, Figure 7. VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VCM = (3/5)VREF, TA = 0°C to +70°C, VGND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 0 or 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 1, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, no RF signals applied, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, CW mixer outputs pulled up to +11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors, all CW channels programmed off. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDTIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 4.75 5 5.25 V 4.75 5 5.25 V PD = 0 204 231 PD = 1 27 33 VGA MODE Supply Voltage Range VCC VCC External Reference VREF (Note 3) Refers to VCC supply current plus VREF current Total Power-Supply Current mA VCC Supply Current IVCC 192 216 mA VREF Current IREF 12 15 mA Refers to VCC supply current 24 27 mA Minimum gain +2 Maximum gain -2 Current Consumption per Amplifier Channel Differential Analog Control Voltage Range Differential Analog Control Common-Mode Voltage VCM 2.85 Analog Control Input Source/Sink Current VP-P 3 3.15 V 4.5 5 mA LOGIC INPUTS CMOS Input High Voltage VIH CMOS Input Low Voltage VIL 2 2.3 _______________________________________________________________________________________ V 0.8 V ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB (Typical Application Circuit, Figure 7. V CC = V REF = 4.75V to 5.25V, T A = 0°C to +70°C, V GND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 0 or 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 0, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, no RF signals applied, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, CW mixer outputs pulled up to +11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDTIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS CW MIXER MODE Current in Full-Power Mode 5V VCC Supply ICC_FP Refers to VCC supply current (all 8 channels) 245 265 mA Current in Full-Power Mode 11V VMIX Supply IMIX_FP Refers to VMIX supply current (all 8 channels) 106 120 mA Current in Full-Power Mode 5V VREF Supply IREF_FP Refers to VREF supply current (all 8 channels) 17 21 mA PDISS_FP Total power dissipation (all 8 channels including both 5V (VCC and VREF) and 11V mixer pullup supply power dissipation in the device) (Note 4) 2.15 2.41 W Current in Low-Power Mode 5V VCC Supply ICC_LP LOW_PWR = 1; refers to VCC supply current (all 8 channels) 245 265 mA Current in Low-Power Mode 11V VMIX Supply IMIX_LP LOW_PWR = 1; refers to VMIX supply current (all 8 channels) 53 60 mA Current in Low-Power Mode 5V VREF Supply IREF_LP LOW_PWR = 1; refers to VREF supply current (all 8 channels) 17 21 mA PDISS_LP LOW_PWR = 1; total power dissipation (all 8 channels including both 5V (VCC and VREF) and 11V mixer pullup supply power dissipation in the device) (Note 4) 1.81 2.06 W Mixer LVDS LO Input CommonMode Voltage Modes 1 and 2 (Note 5) 1.25 ±0.2 V LVDS LO Differential Input Voltage Modes 1 and 2 700 mVP-P LVDS LO Input Common-Mode Current Per pin 150 LVDS LO Differential Input Resistance Modes 1 and 2 (Note 6) 30 Mixer IF Common-Mode Output Current Common-mode current in each of the differential mixer outputs (Note 7) DATA Output High Voltage DOUT voltage when terminated in DIN (daisy chain) (Note 8) DATA Output Low Voltage DOUT voltage when terminated in DIN (daisy chain) (Note 8) Power Dissipation in Full-Power Mode Power Dissipation in Low-Power Mode 200 3.25 200 μA kΩ 3.75 4.5 mA V 0.5 V _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 NBY3149 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—CW MIXER MODE NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—VGA MODE (Typical Application Circuit, Figure 7. VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VCM = (3/5)VREF, TA = 0°C to +70°C, VGND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 1, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = fLO/16 = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, CW mixer outputs pulled up to +11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors, differential mixer inputs are driven from a low impedance source. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN CW_VG set from logic 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1 (Note 9) Mode Select Response Time TYP MAX 2 UNITS μs VGA MODE Full-Scale Bandwidth Small-Signal Bandwidth f-1.3dB f-1.3dB Differential Input Resistance RIN Input Effective Capacitance CIN Differential Output Resistance VOUT = 1.5VP-P, 1.3dB bandwidth, gain = 10dB Differential output capacitance is 10pF, capacitance to GND at each single-ended output is 60pF, RL = 1kΩ 18 No capacitive load RL = 1kΩ 29 MHz VOUT = 1.5mVP-P, 3dB bandwidth, gain = 10dB 30 170 fRF = 10MHz, each input to ground ROUT 200 MHz 230 Ω 15 pF 100 Ω Maximum Gain +29.5 dB Minimum Gain -12.5 dB 42 dB Gain Range Absolute Gain Error TA = +25°C, full gain range 0% to 100%, VREF = 5V VGA Gain Response Time 40dB gain change to within 1dB final value 1 μs Input-Referred Noise VG_CTL set for maximum gain, no input signal 2 nV/√Hz Output-Referred Noise VG_CTL set for +10dB of gain Second Harmonic Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion HD2 IMD3 ±0.25 No input signal 22 VOUT = 1.5VP-P, 1kHz offset 55 VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, VG_CTL set for +10dB of gain, fRF = 5MHz, VOUT = 1.5VP-P ±1.5 dB nV/√Hz -70 dBc VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, VG_CTL set for +10dB of gain, fRF = 10MHz, VOUT = 1.5VP-P -55 -65 VG_CLT set for +10dB of gain, fRF1 = 5MHz, fRF2 = 5.01MHz, VOUT = 1.5VP-P, VREF = 5V (Note 3) -40 -52 dBc Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk VOUT = 1VP-P differential, fRF = 10MHz, VG_CTL set for +10dB of gain -80 dB Maximum Output Voltage at Clamp ON VG_CLAMP_MODE = 0, VG_CTL set for +20dB of gain, 350mVP-P differential input 2.4 VP-P differential 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB (Typical Application Circuit, Figure 7. VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, TA = 0°C to +70°C, VGND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 0, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = fLO/16 = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, CW mixer outputs pulled up to +11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors, differential mixer inputs are driven from a low impedance source. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL Maximum Output Voltage at ClampOFF CONDITIONS MIN VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, VG_CTL set for +20dB of gain, 350mVP-P differential input TYP MAX UNITS VP-P differential 2.8 CW MIXER MODE Mixer RF Frequency Range 0.9 7.6 MHz Mixer LO Frequency Range 1 7.5 MHz Mixer IF Frequency Range 100 kHz Maximum Input Voltage Range 1.8 VP-P differential Differential Input Resistance 633 CW_FILTER = 1 1440 Mode 3, fRF = fLO/4 = 1.25MHz, measured at a 1kHz offset frequency; clutter tone at 0.9VP-P differential measured at the mixer input Input-Referred Noise Voltage Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion CW_FILTER = 0 IMD3 Ω 6 nV/√Hz Mode 3, RF terminated into 50Ω; fLO/4 = 1.25MHz, measured at 1kHz offset 4.6 Mode 1, fRF1 = 5MHz at 0.9VP-P differential input, Doppler tone fRF2 = 5.01MHz at 25dBc from clutter tone, fLO/16 = 5MHz (Note 10) -50 Mixer Output Voltage Compliance (Note 11) Channel-to-Channel Phase Matching Measured under zero beat conditions, fRF = 5MHz, fLO/16 = 5MHz (Note 12) ±3.0 Degrees Channel-to-Channel Gain Matching Measured under zero beat conditions, fRF = 5MHz, fLO/16 = 5MHz (Note 12) ±2 dB CW_FILTER = 1 2.8 Transconductance (Note 13) CW_FILTER = 0 4.75 dBc fRF = 1.1MHz, 1VP-P differential, fLO/16 = 1MHz 12 2.8 V mS _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 NBY3149 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—CW MIXER MODE NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—CW MIXER MODE (continued) (Typical Application Circuit, Figure 7. VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, TA = 0°C to +70°C, VGND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 0, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = fLO/16 = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, CW mixer outputs pulled up to +11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors, differential mixer inputs are driven from a low impedance source. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 10 MHz SERIAL SHIFT REGISTER Serial Shift Register Programming Rate Minimum Data Set-Up Time tDSU 30 ns Minimum Data Hold Time tHLD 2 ns Minimum Data Clock Time tDCLK 100 ns Minimum Data Clock Pulse Width High tDCLKPWH 30 ns Minimum Data Clock Pulse Width Low tDCLKPWL 30 ns tLD 30 ns tMIXCLK 30 ns tCLH 30 ns Minimum Load Line Minimum Load Line High to Mixer Clock On Minimum Data Clock to Load Line High Note 2: Specifications at TA = +25°C and TA = +70°C are guaranteed by production test. Specifications at TA = 0°C are guaranteed by design and characterization. Note 3: Noise performance of the device is dependent on the noise contribution from the supply to VREF. Use a low-noise supply for VREF. VCC and VREF can be connected together to share the same supply voltage if the supply for VCC exhibits low noise. Note 4: Total on-chip power dissipation is calculated as PDISS = VCC x ICC + VREF x IREF + [11V - (IMIX/4) x 115] x IMIX. Note 5: Note that the LVDS CWD LO clocks are DC-coupled. This is to ensure immediate synchronization when the clock is first turned on. An AC-coupled LO is problematic in that the RC time constant associated with the coupling capacitors and the input impedance of the pin causes there to be a period of time (related to the RC time constant) when the DC level on the chip side of the capacitor is outside the acceptable common-mode range and the LO swing does not exceed both the logic thresholds required for proper operation. This problem associated with AC-coupling would cause an inability to ensure synchronization among beam-forming channels. The LVDS signal is terminated differentially with an external 100Ω resistor on the board. Note 6: External 100Ω resistor terminates the LVDS differential signal path. Note 7: The mixer common-mode current (3.25mA/channel) is specified as the common-mode current in each of the differential mixer outputs (CW_QOUT+, CW_QOUT-, CW_IOUT+, CW_IOUT-). Note 8: Specification guaranteed only for DOUT driving DIN of the next device in a daisy-chain fashion. Note 9: This response time does not include the CW output highpass filter. When switching to VGA mode, the CW outputs stop drawing current and the output voltage goes to the rail. If a highpass filter is used, the recovery time can be excessive and a switching network is recommended as shown in the Applications Information section. Note 10: See the Ultrasound-Specific IMD3 Specification in the Applications Information section. Note 11: Mixer output-voltage compliance is the range of acceptable voltages allowed on the CW mixer outputs. Note 12: Channel-to-channel gain-and-phase matching measured on 30 pieces during engineering characterization at room temperature. Each mixer is used as a phase detector and produces a DC voltage in the IQ plane. The phase is given by the angle of the vector drawn on that plane. Multiple channels from multiple parts are compared to each other to produce the phase variation. Note 13: Transconductance is defined as the quadrature summing of the CW differential output current at baseband divided by the mixer’s input voltage. 