KA754⒊ 先进的反馈调 光镇 流控 制集成 电路 特征 电流反馈 。 反馈软启动 ; o-z伏 的反馈调光电压 关断控制 rV由 =5vl; 软启动调光电路控制 无灯保护 反馈检测 反常保护 低启动和 工作 电源电流 1.8V的 滞后 ULVO; 推拉输 出 微调度 1.5%的 内部参考禁带 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 14DIP&14sOP; 应用 电子镇 流 启动控制 系统 半桥式驱动控制系统 。 说明 KA7543是 先进的 电流反馈调光控制集成电路。该反馈调光镇 流控 制集成 电路提供 了所有实现 智能镇 流 系统 宽范围的反馈调 光控制 、软启动和恒定功耗 的必要性能。 KA7543录 适宜需要最 小接 线板 区域的 电子镇 流 系统。由于采用 了 KA7543,外 部元件 计数减少,逆 变器反馈 电流控制方法是 KA7543具 有的最佳性能方法之一。内部软启 动电路不需要 外部软启动分立元件。软 启动-调 光电路 的控制电压用以控制大范围的 照明翰出。其具有保护电路 、无灯保护 、反常保护、单灯检测:ULVO、 再启动附加功 ・ 能。 Ⅱ lIi; -53- r : 模块 内部结构示意图 ou”刂羽叫” 灬 `・ ˇ A0aorm硖 卩oIedlon No妇mpp“ 诳沦R蹄 -54- 管脚定义 管脚号 o‘ 4 6 刁` 管脚 名 管脚 功能说明 0UT1 NC Vcc 驱 动输 出端 无连接 端 Cc V5 Vfb Vab V1d 补偿输 入 端 5V电 压 源 电源 电压 输 入 负反馈输入 端 反常保护输入端 检 测输 入 端 ο’ Vdm nυ 调光控 制输 入 端 软 启动 时间控 制输 入 端 Cs 0‘ 14 1 Cdm GND 软启动调光控制输入端 NC 无 连接 端 0UT2 驱 动输 出端 地线 2 绝对最 大额定值 符号 Vcc 峰值驱动输出电流 单位 数值 nυ 参数 电源 电压 Ⅴ ±300 MA MA Iclamp ±10 工作温度范围 Topr Tstg Pd C)ja -25 至刂 -65 至 刂150 存储 温度 范 围 nυ 热阻 (结 点到空气 ) °° 功耗 °° 驱 动输 出箝 位 二 极 管 VO刈 CC,或 VO(-0.3 W/℃ 数值 -55- ℃ W 100 绝对最大额定值 (勹 5C<Ta(85C) 符号 揪 ℃ 单位 cJ 参考电压的温度稳性 参数 符号 条件 最 小值 VCC爿 曾力口 8.7 1.5. 4.9 10.3 V V 0.27 ●乙 Fo〓 50kHz, mA mA n’ IDcc 单位 o乙 输 出端没有 接通 ●' 工作 电源电流 0‘ Vcc〓 8.5V 最 大值 V nυ 启 动 电流 动 态工作 的 电 源 电流 (备 注 Typ ο° 15〓 0mA KHz n冫 低 电压 闭锁部分 VTl (st) 初始域值 电压 UVLO推 拉输 出 HY (st) 5V的 参考 电压 V5 (备 注 1) 电源电流部分 皿V °° Δ Vref(Typ) 工作 频率的温度稳定性 Δ fs(Typ) 电特性 如不特殊说明,则 Vc← 12Ⅴ ,Ta四 5℃ 8 mA Cl〓 1nF 1 ) °° °° 条件 <J 最 小值 0.425 V1d〓 2Ⅴ Typ nυ 符号 Vfb1 <J 灯 1反 馈 电 Vfb〓 0V ο∠ 参数 Vfb=2V o‘ 电流放大部分 (备 注 1) Iea (i) 输 出 陷 落 电流 Iea (o) 输 出源极 电流 uA uA 最 大值 .0.575 单位 V 压 2反 馈 电 0 Vea(h) Vfb=OV 输 出低 电压 Vea(l) Vfb〓 2V 1.15 1 n冫 输出高电压 0.85 <丿 V1d〓 4Ⅴ 灯 压 cJ Vfb2 0.4 V V V 振 荡器部 分 <丿 kHz ∠υ Vc〓 0Ⅴ Vc△ 3.0Ⅴ t丿 软 启动 时电 流 电压 输 入 部分 调 光 电 压 部 △Ⅴdm 分 调 光 启 动 电 Ⅴdm "i Ⅴc=3.0V ’` ●・ fref 参考频率 参考 延 迟 时 td 间 软启动频率 fss 1.4 Vc〓 0V us o' 丶∠ kHz 12.8 uA Vdm〓 0Ⅴ 0 2 V Ⅴdm=0V 3.85 4.15 V 压 出 电压 输 出为 1/2部 分 -56- ^υ -0.1 Ⅴdm nυ 初始调 光输 V 降落时 间 Tf Vcc〓 12V,c1〓 1nF | - nυ Vcc=5V,IO=100uA Ns Ns ο冫 ULVO工 作 的 Vomin(o) 280 200 ^υ Vcc=12V,C1=1nF n' Tr nυ 上升时间 V 输 出电压 保护部分 反常检测电压 2.4 2 0.85 <J 4.7 0氵 Vld Vab Vso Vnd <, 关 断检 测 电压 无 灯检 测 电压 tJ 灯检 测 电压 1.15 l V Ⅴ V Ⅴ 0.7 nυ τ` 保护复位部分 Vpr 保护复位 电压 备注 1.该 参数在 ⅤcⅡ 11V、 14V、 30Ⅴ 下测得的。 2.以 上参数 ,并 非都是在生产中测得的。 工作说 明 V : 丨 Wll卩 蜘 db扫诎 v ο 工作特性 图 1。 KA7543是 先进的电流反馈调光控制集成电路。该反馈调光镇流控制集成 电路提供 了所有实现智能镇 流 系统 宽范围的反馈调光控 制 、软启动和恒定功耗 的必要性能。 KA7543最 适宜需要最 小接 线板 区域的电子镇流系统。 由于采用 了 KA7543,外 部元件计数减少,逆 变器反馈 电流控 制方法是 KA7543具 有的最佳性能方法之一。内部软启动电路不需要外部软启动分立元件。软启动-调 光 电路 的控 制 电压 用 以控 制 大 范 围的 照 明输 出。