DATASHEET Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 9LPRS436C Key Specifications: • CPU outputs cycle-cycle jitter < 85ps • PCIEX outputs cycle-cycle jitter < 125ps • SATA outputs cycle-cycle jitter < 125ps • PCI outputs cycle-cycle jitter < 500ps • +/- 100ppm frequency accuracy on all clocks Recommended Application: NM10 Express Chipset + N450/D410/D510 Atom® CPUs Output Features: • 2 - 0.8V push-pull differential CPU pairs • 2 - 0.8V push-pull differential PCIEX pairs • 1 - 0.8V push-pull differential SATA75 pair • 1 - 0.8V push-pull differential DOT96 pair • 1 - 0.8V push-pull differential CPU/PCIEX selectable pair • 1 - PCI (33MHz) • 1 - PCICLK_F, (33MHz) free-running • 1 - USB, 48MHz • 1 - 12/48MHz • 1 - 25MHz • 1 - REF, 14.318MHz • 1 - 12.288MHz Features/Benefits: • VDDSUSP allows 25MHz to run in S-states • Supports programmable spread percentage • Uses external 25MHz crystal, external crystal load caps are required for frequency tuning • PEREQ# pins to support PCIEX/SATA power management. • Low power differential clock outputs (No 50Ω resistor to GND needed) • Integrated 33Ω series resistor on all differential outputs. **FS3/12_288M_2x VDD12_288 PEREQ1# PEREQ2# **FS4/PCICLK0_2x GND VDDPCI **ITP_EN/PCICLK_F0_2x PEREQ3# *SEL12_48#/12_48MHz_2x VDD FSLA/USB48_2x GND DOTT_96MHzLR DOTC_96MHzLR FSLB GNDSATA SATAT_LR/PCIeT_LR3 SATAC_LR/PCIeC_LR3 VDDSATA PCIeT_LR0 PCIeC_LR0 PCIeT_LR1 PCIeC_LR1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9LPRS436 Pin Configuration 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 GND GND REF0_2x/FSLC VDD14 Vtt_PwrGd/WOL_STOP# VDDSUSP 25MHz GND X1_25 X2_25 PCI&PCIEX_STOP# CPU_STOP# SDATA SCLK GND CPUT_LR0 CPUC_LR0 VDDCPU CPUT_LR1 CPUC_LR1 CPUITPT_LR2/PCIeT_LR2 CPUITPC_LR2/PCIeC_LR2 VDDPCIEX GND 48-TSSOP * Internal Pull-Up Resistor ** Internal Pull-Down Resistor IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C —08/24/11 1 CPU_STOP# PCI&PCIEX_STOP# X2_25 X1_25 GND 25MHz VDDSUSP Vtt_PwrGd/WOL_STOP# VDD14 REF0_2x/FSLC GND GND 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 **FS3/12_288M_2x 1 36 SDATA VDD12_288 2 35 SCLK PEREQ1# 3 34 GND PEREQ2# 4 33 CPUT_LR0 9LPRS436 **FS4/PCICLK0_2x 5 32 CPUC_LR0 48 MLF 6x6mm 0.4mm pitch GND 6 VDDPCI 7 **ITP_EN/PCICLK_F0_2x 8 PEREQ3# 9 31 VDDCPU 30 CPUT_LR1 29 CPUC_LR1 28 CPUITPT_LR2/PCIeT_LR2 *SEL12_48#/12_48MHz_2x 10 27 CPUITPC_LR2/PCIeC_LR2 VDD 11 FSLA/USB48_2x 12 26 VDDPCIEX 25 GND PCIeC_LR1 PCIeT_LR1 PCIeC_LR0 PCIeT_LR0 VDDSATA SATAC_LR/PCIeC_LR3 SATAT_LR/PCIeT_LR3 GNDSATA FSLB DOTC_96MHzLR DOTT_96MHzLR GND 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 * Internal Pull-Up Resistor ** Internal Pull-Down Resistor IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 2 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems Pin Description PIN # PIN NAME 1 **FS3/12_288M_2x 2 VDD12_288 3 PEREQ1# 4 PEREQ2# 5 6 7 **FS4/PCICLK0_2x GND VDDPCI 8 **ITP_EN/PCICLK_F0_2x 9 PEREQ3# 10 *SEL12_48#/12_48MHz_2x 11 VDD 12 FSLA/USB48_2x 13 GND 14 DOTT_96MHzLR 15 DOTC_96MHzLR 16 FSLB 17 GNDSATA 18 SATAT_LR/PCIeT_LR3 19 SATAC_LR/PCIeC_LR3 20 VDDSATA 21 PCIeT_LR0 22 PCIeC_LR0 23 PCIeT_LR1 24 PCIeC_LR1 TYPE DESCRIPTION I/O Frequency select latch input pin / 12.288MHz output, 3.3V PWR Power for 12.288MHz PLL and output buffer, nominal 3.3V. Real-time input pin that controls SATACLK and PCIEXCLK outputs that are IN selected through the SMBus. 1 = selected outputs are disabled, 0 = selected outputs are enabled. Real-time input pin that controls SATACLK and PCIEXCLK outputs that are IN selected through the SMBus. 1 = selected outputs are disabled, 0 = selected outputs are enabled. I/O Frequency select latch input pin / 3.3V PCI clock output. PWR Ground pin. PWR Power supply for PCI clocks, nominal 3.3V ITP Enable Latched Input/Free Running PCI clock output. ITP_Enable Selects the functionality of the CPU_ITP/SRC output as follows: I/O 1 = CPU_ITP output 0 = SRC output Real-time input pin that controls PCIEXCLK outputs that are selected through IN the SMBus. 1 = selected outputs are disabled, 0 = selected outputs are enabled. Latched select input for 12/48MHz output. 1=12MHz, 0=48MHz. 12/48MHz I/O clock output. PWR Power supply, nominal 3.3V 3.3V tolerant input for CPU frequency selection. Low voltage threshold inputs, I/O see input electrical characteristics for Vil_FS and Vih_FS values. / 48.00MHz USB clock PWR Ground pin. True clock of low power differential pair for 96.00MHz DOT clock. No 50ohm OUT to GND needed. No Rs needed. Complementary clock of low power differential pair for 96.00MHz DOT clock. OUT No 50ohm resistor to GND needed. No Rs needed. 