6 _______________________________________________________________________________________ ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB -50 0 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL -10 -20 3.0 2.5 2.0 -60 IMD3 (dBc) PSMR (dBc) 3.5 -70 -30 f = 10MHz -40 -50 -80 1.5 -60 1.0 -90 0 -100 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 -80 0 25 FREQUENCY (MHz) 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 -15 -5 5 FREQUENCY (kHz) 15 25 35 GAIN (dB) SECOND HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. GAIN THIRD HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. GAIN 0 -10 f = 2MHz VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL 0 -20 -10 MAX2038 toc05 5.0 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL -20 -30 -30 f = 12MHz -40 HD3 (dBc) 2.5 MAX2038 toc04 0 f = 5MHz -70 0.5 HD2 (dBc) OVERDRIVE PHASE DELAY (ns) VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VMOD = 50mVP-P, fCARRIER = 5MHz, GAIN = 10dB MAX2038 toc02 VIN1 = 35mVP-P DIFFERENTIAL VIN2 = 87.5mVP-P DIFFERENTIAL GAIN = 20dB 4.0 -40 MAX2038 toc01 5.0 4.5 TWO-TONE ULTRASOUND-SPECIFIC IMD3 vs. GAIN POWER-SUPPLY MODULATION RATIO MAX2038 toc03 OVERDRIVE PHASE DELAY vs. FREQUENCY -50 -60 -70 f = 12MHz -40 f = 5MHz -50 -60 -70 f = 5MHz -80 -80 -90 f = 2MHz -90 f = 2MHz -100 -100 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 -15 GAIN (dB) -5 5 15 35 OVERLOAD RECOVERY TIME OVERLOAD RECOVERY TIME MAX2038 toc07 MAX2038 toc06 f = 5MHz f = 5MHz DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT 1.0V/div OUTPUT 1VP-P TO OVERLOAD AND BACK TO 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT 2.0V/div DIFFERENTIAL INPUT 2.0V/div DIFFERENTIAL INPUT 1.0V/div 400ns/div 25 GAIN (dB) OUTPUT 100mVP-P TO OVERLOAD AND BACK TO 100mVP-P 400ns/div _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 NBY3149 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫᄂቶ (Figure 7, VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VGND = 0V, PD = 0V, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, TA = 0°C to +70°C. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫᄂቶ)ኚ* (Figure 7, VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VGND = 0V, PD = 0, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, TA = 0°C to +70°C. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) -85 -70 -80 -90 -90 -95 -100 -5 5 15 25 30 20 10 0 1 35 10 -15 100 GAIN vs. DIFFERENTIAL ANALOG CONTROL VOLTAGE (VG_CTL) 40 MAX2038 toc11 25 35 GAIN (dB) 15 5 VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = -2VP-P DIFFERENTIAL -5 -15 -25 30 30 20 25 15 20 0.5 1.5 5 10 0 5 -5 -10 0.1 2.5 1 LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY 15 10 MAX2038 toc14 VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = +0.6VP-P DIFFERENTIAL 10 100 5 -10 GAIN (dB) -5 GAIN (dB) 5 -10 -5 -15 -20 -25 -15 -25 -30 -20 -30 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 1000 1000 -15 -10 1 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = +1.7VP-P DIFFERENTIAL 0 -5 0.1 100 LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY 0 -20 10 LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY 10 0 1 FREQUENCY (MHz) VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = +1.5VP-P 5 0.1 1000 FREQUENCY (MHz) VG_CTL (VP-P DIFFERENTIAL) 20 35 10 15 MAX2038 toc15 -0.5 25 VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = -1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL 25 0 -1.5 15 LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY GAIN (dB) f = 5MHz 5 GAIN (dB) LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY 35 -2.5 -5 FREQUENCY (MHz) GAIN (dB) MAX2038 toc12 -15 MAX2038 toc10 40 -110 -100 GAIN (dB) f = 5MHz MAX2038 toc13 -80 -60 50 MAX2038 toc16 -75 OUTPUT-REFERRED NOISE VOLTAGE (nV/√Hz) -50 CROSSTALK (dB) CROSSTALK (dB) VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL GAIN = 10dB, ADJACENT CHANNELS -40 -70 8 MAX2038 toc09 VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL f = 10MHz, ADJACENT CHANNELS -65 -30 MAX2038 toc08 -60 OUTPUT-REFERRED NOISE VOLTAGE vs. GAIN CHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL CROSSTALK vs. FREQUENCY CHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL CROSSTALK vs. GAIN GAIN (dB) NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB -35 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 1000 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 100 1000 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB -10 -20 -25 -30 THIRD HARMONIC -40 -50 -60 -70 SECOND HARMONIC -80 -50 -55 -65 -70 -75 -85 -90 -95 -100 10 100 1000 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 SECOND HARMONIC -80 -100 1 THIRD HARMONIC -60 -40 2.5 3.0 200 500 800 1100 1400 1700 2000 FREQUENCY (MHz) DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE (VP-P) DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT LOAD (Ω) HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT LOAD CAPACITANCE HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. FREQUENCY TWO-TONE ULTRASOUND-SPECIFIC IMD3 vs. FREQUENCY -55 THIRD HARMONIC -60 -65 -70 -75 SECOND HARMONIC -80 -85 -90 25 45 65 85 -20 -30 THIRD HARMONIC -40 -50 -60 -70 SECOND HARMONIC -30 -40 -50 -80 -60 -70 0 105 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT LOAD (pF) FREQUENCY (MHz) FREQUENCY (MHz) GAIN ERROR HISTOGRAM OUTPUT COMMON-MODE OFFSET VOLTAGE vs. GAIN DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT IMPEDANCE MAGNITUDE vs. FREQUENCY 15 35 30 25 20 15 160 5 0 -15 0 -20 -0.40 -0.35 -0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 140 120 -5 5 GAIN ERROR (dB) 180 10 100 -10 10 200 |ZOUT| OFFSET VOLTAGE (mV) 40 20 MAX2038 toc24 SAMPLE SIZE = 202 UNITS, fIN_ = 5MHz, GAIN = 10dB MAX2038 toc23 5 MAX2038 toc22 -20 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL GAIN = 10dB -10 -100 -100 45 0 -90 -95 50 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL GAIN = 10dB MAX2038 toc25 -50 0 -10 IMD3 (dBc) VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL f = 5MHz, GAIN = 10dB -45 MAX2038 toc21 MAX2038 toc20 -40 HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) -30 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL f = 5MHz, GAIN = 10dB -45 -90 0.1 % OF UNITS -20 -40 -35 HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) GAIN (dB) -15 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL f = 5MHz, GAIN = 10dB HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) -5 0 -10 HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT LOAD RESISTANCE MAX2038 toc18 VOUT = 0.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = +2VP-P DIFFERENTIAL HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) MAX2038 toc17 0 HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE MAX2038 toc19 LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY 80 60 -15 -5 5 15 GAIN (dB) 25 35 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (MHz) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 NBY3149 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫᄂቶ)ኚ* (Figure 7, VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VGND = 0V, PD = 0, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, TA = 0°C to +70°C. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ࢜ቯᔫᄂቶ)ኚ* (Figure 7, VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VGND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 0, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, CW mixer outputs pulled up to 11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors, differential mixer inputs are driven from a low-impedance source. CW FILTER RESPONSE (CW_FILTER = 1) CW FILTER RESPONSE (CW_FILTER = 0) 2 0 MAX2038 toc27 5 MAX2038 toc26 4 0 -5 LOSS (dB) LOSS (dB) -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -15 -20 -10 -25 -12 -30 -14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 FREQUENCY (MHz) FREQUENCY (MHz) CW IMD3 vs. FREQUENCY (MODE 1, VRF = 900mVP-P DIFF, VCC = VREF) INPUT-REFERRED NOISE vs. CLUTTER VOLTAGE (MODE 4, F_CLUTTER = 1.25MHz AT 1kHz OFFSET) -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 4.75 5.00 5.25 -53 MAX2038 toc29 14 INPUT-REFERRED NOISE (nV/√Hz) MAX2038 toc28 -47 12 10 8 6 4 2 -54 0 0 2 4 FREQUENCY (MHz) 10 0 16 -46 CW IMD3 (dBc) NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB 6 8 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 CLUTTER VOLTAGE (VP-P DIFF) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ୭ ߂ ถ 1 CWIN2- DXຫᄰࡸ3नሤތॊၒྜྷă 2 CWIN2+ DXຫᄰࡸ3ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 3 VGIN3- WHBᄰࡸ4नሤތॊၒྜྷă 4 VGIN3+ WHBᄰࡸ4ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 5, 10, 19, 24, 29, 34, 58, 79, 81, 96 GND ă 6 CWIN3- DXຫᄰࡸ4नሤތॊၒྜྷă 7 CWIN3+ DXຫᄰࡸ4ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 8 VGIN4- WHBᄰࡸ5नሤތॊၒྜྷă 9 VGIN4+ WHBᄰࡸ5ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 11 CWIN4- DXຫᄰࡸ5नሤތॊၒྜྷă 12 CWIN4+ DXຫᄰࡸ5ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 13 EXT_C1 ᅪޡݗݝăᏴభถణத୭ࡼᆡᒙೌጙৈ5/8μG࢟ྏࡵLj᎖വดݝມᒙ࢟വă 14 EXT_C2 ᅪޡݗݝăᏴభถణத୭ࡼᆡᒙೌጙৈ5/8μG࢟ྏࡵLj᎖വดݝມᒙ࢟വă 15 EXT_C3 ᅪޡݗݝăᏴభถణத୭ࡼᆡᒙೌጙৈ5/8μG࢟ྏࡵLj᎖വดݝມᒙ࢟വă 16, 42, 46, 54, 72, 82, 87 VCC 17 VGIN5- WHBᄰࡸ6नሤތॊၒྜྷă 18 VGIN5+ WHBᄰࡸ6ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 20 CWIN5- DXຫᄰࡸ6नሤތॊၒྜྷă 21 CWIN5+ DXຫᄰࡸ6ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 22 VGIN6- WHBᄰࡸ7नሤތॊၒྜྷă 23 VGIN6+ WHBᄰࡸ7ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 25 CWIN6- DXຫᄰࡸ7नሤތॊၒྜྷă 26 CWIN6+ DXຫᄰࡸ7ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 27 VGIN7- WHBᄰࡸ8नሤތॊၒྜྷă 28 VGIN7+ WHBᄰࡸ8ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 30 CWIN7- DXຫᄰࡸ8नሤތॊၒྜྷă 31 CWIN7+ DXຫᄰࡸ8ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 32 VGIN8- WHBᄰࡸ9नሤތॊၒྜྷă 33 VGIN8+ WHBᄰࡸ9ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 35 CWIN8- DXຫᄰࡸ9नሤތॊၒྜྷă 36 CWIN8+ DXຫᄰࡸ9ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 6W࢟ᏎLjೌᒗ,6Wᅪ࢟ݝᏎăݧ1/2μG࢟ྏവWDD ࢟ᏎᒗLjభถణத୭ڔᓤ࢟ྏă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11 NBY3149 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ୭ႁී NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ୭ႁී)ኚ* 12 ୭ ߂ ถ 37, 93 VREF ,6Wᓰ࢟ᏎLjೌᒗࢅᐅဉ࢟ᏎăᏴభถణத୭ࡼᆡᒙݧ1/2μG࢟ྏവᒗHOEăᓖፀLj ୈࡼᐅဉቶถᎧWSFG ࢟Ꮞᐅဉࡼ፬ሰᎌਈăWSFG ኍဧࢅᐅဉ࢟ᏎăྙਫWDD ᆐࢅᐅဉ࢟ᏎLjభጲ WDD ਜ਼WSFG ೌᏴጙৢጙৈ࢟Ꮞă 38 EXT_RES 39 CW_VG 40 PD 41 CW_FILTER 43 M4_EN 44 LOW_PWR 45 DOUT 47 N.C. ᇄೌLjক୭ॳహ)ᏴNBY3149ຶৰۇၫᓾ೯ᒦLjক୭ᆐUFTU`NPEF୭*ă 48 LO8 ᄰࡸ9ࡼDX! MPၒྜྷLjෝါ4ਜ਼5ࡼMPဟᒩၒྜྷă 49 VGOUT8+ WHBᄰࡸ9ᄴሤތॊၒ߲ă 50 VGOUT8- WHBᄰࡸ9नሤތॊၒ߲ă 51 LO7 52 VGOUT7+ WHBᄰࡸ8ᄴሤތॊၒ߲ă 53 VGOUT7- WHBᄰࡸ8नሤތॊၒ߲ă 55 LO6 56 VGOUT6+ 57 VGOUT6- 59 LO5 60 VGOUT5+ WHBᄰࡸ6ᄴሤތॊၒ߲ă 61 VGOUT5- WHBᄰࡸ6नሤތॊၒ߲ă 62 VG_CTL- 63 VG_CTL+ WHBෝผᐐፄ఼ᒜތॊၒྜྷăތॊ఼ᒜ࢟ኹᒙᏴ.3WဟLjᄋᔢࡍᐐፄ),3:/6eC*Ǘތॊ఼ᒜ࢟ኹᒙ Ᏼ,3WဟLjᄋᔢቃᐐፄ).23/6eC*ă 64 LO_LVDS- DX! MWET! MPनሤތॊၒྜྷăෝါ2ਜ਼3ࡼMPဟᒩनሤၒྜྷă 65 LO_LVDS+ 66 LO4 67 VGOUT4+ 68 VGOUT4- 69 LO3 ᅪ࢟ݝᔜăᏴభถణத୭ࡼᆡᒙೌጙৈ1/2&ࡼ8/6lΩ࢟ᔜᒗLjೂดݝມᒙ࢟വࡼມኹă DXຫWHBဧถLjኡᐋWHBDXຫᔫෝါăDX`WHᒙᆐ൝࢟ຳLjဧถWHBLjᄴဟ ਈࣥDXຫăDX`WHᒙᆐ൝ࢅ࢟ຳLjဧถDXຫLjᄴဟਈࣥWHBă ਈࣥఎਈăདࣅQEᒗ࢟ຳLjୈᒙᆐਈࣥෝါăདࣅQEᒗࢅ࢟ຳLjᐌྜྷܪᓰᔫෝါă DX݆୯ຫൈኡᐋLjኡᐋDXᄰࡸดࢅݝᄰ݆ࡼ୯ຫൈăDX`GJMUFSᒙ᎖൝࢟ຳဟLj୯ຫ ൈᆐ:/6NI{ǗDX`GJMUFSᒙ᎖൝ࢅ࢟ຳဟLj୯ຫൈᆐ5/6NI{ă ෝါ5ဧถLjN5`FOᒙ᎖൝࢟ຳணᒏࠈቲ࣡ాLj݀ఎཝݝ9ৈDXᄰࡸă ࢅဧถLjᒙᆐ࢟ຳဟဧถୈDXຫࡼࢅෝါă ࠈాၫၒ߲ăၫၒ଼߲છ೫DXᄰࡸࡼೌLjᑽߒෝผ݆ၦ߅ተ߈ܠă ᄰࡸ8ࡼDX! MPၒྜྷăෝါ4ਜ਼5ࡼMPဟᒩၒྜྷă ᄰࡸ7ࡼDX! MPၒྜྷăෝါ4ਜ਼5ࡼMPဟᒩၒྜྷă WHBᄰࡸ7ᄴሤތॊၒ߲ă WHBᄰࡸ7नሤތॊၒ߲ă ᄰࡸ6ࡼDX! MPၒྜྷLjෝါ4ਜ਼5ࡼMPဟᒩၒྜྷă DX! MWET! MPᄴሤތॊၒྜྷăෝါ2ਜ਼3ࡼMPဟᒩᄴሤၒྜྷă ᄰࡸ5ࡼDX! MPၒྜྷăෝါ4ਜ਼5ࡼMPဟᒩၒྜྷă WHBᄰࡸ5ᄴሤތॊၒ߲ă WHBᄰࡸ5नሤތॊၒ߲ă ᄰࡸ4ࡼDX! MPၒྜྷLjෝါ4ਜ਼5ࡼMPဟᒩၒྜྷă ______________________________________________________________________________________ ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ୭ ߂ ถ 70 VGOUT3+ WHBᄰࡸ4ᄴሤތॊၒ߲ă 71 VGOUT3- WHBᄰࡸ4नሤތॊၒ߲ă ᄰࡸ3ࡼDX! MPၒྜྷLjෝါ4ਜ਼5ࡼMPဟᒩၒྜྷă 73 LO2 74 VGOUT2+ WHBᄰࡸ3ᄴሤތॊၒ߲ă 75 VGOUT2- WHBᄰࡸ3नሤތॊၒ߲ă 76 LO1 77 VGOUT1+ WHBᄰࡸ2ᄴሤތॊၒ߲ă 78 VGOUT1- WHBᄰࡸ2नሤތॊၒ߲ă 80 DIN ࠈాၫၒྜྷLjࠈ߈ܠቲጤᆡࡀࡼၫၒྜྷă 83 CLK ࠈాၫဟᒩLjࠈ߈ܠቲጤᆡࡀࡼဟᒩၒྜྷă 84 CW_M1 DXෝါኡᐋၒྜྷ2ă᎖ᒙ݆ၦ߅ተෝါ2Ă3Ă4ਜ਼5ࡼၒྜྷLjਈ᎖ෝါࡼ߈ܠሮᇼቧᇦ༿ݬఠܭ2ă 85 CW_M2 DXෝါኡᐋၒྜྷ3ă᎖ᒙ݆ၦ߅ተෝါ2Ă3Ă4ਜ਼5ࡼၒྜྷLjਈ᎖ෝါࡼ߈ܠሮᇼቧᇦ༿ݬఠܭ2ă 86 VG_CLAMP_ MODE WHBὥᆡෝါဧถăདࣅWH`DMBNQ`NPEFᒗࢅ࢟ຳLjဧถWHBὥᆡෝါLjWHBၒ߲ۻὥᆡᒗ3/5WQ.Q ތॊ࢟ኹǗདࣅWH`DMBNQ`NPEFᒗ࢟ຳLjணᒏWHBὥᆡෝါă 88 LOAD 89 CW_QOUT+ DXຫᑵୣ)R*ᄰࡸᄴሤތॊၒ߲Lj9വຫᑵୣᄰࡸࡼDXຫၒ߲ă 90 CW_QOUT- DXຫᑵୣ)R*ᄰࡸनሤތॊၒ߲Lj9വຫᑵୣᄰࡸࡼDXຫၒ߲ă 91 CW_IOUT- DXຫᄴሤᄰࡸ)J*ࡼތॊनሤၒ߲Lj9വຫᄴሤᄰࡸࡼDXຫၒ߲ă 92 CW_IOUT+ DXຫᄴሤᄰࡸ)J*ࡼތॊᄴሤၒ߲Lj9വຫᄴሤᄰࡸࡼDXຫၒ߲ă ᄰࡸ2ࡼDX! MPၒྜྷLjෝါ4ਜ਼5ࡼMPဟᒩၒྜྷă ࠈాᓤᏲăᄰਭࠈቲጤᆡࡀၫᓤᏲࡵJ0RॊሤăMPBEᔐሣᎅ࢟ຳ౯ᒗࢅ࢟ຳLjઁ Ᏻᎅࢅ࢟ຳ౯ᒗ࢟ຳઁLjభ࣪J0Rॊሤቲ߈ܠă 94 VGIN1- WHBᄰࡸ2नሤތॊၒྜྷă 95 VGIN1+ WHBᄰࡸ2ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 97 CWIN1- DXຫᄰࡸ2नሤތॊၒྜྷă 98 CWIN1+ DXຫᄰࡸ2ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă 99 VGIN2- WHBᄰࡸ3नሤތॊၒྜྷă 100 VGIN2+ WHBᄰࡸ3ᄴሤތॊၒྜྷă — EP ൡLjดೌݝᒗHOEăFQೌᒗࡍෂ૩QDCຳෂLjጲᔢࡍሢࣞᄋྲེถೆă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13 NBY3149 ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ୭ႁී)ኚ* NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ``````````````````````````````` ሮᇼႁී NBY3149ဵጙ9ᄰࡸWHBLjૹ߅೫9വభ߈ܠᑵୣຫ ᑫLjᓜᆐިဉ߅ስਜ਼໋ࣶಗ።ऎଐăୈளਭ ᎁછᎌࢅĂࣅზपᆍਜ਼ިࢅᐅဉᒎܪăWHBᄰ ࡸᎌތॊၒྜྷĂෝผభܤᐐፄ఼ᒜĂభᒇདࣅBED ࡼތॊၒ߲ጲૺభኡᐋࡼၒ߲࢟ኹὥᆡLjጲऴᒏBEDਭ དࣅăૹ߅9ᄰࡸᑵୣຫᑫ۞౪ࠈቲభ߈ܠMPሤᆡ खညLj᎖DXE݆ၦ߅ተăMPॊሤభጲᒙᆐ5Ă9Ă 27ৈᑵୣሤᆡăࢅᄰ݆ૹ߅᎖ඛৈDXຫࡼၒྜྷ ᄰࡸăຫၒ߲ሤଝࡵJ0Rތॊ࢟ഗၒ߲ă NBY3149ૹ߅೫9ᄰࡸᑵୣຫᑫਜ਼భ߈ܠMPሤᆡ खညLjభ৩ᅲᑳࡼೌኚ݆)DX*໋ࣶಗ݆ၦ߅ተऱښă ඛৈᄰࡸࡼMPሤᆡኡᐋభᄰਭၫᔊࠈాਜ਼ৈຫဟᒩ ߈ܠLjऎඛৈআຫ࣪ࡼMPభݧࣖೂࡼ5! y! MPဟ ᒩᒇདࣅăࠈቲాဧࣶৈୈ༵႕ဣሚLj࠭ऎ ᔢࡍሢࣞିೌా߈ܠሣăMPॊሤభጲᒙᆐ5Ă 9Ă27ৈᑵୣሤᆡăඛৈDXຫࡼၒྜྷ۞భኡᐋࡼ ࢅᄰ݆Lj᎖ᎁછDXEᐅဉᒎܪăຫၒ߲ሤଝ ࡵJਜ਼Rތॊ࢟ഗၒ߲ăຫਜ਼MPखညଐᑽߒᎁፊ ࡼᐅဉቶถǖ2/36NI{ Ᏺ݆Ă:11nW Q.Q ތॊᏭྲቧĂ 2lI{ຫມဟ.266eCd0I{ă భܤᐐፄहࡍ)WHB* NBY3149ࡼWHBளਭᎁછᎌሣቶࣞĂࣅზपᆍਜ਼ࢅ ၒ߲ᐅဉᒎܪLjऻޟးިဉ߅ስᇹᄻăWHBᄰവᏴ21NI{ ဟᎌ.91eCࡼᄰࡸମࠈཷਜ਼ࢅ᎖±1/36eCࡼ࣪ᐐፄᇙ ތLjถ৫Ᏼިဉᇹᄻᒦᄋᔢቃࡼᄰࡸମୡᇙތăඛവ WHB۞ෝผᐐፄࢯஂ࢟വLj᎖དࣅBEDࡼތॊၒ߲ )WHPVU`,ĂWHPVU`.