共 具 有 保 护 电路 、无 灯 保 护 、反 常 保 护 、 单灯检测、ULVO、 再启动附加功能。 -57- 低 电压 锁 定 (ULVO) PPt Vcc 图二 负压锁定电路 当 Vcc达 到启动域值 电压 9.5V时 ,才 会有低启动电流产生 (最 大值 27OuA)。 电路启动域值 电压 9.5时 ,就 会 引起整个电路有参考电压 Vref和 偏置电流产 生。 软启动 v LH凵 亠T告钳 搦 图三 软启动 软启动电路用软启动 电流给 Cs充 电。因此 Cs电 压 线性增加 ,电 流 (Is)就 会 引 起 参考 电压 Vr。 软启动 高频最 小值受 Cc上 电压 (Vbe+2Vd)约 束 ,一 直到 Vcs为 2V, 软启动频率都呈线性降低。此后 工作频率 由反馈参考 电压确定。软启动电路通过电流 给 实时电容 Cs充 电,使 软启动时间限定为 0.8-1秒 ,从 而驱动软启动电路。期间软 启动电路反馈参考电压呈线性工作状态。因而,它 变成灯电流,以 便触 发软启动。 当电压低于 ULVO时 ,Cs放 电。如果单独对 Cs充 电,产 生电压 Vcs,其 与 Cs并 ‰ 狠 影 乳 爹 氍 鼐 甜 帮 郢 懈 绿 掣 驵 F鸳 练 缀 獾 V9s成 正比。所以,电 流 is数 值上与 Vcs成 正比增长。当 Vcs为 2V时 ,is达 到最大 值。如调光控制过程启动 ,靠 增加或减少 is的 办法,调 光电流 id产 生参考 电压 Vr。 -58- 振 荡器 o R o $ o母 o"lator 四 振荡器 磅 振荡器模 块 由两个 比较 电路组成 。充电时间和放 电时间的比是 ⒎ 1。 低 电位 比较 参考 电压是 1V,而 且 高频极限定为 2Ⅴ ,低 频极限为 4Ⅴ 。 这是一个用 2个 比较 电路驱动的振荡器,充 /放 电周期为 ⒎ 1。 该 电路规 定低 比 较电位 1V,反 馈输 出为高电位。而且 ,限 制高电位最小值为 2Ⅴ 以保证 最 大频率和最 大值 4Ⅴ 以保证 最 小频 率 。 目的是通过限制 集成 电路最 大工作频率 防止反 常操作 。另 外 ,最 大工作频率限制的 目的是保证镇 流 系统的 ZVs操 作 。ict是 保证恒定频率的温 度的熔断电流。 调光控制阶段 Cdm C凵 RRE"丁 AmP凵 FIε R Ⅶm DImⅢ ∶ ⅡG GONtR0L To orot am卩 l+) 将 电压作为输入端的调光控制 电路有 2Ⅴ 作为全调光。当电压为 OV时 会全亮:Ⅴ cs 为 4时 ,调 光启动开始 ,调 光电路的运作受调光电容 Cdm约 束。也就是说 ,即 使调光 电压快速波动 ,只 要 Cdm充 放电时间尺够长,调 光控制就会起作用 ,道 过调光控制输 入端的开关能触发输 出端 的导通/关 断。该性能的优‘ 点是你可 以用单一调光终端 实现 调光控制和开/关 。 输出躯动阶段 采用变压 器驱动镇 流 系统的半桥式电路的高/低 电位切换。输出 1和 输出 2驱 动 该变压器。所以,线 斟电感与输 出 1和 输出 2相 连。输出 1和 输 出 2不 会同时有一个 高电位。频率发生器将振荡器的脉冲信号分成 ⒉部分分别提供给输出 1和 输出 2,输 -59- 出 1和 输 出 2控 制 UVLO信 号维持在低电位。输出阶段有推拉输出电路结构。 FmJn pmtomoo otmto,nm wlo 无灯保护 无灯保护电路采用直接检测模式 、驱动无灯保护从而避免 系统毁坏。 反 常状态保护 3卩 :匡 当 PmtecooB rmot FQm nol铷 p ^bnomaa pforecton 反常保护与过流保护相似 ,但 其可 以检测出错误连接 的保护电路。 检测电压是 tV。 反常保护电路驱动闭锁电路以使输出端为低电位。因此当 Vct低 于:0.7V时 ,该 闭锁 电路复位 ,Vcc将 重新启动该电路。 灯选择 阶段 V牺 u 0 灯选择器具有双灯和单灯反馈功能。囟为两灯截断了 1/2驱 动 ,1/2驱 动只能对 单灯起作用 ,它 调整 ir电 流配合反馈参考 电压。双灯和单灯的比较 参考 电压是 3V。 应用电路 -60- <B5。-265VAC IΠ pu△ 400Ⅴ DC.FIourescent L印 np$B全 ll汪 “(32W务 2/36W△ 2r‘ OW。 2> C△ -61- J≡ 元件清单 lg钿 萨2Lamp App芟cafbnI RefersΠ ce Va∶ Part mumber ue 2,2濉氓 1/dW R1 既 4iii R0 兹睡 、1僻W 狎 1sOkn~Ji1£ RsI12118 47Ω 刊i1f0W ,1W 1Ω △ Rg RT 1.2Mo£ 1/0W RB 舾 戈 1roW I皈 咱洫 Rg R10 R14 5‘ gtOf 钿 8QJ,1W 1BQ⒃ ㈥11川 W R15!R1s sBO肛 J11/0W R17iR18 6BOkn~Ji{F0W 4W R1θ J,1∫ 8.2kΩ 卜 mo 3.0-J,1f0W G1=2 ⅢEPCAP ssOV o.1sI民 C3,4 ,,00p∴ BO00V Υ钅Ap C5 o.1uE ssOv Ⅲ胎rCAP ∞ ino 4砥 ssV 巨 hCrO~喵 c CT o.ss旺 2W Ceram汜 C8 0."旺 2sV Ce旧 m℃ Cg 47u只 C10 C11J2,13 o。 日eclmV泅 4sOV M淝rtAp za幅 sBOV o、 1幅 2W Ceram陀 brCAP Ci4 1溅 esOV C15:16 4麟 、i∞ OV 雨lleroCAP C17】 i9 d/00pRssOV Ⅲ|lhfCAp C18:⒛ 0,00眈 ssOV MⅡ leF。 