ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) DDR II SDRAM 8M x 16 Bit x 4 Banks DDR II SDRAM Features z JEDEC Standard z VDD = 1.8V ± 0.1V, VDDQ = 1.8V ± 0.1V z Internal pipelined double-data-rate architecture; two data access per clock cycle z Bi-directional differential data strobe (DQS, DQS ); DQS can be disabled for single-ended data strobe operation. z On-chip DLL z Differential clock inputs (CLK and CLK ) z DLL aligns DQ and DQS transition with CLK transition z Quad bank operation z CAS Latency : 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 z Additive Latency: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 z Burst Type : Sequential and Interleave z Burst Length : 4, 8 z All inputs except data & DM are sampled at the rising edge of the system clock(CLK) z Data I/O transitions on both edges of data strobe (DQS) z DQS is edge-aligned with data for READ; center-aligned with data for WRITE z Data mask (DM) for write masking only z Off-Chip-Driver (OCD) impedance adjustment z On-Die-Termination for better signal quality z Special function support - 50/ 75/ 150 ohm ODT - High Temperature Self refresh rate enable z Auto & Self refresh z Refresh cycle : z - 8192 cycles/64ms (7.8μ s refresh interval) at 0 ℃ ≦ TC ≦ +85 ℃ - 8192 cycles/32ms (3.9μ s refresh interval) at +85 ℃ < TC ≦ +95 ℃ SSTL_18 interface Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 1/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Ordering Information: Product ID Data Rate Max Freq. VDD M14D5121632A -1.8BG2C 533MHz 1.8V DDR2-1066 (7-7-7) M14D5121632A -2.5BG2C 400MHz 1.8V DDR2-800 (5-5-5) M14D5121632A -3BG2C 333MHz 1.8V DDR2-667 (5-5-5) Package Comments 84 ball BGA Pb-free (CL-tRCD-tRP) Functional Block Diagram Clock Generator Bank D Bank C Bank B Mode Register & Extended Mode Register Row Address Buffer & Refresh Counter Bank A DQS, DQS CAS WE Column Decoder Data Control Circuit CLK, CLK Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. DM Latch Circuit RAS Control Logic CS Command Decoder Sense Amplifier Column Address Buffer & Refresh Counter DLL Input & Output Buffer Address Row Decoder CLK CLK CKE DQ ODT Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 2/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) BALL CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) (BGA84, 8mmX12.5mmX1.2mm Body, 0.8mm Ball Pitch) 1 2 3 7 8 9 A VDD NC VSS VSSQ UDQS VDDQ B DQ14 VSSQ UDM UDQS VSSQ DQ15 C VDDQ DQ9 VDDQ VDDQ DQ8 VDDQ D DQ12 VSSQ DQ11 DQ10 VSSQ DQ13 E VDD NC VSS VSSQ LDQS VDDQ F DQ6 VSSQ LDM LDQS VSSQ DQ7 G VDDQ DQ1 VDDQ VDDQ DQ0 VDDQ H DQ4 VSSQ DQ3 DQ2 VSSQ DQ5 J VDDL VREF VSS VSSDL CLK VDD CKE WE RAS CLK ODT BA0 BA1 CAS CS A10 A1 A2 A0 A3 A5 A6 A4 A7 A9 A11 A8 A12 NC NC NC K L NC M N VSS P R VDD Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. VDD VSS Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 3/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Pin Description Pin Name Pin Name Function Address inputs - Row address A0~A12 - Column address A0~A9 A10/AP : Auto Precharge BA0, BA1 : Bank selects (4 Banks) DM (LDM, UDM) DM is an input mask signal for write data. LDM is DM for DQ0~DQ7 and UDM is DM for DQ8~DQ15. DQ0~DQ15 Data-in/Data-out CLK, CLK Differential clock input RAS Command input CKE CAS Command input CS WE Command input VDDQ Supply Voltage for DQ VSS Ground VSSQ Ground for DQ VDD Power VREF Reference Voltage Bi-directional differential Data Strobe. LDQS and LDQS are DQS for DQ0~DQ7; UDQS and LDQS are DQS for DQ8~DQ15. VDDL Supply Voltage for DLL VSSDL Ground for DLL A0~A12, BA0,BA1 DQS, DQS (LDQS, LDQS UDQS, UDQS ) ODT NC Function On-Die-Termination. ODT is only applied to DQ0~DQ15, DM, DQS and DQS . No connection Clock enable Chip select Absolute Maximum Rating Parameter Symbol Value Unit Voltage on any pin relative to VSS VIN, VOUT -0.5 ~ 2.3 V Voltage on VDD supply relative to VSS VDD -1.0 ~ 2.3 V ( Note **) Voltage on VDDL supply relative to VSS VDDL -0.5 ~ 2.3 V ( Note **) Voltage on VDDQ supply relative to VSS VDDQ -0.5 ~ 2.3 V ( Note **) Storage temperature TSTG -55 ~ +100 °C ( Note *) Stresses greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. Note: * Storage Temperature is the case surface temperature on the center/top side of the DRAM. ** When VDD, VDDQ, and VDDL are less than 500mV, VREF may be equal to less than 300mV. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 4/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Operation Temperature Condition Parameter Symbol Value Unit TC 0 ~ +95 °C Operation temperature Note: 1. Operating temperature is the case surface temperature on the center/top side of the DRAM. 2. Supporting 0 to +85℃ with full AC and DC specifications. Supporting 0 to + 85℃ and being able to extend to + 95 ℃ with doubling auto-refresh commands in frequency to a 32ms period ( tREFI = 3.9μ s ) and higher temperature Self-Refresh entry via A7 “1” on EMRS(2). DC Operation Condition & Specifications DC Operation Condition (Recommended DC operating conditions) Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note Supply voltage VDD 1.7 1.8 1.9 V 4,9 Supply voltage for DLL VDDL 1.7 1.8 1.9 V 4,9 Supply voltage for output VDDQ 1.7 1.8 1.9 V 4,9 Input reference voltage VREF 0.49 x VDDQ 0.5 x VDDQ 0.51 x VDDQ V 1,2,9 Termination voltage (system) VTT VREF - 0.04 VREF VREF + 0.04 V 3,9 Input logic high voltage VIH (DC) VREF + 0.125 - VDDQ + 0.3 V Input logic low voltage VIL (DC) -0.3 - VREF - 0.125 V (All voltages referenced to VSS) Parameter Symbol Value Unit Note Output minimum source DC current ( VDDQ(min); VOUT =1.42V ) Output minimum sink DC current ( VDDQ(min); VOUT = 0.28V ) I OH -13.4 mA 5, 7, 8 I OL +13.4 mA 6, 7, 8 Note: 1. The value of VREF may be selected by the user to provide optimum noise margin in the system. Typically the value of VREF is expected to be about 0.5 x VDDQ of the transmitting device and VREF is expected to track variations in VDDQ. 2. Peak to peak AC noise on VREF may not exceed ±2% VREF(DC). 3. VTT of transmitting device must track VREF of receiving device. 4. VDDQ and VDDL track VDD. AC parameters are measured with VDD, VDDQ and VDDL tied together. 5. (VOUT-VDDQ) / IOH must be less than 21 ohm for values of VOUT between VDDQ and VDDQ - 280 mV. 6. VOUT / IOL must be less than 21 ohm for values of VOUT between 0V and 280 mV. 7. The DC value of VREF applied to the receiving device is expected to be set to VTT. 8. After OCD calibration to 18Ω at TC = 25℃, VDD = VDDQ = 1.8V. 9. There is no specific device VDD supply voltage requirement for SSTL_18 compliance. However, under all conditions VDDQ must be less than or equal to VDD. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 5/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) DC Specifications (IDD values are for the operation range of Voltage and Temperature) Parameter Symbol -2.5 -3 80 70 65 mA 130 110 90 mA IDD2P All banks idle; tCK = tCK (IDD); CKE is LOW; Other control and address bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are FLOATING 6 6 6 mA IDD2Q All banks idle; tCK = tCK (IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS is HIGH; Other control and address bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are FLOATING 55 50 45 mA 50 45 40 mA 35 30 25 IDD0 Operating Current (Active - Read Precharge) IDD1 Precharge Quiet Standby Current Unit -1.8 Operating Current (Active - Precharge) Precharge Power-Down Standby Current Version Test Condition Idle Standby Current IDD2N One bank; tCK = tCK (IDD), tRC = tRC (IDD), tRAS = tRAS (IDD)min; CKE is High, CS is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING One bank; IOUT = 0mA; BL = 4, CL = CL(IDD), AL = 0; tCK = tCK (IDD), tRC = tRC (IDD), tRAS = tRAS (IDD)min, tRCD = tRCD (IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING All banks idle; tCK = tCK (IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS is HIGH; Other control and address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING Active Power-down Standby Current Active Standby Current Operation Current (Read) IDD3P IDD3N IDD4R All banks open; tCK = tCK (IDD); CKE is LOW; Other control and address bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus input are FLOATING Fast PDN Exit MRS(12) = 0 mA Slow PDN Exit MRS(12) = 1 11 11 11 All banks open; tCK = tCK (IDD), tRAS = tRAS (IDD)max, tRP = tRP (IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS is HIGH between valid commands; Other control and address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING 70 60 55 mA 180 160 130 mA 250 190 130 mA All banks open, continuous burst Reads, IOUT = 0mA; BL = 4, CL = CL (IDD), AL = 0; tCK = tCK (IDD), tRAS = tRAS (IDD)max, tRP = tRP (IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING Operation Current (Write) IDD4W All banks open, continuous burst Writes; BL = 4, CL = CL (IDD), AL = 0; tCK = tCK (IDD), tRAS = tRAS (IDD)max, tRP = tRP (IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 6/63 ESMT Parameter M14D5121632A (2C) Symbol Auto Refresh Current IDD5 Self Refresh Current IDD6 Operating Current (Bank interleaving) IDD7 Test Condition tCK = tCK (IDD); Refresh command every tRFC (IDD) interval; CKE is HIGH, CS is HIGH between valid commands; Other control and address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHING Self Refresh Mode; CLK and CLK at 0V; CKE ≤ 0.2V; Other control and address bus inputs are FLOATING; Data bus inputs are FLOATING All bank interleaving Reads, IOUT = 0mA; BL = 4, CL= CL (IDD), AL = tRCD (IDD) – 1 × tCK (IDD); tCK = tCK (IDD), tRC = tRC (IDD), tRRD = tRRD (IDD), tRCD = 1 × tCK (IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are STABLE during Deslects; Timing pattern: -DDR2-667 (5-5-5): A0 RA0 D D A1 RA1 D D A2 RA2 D D A3 RA3 D D D D D D -DDR2-800 (5-5-5): A0 RA0 D D A1 RA1 D D A2 RA2 D D A3 RA3 D D D D D D D D D -DDR2-1066 (7-7-7): A0 RA0 D D D D A1 RA1 D D D D A2 RA2 D D D D A3 RA3 D D D D D D D D D D D (Legend: A = Activate, RA = Read with Auto Precharge, D = DESELECT) Version -1.8 -2.5 -3 210 200 190 6 320 260 Unit mA mA 230 mA Note: 1. IDD specifications are tested after the device is properly initialized. 2. Input slew rate is specified by AC Input Test Condition. 3. IDD parameters are specified with ODT disabled. 4. Data bus consists of DQ, DM, DQS and DQS , IDD values must be met with all combinations of EMRS bits 10 and 11. 5. Definitions for IDD: LOW is defined as VIN ≤ VIL (AC) (max.). HIGH is defined as VIN VIH (AC) (min.). STABLE is defined as inputs stable at a HIGH or LOW level. FLOATING is defined as inputs at VREF = VDDQ/2 SWITCHING is defined as: Address and control signal Inputs are changed between HIGH and LOW every other clock cycle (once per two clocks), and DQ (not including mask or strobe) signal inputs are changed between HIGH and LOW every other data transfer (once per clock). 6. When TC ≧ +85 ℃, IDD6 must be derated by 80%. IDD6 will increase by this amount if TC ≧ +85 ℃ and double refresh option is still enabled. 7. AC Timing for IDD test conditions For purposes of IDD testing, the following parameters are to be utilized. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 7/63 ESMT Parameter CL (IDD) tRCD (IDD) tRC (IDD) tRRD (IDD) tCK (IDD) tRAS (IDD) min. tRAS (IDD) max. tRP (IDD) tRFC (IDD) M14D5121632A (2C) -1.8 -2.5 -3 DDR2-1066 (7-7-7) DDR2-800 (5-5-5) DDR2-667 (5-5-5) 7 13.125 58.125 10 1.875 45 13.25 105 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. 5 12.5 57.5 10 2.5 45 70000 12.5 105 5 15 60 10 3 45 15 105 Unit tCK ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 8/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) AC Operation Conditions & Timing Specification AC Operation Conditions Parameter -1.8/ 2.5/ 3 Symbol Min. Max. Unit Note Input High (Logic 1) Voltage VIH(AC) VREF + 0.2 VDDQ + VPEAK V Input Low (Logic 0) Voltage VIL(AC) VSSQ - VPEAK VREF - 0.2 V Input Differential Voltage VID(AC) 0.5 VDDQ V 1 Input Crossing Point Voltage VIX(AC) 0.5 x VDDQ - 0.175 0.5 x VDDQ + 0.175 V 2 Output Crossing Point Voltage VOX(AC) 0.5 x VDDQ - 0.125 0.5 x VDDQ + 0.125 V 3 Note: 1. VID(AC) specifies the allowable DC execution of each input of differential pair such as CLK, CLK , DQS, DQS . 