*દߡጲૺభጲᒇᎧNBY3145 ႐ᄰࡸMOBᒇೌࡼތॊၒྜྷ)WHJO`,ĂWHJO`.*ăሮ ᇼቧᇦ༿ݬఠ ݆ተຫਜ਼భ݆߈ܠၦ߅ተถ ౖᅄă WHBᎌ.23/6eCᒗ,3:/6eCభࢯᐐፄपᆍLjᎌ53eC! )࢜ ቯᒋ*ᔐࣅზपᆍăWHBᐐፄభጲᄰਭތॊᐐፄ఼ᒜၒྜྷ WH`DUM,ਜ਼WH`DUM.ࢯஂăތॊᐐፄ఼ᒜၒྜྷ࢟ኹ ᒙᆐ,3WဟᄋᔢቃᐐፄǗᒙᆐ.3Wဟᄋᔢࡍᐐፄă ތॊෝผ఼ᒜৢෝ࢟ኹᆐ4W! )࢜ቯᒋ*ă 14 ݆ተຫਜ਼ ``````````````` భ݆߈ܠၦ߅ተถౖᅄ +5V +5V (LOW NOISE) VCC VREF MAX2038 VG_CTL+ VG_CTL- VG_CLAMP_MODE 50Ω VGIN1+ VGIN1- VGOUT1+ VGA VGOUT150Ω • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 50Ω VGIN8+ VGOUT8+ VGA VGIN8- VGOUT850Ω LOW_PWR PD CWIN1+ CW_IOUT+ CW_IOUT- I&Q CWIN1• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CWIN8+ I&Q CWIN8- CW_QOUT+ CW_QOUT- CW_VG CW_FILTER GND ______________________________________________________________________________________ ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ὥᆡถ᎖ሢᒜWHBၒ߲ቧLjܜBEDਭདࣅBED ۥਜ਼ăᒙWH`DMBNQ`NPEFᒗࢅ࢟ຳLjWHBތॊၒ ߲ὥᆡᒗ3/5WQ.Q ǗᒙWH`DMBNQ`NPEFᒗ࢟ຳLjண ὥᆡถă ڭᄰࡸೌኚ݆ተ)DX*ຫ ਈࣥ ୈથభጲಽQEྜྷਈࣥෝါăQEᒙ᎖൝࢟ຳLj ྜྷਈࣥෝါăਈࣥෝါሆLjୈஞሿ38nBࡼᔐ࢟ഗă QEᒙ᎖൝ࢅ࢟ຳLjྜྷᑵޟᔫෝါă NBY3149 DXຫଐݧᎌᏎၷຳੰଆၣăຫ ᎌ୷ࡼࣅზपᆍਜ਼ሣቶࣞᒎܪLjᄴဟᎌऻࡼࢅޟ ᐅဉLjభಯሯ᎖ިဉDXEቧ၃ăڭᄰࡸᑵୣ ຫᑫᏴ2/36NI{Ᏺ݆Ă2lI{ຫມဟᎌ.266eCd0I{ࡼ ᐅဉᒎܪLjથభᄋ࢜ቯᒋᆐ.61eCdࡼၷፒྯୣࢯࡼި ဉᒎܪLj༿ݬఠ።ቧᇦݝॊࡼިဉਖपࢾፃࡼJNE4ă ڭᄰࡸᑫࡒᎌᑵୣਜ਼ᄴሤތॊ࢟ഗၒ߲)DX`RPVU,Ă DX`RPVU.ĂDX`JPVU,ਜ਼DX`JPVU.*LjޘညᔐࡼDXE ݆ၦ߅ተቧăᔢࡍތॊ࢟ഗၒ߲ᆐ4nB Q.Q ࢜ቯᒋLj ຫၒ߲ରྏ᎖5/86Wᒗ23W࢟ኹपᆍă ਭᏲૂআ ୈளਭᎁછଐᎌႥਭᏲૂআถLjऻޟး࢜ ቯࡼ߅ስᇹᄻLjᑚቋᇹᄻࡼިဉၒྜྷદߡᄰޟᎌ୷ DXຫਜ਼ ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` భ݆߈ܠၦ߅ተถౖᅄ VCC CWIN8 • • • CWIN2 VREF CW_FILTER M4_EN MAX2038 • • • CW_IOUT+ CW_IOUTCW_IOUT2+ I Q I Q CHANNEL 1 I/Q DIVIDER PHASE SELECTOR CHANNEL 2 I/Q DIVIDER PHASE SELECTOR • • • • • • CW_QOUT2- CW_QOUT• • • • • • CWIN1 CW_QOUT+ I Q LOAD 5 DIN • • • • • • 5 5-BIT SR 5-BIT SR CW_M1 CW_M2 LO2 • • • LO8 5 5-BIT SR • • • LO_LVDS- • • • LO_LVDS+ • • • • • • LO1 CHANNEL 8 I/Q DIVIDER PHASE SELECTOR DOUT CLK GND LOW_PWR PD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 NBY3149 ࡍࡼၒྜྷቧLj༿ݬఠ ࢜ቯᔫᄂቶ ᒦਈ᎖ख႙ਭᏲࡼ Ⴅૂআဟମာፀᅄă WHBὥᆡ NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB DXຫၒ߲߅ ڭവຫᑫࡼၒ߲Ᏼดݝ߅LjጲޘညᔐࡼDXE ߅݆ၦ߅ተቧăڭവᑫޘညڭവᑵୣᄰࡸ)R*ࡼތॊ ၒ߲ਜ਼ڭവᄴሤ)J*ᄰࡸࡼތॊၒ߲ăჅᎌᑵୣĂᄴሤၒ ߲ᎧവJਜ਼Rތॊ࢟ഗၒ߲)DX`RPVU,ĂDX`RPVU.Ă DX`JPVU,ਜ਼DX`JPVU.*ሤଝă ܭ3/! ෝါ2൝)ܭC5! >! 1ǖᄰࡸࡴᄰ0 C5! >! 2ǖᄰࡸਈࣥ* MODE 1 CW_M1 = 0 CW_M2 = 0 DXE݆ၦ߅ተෝါ LSB SHUTDOWN PHASE (DEG) D C B A SD (B0) (B1) (B2) (B3) (B4) 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 22.5 0 0 0 1 0/1 45 0 0 1 0 0/1 67.5 0 0 1 1 0/1 MPሤᆡኡᐋ MPॊሤభᄰਭጤᆡࡀᒙᏴ5Ă9Ă27ৈᑵୣሤᆡLj ৩߅ᅲᑳࡼDX݆ၦ߅ተऱښă MSB 90 0 1 0 0 0/1 DXE݆ၦ߅ተᎌ႐ᒬࣖೂෝါLjਈ᎖ݙᄴᔫෝါࡼႁ ී༿ݬఠܭ2ăᔫෝါభᎅDX`N2ਜ਼DX`N3൝ၒྜྷ ኡᐋLjሤᆡखညᄰਭࠈా఼ᒜăਈ᎖ݙᄴᑵୣሤᆡܠ ߈ቧᇦ༿ݬఠ።ቧᇦᒦࡼࠈాݝॊă 112.5 0 1 0 1 0/1 135 0 1 1 0 0/1 ෝါ2 ෝါ2ሆLjMP`MWETၒྜྷຫൈᄰޟᆐ27 y g MPăDXE MP ຫൈपᆍᆐ2NI{ᒗ8/6NI{Ljᐌၒྜྷຫൈपᆍᆐ27NI{ᒗ 231NI{ăຫMPဟᒩገཇݧތॊMWETၒྜྷLj27! y! gMP ၒྜྷளਭ27ॊຫLjޘည27ৈሤᆡăᑚ27ৈሤᆡ᎖9ৈᄰ ࡸLjᄰਭጤᆡࡀኡᐋሤᆡ߈ܠăඛৈᄰࡸᎌሤ። ࡼ6ᆡጤᆡࡀLj᎖ᒙ27ॊຫ࢟വࡼၒ߲ሤᆡăጤ ᆡࡀࡼ༄5ᆡ᎖ᒙ27ৈሤᆡLj6ᆡࣖ᎖ඛ ৈᄰࡸࡼᄰ0఼ࣥᒜă࣪᎖ෝါ2LjDX`N2ਜ਼DX`N3 ᒙᆐࢅ࢟ຳLjݬܭ3ă 157.5 0 1 1 1 0/1 180 1 0 0 0 0/1 202.5 1 0 0 1 0/1 0/1 225 1 0 1 0 247.5 1 0 1 1 0/1 270 1 1 0 0 0/1 292.5 1 1 0 1 0/1 315 1 1 1 0 0/1 337.5 1 1 1 1 0/1 NO. OF DON’TCARE BITS IN SSR ܭ2/! DXE݆ၦ߅ተෝါ LO INPUT MODE FREQUENCY CLOCK INTERFACE PHASE RESOLUTION NO. OF CLOCK INPUTS PER CHIP PROGRAM BY SERIAL SHIFT REGISTER (SSR) NO. OF USEFUL BITS IN SSR CW_M1 CW_M2 0 0 1 16 x LVDS 16 phases 1 Yes 4 0 0 1 2 8x LVDS 8 phases 1 Yes 3 1 MSB 1 0 3 4x 3V CMOS 4 phases 8 Yes 2 2 MSBs 3V CMOS Quadrature provided 8 No N/A N/A 1 1 4 4x O0B! >! ݙభă 16 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ܭ4/! ෝါ3൝)ܭED! >! ᇄਈLjC5! >! 1ǖ ᄰࡸࡴᄰ0C5! >! 2ǖᄰࡸਈࣥ* MODE 2 CW_M1 = 0 CW_M2 = 1 MSB LSB SHUTDOWN PHASE (DEG) D C B A SD (B0) (B1) (B2) (B3) (B4) 0 DC 0 0 0 0/1 45 DC 0 0 1 0/1 90 DC 0 1 0 0/1 135 DC 0 1 1 0/1 180 DC 1 0 0 0/1 225 DC 1 0 1 0/1 270 DC 1 1 0 0/1 315 DC 1 1 1 0/1 ෝါ4 ࠥෝါݙኊገMP`MWETၒྜྷLjࣖೂࡼ5 y gMP ဟᒩၒྜྷᄰ ਭMP2–MP9ᄋৈᄰࡸăDXE MPຫൈपᆍᆐ2NI{ ᒗ8/6NI{Ljᐌၒྜྷຫൈपᆍᆐ5NI{ᒗ41NI{ăᓖፀLjMP ဟᒩຫൈభݧ4W! DNPTၒྜྷă5 y gMP MP2–MP9ၒྜྷள ਭ5ॊຫޘည5ৈሤᆡăᑚ5ৈሤᆡ᎖9ৈᄰࡸLjభᄰਭ ܭ5/! ෝါ4൝)ܭED! >! ᇄਈLjC5! >! 1ǖ ᄰࡸࡴᄰ0C5! >! 2ǖᄰࡸਈࣥ* MODE 3 CW_M1 = 1 CW_M2 = 0 MSB LSB SHUTDOWN PHASE (DEG) D C B A SD (B0) (B1) (B2) (B3) (B4) 0 DC DC 0 0 0/1 90 DC DC 0 1 0/1 180 DC DC 1 0 0/1 270 DC DC 1 1 0/1 ࠈቲጤᆡࡀኡᐋሤᆡă࣪᎖ෝါ4Ljᎅ᎖ᒑޘည5ৈ ሤᆡLjፐࠥ5ৈሤᆡᒙᆡᒑ೫3ᆡLjऎᅪೝৈᆡ Đᇄđă࣪᎖ෝါ4LjDX`N2ᒙ᎖൝࢟ຳLjDX`N3 ᒙ᎖൝ࢅ࢟ຳLj༿ݬఠܭ5ă ෝါ5 কෝါݙးMP`MWETၒྜྷLjಽᅪࣖݝೂࡼ5 y gMP MP2– MP9ၒྜྷᆐඛৈᄰࡸᄋးࡩࡼሤᆡăገཇݧ5! y! gMP ၒ ྜྷLjጲܣୈดޘݝညறཀྵࡼĂᎧᐴహ܈ᇄਈࡼᑵୣMPད ࣅăᓖፀLjࠥෝါݙဧࠈቲጤᆡࡀăDXE! MPຫൈ पᆍᆐ2NI{ᒗ8/6NI{Ljၒྜྷຫൈपᆍᆐ5NI{ᒗ41NI{Lj ಢ႒ၒྜྷᄰਭMP2ᒗMP9ᄋăᆐઓᄋআᆡ఼ᒜLjጲ ۣߒჅᎌDXEᄰࡸᄴݛăআᆡ఼ᒜᄰਭSFTFUဣሚă࣪ ᎖ෝါ5LjᒙDX`N2ਜ਼DX`N3ᒗ൝࢟ຳLj༿ݬఠ ܭ6ă ܭ6/! ෝါ5൝ܭ MODE 4 CW_M1 = 1 CW_M2 = 1 PHASE (DEG) Serial bus not used in mode 4 MSB LSB SHUTDOWN D C B A SD (B0) (B1) (B2) (B3) (B4) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A O0B! >! ݙభă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 17 NBY3149 ෝါ3 ෝါ3ሆLjMP`MWETၒྜྷຫൈᆐ9 y g MP )࢜ቯᒋ*ăDXE MPຫൈपᆍᆐ2NI{ᒗ8/6NI{Ljᐌၒྜྷຫൈपᆍᐌᆐ9NI{ ᒗ71NI{LjᑚጙຫMPဟᒩገཇݧތॊMWETၒྜྷă9 y gMP ၒྜྷۻ9ॊຫLjޘည9ৈሤᆡăᑚ9ৈሤᆡ᎖9ৈᄰࡸLj ᄰਭጤᆡࡀኡᐋሤᆡᒙăᓖፀLjࠈቲጤᆡࡀᏴ ෝါ2Ă3Ă4ሆሤᄴLjᒦඛৈᄰࡸᎌሤ።ࡼ6ᆡጤᆡ ࡀLj᎖ᒙၒ߲ሤᆡăᎅ᎖ෝါ3ஞޘည9ৈሤᆡLj 5ৈሤᆡᒙᆡᒦஞ೫4ᆡLjࡣጤᆡࡀ྆ᓤᏲ6ᆡ ၫLjሤᆡࡼ߈ܠNTCᆡᇄăጤᆡࡀࡼ6ᆡᔐဵ ᎖ॊ఼ܰᒜඛৈᄰࡸࡼᄰ0ࣥă࣪᎖ෝါ3LjDX`N2 ᆡᒙᆐ൝ࢅ࢟ຳLj݀DX`N3ᒙᆐ൝࢟ຳLj༿ݬ ఠܭ4ă NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB DATA_IN CLOCK CHANNEL 1 A B C D SD CHANNEL 2 A B C D SD CHANNEL 3 A B C D SD CHANNEL 4 A B C D SD B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 CHANNEL 5 A B C D SD CHANNEL 6 A B C D SD CHANNEL 7 A B C D SD CHANNEL 8 A B C D SD B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 DATA_OUT ᅄ2/! ࠈቲጤᆡࡀࡼၫഗ ᄴݛ ᅄ2߲೫ᄰਭࠈቲၫ࣡ా࣪9ৈࣖೂᄰࡸࠈቲࡼ߈ܠ ഗ߈ăᓖፀLjࠈቲၫถ৫ጲऱါೌLjᄰਭጙᄟ ၫሣဣሚᇹᄻࡼࣶበຢ߈ܠă DXࢅᄰ݆ NBY3149ࡼඛৈDXތॊၒྜྷ࣪ਜ਼ሤ።ࡼຫၒྜྷᒄମ થࡒᎌభኡᐋࡼࢅᄰ݆ăຢૹ߅೫݀ೊ࢟ྏਜ਼࢟ᔜLj း᎖ࡒਜ਼ᐥࡒᒙă݀ೊ࢟ྏ0࢟ᔜᆀోᏴඛവDX ތॊၒྜྷ࣡LjభᄰਭDX`GJMUFSኡᐋăདࣅDX`GJMUFS ᒗ࢟ຳLj݆୯ຫൈᒙᆐǖgD >! :/6NI{ăདࣅDX` GJMUFSᒗࢅ࢟ຳLj݆୯ຫൈᒙᆐǖg D > 5/6NI{ă DX`WHᏤ݆ࡼၒྜྷᎧၒྜྷஂ࢛)በຢดࣥ*ݝఎLj࠭ ऎऴᒏMOBၒ߲ਭᏲLj݀༦ݙখܤWHBၒྜྷৢෝ࢟ኹă WHBਜ਼DXຫᔫᏇಯ ܪᓰᔫෝါLjNBY3149ᒙᆐWHBᄰࡸဧถऎຫ ᑫਈࣥ)WHBෝါ*Ljᑗᒙᆐᑵୣຫᑫဧถऎ WHBᄰࡸਈࣥ)DXෝါ*ăWHBෝါሆLj߹೫DXຫ ᑫਈࣥᅪLjࢅᄰ݆ਜ਼DXຫࡼތॊၒྜྷᏴดݝ Ꭷၒྜྷஂ࢛ࣥఎLjဧDXތॊၒྜྷ)DXJO`,ĂDXJO`.*ܤ ᆐᔜზăDXෝါࣥఎWHBၒྜྷᎧୈၒྜྷ࣡ాࡼೌ ăWHBෝါሆLjDX`WHᆐ൝࢟ຳǗDXෝါ ሆLjᐌDX`WHᆐ൝ࢅ࢟ຳă ਈࣥਜ਼ࢅෝါ ୈਈࣥෝါሆLjᇄ൙DX`WHࠀ᎖ੜᒬ൝ᓨზLjWHB ਜ਼DXຫਈࣥăᎅ᎖ೌࡵၒྜྷࡼดݝఎਈࠀ᎖ ਈࣥᓨზLjWHBਜ਼DXຫၒྜྷࠀ᎖ᔜზăୈࡼ ᔐ࢟Ꮞ࢟ഗଢ଼ᒗ38nBăQEᒙᆐ൝࢟ຳဟLjୈࠀ᎖ ਈࣥᓨზă ୈᄋࢅෝါLjጲଢ଼ࢅDXEෝါࡼăኡᐋࢅ ෝါဟLjআຫᔫᏴৎࢅࡼஸზ࢟ഗሆLjඛ ᄰࡸᔐ࢟ഗଢ଼ᒗ64nBăᓖፀLjᔫᏴࠥෝါဟLjୈࡼ ࣅზቶถᎌଢ଼ࢅLjܭ7߲ܪᓰᔫෝါࡼ൝ၫă ܭ7/! ܪᓰᔫෝါࡼ൝ၫ PD CW_VG INPUT INPUT LOW_PWR VGA CW MIXER INTERNAL SWITCH TO VGA INTERNAL SWITCH TO LPF AND CW MIXER 5V VCC CURRENT CONSUMPTION (mA) 11V VMIX CURRENT CONSUMPTION (mA) 1 1 N/A Off Off Off Off 27 0 1 0 N/A Off Off Off Off 27 0 0 0 0 Off On Off On 245 106 0 0 1 Off On Off On 245 53 0 1 N/A On Off On Off 204 0 O0B! >! ݙభă 18 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ෝါኡᐋሰ።ဟମ ෝါኡᐋሰ።ဟମܭာୈᏴDXਜ਼WHBෝါମ༤ધဟኊ ገࡼဟମăᅄ3߲೫DXၒ߲ᎧጥܭहࡍೌLj᎖ དࣅBEDࡼጙᒬऱښăকऱښᒦLjඛৈDX`JPVU,ĂDX` JPVU.ĂDX`RPVU,ĂDX`RPVU.Ꭷདࣅ࢟വᒄମৢᎌ ႐ৈࡍ࢟ྏ)᎖581oGᒗ2μGᒄମ*ăDXຫၒ߲ᄰޟ ᎖དࣅጥܭहࡍࡼၒྜྷLjᑚቋጥܭहࡍᎅᏥႯहࡍ ᔝ߅Ljၒྜྷᔜఝᎅৢෝ࢟ኹᒙ࢟ᔜࢾă 115Ω 50Ω ᆰᄌᏴ᎖Ljຫၒ߲Ꭷጥܭहࡍᒄମྀੜࡍቃးࡼ ᒇഗ࢟ྏ્࣒ྜྷීመࡼဟମޟၫLj࠭ऎଢ଼ࢅෝါኡᐋ ࡼ༤ધႥࣞă ᅄ5߲೫ጙৈᅄ3ࡼᄐࡔऱښLjถ৫ဣሚႥෝါኡᐋࡼ ሰ።ဟମă 115Ω 1μF CW_IOUT- ᑚಱࡼᄰ݆࢛ᆐgQ >! 20)3! y! π y! SD*LjࡍᏖᆐ6I{ă ᓖፀLj୷ࢅࡼᄰ݆୯ຫൈ᎖߹ሆܤຫࡼᏭྲຫ ൈLj߲ሚᏴᒇഗএதLjࡣ્ݙছཷࢅᒗ511I{ࡼDXE߅ ስቧăಿྙLjྙਫኊገݧࢅᒗ511I{ࡼDXELjᄰ݆ ࢛ࡼᔢଛኡᐋ።কᒗᆐকຫൈࡼလॊᒄጙ)= 51I{*Lj ۣᑺক્࢛࣪ݙᎌቧޘညၱିăᓖፀLjྙਫᄰ ݆࢛ᒙᆐ511I{Lj୯ຫൈࠀࡼຫሰ્ሆଢ଼4eCă ಿᒦᄰ݆ࡼ࢛ݧ6I{Lj൸ᔗၤᄀ൙ᒇഗᒗ 51I{ࡼሢᒜă 31.6kΩ 0.022μF +11V 31.6kΩ CW_IOUT+ 1μF ᅄ3/! DXຫၒ߲࢟വࡼ࢜ቯपಿ ੪ීመLjᑚጙၒ߲ᆀࡒᎌᄰ݆ਜ਼ࢅᄰ݆ăࢅ ᄰ݆ࡼ୯ຫൈᓍገᎅ226Ωຫ౯࢟ᔜĂ61Ωࠈೊ ࢟ᔜጲૺ1/133μG݀ೊ࢟ྏࢾăࢅᄰ݆᎖߹MP ቛധਜ਼ࡼࡒܟᔝᐅဉăᄰ݆ࡼ୯ຫൈᓍገᎅ 2μGᒇഗ࢟ྏਜ਼42/7lΩ݀ೊ࢟ᔜࢾLjኊገடဇఠă ଼છઁࡼᄰ݆ྙᅄ4Ⴥာă +5V ᅄ5/! ᒇഗẮၒྜྷᒗጥܭहࡍLjጲখ࿖ෝါኡᐋࡼሰ።ဟମ 1μF 31.6kΩ ᅄ5ᒦLjDXEຫࡼၒ߲ᎧጥܭहࡍᒇഗẮăፐࠥ ᏥႯहࡍܘኍถ৫ᑽߒຫၒ߲ࡼཝݝपᆍLjࡩຫ ணᒏဟᔢࡍᆐ22WLjࡩຫဧถဟࢅᒗ6WࡼNBY3149 ࢟Ꮞ࢟ኹăᏥႯहࡍభᎅኹ22Wጲૺࢅኹ6W࢟Ljፐ ࠥኊገ7WᏥႯहࡍă ᅄ4/! ཀྵࢾᄰ݆࢛ࡼ଼છ࢟വ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 19 NBY3149 ``````````````````````````````` ።ቧᇦ NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ࠈా ݆߈ܠၦ߅ተ ᄰਭNBY3149ࡼࠈాLjಽࠈቲጤᆡࡀMPᒙᆐ 27Ă95ৈᑵୣሤᆡăၫᄰਭEJOጤྜྷୈLjࠈቲጤᆡ ࡀဟᒩೌᒗDMLၒྜྷă࣪᎖ඛৈᄰࡸLjࠈቲጤᆡ ࡀᎌ6ᆡၫă༄5ᆡ᎖ᒙሤᆡLj6ᆡ᎖ဧถ ணᒏຫᑫࡼৈᄰࡸă ඛৈຫభᒙࡵ2027ሤᆡǗፐࠥඛৈᄰࡸࡼ߈ܠኊገ 5ᆡăᓍ૦ຫຫဟᒩೌࡵތॊၒྜྷMP`MWET,ਜ਼ MP`MWET.! )ෝါ2ਜ਼3*MP`! )ෝါ4ਜ਼5*ăMPBEၒྜྷᏤ ઓᓤᏲሤᆡଐၫLjၫᒋభ߈ܠLj᎖ޘညᑵཀྵࡼMPሤ ᆡăຫၒྜྷቧೌࡵڭവތॊၒྜྷLjDXJO`,ਜ਼DXJO`.ă J0Rࡒތॊၒ߲ᒄਜ਼ೌࡵDX`JPVU,0.ਜ਼DX`RPVU,0.ă DX`N2ਜ਼DX`N3᎖ኡᐋ႐ᒬభถࡼᔫෝါLjݬ ܭ2ă ܪᓰDXEෝါሆLjMP`MP`MWET,0.ࡼຫဟᒩఎLj ऎEJOĂDMLਜ਼MPBEࡼ߈ܠቧਈ)ܕMPBE > ࢟ຳ < DML > ࢅ࢟ຳǗEJO > ᇄਈLjࡣৼࢾᆐࢅ࢟ຳ*ăఎ ဪ߈ܠဟLjਈܕຫဟᒩăၫږᑍᅎୀࡼ21NI{ܠ ߈Ⴅൈ211otᔢቃၫဟᒩᒲ໐0ဟମጤྜྷጤᆡࡀLj ဟኔሮᇼቧᇦݬᅄ6ă ጤᆡࡀઁ߈ܠLjMPBEᔐሣ౯ᒗ൝ࢅ࢟ຳLjႲઁ ऩૄ൝࢟ຳLjดݝଐၫࡼၫᒋᓤᏲࡵJ0Rॊሤ0 ኡᐋăMPBEۣߒࢅ࢟ຳဟମܘኍࡉࡵuDMIăઓఎ ຫဟᒩࣅ݆ၦ߅ተLjܘኍఎဟᒩઁݣถࣅ ຫă ࠈాᏤࣶৈୈဣሚೌLj࠭ऎᔢࡍ߈ࣞିܠ ߈ೌሣăEPVUᑽߒถă tDSU tHLD tCLH DIN CLK LOAD tDCLKPWH tDCLKPWL tDCLK MIXER CLOCK ON tLD tLDMIXCLK MIXER CLOCK OFF MIXER CLOCK ON MIXER CLOCK OFF MIXER CLOCK ON MIXER CLOCK OFF MIXER CLOCK ON ᅄ6/! ጤᆡࡀဟኔᅄ 20 ______________________________________________________________________________________ ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ިဉਖपࢾፃࡼJNE4 ᔢࡍތॊ࢟ഗၒ߲ᄰޟᆐ4nBQ.QLjऎඛৈຫᄰࡸࡼ ຫ࢟ኹपᆍᆐ5/86Wᒗ23Wăඛৈތॊຫၒ߲ࡼຫ ৢෝ࢟ഗᄰޟᆐ4/36nBăᏴඛৈ226ΩঌᏲ࢟ᔜሆLjᔐ࢟ഗ ၒ߲ࢀ᎖O y 4/36nB )ᒦO > ᄰࡸၫ*ă۾ಿᒦLj,WTVN ਜ਼ .WTVN ࡼஸზၒ߲࢟ኹᆐ22W . )O y 4/36nB y 226* > 22W . )9! y! 4/36nB! y! 226*! >! 9/16Wăࡩጙৈᄰࡸᎅᔢࡍၒ߲࢟ഗ )ތॊ4nBQ.Q*དࣅLjऎᄰࡸᎌདࣅဟLjඛৈၒ߲ࡼ ࢟ኹڼ७ᆐ2/6nBQ.Q y 226ΩLj285nWQ.QLjऎތॊ࢟ኹ ᆐ459nWQ.Qă۾ಿᒦLj࢟ኹपᆍᆐ,WTVN ਜ਼.WTVN ࡼᎌ पᆍă Ꭷ࢜ቯࡼᄰቧਖपݙᄴLjިဉਖपࢾፃࡼၷፒJNE4ᒎ࣪ܪ ።ࡼೝৈၒྜྷፒᎌݙᄴࡼ७ࣞăހ၂ᒦLjg2 ࡔܭ૫ྔࢀ ᔝᒅࡼन݆Ljg3 ࡔܭኪጘࡼन݆ăઁᑗጙ܈ۅ༄ᑗࡼ ७ࣞࢅ36eCLjჅጲᑚᒬހऱါᒦLjၷፒၒྜྷࡼᒦጙৈ ܈ጙৈࢅ36eCăᏴިဉ።ᒦLjJNE4ޘᇕ)g2 . )g3 . g2** ܭሚᆐݙᇧᆃ߲ሚࡼ໋ࣶಗᇙތቧLjᅄ7ă -25dB ᅪޡݗݝ ኊገݧᅪޡݗݝവดݝມᒙ࢟വăᏴభถణத୭ FYU`D2ĂFYU`D3ਜ਼FYU`D4 )୭24Ă25Ă26*ࠀॊܰೌ 5/8μG࢟ྏᒗă ULTRASOUND IMD3 ᅪݝມᒙ࢟ᔜ FYU`SFTࠀࡼᅪݝມᒙ࢟ᔜ᎖ᒙดݝມኹLjFYU` SFT! )୭49*ᄰਭ8/6lΩ )1/2&*࢟ᔜLj࢟ᔜኍభถ ణத୭हᒙă ෝผၒྜྷਜ਼ၒ߲Ắ ࢜ቯ።ᒦLjNBY3149ᎅጙৈࢅᐅဉहࡍ)ྙNBY3145* དࣅLj݀ᄰਭWHBདࣅॊೂࡼތॊၒ߲Ăఝࢶ݆Lj ক݆ೌᒗBED )ྙNBY2547 9വBED*ăNBY3149 ࡼތॊၒྜྷᔜఝ࢜ቯᒋᆐ351ΩăWHBࡼތॊၒ߲భདࣅ 71qGࡼ࣪ތॊঌᏲ࢟ྏLjऎWHBၒ߲ތॊ࢟ྏᆐ21qGLj SM > 2lΩăތॊၒ߲ᎌࡍᏖ4/86Wࡼৢෝມᒙăྙਫሆ ጙᎌݙᄴࡼৢෝၒྜྷपᆍLjᐌ࣪ᑚቋތॊၒ߲ݧ ୣഗẮă f1 - (f2 - f1) f1 f2 f2 + (f2 - f1) ᅄ7/! ިဉJNE4ހଆၣ ࢟വݚۇ NBY3149ࡼ୭ளਭᎁછઁLjถ৫੪ऱܣᎧሤਈ ॊೂᏄୈೌLjဣሚஜࡼᇕಯݚăᄰޟLjকୈᎧ ଂৈಢ႒ୈጙ৩߅ࣶᄰࡸቧࠀಯᇹᄻă NBY3149ݧURGQ.FQॖᓤLjൡ)FQ*ᄋ೫ጙৈᎧ በᒄମࡼࢅེᔜᄰࡸăଐ࢟വ)ۇQDC*ဟLjஐᓐNBY3149 ࡼൡྲེऻޟᒮገăࠥᅪLjൡᄰਭጙৈࢅ࢟ ঢവೌᒗ࢟ăൡܘኍᒇᄰਭጙᇹ࢟ ࣜਭᒗQDCࡼށă ______________________________________________________________________________________ 21 NBY3149 DXຫၒ߲߅ +VIN 22 -V +V 100nF 100nF 100nF MAX2034 ONE CHANNEL ZIN IN CONTROL D2, D1, D0 100nF 100nF CW_FILTER CW_VG 12μH CWIN_- CWIN_+ 12μH VGIN_- VGIN_+ MAX2038 ONE CHANNEL VCC VG_CTL- GND LO DIVIDER VG_CTL+ CWD I/Q LO 50Ω 50Ω VREF CW_QOUT+ CW_QOUT- CW_IOUT- CW_IOUT+ VGOUT_- 0.1μF 0.1μF VGOUT_+ 115Ω 115Ω TO 12-BIT IMAGING ADC +VMIX 115Ω ADC CWD TO Q CHANNEL CWD Q CHANNELS IN CWD I CHANNELS IN ADC CWD 115Ω TO I CHANNEL +VMIX THIRD-ORDER BUTTERWORTH ANTI-ALIAS FILTER NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ᅄ8/! ඛৈᄰࡸࡼިဉ߅ስ࢜ቯ። ______________________________________________________________________________________ ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB VGOUT7- VGOUT7+ LO7 53 52 51 54 VGOUT6+ LO6 VCC 55 56 57 LO5 GND VGOUT659 58 VGOUT5VGOUT5+ 61 60 VG_CTL+ VG_CTL63 62 LO_LVDS+ LO_LVDS65 64 VGOUT4+ LO4 66 67 68 69 71 70 VCC VGOUT3VGOUT3+ LO3 VGOUT4- 72 VGOUT2- VGOUT2+ LO2 75 74 73 TOP VIEW LO1 76 50 VGOUT8- VGOUT1+ VGOUT1- 77 49 78 48 VGOUT8+ LO8 GND DIN GND VCC 79 47 80 46 81 45 82 44 N.C. VCC DOUT LOW_PWR CLK 83 43 CW_M1 CW_M2 84 42 85 41 VG_CLAMP_MODE VCC 86 40 M4_EN VCC CW_FILTER PD 39 CW_VG LOAD CW_QOUT+ CW_QOUT- 88 38 90 36 EXT_RES VREF CWIN8+ CW_IOUT- 91 35 CWIN8- CW_IOUT+ VREF VGIN1- 92 34 93 33 GND VGIN8+ 94 32 VGIN8- VGIN1+ GND CWIN1- 95 31 96 30 CWIN7+ CWIN7- 97 29 CWIN1+ 98 28 VGIN2VGIN2+ 100 87 MAX2038 89 37 99 27 26 CWIN6+ *EP = EXPOSED PAD GND CWIN6- VGIN6VGIN6+ VGIN5+ GND CWIN5CWIN5+ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 VCC VGIN5- 8 EXT_C1 7 EXT_C2 EXT_C3 6 GND CWIN4CWIN4+ 5 VGIN4+ 4 CWIN3CWIN3+ VGIN4- 3 VGIN3VGIN3+ 2 CWIN2CWIN2+ 1 GND *EP GND VGIN7+ VGIN7- TQFP ``````````````````````````````` በຢቧᇦ ``````````````````````````````` ॖᓤቧᇦ PROCESS: Silicon Complementary Bipolar ྙኊᔢதࡼॖᓤᅪተቧᇦਜ਼ݚLj༿އኯ china.maxim-ic. com/packagesă༿ᓖፀLjॖᓤܠ൩ᒦࡼĐ,đĂĐ$đĐ.đஞܭာ SpITᓨზăॖᓤᅄᒦభถ۞ݙᄴࡼᆘᓮᔊ९LjࡣॖᓤᅄᒑᎧॖ ᓤᎌਈLjᎧSpITᓨზᇄਈă ॖᓤಢቯ ॖᓤܠ൩ ᆪܠ 100 TQFP-EP C100E+3 21-0116 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 23 NBY3149 ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ୭ᒙ NBY3149 ૹ߅೫ڭവDXຫࡼ ިဉWHB ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ኀࢿ಼ဥ ኀࢿ ኀࢿ྇໐ ႁී 0 1/09 ᔢ߱۾ۈă 1 5/10 ᔪ೫ጙቋቃࡼኀᑵă ኀখ — 2–10, 12, 13, 18 Nbyjn ۱யࠀူێ ۱ய 9439ቧረ ᎆᑶܠ൩ 211194 ॅ࢟જǖ911!921!1421 ࢟જǖ121.7322 62:: ࠅᑞǖ121.7322 63:: Nbyjn࣪ݙNbyjnޘອጲᅪࡼྀੜ࢟വဧঌᐊLjጐݙᄋᓜಽభăNbyjnۣഔᏴྀੜဟମĂᎌྀੜᄰۨࡼ༄ᄋሆኀখޘອᓾ೯ਜ਼ਖৃࡼཚಽă 24 ____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 © 2010 Maxim Integrated Products Nbyjn ဵ Nbyjn!Joufhsbufe!Qspevdut-!Jod/ ࡼᓖݿܪă MAX2038 集成了八路CW混频器的超声VGA - 概述 ENGLISH • 简体中文 • 日本語 • 한국어 • РУССКИЙ Login | Register 最新内容 产品 方案 设计 应用 技术支持 销售联络 公司简介 Maxim > 产品 > 放大器和比较器 > MAX2038 MAX2038 集成了八路CW混频器的超声VGA 首款8通道VGA + CW多普勒波束成型IC,具有业内最高的集成度 概述 技术文档 定购信息 相关产品 用户说明 (0) 所有内容 状况 状况:生产中。 