Engineering Specification 561 Hillgrove Ave. LaGrange, Illinois 60525 Applicable Products: REVISION Date : 10-26-2011 Revision Level:B 3KUM1331-1 3K Keypads with CANopen protocol document Written By: BMM Grayhill 3K Keypads with CANopen DESCRIPTION A Original B Corrected TPDO param. RTR not supported. CHECKED APPROVED RMO 5-3-2011 RMO 10-26-2011 RAL 5-3-2011 RAL 10-26-2011 This form is used to describe the software components or a new product or feature. This form is provided as a base to describe construction of a software module(s). Sections may be added at the discretion of the design engineer to detail more functionality of the software components. 1. Scope ...............................................................................................................................2 2. Relevant Documents ........................................................................................................2 3. Product Validation.............................................................................................................2 4. Hardware Description........................................................................................................2 4.1. Input..............................................................................................................................2 4.2. Outputs .........................................................................................................................2 5. Object Dictionary (OD)......................................................................................................2 5.1. 1000 – Device Type ......................................................................................................3 5.2. 1001 – Error Register ....................................................................................................3 5.3. 1008h – Manufacturer Device Name .............................................................................3 5.4. 1009h – Manufacturer Hardware Version.......................................................................3 5.5. 100Ah – Manufacturer Software Version .......................................................................3 5.6. 1010h – Store Parameters.............................................................................................3 5.7. 1011h – Load Parameters .............................................................................................3 5.8. 1017h* – Producer Heartbeat Time ...............................................................................3 5.9. 1018h – Identity Object .................................................................................................3 st 5.10. 1400h* – 1 Receive PDO Communication Parameter...............................................3 nd 5.11. 1401h – 2 Receive PDO Communication Parameter ...............................................4 5.12. 1600h – 1st Receive PDO Mapping ............................................................................4 5.13. 1601h – 2nd Receive PDO Mapping............................................................................4 5.14. 1800h* – 1st Transmit PDO Communication Parameter..............................................4 5.15. 1A00 – 1st Transmit PDO Mapping.............................................................................4 5.16. 2010h* – LED Scalars ................................................................................................4 5.17. 6000 – Read Input 8-bit, Button information ...............................................................4 5.18. 6200 – Digital Outputs, Indicators...............................................................................5 5.19. 6411 – Analog Outputs, Controls the indicator and backlight brightness .....................5 6. Process Data Objects (PDO’s) ..........................................................................................6 6.1. RPDO ...........................................................................................................................6 6.1.1. RPDO1...................................................................................................................6 6.1.2. RPDO2...................................................................................................................6 6.2. TPDO............................................................................................................................6 6.2.1. TPDO1 ...................................................................................................................6 6.3. PDO Mapping................................................................................................................6 7. Layer Setting Services......................................................................................................6 Grayhill Confidential Page 1 10/26/2011 Engineering Specification 561 Hillgrove Ave. LaGrange, Illinois 60525 8. 