HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide July 2007 Copyright Ó 2007 by HOLTEK SEMICONDUCTOR INC. All rights reserved. Printed in Taiwan. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of HOLTEK SEMICONDUCTOR INC. NOTICE The information appearing in this User¢s Guide is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. However, Holtek assumes no responsibility arising from the use of the specifications described. The applications mentioned herein are used solely for the purpose of illustration and Holtek makes no warranty or representation that such applications will be suitable without further modification, nor recommends the use of its products for application that may present a risk to human life due to malfunction or otherwise. Holtek reserves the right to alter its products without prior notification. For the most up-to-date information, please visit our web site at Contents Contents Chapter 0 Introduction.......................................................................................................1 Chapter 1 Installation.........................................................................................................3 System Requirements .....................................................................................................4 Software Installation ........................................................................................................4 Chapter 2 System Overview..............................................................................................9 Chapter 3 Details of Operation .......................................................................................15 File Menu .......................................................................................................................16 Voice Menu ....................................................................................................................17 Key Menu.......................................................................................................................19 Simulation Menu ............................................................................................................20 Simulator .................................................................................................................20 OTP Programmer ....................................................................................................21 Option Menu ..................................................................................................................22 Mask Option ............................................................................................................23 Key Option ..............................................................................................................24 Chapter 4 Voice Data Editing Examples ........................................................................29 Record Command..........................................................................................................30 [Play] Command and Sample Rate ...............................................................................31 [Open] Command and [Edit] Command.........................................................................32 [Save] Command and Voice Type .................................................................................35 Other Commands ..........................................................................................................36 I May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide Chapter 5 Voice IC ROM Code Certification and Transfer............................................37 Voice IC ROM File Certification .....................................................................................37 Voice IC ROM File Transfer ...........................................................................................37 The Voice IC ROM File Transfer Process ...............................................................38 Chapter 6 Sample IC Certification ..................................................................................41 Sample Production and Delivery ...................................................................................41 Sample Certification.......................................................................................................41 Sample IC Certification Process .............................................................................42 II May 5, 2004 Chapter 0 Introduction Chapter 0 Introduction With many years of experience as a manufacturer of quality voice ICs, Holtek Semiconductor Inc. offers a wide range of voice synthesis devices. Employing such technologies as PCM, PWM, ADPCM and ADM, Holtek voice IC line includes magic voice, voice with melody, voice changer, voice echo, voice recorder, talk back, talk back with echo, voice clock, voice watch, and voice synthesizer ICs. Among the services Holtek provides is the design and manufacture of voice ICs according to customers¢ individual specifications. This manual, based primarily on Holtek HT81 EasyVoiceTM series of voice synthesis ICs, is designed to help customers' technical personnel in the process of creating voice synthesis ICs that meet their companies requirements. The HT81 family of voice synthesis ICs employs PCM technology and comprises six different types of devices. With duration ranging from 3 to 36 seconds and input ranging from 2 to 8 keys, the HT81 line includes devices that can meet a wide range of requirements. The HT-VDS81W Voice Development System is a required tool in the development of a Holtek custom voice IC. This system provides a comprehensive yet easy-to-use environment in which technical personnel can carry out the most complex voice development tasks and obtain the best possible voice synthesis results with a minimum amount of time and effort. 