2. VIX (AC) specifies the input differential voltage |VTR – VCP| required for switching, where VTR is the true input signal (such as CLK,DQS) and VCP is the complementary input signal (such as CLK , DQS ). The minimum value is equal to VIH(DC) – VIL(DC). 3. The typical value of VOX(AC) is expected to be about 0.5 x VDDQ of the transmitting device and VOX(AC) is expected to track variations in VDDQ. VOX(AC) indicates the voltage at which differential input / output signals must cross. Input / Output Capacitance Parameter Input capacitance (A0~A12, BA0~BA1, CKE, CS , RAS , CAS , WE , ODT) Symbol -1.8/ 2.5 -3 Input capacitance (CLK, CLK ) Min. Max. 1.0 1.75 1.0 2.0 CIN2 1.0 CIN1 Unit Note pF 1 2.0 pF 1 DQS, DQS & Data input/output capacitance -1.8/ 2.5/ 3 CI / O 2.5 3.5 pF 2 Input capacitance (DM) -1.8/ 2.5/ 3 CIN3 2.5 3.5 pF 2 Note: 1. Capacitance delta is 0.25 pF. 2. Capacitance delta is 0.5 pF. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 9/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) AC Overshoot / Undershoot Specification Parameter Maximum peak amplitude allowed for overshoot Pin Value -1.8/-2.5 Address, CKE, CS , RAS , CAS , WE , ODT, CLK, CLK , DQ, DQS, DQS , DM Address, CKE, CS , RAS , CAS , WE , Maximum peak amplitude allowed for undershoot ODT, CLK, CLK , DQ, DQS, DQS , DM Maximum overshoot area above VDD Address, CKE, CS , RAS , CAS , WE , ODT, Address, CKE, CS , RAS , CAS , WE , ODT, CLK, CLK , DQ, DQS, DQS , DM Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Unit 0.5 V 0.5 V 0.66 0.8 0.23 CLK, CLK , DQ, DQS, DQS , DM Maximum undershoot area below VSS -3 0.66 V-ns 0.8 0.23 V-ns V-ns V-ns Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 10/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) AC Operating Test Conditions Parameter Value Unit Note 0.5 x VDDQ V 1,5 Input signal maximum peak swing ( VSWING(max.) ) 1.0 V 1,5 Input signal minimum slew rate 1.0 V/ns 2,3 VIH / VIL V VREF V 0.5 x VDDQ V Input reference voltage ( VREF ) Input level Input timing measurement reference level Output timing measurement reference level (VOTR) 4 Note: 1. Input waveform timing is referenced to the input signal crossing through the VREF level applied to the device under test. 2. The input signal minimum slew rate is to be maintained over the range from VIL (DC)(max.) to VIH (AC) (min.) for rising edges and the range from VIH (DC)(min.) to VIL (AC)(max.) for falling edges as shown in the below figure. 3. AC timings are referenced with input waveforms switching from VIL (AC) to VIH (AC) on the positive transitions and VIH (AC) to VIL (AC) on the negative transitions. 4. The VDDQ of the device under test is reference. 5. This timing and slew rate definition is valid for all single-ended signals except tIS, tIH, tDS, and tDH. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 11/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) AC Timing Parameter & Specifications Parameter -1.8 Symbol Unit Note Min. Max. CL=7 1875 8000 CL=6 2500 8000 2500 8000 CL=4 3750 8000 CL=3 5000 8000 tAC -350 +350 ps CLK high-level width tCH (avg) 0.48 0.52 tCK (avg) CLK low-level width tCL (avg) 0.48 0.52 tCK (avg) tDQSCK -325 +325 ps tDQSS -0.25 +0.25 tCK (avg) tDS 0 - ps 4 tDH 75 - ps 5 tDIPW 0.35 - tCK (avg) Address and Control Input setup time tIS (base) 125 - ps 4 Address and Control Input hold time tIH (base) 200 - ps 5 Control and Address input pulse width tIPW 0.6 - tCK (avg) DQS input high pulse width tDQSH 0.35 - tCK (avg) DQS input low pulse width tDQSL 0.35 - tCK (avg) DQS falling edge to CLK rising setup time tDSS 0.2 - tCK (avg) DQS falling edge from CLK rising hold time tDSH 0.2 - tCK (avg) Data strobe edge to output data edge tDQSQ - 175 ps tHZ - tAC(max.) ps tAC(min.) tAC(max.) ps 2 x tAC(min.) tAC(max.) ps Min (tCL(avg),tCH(avg)) - ps Clock period CL=5 DQ output access time from CLK/ CLK DQS output access time from CLK/ CLK Clock to first rising edge of DQS delay tCK (avg) Data-in and DM setup time (to DQS) (base) Data-in and DM hold time (to DQS) (base) DQ and DM input pulse width (for each input) Data-out high-impedance window from CLK/ CLK Data-out low-impedance window from CLK/ CLK DQ low-impedance window from CLK/ CLK Half clock period tLZ (DQS) tLZ (DQ) tHP Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. ps 6 Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 12/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) AC Timing Parameter & Specifications - Contiuned Parameter Symbol -1.8 Min. Max. Unit Note DQ/DQS output hold time from DQS tQH tHP-tQHS - ps DQ hold skew factor tQHS - 250 ps Active to Precharge command tRAS 45 70K ns Active to Active command (same bank) tRC 57.5 - ns Auto Refresh row cycle time tRFC 105 - ns Active to Read, Write delay tRCD 12.5 - ns Precharge command period tRP 12.5 - ns Active bank A to Active bank B command tRRD 10 - ns Write recovery time tWR 15 - ns Write data in to Read command delay tWTR 7.5 - ns Four Activate Window tFAW 45 - ns Col. address to Col. address delay tCCD 2 - tCK Average periodic Refresh interval ( 0℃ ≦TC ≦ +85℃ ) tREFI - 7.8 us Average periodic Refresh interval (+85℃ <TC ≦ +95℃) tREFI - 3.9 us Write preamble tWPRE 0.35 - tCK (avg) Write postamble tWPST 0.4 0.6 tCK (avg) DQS Read preamble tRPRE 0.9 1.1 tCK (avg) DQS Read postamble tRPST 0.4 0.6 tCK (avg) Load Mode Register / Extended Mode Register cycle time tMRD 2 - tCK Auto Precharge write recovery + Precharge time tDAL WR+tnRP - tCK Internal Read to Precharge command delay tRTP 7.5 - ns Exit Self Refresh to Read command tXSRD 200 - tCK Exit Self Refresh to non-Read command tXSNR tRFC + 10 - ns Exit Precharge Power-Down to any non-Read command tXP 3 - tCK Exit Active Power-Down to Read command tXARD 3 - tCK 3 Exit active power-down to Read command (slow exit / low power mode) tXARDS 10 - AL - tCK 2,3 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. 1 Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 13/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) AC Timing Parameter & Specifications - Contiuned Parameter -1.8 Symbol Unit Min. Max. tCKE 3 - tCK Minimum time clocks remains ON after CKE asynchronously drops low tDELAY tIS + tCK (avg)+tIH - ns Output impedance test driver delay tOIT 0 12 ns MRS command to ODT update delay tMOD 0 12 ns ODT turn-on delay tAOND 2 2 tCK ODT turn-on tAON tAC(min.) tAC(max.) + 2575 ps ODT turn-on (Power-Down mode) tAONPD tAC(min.) + 2000 3 x tCK +tAC(max.) + 1000 ps ODT turn-off delay tAOFD 2.5 2.5 tCK ODT turn-off tAOF tAC(min.) tAC(max.) + 600 ps ODT turn-off (Power-Down mode) tAOFPD tAC(min.) + 2000 2.5 x tCK +tAC(max.) + 1000 ps ODT to Power-Down entry latency tANPD 4 - tCK ODT Power-Down exit latency tAXPD 11 - tCK CKE minimum pulse width (high and low pulse width) Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Note 10 11,12 Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 14/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) AC Timing Parameter & Specifications - Contiuned Parameter -2.5 Symbol -3 Unit Note Min. Max. Min. Max. 2500 8000 - - 2500 8000 3000 8000 3750 8000 3750 8000 5000 8000 5000 8000 tAC -400 +400 -450 +450 ps CLK high-level width tCH (avg) 0.48 0.52 0.48 0.52 tCK (avg) CLK low-level width tCL (avg) 0.48 0.52 0.48 0.52 tCK (avg) tDQSCK -350 +350 -400 +400 ps tDQSS -0.25 +0.25 -0.25 +0.25 tCK (avg) tDS 50 - 100 - ps 4 tDH 125 - 175 - ps 5 tDIPW 0.35 - 0.35 - tCK (avg) Address and Control Input setup time tIS (base) 175 - 200 - ps 4 Address and Control Input hold time tIH (base) 250 - 275 - ps 5 Control and Address input pulse width tIPW 0.6 - 0.6 - tCK (avg) DQS input high pulse width tDQSH 0.35 - 0.35 - tCK (avg) DQS input low pulse width tDQSL 0.35 - 0.35 - tCK (avg) DQS falling edge to CLK rising setup time tDSS 0.2 - 0.2 - tCK (avg) DQS falling edge from CLK rising hold time tDSH 0.2 - 0.2 - tCK (avg) Data strobe edge to output data edge tDQSQ - 200 - 240 ps tHZ - tAC(max.) - tAC(max.) ps tAC(min.) tAC(max.) tAC(min.) tAC(max.) ps 2 x tAC(min.) tAC(max.) 2 x tAC(min.) tAC(max.) ps Min (tCL(avg),tCH(avg)) - Min (tCL(avg),tCH(avg)) - ps CL=6 Clock period CL=5 CL=4 tCK (avg) CL=3 DQ output access time from CLK/ CLK DQS output access time from CLK/ CLK Clock to first rising edge of DQS delay Data-in and DM setup time (to DQS) (base) Data-in and DM hold time (to DQS) (base) DQ and DM input pulse width (for each input) Data-out high-impedance window from CLK/ CLK Data-out low-impedance window from CLK/ CLK DQ low-impedance window from CLK/ CLK Half clock period tLZ (DQS) tLZ (DQ) tHP Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. ps 6 Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 15/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) AC Timing Parameter & Specifications - Contiuned Parameter Symbol -2.5 -3 Min. Max. Min. Max. Unit Note DQ/DQS output hold time from DQS tQH tHP-tQHS - tHP-tQHS - ps DQ hold skew factor tQHS - 300 - 340 ps Active to Precharge command tRAS 45 70K 45 70K ns Active to Active command (same bank) tRC 57.5 - 60 - ns Auto Refresh row cycle time tRFC 105 - 105 - ns Active to Read, Write delay tRCD 12.5 - 15 - ns Precharge command period tRP 12.5 - 15 - ns Active bank A to Active bank B command tRRD 10 - 10 - ns Write recovery time tWR 15 - 15 - ns Write data in to Read command delay tWTR 7.5 - 7.5 - ns Four Activate Window tFAW 45 - 50 - ns Col. address to Col. address delay tCCD 2 - 2 - tCK Average periodic Refresh interval ( 0℃ ≦TC ≦ +85℃ ) tREFI - 7.8 - 7.8 us Average periodic Refresh interval (+85℃ <TC ≦ +95℃) tREFI - 3.9 - 3.9 us Write preamble tWPRE 0.35 - 0.35 - tCK (avg) Write postamble tWPST 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 tCK (avg) DQS Read preamble tRPRE 0.9 1.1 0.9 1.1 tCK (avg) DQS Read postamble tRPST 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 tCK (avg) Load Mode Register / Extended Mode Register cycle time tMRD 2 - 2 - tCK Auto Precharge write recovery + Precharge time tDAL WR+tnRP - WR+tnRP - tCK Internal Read to Precharge command delay tRTP 7.5 - 7.5 - ns Exit Self Refresh to Read command tXSRD 200 - 200 - tCK Exit Self Refresh to non-Read command tXSNR tRFC + 10 - tRFC + 10 - ns Exit Precharge Power-Down to any non-Read command tXP 2 - 2 - tCK Exit Active Power-Down to Read command tXARD 2 - 2 - tCK 3 Exit active power-down to Read command (slow exit / low power mode) tXARDS 8 - AL - 7 - AL - tCK 2,3 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. 1 Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 16/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) AC Timing Parameter & Specifications - Contiuned Parameter -2.5 Symbol -3 Unit Min. Max. Min. Max. tCKE 3 - 3 - tCK Minimum time clocks remains ON after CKE asynchronously drops low tDELAY tIS + tCK (avg)+tIH - tIS + tCK (avg)+tIH - ns Output impedance test driver delay tOIT 0 12 0 12 ns MRS command to ODT update delay tMOD 0 12 0 12 ns ODT turn-on delay tAOND 2 2 2 2 tCK ODT turn-on tAON tAC(min.) tAC(max.) + 700 tAC(min.) ODT turn-on (Power-Down mode) tAONPD tAC(min.) + 2000 2 x tCK +tAC(max.) + 1000 tAC(min.) + 2000 ODT turn-off delay tAOFD 2.5 2.5 2.5 CKE minimum pulse width (high and low pulse width) ODT turn-off tAOF tAC(max.) + 700 2 x tCK +tAC(max.) + 1000 2.5 tAC(max.) + tAC(min.) tAC(max.) + 600 tAC(min.) 600 2.5 x tCK 2.5 x tCK tAC(min.) + 2000 +tAC(max.) + tAC(min.) + 2000 +tAC(max.) + 1000 1000 ps Note 10 ps tCK 11,12 ps ODT turn-off (Power-Down mode) tAOFPD ODT to Power-Down entry latency tANPD 3 - 3 - tCK ODT Power-Down exit latency tAXPD 8 - 8 - tCK ps Note: 1. tDAL[nCLK] = WR[nCLK] + tnRP [nCLK] =WR+RU{tRP[ps]/tCK(avg)[ps]}, where WR is the value programmed in the mode register set and RU status for round up. 2. AL: Additive Latency. 3. MRS A12 bit defines which Active Power-Down Exit timing to be applied. 4. 5. 