LOGIC PRODUCTS LATCHE5/F Ll P-FLOP5 815807.5808 8ns ORDERING CODE PACKAGES Vcc. sv 立 S%;TA=O.C 阳 +70.C 国 啕 i 叶 一c l mr 一四 -1· c- D M 趴-3 MM-创 p-c • COMMERCIAL RANGES N8TS807N • MI Ll TARY RANGES I Vcc"SV 主 10%; TA= - SS.C 10 + 12S.C N8TS808N Dr S8TS807F • DESCRIPTION PINS DESCRIPTION The data on the D inputs are transferred to the latch outputs when the Latch Enable (E) input is HIGH. The latch remains trans. parent to the data inputs while E is HIGH , and stores the data present one setup time before the HIGH.to.LOW enable tran. sition. The enable gate has about 400mV of hysteresis built in to help minimize problems that signal and ground noise can cause on the latching operation. A11 Inputs AII Outputs NOTE An 8T5 unit load (5ul) 惜 50.抖A IIH and - 2.0mA IIL all eight 3- State buffers independent of the latch operation. When OE is LOW , the latched or transparent data appears at the outputs. When OE is HIGH , the outputs are in the HIGH impedance "off" state , which means they will neither drive nor load the bus. The 3.State output buffers are designed to drive heavily loaded 3.State buses , MOS memories , or MOS microprocessors. The active LOW Output Enable (OE) controls The 8TS808 is an 8.bit , edge.triggered reg. ister coupled to eight 3.State output buf. fers. The two sections of the device are controlled independently by the Clock (CP) and Output Enable (δE) control gates. PIN CONFIGURATION LOGIC SYMBOL 8TSI07 民U4 ,帽 '··sa--8·· 口口』门』内』内工M』阿」何 ZE -mwRMDBAD-mDD 02 02 [! E丐 03 [l õ4 04 IT ~ 3J E丐 05 [ï õ8 ~ ð7 08 [! 07 [! ill :J E 19 18 v,.,,., = Pin 20 GN币)=Pin 10 [I QNO~ 16 15 14 13 12 8TSI08 23456 7 8 9 iiJ CP 币9 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 :能:2:21: 5-76 17 a The 3.State output buffers are designed to drive heavily loaded 3.State buses , MOS memories , or MOS microprocessors. The 8TS807 8T饵" 国 δ0 1 The register is fuliy edge triggered. The state of each 0 input , one setup time be. fore the LOW.to.HIGH clock transition , is transferred to the corresponding flip. outpu t. The cloc l< buffer has flop's about 400mV of hysteresis buiit in to help minimize probiems that signai and ground noise can cause on the ciocking opera. tion. LOGIC SYMBOL (IEE ElIEC) 23458789 8TSI07 S8 TS808F m一w仙 INPUT AND OUTPUT LOADING AND FAN.OUT TABLE The 8TS807 is an octal transparent latch coupled to eight 3.State output buffers. The two sections of the device are con. trolled independently by Latch Enable (E) and Output Enable (δE) control gates. FLW Bn 宁' nU 』 nu 10ns v,民 "-A 【 -AH 飞"一 m-m U 吓。 -e-6 DELAY c--CJV ao-oo ''-eo TE-T' 山 σ-mω-HH ··』 TYPE 。口 -o口 • 8.bit transparent latch 8TS807 • 8.blt posltlve, edge. triggered register 8TS808 . • 3.State Invertlng output buffers • Common 3.State Output Enable • Independent register and 3.State buffer operatlon '807 Octal Transparent betch With 3.State Outputs '808 Octal 0 Flip.Flop With 3.State Outputs wBr FMA e-HV anEE-N TYPICAL PROPAGATION 8TSI08 LOGIC PRODUCTS 8T5807. 5808 LATCHE5/FLl p.FLOP5 唱t active LOW Output Enable (OE) controls all eight 3.State buffers independent of the register operation. When δ~ is LOW , the data in the register appears at the out. puts. When OE is HIGH , the outputs are in the HIGH impedance "off" state , which means they will neither drive nor load the bus. LOGIC DIAGRAM , 8TS807 a (1) Vcc .Pln 20 OND-Pln 10 LOGIC DIAGRAM , 8TS808 二一百二一 Vcc .Pln 20 OND. Pln 10 MODE SELECT-FUNCTION TABLE, 8TS807 。 PERATINO MODES INPUTS INTERNAL REOISTER 。UTPUTS 。E E Dn Enable and read reglster L L H H L H L H H L Latch and read register L L L L h L H " α翩翩, α邱执』饱 H x x x (Z) 。0- 0 7 L MODE SELECT-FUNCTION TABLE, 8TSωe 。 PERATINO MODES INPUTS ÕI Load and read register L L Load register and disable outputs H H … H. HIGH .011'0"'." h • HIGH .0ItI0' ,..., on L • LOW .oltloe I..el CP x x tup tlme prlor to the LOW.to.HIGH clock tran.ltlon INTERNAL REOISTER Dn 。 UTPUTS 。0- 0 7 h L H H L x x x x (Z) (Z) 1 • LOW .011'0' 1刷酬。"…tup 11m. prlor to th. LOW.to.HIGH clock tr.n.ltlon HIGH Im pe<l.nca "0"" It.t. 1 • LOW.to.HIGH clock tran副 tlon X- Don 't __ (Z). 5-77 LOGIC PRODUCTS 8T5807. Sà08 LATCHES/F Ll p.FLOPS 唱F ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Over operating free.air temperature range unless otherwise noted.) V cc V 1N Input voltage IIN Input current V OUT Voltage applied to output in HIGH output state TA UNIT ' 58T5 N8T5 7.0 7.0 V -0.5 to + 5.5 - 0.5 to + 5.5 V mA PARAMETER Supply voltage - 30 to + 5 -30 to + 5 - 0.5 to + V cc - 0.5 to + V cc V -55 to + 125 o to 70 .C Operating free.air temperature range 」 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS 8T5 PARAMETER Vcc Supply voltage V 1H HIGH.level input voltage UNIT Mln Nom M8X Mil 4.5 5.0 5.5 v Com'l 4.75 5.0 5.25 V Mil +0.8 v Com'l +0.8 V "'18 mA V 2.0 V 1L LOW.level input voltage IIK Input clamp current 10H HIGH.level output current 10L LOW.level outpJt current TA 。 perating free.air temperature 2.0 mA Com'l Mil -6.5 mA M iI 20 mA Com'l 20 mA + 125 .C 70 .C Mil 55 Com'l NOTE VIL = + O.7V MAX for 58T5 at TA= + 125'C only DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS o 咀- 一一,一一一一一一一 " (Over recommended operating fre e- air temperature range unless otherwise noted.) PARAMETER TE5T CONDITION5 8T5807 , 808 ' Mln Typ 2 Mil 2.4 3.0 Com'l 2.4 3.1 M8X UNIT V 1K Input clamp voltage V cc = MIN , 11= I'K -1.2 v v v v v I ,.,.. u OZH Off.state ~utput current , HIGH.level voltage applied Vcc=MAX , V1H=MIN , V o =2.4V 50 μA 1"", OZL Off.state ootput current , LOW.level voltage applied Vcc=MAX , V1H=MIN , V o =0.5V -50 μA Input current at maximum input voltage V cc = MAX , V 1= 5.5V 1.0 mA IIH HIGH.level input current V cc = MAX , V 1= 2:7V 50 μA IIL LOW.level input current Vcc=MAX , V 1=0.5V -0.25 mA 105 Short.circuit output current 3 -100 mA V OH HIGH.level output voltage V OL LOW.level output voltage Icc 5upply current (total) Vcc=MIN , V1H=MIN , V1L=MAX , 10H=MAX V cc = MIN , V 1H = MIN , V 1L = MAX Mil 0.5 4 Com'l 0.5 V cc = MAX V cc = MAX -40 ICCL 8T5807 105 160 mA ICCL AII inputs grounded , 8T5808 102 140 mA IccZ CP , OE= 4.5V D inputs=GND 131 180 mA NOTE5 t. For conditions shown as MIN or MAX. use the appropriate value specif帽d under recommended operating conditlons for the applicable type. 2. AII typical values are at VCC = 5V. TA= 25 'c 3. 