Product specification KDV262 SOD-323 +0.05 0.85-0.05 +0.1 1.3-0.1 +0.05 0.3-0.05 +0.1 1.7-0.1 Unit: mm Features High Capacitance Ratio : C2V/C25V=12.5(Typ.) Low Series Resistance : rs=0.6 +0.1 2.6-0.1 1.0max (Typ.) 0.375 0.475 Excellent C-V Characteristics, and Small Tracking Error. +0.05 0.1-0.02 Useful for Small Size Tuner. A b s o lu te M a x im u m R a tin g s T a = 2 5 P a ra m e te r R e ve rs e V o lta g e S ym b o l V a lu e U n it VR 34 V P e a k R e ve rs e V o lta g e V RM J u n c tio n T e m p e ra tu re Tj 125 T s tg -5 5 to + 1 2 5 S to ra g e T e m p e ra tu re R a n g e 3 5 (R L = 1 0 K V ) Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25 Conditions Min Reverse Voltage Parameter Symbol VR IR = 1 34 Reverse Current IR V R = 28 V Max 10 C 2V f = 1 MHz;V R = 2 V 33 35.5 38 f = 1 MHz;V R = 25 V 2.6 2.85 3.0 C 2V/C 25V 12 12.5 C 25V/C 28V 1.03 Series Resistance rs V R = 5V, f = 470 MHz Unit V C 25V Capacitance Capacitance Ratio A Typ 0.6 nA pF 0.8 Note : Available in matched group for capacitance to 2.0%. C(Max.)-C(Min.) 0.02 C(Min.) (V R=2~25V) Marking Marking UQ [email protected] 4008-318-123 1 of 1