6. The figures of Input Waveform Timing 1 and 2 are referenced from the input signal crossing at the VIH (AC) level for a rising signal and VIL (AC) for a falling signal applied to the device under test. The figures of Input Waveform Timing 1 and 2 are referenced from the input signal crossing at the VIL (DC) level for a rising signal and VIH (DC) for a falling signal applied to the device under test. tHP is the minimum of the absolute half period of the actual input clock. tHP is an input parameter but not an input specification parameter. It is used in conjunction with tQHS to derive the DRAM output timing tQH. The value to be used for tQH calculation is determined by the following equation; Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 17/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) tHP = Min ( tCH (abs), tCL (abs) ), where: tCH (abs) is the minimum of the actual instantaneous clock HIGH time; tCL (abs) is the minimum of the actual instantaneous clock LOW time; 7. tQHS accounts for: a. The pulse duration distortion of on-chip clock circuits, which represents how well the actual tHP at the input is transferred to the output; and b. The worst case push-out of DQS on one transition followed by the worst case pull-in of DQ on the next transition, both of which are independent of each other, due to data pin skew, output pattern effects, and p-channel to n-channel variation of the output drivers. 8. tQH = tHP - tQHS, where: tHP is the minimum of the absolute half period of the actual input clock; and tQHS is the specification value under the max column. {The less half-pulse width distortion present, the larger the tQH value is; and the larger the valid data eye will be.} Examples: a. If the system provides tHP of 1315 ps into a DDR2-667 SDRAM, the DRAM provides tQH of 975 ps minimum. b. If the system provides tHP of 1420 ps into a DDR2-667 SDRAM, the DRAM provides tQH of 1080 ps minimum. 9. RU stands for round up. WR refers to the tWR parameter stored in the MRS. 10. ODT turn on time min is when the device leaves high impedance and ODT resistance begins to turn on. ODT turn on time max is when the ODT resistance is fully on. Both are measured from tAOND. 11. ODT turn off time min is when the device starts to turn off ODT resistance. ODT turn off time max is when the bus is in high impedance. Both are measured from tAOFD. 12. For tAOFD of DDR2-667/800/1066, the 1/2 clock of tCK in the 2.5 x tCK assumes a tCH (avg), average input clock HIGH pulse width of 0.5 relative to tCK (avg). tAOF (min.) and tAOF (max.) should each be derated by the same amount as the actual amount of tCH (avg) offset present at the DRAM input with respect to 0.5. For example, if an input clock has a worst case tCH (avg) of 0.48, the tAOF (min.) should be derated by subtracting 0.02 x tCK (avg) from it, whereas if an input clock has a worst case tCH (avg) of 0.52, the tAOF (max.) should be derated by adding 0.02 x tCK (avg) to it. Therefore, we have; tAOF (min.)(derated) = tAC (min.) - [0.5 - Min(0.5, tCH (avg)(min.))] x tCK (avg) tAOF (max.)(derated) = tAC (max.) + 0.6 + [Max(0.5, tCH (avg)(max.)) - 0.5] x tCK (avg) or tAOF (min.)(derated) = Min(tAC (min.), tAC (min.) - [0.5 - tCH (avg)(min.)] x tCK (avg)) tAOF (max.)(derated) = 0.6 + Max(tAC (max.), tAC (max.) + [tCH (avg)(max.) - 0.5] x tCK (avg)), where: tCH (avg)(min.) and tCH (avg)(max.) are the minimum and maximum of tCH (avg) actually measured at the DRAM input balls. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 18/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) ODT DC Electrical Characteristics Parameter Rtt effective impedance value for 75Ω setting EMRS(1) [A6, A2] = 0, 1 Rtt effective impedance value for 150Ω setting EMRS(1) [A6, A2) = 1, 0 Rtt effective impedance value for 50Ω setting EMRS(1) [A6, A2] = 1, 1 Deviation of VM with respect to VDDQ /2 Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit Rtt1(eff) 60 75 90 Ω Rtt2(eff) 120 150 180 Ω Rtt3(eff) 40 50 60 Ω △VM -6 - +6 % Note: Measurement Definition for Rtt(eff) : Rtt(eff) is determined by separately applying VIH(AC) and VIL(AC) to test pin, and then measuring current I(VIH(AC)) and I(VIL(AC)) respectively. Measurement Definition for △VM : Measure voltage (VM) at test pin with no load. OCD Default Characteristics Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Note 12.6 18 23.4 1 Pull-up and pull-down mismatch 0 - 4 Ω Ω Output Impedance step size for OCD calibration 0 - 1.5 Ω 1,2,3 1.5 - 5 V/ns 1,4,5,7,8 Output impedance Output slew rate 6 Note: 1. Absolute specifications: the operation range of Voltage and Temperature. 2. Impedance measurement condition for output source DC current: VDDQ = 1.7V; VOUT = 1,420mV; (VOUT - VDDQ)/IOH must be less than 23.4Ω for values of VOUT between VDDQ and VDDQ - 280mV. Impedance measurement condition for output sink DC current: VDDQ = 1.7V; VOUT = 280mV; VOUT/IOL must be less than 23.4Ω for values of VOUT between 0V and 280mV. 3. Mismatch is absolute value between pull-up and pull-down; both are measured at same temperature and voltage. 4. Slew rate measured from VIL (AC) to VIH (AC). 5. The absolute value of the slew rate as measured from DC to DC is equal to or greater than the slew rate as measured from AC to AC. This is guaranteed by design and characterization. 6. This represents the step size when the OCD is near 18 ohms at nominal conditions across all process parameters and represents only the DRAM uncertainty. A 0 Ohm value (no calibration) can only be achieved if the OCD impedance is 18 ± 0.75 ohms under nominal conditions. 7. DRAM output slew rate specification applies to 533MT/s, 667MT/s, and 800MT/s speed pin. 8. Timing skew due to DRAM output slew rate mis-match between DQS / DQS and associated DQ’s is included in tDQSQ and tQHS specification. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 19/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Input Slew Rate De-rating For all input signals the total tIS, tDS (setup time) and tIH, tDH (hold time) required is calculated by adding the data sheet tIS (base), tDS (base) and tIH (base), tDH (base) value to the ΔtIS, ΔtDS and ΔtIH, ΔtDH de-rating value respectively. Example: tDS (total setup time) = tDS (base) + ΔtDS. Setup (tIS, tDS) nominal slew rate for a rising signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VREF (DC) and the first crossing of VIH (AC)(min.). Setup (tIS, tDS) nominal slew rate for a falling signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VREF (DC) and the first crossing of VIL (AC)(max.). If the actual signal is always earlier than the nominal slew rate line between shaded ‘VREF (DC) to AC region’, use nominal slew rate for de-rating value (See the figure of Slew Rate Definition Nominal). If the actual signal is later than the nominal slew rate line anywhere between shaded ‘VREF (DC) to AC region’, the slew rate of a tangent line to the actual signal from the AC level to DC level is used for de-rating value (see the figure of Slew Rate Definition Tangent). Hold (tIH, tDH) nominal slew rate for a rising signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VIL (DC)(max.) and the first crossing of VREF (DC). Hold (tIH, tDH) nominal slew rate for a falling signal is defined as the slew rate between the last crossing of VIH (DC)(min.) and the first crossing of VREF (DC). If the actual signal is always later than the nominal slew rate line between shaded ‘DC level to VREF (DC) region’, use nominal slew rate for de-rating value (See the figure of Slew Rate Definition Nominal). If the actual signal is earlier than the nominal slew rate line anywhere between shaded ‘DC to VREF (DC) region’, the slew rate of a tangent line to the actual signal from the DC level to VREF (DC) level is used for de-rating value (see the figure of Slew Rate Definition Tangent). Although for slow slew rates the total setup time might be negative (i.e. a valid input signal will not have reached VIH / VIL (AC) at the time of the rising clock transition) a valid input signal is still required to complete the transition and reach VIH / VIL (AC). For slew rates in between the values listed in the tables below, the de-rating values may be obtained by linear interpolation. These values are typically not subject to production test. They are verified by design and characterization. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 20/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) DQ slew rate (V/ns) De-rating Value of tDS/tDH with Differential DQS(DDR2-667, 800, 1066) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 DQS, DQS differential slew rate 4.0 V/ns 3.0 V/ns 2.0 V/ns 1.8 V/ns 1.6 V/ns 1.4 V/ns 1.2 V/ns 1.0 V/ns 0.8 V/ns Unit ΔtDS ΔtDH ΔtDS ΔtDH ΔtDS ΔtDH ΔtDS ΔtDH ΔtDS ΔtDH ΔtDS ΔtDH ΔtDS ΔtDH ΔtDS ΔtDH ΔtDS ΔtDH +100 +45 +100 +45 +100 +45 ps +67 +21 +67 +21 +67 +21 +79 +33 ps 0 0 0 0 0 0 +12 +12 +24 +24 ps -5 -14 -5 -14 +7 -2 +19 +10 +31 +22 ps -13 -31 -1 -19 +11 -7 +23 +5 +35 +17 ps -10 -42 +2 -30 +14 -18 +26 -6 +38 +6 ps -10 -59 +2 -47 +14 -35 +26 -23 +38 -11 ps -24 -89 -12 -77 0 -65 +12 -53 ps -52 -140 -40 -128 -28 -116 ps De-rating Value of tIS/tIH (DDR2-667, 800, 1066) Command / Address slew rate (V/ns) CLK, CLK differential slew rate 2.0 V/ns 1.5 V/ns ΔtIS ΔtIH ΔtIS 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 +150 +143 +133 +120 +100 +67 0 -5 -13 -22 -34 -60 -100 -168 -200 -325 -517 -1000 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. +94 +89 +83 +75 +45 +21 0 -14 -31 -54 -83 -125 -188 -292 -375 -500 -708 -1125 +180 +173 +163 +150 +130 +97 +30 +25 +17 +8 -4 -30 -70 -138 -170 -295 -487 -970 ΔtIH +124 +119 +113 +105 +75 +51 +30 +16 -1 -24 -53 -95 -158 -262 -345 -470 -678 -1095 1.0 V/ns ΔtIS +210 +203 +193 +180 +160 +127 +60 +55 +47 +38 +26 0 -40 -108 -140 -265 -457 -940 ΔtIH +154 +149 +143 +135 +105 +81 +60 +46 +29 +6 -23 -65 -128 -232 -315 -440 -648 -1065 Unit ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps ps Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 21/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Slew Rate Definition Nominal Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 22/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Slew Rate Definition Tangent Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 23/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Command Truth Table Note 7 COMMAND CKE(n-1) CKE(n) (Extended) H Mode Register Set Auto Refresh Refresh Self Refresh Entry Write Precharge H Exit Bank Active Read Note 7 Auto Precharge Disable Auto Precharge Enable Auto Precharge Disable Auto Precharge Enable Bank Selection All Banks Entry H H L BA0,1 RAS CAS WE DM L L L L X OP CODE L L L H X X L H H H H X X X X X L H H H L L H H X V H H L H L H X V H H H H H L Active Power-Down Exit L H Entry H L Precharge Power-Down Exit L H L L L L H L H X X X L H H H H X X X L H H H H X X X L H H H H X X X L H H H X X V A10/AP A12~A11, CS Note 1,2 10,12 6,9, 12 Row Address L Column Address H (A9~A0) L Column Address H (A9~A0) V L X H X X 1,3 1,3 X 4,11, 12,15 X 4,8, 12,15 X 4,11, 12,15 X L H DM H H V X Device Deselect H X H X X X X X No Operation H X L H H H X X X A9~A0 X 4,8, 12,15 16 (OP code = Operand Code, V = Valid, X = Don’t Care, H = Logic High, L = Logic Low) Note: 1. BA during a MRS/EMRS command selects which mode register is programmed. 2. MRS/EMRS can be issued only at all bank Precharge state. 3. Burst Reads or Writes at BL = 4 cannot be terminated or interrupted. 4. The Power-Down mode does not perform any Refresh operations. The duration of Power-Down is limited by the Refresh requirements. Need one clock delay to entry and exit mode. 5. The state of ODT does not affect the states described in this table. The ODT function is not available during Self Refresh. 6. Self Refresh Exit is asynchronous. 7. CKE (n) is the logic state of CKE at clock edge n; CKE (n–1) was the state of CKE at the previous clock edge. 8. All states not shown are illegal or reserved unless explicitly described elsewhere in this document. 9. On Self Refresh, Exit Deselect or NOP commands must be issued on every clock edge occurring during the tXSNR period. Read commands may be issued only after tXSRD is satisfied. 10. Self Refresh mode can only be entered from all banks Idle state. 11. Power-Down and Self Refresh can not be entered while Read or Write operations, MRS/EMRS operations or Precharge operations are in progress. 12. Minimum CKE HIGH / LOW time is tCKE (min). 13. The state of ODT does not affect the states described in this table. The ODT function is not available during Self Refresh. 14. CKE must be maintained HIGH while the device is in OCD calibration mode. 15. ODT must be driven HIGH or LOW in Power-Down if the ODT function is enabled. 16. Used to mask write data, provided coincident with the corresponding data. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 24/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Power On and Initialization DDR2 SDRAM must be powered up and initialized in a predefined manner. Operational procedures other than those specified may result in undefined operation. Power-Up and Initialization Sequence The following sequence is required for Power-Up and Initialization. 1. Apply power and attempt to maintain CKE below 0.2 x VDDQ and ODT (*1) at a low state (all other inputs may be undefined). - VDD(*2), VDDL(*2) and VDDQ are driven from a single power converter output, AND - VTT is limited to 0.95V max, AND - VREF tracks VDDQ /2. or - Apply VDD(*2) before or at the same time as VDDL. - Apply VDDL(*2) before or at the same time as VDDQ. - Apply VDDQ before or at the same time as VTT and VREF. at least one of these two sets of conditions must be met. 2. Start clock and maintain stable condition. 3. 4. For the minimum of 200us after stable power and clock (CLK, CLK ), then apply NOP or Deselect and take CKE High. Waiting minimum of 400ns then issue Precharge commands for all banks of the device. NOP or Deselect applied during 400ns period. Issue EMRS(2) command. (To issue EMRS(2) command, provide “LOW” to BA0, “HIGH” to BA1.) Issue EMRS(3) command. (To issue EMRS(3) command, provide “HIGH” to BA0 and BA1.) Issue EMRS(1) to enable DLL. (To issue "DLL Enable" command, provide "LOW" to A0, "HIGH" to BA0 and "LOW" to BA1. And A9 = A8 = A7 = “Low” must be used when issuing this command.) Issue a Mode Register Set command for “DLL reset” (*3). (To issue DLL reset command, provide “HIGH” to A8 and “LOW” to BA0-1) Issue Precharge commands for all banks of the device. Issue 2 or more Auto Refresh commands. Issue a Mode Register Set command with LOW to A8 to initialize device operation. (To program operation parameters without resetting the DLL.) At least 200 clocks after step 8, execute OCD calibration (Off Chip Driver impedance adjustment). If OCD calibration is not used, EMRS(1) OCD default command (A9=A8= A7=1) followed by EMRS(1) OCD calibration mode exit command (A9=A8=A7=0) must be issued with other operating parameters of EMRS(1). The DDR2 SDRAM is now ready for normal operation. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Note : *1) To guarantee ODT off, VREF must be valid and a low level must be applied to the ODT pin. *2) If DC voltage level of VDDL or VDD is intentionally changed during normal operation, (for example, for the purpose of VDD corner test, or power saving) “DLL Reset” must be executed. *3) Every “DLL enable” command resets DLL. Therefore sequence 8 can be skipped during power up. Instead of it, the additional 200 cycles of clock input is required to lock the DLL after enabling DLL. Initialization Sequence after Power-UP tCH tCL CLK CLK tIS CKE Command NOP PA L L 400ns EMR S(2) tRP EMRS(3) tMRD MR S E MRS (1 ) tMRD Precharge All tMRD DLL enable PA L L tMRD REF REF tRP tRFC MRS tRFC tMRD Follow OCD Flow C hart O CD default DLL R eset Any Co mma nd EMRS(1) EMRS(1) tOIT OCD Calibration mode exit 200 Cycle (min.) Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 25/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Mode Register Definition Mode Register Set [MRS] The mode register stores the data for controlling the various operating modes of DDR2 SDRAM. It programs CAS latency, burst length, burst type, test mode, DLL reset, WR and various vendor specific options to make the device useful for variety of different applications. The default value of the mode register is not defined, therefore the mode register must be written after Power-Up for proper operation. The mode register is written by asserting LOW on CS , RAS , CAS , WE , BA0 and BA1 (The device should be in all bank Precharge with CKE already high prior to writing into the mode register). The state of address pins A0~A12 in the same cycle as CS , RAS , CAS , WE , BA0 and BA1 going LOW are written in the mode register. The tMRD time is required to complete the write operation to the mode register. The mode register contents can be changed using the same command and clock cycle requirements during normal operation as long as all banks are in the idle state. The mode register is divided into various fields depending on functionality. The burst length is defined by A0 ~ A2. Burst address sequence type is defined by A3, CAS latency (read latency from column address) is defined by A4 ~ A6. The DDR2 doesn’t support half clock latency mode. A7 is used for test mode. A8 is used for DLL reset. A7 must be set to low for normal MRS operation. Write recovery time WR is defined by A9 ~ A11. Refer to the table for specific codes. BA1 BA0 A12 0 0 PD A11 A10 A9 WR A8 A7 DLL TM Active Power down exit timing A12 PD 0 1 Fast Exit (normal) Slow Exit (low power) BA1 BA0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Mode Register MRS EMRS(1) EMRS(2) EMRS(3) : Reserved Reserved 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CAS Latency BT A2 A1 A0 Address Bus Mode Register Burst Length Mode A3 Burst Type 0 1 No Yes 0 1 Sequential Interleave DLL reset A2 A1 A0 Burst Length No Yes 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Reserved Reserved 4 8 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved CAS Latency DDR2-1066 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 A3 0 1 DDR2-667 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 WR(cycles)*1 A4 A8 DDR2-800 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 A9 A5 A7 Write recovery for Auto Precharge A11 A10 A6 A6 A5 A4 Latency 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Reserved Reserved Reserved 3 4 5 6 7 Note: 1. WR(min.) (write recovery for Auto Precharge) is determined by tCK (max.) and WR(max.) is determined by tCK (min.) WR in clock cycles is calculated by dividing tWR (in ns) by tCK (in ns) and rounding up a non-integer value to the next integer ( WR[cycles] = tWR (ns)/ tCK (ns)). The mode register must be programmed to this value. This is also used with tRP to determine tDAL. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 26/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Burst Address Ordering for Burst Length Burst Length Starting Column Address (A2, A1,A0) 000 001 010 011 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 4 8 Sequential Mode Interleave Mode 0, 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3, 0 2, 3, 0, 1 3, 0, 1, 2 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 0, 5, 6, 7, 4 2, 3, 0, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5 3, 0, 1, 2, 7, 4, 5, 6 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3 5, 6, 7, 4, 1, 2, 3, 0 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1 7, 4, 5, 6, 3, 0, 1, 2 0, 1, 2, 3 1, 0, 3, 2 2, 3, 0, 1 3, 2, 1, 0 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 4, 7, 6 2, 3, 0, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5 3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3 5, 4, 7, 6, 1, 0, 3, 2 6, 7, 4, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 Mode Register Set 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CLK CLK *1 tC K Any Command Mode Register Set Precharge All Banks CO MMA ND t R P* 2 tMRD *1 : MRS can be issued only at all banks precharge state. *2 : Minimum tRP is required to issue MRS command. DLL Enable / Disable The DLL must be enabled for normal operation. DLL enable is required during power-up initialization, and upon returning to normal operation after having the DLL disabled for the purpose of debug or evaluation (upon exiting Self Refresh Mode, the DLL is enabled automatically). Any time the DLL is enabled, 200 clock cycles must occur before a READ command can be issued. Output Drive Strength The normal drive strength for all outputs is specified to be SSTL_18. The device also supports a reduced drive strength option, intended for lighter load and/or point-to-point environments. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 27/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Extended Mode Register Set-1 [EMRS(1)] The EMRS(1) stores the data for enabling or disabling DLL, output driver strength, additive latency, ODT, disable DQS , OCD program. The default value of the EMRS(1) is not defined, therefore EMRS(1) must be written after power up for proper operation. The EMRS(1) is written by asserting LOW on CS , RAS , CAS , WE , BA1 and HIGH on BA0 (The device should be in all bank Precharge with CKE already high prior to writing into EMRS(1)). The state of address pins A0~A12 in the same cycle as CS , RAS , CAS , WE and BA1 going LOW and BA0 going HIGH are written in the EMRS(1). The tMRD time is required to complete the write operation to the EMRS(1). The EMRS(1) contents can be changed using the same command and clock cycle requirements during normal operation as long as all banks are in the idle state. A0 is used for DLL enable or disable. A1 is used for reducing output driver strength. The additive latency is defined by A3~A5. A7~A9 are used for OCD control. A10 is used for DQS disable. ODT setting is defined by A2 and A6. BA1 BA0 A12 A11 A10 0 1 Qoff 0*1 DQS A12 0 1 A9 A8 A7 OCD program A10 DQS Enable 0 1 Enable Disable A6 A5 A3 A2 A1 A0 Rtt Additive Latency Rtt ODS DLL A6 A2 Rtt (nominal) 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Disable 75 Ω 150 Ω 50 Ω*5 Qoff*4 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MRS EMRS(1) EMRS(2) EMRS(3): Reserved DLL Enable 0 1 Enable Disable Additive Latency Output buffer enable Output buffer disable Mode Register A0 Output Driver Strength Control Full strength Reduced strength A1 0 1 Driver Impedance Adjustment BA1 BA0 A4 A9 A8 A7 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 OCD operation OCD calibration mode exit Drive-1 Drive-0 Adjustable mode*2 OCD default state*3 A5 A4 A3 Latency 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Reversed A11 is reserved for future use and must be set to 0. When adjustable mode of driver impedance is issued, the previously set value of AL must be applied. After setting to default state of driver impedance, OCD calibration mode needs to be exited by setting A9~A7 to 000. Output disabled - DQs, DQSs, DQS s. This feature is used in conjunction with DIMM IDD measurements when IDDQ is not desired to be included. Mandatory for DDR2-1066. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 28/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Extended Mode Register Set-2 [EMRS(2)] The EMRS(2) stores the data for enabling or disabling high temperature self refresh rate. The default value of the EMRS(2) is not defined, therefore EMRS(2) must be written after power up for proper operation. The EMRS(2) is written by asserting LOW on CS , RAS , CAS , WE , BA0 and HIGH on BA1 (The device should be in all bank Precharge with CKE already high prior to writing into EMRS(2)). The state of address pins A0~A12 in the same cycle as CS , RAS , CAS , WE and BA0 going LOW and BA1 going HIGH are written in the EMRS(2). The tMRD time is required to complete the write operation to the EMRS(2). The EMRS(2) contents can be changed using the same command and clock cycle requirements during normal operation as long as all banks are in the idle state. A7 is used for high temperature self refresh rate enable or disable. BA1 BA0 1 0 BA1 BA0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 0*1 Mode Register MRS EMRS(1) EMRS(2) EMRS(3): Reserved A7 A6 A5 SRF A7 0 1 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 0*1 High Temperature Self Refresh rate Disable Enable *Note: 1. A0~A6 and A8~A12 are reserved for future use and must be set to 0. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 29/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Extended Mode Register Set-3 [EMRS(3)] BA1 BA0 1 1 BA1 BA0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 0 Mode Register MRS EMRS(1) EMRS(2) EMRS(3): Reserved Note: EMRS(3) is reserved for future. All bits except BA0 and BA1 are reserved for future use and must be set to 0 when setting to mode register during initialization. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 30/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Off-Chip Driver (OCD) Impedance Adjustment DDR2 SDRAM supports driver calibration feature. Every calibration mode command should be followed by “OCD calibration mode exit” before any other command being issued. MRS should be set before entering OCD impedance adjustment and ODT (On Die Termination) should be carefully controlled depending on system environment. OCD Flow Chart MRS should be set before entering OCD impedance adjustment and ODT should be carefully controlled depending on system environment Start EMRS(1) : OCD calibration mode exit EMRS(1) : Driver-1 DQ & DQS High ; DQS Low EMRS(1) : Driver-0 DQ & DQS Low ; DQS High ALL OK Test ALL OK Test Need Calibration Need Calibration EMRS(1) : OCD calibration mode exit EMRS(1) : OCD calibration mode exit EMRS(1) : Enter Adjustable mode EMRS(1) : Enter Adjustable mode BL=4 code input to all DQs Inc, Dec, or NOP BL=4 code input to all DQs Inc, Dec, or NOP EMRS(1) : OCD calibration mode exit EMRS(1) : OCD calibration mode exit EMRS(1) : OCD calibration mode exit End Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 31/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) EMRS(1) for OCD Impedance Adjustment OCD impedance adjustment can be done using the following EMRS(1) mode. In drive mode, all outputs are driven out by DDR2 SDRAM. In Drive-1mode, all DQ, DQS signals are driven HIGH and all DQS signals are driven LOW. In Drive-0 mode, all DQ, DQS signals are driven LOW and all DQS signals are driven HIGH. In adjustable mode, BL = 4 of operation code data must be used. In case of OCD default state, output driver characteristics have a nominal impedance value of 18 Ω during nominal temperature and voltage conditions. Output driver characteristics for OCD default state are specified in OCD default characteristics table. OCD applies only to normal full strength output drive setting defined by EMRS(1) and if reduced strength is set or adjustable mode is used, OCD default output driver characteristics are not applicable. After OCD calibration is completed or driver strength is set to default, subsequent EMRS(1) commands not intended to adjust OCD characteristics must specify A9-A7 as '000' in order to maintain the default or calibrated value. Driver Impedance Adjustment Mode A9 0 0 A8 0 0 A7 0 1 Operation OCD calibration mode exit Device-1: DQ,DQS High and DQS Low 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 Device-0: DQ,DQS Low and DQS High Adjustable mode OCD default state Adjust OCD Impedance To adjust output driver impedance, controllers must issue EMRS(1) command for adjustable mode along with a 4bit burst code to DDR2 SDRAM as in the following table. For this operation, Burst Length has to be set to BL = 4 via MRS command before activating OCD and controllers must drive this burst code to all DQs at the same time. DT0 in the following table means all DQ bits at bit time 0, DT1 at bit time 1, and so forth. The driver output impedance is adjusted for all DQs simultaneously and after OCD calibration, all DQs of a given device will be adjusted to the same driver strength setting. The maximum step count for adjustment is 16 and when the limit is reached, further increment or decrement code has no effect. The default setting may be any step within the 16 step range. When Adjustable mode command is issued, AL from previously set value must be applied. OCD Adjustment Table DT0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 DT1 DT2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Others DT3 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Pull-up driver strength NOP Increase by 1 step Decrease by 1 step NOP NOP Increase by 1 step Decrease by 1 step Increase by 1 step Decrease by 1 step Reserve Pull-down driver strength NOP NOP NOP Increase by 1 step Decrease by 1 step Increase by 1 step Increase by 1 step Decrease by 1 step Decrease by 1 step Reserve Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 32/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) OCD Adjustable Mode CLK CLK Command NOP EMRS(1) NOP EMRS(1) tWR WL DQS, DQS tDS tDH DQ DT0 DT1 DT2 DT3 DM OCD adjustable OCD calibration mode exit Note: For proper operation of adjustable mode, WL = RL - 1 = AL + CL - 1 clocks and tDS / tDH should be met as the above timing diagram. For input data pattern for adjustment, DT0 - DT3 is a fixed order and "not affected by MRS addressing mode (ie. sequential or interleave). OCD Driver Mode CLK CLK Command DQS, DQS EMRS(1) High-Z NOP EMRS(1) DQs high and DQS low for Drive-1, DQs low and DQS high for Drive-0 High-Z DQs high for Drive-1 DQ tOIT Enter drive mode DQs low for Drive-0 tOIT OCD Calibration mode exit Note: Drive mode, both Drive-1 and Drive-0, is used for controllers to measure DDR2 SDRAM driver impedance. In this mode, all outputs are driven out tOIT after “enter drive mode” command and all output drivers are turned-off tOIT after “OCD calibration mode exit” command as the above timing diagram. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 33/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) ODT (On Die Termination) On Die Termination (ODT) is a feature that allows a DDR2 SDRAM to turn on/off termination resistance for each DQ, all DQS/ DQS , and all DM signals via the ODT control pin. The ODT feature is designed to improve signal integrity of the memory channel by allowing the DRAM controller to independently turn on/off termination resistance for any or all devices. The ODT function is supported for Active and Standby modes. ODT is turned off and not supported in Self Refresh mode. Timing for ODT Update Delay CLK CLK Command NOP EMRS(1) tAOFD tIS ODT tMOD(max.) tMOD(min.) Internal Rtt Setting Old setting Updating New Setting Note: tAOFD must be met before issuing EMRS(1) command. ODT must remain low for the entire duration of tMOD window. ODT Timing for Active and Standby Mode T1 T0 T3 T2 T4 T5 T6 CLK CLK CKE tIS tIS ODT tAOFD tAOND Internal Term Res. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Rtt tAON(min.) tAON(max.) tAOF(min.) tAOF(max.) Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 34/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) ODT Timing for Power-Down Mode T1 T0 T3 T2 T4 T5 T6 CLK CLK CKE tIS tIS ODT tAOFPD(max.) Internal Term Res. tAOFPD(min.) Rtt tAONPD(min.) tAONPD(max.) Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 35/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) ODT Timing Mode Switch at Entering Power-Down Mode T-5 T-4 T-3 T-2 T-1 T1 T0 T2 T3 CLK CLK tANPD CKE tIS Entering slow exit Active Power-Down mode or Precharge Power-Down mode. tIS ODT Internal Term Res. tAOFD Active and Standby mode timings to be applied. tAOFPD(max.) Power-Down mode timings to be applied. Rtt tIS ODT Internal Term Res. Rtt tIS ODT tAOND Internal Term Res. Active and Standby mode timings to be applied. Rtt tIS ODT tAONPD(max.) Internal Term Res. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Rtt Power-Down mode timings to be applied. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 36/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) ODT Timing Mode Switch at Exiting Power-Down Mode T0 T1 T5 T4 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 CLK CLK CKE tAXPD tIS Exiting from slow Active Power-Down mode or Precharge Power-Down mode. tIS ODT Active and Standby mode timings to be applied. tAOFD Internal Term Res. Rtt tIS ODT Power-Down mode timings to be applied. tAOFPD(max.) Internal Term Res. Rtt tIS ODT Active and Standby mode timings to be applied. tAOND Internal Term Res. Rtt tIS ODT Power-Down mode timings to be applied. tAONPD(max.) Internal Term Res. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Rtt Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 37/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Precharge The Precharge command is used to precharge or close a bank that has activated. The command is issued when CS , RAS and WE are LOW and CAS is HIGH at the rising edge of the clock. The Precharge command can be used to precharge each bank respectively or all banks simultaneously. The bank select addresses (BA0, BA1) and A10 are used to define which bank is precharged when the command is initiated. For write cycle, tWR(min.) must be satisfied until the Precharge command can be issued. After tRP from the precharge, a Bank Active command to the same bank can be initiated. Bank Selection for Precharge by Address bits A10/AP BA1 BA0 Precharge 0 0 0 Bank A Only 0 1 0 Bank B Only 0 0 1 Bank C Only 0 1 1 Bank D Only 1 X X All Banks NOP & Device Deselect The device should be deselected by deactivating the CS signal. In this mode, DDR2 SDRAM would ignore all the control inputs. The DDR2 SDRAM are put in NOP mode when CS is active and by deactivating RAS , CAS and WE . For both Deselect and NOP, the device should finish the current operation when this command is issued. Bank Active The Bank Active command is issued by holding CAS and WE HIGH with CS and RAS LOW at the rising edge of the clock (CLK). The DDR2 SDRAM has four independent banks, so two Bank Select addresses (BA0, BA1) are required. The Bank Active command to the first Read or Write command must meet or exceed the minimum of RAS to CAS delay time (tRCD(min.)). Once a bank has been activated, it must be precharged before another Bank Active command can be applied to the same bank. The minimum time interval between interleaved Bank Active command (Bank A to Bank B and vice versa) is the Bank to Bank delay time (tRRD min). Bank Active Command Cycle T0 T1 T2 T3 Tn Tn+1 Tn+2 Tn+3 CLK CLK Command Address ACT Posted READ Bank A Row Addr. Bank A Col. Addr. ACT Posted READ Bank B Row Addr. Bank B Col. Addr. tCCD tRCD=1 tRRD Additive latency (AL) tRAS Bank A Active Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Bank B Active PRE PRE ACT Bank A Bank B Bank A Row Addr. Bank A Read begins tRP tRC Bank A Precharge Bank B Precharge Bank A Active Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 38/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Read Bank This command is used after the Bank Active command to initiate the burst read of data. The Read command is initiated by activating CS , CAS , and deasserting WE at the same clock sampling (rising) edge as described in the command truth table. The length of the burst and the CAS latency time will be determined by the values programmed during the MRS command. Write Bank This command is used after the Bank Active command to initiate the burst write of data. The Write command is initiated by activating CS , CAS , and WE at the same clock sampling (rising) edge as describe in the command truth table. The length of the burst will be determined by the values programmed during the MRS command. Posted CAS Posted CAS operation is supported to make command and data bus efficient for sustainable bandwidths in DDR2 SDRAM. In this operation, the DDR2 SDRAM allows a Read or Write command to be issued immediately after the Bank Active command (or any time during the tRRD period). The command is held for the time of the Additive Latency (AL) before it is issued inside the device. The Read Latency (RL) is controlled by the sum of AL and the CAS latency (CL). Therefore if a user chooses to issue a R/W command before the tRCD(min), then AL (greater than 0) must be written into the EMRS(1). The Write Latency (WL) is always defined as RL - 1 (read latency -1) where read latency is defined as the sum of additive latency plus CAS latency (RL=AL+CL). Read or Write operations using AL allow seamless bursts. Read followed by a Write to the Same Bank < AL= 2; CL= 3 ; BL = 4> -1 0 CLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CLK Active Bank A CMD Read Bank A Write Bank A DQS/DQS WL = RL -1 =4 CL = 3 AL = 2 >= tRCD RL = AL + CL = 5 Dout0 Dout1 Dout2 Dout3 DQ Din0 Din1 Din2 Din3 < AL= 0; CL= 3; BL = 4 > -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 CLK 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 CLK AL = 0 CMD Read Bank A Active Bank A Write Bank A CL = 3 DQS/DQS >= tRCD DQ Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. WL = RL -1 = 2 RL = AL + CL = 3 Dout0 Dout1 Dout2 Dout3 Din0 Din1 Din2 Din3 Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 39/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Essential Functionality for DDR2 SDRAM Burst