3.3V tolerant input for CPU frequency selection. Refer to input electrical IN characteristics for Vil_FS and Vih_FS values. PWR Ground pin for the SATA outputs True clock of differential SATA pair. / True clock of differential PCI-Express pair OUT - selectable by FS(4:3) ; both are 0.8V differential push pull outputs with integrated 33ohm series resistor. Complementary clock of differential SATA pair. / Complementary clock of OUT differential PCI-Express pair - selectable by FS(4:3); both are 0.8V differential push pull outputs with integrated 33ohm series resistor. PWR Supply for SATA clocks, 3.3V nominal True clock of 0.8V differential push-pull PCI_Express pair with integrated OUT 33ohm series resistor Complementary clock of 0.8V differential push-pull PCI_Express pair with OUT integrated 33ohm series resistor True clock of 0.8V differential push-pull PCI_Express pair with integrated OUT 33ohm series resistor Complementary clock of 0.8V differential push-pull PCI_Express pair with OUT integrated 33ohm series resistor IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 3 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems Pin Description (Continued) 25 26 GND VDDPCIEX PWR PWR 27 CPUITPC_LR2/PCIeC_LR2 OUT 28 CPUITPT_LR2/PCIeT_LR2 OUT 29 CPUC_LR1 OUT 30 CPUT_LR1 OUT 31 VDDCPU PWR 32 CPUC_LR0 OUT 33 CPUT_LR0 OUT 34 35 36 37 GND SCLK SDATA CPU_STOP# PWR IN I/O IN 38 PCI&PCIEX_STOP# 39 40 41 42 X2_25 X1_25 GND 25MHz OUT IN PWR OUT 43 VDDSUSP PWR 44 Vtt_PwrGd/WOL_STOP# 45 VDD14 46 REF0_2x/FSLC 47 48 GND GND IN IN PWR I/O PWR PWR Ground pin. Power supply for PCI Express clocks, nominal 3.3V Complementary clock of differential pair CPU output. / Complementary clock of differential PCIEX pair. These are 0.8V push pull outputs. No external 50ohm resistor to GND or 33ohm series resistor needed. True clock of differential pair CPU output. / True clock of differential PCIEX pair. These are 0.8V push pull outputs. No external 50ohm resistor to GND or 33ohm series resistor needed. Complementary clock of differential pair 0.8V push-pull CPU outputs with integrated 33ohm series resistor. True clock of differential pair 0.8V push-pull CPU outputs with integrated 33ohm series resistor. Supply for CPU clocks, 3.3V nominal Complementary clock of differential pair 0.8V push-pull CPU outputs with integrated 33ohm series resistor. True clock of differential pair 0.8V push-pull CPU outputs with integrated 33ohm series resistor. Ground pin. Clock pin of SMBus circuitry, 5V tolerant. Data pin for SMBus circuitry, 5V tolerant. Stops CPU0 clock when enabled. Stops all PCICLKs at logic 0 level, when low. Free running PCICLKs are not effected by this input. Crystal output, Nominally 25.00MHz. Crystal input, Nominally 25.00MHz. Ground pin. 25MHz clock output, 3.3V Supply for suspend mode, powers 25MHz PLL, 25M output and XTAL oscillator. 3.3V Nominal This active high 3.3V LVTTL input is a level sensitive strobe used to determine when latch inputs are valid and are ready to be sampled / Asynchronous active low input pin that stops all outputs except free running 25Mhz Power for 14.31818MHz PLL and REF output, nominal 3.3V. 2x strength 14.318 MHz reference clock./ 3.3V tolerant input for CPU frequency selection. Refer to input electrical characteristics for Vil_FS and Vih_FS values. Ground pin. Ground pin. IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 4 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems General Description The 9LPRS436C is a low power CK505-compatible clock targeted at Intel-based Netbooks and Nettops. This clock synthesizer provides a single chip solution for systems using the Intel NM10 chipset paired with the Intel N450/D410/D510 Atom® CPUs. The 9LPRS436C is driven with a 25MHz crystal. 25M Block Diagram NonSS PLL 14.318M NonSS PLL 12.288M CPU 25M XTAL PCI SS PLL PCIe/ SATA 75M/ 100M NonSS PLL DOT96 48MHz 12_48MHz Series Resistors for Single Ended Outputs D.C.Drive Strength Number of Loads to Drive Match Point for N & P Voltage / Current (mA) 1 2 Number of Loads Actually Driven. 1 Load Rs= 2 Loads Rs= 3 Loads Rs= 0.56 / 33 (17Ω) 33Ω [39Ω] - - 0.92 / 66 (14Ω) 39Ω [43Ω] 22Ω [27Ω] - Notes: 1. Preferred drive strengths using CK505 clock sources. Transmission lines to load do not share series resistors. 2. Desktop/Mobile Platforms with Zo = 50/55 ohms use the first resistor value. 