ZXLD1366EV3 USER GUIDE DESCRIPTION The ZXLD1366EV3, Figure 1, is a PCB constructed using an FR4 base for evaluating the ZXLD1366 LED driver with internal switch, in SO-8EP package [1]. The evaluation board can be used to drive an external choice of LEDs; the total forward voltage across the LEDs depending on the number and type connected. The operating voltage is nominally higher than 30V for the external LEDs, and can be raised to 60V maximum, which will reduce the supply current. Please refer to the ZXLD1360 and ZXLD1350 products for applications requiring input voltages lower than 30V. The nominal current for the evaluation board is set at 1A with a 0R2 sense resistor, R1. The 150µH inductor used in the circuit is based on a 30V nominal supply, which should be connected across +VIN and GND pins. Test point ‘ADJ’ provides a connection point for DC or PWM dimming and shutdown. Note: The evaluation board does not have reverse polarity protection Warning: with 1A output, the connected LED will be hot and very bright Figure 1: ZXLD1366EV3 evaluation board ZXLD1366 DEVICE DESCRIPTION The ZXLD1366 is a continuous mode inductive driver in a TSOT23-5, DFN3030-6 and SO-8EP package, for driving one or more series connected LEDs efficiently from a voltage source higher than the LED voltage. The device includes the output switch and a current sense circuit, which requires an external sense resistor to set the nominal current up to 1A. ZXLD1366 DEVICE FEATURES DEVICE APPLICATIONS Typical accuracy better than 0.8% Enhanced thermal capability in SO-8EP package Drives one or more series-connected LEDs LEDs up to 1A. Internal 60V switch. Wide input voltage: 7V to 60V. Inherent open circuit LED protection. Brightness control using DC or PWM. LED flashlights. High Power LED driving. Low-voltage halogen replacement LEDs. Automotive lighting. Illuminated signs. Internal PWM filter. Issue 2 – March 2015 © Diodes Incorporated, 2009 www.diodes.com ZXLD1366EV3 ZXLD1366 Device Packages, Pin and Definitions TSOT23-5, DFN3030-6 and SO-8EP package options ZXLD1366EN8 Device Pin Definition Name Pin No Description LX 1 Drain of NDMOS switch. GND 2, 3, 6, 7 Ground (0V). ADJ 4 Internal voltage ref. pin (1.25V) : Leave floating for normal operation. Connect to GND to turn off output current. Drive with a DC voltage (0.3V to 1.25V) or with a PWM signal to adjust output current Connect a capacitor from this pin to ground to set the softstart time. ISENSE 5 Connect a sense resistor, Rs, from the ADJ pin to VIN to sense the nominal output current. Nominal Iout = 0.2/ R1 VIN 8 Input voltage: 6V to 60V. Decouple to ground with a 100nF and a 10uF or higher ceramic capacitor depending on the input voltage[1]. ORDERING INFORMATION EVALBOARD ORDER NUMBER ZXLD1366EV3 DEVICE ORDER NUMBER ZXLD1366DACTC ZXLD1366E5TA ZXLD1366EN8TC Please note: Evaluation boards are subject to availability and qualified leads. ZXLD1366EV3 EVALUATION BOARD REFERENCE DESIGN The ZXLD1366EV3 is an evaluation board configured to be used with the ZXLD1366 in SO-8EP package, as in Figure 2. The target application is a driver for one or more series-connected LEDs for luminaires in both commercial and automotive applications. The maximum operating voltage is 60V, and the nominal current is set at 1A with a 0R2 sense resistor R1. The device operates in continuous mode at approximately 70kHz, with a 150µH inductor, when the system drives a single LED. An accurate way of determining the current, avoiding the need to insert an ammeter in the current path, is to measure the voltage on the sense resistor. A 10k resistor and a 1uF capacitor can be used to form a low pass filter and the voltage across the capacitor represents a more stable dc reading of current. Using this method, 200mV represents 1Amp when using a 0R2 sense resistor. The ADJ pin connects to a low pass filter within the ZXLD1366 chip to provide some decoupling, but the external capacitor C2 (100nF) is used to provide additional decoupling to reduce any high frequency noise as well as enabling the soft start function. ZXLD1366EV3 Issue 2 – March 2015 www.diodes.com © Diodes Incorporated 2015 Page 2 of 6 ZXLD1366EV3 Both DC and PWM dimming can be achieved by driving the ADJ pin. For DC dimming, the ADJ pin may be driven between 0.3V and 1.25V. Driving the ADJ pin below 0.2V will shut down the output current. For PWM dimming, an external open-collector NPN transistor or open-drain N-channel MOSFET can be used to drive the ADJ pin. The PWM frequency can be low, around 100Hz to 1 kHz, or high between 10 kHz to 50 kHz. For low frequency, PWM capacitor C2 should be removed on the evaluation board, to give a more accurate duty cycle. Shorting R2 will connect the test pin ADJ to device pin ADJ if needed. The external capacitor C2 on the ADJ pin sets the soft start time. The amount of soft start time achievable is approximately 0.1ms/nF. For other reference designs or further applications information, please refer to the ZXLD1366 datasheet. Schematic Diagram Figure 2 shows the schematic for the ZXLD1366EV3 evaluation board. Vin 8 C1 ADJ LED A R1 5 Vin C3 R2 4 C4 ISENSE ZXLD1366EN8 ADJ LX D1 1 L1 LED K C2 GND 2, 3, 6, 7 GND Figure 2: Schematic for the evaluation board ZXLD1366EV3 ZXLD1366 Operation In normal operation, when voltage is applied at +VIN, the ZXLD1366 internal NDMOS switch is turned on. Current starts to flow through sense resistor R1, inductor L1, and the LEDs. The current ramps up linearly, and the ramp rate is determined by the input voltage +VIN and the inductor L1. This rising current produces a voltage ramp across R1. The internal circuit of the ZXLD1366 senses the voltage across R1 and applies a proportional voltage to the input of the internal comparator. When this voltage reaches an internally set upper threshold, the NDMOS switch is turned off. The inductor current continues to flow through R1, L1, the LEDs, the Schottky diode D1, and back to the supply rail, but it decays, with the rate of decay determined by the forward voltage drop of the LEDs and the Schottky diode. This decaying current produces a falling voltage at R1, which is sensed by the ZXLD1366. A voltage proportional to the sense voltage across R1 is applied at the input of the internal comparator. When this voltage falls to the internally set lower threshold, the NDMOS switch is turned on again. This switch-on-and-off cycle continues to provide an average current (set by the sense resistor R1) to the LEDs. Please refer to the datasheet for the threshold limits, ZXLD1366 internal circuits, electrical characteristics and parameters. ZXLD1366EV3 Issue 2 – March 2015 www.diodes.com © Diodes Incorporated 2015 Page 3 of 6 ZXLD1366EV3 ZXLD1366EV3 Evaluation Board - BOM Ref R1 R2 C1 C2,C3 Package 1210 0805 SMD 0805 Part Number SR732ETTDR200F Generic NACEW100M1006.3x8TR13F NMC0805X7R104K100TRPLPF Manufacturer KOA NIC NIC 1206 D1 U1 100V, 2A ZXLD1366 SMB SO-8EP NMC1206X7R104K100TRPLP3K F MSS1246-154ML NPIS27H151LTRF B2100 ZXLD1366EN8 NIC L1 Value 0R2 1kΩ 10uF 100V 100nF, 100V 100nF 100V 150µH C4 - Coilcraft NIC DIODES inc DIODES inc Notes 1%, 100ppm Electrolytic - 20% 20% 150µH Schottky diode DC-DC LED Driver The Aluminium PCB design guarantees a good thermal dissipation for the ZXLD1366 device. Other sources of heat are the Schottky diode, the inductor and the sense resistor. Care must be taken in their placement. Warning: At 60V operation with 500mA output, the board temperature rises by around 50C from ambient after 30 minutes of operation. C4 Figure 3: Component layout and circuit board view ZXLD1366EV3 Connection Point Definition Name Description +VIN Positive supply voltage. GND Supply Ground (0V). ADJ LED A LED K Internal voltage ref. pin (1.25V). This pin can be used to achieve dimming and soft-start, and for switching the output current off. Leave floating for normal operation. See 'Circuit Features' section to achieve dimming, soft-start and for switching the output current off. LED A connects to the external LED anode LED K connects to the external LED cathode ZXLD1366EV3 Issue 2 – March 2015 www.diodes.com © Diodes Incorporated 2015 Page 4 of 6 ZXLD1366EV3 ZXLD1366EV3 Basic operation at full voltage 1. Connect external LEDs across test pins ‘LED A’ (anode) and ‘LED K’ (cathode). The number of external LEDs that can be connected depends on their operating power and forward voltage drop, but typically 16 x 3.4V LEDs can be connected using a 60V rail. For an external load other than LEDs, the positive terminal of the load should be connected the anode and the negative to the cathode. 2. Connect VIN and GND. Warning: The board does not feature reverse battery/supply protection. 3. Set the PSU to the desired input voltage (usually between 30V and 60V) 4. Turn on the PSU. The external LEDs will illuminate and the current should be approximately 1A 5. LX waveforms can be acquired using the test point J1 Warning: Do not stare at the LEDs directly. Circuit features N.B. Remove power whilst changing components! Soft-start 1. The evaluation board is fitted with capacitor C2, which performs the soft start function by slowing the rise time of the adjust pin at start-up. The pin output impedance is 50k so CxR is the time constant to reach 66% of output current. PWM 1. Remove the soft start capacitor C2 2. Refer to the datasheet for how to perform PWM Switching off the output current 3. Shorting the ADJ pin to GND will cause the LED current to go to zero. Releasing this pin will switch on the system (creating a soft-start power up sequence if the C2 capacitor is used). Changing the LED current 1. Remove R1 2. Calculate and fit a new sense resistor, R1, the value of which is based on the required LED current without dimming. R1 can be calculated using following equation : R1 = 0.2(V / IOUT) where IOUT = the LED current. R1 = the sense resistor value in ohms. 0.2V is the nominal sense voltage with ADJ open circuit or set to 1.25V. PERFORMANCE The system efficiency depends on the sense resistor, supply voltage, switching inductor, and the number of LEDs. With a 60V supply and 15 LEDs, using and inductor of 150µH, the switching frequency is typically 100 kHz and efficiency levels >94% are achievable. Visit our website www.diodes.com to find useful tools for circuit design and simulation. REFERENCE [1] ZXLD1366 Datasheet – www.diodes.com ZXLD1366EV3 Issue 2 – March 2015 www.diodes.com © Diodes Incorporated 2015 Page 5 of 6 ZXLD1366EV3 IMPORTANT NOTICE DIODES INCORPORATED MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION). Diodes Incorporated and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make modifications, enhancements, improvements, corrections or other changes without further notice to this document and any product described herein. Diodes Incorporated does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this document or any product described herein; neither does Diodes Incorporated convey any license under its patent or trademark rights, nor the rights of others. Any Customer or user of this document or products described herein in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Diodes Incorporated and all the companies whose products are represented on Diodes Incorporated website, harmless against all damages. Diodes Incorporated does not warrant or accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any products purchased through unauthorized sales channels. Should Customers purchase or use Diodes Incorporated products for any unintended or unauthorized application, Customers shall indemnify and hold Diodes Incorporated and its representatives harmless against all claims, damages, expenses, and attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized application. Products described herein may be covered by one or more United States, international or foreign patents pending. Product names and markings noted herein may also be covered by one or more United States, international or foreign trademarks. LIFE SUPPORT Diodes Incorporated products are specifically not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of the Chief Executive Officer of Diodes Incorporated. As used herein: A. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which: 1. are intended to implant into the body, or 2. support or sustain life and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user. B. A critical component is any component in a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably be expected to cause the failure of the life support device or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Customers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their life support devices or systems, and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of Diodes Incorporated products in such safety-critical, life support devices or systems, notwithstanding any devices- or systems-related information or support that may be provided by Diodes Incorporated. Further, Customers must fully indemnify Diodes Incorporated and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of Diodes Incorporated products in such safety-critical, life support devices or systems. Copyright © 2015, Diodes Incorporated www.diodes.com ZXLD1366EV3 Issue 2 – March 2015 www.diodes.com © Diodes Incorporated 2015 Page 6 of 6