DUAL-MODE BUCK AND FULL-BRIDGE IC CONTROLS HID LAMPS H igh-inlensily discharge (HID) lamps boost high efficacy,good color rendering, and a long lifetime. Electronic ballasts are used 10 control HID lamps, bullypically they're complex due 10 the extensive lamp requirements thl?,' must fulfill. Designers, howl?ler,can lake advantage of a novel dual-mode buck and full-bridge control CIa control HID lamps, which have unique electrical characteristics and require a careful and specific control sokJlion.A fundamental understanding of these components will help the designer gain further insighllo the nature of HID lamps and the circuits used 10 control them. Available in the form of metal halide, mercury, or sodium I,{Jpor, HID lamps ore popular because they ore efficient and h<Jv'e a tigh brightness output. HID melol-lDlide lamps ore generally ti'R limes more efficient than incondescenllomps and 105120 limes longer. HID lamps produce light using a technique similar to that used in nuorescent lamps, where a low-pressure mercury vapor produces ultraviolet light that excites a phosphor coating on the tube. In the case of HID lamps, it's a high-pressure gas, the distance between the electrodes is very short, and the light is produced directly without the need for the phosphor. HID lamps require a high voltage for ignition (3 to 4 kV Iypical,greater than 20 kV if the lamp is hot),currentlimitation during warm-up,and constant power control during running. Tight regulation of lamp power is important for miniTlizing klmp-to-Iamp color and brightness variations. Also, HID lamps are driven with a low-frequency ac voltage (less than 200 Hz typical) to avoid mercury migratbn and to prevent lamp damage due to acoush:: resonance. Atypical metal halide 70W HID lamp features a nominal v,{IIIage 0NJ of 70 W, a v,{Irm-up time of 1 to 2 minutes, and a cold-start ignition voltage (Vpk) of 4 kV. Before ignition, the lamp is open-circuit (Fig. I). After the lamp ignites, the lamp voltage drops quickly from the open<:ircuit voltage to a very low value (20 Vtypical) due to the low resistance of the lamp. This drop causes the lamp current to increase to a very high value, so it should be limited toa safe maximum 1~e1.As the lamp warms up, the current decreases as the voltage and power increase. The lamp - -- 1. During a t}p1cal lflD lamp startup, the lamp Is op!Il·drcult b(fore Ignition AIl(!' the lamp Ignites, \"oltage drops quickly but e\I?Iltually reac~ Its nominal value. voltage eventually reaches ns nominal value (100 Vtypical),and the power is regulata::lto the correctll?'el. To satisfy the lamp reqLirements and different operating modes, the electronic ballasttopdogy must efficiently convert the ac mains voRo;je to the desired 0::: lanp voltage, ignne the lamp, and regulate lamp p:JWer. HID BallastTopology Atypical HID ballast includes electromagnetic interference (EMI) fiRering to block ballast-generata::l noise, a bridge rectifier to convert the ac mains voltage to a full-wave rectified voltage, a boost powerfactor correction (PFC) stage for PFC and a constant dc bus voltage, a step-down buck converter for controlling the lamp current, a full-bridge output stage for ac opellltion of the lamp,and an ignition circuit for striking the lamp (Fig. 2).This is one of the standard approaches for powering HID lamps with a low-frequency ac voltage. The boost PFC stage typically runs in crih::al-conduction mode, but can be controlled with a continuous-conduction mode for higher powers (greater than 200 W) when the peak boost inductor currents using critical<:onduction mode become too high. During critical-conduction mode, the boost stage operates with a constant on-time and variable off-time, resulting in a free-running frequenGY across each halfWfNe of the ac line cycle. The frequenGY range is typically from 200 kHz near the ac line zero-crossings to 50 kHz at the peak of the ac line. The on-time is used to regulate the dc bus to a constant level. The off-time is the time it takes for the inductor current to reach zero each switching cycle. The EMI filter then 2. Atypcal HID ballast Include; EMI fJlterlng, a bridge M:tifier, a boost PFe &age, a Step-doY,l1 buck oon~, a full-bridge outPJt stage, and an Ignition circuit filters the triangular inductor current to produce a sinusoidal input current at the ac mains input for high power factor and low harmonic distortion. The buck control circuit is the main control circuit of the ballast, as it is used to control the lamp current (Fig. 3). The bLK:k stage is needed to step-<lo'Wflthe constant dc bus valtage from the boost stage to the lower lamp valtage at the fUll-bridge stage. This particular circuit can run in continuous or critical<:onduction operating modes,based on the condition of the load. The lamp output current is measured in the full-bridge stage and fed back to the buck circuit to control the buck on-time. The lamp voRage and current are multiplied together to produce a lamp power measurement, which is also fed back to control the buck on-time. During the lamp warm-up perbd (after ignition) when the lamp voltage is very low and the lamp current is very high, the lamp current feedback will determine the buck on-time to limit the maximum lamp current. During lamp steady-state running, the power feedback will then determine the buck on-time to control the lamp power. The off-time is determined by the zerocrossing of the buck inductor current during crih::al-conduction mode or by a maximum off-time limit during continuous<:onduction mode.The continuous-conduction mode