3. Systems with Zo = 60 ohms use the resistor values in brackets [ ]. IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 5 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems Table 1: CPU/SRC/PCI PLL Spread Frequency Selection Table for 9LPRS436C 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FS4 (B0b4) FS3 (B0b3) FSLC (B0b2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 FSLB FSLA (B0b1) (B0b0) 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems CPU MHz SRC PCI SATA 100.00 100.00 83.33 83.33 133.33 133.33 166.67 166.67 100.00 100.00 83.33 83.33 133.33 133.33 166.67 166.67 100.00 100.00 83.33 83.33 133.33 133.33 166.67 166.67 100.00 100.00 83.33 83.33 133.33 133.33 166.67 166.67 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 33.33 Follows SRC Follows SRC Follows SRC Follows SRC Follows SRC Follows SRC Follows SRC Follows SRC 100MHz Non-Spread 100MHz Non-Spread 100MHz Non-Spread 100MHz Non-Spread 100MHz Non-Spread 100MHz Non-Spread 100MHz Non-Spread 100MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 75MHz Non-Spread 1561C — 08/24/11 6 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems Table 2: Slew Rate Selection Table Slew Bit 1 Bit 0 Rate Hi-Z 0 0 0.6X 0 1 (1.2V/ns) 0.8X 1 0 (1.6V/ns) 1X 1 1 (2.0V/ns) CPU Power Management Table WOL_STOP# SMBus Register OE PCI&PCIEX_ CPU(1:0)/ITP CPU#(1:0)/ITP STOP# CPU_STOP# 1 Enable 1 X Running 1 Enable 0 X High Running Low 0 Enable X X Low Low X Disable X X Low Low Differential Power Management Table PCI&PCIEX_ PCIEX/SATA PCIEX/SATA# PCIEX/SATA PCIEX/SATA# STOP# PCI Stoppable Free-Run WOL_STOP# SMBus Register OE CPU_STOP# 1 Enable X 1 Enable X 0 High 0 Enable X X Low X Disable X X Low Low PCI&PCIEX_ STOP# PCIF/PCI PCIF/PCI Free-run Stoppable 1 Running Running DOT DOT# Running Running Running Running Low Running Running Running Running Low Low /20K Low Low /20K Low Low /20K Low Low /20K Low REF 12/48MHz 12.288MHz 25MHz 25MHz Singled-ended Power Management Table WOL_STOP# SMBus Register OE CPU_STOP# Free-run Stoppable 1 Enable X 1 Running Running Running Running Running Running 1 Enable X 0 Running Low Running Running Running Running 0 Enable X X Low Low Low Low Running Low X Disable X X Low Low Low Low Low Low PEREQ# Control Table: PEREQ# PCIe controlled 1 0, SATA/PCIe3 2 SATA/PCIe3, 1 3 1, 2 IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 7 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems Electrical Characteristics - Absolute Maximum Ratings PARAMETER 3.3V Core Supply Voltage 3.3V Logic Supply Voltage Input Low Voltage Input High Voltage Input High Voltage Storage Temperature Case Temperature Input ESD protection SYMBOL VDDA VDD VIL V IH V IHSMB Ts Tcase ESD prot CONDITIONS MIN TYP UNITS NOTES V 1,2 V 1,2 V 1 V DD +0.5V V 1 5.5V V 1 ° 150 C 1 115 °C 1 V 1 TYP MAX 85 85 3.465 V DD + 0.3 0.8 UNITS °C °C V V V VDD + 0.3 V GND-0.5 Except for SMBus interface SMBus clock and data pins -65 Human Body Model 2000 MAX 4.6 4.6 1 Guaranteed by design and characterization, not 100% tested in production. 2 Operation under these conditions is neither implied nor guaranteed. Electrical Characteristics - Input/Supply/Common Output DC Parameters PARAMETER Supply Voltage Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Tam bI VDDxxx VI HSE VILSE CONDITIONS Standard Device Industrial Temperature R ange Device Supply Voltage Single-ended 3.3V inputs Single-ended 3.3V inputs FS(4:3) Input High Voltage V IH_FS4 Single-ended 3.3V FS(4:3) Inputs 2 FS(4:3) Input Low Voltage Low Threshold InputHigh Voltage Low Threshold InputLow Voltage Input Leakage Current VIL_ FS4 Single-ended 3.3V FS(4:3) Inputs VSS - 0.3 0.8 V V IH_FS 3.3 V +/-5% 0.7 VDD+0.3 V VIL _FS 3.3 V +/-5% VSS - 0.3 0.35 V IIN -5 5 uA Input Leakage Current IINRES -200 200 uA Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage V OHSE VOLSE VIN = V DD , VIN = GND Inputs with pull up or pull down resistors VIN = V DD , VIN = GND Single-ended outputs, IOH = -1mA Single-ended outputs, IOL = 1 mA Full Active, CL = Full load; IDD 3.3V Full Active, CL = Full load; IDD 3.3V 3.3V Main Rail VDD_SUSP Rail. 25MHz Running (WOL) VDD_SUSP Rail. 25MHz Off V DD = 3.3 V 0.4 115 15 0 15 4 27 7 5 6 6 5.5 0.4 V V mA mA mA mA mA MHz nH pF pF pF V V Ambient Operating Temp Operating Supply Current Powerdown Current Input Frequency Pin Inductance Input Capacitance SMBus Voltage Low-level Output Voltage Current sinking at VOLSM B = 0.4 V SCLK/SDATA Clock/Data Rise Time SCLK/SDATA Clock/D ata Fall Time Maximum SMBus Operating Frequency Spread Spectrum Modulation Frequency SYMBOL T amb C I DDVD D3.3 ID DVD DSUSP3 .3 ID DPD VDD3 .3 ID DPD SUSP3.3w IDD PDSU SP3.3 Fi L pin CIN COUT CIN X V DD VOLSMB Logic Inputs Output pin capacitance X1 & X2 pins TF I2C FSMBUS fSSM OD 2.4 106 12 12 3 1.5 2.7 @ IPUL LUP I PULLU P TR I2C MIN 0 -40 3.135 2 VSS - 0.3 SMB Data Pin 4 30 7 7 6 5 5 8 mA (Max VIL - 0.15) to (Min VIH + 0.15) (Min VIH + 0.15) to (Max VIL - 0.15) Triangular Modulation Notes 32.5 1000 ns 300 ns 100 33 kH z kH z NOTES on DC Parameters: (unless otherwise noted, guaranteed by design and characterization, not 100% tested in production). 