G21 oi1uFi asV o‘ o‘ 冖u 4‘ Ga3 D1.2.3,4 TF民 2瞄 Mi丨 CAP Ceram陀 刹 Eleclm啪 c ssV Eledm叩 c iQO叫 iA iNiOOT -62- manufac妇 rw 续上 页 瑚 Ⅱ umber Remm。 c。 hluo Ds FRDthsl 蝴 DB・ 7 {喇 吆1怂 1MsT 11sOmA 刂 Wi1胡 DB 91;、 :ι T{ BQd aamo CWm 2i8mH Lz,3 鸵 OrVsTG猢R Ta t煎型 日 ⒈ 2mH巾旧 9 mo El± EE16i0 sa蝴 幽叹 sA FtIse V1 4sW z{ 钅 W 砜钅 蝴 Q1,厶 3 lgOhtOr 鼬 COnLol RamOte铷 tOl 胂 BsFn!:犭 ⒌ ⒈ amHtl甄 m L扭 Or刂 s甲 N△ tWactH潴 咽 苜 R1锟 0s1 QFMo 蚀 鼬 吨 汕豳 哂 Fa打 C由 旧 旧 巳Ⅱ 跏 巳Ⅲ 腼 购蛐 E.Ⅱ 6 一 ‘ 一 j ・ www.fairchildsemi.com KA7543 Advanced Feedback Dimming Ballast Control IC Features Descriptions • • • • • • • • • • • • • The KA7543 is an advanced lamp current feedback dimming control IC. This ballast control IC provides all of the necessary features to implement wide range dimming control, soft start and constant power consumption for intelligent electronic ballast systems. The KA7543 is optimized for advanced electronic ballast systems requiring minimum board area. External component counts can be reduced by adopting the KA7543. Current feedback control method of the inverter status is one of the most attractive merits in KA7543. Internal soft start circuitry eliminates the need for external soft start discrete components. Voltage controlled soft dimming circuit is built into the IC to control the lighting output in a wide range. Protection circuitry, no lamp protection, abnormal protection, one lamp detection, UVLO, restart on lamp adding , have been added. Lamp Current Feedback Soft Start on Feedback Voltage Dimming (0V~2V) on Feedback Switch off Control (Vdm=5V) Soft Dimming Control No Lamp Protection One Lamp Detection for Feedback Abnormal Protection Low Start-up and Operating Supply Current UVLO with 1.8V Hysteresis Totem Pole Output Trimmed 1.5% Internal Bandgap Reference 14-DIP & 14-SOP Applications • Electronic Ballast • Lighting Control System • Half Bridge Drive Control System 14-DIP 1 14-SOP 1 Rev. 1.0.3 ©2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation KA7543 Internal Block Diagram Output stage OUT1 1 Frequency divider 14 OUT2 13 NC Protection reset + NC 0.7V 2 Reset Cs + - 9.5V Vcc ict - 2V 1.8V + 7V Vz Supply + 3 Limiter + UVLO Q 55pF 8ict + R 12 GND 11 Cdm 4V Q sw S sw 2V Vref (bandgap) Internal bias 2V Cc + Oscillator 1V 7V bias 4 Dimming starter 5.7V 4V + 11µA 2V 5.7V 5V regulator + V5 5 + Mirror - is isr 5V 5/2 Switch Current amp 6 Vr + idr id + 8 Vld 2V is-id ir Vdm + 1/2 5kΩ 9 Soft starter 20kΩ - 2V - Mirror - Gm Cs + + Vfb 10 Gm + Dimmer 20kΩ Selecter - 30kΩ Vab + 7 3pF Q R Q 2V Abnormal protection 2 