10S is tested with VOUT = + O.5V and VCC =VCC MAX + O.5V. Not more than one output should be shorted at a lime and duratlon of the short circull should not exceed one second 4. VOL = + O.45V MAX for 58TS at TA = + 125'C only. 5.78 LOGIC PRODUCTS 8T5807. 5808 LATCHE5/FLl P-FLOPS ' AC CHARACTERISTICS TA= 25.C , Vcc = 5.0V 8TS TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER f MAX Maximum clock frequency tpLH t pHL Propagation delay Latch Enable to output t pLH t pHL C L =15pF , RL "'2800 Mln Max Waveform 6 , 8TS808 75 MHz Waveform 1, 8TS807 14 ",1 8 ns Propagation delay Data to output Waveform 4, 8TS807 9 13 ns t pLH t pHL Propagation delay Clock to output Waveform 6 , 8TS808 15 17 ns t pZH Enable time to HIGH level Waveform 2 15 ns t pZL Enable time to LOW level 18 18 ns t pHZ Disable time from HIGH level 9 ns 12 ns Waveform 3 88TS807 i-S8Õå Waveform 2, C L = 5pF Disable time from LOW level Waveform 3, C L= 5pF t pLZ NOTE Per industry conyention. 'MAX is the worst case yalue 01 the maximum device 。阳 rating Irequency with no constraints on tr. 勺, pulse width or duty • cyc 幅- AC SETUP REQUIREMENTS TA=25.C , Vcc =5.0V 8TS PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS t w( H) t w( L) Latch Enable pulse width Waveform 1, 8TS807 6 7.3 ns ts Setup time , Data to Latch Enable Waveform 5, 8TS807 5 ns th Hold time , Data to Latch Enable Waveform 5, 8T S807 10 ns Clock pulse width Waveform 6 , 8TS808 6 7.3 ns ts Setup time , Data to Clock Waveform 7, 8TS808 5 ns th Hold time , Data to Clock Waveform 7, 8TS808 4 ns t叫 L) Max UNIT 25 一丰 t w( H) Mln TEST CIRCUITS AND WAVEFORMS e- HMT-BrHM?- 俨W INPUT PULSE DEFINITIONS 陀、 hmphξf6 E』 ''A'' 。 帽AW 龟咀 Rb 吨 E『 '- 。 ed-T- FU RFHHM T·-E , AMP(V tw ov D 'TH L(lI) tTLH('r' 'TLH('r) 'THL(t" AMP(V) sWITCH POSITION .τ..1 -tpZH tpZL tpHZ 坦峰 Swllchl Open Closed Closed Closed - Swltch2 Closed Open Closed 'C losed 'w ov VM = 1.3V for 54LS/74LS , VM = 1.5V for all other TTL lamllies DEFIN fTl ONS RL = Load resístor to VcC; see AC CHARACTERISTICS lor value CL = Load. capacitance includes jlg and probe capacltance; see AC CHARACTERISTICS for value RT = Termination resistance should be equal 10 ZOUT 01 Pulse Generalor. o = Di Od es are 1N916, 1N3064 , or equlvalenl RX= lk口 lor 54/74 , 54S/74S , RX = 5kO lor 54LS/74LS ITLHιITHL Values should be less Ihan or equal 10 Ihe lable enlnes 5-79 LOGIC PRODUCTS LATCHE5/FLlp.FLOP5 8T5807 , 5808 电F AC WAVEFORMS LATCH ENABLE TO 。υTPUT DELAYS AND LATCH ENABLE PULSE WIDTH D-\ 3.STATE ENABLE Tl ME TO HIGH LEVEL AND DISABLE TIME FR。怕 HIGH LEVEL L / ç. 面「fL E I_IPHZ汪二1.5V F- 百n Wav.form 1 W刷刷 orm 3.STATE ENABLE TIME TO LOW LEVEL AND DISABLE Tl ME FROM LOW LEVEL PAOPAGATION DELAY DATA TO Q OUTPUTS ç. 面一飞 VM Dn |;iTtsv |义VM 2 。" Lo.IV W剧.form 3 Wav.form 4 CLOCK TO OUTPUT DELAYS AND CLOCK PULSE WIDTH DATA SETUP AND HOLD TIMES CP D E Wav.form 5 Wav.form e DATA SETUP AND HOLD TIMES 。" CP \飞 。" Wav.form 7 f VM=1.5V The shaded .reas indicate when the input Is permitted to change for predlctable output performance 5-80