1 2 Operation at these points is not recommended Maximum VIH is not to exceed VDD 3 Human Body Model Operation under these conditions is nei ther implied, nor guaranteed. S ignal is required to be monotonic in this region. 4 5 6 7 8 Input leakage current does not include inputs with pull-up or pull-down resistors 3.3V referenced inputs are: PCI&P CIEX_STOP #, CPU_STOP #, ITP_EN, SCLK, SDATA, VTT_PWR_GD/P D#, SEL12_48# and PEREQ# inputs if selected. For margining purposes only. Normal operation should have Fin = 25MHz +/-50ppm IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 8 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems AC Electrical Characteristics - Input/Common Parameters PARAMETER SYMBOL Clk Stabilization T STAB Tdrive_PEREQ_off Tdrive_PEREQ_on TD RPER OFF TD RPERON Tdrive_CPU TDRSR C Tdrive_PCIEX TD RPC IEX Tfall_SE Trise_SE TFALL TR ISE Tdrive_PD# TD RPD CONDITIONS From VDD Power-Up or de-assertion of PD to 1st clock Output stop after PEREQ# deasserted Output run after PEREQ# asserted CPU output enable after CPU_STOP# de-assertion PCIEX output enable after PCI&PCIEX_STOP# de-assertion Fall/rise time of all 3.3V control inputs from 2080% Differential output enable after PD# de-assertion MIN TYP MAX UNITS 1.1 1.8 ms 2 2 3 3 clocks clocks 8 10 ns 8 15 ns 10 10 ns ns 85 300 us TYP 3.3 3.2 16 806 MAX 4 4 20 1150 395 32 49.7 66 125 66 66 65 38 145 44 550 140 55 85 150 125 125 250 100 150 250 Notes 1 1 AC Electrical Characteristics - CPU, PCIEX, SATA, DOT96MHz PARAMETER Rising Edge Slew Rate Falling Edge Slew Rate Slew Rate Variation Maximum Output Voltage Minimum Output Voltage Differential Voltage Swing Crossing Point Voltage Crossing Point Variation Duty Cycle CPU Jitter - Cycle to Cycle CPU2_IPT Jitter - Cycle to Cycle SRC Jitter - Cycle to Cycle SATA Jitter - Cycle to C ycle DOT Jitter - Cycle to Cycle CPU[1:0] Skew CPU[2_ITP:0] Skew SRC Skew SYMBOL tSLR tFLR tSLVAR VHIGH VLOW VSWING VXABS VXABSVAR DCYC CPUJC2C CPU2JC2C SRCJC2C SATAJC2C DOTJC2C CPUSKEW10 CPUSKEW20 SRCSKEW CONDITIONS Differential Measurement Differential Measurement Single-ended Measurement Includes overshoot Includes undershoot Differential Measurement Single-ended Measurement Single-ended Measurement Differential Measurement Differential Measurement Differential Measurement Differential Measurement Differential Measurement Differential Measurement Differential Measurement Differential Measurement Differential Measurement MIN 2.5 2.5 -300 300 300 45 UNITS NOTES V/ns 1,2 V/ns 1,2 % 1 mV 1 mV 1 mV 1 mV 1,3,4 mV 1,3,5 % 1 ps 1 ps 1 ps 1 ps 1 ps 1 ps 1,6 ps 1,6 ps 1 Electrical Characteristics - PCICLK/PCICLK_F PARAMETER Output Impedance Long Accuracy SYMBOL RDSP ppm Clock period T period Absolute min/max period Tabs Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage V OH VOL Output High Current IOH Output Low Current IOL Rising Edge Slew Rate Falling Edge Slew Rate Duty Cycle Pin to Pin Skew Jitter, Cycle to cycle tSLR tFLR d t1 t skew tjcyc-cyc CON DITIONS VO = VD D*(0.5) see Tperiod min-max values 33.33MHz output no spread 33.33MHz output spread 33.33MHz output no spread 33.33MHz output nominal/spread IOH = -1 mA IOL = 1 mA V OH @MIN = 1.0 V VOH @MAX = 3.135 V VOL @ MIN = 1.95 V VOL @ MAX = 0.4 V Measured from 0.8 to 2.0 V Measured from 2.0 to 0.8 V V T = 1.5 V V T = 1.5 V V T = 1.5 V MIN 12 -100 29.99700 30.08421 29.49700 29.56617 2.4 TYP -33 30 1 1 45 1.7 1.8 50.6 150 MAX UNITS NOTES Ω 55 1 100 ppm 2 30.00300 ns 2 30.23459 ns 2 30.50300 ns 2 30.58421 ns 2 V 1 0.4 V 1 mA 1 -33 mA 1 mA 1 38 mA 1 4 V/ns 1 4 V/ns 1 55 % 1 250 ps 1 500 ps 1 *T A = Tambient; VDD = 3.3 V +/-5%; C L=5pF, Rs=22Ω (unless specified otherwise) 1 Guaranteed by design and characterization, not 100% tested in p rod uction. 2 All Long Term Accuracy and Clock Period specifications are guaranteed assuming that REFOUT is at 14.31818MHz 3 Slew rate emastured through V_swing voltage range cente red about differential zero 4 Vcross is defined at the voltage where Clock = Clock#. 5 Only appli es to the differential rising edge (Clock rising, Clock# falling.) 