概述 数据资料 8通道可变增益放大器(VGA)和可编程8路混频器阵列MAX2038是针对高线性度、高动态范围以及低噪 声性能的超声成像和多普勒应用而设计的。每一个放大器都具有差分输入和输出,总增益范围为42dB (典型值)。此外,VGA还具有极低的输出参考噪声,适合与12位ADC连接。 MAX2038 VGA经设计优化,绝对增益误差小于±0.25dB,以确保超声波束形成时的通道间聚集误差最 小。器件的差分输出可通过外部无源抗混叠滤波器直接驱动超声波用ADC。每个放大器的输出还提供 可使能或禁止的箝位功能,以限制输出信号,从而防止ADC过驱动或饱和。 完整的数据资料 英文 下载 Rev. 1 (PDF, 332kB) 中文 下载 Rev. 1 (PDF, 832kB) 器件的动态性能经过了优化,从而大大降低了失真,支持二次谐波成像。在VOUT = 1.5VP-P 和fIN = 5MHz时,器件的二次谐波失真为-70dBc;在VOUT = 1.5VP-P 和fIN = 5MHz时,超声规范*双音3阶交 调失真为-52dBc。 MAX2038还集成了8路积分混频器阵列和可编程LO相位发生器,用于实现完备的CW波束方案。每通 道的LO相位选择可以通过数字串行接口和单个高频时钟进行设置,或者每个复杂混频器对的LO均可直 接由分离的4 x LO时钟直接驱动。串行接口允许多个器件方便地进行菊链连接,以减少编程接口线的 数量。LO相位分配器可以编程至4、8、16正交相位。每个CW混频器的输入通路包含可选的低通滤波 器,用于优化CWD噪声性能。这些混频器输出相加到I和Q差分电流输出。混频器和LO发生器设计用 于实现优异的噪声性能:1.25MHz载波、1kHz偏移时为-155dBc/Hz。 MAX2038工作于+5.0V电源,VGA模式下每通道功耗仅为120mW,正常功率CW模式下每通道功耗仅 为269mW。此外还提供低功耗CW模式,每通道功耗仅为226mW。器件提供带裸焊盘的100引 脚TQFP (14mm x 14mm x 1mm)无铅封装。在0°C至+70°C温度范围内能保证其电气性能。 现备有评估板:MAX2038EVKIT 关键特性 8通道架构 高集成度适合超声成像应用 与超声VGA MAX2037引脚兼容 VGA特性 最大增益、增益范围以及输出参考噪声性能均经过优化,适合与12位ADC连接 最大增益为29.5dB 总增益范围为42dB 5MHz时,具有22nV/ 的超低输出参考噪声 绝对增益误差为±0.25dB 每通道功耗为120mW 可使能或禁止的输出VGA箝位功能,消除ADC过驱动 全差分VGA输出,可直接驱动ADC 可变增益范围可实现42dB动态范围 VOUT = 1.5VP-P ,fIN = 5MHz时,HD2为-70dBc VOUT = 1.5VP-P ,fIN = 5MHz时,双音超声规范* IMD3为-52dBc CW多普勒混频器特性 1.25MHz载波、1kHz偏移时的混频器噪声低至-155dBc/Hz 串行可编程LO相位发生器,可实现4、8、16 LO积分相位分辨率 可选的独立通道4 x fLO LO输入驱动 每通道功耗为269mW (正常功率模式)和226mW (低功耗模式) 图表 http://china.maxim-ic.com/datasheet/index.mvp/id/6015[2011-1-14 6:33:34] 应用/使用 声纳系统 超声成像 我的Maxim MAX2038 集成了八路CW混频器的超声VGA - 概述 引脚配置 注释、注解 *参见应用信息部分中的超声规范IMD3。 更多信息 新品发布 [ 2009-08-06 ] 没有找到你需要的产品吗? 应用工程师帮助选型,下个工作日回复 参数搜索 应用帮助 概述 技术文档 定购信息 相关产品 概述 关键特性 应用/ 使用 关键指标 图表 注释、注解 数据资料 应用笔记 评估板 设计指南 可靠性报告 软件/ 模型 价格与供货 样品 在线订购 封装信息 无铅信息 类似功能器件 类似应用器件 评估板 类似型号器件 配合该器件使用的产品 参考文献: 19- 4375 Rev. 1; 2010- 08- 06 本页最后一次更新: 2011- 01- 10 http://china.maxim-ic.com/datasheet/index.mvp/id/6015[2011-1-14 6:33:34] MAX2038 集成了八路CW混频器的超声VGA - 概述 联络我们:信息反馈、提出问题 • 对该网页的评价 • 发送本网页 • 隐私权政策 • 法律声明 © 2011 Maxim Integrated Products版权所有 http://china.maxim-ic.com/datasheet/index.mvp/id/6015[2011-1-14 6:33:34] 19-4375; Rev 1; 5/10 KIT ATION EVALU E L B AVAILA Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer Features The MAX2038 8-channel variable-gain amplifier (VGA) and programmable octal mixer array is designed for high linearity, high dynamic range, and low noise performance targeting ultrasound imaging and Doppler applications. Each amplifier features differential inputs and outputs and a total gain range of 42dB (typ). In addition, the VGAs offer very low output-referred noise performance suitable for interfacing with 12-bit ADCs. The MAX2038 VGA is optimized for less than ±0.25dB absolute gain error to ensure minimal channel-to-channel ultrasound beamforming focus error. The device’s differential outputs are designed to directly drive ultrasound ADCs through an external passive anti-aliasing filter. A switchable clamp is also provided at each amplifier’s output to limit the output signals, thereby preventing ADC overdrive or saturation. Dynamic performance of the device is optimized to reduce distortion to support second-harmonic imaging. The device achieves a second-harmonic distortion specification of -70dBc at VOUT = 1.5VP-P and fIN = 5MHz and an ultrasound-specific*, two-tone, third-order intermodulation distortion specification of -52dBc at VOUT = 1.5VP-P and fIN = 5MHz. The MAX2038 also integrates an octal quadrature mixer array and programmable LO phase generators for a complete CW beamforming solution. The LO phase selection for each channel can be programmed using a digital serial interface and a single high-frequency clock or the LOs for each complex mixer pair can be directly driven using separate 4 x LO clocks. The serial interface is designed to allow multiple devices to be easily daisy chained to minimize program interface wiring. The LO phase dividers can be programmed to allow 4, 8, or 16 quadrature phases. The input path of each CW mixer consists of a selectable lowpass filter for optimal CWD noise performance. The outputs of the mixers are summed into I and Q differential current outputs. The mixers and LO generators are designed to have exceptionally low noise performance of -155dBc/Hz at 1kHz offset from a 1.25MHz carrier. The MAX2038 operates from a +5.0V power supply, consuming only 120mW/channel in VGA mode and 269mW/channel in normal power CW mode. A lowpower CW mode is also available and consumes only 226mW/channel. The device is available in a lead-free 100-pin TQFP package (14mm x 14mm x 1mm) with an exposed pad. Electrical performance is guaranteed over a 0°C to +70°C temperature range. o 8-Channel Configuration o High Integration for Ultrasound Imaging Applications o Pin Compatible with the MAX2037 Ultrasound VGA VGA Features o Maximum Gain, Gain Range, and Output-Referred Noise Optimized for Interfacing with 12-Bit ADCs Maximum Gain of 29.5dB Total Gain Range of 42dB 22nV/√Hz Ultra-Low Output-Referred Noise at 5MHz o ±0.25dB Absolute Gain Error o 120mW Consumption per Channel o Switchable Output VGA Clamp Eliminating ADC Overdrive o Fully Differential VGA Outputs for Direct ADC Drive o Variable Gain Range Achieves 42dB Dynamic Range o -70dBc HD2 at VOUT = 1.5VP-P and fIN = 5MHz o Two-Tone Ultrasound-Specific* IMD3 of -52dBc at VOUT = 1.5VP-P and fIN = 5MHz CW Doppler Mixer Features o Low Mixer Noise of -155dBc/Hz at 1kHz Offset from 1.25MHz Carrier o Serial-Programmable LO Phase Generator for 4, 8, 16 LO Quadrature Phase Resolution o Optional Individual Channel 4 x fLO LO Input Drive Capability o 269mW Power Consumption per Channel (Normal Power Mode) and 226mW Power Consumption per Channel (Low-Power Mode) Applications Ultrasound Imaging Sonar Ordering Information PART TEMP RANGE PIN-PACKAGE MAX2038CCQ+D 0°C to +70°C 100 TQFP-EP* MAX2038CCQ+TD 0°C to +70°C 100 TQFP-EP* +Denotes a lead(Pb)-free/RoHS-compliant package. D = Dry packing. T = Tape and reel. *EP = Exposed pad. *See the Ultrasound-Specific IMD3 Specification in the Applications Information section. Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet. ________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1 For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at www.maxim-ic.com. MAX2038 General Description MAX2038 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS VCC, VREF to GND .................................................-0.3V to +5.5V Any Other Pins to GND...............................-0.3V to (VCC + 0.3V) CW Mixer Output Voltage to GND (CW_IOUT+, CW_IOUT-, CW_QOUT+, CW_QOUT-) ................................................13V VGA Differential Input Voltage (VGIN_+, VGIN_-)............8.0VP-P Analog Gain Control Differential Input Voltage (VG_CTL+, VG_CTL-) ..................................................8.0VP-P CW Mixer Differential Input Voltage (CWIN_+, CWIN_-).......................................................8.0VP-P CW Mixer LVDS LO Differential Input Voltage..................8.0VP-P Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) 100-Pin TQFP (derated 45.5mW/°C above +70°C)...3636.4mW Operating Temperature Range...............................0°C to +70°C Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C θJC (Note 1) .....................................................................+2°C/W θJA (Note 1) ...................................................................+22°C/W Storage Temperature Range .............................-40°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300°C Soldering Temperature (reflow) .......................................+260°C Note 1: Package thermal resistances were obtained using the method described in JEDEC specification JESD51-7, using a fourlayer board. For detailed information on package thermal considerations, refer to www.maxim-ic.com/thermal-tutorial. Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—VGA MODE (Typical Application Circuit, Figure 7. VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VCM = (3/5)VREF, TA = 0°C to +70°C, VGND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 0 or 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 1, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, no RF signals applied, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, CW mixer outputs pulled up to +11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors, all CW channels programmed off. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDTIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 4.75 5 5.25 V V VGA MODE Supply Voltage Range VCC VCC External Reference VREF (Note 3) Refers to VCC supply current plus VREF current Total Power-Supply Current 5 5.25 PD = 0 4.75 204 231 PD = 1 27 33 mA VCC Supply Current IVCC 192 216 mA VREF Current IREF 12 15 mA Refers to VCC supply current 24 27 mA Minimum gain +2 Maximum gain -2 Current Consumption per Amplifier Channel Differential Analog Control Voltage Range Differential Analog Control Common-Mode Voltage VCM 2.85 Analog Control Input Source/Sink Current VP-P 3 3.15 V 4.5 5 mA LOGIC INPUTS CMOS Input High Voltage VIH CMOS Input Low Voltage VIL 2 2.3 _______________________________________________________________________________________ V 0.8 V Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer ( Typical Application Circuit , Figure 7. V CC = V REF = 4.75V to 5.25V, T A = 0°C to +70°C, V GND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 0 or 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 0, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, no RF signals applied, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, CW mixer outputs pulled up to +11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDTIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS CW MIXER MODE Current in Full-Power Mode 5V VCC Supply ICC_FP Refers to VCC supply current (all 8 channels) 245 265 mA Current in Full-Power Mode 11V VMIX Supply IMIX_FP Refers to VMIX supply current (all 8 channels) 106 120 mA Current in Full-Power Mode 5V VREF Supply IREF_FP Refers to VREF supply current (all 8 channels) 17 21 mA PDISS_FP Total power dissipation (all 8 channels including both 5V (VCC and VREF) and 11V mixer pullup supply power dissipation in the device) (Note 4) 2.15 2.41 W Current in Low-Power Mode 5V VCC Supply ICC_LP LOW_PWR = 1; refers to VCC supply current (all 8 channels) 245 265 mA Current in Low-Power Mode 11V VMIX Supply IMIX_LP LOW_PWR = 1; refers to VMIX supply current (all 8 channels) 53 60 mA Current in Low-Power Mode 5V VREF Supply IREF_LP LOW_PWR = 1; refers to VREF supply current (all 8 channels) 17 21 mA PDISS_LP LOW_PWR = 1; total power dissipation (all 8 channels including both 5V (VCC and VREF) and 11V mixer pullup supply power dissipation in the device) (Note 4) 1.81 2.06 W Mixer LVDS LO Input CommonMode Voltage Modes 1 and 2 (Note 5) 1.25 ±0.2 V LVDS LO Differential Input Voltage Modes 1 and 2 700 mVP-P LVDS LO Input Common-Mode Current Per pin 150 LVDS LO Differential Input Resistance Modes 1 and 2 (Note 6) 30 Mixer IF Common-Mode Output Current Common-mode current in each of the differential mixer outputs (Note 7) DATA Output High Voltage DOUT voltage when terminated in DIN (daisy chain) (Note 8) DATA Output Low Voltage DOUT voltage when terminated in DIN (daisy chain) (Note 8) Power Dissipation in Full-Power Mode Power Dissipation in Low-Power Mode 200 3.25 200 µA kΩ 3.75 4.5 mA V 0.5 V _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 MAX2038 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—CW MIXER MODE MAX2038 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—VGA MODE (Typical Application Circuit, Figure 7. VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VCM = (3/5)VREF, TA = 0°C to +70°C, VGND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 1, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = fLO/16 = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, CW mixer outputs pulled up to +11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors, differential mixer inputs are driven from a low impedance source. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN CW_VG set from logic 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1 (Note 9) Mode Select Response Time TYP MAX 2 UNITS µs VGA MODE Full-Scale Bandwidth Small-Signal Bandwidth Differential Input Resistance Input Effective Capacitance f-1.3dB f-1.3dB VOUT = 1.5VP-P, 1.3dB bandwidth, gain = 10dB Differential output capacitance is 10pF, capacitance to GND at each single-ended output is 60pF, RL = 1kΩ 18 No capacitive load RL = 1kΩ 29 VOUT = 1.5mVP-P, 3dB bandwidth, gain = 10dB RIN CIN MHz 30 170 fRF = 10MHz, each input to ground 200 MHz 230 15 Ω pF 100 Ω Maximum Gain +29.5 dB Minimum Gain -12.5 dB 42 dB Differential Output Resistance ROUT Gain Range Absolute Gain Error TA = +25°C, full gain range 0% to 100%, VREF = 5V VGA Gain Response Time 40dB gain change to within 1dB final value 1 µs Input-Referred Noise VG_CTL set for maximum gain, no input signal 2 nV/√Hz Output-Referred Noise VG_CTL set for +10dB of gain Second Harmonic Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion HD2 IMD3 ±0.25 No input signal 22 VOUT = 1.5VP-P, 1kHz offset 55 VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, VG_CTL set for +10dB of gain, fRF = 5MHz, VOUT = 1.5VP-P ±1.5 dB nV/√Hz -70 dBc VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, VG_CTL set for +10dB of gain, fRF = 10MHz, VOUT = 1.5VP-P -55 -65 VG_CLT set for +10dB of gain, fRF1 = 5MHz, fRF2 = 5.01MHz, VOUT = 1.5VP-P, VREF = 5V (Note 3) -40 -52 dBc Channel-to-Channel Crosstalk VOUT = 1VP-P differential, fRF = 10MHz, VG_CTL set for +10dB of gain -80 dB Maximum Output Voltage at Clamp ON VG_CLAMP_MODE = 0, VG_CTL set for +20dB of gain, 350mVP-P differential input 2.4 VP-P differential 4 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer (Typical Application Circuit, Figure 7. VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, TA = 0°C to +70°C, VGND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 0, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = fLO/16 = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, CW mixer outputs pulled up to +11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors, differential mixer inputs are driven from a low impedance source. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL Maximum Output Voltage at ClampOFF CONDITIONS MIN VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, VG_CTL set for +20dB of gain, 350mVP-P differential input TYP MAX UNITS VP-P differential 2.8 CW MIXER MODE Mixer RF Frequency Range 0.9 7.6 MHz Mixer LO Frequency Range 1 7.5 MHz Mixer IF Frequency Range 100 kHz Maximum Input Voltage Range 1.8 VP-P differential Differential Input Resistance 633 CW_FILTER = 1 1440 Mode 3, fRF = fLO/4 = 1.25MHz, measured at a 1kHz offset frequency; clutter tone at 0.9VP-P differential measured at the mixer input Input-Referred Noise Voltage Third-Order Intermodulation Distortion CW_FILTER = 0 IMD3 Ω 6 nV/√Hz Mode 3, RF terminated into 50Ω; fLO/4 = 1.25MHz, measured at 1kHz offset 4.6 Mode 1, fRF1 = 5MHz at 0.9VP-P differential input, Doppler tone fRF2 = 5.01MHz at 25dBc from clutter tone, fLO/16 = 5MHz (Note 10) -50 Mixer Output Voltage Compliance (Note 11) Channel-to-Channel Phase Matching Measured under zero beat conditions, fRF = 5MHz, fLO/16 = 5MHz (Note 12) ±3.0 Degrees Channel-to-Channel Gain Matching Measured under zero beat conditions, fRF = 5MHz, fLO/16 = 5MHz (Note 12) ±2 dB CW_FILTER = 1 2.8 Transconductance (Note 13) CW_FILTER = 0 4.75 dBc fRF = 1.1MHz, 1VP-P differential, fLO/16 = 1MHz 12 2.8 V mS _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 MAX2038 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—CW MIXER MODE MAX2038 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—CW MIXER MODE (continued) (Typical Application Circuit, Figure 7. VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, TA = 0°C to +70°C, VGND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 0, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = fLO/16 = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, CW mixer outputs pulled up to +11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors, differential mixer inputs are driven from a low impedance source. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS 10 MHz SERIAL SHIFT REGISTER Serial Shift Register Programming Rate Minimum Data Set-Up Time tDSU 30 ns Minimum Data Hold Time tHLD 2 ns Minimum Data Clock Time tDCLK 100 ns Minimum Data Clock Pulse Width High tDCLKPWH 30 ns Minimum Data Clock Pulse Width Low tDCLKPWL 30 ns tLD 30 ns tMIXCLK 30 ns tCLH 30 ns Minimum Load Line Minimum Load Line High to Mixer Clock On Minimum Data Clock to Load Line High Note 2: Specifications at TA = +25°C and TA = +70°C are guaranteed by production test. Specifications at TA = 0°C are guaranteed by design and characterization. Note 3: Noise performance of the device is dependent on the noise contribution from the supply to VREF. Use a low-noise supply for VREF. VCC and VREF can be connected together to share the same supply voltage if the supply for VCC exhibits low noise. Note 4: Total on-chip power dissipation is calculated as PDISS = VCC x ICC + VREF x IREF + [11V - (IMIX/4) x 115] x IMIX. Note 5: Note that the LVDS CWD LO clocks are DC-coupled. This is to ensure immediate synchronization when the clock is first turned on. An AC-coupled LO is problematic in that the RC time constant associated with the coupling capacitors and the input impedance of the pin causes there to be a period of time (related to the RC time constant) when the DC level on the chip side of the capacitor is outside the acceptable common-mode range and the LO swing does not exceed both the logic thresholds required for proper operation. This problem associated with AC-coupling would cause an inability to ensure synchronization among beam-forming channels. The LVDS signal is terminated differentially with an external 100Ω resistor on the board. Note 6: External 100Ω resistor terminates the LVDS differential signal path. Note 7: The mixer common-mode current (3.25mA/channel) is specified as the common-mode current in each of the differential mixer outputs (CW_QOUT+, CW_QOUT-, CW_IOUT+, CW_IOUT-). Note 8: Specification guaranteed only for DOUT driving DIN of the next device in a daisy-chain fashion. Note 9: This response time does not include the CW output highpass filter. When switching to VGA mode, the CW outputs stop drawing current and the output voltage goes to the rail. If a highpass filter is used, the recovery time can be excessive and a switching network is recommended as shown in the Applications Information section. Note 10: See the Ultrasound-Specific IMD3 Specification in the Applications Information section. Note 11: Mixer output-voltage compliance is the range of acceptable voltages allowed on the CW mixer outputs. Note 12: Channel-to-channel gain-and-phase matching measured on 30 pieces during engineering characterization at room temperature. Each mixer is used as a phase detector and produces a DC voltage in the IQ plane. The phase is given by the angle of the vector drawn on that plane. Multiple channels from multiple parts are compared to each other to produce the phase variation. Note 13: Transconductance is defined as the quadrature summing of the CW differential output current at baseband divided by the mixer’s input voltage. 6 _______________________________________________________________________________________ Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer -50 0 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL -10 -20 3.0 2.5 2.0 -60 IMD3 (dBc) PSMR (dBc) 3.5 -70 -30 f = 10MHz -40 -50 -80 1.5 -60 1.0 -90 0 -100 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 -80 0 25 FREQUENCY (MHz) 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 -15 -5 5 FREQUENCY (kHz) 15 25 35 GAIN (dB) SECOND HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. GAIN THIRD HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. GAIN 0 -10 f = 2MHz VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL 0 -20 -10 MAX2038 toc05 5.0 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL -20 -30 -30 f = 12MHz -40 HD3 (dBc) 2.5 MAX2038 toc04 0 f = 5MHz -70 0.5 HD2 (dBc) OVERDRIVE PHASE DELAY (ns) VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VMOD = 50mVP-P, fCARRIER = 5MHz, GAIN = 10dB MAX2038 toc02 VIN1 = 35mVP-P DIFFERENTIAL VIN2 = 87.5mVP-P DIFFERENTIAL GAIN = 20dB 4.0 -40 MAX2038 toc01 5.0 4.5 TWO-TONE ULTRASOUND-SPECIFIC IMD3 vs. GAIN POWER-SUPPLY MODULATION RATIO MAX2038 toc03 OVERDRIVE PHASE DELAY vs. FREQUENCY -50 -60 -70 f = 12MHz -40 f = 5MHz -50 -60 -70 f = 5MHz -80 -80 -90 f = 2MHz -90 f = 2MHz -100 -100 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 -15 GAIN (dB) -5 5 15 35 OVERLOAD RECOVERY TIME OVERLOAD RECOVERY TIME MAX2038 toc07 MAX2038 toc06 f = 5MHz f = 5MHz DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT 1.0V/div OUTPUT 1VP-P TO OVERLOAD AND BACK TO 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT 2.0V/div DIFFERENTIAL INPUT 2.0V/div DIFFERENTIAL INPUT 1.0V/div 400ns/div 25 GAIN (dB) OUTPUT 100mVP-P TO OVERLOAD AND BACK TO 100mVP-P 400ns/div _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 MAX2038 Typical Operating Characteristics (Figure 7, VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VGND = 0V, PD = 0V, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, TA = 0°C to +70°C. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (Figure 7, VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VGND = 0V, PD = 0, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, TA = 0°C to +70°C. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) -85 -70 -80 -90 -90 -95 -100 5 15 25 30 20 10 0 1 35 10 GAIN vs. DIFFERENTIAL ANALOG CONTROL VOLTAGE (VG_CTL) 40 MAX2038 toc11 25 35 GAIN (dB) 15 5 -5 -15 -25 -0.5 0.5 1.5 VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = -2VP-P DIFFERENTIAL 25 15 20 5 10 0 5 -5 0 -10 1 LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY 15 10 MAX2038 toc14 VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = +0.6VP-P DIFFERENTIAL 10 100 0.1 1000 LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY 5 -10 GAIN (dB) -5 GAIN (dB) 5 -10 -15 -10 -20 -25 -15 -25 -30 -20 -30 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 1000 1000 -15 -5 10 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = +1.7VP-P DIFFERENTIAL 0 -5 1 100 LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY 0 0.1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 10 0 1 FREQUENCY (MHz) VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = +1.5VP-P 5 35 10 15 0.1 25 VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = -1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL 25 20 VG_CTL (VP-P DIFFERENTIAL) 20 30 30 2.5 15 LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY GAIN (dB) f = 5MHz 5 GAIN (dB) LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY 35 -1.5 -5 FREQUENCY (MHz) GAIN (dB) -2.5 -15 100 MAX2038 toc12 -5 MAX2038 toc15 -15 MAX2038 toc10 40 -110 -100 GAIN (dB) f = 5MHz MAX2038 toc13 -80 -60 50 MAX2038 toc16 -75 OUTPUT-REFERRED NOISE VOLTAGE (nV/√Hz) -50 CROSSTALK (dB) CROSSTALK (dB) VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL GAIN = 10dB, ADJACENT CHANNELS -40 -70 8 MAX2038 toc09 VOUT = 1.