RoHS AT06C10I T1/E1/CEPT Isolation Filter Module Ethernet based LAN, WAN and other networking applications 2Kvrms Isolation module Ideal for DC/DC Converter Applications Operating Temperature Range: -40ºC to +115ºC Compliant to IEEE802.3 100% Tested for 2KV Hi-Pot Electrical Specifications @ 25°C Primary Turns Ratio(±3%) AT06C10I Pri:Sec 100KHz 0.1V 100KHz 0.2V 2CT:1CT 960 0.50 HI-POT Primary Pins @60hz, 1mA 0.8 2000Vrms, 1 Sec. 1-3 All specifications subject to change without notice. (Dimensions in mm) 8.15 7.2 C10I 10.0 YYWW 2.54±0.12mm 0.58 6.5 Max * 9/23/13 Part number printed on part changed to “C10I” 714-665-1140 ALLIED COMPONENTS INTERNATIONAL REVISED 15 11/07/13 RoHS AT06C10I IR reflow graph (4)Peak Tp Temperature Tp TL Tb Ta RT (3)Ramp up Soldering Zone TL (2)Preheat (1)Ramp up t1 t2 Time IR reflow profile Form-1(Reference JEDEC J-STD-020C Table 5-2)) IR reflow profile Sn-Pb Pb-free step# Profile Feature Condition/Duration Condition/Duration step1 Ramp-up rate 1.5-3ºC/sec. 1.5-3ºC/sec. step2 Preheat : 100~150ºC(Ta-Tb) t1-t2 : 60~120 sec. t1-t2 : 60~180 sec. Ramp-up rate(TL to TP) 1.5-3ºC/sec. 1.5-3ºC/sec. Temperature maintained above 183ºC(TL) TL : 60-150sec. TL : 80-150sec. step3 step4 step5 Peak temperature(TP) 230+5/-10ºC 260+0/-5ºC Time within 5ºC of actual peak temperature 30±10 sec. 30±10 sec. Ramp-down rate 6ºC/sec.Max 6ºC/sec.Max Note1 Subject the samples to 3 cycles of the above defind reflow conditions Subject the samples to 3 cycles of the above defind reflow conditions Note2 Time 25ºC to peak temperature : 6 minutes max. Time 25ºC to peak temperature : 8 minutes max. The time between reflows shall be 5 minutes minimum and 60minutes maximum Note3 SnPb Eutectic Process- “Package Peak Reflow Temperature” Form-2 (Reference JEDEC J-STD-020C Table 4-1) ≥350mm3 < 350mm3 240 +0/-5ºC 225 +0/-5ºC <2.5mm 225 +0/-5ºC ≥2.5mm 225 +0/-5ºC Pb-free Process - “Package Peak Reflow Temperature” Form-3 (Referencre JEDEC J-STD-020C Table 4-2) < 350mm 3 350mm3-2000mm3 > 2000mm3 260 +0/-5ºC 260 +0/-5ºC 260 +0/-5ºC <1.6mm 1.6mm-2.5mm 260 +0/-5ºC 250 +0/-5ºC 245 +0/-5ºC 250 +0/-5ºC 245 +0/-5ºC >2.5mm 245 +0/-5ºC 714-665-1140 ALLIED COMPONENTS INTERNATIONAL REVISED 15 11/04/13