6 CPU group skew is nominally 0ps. IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 9 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems Electrical Characteristics - USB48MHz, 12/48MHz PARAMETER Long Accuracy Clock period Absolute min/max period Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Rising Edge Slew Rate (USB48M) Falling Edge Slew Rate (USB48M) Rising Edge Slew Rate (12/48M) Falling Edge Slew Rate (12/48M) Duty Cycle Jitter, Cycle to cycle SYMBOL ppm T period Tabs V OH VOL tSLR tFLR tSLR tFLR d t1 tjcyc-cyc CON DITIONS see Tperiod min-max values 48.00MHz output nominal 48.00MHz output nominal IOH = -1 mA IOL = 1 mA Measured from 0.8 to 2.0 V Measured from 2.0 to 0.8 V Measured from 0.8 to 2.0 V Measured from 2.0 to 0.8 V V T = 1.5 V V T = 1.5 V MIN -100 20.83125 20.48125 2.4 TYP MAX UNITS NOTES 100 ppm 1,2 20.83542 ns 2,3 21.18542 ns 2 V 1 0.4 V 1 2 V/ns 1 2 V/ns 1 2 V/ns 1 2 V/ns 1 55 % 1 350 ps 1 1 1 1 1 45 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 50.6 150 SYMBOL ppm T period Tabs V OH VOL tSLR tFLR d t1 tjcyc-cyc CON DITIONS see Tperiod min-max values 25.00MHz output nominal 25.00MHz output nominal IOH = -1 mA IOL = 1 mA Measured from 0.8 to 2.0 V Measured from 2.0 to 0.8 V V T = 1.5 V V T = 1.5 V MIN -100 39.99600 39.32360 2.4 TYP 0 1 1 45 1.8 1.8 49.6 150 SYMBOL ppm T period Tabs V OH VOL tSLR tFLR d t1 tjcyc-cyc CON DITIONS see Tperiod min-max values 12.288MHz output nominal 12.288MHz output nominal IOH = -1 mA IOL = 1 mA Measured from 0.8 to 2.0 V Measured from 2.0 to 0.8 V V T = 1.5 V V T = 1.5 V MIN -100 81.37207 80.87207 2.4 TYP 0 1 1 45 1.8 1.8 50.1 133 CONDITIONS see Tperiod min-max values 14.318MHz output nominal 14.318MHz output nominal IOH = -1 mA IOL = 1 mA Measured from 0.8 to 2.0 V Measured from 2.0 to 0.8 V VT = 1.5 V VT = 1.5 V MIN -100 69.82033 69.83400 2.4 TYP 0 1 1 45 1.5 1.4 50.2 139 0.4 4 4 55 1000 MIN TYP. 30 MAX 86 1.3 3 1.7 3.1 Electrical Characteristics - 25MHz PARAMETER Long Accuracy Clock period Absolute min/max period Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Rising Edge Slew Rate Falling Edge Slew Rate Duty Cycle Jitter, Cycle to cycle MAX UNITS NOTES 100 ppm 1,2 40.00400 ns 2,3 40.67640 ns 2 V 1 0.4 V 1 2 V/ns 1 2 V/ns 1 55 % 1 500 ps 1 Electrical Characteristics - 12.288MHz PARAMETER Long Accuracy Clock period Absolute min/max period Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Rising Edge Slew Rate Falling Edge Slew Rate Duty Cycle Jitter, Cycle to cycle MAX 100 81.38835 81.88835 0.4 2 2 55 500 UNITS NOTES ppm 1,2 ns 2,3 ns 2 V 1 V 1 V/ns 1 V/ns 1 % 1 ps 1 Electrical Characteristics - REF-14.318MHz PARAMETER Long Accuracy Clock period Absolute min/max period Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Rising Edge Slew Rate Falling Edge Slew Rate Duty Cycle Jitter, Cycle to cycle SYMBOL ppm Tperiod Tabs VOH VOL tSLR tFLR dt1 tjcyc-cyc MAX 100 69.86224 70.84800 UNITS ppm ns ns V V V/ns V/ns % ps Notes 1,2 2,3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 *T A = Tambient; VDD = 3.3 V +/-5%; C L=5pF, Rs=22Ω (unless specified otherwise) 1 Guaranteed by design and characterization, not 100% tested in p rod uction. 2 All Long Term Accuracy and Clock Period specifications are guaranteed assuming that REFOUT is at 14.31818MHz 3 The average period over any 1us period of time Electrical Characteristics - Phase Jitter PARAMETER SYMBOL tjp hPCIe1 Jitter, Phase tjph PCIe2L o tjphPC Ie2Hi CONDITIONS PCIe Gen 1 REFCLK phase jitter PCIe Gen 2 REFCLK phase jitter Lo-band content PCIe Gen 2 REFCLK phase jitter Hi-band content UNITS NOTES ps 1,2,3 ps 1,2,3 (RMS) ps 1,2,3 (RMS) *T A = Tambient; VDD = 3.3 V +/-5%; C L=5pF, Rs=22Ω (unless specified otherwise) Notes on Phase Jitter: 1 See for complete specs. Guaranteed by design and characterization, not tested in production. Device driven by 932S421BGLF or equivalent -12 Sample size of at least 100K cycles. This figures extrapolates to 108ps pk-pk @ 1M cycles for a B ER of 1 3 Applies to PCIEX(3:0) outputs only. 2 2 IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 10 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems Driving LVDS inputs with the 9LPRS436 Value Receiver has Receiver does not termination have termination Component R7a, R7b 10K ohm 140 ohm R8a, R8b 5.6K ohm 75 ohm Cc 0.1 uF 0.1 uF Vcm 1.2 volts 1.2 volts Note 3.3 Volts R7a R7b Cc L4 L4’ Cc 9LPRS436 R8a R8b LVDS CLK Input IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 11 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems General SMBus serial interface information for the 9LPRS436C How to Write: How to Read: Controller (host) sends a start bit. Controller (host) sends the write address D2 (H) ICS clock will acknowledge Controller (host) sends the beginning byte location = N ICS clock will acknowledge Controller (host) sends the data byte count = X ICS clock will acknowledge Controller (host) starts sending Byte N through Byte N + X -1 • ICS clock will acknowledge each byte one at a time • Controller (host) sends a Stop bit • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Controller (host) will send start bit. Controller (host) sends the write address D2 (H) ICS clock will acknowledge Controller (host) sends the begining byte location = N ICS clock will acknowledge Controller (host) will send a separate start bit. Controller (host) sends the read address D3 (H) ICS clock will acknowledge ICS clock will send the data byte count = X ICS clock sends Byte N + X -1 ICS clock sends Byte 0 through byte X (if X(H) was written to byte 8). Controller (host) will need to acknowledge each byte Controller (host) will send a not acknowledge bit Controller (host) will send a stop bit Index Block Read Operation Index Block Write Operation Controller (Host) starT bit T Slave Address D2(H) WR WRite Controller (Host) T starT bit Slave Address D2(H) WR WRite ICS (Slave/Receiver) ICS (Slave/Receiver) ACK ACK Beginning Byte = N Beginning Byte = N ACK ACK RT Repeat starT Slave Address D3(H) RD ReaD Data Byte Count = X ACK Beginning Byte N ACK X Byte ACK Data Byte Count = X ACK Beginning Byte N Byte N + X - 1 ACK X Byte ACK P stoP bit Byte N + X - 1 N P IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems Not acknowledge stoP bit 1561C — 08/24/11 12 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems SMBus Table: Frequency Select Register Byte 0 Name Control Function Reserved Bit 7 Reserved Bit 6 Enables Spread for Spread Enable Bit 5 CPU/SRC/PCI outputs FS4 Freq Select Bit 4 Bit 4 FS3 Freq Select Bit 3 Bit 3 FSLC Freq Select Bit 2 Bit 2 FSLB Freq Select Bit 1 Bit 1 FSLA Freq Select Bit 0 Bit 0 SMBus Table: Output Control Register Byte 1 Name Control Function DOT96Mhz Output Enable Bit 7 SATA/PCIe3 Output Enable Bit 6 ITP/PCIe2 Output Enable Bit 5 PCIe1 Output Enable Bit 4 PCIe0 Output Enable Bit 3 Output Enable (Disabling This 12.288MHz output also disables the Bit 2 12.288M PLL). 25MHz free running during VDD Suspend (S-states). If this bit is 25MHz set to 0, the XTAL OSC will also Bit 1 be powered down in the Suspend States) CPU PLL MN_EN CPU PLL M/N Enable Bit 0 SMBus Table: Output Control Register Byte 2 Name USB_48MHz Bit 7 Bit 6 REF0 Bit 5 25MHz Bit 4 12_48MHz Bit 3 PCICLK_F0 Bit 2 PCICLK0 Bit 1 Bit 0 Control Function Output Enable Reserved Output Enable Output Enable Output Enable Output Enable Output Enable Reserved Type 0 1 PWD 0 0 RW Off 0.5% down spread 0 RW RW RW RW RW Type RW RW RW RW RW 0 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable 1 Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable PWD 1 1 1 1 1 RW Disable Enable 1 RW Does Not Run Runs 1 RW Disable Enable 0 Type RW 0 Disable 1 Enable RW RW RW RW RW Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable PWD 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 Disable Disable Not Controlled Not Controlled Not Controlled Not Controlled Not Controlled Not Controlled 1 Enable Enable Controlled Controlled Controlled Controlled Controlled Controlled SMBus Table: Output Control Register Byte 3 Name Control Function Type CPUCLK1 Output Enable RW Bit 7 CPUCLK0 Output Enable RW Bit 6 PEREQ3# Control PCIEX1 is controlled RW Bit 5 PEREQ3# Control PCIEX2 is controlled RW Bit 4 PEREQ2# Control PCIEX1 is controlled RW Bit 3 PEREQ2# Control SATACLK is controlled RW Bit 2 PEREQ1# Control PCIEX0 is controlled RW Bit 1 PEREQ1# Control SATACLK is controlled RW Bit 0 NOTE: Only 1 PEREQ at a time can be selected to control an output. IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems See Table 1: CPU/SRC/PCI PLL Frequency Selection Table Latch Latch Latch Latch Latch PWD 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1561C — 08/24/11 13 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems SMBus Table: Output Control and Readback Register Byte 4 Name Control Function Reserved Bit 7 CPU_1 Free-Running Control RW Bit 6 SEL_12_48 SEL12_48MHz readback R Bit 5 CPUCLK_2/ITP Free-Running Control RW Bit 4 ITP_EN ITP_EN readback R Bit 3 Reserved Bit 2 CPUCLK_0 Free-Running Control RW Bit 1 Reserved Bit 0 SMBus Table: Output Control Register Byte 5 Name Control Function Reserved Bit 7 Reserved Bit 6 Reserved Bit 5 SATA/PCIe3 Free- Running Control Bit 4 PCIe2 Free- Running Control Bit 3 PCIe1 Free- Running Control Bit 2 PCIe0 Free- Running Control Bit 1 Load Control IIC Load control Bit 0 RW RW RW RW RW SMBus Table: Amplitude Control Register Byte 6 Name Control Function Diff AMP PCIe(2:0) Differential output Bit 7 Diff AMP Amplitude Control Bit 6 Diff AMP DOT96 Differential output Bit 5 Diff AMP Amplitude Control Bit 4 Diff AMP SATA/PCIe3 Differential output Bit 3 Diff AMP Amplitude Control Bit 2 Diff AMP CPU Differential output Bit 1 Diff AMP Amplitude Control Bit 