Read Operation The Burst Read command is initiated by having CS and CAS LOW while holding RAS and WE HIGH at the rising edge of the clock. The address inputs determine the starting column address for the burst. The delay from the start of the command to when the data from the first cell appears on the outputs is equal to the value of the read latency (RL). The DQS is driven LOW 1 clock cycle before valid data (DQ) is driven onto the data bus. The first bit of the burst is synchronized with the rising edge of DQS. Each subsequent data-out appears on the DQ pin in phase with the DQS signal in a source synchronous manner. The RL is equal to an additive latency (AL) plus CAS latency (CL). The CL is defined by the MRS and the AL is defined by the EMRS(1). Read (Data Output) Timing tCH tCL CLK CLK DQS DQS tRPST tRPRE DQ Dout0 Dout1 tDQSQ(max.) Dout2 Dout3 tDQSQ(max.) tQH tQH Burst Read < RL= 5 (AL= 2; CL= 3); BL= 4 > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T5 T6 T7 T8 CLK CLK CMD Posted CAS READ A NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP =< tDQSCK DQS,DQS AL = 2 CL = 3 RL = 5 DQs DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 < RL= 3 (AL= 0; CL= 3); BL= 8 > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T6 T5 T7 T8 CLK CLK CMD READ A NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP =< tDQSCK DQS,DQS CL = 3 RL = 3 DQs Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 DoutA4 DoutA5 DoutA6 DoutA7 Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 40/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Burst Read followed by Burst Write < RL= 5; WL= (RL-1) = 4; BL= 4 > T0 Tn-1 T1 Tn+1 Tn Tn+2 Tn+3 Tn+4 Tn+5 CLK CLK Posted CAS READ A CMD Posted CAS NOP NOP WRITE A tRTW (Read to Write-turn around-time) NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP DQS,DQS RL = 5 WL = RL-1 = 4 DQs DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 DinA0 DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 Note: The minimum time from the Burst Read command to the Burst Write command is defined by a read to write-turn around-time(tRTW), which is 4 clocks in case of BL = 4 operation, 6 clocks in case of BL = 8 operation. Seamless Burst Read < RL= 5; AL= 2; CL= 3; BL = 4 > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T6 T5 T7 T8 CLK CLK Posted CAS READ A CMD NOP Posted CAS READ B NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP DQS,DQS AL = 2 DQs CL = 3 RL = 5 DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 DoutB0 DoutB1 DoutB2 Note: The seamless burst read operation is supported by enabling a Read command at every other clock for BL = 4 operation, and every 4 clock for BL = 8 operation. This operation is allowed regardless of same or different banks as long as the banks are activated. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 41/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Burst Write Operation The Burst Write command is issued by having CS , CAS and WE LOW while holding RAS HIGH at the rising edge of the clock (CLK). The address inputs determine the starting column address. Write latency (WL) is defined by a read latency (RL) minus one and is equal to (AL + CL -1); and is the number of clocks of delay that are required from the time the write command is registered to the clock edge associated to the first DQS strobe. A data strobe signal (DQS) should be driven low (preamble) one clock prior to the WL. The first data bit of the burst cycle must be applied to the DQ pins at the first rising edge of the DQS following the preamble. The tDQSS specification must be satisfied for each positive DQS transition to its associated clock edge during write cycles. The subsequent burst bit data are issued on successive edges of the DQS until the burst length is completed, which is 4 or 8 bit burst. When the burst has finished, any additional data supplied to the DQ pins will be ignored. The DQ signal is ignored after the burst write operation is complete. The time from the completion of the burst write to bank precharge is the write recovery time (tWR). Write (Data Input) Timing tDQSL tDQSH DQS DQS DQS DQS tWPST tWPRE DQ tDS Din3 Din2 Din1 Din0 tDH tDS tDH DM Burst Write < RL= 5 (AL= 2; CL= 3); WL= 4; BL= 4 > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T5 T6 T7 Tn CLK CLK CMD Posted CAS WRITE A NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP Precharge Case1 : with tDQSS(max) DQS,DQS tDQSS WL = RL -1 = 4 DQs tDSS DinA0 tDQSS Case2 : with tDQSS(min) >= tWR DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 tDSH DQS,DQS WL = RL -1 = 4 >= tWR DQs DinA0 DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 < RL= 3 (AL= 0; CL= 3); WL= 2; BL= 4 > T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 Tn CLK CLK CMD WRITE A NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP Precharge NOP Bank A Active tDQSS DQS,DQS WL = RL -1 = 2 DQs Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. tWR DinA0 >= tRP DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 42/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Burst Write followed by Burst Read < RL= 5 (AL= 2; CL= 3); WL= 4; BL= 4 > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T6 T5 T7 T9 T8 CLK CLK Write to Read = CL -1+BL/2+tWTR NOP CMD Posted CAS READ A NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP DQS DQS,DQS DQS AL = 2 WL = RL -1 = 4 CL = 3 RL = 5 > = tWTR DQ DinA0 DoutA0 DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 Note: The minimum number of clock from the Burst Write command to the Burst Read command is [CL - 1 + BL/2 + tWTR]. This tWTR is not a write recovery time (WR) but the time required to transfer the 4 bit write data from the input buffer into sense amplifiers in the array. Seamless Burst Write < RL= 5; WL= 4; BL= 4 > T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T6 T5 T7 T8 CLK CLK CMD Posted CAS WRITE A NOP Posted CAS WRITE B NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP DQS,DQS WL = RL-1 = 4 DQs DinA0 DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 DinB0 DinB1 DinB2 DinB3 Note: The seamless burst write operation is supported by enabling a Write command at every other clock for BL = 4 operation, and every 4 clock for BL = 8 operation. This operation is allowed regardless of same or different banks as long as the banks are activated. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 43/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Read Interrupted by a Read Burst Read can only be interrupted by another read with 4 bit burst boundary. Any other case of read interrupt is not allowed. < CL= 3; AL= 0; RL= 3; BL= 8 > CLK CLK READ A CMD NOP READ B NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP DQS,DQS A0 DQs A1 A2 A3 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Note: 1. Read burst interrupt function is only allowed on burst of 8. Burst interrupt of 4 is prohibited. 2. Read burst of 8 can only be interrupted by another Read command. Read burst interruption by Write command or Precharge command is prohibited. 3. Read burst interrupt must occur exactly two clocks after previous Read command. Any other Read burst interrupt timings are prohibited. 4. Read burst interruption is allowed to any bank inside DRAM. 5. Read burst with Auto Precharge enabled is not allowed to interrupt. 6. Read burst interruption is allowed by another Read with Auto Precharge command. 7. All command timings are referenced to burst length set in the mode register. They are not referenced to actual burst. For example, Minimum Read to Precharge timing is AL + BL/2 where BL is the burst length set in the MRS and not the actual burst (which is shorter because of interrupt). Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 44/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Write Interrupted by a Write Burst Wirte can only be interrupted by another Write with 4 bit burst boundary. Any other case of Write interrupt is not allowed. < CL= 3; AL= 0; RL= 3; WL= 2; BL= 8 > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T5 T6 T7 T8 CLK CLK CMD NOP Write A NOP Write B NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP DQS,DQS A0 DQs A1 A2 A3 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Note: 1. Write burst interrupt function is only allowed on burst of 8. Burst interrupt of 4 is prohibited. 2. Write burst of 8 can only be interrupted by another Write command. Write burst interruption by Read command or Precharge command is prohibited. 3. Write burst interrupt must occur exactly two clocks after previous Write command. Any other Write burst interrupt timings are prohibited. 4. Write burst interruption is allowed to any bank inside DRAM. 5. Write burst with Auto Precharge enabled is not allowed to interrupt. 6. Write burst interruption is allowed by another Write with Auto Precharge command. 7. All command timings are referenced to burst length set in the MRS. They are not referenced to actual burst. For example, minimum Write to Precharge timing is WL+BL/2+ tWR where tWR starts with the rising clock after the un-interrupted burst end and not from the end of actual burst end. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 45/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Burst Read Followed by Precharge Minimum Read to Precharge command spacing to the same bank = AL + BL/2 + max(tRTP, 2) - 2 clocks. For the earliest possible Precharge, the Precharge command may be issued on the rising edge which is “Additive latency (AL) + BL/2 clocks” after a Read command. A new Bank Active command may be issued to the same bank after the Precharge time (tRP). A Precharge command cannot be issued until tRAS is satisfied. The minimum Read to Precharge spacing has also to satisfy a minimum analog time from the rising clock edge that initiates the last 4-bit prefetch of a Read to Precharge command. This time is called tRTP (Read to Precharge). For BL = 4, this is the time from the actual read (AL after the Read command) to Precharge command. For BL = 8, this is the time from AL + 2 clocks after the Read to the Precharge command. < RL= 4 (AL= 1; CL= 3) > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T5 T6 T7 T8 CLK CLK Posted CAS READ A CMD BL = 4 NOP NOP AL + BL/2 clks Precharge Bank A Active NOP NOP NOP NOP DQS,DQS >= tRP CL = 3 AL = 1 RL = 4 DQs DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 >= tRAS >= tRTP Posted CAS READ A CMD CL = 3 NOP NOP AL + BL/2 clks NOP NOP NOP NOP Precharge A NOP DQS,DQS BL = 8 CL = 3 AL = 1 RL = 4 DQs DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 DoutA4 DoutA5 DoutA6 DoutA7 >= tRTP < RL= 5 (AL= 2; CL= 3); BL= 4 > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T6 T5 T7 T8 CLK CLK CMD Posted CAS READ A NOP NOP AL + BL/2 clks NOP Precharge A Bank A Active NOP NOP NOP >= tRP DQS,DQS AL = 2 RL = 5 DQs CL = 3 DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 >= tRAS CL = 3 >= tRTP < RL= 6 (AL= 2; CL= 4); BL= 4 > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T6 T5 T7 T8 CLK CLK CMD Posted CAS READ A NOP NOP AL + BL/2 clks NOP Precharge A NOP NOP Bank A Active NOP >= tRP DQS,DQS AL = 2 CL = 4 RL = 6 DQs DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 >= tRAS >= tRTP Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. CL = 4 Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 46/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) < RL= 4 (AL= 0; CL= 4); BL=8 > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T5 T6 T7 T8 CLK CLK Posted CAS WRITE A CMD NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP Precharg A AL+2 clks + max(tRTP;2) NOP Bank A Active > = tRP DQS,DQS CL = 4 AL = 0 RL = 4 DQs DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 DoutA4 DoutA5 DoutA6 DoutA7 >= tRAS Burst Write Followed by Precharge Minimum Write to Precharge command spacing to the same bank = WL + BL/2 clocks + tWR. For write cycles, a delay must be satisfied from the completion of the last burst write cycle until the Precharge command can be issued. This delay is known as a write recovery time (tWR) referenced from the completion of the Burst Write to the Precharge command. No Precharge command should be issued prior to the tWR delay. < WL= (RL-1) = 3; BL=4> T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T5 