S - + 3V + 5pF 1V No-lamp pretection KA7543 Pin Assignments OUT2 NC GND Cdm Cs Vdm Vld V5 Vfb Vab KA7543 OUT1 NC Vcc Cc Pin Definitions Pin Number Pin Name Pin Function Description 1 OUT1 Drive Output 1 2 NC No Connection 3 Vcc Supply Voltage Input 4 Cc Compensation Input 5 V5 5V Voltage Source 6 Vfb Negative Feedback Input 7 Vab Abnormal Protection Input 8 Vld Lamp Detection Input Dimming Control Input 9 Vdm 10 Cs 11 Cdm Soft Dimming Control Input 12 GND Ground 13 NC No Connection 14 OUT2 Drive Output 2 Soft Start Time Control Input 3 KA7543 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Value Unit VCC 30 V IOH, IOL ±300 mA Drive Output Clamping Diodes VO > VCC, or VO < -0.3 Iclamp ±10 mA Operating Temperature Range Topr -25 to 125 °C Storage Temperature Range Tstg -65 to 150 °C Supply Voltage Peak Drive Output Current Power Dissipation Pd 1 W Thermal Resistance (Junction-to-Air) θja 123 °C/W Absolute Maximum Ratings (− −25°°C≤ ≤Ta≤ ≤125°°C) Parameter Symbol Value Unit Temperature Stability For Reference Voltage (Vref) ∆Vref(Typ) 20 mV Temperature Stability For Operating Frequency (fs) ∆fs(Typ) 8 kHz Electrical Characteristics Unless otherwise specified, Vcc=12V, Ta=25°C. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit 8.7 9.5 10.3 V 1.5 1.8 2.1 V V UNDER VOLTAGE LOCK OUT SECTION Start Threshold Voltage VTH(st) UVLO Hysteresis HY(st) 5V Reference Voltage(Note1) VCC increasing - V5 I5 = 0mA 4.9 5 5.1 Start Up Supply Current IST Vcc=8.5V - 0.2 0.27 mA Operating Supply Current ICC Output not switching - 7 9 mA IDCC fo = 50kHz, CI=1nF - 8 12 mA Output Sink Current Iea(i) Vfb = 2V 12 15 18 µA Output Source Current Iea(o) Vfb = 0V 12 15 18 µA SUPPLY CURRENT SECTION Dynamic Operating Supply Current (Note1) CURRENT AMPLIFIER SECTION (NOTE1) 4 KA7543 Electrical Characteristics (Continue) Unless otherwise specified, Vcc=12V, Ta=25°C. Parameter Symbol Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit 1 Lamp Feedback Voltage Vfb1 Vld = 2V 0.425 0.5 0.575 V 2 Lamp Feedback Voltage Vfb2 Vld = 4V 0.85 1 1.15 V Output Voltage High Vea(h) Vfb = 0V 5.5 5.7 5.9 V Output Voltage Low Vea(l) Vfb = 2V - - 0.4 V kHz OSCILLATOR SECTION(NOTE1) Reference Frequency fref VC = 3.0V 37 45 53 Reference Dead Time td VC = 3.0V 1.2 1.4 1.6 µs Soft Start Frequency fss VC = 0V 77 - - kHz Soft Start Time Current Iss VC = 0V 9.2 11 12.8 µA 0 - 2 V VOLTAGE INPUT DIMMING SECTION(NOTE1) Dimming Voltage Range ∆Vdm - Dimming Start Voltage Vdm Vdm = 0V 3.85 4 4.15 V