BCM8022 Product Brief

• H i g h - s p e ed r e t i m i n g f o r tr a n s m i s si o n -o v e r -c o p p e r
interconnects such as InfiniBand® cables or backplanes
• Enables low-cost applications transmitting 10 GbE over
various c opper media: 15 m eters InfiniBand cable
(10GBASE-CX4), FR-4 backplanes
• Multiconfigurable to support various operating modes
• Four independent 1.0-Gbps to 3.2-Gbps retimers (single
clocking domain)
• IEEE 802.3™ae compliant XAUI-to-XAUI retimer
• XAUI-to-CX4 retimer
• Low power dissipation
• Less than 400 mW per retiming channel including I/O
• Flexible mixed-signal architecture to support various modes
of operation and applications with a single device footprint
• Advanced 0.13µ CMOS process technology provides
unparalleled performance while achieving the lowest possible
power consumption
• Superior jitter characteristics enable data signals transmitted
through front panel or backplane networking equipment over
low-cost copper media
• SONET/SDH-quality jitter performance
• Less than 3 picoseconds rms jitter generation
• Exceeds SONET jitter tolerance mask
• Drive PMD devices or backplane directly with no external
• High-performance programmable receive equalization and
transmit pre-emphasis
• Transmit pre-emphasis for interoperability with CML SerDes
• Receive equalization for copper interconnects
• Enhanced test capability
clean-up circuit required
• Simplifies manufacturability with integrated built-in self-test
(BIST), high-speed loopbacks, and programmable PRBS
• D ec re as es c o mple x ity a nd r educ es bo a rd spa ce o n
multichannel line-card designs
• Full loopback and on-chip PRBS generator/checker
• Compact 17-mm × 17-mm BGA package
• No requirement for heat sink or airflow
• 10-GbE LAN, MAN, WAN stackable switches and routers
• 1×, 2×, or 10-Gbps Fibre Channel or SONET network cards
• Advanced test equipment (ATE)
BCM8022 Application Diagram
Stackable Switch
Up to 15 meters
4x InfiniBand
Stackable Switch
10G XAUI/CX4_0
10G XAUI/CX4_1
Channel_0 (1–3.2G)
Channel_0 (1–3.2G)
Channel_1 (1–3.2G)
Channel_1 (1–3.2G)
Channel_2 (1–3.2G)
Channel_2 (1–3.2G)
Channel_3 (1–3.2G)
Channel_3 (1–3.2G)
Required: 1.2V, 2.5V
BCM8022 Block Diagram
The BCM8022 device integrates four retimer channels, leveraging
Broadcom’s high-performance mixed signal design experience along
with advanced 0.13µ CMOS process technology. This, combined with a
robust architecture offering the highest degree of flexibility, results in a
highly programmable, lowest power retimer solution for network linecard and backplane applications.
The BCM8022 was designed to support the new IEEE802.3ak (draft)
standard developed for transmitting high-speed 10-GbE data over
relatively short distances of low-cost copper media, up to 15 meters of
4X InfiniBand cable. The BCM8022 can be leveraged inside copperbased modules designed with easy plug ability similar to XENPAK or
XPAK/X2 type modules or within discrete solutions directly on the line
The high-speed serial I/O of the BCM8022 supports transmission rates
ranging from 1 Gbps to 3.2 Gbps. An on-chip phase lock loop (PLL)
synthesizes the supplied reference clock to support the desired transmit
rate, while clock and data recovery (CDR) units recover the receive rate
clock for timing. The interface can support single-channel (single clock
domain) or quad (XAUI/CX4) differential CML I/O.
For high-speed serial copper connections, the BCM8022 incorporates
both transmit pre-emphasis on the transmit channels and receive
equalization on the receive channels. Transmit pre-emphasis is
programmable to improve the overall cable reach and compensate for
electrical imperfections associated with traces and connectors. Receive
equalization provides optimal performance over a variety of receive
Highly programmable test capabilities exist within the BCM8022 to
support high-speed loopbacks using generators/checkers that support
PRBS 27 to 231 patterns along with IEEE802.3ae-defined test patterns.
A complete evaluation kit, including an evaluation board, related
software, and documentation is available upon request.
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