T6 T7 T8 CLK CLK CMD Posted CAS WRITE A NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP Precharg A > = tWR DQS,DQS WL = 3 DinA0 DQs DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 < WL= (RL-1) = 4; BL=4 > T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T9 CLK CLK CMD Posted CAS WRITE A NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP Precharg A > = tWR DQS,DQS WL = 4 DQs Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. DinA0 DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 47/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Write data mask by DM One write data mask (DM) pin for each 8 data bits (DQ) will be supported on DDR2 SDRAM, Consistent with the implementation on DDR2 SDRAM. It has identical timings on write operations as the data bits, and though used in a uni-directional manner, is internally loaded identically to data bits to insure matched system timing. DM is not used during read cycles. Data Mask Timing T1 T2 T3 T4 Din Din T5 Tn DQS DQS Din DQ Din Din Din Din Din Din DM Write mask Iatency = 0 Example: < WL= 3; AL= 0; BL= 4 > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T5 T6 T7 T8 CLK CLK tWR Command NOP WRIT [tDQSS(min.)] WL tDQSS DQS,DQS DQ Din0 Din2 DM [tDQSS(max.)] WL tDQSS DQS,DQS DQ Din0 Din2 DM Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 48/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Read with Auto Precharge If A10 is HIGH when a Read command is issued, the Read with Auto Precharge function is engaged. The device starts an Auto Precharge operation on the rising edge which is (AL + BL/2) cycles later than the Read with AP command if tRAS (min) and tRTP(min) are satisfied. If tRAS(min) is not satisfied at the edge, the start point of Auto Precharge operation will be delayed until tRAS(min) is satisfied. If tRTP (min) is not satisfied at the edge, the start point of Auto Precharge operation will be delayed until tRTP (min) is satisfied. In case the internal precharge is pushed out by tRTP, tRP starts at the point where the internal precharge happens (not at the next rising clock edge after this event). So for BL = 4, the minimum time from Read_AP to the next Bank Active command becomes AL + (tRTP + tRP)*. For BL = 8, the time from Read_AP to the next Bank Active command is AL + 2 + (tRTP + tRP)*. (Note: “*” means “rouded up to the next integer”). < RL= 4 (AL= 1; CL= 3) > T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 CLK CLK CMD BL = 8 t RTP <= 2 clocks Posted CAS READ A Autoprecharge NOP NOP AL+BL/2 clks NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP Bank A Active > = tRP DQS,DQS AL = 1 CL = 3 RL = 4 DQs DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 DoutA4 DoutA5 DoutA6 DoutA7 >= tRTP tRTP Precharge begins here CMD BL = 4 t RTP > 2 clocks Posted CAS READ A Autoprecharge NOP NOP >=AL+tRTP+tRP NOP NOP NOP NOP Bank A Active NOP DQS,DQS AL = 1 DQs CL = 3 RL = 4 DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 tRTP tRP Precharge begins here A new Bank Active command may be issued to the same bank if the following two conditions are satisfied simultaneously. (1) The Precharge time (tRP) has been satisfied from the clock at which the Auto Precharge begins. (2) The RAS cycle time (tRC) from the previous bank activation has been satisfied. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 49/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) < RL= 5 (AL= 2; CL= 3); BL= 4; tRCD = 3 clocks; tRTP <= 2 clocks > T0 T1 T2 T4 T3 T5 T6 T7 T8 CLK CLK CMD tRC Limit Posted CAS READ A Autoprecharge NOP NOP NOP NOP >= tRAS(min) NOP Bank A Active Bank A Active NOP NOP NOP Autoprecharge begins DQS,DQS CL = 3 AL = 2 >= tRP RL = 5 DQs DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 >= tRC CLK CLK CMD tRP Limit Posted CAS READ A Autoprecharge NOP NOP NOP NOP >= tRAS(min) NOP NOP Autoprecharge begins DQS,DQS CL = 3 AL = 2 >= tRP RL = 5 DQs DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 >= tRC Write with Auto Precharge If A10 is HIGH when a Write command is issued, the Write with Auto Precharge function is engaged. The device automatically begins precharge operation after the completion of the burst write plus write recovery time (tWR). The Bank Active command undergoing Auto Precharge from the completion of the write burst may be reactivated if the following two conditions are satisfied. (1) The data-in to bank activate delay time (tWR + tRP) has been satisfied. (2) The RAS cycle time (tRC) from the previous bank activation has been satisfied. < WR = 2; BL= 4; tRP = 3 clocks > T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 Tm CLK CLK CMD Posted CAS WRITE A Autoprecharge NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP Bank A Active Auto Precharge begins tRC Limit DQS,DQS >= tWR WL = RL-1 = 2 >= tRP DinA0 DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 DQs >= tRC CLK T0 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T12 CLK CMD Posted CAS WRITE A Autoprecharge NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP NOP Bank A Active Auto Precharge begins tWR + tRP DQS,DQS WL = RL-1 = 4 DQs >= tWR >= tRP DinA0 DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 >= tRC Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 50/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Auto Refresh & Self Refresh Auto Refresh An Auto Refresh command is issued by having CS , RAS and CAS held LOW with CKE and WE HIGH at the rising edge of the clock(CLK). All banks must be precharged and idle for tRP(min) before the Auto Refresh command is applied. An address counter, internal to the device, supplies the bank address during the refresh cycle. No control of the external address bus is required once this cycle has started. When the refresh cycle has completed, all banks will be in the idle state. A delay between the Auto Refresh command and the next Bank Active command or subsequent Auto Refresh command must be greater than or equal to the tRFC(min).To allow for improved efficiency in scheduling and switching between tasks, some flexibility in the absolute refresh interval is provided. A maximum of eight Refresh commands can be posted, meaning that the maximum absolute interval between any Refresh command and the next Refresh command is 9 x tREFI. CLK CLK COMMAND Au t o Refresh PRE CMD CKE = High tRP Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. tRFC Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 51/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Self Refresh A Self Refresh command is defined by having CS , RAS , CAS and CKE held LOW with WE HIGH at the rising edge of the clock (CLK). ODT must be turned off before issuing Self Refresh command, by either driving ODT pin low or using EMRS(1) command. Once the command is registered, CKE must be held LOW to keep the device in Self Refresh mode. The DLL is automatically disabled upon entering Self Refresh and is automatically enabled upon exiting Self Refresh. When the device has entered Self Refresh mode, all of the external signals except CKE, are “don’t care”. For proper Self Refresh operation all power supply pins (VDD, VDDQ, VDDL and VREF) must be at valid levels. The device initiates a minimum of one refresh command internally within tCKE period once it enters Self Refresh mode. The clock is internally disabled during Self Refresh operation to save power. Self Refresh mode must be remained tCKE (min). The user may change the external clock frequency or halt the external clock one clock after Self Refresh entry is registered, however, the clock must be restarted and stable before the device can exit Self Refresh operation. The procedure for exiting Self Refresh requires a sequence of commands. First, the clock must be stable prior to CKE going back HIGH. Once Self Refresh Exit is registered, a delay of tXSRD(min) must be satisfied before a valid command can be issued to the device to allow for any internal refresh in progress. CKE must remain HIGH for the entire Self Refresh exit period tXSRD for proper operation except for Self Refresh re-entry. Upon exit from Self Refresh, the device can be put back into Self Refresh mode after waiting tXSNR(min) and issuing one Refresh command. NOP or deselect commands must be registered on each positive clock edge during the Self Refresh exit interval tXSNR. ODT should be turned off during tXSRD. The use of Self Refresh mode introduces the possibility that an internally timed refresh event can be missed when CKE is raised for exit from Self Refresh mode. Upon exit from Self Refresh, the device requires a minimum of one extra auto refresh command before it is put back into Self Refresh mode. T0 T1 tCK tCH T2 T3 T4 T6 T5 Tn Tm tCL CLK CLK >= tXSNR >= tXSRD tRP CKE tAOFD tIS tIS ODT tIS tIS tIH Command Note: 1. Device must be in the “All banks idle” state prior to entering Self Refresh mode. 2. ODT must be turned off tAOFD before entering Self Refresh mode, and can be turned on again when tXSRD timing is satisfied. 3. tXSRD is applied for a Read or a Read with Auto Precharge command. 4. tXSNR is applied for any command except a Read or a Read with Auto Precharge command. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 52/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Power-Down Power-Down is synchronously entered when CKE is registered LOW (no accesses can be in progress). CKE is not allowed to go LOW while MRS or EMRS command time, or read or write operation is in progress. CKE is allowed to go LOW while any of other operations such as Bank Active, Precharge or Auto Precharge, or Auto Refresh is in progress. The DLL should be in a locked state when Power-Down is entered. Otherwise DLL should be reset after exiting Power-Down mode for proper read operation. If Power-Down occurs when all banks are idle, this mode is referred to as Precharge Power-Down; if Power-Down occurs when there is a Bank Active command in any bank, this mode is referred to as Active Power-Down. Entering Power-Down deactivates the input and output buffers, excluding CLK, CLK , ODT and CKE. Also the DLL is disabled upon entering Precharge Power-Down or slow exit Active Power-Down, but the DLL is kept enabled during fast exit Active Power-Down. In Power-Down mode, CKE LOW and a stable clock signal must be maintained at the inputs of the device, and ODT should be in a valid state but all other input signals are “Don’t Care”. CKE LOW must be maintained until tCKE has been satisfied. Power-Down duration is limited by 9 times tREFI of the device. The Power-Down state is synchronously exited when CKE is registered HIGH (along with a NOP or DESELECT command). CKE HIGH must be maintained until tCKE has been satisfied. A valid, executable command can be applied with Power-Down exit latency, tXP, tXARD, or tXARDS, after CKE goes HIGH. CLK CLK tIS tIH tIS tIH VALID NOP tIH tIH tIS CKE Command NOP tCKE VALID VALID VALID tCKE tXP, tXARD, tXARDS tCKE Exit power-down mode Enter power-down mode : Don’t care Read to Power-Down Entry T0 T1 T2 Tx+1 Tx Tx+2 Tx+3 Tx+4 Tx+5 Tx+6 Tx+7 Tx+8 Tx+9 CLK CLK CKE should be kept high until the end of burst operation Command READ High CKE BL = 4 DQS DQS AL + CL DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 DQ T0 T1 T2 Tx+1 Tx Tx+2 Tx+3 Tx+4 Tx+5 Tx+6 Tx+7 Tx+8 Tx+9 CLK CLK Command READ CKE should be kept high until the end of burst operation High CKE BL = 8 DQS DQS AL + CL DQ Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 DoutA4 DoutA5 DoutA6 DoutA7 Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 53/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Read with Auto Precharge to Power-Down Entry T0 T1 T2 Tx+1 Tx Tx+2 Tx+3 Tx+5 Tx+4 Tx+6 Tx+7 Tx+8 Tx+9 CLK CLK Command READ PRE AL+BL/2 with tRTP =7.5ns and tRAS(min.) satisfied CKE should be kept high until the end of burst operation CKE DQS DQS BL = 4 AL + CL DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 DQ T0 T1 T2 Tx+1 Tx Tx+2 Tx+3 Tx+4 Tx+5 Tx+6 Tx+7 Tx+8 Tx+9 CLK CLK Start internal precharge Command PRE READ CKE should be kept high until the end of burst operation AL+BL/2 with tRTP = 7.5ns and tRAS(min.) satisfied CKE DQS DQS BL = 8 AL + CL DoutA0 DoutA1 DoutA2 DoutA3 DoutA4 DoutA5 DoutA6 DoutA7 DQ Write to Power-Down Entry T0 T1 Tm Tm+1 