Initial Dimming Output Voltage Vdm Vdm = 0V -0.1 0 0.1 V OUTPUT 1/2 SECTION Rising Time (Note2) tr Vcc =12V,CI =1nF - 200 280 ns Falling Time(Note2) tf Vcc =12V,CI =1nF - 50 90 ns VCC = 5V, IO =100µA - - 0.9 V Output Voltage With UVLO Activated Vomin(o) PROTECTION SECTION Lamp Detection Voltage Vld - 2.5 3 3.5 V Abnormal Detection Voltage Vab - 1.6 2 2.4 V Switch Off Detection Voltage Vso - 4.7 5 5.3 V No Lamp Detect Voltage Vnd - 0.85 1 1.15 V Vpr - - 0.7 - V PROTECTION RESET SECTION Protection Reset Voltage Notes : 1. This parameter should be tested in Vcc = 11V, 14V, 30V. 2. This parameter, although guaranteed, is not tested in production. 5 KA7543 Operating Description lamp feedback lamp change soft moving on dimming 2Lamp Vcs 2V 1V 1Lamp Vfb 0.5V 2V Vdm 1V 0 t[sec] Figure 1. Operation Characteristics The KA7543 is an advanced, lamp current feedback ballast dimming control IC which drives half bridge converter. This control IC provides all the necessary features to implement wide range dimming control, soft-start and constant power consumption for the intelligent electronic ballast system. The number of external components can be minimized by adopting the KA7543. Protection circuitry, no lamp protection, abnormal protection, one lamp detection, UVLO and restart on lamp adding have been included in the KA7543. Fig. 1 shows the operational characteristic of the KA7543 according to time and lamp count variation. When the Vcc voltage reaches the start-up threshold voltage(9.5V), the soft start capacitor begins to be charged. When the Cs pin voltage, Vcs is over 2V, the soft start operation ends. During the soft start operation, the reference voltage which controls the lamp current is proportional to Vcs. Dimming operation starts when Vcs becomes 4V and the change rate of dimming is determined by the capacitor connected to the Cdm pin. The more smooth dimming can be accomplished by the larger capacitor connected to the Cdm pin. UVLO(Under Voltage Lock Out) To output Reset Cs UVLO 9.5V Vcc 3 - 1.8V 7V Vz Supply + sw 2V Vref (bandgap) 2V Internal bias bias 7V Figure 2. UVLO Until the Vcc voltage reaches the start-up threshold voltage(9.5V), UVLO circuit lowers the IC operating current below 270µA. When the Vcc voltage reaches the start-up threshold voltage, it generates IC reference voltage(Vref) and supplies bias current for the whole circuitry. The hysteresis of UVLO circuit is 1.8V. 6 KA7543 Soft Start Cc 4 Dimming starter 4V + 11µA 5.7V 10 + Mirror is isr Cs Gm + 20kΩ 2V Soft starter Figure 3. Soft Start The soft start circuit charges the soft start capacitor, Cs connected to Cs pin. So the Cs pin voltage increases linearly when start-up and the current(is) makes the reference voltage(Vr) which is proportional to is current. The is current is maximum when the Cs pin voltage is 2V. The highest soft start frequency is determined by the Cc pin voltage(Vbe+2Vd). The operating frequency linearly decreases until the Cs pin voltage reaches 2V. During the soft start operation, the reference voltage which controls the lamp current is proportional to Vcs. If the Cs pin voltage is higher than 2V, the operating frequency is controlled by the feedback reference voltage. The UN-UVLO signal discharges capacitor Cs when the Vcc voltage is lower than UV. Oscillator From Cc Limiter + + ict - 2V + To flip flop Q R + 8ict 55pF 4V Q S sw + 1V Oscillator Figure 4. Oscillator The oscillator block consists of two comparators and the ratio of charging time and discharging time is 7:1. The current source, ict charges 55pF capacitor until the capacitor voltage meets the upper limit voltage. After that time, 7*ict current discharges the capacitor until it meet the lower limit voltage, 1V. The upper limit voltage is between 2V and 4V. The operating frequency is highest when the upper limit voltage is 2V and it is lowest when the upper limit voltage is 4V. The lowest operating frequency guarantees the zero voltage switching operation of the ballast system. 7 KA7543 Dimming Control Stage 11 Cdm CURRENT AMPLIFIER 9 Vdm DIMMING CONTROL 5V Switch - is To output + + Mirror - + idr id + - To error amp (+) is-id 20kΩ 2V Dimmer Figure 5. Dimming Control Stage The condition for full dimming is when the Vdm voltage is 2V and the condition for full lighting is when the Vdm voltage is 0V. Dimming operation starts when Vcs becomes 4V and the change rate of dimming is determined by the capacitor connected to the Cdm pin. The more smooth dimming can be accomplished by the larger capacitor connected to the Cdm pin. If the Vdm pin voltage is higher than 5V, then the output drive stage remains in off state. Dimming control and output drive on/ off control can be achieved with only one pin. Output Drive Stage From protection output from uvlo From oscillator Q Frequency divider 1 OUT1 14 OUT2 Output stage Figure 6. Output Drive Stage OUT1 and OUT2 are complementary and there is 1.4us dead time for the ZVS operation. The structure of output stage is the totem-pole output stage. For the high side MOSFET drive, a pulse transformer is necessary. No Lamp Protection If the Vld pin voltage is lower than 1V, it means that there is no lamp connected. On no lamp condition, the output drive stage is in off state. 