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL f = 10MHz, ADJACENT CHANNELS -65 -30 MAX2038 toc08 -60 OUTPUT-REFERRED NOISE VOLTAGE vs. GAIN CHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL CROSSTALK vs. FREQUENCY CHANNEL-TO-CHANNEL CROSSTALK vs. GAIN GAIN (dB) MAX2038 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer -20 -35 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) 100 1000 0.1 1 10 FREQUENCY (MHz) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 100 1000 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer -10 -20 -25 -30 THIRD HARMONIC -40 -50 -60 -70 SECOND HARMONIC -80 -55 -65 -70 -75 -85 -90 -95 100 1000 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 SECOND HARMONIC -80 -100 10 THIRD HARMONIC -60 -100 1 MAX2038 toc19 -50 -40 2.5 200 3.0 500 800 1100 1400 1700 2000 FREQUENCY (MHz) DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE (VP-P) DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT LOAD (Ω) HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT LOAD CAPACITANCE HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. FREQUENCY TWO-TONE ULTRASOUND-SPECIFIC IMD3 vs. FREQUENCY -55 THIRD HARMONIC -60 -65 -70 -75 SECOND HARMONIC -80 -85 -90 25 45 65 85 -20 -30 THIRD HARMONIC -40 -50 -60 -70 SECOND HARMONIC -30 -40 -50 -80 -60 -70 0 105 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT LOAD (pF) FREQUENCY (MHz) FREQUENCY (MHz) GAIN ERROR HISTOGRAM OUTPUT COMMON-MODE OFFSET VOLTAGE vs. GAIN DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT IMPEDANCE MAGNITUDE vs. FREQUENCY 35 30 25 20 15 160 5 0 -15 0 -20 -0.40 -0.35 -0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 140 120 -5 5 GAIN ERROR (dB) 180 10 100 -10 10 200 MAX2038 toc24 15 OFFSET VOLTAGE (mV) 40 20 |ZOUT| SAMPLE SIZE = 202 UNITS, fIN_ = 5MHz, GAIN = 10dB MAX2038 toc23 5 MAX2038 toc22 -20 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL GAIN = 10dB -10 -100 -100 45 0 -90 -95 50 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL GAIN = 10dB MAX2038 toc25 -50 0 -10 IMD3 (dBc) VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL f = 5MHz, GAIN = 10dB -45 MAX2038 toc21 MAX2038 toc20 -40 HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) -30 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL f = 5MHz, GAIN = 10dB -45 -90 0.1 % OF UNITS -20 -40 -35 HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) GAIN (dB) -15 VOUT = 1VP-P DIFFERENTIAL f = 5MHz, GAIN = 10dB -10 HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) -5 0 MAX2038 toc18 VOUT = 0.5VP-P DIFFERENTIAL VG_CTL = +2VP-P DIFFERENTIAL HARMONIC DISTORTION (dBc) MAX2038 toc17 0 HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT LOAD RESISTANCE HARMONIC DISTORTION vs. DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE LARGE-SIGNAL BANDWIDTH vs. FREQUENCY 80 60 -15 -5 5 15 GAIN (dB) 25 35 0.1 1 10 100 FREQUENCY (MHz) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 9 MAX2038 Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (Figure 7, VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VGND = 0V, PD = 0, VG_CLAMP_MODE = 1, fRF = 5MHz, capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs is 60pF, differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ, TA = 0°C to +70°C. Typical values are at VCC = VREF = 5V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) Typical Operating Characteristics (continued) (Figure 7, VCC = VREF = 4.75V to 5.25V, VGND = 0V, LOW_PWR = 0, M4_EN = 0, CW_FILTER = 1, TEST_MODE = 0, PD = 0, CW_VG = 0, CW_M1 = 0, CW_M2 = 0, CW mixer outputs pulled up to 11V through four separate ±0.1% 115Ω resistors, differential mixer inputs are driven from a low-impedance source. CW FILTER RESPONSE (CW_FILTER = 1) CW FILTER RESPONSE (CW_FILTER = 0) 2 0 MAX2038 toc27 5 MAX2038 toc26 4 0 -5 LOSS (dB) LOSS (dB) -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -15 -20 -10 -25 -12 -14 -30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 FREQUENCY (MHz) CW IMD3 vs. FREQUENCY (MODE 1, VRF = 900mVP-P DIFF, VCC = VREF) INPUT-REFERRED NOISE vs. CLUTTER VOLTAGE (MODE 4, F_CLUTTER = 1.25MHz AT 1kHz OFFSET) -48 -49 -50 -51 -52 4.75 5.00 5.25 -53 MAX2038 toc29 14 INPUT-REFERRED NOISE (nV/√Hz) MAX2038 toc28 -47 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -54 0 2 4 FREQUENCY (MHz) 10 0 FREQUENCY (MHz) -46 CW IMD3 (dBc) MAX2038 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer 6 8 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 CLUTTER VOLTAGE (VP-P DIFF) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer PIN NAME 1 CWIN2- FUNCTION 2 CWIN2+ 3 VGIN3- VGA Channel 3 Inverting Differential Input 4 VGIN3+ VGA Channel 3 Noninverting Differential Input 5, 10, 19, 24, 29, 34, 58, 79, 81, 96 GND CW Mixer Channel 2 Inverting Differential Input CW Mixer Channel 2 Noninverting Differential Input Ground 6 CWIN3- CW Mixer Channel 3 Inverting Differential Input 7 CWIN3+ CW Mixer Channel 3 Noninverting Differential Input 8 VGIN4- VGA Channel 4 Inverting Differential Input 9 VGIN4+ VGA Channel 4 Noninverting Differential Input 11 CWIN4- CW Mixer Channel 4 Inverting Differential Input 12 CWIN4+ CW Mixer Channel 4 Noninverting Differential Input 13 EXT_C1 External Compensation. Connect a 4.7µF capacitor to ground as close as possible to the pin to bypass the internal biasing circuitry. 14 EXT_C2 External Compensation. Connect a 4.7µF capacitor to ground as close as possible to the pin to bypass the internal biasing circuitry. 15 EXT_C3 External Compensation. Connect a 4.7µF capacitor to ground as close as possible to the pin to bypass the internal biasing circuitry. 16, 42, 46, 54, 72, 82, 87 VCC 5V Power Supply. Connect to an external +5V power supply. Bypass each VCC supply to ground with 0.1µF capacitors as close as possible to the pins. 17 VGIN5- VGA Channel 5 Inverting Differential Input 18 VGIN5+ VGA Channel 5 Noninverting Differential Input 20 CWIN5- CW Mixer Channel 5 Inverting Differential Input 21 CWIN5+ 22 VGIN6- VGA Channel 6 Inverting Differential Input 23 VGIN6+ VGA Channel 6 Noninverting Differential Input 25 CWIN6- CW Mixer Channel 6 Inverting Differential Input 26 CWIN6+ 27 VGIN7- VGA Channel 7 Inverting Differential Input 28 VGIN7+ VGA Channel 7 Noninverting Differential Input 30 CWIN7- CW Mixer Channel 7 Inverting Differential Input 31 CWIN7+ 32 VGIN8- VGA Channel 8 Inverting Differential Input 33 VGIN8+ VGA Channel 8 Noninverting Differential Input 35 CWIN8- CW Mixer Channel 8 Inverting Differential Input 36 CWIN8+ CW Mixer Channel 8 Noninverting Differential Input CW Mixer Channel 5 Noninverting Differential Input CW Mixer Channel 6 Noninverting Differential Input CW Mixer Channel 7 Noninverting Differential Input ______________________________________________________________________________________ 11 MAX2038 Pin Description Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer MAX2038 Pin Description (continued) PIN 12 NAME FUNCTION 37, 93 VREF +5V Reference Supply. Connect to a low-noise power supply. Bypass to GND with a 0.1µF capacitor as close as possible to the pins. Note that noise performance of the device is dependent on the noise contribution from the supply to VREF. Use a low-noise supply for VREF. VCC and VREF can be connected together to share the same supply voltage if the supply for VCC exhibits low noise. 38 EXT_RES 39 CW_VG 40 PD 41 CW_FILTER CW Filter Mode Corner Frequency Select. Selects in corner frequency of the internal lowpass filter for the CW path. Set CW_FILTER to a logic-high for a corner frequency of 9.5MHz. Set CW_FILTER to a logic-low for a corner frequency of 4.5MHz. 43 M4_EN Mode 4 Enable. Set M4_EN to a logic-high to override the serial port and activate all 8 channels of the CW path. 44 LOW_PWR 45 DOUT 47 N.C. No Connect. Leave this pin unconnected (this pin is the TEST_MODE pin called out in the MAX2038 EV kit data sheet). 48 LO8 CW LO Input for Channel 8. LO clock input for modes 3 and 4. 49 VGOUT8+ VGA Channel 8 Noninverting Differential Output 50 VGOUT8- VGA Channel 8 Inverting Differential Output External Resistor. Connect a 0.1% 7.5kΩ resistor to ground as close as possible to the pin to set the bias for the internal biasing circuitry. CW Mixer VGA Enable. Selects for VGA or CW mixer operation. Set CW_VG to a logic-high to enable the VGAs while the CW mixers are powered down. Set CW_VG to a logic-low to enable the CW mixers while the VGAs are powered down. Power-Down Switch. Drive PD high to set the device in power-down mode. Drive PD low for normal operation. Low-Power Enable. Set high to enable low-power CW mixer mode for the device. Serial Port Data Output. Data output for ease of daisy-chaining CW channels for analog beamforming programming. 51 LO7 52 VGOUT7+ CW LO Input for Channel 7. LO clock input for modes 3 and 4. VGA Channel 7 Noninverting Differential Output 53 VGOUT7- VGA Channel 7 Inverting Differential Output 55 LO6 56 VGOUT6+ CW LO Input for Channel 6. LO clock input for modes 3 and 4. VGA Channel 6 Noninverting Differential Output 57 VGOUT6- VGA Channel 6 Inverting Differential Output 59 LO5 60 VGOUT5+ CW LO Input for Channel 5. LO clock input for modes 3 and 4. VGA Channel 5 Noninverting Differential Output 61 VGOUT5- VGA Channel 5 Inverting Differential Output 62 VG_CTL- 63 VG_CTL+ VGA Analog Gain Control Differential Input. Set the differential voltage to -2V for maximum gain (+29.5dB), and to +2V for minimum gain (-12.5dB). 64 LO_LVDS- CW LVDS LO Inverting Differential Input. LO clock inverting input for modes 1 and 2. 65 LO_LVDS+ CW LVDS LO Noninverting Differential Input. LO clock noninverting input for modes 1 and 2. 66 LO4 67 VGOUT4+ VGA Channel 4 Noninverting Differential Output 68 VGOUT4- VGA Channel 4 Inverting Differential Output 69 LO3 CW LO Input for Channel 4. LO clock input for modes 3 and 4. CW LO Input for Channel 3. LO clock input for modes 3 and 4. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer PIN NAME FUNCTION 70 VGOUT3+ VGA Channel 3 Noninverting Differential Output 71 VGOUT3- VGA Channel 3 Inverting Differential Output 73 LO2 74 VGOUT2+ VGA Channel 2 Noninverting Differential Output 75 VGOUT2- VGA Channel 2 Inverting Differential Output 76 LO1 77 VGOUT1+ VGA Channel 1 Noninverting Differential Output 78 VGOUT1- VGA Channel 1 Inverting Differential Output CW LO Input for Channel 2. LO clock input for modes 3 and 4. CW LO Input for Channel 1. LO clock input for modes 3 and 4. 80 DIN Serial Port Data Input. Data input to program the serial shift registers. 83 CLK Serial Port Data Clock. Clock input for programming the serial shift registers. 84 CW_M1 CW Mode Select Input 1. Input for programming beamforming mode 1, 2, 3, or 4. See Table 1 for mode programming details. 85 CW_M2 CW Mode Select Input 2. Input for programming beamforming mode 1, 2, 3, or 4. See Table 1 for mode programming details. 86 VG_CLAMP_ VGA Clamp Mode Enable. Drive VG_CLAMP_MODE low to enable VGA clamp mode. VGA output is MODE clamped at typically 2.4VP-P differential. Drive VG_CLAMP_MODE high to disable VGA clamp mode. 88 LOAD Serial Port Load. Loads the data from the serial shift registers into the I/Q phase dividers. Pull LOAD bus from high to low and from low to high for programming the I/Q phase dividers. 89 CW_QOUT+ CW Mixer Noninverting Differential Quadrature Output. CW Mixer output for eight quadrature mixers combined. 90 CW_QOUT- CW Mixer Inverting Differential Quadrature Output. CW mixer output for eight quadrature mixers combined. 91 CW_IOUT- CW Mixer Inverting Differential In-Phase Output. CW mixer output for eight in-phase mixers combined. 92 CW_IOUT+ CW Mixer Noninverting Differential In-Phase Output. CW Mixer output for eight in-phase mixers combined. 94 VGIN1- 95 VGIN1+ VGA Channel 1 Noninverting Differential Input 97 CWIN1- CW Mixer Channel 1 Inverting Differential Input 98 CWIN1+ CW Mixer Channel 1 Noninverting Differential Input VGA Channel 1 Inverting Differential Input 99 VGIN2- VGA Channel 2 Inverting Differential Input 100 VGIN2+ VGA Channel 2 Noninverting Differential Input — EP Exposed Pad. Internally connected to GND. Connect EP to a large PCB ground plane to maximize thermal performance. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 13 MAX2038 Pin Description (continued) MAX2038 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer Detailed Description The MAX2038 is an 8-channel VGA integrated with a programmable octal quadrature mixer array designed for ultrasound imaging and Doppler applications. The device is optimized for efficient power consumption, high dynamic range, and for exceptionally low noise performance. The VGA path features differential inputs, analog variable gain control, differential outputs for direct ADC drive, and a selectable output voltage clamp to avoid ADC overdrive. The integrated octal quadrature mixer array includes serial programmable LO phase generators for CWD beamforming applications. The LO phase dividers can be programmed for 4, 8, or 16 quadrature phases. Lowpass filters are integrated at the input paths of each CW mixer. The outputs for the mixers are summed into single I/Q differential current outputs. The MAX2038 also integrates an octal quadrature mixer array and programmable LO phase generators for a complete continuous wave (CW) Doppler beamforming solution. The LO phase selection for each channel is programmed using a digital serial interface and a single high-frequency clock, or the LOs for each complex mixer pair can be directly driven using separate 4 x LO clocks. The serial interface is designed to allow multiple devices to be easily daisy chained in order to minimize program interface wiring. The LO phase dividers can be programmed to allow 4, 8, or 16 quadrature phases. The input path of each CW mixer consists of a selectable lowpass filter for optimal CWD noise performance. The outputs of the mixers are summed into single I and Q differential current outputs. The mixers and LO generators are designed to have exceptionally low noise performance of -155dBc/Hz at 1kHz offset from a 1.25MHz carrier, measured with 900mVP-P differential clutter signal. Variable Gain Amplifier (VGA) The MAX2038’s VGAs are optimized for high linearity, high dynamic range, and low output-noise performance, making this component ideal for ultrasound imaging applications. The VGA paths also exhibit a channel-tochannel crosstalk of -80dB at 10MHz and an absolute gain error of less than ±0.25dB for minimal channel-tochannel focusing error in an ultrasound system. Each VGA path includes circuitry for adjusting analog gain, an output buffer with differential output ports (VGOUT_+, VGOUT_-) for driving ADCs, and differential input ports (VGIN_+, VGIN_-), which are ideal for directly interfacing to the MAX2034 quad LNA. See the High-Level Wave Mixer and Programmable Beamformer Functional Diagram for details. 