ESMT AD8356A 2.1-Channel Digital Audio Amplifier with Headphone Driver Dynamic range control z Anti-pop design z Over-temperature protection z Under-voltage shutdown z Short-circuit protection z I2C control interface Features 2 z 16/18/20/24-bit input with I S, Left-alignment and Right-alignment data format z PSNR & DR(A-weighting) Loudspeaker: 93dB (PSNR), 98dB (DR) Headphone: 87dB (PSNR), 91dB (DR) z Multiple sampling frequencies (Fs) 32kHz / 44.1kHz / 48kHz and 64kHz / 88.2kHz / 96kHz Applications z System clock = 64x,128x,192x,256x,384x, 512x, 576x, 768x, 1024x Fs 64x~1024x Fs for 32kHz / 44.1kHz / 48kHz 64x~512x Fs for 64kHz / 88.2kHz / 96kHz z Supply voltage 3.0~12V for loudspeaker driver 3.0~3.3V for others z Loudspeaker output power ( @10% THD+N) 2×8.7W(Full,8Ω)+16.7W(Full, 4Ω) for 2.1-channel 2×4.3W(Half,4Ω)+16.7W(Full, 4Ω) for 2.1-channel 2×8.7W(Full,8Ω) for stereo 2×4.3W(Half,4Ω) for stereo 2×16.7W(Full, 4Ω) for stereo z Headphone power 34mW into 32Ω@1kHz and 1% THD+N 65mW into 16Ω@1kHz and 1% THD+N 110mW into 8Ω@1kHz and 1% THD+N 200mW into 4Ω@1kHz and 1% THD+N z Sound processing including: Bass (+18dB~-12dB, 3dB frequency is 250Hz), Treble (+18dB~-12dB, 3dB frequency is 7kHz), 5 bands parametric EQ, Volume control (+24dB~-103dB, 1dB/step) and z CD and DVD z TV audio z Car audio z Boom-box z MP3 docking systems z Portable / Handheld z Powered speaker z Wireless audio z USB speaker Description This is a 2.1-channel fully digital audio amplifier with output power which can deliver up to 2×8.7W to 8Ω load for L,R channel and 16.7W to 4Ω load for sub-woofer channel simultaneously with 12V supply voltage. Using I2C digital control interface, AD8356A provides sound processing includes Volume, Bass, Treble, EQ, Mixing and Dynamic Range Control (DRC). Users can use one AD8356A for stereo or 2.1-channel, two for 5.1-channel and three for 7.1-channel, respectively. ORDERING INFORMATION Product Number Package Comments AD8356A-KG 7x7 48L QFN Pb-free AD8356A-LEG 7x7 48L E-LQFP Pb-free Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date: Jul. 2008 Revision: 1.4 1/33 ESMT AD8356A Pin Assignment MCLK PLLGND PLLVDD CLK_OUT DVDD MO DGND M1 SDATA0 SDATA1 SDATA2 LRCIN 1 36 2 35 3 34 4 33 5 6 32 31 7 30 8 29 9 28 10 27 11 26 12 25 HPL HPR AGND AVDD PWMSA DEF SDA SCL SA1 SA0 ERROR PD Pin Description PIN NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION CHARACTERISTICS 1 MCLK I Master clock input Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 2 PLLGND P Ground for PLL 3 PLLVDD P Supply for PLL (Note1) 4 CLK_OUT O PLL output TTL output buffer 5 DVDD P Digital Power (Note1) 6 M0 I Mode selection 0 Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 7 DGND P Digital Ground 8 M1 I Mode selection 1 Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 9 SDATA0 I Serial audio data input 0 Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 10 SDATA1 I Serial audio data input 1 Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 11 SDATA2 I Serial audio data input 2 Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 12 LRCIN I Left/Right clock input (Fs) Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 13 BCLK I Bit clock input (64Fs) Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 14 VDDSLB P Supply for subwoofer-left channel B (Note2) 15 SLB O Subwoofer-left channel output (-) 16 GNDSL P Ground for subwoofer-left channel 17 SLA O Subwoofer-left channel output (+) 18 VDDSLA P Supply for subwoofer-left channel A (Note2) 19 VDDSRA P Supply for subwoofer-right channel A (Note2) Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date: Jul. 2008 Revision: 1.4 2/33 ESMT AD8356A 20 SRA O Subwoofer-right channel output (+) 21 GNDSR P Ground for subwoofer-right channel 22 SRB O Subwoofer-right channel output (-) 23 VDDSRB P Supply for subwoofer-right channel B (Note2) 24 Re set I Reset, low active Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 25 PD I Power down, low active Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 26 ERROR O ERROR output Open-drain output 2 27 SA0 I I C select address 0 Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 28 SA1 I I2C select address 1 Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 2 29 SCL I I C serial clock input Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 30 SDA I I2C serial data input 31 DEF I Default volume, 0=Mute, 1=Un-Mute Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer 32 PWMSA O Half-bridge, sub-woofer channel output TTL output buffer 33 AVDD P Analog supply (Note1) 34 AGND P Analog ground 35 HPR O Headphone right channel output 36 HPL O Headphone left channel output 37 HP-SPK I Headphone detection 38 VDDRB P Supply for right channel B 39 RB O Right channel output (-) 40 GNDR P Ground for Right channel 41 RA O Right channel output (+) 42 VDDRA P Supply for right channel A (Note2) 43 VDDLA P Supply for left channel A (Note2) 44 LA O Left channel output (+) 45 GNDL P Ground for left channel 46 LB O Left channel output (-) 47 VDDLB P Supply for left channel B (Note2) 48 PLL_Byp I PLL Bypass Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer Schmitt trigger TTL input buffer with open-drain output (Note2) Note1:These pins provide the supply for digital PWM controller, headphone drivers, built-in PLL and protection circuits except for loudspeaker short-circuit protection circuits. Note2:These pins provide the supply for loudspeaker driver stages, which are known as “PVDD”. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date: Jul. 2008 Revision: 1.4 3/33