8 KA7543 Abnormal Protection To output 30kΩ Vab + 7 3pF S Q R Q 2V Protection reset From no lamp Abnormal protection + 0.7V - Vct Figure 7. Abnormal Protection Circuit The abnormal protection is similar to the over current protection, but it is a protection that detects abnormal connection of lamps. The abnormal protection circuit works when the Vab pin voltage is higher than 2V. The abnormal protection is latched using a flip-flop and the protection is reset when the ballast system restarts. Lamp Selector Stage Cc Vfb 6 Gm Vr 5kΩ + 1/2 ir is-id Selecter - 30kΩ - + 3V + 8 Vld 5pF 1V No-lamp pretection Figure 8. Lamp Selector Stage If the Vld pin voltage is between 1V and 3V, it means that there is one lamp connected and if the Vld pin voltage is over 3V, it is two lamps condition. The feedback reference voltage of the two lamps condition is twice that of one lamp condition. 9 KA7543 Application Circuit <85 ~ 265VAC Input, 400VDC, Fluorescent Lamps Ballast(32W*2 / 36W*2)> T1 D5 D3 C5 D4 R3 D1 R4 R7 D2 R5 D8 NTC Q1 R1 5 6 OUT Idet C6 C2 GND 8 7 C9 C4 Vcc C3 CS MULT R8 4 3 1 C1 2 INV EA_OUT FAN7527B L1 TNR F1 R6 C7 R2 R9 C8 AC INPUT R15 C10 R12 T2 C22C23C13 12 7 10 11 14 4 Q2 6 3 5 9 14 R13 C20 L3 Q3 D6 R11 R10 C18 L2 C14 14 8 C19 C15 R14 1 KA7543 C11 C17 D7 C16 R16 C12 R17 R18 R21 C24 ZD1 Vdm(0~2V) 10 C21 R19 KA7543 Components List (32W*2Lamp Application) Part Number Value Note Manufacturer R1 1.8MΩ 1/4W - R2 25kΩ 1/4W - R3, 21 150kΩ 1W - R4, 11 22kΩ 1/4W - R5 10Ω 1/4W R6 0.68Ω 1W - R7 1.0MΩ 1/4W - R8 6kΩ 1/4W - R9 103 Variable resistor - R10 6.8Ω 1W - R12, 13 47Ω 1W - R14 180kΩ 1/4W - R15, 16 330kΩ 1/4W - R17, 18 680kΩ 1/4W - R19 8.2kΩ 1/4W - C1, 2 150nF, 275Vac Box-Cap - C3, 4 2200pF, 3000V Y-Cap - C5 0.33µF, 630V Miller-Cap - C6, 24 47µF, 35V Electorlytic - C7 1µF MLCC - C8, 11 1nF, 25V Ceramic - C9 47µF, 450V Electorlytic - C10 0.22µF, 25V Ceramic - C12, 21 0.1µF, 25V Ceramic - C13 10nF, 25V Ceramic - C14 1nF, 630V Miller-Cap - C15,16 4700pF, 1000V Miller-Cap - C17, 18, 19, 20 6800pF, 630V Miller-Cap - C22, 23 22µF, 35V Electorlytic - Q1, 2, 3 500V, 4.5A IRFS830B Fairchild D1, 2, 3, 4 1000V, 1A 1N4007 - D5 600V, 1A BYV26C - D6, 7 600V, 1A 1N4937 - D8 75V, 