14 High-Level Wave Mixer and Programmable Beamformer _Functional Diagram +5V +5V (LOW NOISE) VCC VREF MAX2038 VG_CTL+ VG_CTL- VG_CLAMP_MODE 50Ω VGIN1+ VGIN1- VGOUT1+ VGA VGOUT150Ω • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 50Ω VGIN8+ VGOUT8+ VGA VGIN8- VGOUT850Ω LOW_PWR PD CWIN1+ CW_IOUT+ CW_IOUT- I&Q CWIN1• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CWIN8+ I&Q CWIN8- CW_QOUT+ CW_QOUT- CW_VG CW_FILTER GND The VGA has an adjustable gain range from -12.5dB to +29.5dB, achieving a total dynamic range of 42dB (typ). The VGA gain can be adjusted through the differential gain control inputs VG_CTL+ and VG_CTL-. Set the differential gain-control input voltage at +2V for minimum gain and -2V for maximum gain. The differential analog control common-mode voltage is 3V (typ). ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer Octal Continuous Wave (CW) Mixer The MAX2038 CW mixers are designed using an active double-balanced topology. The mixers achieve high dynamic range and high linearity performance, with exceptionally low noise, which is ideal for ultrasound CWD signal reception. The octal quadrature mixer array provides noise performance of -155dBc/Hz at 1kHz from a 1.25MHz carrier, and a two-tone thirdorder ultrasound specific intermodulation product of typically -50dBc. See the Ultrasound-Specific IMD3 Specification in the Applications Information section. Power-Down The device can also be powered down with PD. Set PD to logic-high for power-down mode. In power-down mode, the device draws a total supply current of 27mA. Set PD to a logic-low for normal operation. The octal array exhibits quadrature and in-phase differential current outputs (CW_QOUT+, CW_QOUT-, CW_IOUT+, CW_IOUT-) to produce the total CWD beamformed signal. The maximum differential current output is typically 3mAP-P and the mixer output-compliance voltage ranges from 4.75V to 12V. Overload Recovery The device is also optimized for quick overload recovery for operation under the large input-signal conditions that are typically found in ultrasound input buffer imaging applications. See the Typical Operating Characteristics for an illustration of the rapid recovery time from a transmit-related overload. High-Level CW Mixer and Programmable Beamformer Functional Diagram VCC CWIN8 • • • CWIN2 VREF CW_FILTER M4_EN MAX2038 • • • CW_IOUT+ CW_IOUTCW_IOUT2+ I Q I Q CHANNEL 1 I/Q DIVIDER PHASE SELECTOR CHANNEL 2 I/Q DIVIDER PHASE SELECTOR • • • • • • CW_QOUT2- CW_QOUT• • • • • • CWIN1 CW_QOUT+ I Q LOAD 5 DIN • • • • • • 5 5-BIT SR 5-BIT SR CW_M1 CW_M2 LO2 • • • LO8 5 5-BIT SR • • • LO_LVDS- • • • LO_LVDS+ • • • • • • LO1 CHANNEL 8 I/Q DIVIDER PHASE SELECTOR DOUT CLK GND LOW_PWR PD ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15 MAX2038 VGA Clamp A clamp is provided to limit the VGA output signals to avoid overdriving the ADC or to prevent ADC saturation. Set VG_CLAMP_MODE low to clamp the VGA differential outputs at 2.4VP-P. Set the VG_CLAMP_MODE high to disable the clamp. MAX2038 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer CW Mixer Output Summation The outputs from the octal mixer array are summed internally to produce the total CWD summed beamformed signal. The octal array produces eight differential quadrature (Q) outputs and eight differential in-phase (I) outputs. All quadrature and in-phase outputs are summed into single I and Q differential current outputs (CW_QOUT+, CW_QOUT-, CW_IOUT+, CW_IOUT-). LO Phase Select The LO phase dividers can be programmed through the shift registers to allow for 4, 8, or 16 quadrature phases for a complete CW beamforming solution. register, which is used to program the output phase of the divide-by-16 circuit. The first 4 bits of the shift register are for programming the 16 phases, the fifth bit turns each channel on/off individually. For mode 1, set both CW_M1 and CW_M2 to a logic-low. Table 2. Mode 1 Logic Table (B4 = 0: Channel On/B4 = 1: Channel Off) MODE 1 CW_M1 = 0 CW_M2 = 0 Mode 1 For mode 1 operation, the LO_LVDS input frequency is typically 16 x fLO. As the CWD LO frequency range is 1MHz to 7.5MHz, the input frequency ranges from 16MHz to 120MHz. This high LO clock frequency requires a differential LVDS input. The 16 x fLO input is then divided by 16 to produce 16 phases. These 16 phases are generated for each of the 8 channels and programmed for the selected phase by a serial shift register. Each channel has a corresponding 5-bit shift LSB SHUTDOWN PHASE (DEG) D C B A SD (B0) (B1) (B2) (B3) (B4) 0 0 0 0 0 0/1 22.5 0 0 0 1 0/1 CWD Beamforming Modes There are four separate modes of operating the CWD beamformer. See Table 1 for a summary of the different modes of operation. The mode of operation can be selected by the CW_M1 and CW_M2 logic inputs. Phase generation is controlled through the serial interface. See the Serial Interface section in the Applications Information section for details on how to program for different quadrature phases. MSB 45 0 0 1 0 0/1 67.5 0 0 1 1 0/1 90 0 1 0 0 0/1 112.5 0 1 0 1 0/1 135 0 1 1 0 0/1 157.5 0 1 1 1 0/1 0/1 180 1 0 0 0 202.5 1 0 0 1 0/1 225 1 0 1 0 0/1 247.5 1 0 1 1 0/1 270 1 1 0 0 0/1 292.5 1 1 0 1 0/1 315 1 1 1 0 0/1 337.5 1 1 1 1 0/1 NO. OF DON’TCARE BITS IN SSR Table 1. Summary of CWD Beamforming Methods LO INPUT MODE FREQUENCY CLOCK INTERFACE PHASE RESOLUTION NO. OF CLOCK INPUTS PER CHIP PROGRAM BY SERIAL SHIFT REGISTER (SSR) NO. OF USEFUL BITS IN SSR CW_M1 CW_M2 0 0 1 16 x LVDS 16 phases 1 Yes 4 0 0 1 2 8x LVDS 8 phases 1 Yes 3 1 MSB 1 0 3 4x 3V CMOS 4 phases 8 Yes 2 2 MSBs 1 1 4 4x 3V CMOS Quadrature provided 8 No N/A N/A N/A = Not applicable. 16 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer Table 3. Mode 2 Logic Table (DC = Don’t Care, B4 = 0: Channel On/B4 = 1: Channel Off) MODE 2 CW_M1 = 0 CW_M2 = 1 MSB LSB SHUTDOWN PHASE (DEG) D C B A SD (B0) (B1) (B2) (B3) (B4) 0 DC 0 0 0 0/1 45 DC 0 0 1 0/1 90 DC 0 1 0 0/1 135 DC 0 1 1 0/1 180 DC 1 0 0 0/1 225 DC 1 0 1 0/1 270 DC 1 1 0 0/1 315 DC 1 1 1 0/1 Mode 3 The LO_LVDS input is not used in this mode. Separate 4 x fLO clock inputs are provided using LO1–LO8 for each channel. The CWD LO frequency range is 1MHz to 7.5MHz, and the input frequency provides ranges from 4MHz to 30MHz. Note that the LO clock frequency can utilize 3V CMOS inputs. The 4 x f LO LO1–LO8 inputs are divided by 4 to produce 4 phases. These 4 phases are generated for each of the 8 channels and Table 4. Mode 3 Logic Table (DC = Don’t Care, B4 = 0: Channel On/B4 = 1: Channel Off) MODE 3 CW_M1 = 1 CW_M2 = 0 MSB LSB SHUTDOWN PHASE (DEG) D C B A SD (B0) (B1) (B2) (B3) (B4) 0 DC DC 0 0 0/1 90 DC DC 0 1 0/1 180 DC DC 1 0 0/1 270 DC DC 1 1 0/1 programmed for the selected phase by the serial shift register. For mode 3, 4 phases are generated, and only 2 of the 4 phase-programming bits are required where the 2-phase programming MSBs are “don’t-care” bits. For mode 3, set CW_M1 to a logic-high and set CW_M2 to a logic-low. See Table 4. Mode 4 The LO_LVDS input is not used in this mode. The appropriate phases are externally provided using separate 4 x fLO LO1–LO8 inputs for each channel. A 4 x fLO input is required so the device can internally generate accurate duty-cycle independent quadrature LO drives. Note that the serial shift register is not used in this mode. The CWD LO frequency range is 1MHz to 7.5MHz and the input frequency ranges from 4MHz to 30MHz. The appropriate inputs are provided at LO1 to LO8. A reset line is provided to the customer so that they can synchronize all the CWD channels. The reset line is implemented through the RESET. For mode 4, set both CW_M1 and CW_M2 to logic-high. See Table 5. Table 5. Mode 4 Logic Table MODE 4 CW_M1 = 1 CW_M2 = 1 PHASE (DEG) Serial bus not used in mode 4 MSB LSB SHUTDOWN D C B A SD (B0) (B1) (B2) (B3) (B4) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A = Not applicable. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 17 MAX2038 Mode 2 The LO_LVDS input frequency is 8 x fLO (typ) for mode 2 operation. The CWD LO frequency range is 1MHz to 7.5MHz, and the input frequency ranges from 8MHz to 60MHz. This high LO clock frequency requires a differential LVDS input. The 8 x fLO input is then divided by 8 to produce 8 phases. These 8 phases are generated for each of the 8 channels and programmed for the selected phase by the serial shift register. Note that the serial shift register is common to modes 1, 2, 3, and where each channel has a corresponding 5-bit shift register, which is used to program the output phase. However, since mode 2 generates 8 phases only, 3 of the 4 phase-programming bits are used; 5 bits are still loaded per channel using the serial shift register, but the phase-programming MSB is a don’t-care bit. The fifth bit in the shift register always turns each channel on/off individually. For mode 2, set CW_M1 to a logiclow and set CW_M2 to a logic-high. See Table 3. MAX2038 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer DATA_IN CLOCK CHANNEL 1 A B C D SD CHANNEL 2 A B C D SD CHANNEL 3 A B C D SD CHANNEL 4 A B C D SD B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 CHANNEL 5 A B C D SD CHANNEL 6 A B C D SD CHANNEL 7 A B C D SD CHANNEL 8 A B C D SD B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 B4 DATA_OUT Figure 1. Data Flow of Serial Shift Register Synchronization Figure 1 illustrates the serial programming of the 8 individual channels through the serial data port. Note that the serial data can be daisy chained from one part to another, allowing a single data line to be used to program multiple chips in the system. CW Lowpass Filter The MAX2038 also includes selectable lowpass filters between each CW differential input pair and corresponding mixer input. Shunt capacitors and resistors are integrated on chip for high band and low band. The parallel capacitor/resistor networks, which appear differentially across each of the CW differential inputs, are selectable through the CW_FILTER. Drive CW_FILTER high to set the corner frequency of the filter to be fC = 9.5MHz. Drive CW_FILTER low to set the corner frequency equal to fC = 4.5MHz. The CW_VG allows the filter inputs to be disconnected from input nodes (internal to chip) to prevent overloading the LNA output and to not change the VGA input common-mode voltage. VGA and CW Mixer Operation During normal operation, the MAX2038 is configured such that either the VGA path is enabled while the mixer array is powered down (VGA mode), or the quadrature mixer array is enabled while the VGA path is powered down (CW mode). During VGA mode, besides powering down the CW mixer array, the differential inputs to the lowpass filters and CW mixers also are internally disconnected from the input nodes, making the CW differential inputs (CWIN_+, CWIN_-) high impedance. The CW mode disconnects the VGA inputs internally from the input ports of the device. For VGA mode, set CW_VG to a logic-high, while for CW mode, set CW_VG to a logic-low. Power-Down and Low-Power Modes During device power-down, both the VGA and CW mixer are disabled regardless of the logic set at CW_VG. Both the VGA and CW mixer inputs are high impedance since the internal switches to the inputs are all disconnected. The total supply current of the device reduces to 27mA. Set PD to a logic-high for device power-down. A low-power mode is available to lower the required power for CWD operation. When selected, the complex mixers operate at lower quiescent currents and the total per-channel current is lowered to 53mA. Note that operation in this mode slightly reduces the dynamic performance of the device. Table 6 shows the logic function of standard operating modes. Table 6. Logic Function of Standard Operating Modes PD CW_VG INPUT INPUT LOW_PWR VGA CW MIXER INTERNAL SWITCH TO VGA INTERNAL SWITCH TO LPF AND CW MIXER 5V VCC CURRENT CONSUMPTION (mA) 11V VMIX CURRENT CONSUMPTION (mA) 1 1 N/A Off Off Off Off 27 0 1 0 N/A Off Off Off Off 27 0 0 0 0 Off On Off On 245 106 0 0 1 Off On Off On 245 53 0 1 N/A On Off On Off 204 0 N/A = Not applicable. 