0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW SMBus Table: Revision and Vendor ID Register Byte 7 Name Control Function RID3 Bit 7 RID2 Bit 6 Revision ID RID1 Bit 5 RID0 Bit 4 VID3 Bit 3 VID2 Bit 2 VENDOR ID VID1 Bit 1 VID0 Bit 0 Type R R R R R R R R IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 0 1 Free-Running 48MHz Free-Running PCIEX6 Stoppable 12MHz Stoppable CPU_ITP Free-Running Stoppable 0 1 Free-Running Free-Running Free-Running Free-Running Load Stoppable Stoppable Stoppable Stoppable Do not Load PWD 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 700mV 800mV 700mV 800mV 700mV 800mV 700mV 800mV 1 10 = 900mV 11 = 1000mV 10 = 900mV 11 = 1000mV 10 = 900mV 11 = 1000mV 10 = 900mV 11 = 1000mV PWD 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 PWD x x x x 0 0 0 1 00 = 01 = 00 = 01 = 00 = 01 = 00 = 01 = 0 0010 = C Rev 0001 = ICS PWD 0 0 latch 0 latch 0 0 0 1561C — 08/24/11 14 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems SMBus Table: Byte Count Register Byte 8 Name Reserved Bit 7 Reserved Bit 6 Reserved Bit 5 BC4 Bit 4 BC3 Bit 3 BC2 Bit 2 BC1 Bit 1 BC0 Bit 0 Control Function Type Byte Count Programming RW RW RW RW RW SMBus Table: Watch Dog Timer Control Register Byte 9 Name Control Function HWD_EN Watchdog Hard Alarm Enable Bit 7 WD Hard Status WD Hard Alarm Status Bit 6 Watch Dog Alarm Time base WDTCtrl Bit 5 Control HWD3 WD Hard Alarm Timer Bit 3 Bit 4 HWD2 WD Hard Alarm Timer Bit 2 Bit 3 HWD1 WD Hard Alarm Timer Bit 1 Bit 2 HWD0 WD Hard Alarm Timer Bit 0 Bit 1 Reserved Reserved Bit 0 SMBus Table: Skew programming Register Byte 10 Name Control Function CPUSkw3 Bit 7 CPUSkw2 Bit 6 CPUCLK0 Skew Control (ps) CPUSkw1 Bit 5 CPUSkw0 Bit 4 CPUSkw3 Bit 3 CPUSkw2 Bit 2 CPUCLK1 Skew Control (ps) CPUSkw1 Bit 1 CPUSkw0 Bit 0 CPU Skew Programming Table Byte 10 bits [7:4] or bits [3:0] 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 Type RW R 0 1 Writing to this register will configure how many bytes will be read back, default is 0F = 15 bytes. 0 Disable Normal R 1 Enable Alarm PWD 0 X 0 290ms Base RW These bits represent X*290ms or X*1.16s. RW The watchdog timer waits before it goes to RW alarm mode. Default is 15 X 290ms = RW 4.35s. RW - Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 PWD 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 See CPU Skew Programming Table See CPU Skew Programming Table 1 1 1 1 0 PWD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Skew Value (ps) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 15 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems SMBus Table: CPU/SRC/PCI PLL Frequency Control Register Byte 11 Name Control Function N Div2 N Divider Prog bit 2 Bit 7 N Div1 N Divider Prog bit 1 Bit 6 M Div5 Bit 5 M Div4 Bit 4 M Divider Programming M Div3 Bit 3 bit (5:0) M Div2 Bit 2 M Div1 Bit 1 M Div0 Bit 0 Type 0 1 PWD RW X The decimal representation of M and N RW X RW Divider in Byte 11 and 12 will configure the X CPU PLL VCO frequency. Default at RW X RW power up = latch-in or Byte 0 ROM table. X VCO Frequency = 50 x RW X Ndiv(10:0)/Mdiv(5:0) RW X RW X SMBus Table: CPU/SRC/PCI PLL Frequency Control Register Byte 12 Name Control Function Type 0 1 PWD N Div10 RW X Bit 7 The decimal representation of M and N N Div9 RW X Bit 6 Divider in Byte 11 and 12 will configure the N Div8 RW X Bit 5 N Divider Programming Byte12 CPU PLL VCO frequency. Default at N Div7 RW X Bit 4 bit(7:0) and Byte11 bit(7:6) N Div6 RW power up = latch-in or Byte 0 ROM table. X Bit 3 VCO Frequency = 50 x N Div5 RW X Bit 2 Ndiv(10:0)/Mdiv(5:0) N Div4 RW X Bit 1 N Div3 RW X Bit 0 SMBus Table: CPU/SRC/PCI PLL Frequency Control Register Byte 13 Name Control Function Type 0 1 PWD SSP7 RW X Bit 7 SSP6 RW X Bit 6 SSP5 RW X Bit 5 These Spread Spectrum bits in Byte 13 Spread Spectrum Programming RW SSP4 X Bit 4 and 14 will program the spread percentage bit(7:0) SSP3 RW X Bit 3 of CPU PLL SSP2 RW X Bit 2 SSP1 RW X Bit 1 SSP0 RW X Bit 0 SMBus Table: CPU/SRC/PCI PLL Frequency Control Register Byte 14 Name Control Function Type 0 1 PWD SSP15 RW 0 Bit 7 SSP14 RW X Bit 6 SSP13 RW X Bit 5 These Spread Spectrum bits in Byte 13 Spread Spectrum Programming RW SSP12 X Bit 4 and 14 will program the spread percentage bit(15:8) SSP11 RW X Bit 3 of CPU PLL SSP10 RW X Bit 2 SSP9 RW X Bit 1 SSP8 RW X Bit 0 Bytes [15:22] Are reserved IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 16 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems SMBus Table: SE Slew Rate Control Register Byte 23 Name Control Function Bit 7 Slew Rate Control 48M Slew Bit 6 Bit 5 REF Slew Slew Rate Control Bit 4 Bit 3 12_48M Slew Slew Rate Control Bit 2 Bit 1 25M Slew Slew Rate