Tm+2 Tm+3 Tx Tx+1 Tx+2 Ty Ty+1 Ty+2 Ty+3 Tm+5 Tx Tx+1 Tx+2 Tx+3 Tx+4 CLK CLK WRITE Command CKE tWTR BL = 4 DQS DQS WL DinA0 DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 DQ T0 T1 Tm Tm+1 Tm+2 Tm+3 Tm+4 CLK CLK Command WRITE CKE tWTR BL = 8 DQS DQS WL DQ DinA0 DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 DinA4 DinA5 DinA6 DinA7 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 54/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Write with Auto Precharge to Power-Down Entry T0 T1 Tm Tm+1 Tm+3 Tm+2 Tx+1 Tx Tx+2 Tx+3 Tx+4 Tx+5 Tx+6 Tx Tx+1 Tx+2 Tx+3 Tx+4 T10 T11 CLK CLK PRE WRITE A Command CKE tWR DQS DQS BL = 4 WL DinA0 DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 DQ T0 T1 Tm Tm+2 Tm+1 Tm+3 Tm+5 Tm+4 CLK CLK PRE WRITE A Command CKE tWR DQS DQS BL = 8 WL DinA0 DinA1 DinA2 DinA3 DinA4 DinA5 DinA6 DinA7 DQ Auto Refresh/ Bank Active/ Precharge to Power-Down Entry T0 T1 T2 T3 T8 T7 T6 T5 T4 T9 CLK CLK Command CMD CKE can go to low one clock after a command CKE Note: CMD could be Auto Refresh/ Bank Active/ Precharge command. MRS/EMRS to Power-Down Entry T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 CLK CLK Command MRS/ EMRS CKE tMRD Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 55/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Asynchronous CKE Low event DDR2 SDRAM requires CKE to be maintained “HIGH” for all valid operations as defined in this data sheet. If CKE asynchronously drops “LOW” during any valid operation, the device is not guaranteed to preserve the contents of array. If this event occurs, memory controller must satisfy tDELAY before turning off the clocks. Stable clocks must exist at the input of device before CKE is raised “HIGH” again. The device must be fully re-initialized (steps 4 ~ 13) as described in initialization sequence. The device is ready for normal operation after the initialization sequence. Stable clocks tCK CLK CLK tDELAY CKE CKE asynchronously drops low Clocks can be turned off after this point Clock Frequency change in Precharge Power-Down mode DDR2 SDRAM input clock frequency can be changed under following condition: The device is in Precharge Power-Down mode. ODT must be turned off and CKE must be at logic LOW level. A minimum of 2 clocks must be waited after CKE goes LOW before clock frequency may change. The device input clock frequency is allowed to change only between tCK (min) and tCK (max). During input clock frequency change, ODT and CKE must be held at stable LOW levels. Once input clock frequency is changed, stable new clocks must be provided before Precharge Power-Down may be exited and DLL must be RESET via MRS after Precharge Power-Down exit. Depending on new clock frequency an additional MRS command may need to be issued to appropriately set the WR, CL etc.. During DLL re-lock period, ODT must remain off. After the DLL lock time, the device is ready to operate with new clock frequency. T0 T1 T2 T4 Tx Tx+1 Ty Ty+1 Ty+2 Ty+3 Ty+4 NOP NOP DLL Reset Tz CLK CLK command NOP NOP NOP Vaild CKE ODT 200 clocks Frequency change occurs here tRP txP tAOFD Minimum 2 clocks required before changing frequency Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Stable new clock before power down exit ODT is off during DLL RESET Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 56/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Functional Truth Table Current State IDLE BANK ACTIVE READ WRITE Address Command Action CS RAS CAS WE H X X X X DESEL NOP or Power-Down L H H H X NOP NOP or Power-Down L H L X BA, CA, A10 READ / READA / ILLEGAL (*1) WRITE / WRITEA L L H H BA, RA Active Bank Active, Latch RA L L H L BA, A10 / A10 PRE / PREA Precharge / Precharge All L L L H X Refresh Refresh (*2) L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS Mode Register setting / Extended Mode Register setting (*2) H X X X X DESEL NOP L H H H X NOP NOP L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ / READA Begin Read, Latch CA, Determine Auto Precharge L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRITE / WRITEA Begin Write, Latch CA, Determine Auto Precharge L L H H BA, RA Active ILLEGAL (*1) L L H L BA, A10 /A10 PRE / PREA Precharge / Precharge All L L L H X Refresh ILLEGAL L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS ILLEGAL H X X X X DESEL NOP (Continue Burst to END) L H H H X NOP NOP (Continue Burst to END) L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ / READA Terminate Burst, Latch CA, Begin New Read, Determine Auto Precharge (*1, 4) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRITE / WRITEA ILLEGAL (*1) L L H H BA, RA Active ILLEGAL (*1) L L H L BA, A10 / A10 PRE / PREA ILLEGAL (*1) / ILLEGAL L L L H X Refresh ILLEGAL L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS ILLEGAL H X X X X DESEL NOP (Continue Burst to end) L H H H X NOP NOP (Continue Burst to end) L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ / READA ILLEGAL (*1) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRITE / WRITEA Terminate Burst, Latch CA, Begin new Write, Determine Auto-Precharge (*1, 4) L L H H BA, RA Active ILLEGAL (*1) L L H L BA, A10 / A10 PRE / PREA ILLEGAL (*1) / ILLEGAL L L L H X Refresh ILLEGAL L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS ILLEGAL Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 57/63 ESMT Current State READ with AUTO PRECHARGE WRITE with AUTO PRECHARGE PRE-CHARGIN G ROW ACTIVATING M14D5121632A (2C) Address Command Action CS RAS CAS WE H X X X X DESEL NOP (Continue Burst to end) L H H H X NOP NOP (Continue Burst to end) L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ / READA ILLEGAL (*1) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRITE / WRITEA ILLEGAL (*1) L L H H BA, RA Active ILLEGAL (*1) L L H L BA, A10 / A10 PRE / PREA ILLEGAL (*1) / ILLEGAL L L L H X Refresh ILLEGAL L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS ILLEGAL H X X X X DESEL NOP (Continue Burst to END) L H H H X NOP NOP (Continue Burst to END) L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ / READA ILLEGAL (*1) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRITE / WRITEA ILLEGAL (*1) L L H H BA, RA Active ILLEGAL (*1) L L H L BA, A10 PRE / PREA ILLEGAL (*1) / ILLEGAL L L L H X Refresh ILLEGAL L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS ILLEGAL H X X X X DESEL NOP (Idle after tRP) L H H H X NOP NOP (Idle after tRP) L H L X BA, CA, A10 READ / READA / ILLEGAL (*1) WRITE / WRITEA L L H H BA, RA Active ILLEGAL (*1) L L H L BA, A10 / A10 PRE / PREA NOP (Idle after tRP) L L L H X Refresh ILLEGAL L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS ILLEGAL H X X X X DESEL NOP (Bank Active after tRCD) L H H H X NOP NOP (Bank Active after tRCD) L H L X BA, CA, A10 READ / READA / ILLEGAL (*1, 5) WRITE / WRITEA L L H H BA, RA Active ILLEGAL (*1) L L H L BA, A10 / A10 PRE / PREA ILLEGAL L L L H X Refresh ILLEGAL L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS ILLEGAL Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 58/63 ESMT Current State M14D5121632A (2C) Address Command Action CS RAS CAS WE H X X X X DESEL NOP (Bank Active after tWR) L H H H X NOP NOP (Bank Active after tWR) L H L H BA, CA, A10 READ / READA ILLEGAL (*1, 6) L H L L BA, CA, A10 WRITE / WRITEA WRITE / WRITEA L L H H BA, RA Active ILLEGAL (*1) L L H L BA, A10 / A10 PRE / PREA ILLEGAL (*1) / ILLEGAL L L L H X Refresh ILLEGAL L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS ILLEGAL H X X X X DESEL NOP (Bank Active after tWR) L H H H X NOP NOP (Bank Active after tWR) WRITE RECOVERING with L H L X BA, CA, A10 READ / READA / ILLEGAL (*1) WRITE / WRITEA AUTO PRECHARGE L L H H BA, RA Active ILLEGAL (*1) L L H L BA, A10 / A10 PRE / PREA ILLEGAL (*1) / ILLEGAL L L L H X Refresh ILLEGAL L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS ILLEGAL H X X X X DESEL NOP (Idle after tRFC) L H H H X NOP NOP (Idle after tRFC) L H L X BA, CA, A10 READ / READA / ILLEGAL WRITE / WRITEA L L H H BA, RA Active ILLEGAL L L H L BA, A10 / A10 PRE / PREA ILLEGAL L L L H X Refresh ILLEGAL L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS ILLEGAL H X X X X DESEL NOP (Idle after tMRD) L H H H X NOP NOP (Idle after tMRD) L H L X BA, CA, A10 READ / READA / ILLEGAL WRITE / WRITEA L L H H BA, RA Active ILLEGAL L L H L BA, A10 / A10 PRE / PREA ILLEGAL L L L H X Refresh ILLEGAL L L L L Op-Code Mode-Add MRS / EMRS ILLEGAL WRITE RECOVERING REFRESH (Extended) MODE REGISTER SETTING H = High Level, L = Low level, X = Don’t Care BA = Bank Address, RA =Row Address, CA = Column Address, NOP = No Operation ILLEGAL = Device operation and / or data integrity are not guaranteed. Note: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. This command may be issued for other banks, depending on the state of the banks. All banks must be in “IDLE”. All AC timing specs must be met. Only allowed at the boundary of 4 bits burst. Burst interruption at other timings is illegal. Available in case tRCD is satisfied by AL setting. Available in case tWTR is satisfied. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 59/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Simplified States Diagram Power-Up and Initialization Sequence CKEL OCD calibration SRF PR CKEH Idle Settign MRS EMRS (E)MRS Self Refreshing REF All banks precharged Refreshing CKEL ACT CKEL CKEH Precharge PowerDown CKEL CKEL Activating CKEL Automatic Sequence Active Power -Down Command Sequence CKEH CKEL Bank Active WRA RDA Read Write Write Reading RDA WRA WRA RDA PR, PRA Writing With Auto Precharge Read Read Write Write PR, PRA PR, PRA Reading With Auto Precharge Precharging CKEL = CKE LOW CKEH = CKE HIGH ACT = Activate WR(A) = Write (with Auto Precharge) RD(A) = Read (with Auto Precharge) PR(A) = Precharge (All) (E)MRS = (Extended) Mode Register Set SRF = Enter Self Refresh REF = Auto Refresh Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 60/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) PACKING DIMENSIONS 84-BALL DDRII SDRAM Symbol A A1 Φb D E D1 E1 e ( 8x12.5 mm ) Dimension in mm Min Norm Max 1.20 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.40 0.45 0.50 7.90 8.00 8.10 12.40 12.50 12.60 6.40 BSC 11.20 BSC 0.80 BSC Dimension in inch Min Norm Max 0.047 0.010 0.012 0.016 0.016 0.018 0.020 0.311 0.315 0.319 0.488 0.492 0.496 0.252 BSC 0.441 BSC 0.031 BSC Controlling dimension : Millimeter. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 61/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Revision History Revision Date 0.1 2012.04.24 Original 1.0 2012.07.26 1. Delete "Preliminary" 2. Correct the specification of tCK for speed grade -1.8 Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Description Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 62/63 ESMT M14D5121632A (2C) Important Notice All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or duplicated in any form or by any means without the prior permission of ESMT. The contents contained in this document are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. ESMT assumes no responsibility for any error in this document, and reserves the right to change the products or specification in this document without notice. The information contained herein is presented only as a guide or examples for the application of our products. No responsibility is assumed by ESMT for any infringement of patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license, either express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of ESMT or others. Any semiconductor devices may have inherently a certain rate of failure. To minimize risks associated with customer's application, adequate design and operating safeguards against injury, damage, or loss from such failure, should be provided by the customer when making application designs. ESMT's products are not authorized for use in critical applications such as, but not limited to, life support devices or system, where failure or abnormal operation may directly affect human lives or cause physical injury or property damage. If products described here are to be used for such kinds of application, purchaser must do its own quality assurance testing appropriate to such applications. Elite Semiconductor Memory Technology Inc. Publication Date : Jul. 2012 Revision : 1.0 63/63