18 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer Mode Select Response Time The mode select response time is the time that the device takes to switch between CW and VGA modes. One possible approach to interfacing the CW outputs to an instrumentation amplifier used to drive an ADC is shown in Figure 2. In this implementation, there are four large-value (in the range of 470nF to 1µF) capacitors between each of the CW_IOUT+, CW_IOUT-, CW_QOUT+, CW_QOUT- outputs and the circuitry they are driving. The output of the CW mixer usually drives the input of an instrumentation amplifier made up of op amps whose input impedance is set by common-mode setting resistors. 115Ω 115Ω 1µF CW_IOUT- 50Ω The highpass pole in this case is at fP = 1/(2 x pi x RC) ~ 5Hz. Note that this low highpass corner frequency is required in order to filter the downconverted clutter tone, which appears at DC, without interfering with CWD imaging at frequencies as low as 400Hz. For example, if one wanted to use CWD down to 400Hz, then a good choice for the highpass pole would be at least a decade below this (< 40Hz) as not to incur rolloff due to pole. Remember, if the highpass pole is put at 400Hz, the response is 3dB down at that corner frequency. The placement of the highpass pole at 5Hz in the above example is between the DC and 40Hz limitations just discussed. The bottom line is that any reasonably sized DC block between the output of the mixer and the instrumentation amplifier will pose a significant time constant that slows the mode select switching speed. An alternative solution to the approach in Figure 2, which enables faster mode select response time, is shown in Figure 4. 31.6kΩ +11V 0.022µF 31.6kΩ CW_IOUT+ 1µF Figure 2. Typical Example of a CW Mixer’s Output Circuit There are clearly both a highpass corner and a lowpass corner present in this output network. The lowpass corner is set primarily by the 115Ω mixer pullup resistors, the series 50Ω resistors, and the shunt 0.022µF capacitor. This lowpass corner is used to filter a combination of LO leakage and upper sideband. The highpass corner, however, is of a larger concern due to the fact that it is dominated by the combination of a 1µF DC-blocking capacitor and the pair of shunt 31.6kΩ resistors. If drawn, the simplified dominant highpass network would look like Figure 3. 1µF 31.6kΩ +5V Figure 4. Improved Mode Select Response Time Achieved with DC-Coupled Input to Instrumentation Amplifier In Figure 4, the outputs of the CWD mixers are DCcoupled into the inputs of the instrumentation amplifiers. Therefore, the op amps must be able to accommodate the full compliance range of the mixer outputs, which is a maximum of 11V when the mixers are disabled, down to the 5V supply of the MAX2038 when the mixers are enabled. The op amps can be powered from 11V for the high rail and 5V for the low rail, requiring a 6V op amp. Figure 3. Simplified Circuit of Highpass Pole ______________________________________________________________________________________ 19 MAX2038 Applications Information MAX2038 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer Serial Interface The serial interface of the MAX2038 programs the LO for 16, 8, or 4 quadrature phases using a serial shift register implementation. Data is shifted into the device on DIN. The serial shift register clock is applied to the CLK input. The serial shift register has 5 bits per channel. The first 4 bits are for phase programming, and the fifth bit enables or disables each channel of the mixer array. Each mixer can be programmed to 1 of 16 phases; therefore, 4 bits are required for each channel for programming. The master high-frequency mixer clock is applied to differential inputs LO_LVDS+ and LO_LVDS(for modes 1 and 2) and LO_ (for modes 3 and 4). The LOAD input is provided to allow the user to load the phase counters with the programming values to generate the correct LO phases. The input signals for mixing are applied to the eight differential inputs, CWIN_+ and CWIN_-. The summed I/Q baseband differential outputs are provided on CW_IOUT+/- and CW_QOUT+/-. CW_M1 and CW_M2 are used to select one of the four possible modes of operation. See Table 1. The serial interface is designed to allow multiple devices to be easily daisy chained in order to minimize program interface wiring. DOUT is available for this daisy-chain function. Programming the Beamformer During normal CWD operation, the mixer clock at LO_ or LO_LVDS+/- is on and the programming signals on DIN, CLK, and LOAD are off. (LOAD = high, CLK = low, and DIN = don’t care, but fixed to a high or low). To start the programming sequence, turn off the mixer clock. Data is shifted into the shift register at a recommended 10MHz programming rate or 100ns minimum data clock period/time. See Figure 5 for timing details. After the shift registers are programmed, pull the LOAD bus to logic-low and then back to logic-high to load the internal counters into I/Q phase divider/selectors with the proper values. LOAD must remain low for a minimum time of tCLH. The user turns on the mixer clock to start beamforming. The clock must turn on such that it starts at the beginning of a mixer clock cycle. tDSU tHLD tCLH DIN CLK LOAD tDCLKPWH tDCLKPWL tDCLK MIXER CLOCK ON tLD tLDMIXCLK MIXER CLOCK OFF MIXER CLOCK ON MIXER CLOCK OFF MIXER CLOCK ON MIXER CLOCK OFF MIXER CLOCK ON Figure 5. Shift Register Timing Diagram 20 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer Ultrasound-Specific IMD3 Specification Unlike typical communications specifications, the two input tones are not equal in magnitude for the ultrasound-specific IMD3 two-tone specification. In this measurement, f1 represents reflections from tissue and f2 represents reflections from blood. The latter reflections are typically 25dB lower in magnitude, and hence the measurement is defined with one input tone 25dB lower than the other. The IMD3 product of interest (f1 (f2 - f1)) presents itself as an undesired Doppler error signal in ultrasound applications. See Figure 6. -25dB External Compensation External compensation is required for bypassing internal biasing circuitry. Connect as close as possible a 4.7µF capacitor from EXT_C1, EXT_C2, and EXT_C3 (pins 13, 14, 15) to ground. ULTRASOUND IMD3 External Bias Resistor An external resistor at EXT_RES is required to set the bias for the internal biasing circuitry. Connect, as close as possible, a 7.5kΩ (0.1%) resistor from EXT_RES (pin 38) to ground. Analog Input and Output Coupling In typical applications, the MAX2038 is being driven from a low-noise amplifier (such as the MAX2034) and the VGA is typically driving a discrete differential anti-alias filter into an ADC (such as the MAX1436 octal ADC). The differential input impedance of the MAX2038 is typically 240Ω. The differential outputs of the VGA are capable of driving a differential load capacitance to GND at each of the VGA differential outputs of 60pF, and differential capacitance across the VGA outputs is 10pF, RL = 1kΩ. The differential outputs have a common-mode bias of approximately 3.75V. AC-couple these differential outputs if the next stage has a different commonmode input range. f1 - (f2 - f1) f1 f2 f2 + (f2 - f1) Figure 6. Ultrasound IMD3 Measurement Technique Board Layout The pin configuration of the MAX2038 is optimized to facilitate a very compact physical layout of the device and its associated discrete components. A typical application for this device might incorporate several devices in close proximity to handle multiple channels of signal processing. The exposed pad (EP) of the MAX2038’s TQFP-EP package provides a low thermal-resistance path to the die. It is important that the PCB on which the MAX2038 is mounted be designed to conduct heat from the EP. In addition, provide the EP with a low-inductance path to electrical ground. The EP MUST be soldered to a ground plane on the PCB, either directly or through an array of plated via holes. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 21 MAX2038 CW Mixer Output Summation The maximum differential current output is typically 3mA P-P and the mixer output compliance voltage ranges from 4.75V to 12V per mixer channel. The mixer common-mode current in each of the differential mixer outputs is typically 3.25mA. The total summed current would equal N x 3.25mA in each of the 115Ω load resistors (where N = number of channels). In this case, the quiescent output voltage at +VSUM and -VSUM outputs would be 11V - (N x 3.25mA x 115) = 11V - (8 x 3.25mA x 115) = 8.05V. The voltage swing at each output, with one channel driven at max output current (differential 3mAP-P) while the other channels are not driven, would be 1.5mAP-P x 115Ω or 174mVP-P and the differential voltage would be 348mVP-P. The voltage compliance range is defined as the valid range for +VSUM and VSUM in this example. +VIN 22 -V +V 100nF 100nF 100nF MAX2034 ONE CHANNEL ZIN IN CONTROL D2, D1, D0 100nF 100nF CW_FILTER CW_VG 12µH CWIN_- CWIN_+ 12µH VGIN_- VGIN_+ MAX2038 ONE CHANNEL VCC VG_CTL- GND LO DIVIDER VG_CTL+ CWD I/Q LO 50Ω 50Ω VREF CW_QOUT+ CW_QOUT- CW_IOUT- CW_IOUT+ VGOUT_- 0.1µF 0.1µF VGOUT_+ 115Ω 115Ω TO 12-BIT IMAGING ADC +VMIX 115Ω ADC CWD TO Q CHANNEL CWD Q CHANNELS IN CWD I CHANNELS IN ADC CWD 115Ω TO I CHANNEL +VMIX THIRD-ORDER BUTTERWORTH ANTI-ALIAS FILTER MAX2038 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer Figure 7. Typical Per-Channel Ultrasound Imaging Application ______________________________________________________________________________________ Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer VGOUT7+ LO7 51 52 53 54 VGOUT6+ LO6 VCC VGOUT755 56 57 LO5 GND VGOUT659 58 VGOUT5VGOUT5+ 61 60 VG_CTL+ VG_CTL62 63 64 LO4 LO_LVDS+ LO_LVDS65 VGOUT4+ 66 67 68 69 VGOUT3VGOUT3+ LO3 VGOUT471 70 VCC 72 VGOUT2- VGOUT2+ LO2 75 74 73 TOP VIEW LO1 76 50 VGOUT8- VGOUT1+ VGOUT1GND DIN GND VCC 77 49 78 48 VGOUT8+ LO8 79 47 80 46 81 45 82 44 N.C. VCC DOUT LOW_PWR M4_EN VCC CW_FILTER PD CLK 83 43 CW_M1 CW_M2 VG_CLAMP_MODE 84 42 85 41 86 40 VCC LOAD CW_QOUT+ CW_QOUT- 87 39 88 38 90 36 CWIN8+ CW_IOUT- 91 35 CWIN8- CW_IOUT+ 92 34 VREF VGIN1VGIN1+ GND CWIN1- 93 33 GND VGIN8+ 94 32 VGIN8- 95 31 96 30 97 29 CWIN1+ 98 28 VGIN2VGIN2+ 99 27 CWIN7+ CWIN7GND VGIN7+ VGIN7- 26 CWIN6+ MAX2038 89 37 *EP *EP = EXPOSED PAD GND CWIN6- TQFP Chip Information PROCESS: Silicon Complementary Bipolar VGIN6VGIN6+ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 VGIN5+ GND CWIN5CWIN5+ 8 VCC VGIN5- 7 EXT_C1 EXT_C2 EXT_C3 6 GND CWIN4CWIN4+ 5 VGIN4+ 4 CWIN3+ VGIN4- 3 VGIN3VGIN3+ GND 2 CWIN2CWIN2+ 1 CWIN3- 100 CW_VG EXT_RES VREF Package Information For the latest package outline information and land patterns, go to www.maxim-ic.com/packages. Note that a “+”, “#”, or “-” in the package code indicates RoHS status only. Package drawings may show a different suffix character, but the drawing pertains to the package regardless of RoHS status. PACKAGE TYPE PACKAGE CODE DOCUMENT NO. 100 TQFP-EP C100E+3 21-0116 ______________________________________________________________________________________ 23 MAX2038 Pin Configuration MAX2038 Ultrasound VGA Integrated with CW Octal Mixer Revision History REVISION NUMBER REVISION DATE DESCRIPTION 0 1/09 Initial release 1 5/10 Implemented minor corrections PAGES CHANGED — 2–10, 12, 13, 18 Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. 24 ____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 © 2010 Maxim Integrated Products Maxim is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.