1 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide The purpose of this manual is to enable technical personnel to understand and operate the Holtek Voice Development System. This manual is organized as follows: ® Chapter 1 ²Installation² list system requirements, describes the elements of the HT-VDS81W system, and explains how to Install the system and test it to ensure its correct operation. ® Chapter 2 ²System Overview², describes the structure of the HT81 EasyVoiceTM Series voice ICs and the architecture of the HT-VDS81W software. ® Chapter 3 ²Details of Operation², contains individual description of all the commands used to operate each of the HT-VDS81W system working modules. ® Chapter 4 ²Voice Data Editing Examples², gives concrete illustration on how can desired functions be implemented through the HT-VDS81W system. ® Chapter 5 ²Voice IC ROM Code Certification and transfer², explains the voice code approval process, and describes how to transfer the finished, approved code to Holtek. ® Chapter 6 ²Sample IC Certification², describes the process of testing and approving sample IC¢s containing the customers voice code. At the back of the manual are appendixes containing full data on the devices in the HT-VDS81W EasyVoiceTM series. The appendixes provide detailed Information on duration time and other features to make it easy to select the devices that best meet the customer cost and capability requirements. 2 May 5, 2004 Chapter 1 Installation Chapter 1 Installation HT-VDS81W is a Voice ROM Editor, which creates ROM code file (.Exx etc..) used by PCM synthesizer Series ICs. The following section outlines the file types created by the HT-VDS81W, describes briefly the menu commands, and how to construct a ROM Code file. HT-VDS81W Main screen 3 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide System Requirements The HT-VDS81W system requires the host computer to have the following basic system configuration: · · · · · · · Note PC/AT compatible machine, 386 or higher VGA color monitor 4M bytes RAM, 8M bytes recommended Sound Blaster card One 3.5² floppy disk drive One printer port and mouse Windows 95/98 or later Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP are the trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Software Installation · Step 1 Download the setup file "VDS81W32Setup.exe" from the HOLTEK website · Step 2 Double click VDS81W32Setup.exe, the following figure is displayed. Type in the destination directory name for HT-VDS81W files. The setup program will copy all files into this destination directory. Press the <Yes> button to go to step 3. Press the <Not> button to exit from the setup procedure. 4 May 5, 2004 Chapter 1 Installation · Step 3 5 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide 6 May 5, 2004 Chapter 1 Installation 7 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide 8 May 5, 2004 Chapter 2 System Overview Chapter 2 System Overview ® Step 0 · Enter the HT-VDS81W - Click the Start button, select Programs, select VDS81W32 - Click the VDS81W32 icon ® Step 1 New file · In the main screen of HT-VDS81, choose the [New] command from the [File] menu, or press the button ® to create a new ROM File. Step 2 Select a body · From the [Option]/[Body Type] Sub-Menu, select a body to meet the desired requirement. 9 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide ® Step 3 Set mask option · Select the [Option]/[Mask Option...] command, or press the and set the key option. 10 to open the [Option] dialog box, May 5, 2004 Chapter 2 System Overview ® Step 4 Load voice to load some voice files into the project. · Select the [Load Voice...] command, or press the These voice files will automatically be partitioned into silence/non-silence segments. Then Down Load *.wav or 8-bit PCM File or 16-bit PCM File. Playing a key ® Step 5 Edit voice · Select a voice and press the to launch the Voice Editor. We can fill silence (Edit Menu/Change Code), add down slope or add up slope (Edit Menu/Add Slope) in the Voice Editor, and then return to the VDS81W to change the voice contents in the memory 11 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide ® Step 6 Play a voice file · To play a voice file, double click an item in the [File List]. button. · To Stop playing, press the ® Step 7 Add notes · To Add notes into a key, select one or more segments in the [Note List], and press the [Add Segment] button. Or double click one note which you wanted to add into a key. 12 May 5, 2004 Chapter 2 System Overview ® Step 8 Set note option · Select one or more notes (press the <Shift> or <Ctrl> key), and then press the right button of the mouse, or press the ing the menu item. button, the note option menu will be displayed. Set the status by check- Note Option Menu ® Step 9 Play a key button, or double click · We can audition the resulting sound when a key is pressed. Press the the key number. To stop playing, press the button. You can also multi-select some notes, and press the button to play the specific notes. ® Step 10 Simulator · The simulator imitates the behavior of pressing the key and the status of the LEDs. When the project is finished, we can use the simulator to make sure that everything is correct. Select Simulation Menu/Simulator command or press the 13 button. May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide ® Step 11 Print confirmed sheet · Select the File Menu/Print command to print the option table. This table will be sent back to Holtek together with the ROM code file (.Exx etc...). 