Control Bit 0 Type RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 00 = Hi-Z 10 = 0.8x (1.6V/ns) 00 = Hi-Z 10 = 0.8x (1.6V/ns) 00 = Hi-Z 10 = 0.8x (1.6V/ns) 00 = Hi-Z 10 = 0.8x (1.6V/ns) 1 01 = 0.6x (1.2V/ns) 11 = 1x (2.0V/ns) 01 = 0.6x (1.2V/ns) 11 = 1x (2.0V/ns) 01 = 0.6x (1.2V/ns) 11 = 1x (2.0V/ns) 01 = 0.6x (1.2V/ns) 11 = 1x (2.0V/ns) PWD 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Type 0 1 RW 00 = really Hi-Z 01 = 0.6x (1.2V/ns) RW 10 = 0.8x (1.6V/ns) 11 = 1x (2.0V/ns) RW Free-Running Stoppable RW Free-Running Stoppable RW 00 = really Hi-Z 01 = 0.6x (1.2V/ns) RW 10 = 0.8x (1.6V/ns) 11 = 1x (2.0V/ns) RW 00 = really Hi-Z 01 = 0.6x (1.2V/ns) RW 10 = 0.8x (1.6V/ns) 11 = 1x (2.0V/ns) PWD 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 Byte [24] is reserved SMBus Table: SE OutputControl Register Byte 25 Name Control Function Bit 7 12.288M Slew Slew Rate Control Bit 6 PCICLK_F0 Free- Running Control Bit 5 PCICLK0 Free- Running Control Bit 4 Bit 3 PCICLK0 Slew Slew Rate Control Bit 2 Bit 1 PCICLK_F0 Slew Slew Rate Control Bit 0 Byte [26:30] are reserved IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 17 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems 48-pin MLF Package Drawing and Dimensions (Ref.) Seating Plane (N D -1)x e (Ref.) A1 Index Area ND & N Even A3 N L N Anvil Singulation 1 E2 (Ref.) b (Re f.) A Chamfer 4x 0.6 x 0.6 max OPTIONAL (N -1)x e E2 2 Sawn Singulation D are Even 2 OR Top View (Typ.) e 2 If N & N D e D2 2 ND & N Odd Thermal Base D2 0. 08 C C THERMALLY ENHANCED, VERY THIN, FINE PITCH QUAD FLAT / NO LEAD PLASTIC PACKAGE DIMENSIONS SYMBOL A A1 A3 b e DIMENSIONS MIN. MAX. 0.8 1.0 0 0.05 0.20 Reference 0.18 0.3 0.40 BASIC SYMBOL N ND NE D x E BASIC D2 MIN. / MAX. E2 MIN. / MAX. L MIN. / MAX. IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 48L TOLERANCE 48 12 12 6.00 x 6.00 3.95 / 4.25 3.95 / 4.25 0.30 / 0.50 1561C — 08/24/11 18 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems 48-pin TSSOP Package Drawing and Dimensions 6.10 mm. Body, 0.50 mm. Pitch TSSOP (240 mil) (20 mil) In Millimeters In Inches SYMBOL COMMON DIMENSIONS COMMON DIMENSIONS MIN MAX MIN MAX A -1.20 -.047 A1 0.05 0.15 .002 .006 A2 0.80 1.05 .032 .041 b 0.17 0.27 .007 .011 c 0.09 0.20 .0035 .008 D SEE VARIATIONS SEE VARIATIONS E 8.10 BASIC 0.319 BASIC E1 6.00 6.20 .236 .244 e 0.50 BASIC 0.020 BASIC L 0.45 0.75 .018 .030 N SEE VARIATIONS SEE VARIATIONS α 0° 8° 0° 8° aaa -0.10 -.004 c N L E1 E INDEX AREA 1 2 D A A2 A1 VARIATIONS - C- e b N SEATING PLANE 48 D mm. MIN MAX 12.40 12.60 D (inch) MIN .488 MAX .496 Reference Doc.: JEDEC Publicat ion 95, M O-153 aaa C 10-0039 Ordering Information Part / Order Number 9LPRS436CKLF 9LPRS436CKLFT 9LPRS436CKILF 9LPRS436CKILFT 9LPRS436CGLF 9LPRS436CGLFT 9LPRS436CGILF 9LPRS436CGILFT Shipping Package Tray Tape and Reel Tray Tape and Reel Tubes Tape and Reel Tubes Tape and Reel Package 48-pin MLF 48-pin MLF 48-pin MLF 48-pin MLF 48-pin TSSOP 48-pin TSSOP 48-pin TSSOP 48-pin TSSOP Temperature 0 to +85° C 0 to +85° C -40 to +85° C -40 to +85° C 0 to +85° C 0 to +85° C -40 to +85° C -40 to +85° C “LF” suffix to the part number are the Pb-Free configuration and are RoHS compliant. "C" is the revision designator (will not correlate to the datasheet revision) IDT® Low Power Clock for Intel Atom®-Based Systems 1561C — 08/24/11 19 9LPRS436C Low Power Clock for Intel Atom ® -Based Systems Revision History Rev. A B Issue Date 6/1/2010 12/8/2010 C 8/24/2011 Requestor Description R DW Released to Final R DW Updated ordering info for MLF devices; replaced tubes with trays 1. Updated electrical tables with typical data, added PCIe phase jitter table. R DW 2. Updated Rev History Table. Page # 8-11, 20 Innovate with IDT and accelerate your future networks. Contact: For Sales For Tech Support 800-345-7015 408-284-8200 Fax: 408-284-2775 408-284-6578 Corporate Headquarters Asia Pacific and Japan Europe Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 6024 Silver Creek Valley Road San Jose, CA 95138 United States 800 345 7015 +408 284 8200 (outside U.S.) IDT Singapore Pte. Ltd. 1 Kallang Sector #07-01/06 KolamAyer Industrial Park Singapore 349276 Phone: 65-6-744-3356 Fax: 65-6-744-1764 IDT Europe Limited 321 Kingston Road Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7TU England Phone: 44-1372-363339 Fax: 44-1372-378851 © 2010 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Product specifications subject to change without notice. IDT, ICS and the IDT logo are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Accelerated Thinking is a service mark of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners. Printed in USA 20