1. Revision Level: A 3KUM1331-1 User Manual, 3K, CANopen Written By: BMM Grayhill CAN Open Configuration Variables......................................................................7 Scope This document describes the implementation of CANopen on the Grayhill standard CAN keypads designed for adherence to CiA Draft Standard 401. 2. Relevant Documents o o o 3. Product Validation - 4. CiA Draft Standard 301, Application Layer and Communication Profile CiA Draft Standard 305, Layer Setting Services (LSS) and Protocols CiA Draft Standard 401, Device Profile for Generic I/O Modules Compliance shall be per CiA conformance test tool version 2.0. Grayhill CANopen vendor ID – 0307h Hardware Description The Grayhill standard CAN keypads have buttons for inputs and indicator LEDs for outputs. The brightness of both the indicators and the backlights can be individually controlled. The keypads will be designed to adhere to the CiA Draft Standard 401 for Generic I/O Modules. 4.1. Input The keypads currently exist with 8, 12, 15, and 20 buttons. Each button will correspond to a digital input. A pressed/released button shall have a value of 1/0 respectively. These inputs shall be transmitted using the default TPDO 1 as defined in CiA 401. 4.2. Outputs Each button has three indicator LEDs associated with them. Each indicator can be controlled individually and each will correspond to a digital output. The indicators as a group and the backlights can have the brightness controlled. Both will be controlled using the default Analog Output entries as defined in CiA 401 5. Object Dictionary (OD) All of the mandatory entries of the Object Dictionary (OD) as defined in CiA 301, 305, and 401 shall be implemented. The following is the list of the non-mandatory Object Dictionary entries that are implemented Grayhill Confidential Page 2 10/26/2011 Engineering Specification 561 Hillgrove Ave. LaGrange, Illinois 60525 5.1. Revision Level: A 3KUM1331-1 User Manual, 3K, CANopen Written By: BMM 1000 – Device Type Value = 000B0191h This value indicates that the device is based on CiA standard 401, uses digital inputs, digital output, analog outputs, and is non-mappable. Refer to CiA v401 Sec 6.2.1 5.2. 1001 – Error Register The use of the this register is not yet defined but is mandatory to be compliant 5.3. 1008h – Manufacturer Device Name This is a visible string constant and gives the name of the device. 5.4. 1009h – Manufacturer Hardware Version This is a visible string constant and describes the version of the hardware 5.5. 100Ah – Manufacturer Software Version This is a visible string constant and describes the version of the software 5.6. 1010h – Store Parameters This entry will be used to store parameters pertaining to the communication device specific parameters as defined by CiA v301. 5.7. 1011h – Load Parameters This entry is used to load the parameters that were stored according to Sec. 5.6. 5.8. 1017h* – Producer Heartbeat Time 5.9. 1018h – Identity Object Sub Entry: o 00h – Number of Subentries. (4) o 01h – Vendor ID 0307h o 02h – Product Code 334Bh (ASCII 3K) o 03h – Revision Number o 04h – Serial Number 5.10. 1400h* – 1st Receive PDO Communication Parameter Default values as defined in CiA v401 Grayhill Confidential Page 3 10/26/2011 Engineering Specification 561 Hillgrove Ave. LaGrange, Illinois 60525 Revision Level: A 3KUM1331-1 User Manual, 3K, CANopen Written By: BMM 5.11. 1401h – 2nd Receive PDO Communication Parameter Default values as defined in CiA v401 RTR Not supported. 5.12. 1600h – 1st Receive PDO Mapping Default values as defined in CiA v401 5.13. 1601h – 2nd Receive PDO Mapping Default values as defined in CiA v401 5.14. 1800h* – 1st Transmit PDO Communication Parameter Default values as defined in CiA v401 5.15. 1A00 – 1st Transmit PDO Mapping 5.16. 2010h* – LED Scalars Sub Entry: o 00h – Number of entries o 01h* – 8 bit unsigned value controlling the brightness of the backlights o Valid Range from 0 (off) to 255 (full illumination) o 02h* – 8 bit unsigned value used as a scalar value for the full brightness. This value ranges from 64 (40h) to 255 (FFh) and can be though of as the ratio of this number over 255. Ex. if 100% on is too bright (255/255) a value of 191 can be entered in this OD entry to scale the full range down to 75% (191/255). 5.17. 6000 – Read Input 8-bit, Button information The buttons shall be treated as digital inputs. A button press shall register as a logic ‘1’ and a release a logic ‘0’. Each group of eight buttons will correspond to an 8-bit sub index starting with sub index 1. The top left button will correspond to the least significant bit of the byte value in sub index 1. The button to the right will correspond to the next and so on. Grayhill Confidential Page 4 10/26/2011 Engineering Specification 561 Hillgrove Ave. LaGrange, Illinois 60525 Revision Level: A 3KUM1331-1 User Manual, 3K, CANopen Written By: BMM Figure 1 – Button Numbering Example 5.18. 