150mA 1N4148 - ZD1 15V, 1W 1N4744 - L1 45mH Line Filter - L2, 3 3.1mH(120T) EI2820 - T1 0.9mH(80T:6T) EI2820 - T2 1.2mH(30T:60T) EE1614 - F1 250V, 3A Fuse - TNR 470V 471 - NTC 10Ω 10D09 11 KA7543 Components List(36W*2Lamp Application) (Continued) 12 Part Number Value Note Manufacturer R1 1.8MΩ 1/4W - R2 22kΩ 1/4W - R3, 21 150kΩ 1W - R4, 11 22kΩ 1/4W - R5 10Ω 1/4W R6 0.68Ω 1W - R7 1MΩ 1/4W - R8 6kΩ 1/4W - R9 103 Variable resistor - R10 6.8Ω 1W - R12, 13 47Ω 1W - R14 180kΩ 1/4W - R15, 16 330kΩ 1/4W - R17, 18 680kΩ 1/4W - R19 8.2kΩ 1/4W - C1, 2 150nF, 275Vac Box-Cap - C3, 4 2200pF, 3000V Y-Cap - C5 0.33µF, 630V Miller-Cap - C6, 24 47µF, 35V Electorlytic - C7 1µF MLCC - C8, 11 1nF, 25V Ceramic - C9 47µF, 450V Electorlytic - C10 0.22µF, 25V Ceramic - C12, 21 0.1µF, 25V Ceramic - C13 10nF, 25V Ceramic - C14 1nF, 630V Miller-Cap - C15,16 3300pF, 1000V Miller-Cap - C17, 18, 19, 20 6800pF, 630V Miller-Cap - C22, 23 22µF, 35V Electorlytic - Q1, 2, 3 500V, 4.5A IRFS830B Fairchild D1, 2, 3, 4 1000V, 1A 1N4007 - D5 600V, 1A BYV26C - D6, 7 600V, 1A 1N4937 - D8 75V, 150mA 1N4148 - ZD1 15V, 1W 1N4744 - L1 45mH Line Filter - L2, 3 3.1mH(120T) EI2820 - T1 0.9mH(80T:6T) EI2820 - T2 1.2mH(30T:60T) EE1614 - F1 250V, 3A Fuse - TNR 470V 471 - NTC 10Ω 10D09 - KA7543 Mechanical Dimensions Package Dimensions in millimeters 2.08 ) 0.082 14-DIP 7.62 0.300 3.25 ±0.20 0.128 ±0.008 5.08 MAX 0.200 1.50 ±0.10 0.059 ±0.004 #8 2.54 0.100 #7 19.40 ±0.20 0.764 ±0.008 #14 19.80 MAX 0.780 #1 0.46 ±0.10 0.018 ±0.004 ( 6.40 ±0.20 0.252 ±0.008 0.20 0.008 MIN 3.30 ±0.30 0.130 ±0.012 +0.10 0.25 –0.05 0~15° +0.004 0.010 –0.002 13 KA7543 Mechanical Dimensions (Continued) Package Dimensions in millimeters 14-SOP MIN #8 0.60 ±0.20 0.024 ±0.008 14 MAX0.10 MAX0.004 1.80 MAX 0.071 5.72 0.225 ° 3.95 ±0.20 0.156 ±0.008 0~ 8 +0.10 0.20 -0.05 +0.004 0.008 -0.002 6.00 ±0.30 0.236 ±0.012 1.27 0.050 #7 +0.10 0.406 -0.05 +0.004 0.016 -0.002 #14 8.70 MAX 0.343 #1 8.56 ±0.20 0.337 ±0.008 ( 0.47 ) 0.019 1.55 ±0.10 0.061 ±0.004 0.05 0.002 KA7543 Ordering Information Product Number Package KA7543 14-DIP KA7543D 14-SOP Operating Temperature -25°°C ~ +125°°C 15 KA7543 DISCLAIMER FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY FAIRCHILD’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury of the user. 2. A critical component in any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. www.fairchildsemi.com 8/2/02 0.0m 001 Stock#DSxxxxxxxx 2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation