Optoway SPS-3131WG 1 *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** SPS-3131WG (RoHS Compliant) 3.3V / 1310 nm / 125/155 Mbps Digital Diagnostic LC SFP SINGLE-MODE TRANSCEIVER ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** FEATURES DESCRIPTION l l l l l l l l l l The SPS-3131WG series single mode transceivers is small form factor pluggable module for bi-directional serial optical data communications such as SONET OC-3 / SDH STM-1 and Fast Ethernet. It is with the SFP 20-pin connector to allow hot plug capability. Digital diagnostic functions are available via an I2C. This module is designed for single mode fiber and operates at a nominal wavelength of 1310 nm. The transmitter section uses a multiple quantum well laser and is a class 1 laser compliant according to International Safety Standard IEC-60825. The receiver section uses an integrated InGaAs detector preamplifier (IDP) mounted in an optical header and a limiting post-amplifier IC. Hot-Pluggable SFP Footprint LC Optical Transceiver Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP) MSA compatible Compliant with SONET OC-3 IR / SDH STM-1 (S-1.1) SFF-8472 Digital Diagnostic Function AC/AC Coupling according to MSA Distance up to 30 km Single +3.3 V Power Supply RoHS Compliant 0 to 70oC Operating Case Temperature Class 1 Laser International Safety Standard IEC-60825 Compliant APPLICATIONS l ATM Switches and Routers l SONET / SDH Switch Infrastructure l Fast Ethernet Applications LASER SAFETY This single mode transceiver is a Class 1 laser product. It complies with IEC-60825 and FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11. The transceiver must be operated within the specified temperature and voltage limits. The optical ports of the module shall be terminated with an optical connector or with a dust plug. ORDER INFORMATION P/No. Bit Rate (Mb/s) SONET /SDH SPS-3131WG 125 / 155 IR-1/S-1.1 Distance Wavelength (km) (nm) 30 1310 Package Temp. (oC) TX Power (dBm) RX Sens. (dBm) RoHS Compliant LC SFP with DMI 0 to 70 -8 to -14 -34 Yes Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Storage Temperature Operating Case Temperature Power Supply Voltage Symbol Tstg Topr Vcc Min -40 0 -0.5 Max 85 70 3.6 Units o C o C V Notes Min 3.1 0 Typ 3.3 Max 3.5 70 300 200 Units / Notes V o C mA Mb/s Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Power Supply Voltage Operating Case Temperature Power Supply Current Data Rate Symbol Vcc Topr ICC (TX+RX) 200 125/155 *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303 Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737 E-mail: sales@optoway.com.tw http: // www.optoway.com.tw 12/1/2005 V2.0 Optoway SPS-3131WG 2 *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Transmitter Specifications (0 oC < Topr < 70 oC, 3.1V < Vcc < 3.5V) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Units Optical Optical Transmit Power Po -14 ---8 dBm Output Center Wavelength 1261 1310 1360 nm λ Output Spectrum Width ----5 nm ∆λ Extinction Ratio ER 8.2 ----dB Output Eye Compliant with Bellcore TR-NWT-000253 and ITU recommendation G.957 Optical Rise Time tr 2 ns Optical Fall Time tf 2 ns Relative Intensity Noise RIN -120 dB/Hz Electrical Data Input Current – Low IIL -350 µA Data Input Current – High IIH 350 µA Differential Input Voltage VIH - V IL 0.5 2.4 V TX Disable Input Voltage – Low TDIS, L 0 0.5 V TX Disable Input Voltage – High TDIS, H 2.0 Vcc V TX Disable Assert Time T ASSERT 10 µs TX Disable Deassert Time TDEASSERT 1 ms TX Fault Output Voltage -- Low TFaultL 0 0.8 V TX Fault Output Voltage -- High TFaultH 2.0 Vcc+0.3 V 1. Output power is power coupled into a 9/125 µm single mode fiber. 2. There is an internal 4.7K to 10K ohm pull-up resistor to VccTX. 3. Open collector compatible, 4.7K to 10K ohm pull-up to Vcc (Host Supply Voltage). Notes 1 RMS (σ) 10 % to 90% Values 10 % to 90% Values Peak-to-Peak 2 2 3 3 Receiver Specifications (0oC < Topr < 70oC, 3.1V < Vcc < 3.5V) Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Optical Sensitivity Sens -34 Maximum Input Power Pin -8 Signal Detect -- Asserted Pa ---34 Signal Detect -- Deasserted Pd -47 ----Signal detect -- Hysteresis 1.0 --Wavelength of Operation 1200 --1600 Electrical Differential Output Voltage VOH – VOL 0.6 2.0 Output LOS Voltage -- Low VOL 0 0.8 Output LOS Voltage -- High VOH 2.0 Vcc+0.3 4. Measured at 2 23-1 PRBS at BER 1E-10. 5. Open collector compatible, 4.7K to 10K ohm pull-up to Vcc (Host Supply Voltage). Units dBm dBm dBm dBm dB nm V V V Notes 4 4 Transition: low to high Transition: high to low 5 5 *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303 Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737 E-mail: sales@optoway.com.tw http: // www.optoway.com.tw 12/1/2005 V2.0 Optoway SPS-3131WG 3 *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** CONNECTION DIAGRAM PIN Signal Name 1 2 3 TX GND TX Fault TX Disable 4 MOD-DFE2 5 MOD-DEF1 6 MOD-DEF0 7 8 9 10 N/C LOS RX GND RX GND Description PIN Transmitter Ground Transmitter Fault Indication Transmitter Disable (Module disables on high or open) Modulation Definition 2 – Two wires serial ID Interface Modulation Definition 1 – Two wires serial ID Interface Modulation Definition 0 – Ground in Module Not Connected Loss of Signal Receiver Ground Receiver Ground 11 12 13 RX GND Receiver Ground RX DATA OUT- Inverse Receiver Data Out RX DATA OUT+ Receiver Data Out Signal Name Description 14 RX GND Receiver Ground 15 Vcc RX Receiver Power – 3.3V±5% 16 Vcc TX Transmitter Power – 3.3V±5% 17 18 19 20 TX GND TX DATA IN+ TX DATA INTX GND Transmitter Ground Transmitter Data In Inverse Transmitter Data In Transmitter Ground Module Definition Module Definition MOD-DEF2 PIN 4 MOD-DEF1 PIN 5 MOD-DEF0 PIN 6 Interpretation by Host 4 SDA SCL LV-TTL Low Serial module definition protocol Module Definition 4 specifies a serial definition protocol. For this definition, upon power up, MOD-DEF(1:2) appear as no connector (NC) and MOD-DEF(0) is TTL LOW. When the host system detects this condition, it activates the serial protocol. The protocol uses the 2-wire serial CMOS E 2PROM protocol of the ATMEL AT24C01A/02/04 family of components. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303 Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737 E-mail: sales@optoway.com.tw http: // www.optoway.com.tw 12/1/2005 V2.0 Optoway SPS-3131WG 4 *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** RECOMMENDED CIRCUIT SCHEMATIC VeeT Tx_DISABLE Tx_FAULT (1,17,20) 3 Tx_DISABLE 2 Tx_FAULT 4.7K to 10KΩ TD + LD Driver 18 TD + Z=50Ω 100Ω TD - 19 TD Z=50Ω VccT 1μH 16 Vcc 3.3V 10μF 10nF 10μF 10nF SerDes IC 1μH VccR 15 10μF 10nF RD - 12 Protocol IC RD Z=50Ω 100Ω POST Amp RD + 13 RD + Z=50Ω 4.7K to 10KΩ LOS VeeR MOD_DEF(0) EEPROM MOD_DEF(1) MOD_DEF(2) SFP module depending on SERDES 8 LOSS OF SINGAL (9,10,11,14) 6 MODULE DETECT 5 SCL 4 SDA 4.7K to 10KΩ 4.7K to 10KΩ Vcc 3.3V 4.7K to 10KΩ PACKAGE DIAGRAM Units in mm Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** OPTOWAY TECHNOLOGY INC. No.38, Kuang Fu S. Road, Hu Kou, Hsin Chu Industrial Park, Hsin Chu, Taiwan 303 Tel: 886-3-5979798 Fax: 886-3-5979737 E-mail: sales@optoway.com.tw http: // www.optoway.com.tw 12/1/2005 V2.0