6200 – Digital Outputs, Indicators The indicators shall be treated as digital outputs. A logic 1/0 turns the corresponding indicator on/off respectively. Each button has three corresponding indicators. NOTE: All three indicators are always referenced even though the indicator may not be present in the customer artwork. Like the buttons, the indicators correspond with the left, top most indicator to the least significant bit of the byte value of sub index 1. The next seven to the right correspond to the remaining bits. The right indicator of the third button, if it exists or not, corresponds to the least significant bit of the byte value in sub index 2. This continues right to left then top to bottom. This entry shall not have the ability to store its current state in non-volatile memory. Figure 2 - Example LED address scheme Example: To turn the center LED of button one and the right most LED on button two, OD entry 6000sub01 would contain the value 0x22 (0b00100010). The two most significant bits are mapped to Bank 3 (not shown) LEDs 1 and 2. 5.19. 6411 – Analog Outputs, Controls the indicator and backlight brightness Sub Entry: o 00h – Number of Subentries o 01h* – Analog Output for Indicator Brightness: between 1 (dimmest) and 255 (full brightness) UNSIGNED16 with a range o 02h* – Analog Output for Backlight Brightness: between 0 (off) and 255 (full brightness) UNSIGNED16 with a range Grayhill Confidential Page 5 10/26/2011 Engineering Specification 561 Hillgrove Ave. LaGrange, Illinois 60525 Revision Level: A 3KUM1331-1 User Manual, 3K, CANopen 6. Process Data Objects (PDO’s) 6.1. RPDO Written By: BMM Two RPDO’s exist that will control the indicators. One for controlling the state of each indicator and the other for controlling the brightness of the indicators as a group and the backlights. The indicator and backlight brightness can be controlled independently of each other. 6.1.1. RPDO1 OD 6000 is mapped to this RPDO and will be used to receive the digital input used for controlling the indicators. Eight sub indexes for OD 6000, each of type UNSIGNED8, are used with each bit within the UNSIGNED8 controls a corresponding indicator. The bits in 6000sub01 are mapped to the first eight indicators on the keypad with the top, left most indicator controlled by the least significant bit. 6000sub02 then controls the next eight and so on until all indicators are accounted for. 6.1.2. RPDO2 OD 6411 is mapped to this RPDO and is used to control the brightness of the indicators as a whole and the backlights. 6411sub01 controls the indicators and 6411sub02 controls the backlights. Each is of type INTEGER16 but only the values from 0 to 255 are used. Any other value is ignored. 6.2. TPDO One TPDO will be used to transmit the button information. Remote Transmit Request (RTR) will not be supported on the TPDO 6.2.1. TPDO1 OD 6200 is mapped to this PDO and is used to transmit the button information. All three sub indexes are mapped. The three interrupt mask OD entries, 6006, 6007 and 6008 are implemented for full control of when the PDO is transmitted. . For consistency, the number of 8-bit button parameters is fixed at three, which will then be able to support up to 24 buttons total. If buttons are not present (an 8 position keypad for example) the corresponding values for the missing buttons shall read as zero. 6.3. PDO Mapping The implementation of Dynamic Mapping is to be determined. 7. Layer Setting Services The Grayhill keypads shall support the following baud rates. o 10kbps Grayhill Confidential Page 6 10/26/2011 Engineering Specification 561 Hillgrove Ave. 3KUM1331-1 LaGrange, Illinois 60525 o o o o o o o Revision Level: A User Manual, 3K, CANopen Written By: BMM 20kbps 50kbps 100kbps 125kbps 250kbps (Default) 500kbps 1000kbps Using the LSS, the device shall have the ability to change the node ID and the baud according to CiA v305 * Value is stored in non-volatile memory when the Store Parameters is performed for the Manufacturer Specific entries. 8. Grayhill CAN Open Configuration Variables Custom versions of our 3K product feature a customer-specific part number and allow factory configuration of numerous parameters. A description of parameters Grayhill can configure for custom part numbers appears below in table 1. Table 1 – Configurable parameters Field Name Add customer part number on label Parameter Type Size (bytes) Range YES/NO Default Value Comments NO Default Node ID INTEGER 1 0x0A Heartbeat period INTEGER 1 0 COBID PDO1 (indicator data) INTEGER 2 0x20A COBID PDO2 (LED brightness) INTEGER 2 0x30A INTEGER 2 0x4000018A Inhibit Time INTEGER 2 0 Event Timer INTEGER 2 0 Receive PDO Comm Transmit PDO Comm COBID Backlight Scaler Equal to high byte of the value multipled by the scalar. Indicator INTEGER 1 0..255 0 Backlight INTEGER 1 64..255 255 Backlight Brightness Equal to high byte of the value multipled by the scalar. Indicator INTEGER 1 1..255 255 Backlight INTEGER 1 0..255 0 Grayhill Confidential PDO mapping not supported + 0x180 + COBID. RTR not supported Page 7 10/26/2011 Engineering Specification 561 Hillgrove Ave. LaGrange, Illinois 60525 Grayhill Confidential Revision Level: A 3KUM1331-1 User Manual, 3K, CANopen Page 8 Written By: BMM 10/26/2011