14 May 5, 2004 Chapter 3 Details of Operation Chapter 3 Details of Operation HT-VDS81W supports the following bodies. From the [Option]/[Body Type] Sub-Menu, select a body to meet the desired requirement. Voice Capacity Key No. LED No. Note Table ROM Space (Bit) HT81003 3 sec 2 2 240 15K´5 Key 2 is stop key HT81006 6 sec 6/8 2 240 30K´5 Key 6 is stop key HT81009 9 sec 6/8 2 240 45K´5 Key 6 is stop key HT81R09 9 sec 6/8 2 240 45K´5 Key 6 is stop key HT81012 12 sec 6/8 2 240 60K´5 Key 6 is stop key HT81018 18 sec 6/8 2 240 90K´5 Key 6 is stop key HT81R18 18 sec 6/8 2 240 90K´5 Key 6 is stop key HT81R36 36 sec 6/8 2 240 180K´5 Key 6 is stop key Item Remarks Body Partition and Segment information 15 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide HT-VDS81W Main screen File Menu The File pop-up menu consists of ²Open², ²Close², ²Save², ²Save as², ²Trans To², ²Print², ²Print Preview², and ²Exit² 16 May 5, 2004 Chapter 3 Details of Operation · Open To open an existing ROM file · Close To close the current ROM file · · · · · Save To save the current ROM file Save As To save the current ROM file with a different file name Trans To *.ROM Don¢t care Print To print the Confirmed Sheet Print Preview To Preview the Confirmed Sheet at the monitor Voice Menu The Voice pop-up menu consists of ²Load Voice², ²Del Voice², ²Voice Edit², ²Add Segment² and ²Repartition². · / Load Voice Load voice files into the ROM file · Del Voice Delete voice file from the ROM file · Voice Editor Launch the HT-Voice to edit the voice in the ROM file · Add Segment Map the segments into the key · Repartition Repartition the selected voice file F3-Repartition Selected Section of the Voice library. Pressing F3 in the main HT-VDS81W screen allows you to change the maximum number of segments into which a section of PCM code may be partitioned. 17 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide A ²section² is defined as all code loaded from a particular .WAV (or .PCM) file. Each section is automatically partitioned into the maximum number of segments when loaded. Using F3, you can reduce the number of partitions (i.e., combine some or all silence segments) up to a limit of the original maximum. In using this command, you should keep in mind the relationship between the number of segments and body resource usage. For example, the HT-81018 body allows 240 table notes. If you set Key1 to the sequential mode with a group size of 32 and create three groups of notes, the maximum number of notes you can place in any one of these groups turns out to be 32 (one of which has to be a S-END code). For this reason, when loading .WAV (or .PCM) files you should keep track of the total number of segments. If you find that there are too many segments, you should reduce the number of partitions, But if you find that you still have room for more segments you can increase the number of partitions. (Always keep in mind, that decreasing the number of partitions uses up a partition of voice memory.) The following figures demonstrate the way of repartitioning voice data. As shown in the first figure, the file ndaddy-1.pcm contains five segments. Using F3, you can obtain the results shown second figure. Repartition Step 1 Repartition Step 2 Repartition Step 3 18 May 5, 2004 Chapter 3 Details of Operation Repartition Step 4 The results of F3 after repartition PCM data. Key Menu The Key pop-up menu consists of ²Del Note², ²Del Key², ²Clear All², ²Copy Key², ²Copy Note² and the ²Paste² command. · Del Note To delete the selected note of the key To delete all notes of the selected key · Clear All To delete all of the notes · Copy Key To copy all notes of the selected key · Copy Note To copy the selected note of the key · Paste To paste all notes or key 19 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide Simulation Menu The Simulation pop-up menu consists of ²Play Voice², ²Play Key², ²Stop², and ²Simulator² command. · Play Voice Play back the selected voice file in the [File] List Box Play back highlighted sections or segment · Play Key Play the selected key · Stop Stop playing · Simulator Open the simulator · OTP Programmer Simulator By placing the cursor on the required KEY and pressing or pressing and holding the left mouse switch, the actual function of the selected key can be fully emulated. · Stop: Stop playing · Close: Close Simulator Note Since some sound files are very large, a percentage time indicator has been included to indicate the file processing time. 20 May 5, 2004 Chapter 3 Details of Operation OTP Programmer Explanation of terms: · Open Open existing file *.Exx · Settings COM port Select PC COM port & detect connect · Set MCU Select voice body 21 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide · Auto Execute Blank Check, Program and Verify · Blank check verify Check if the OTP chip is blank · Program Program the Voice ROM code in the PC into the OTP chip · Verify Verity the OTP chip contents with the Voice ROM code in the PC Option Menu The Option pop-up menu consists of ²Body Type², ²Mask Option², and ²Set Time² command. · Body Type Select the body that meet your requirements · Mask Option Open the [Option] dialog box to set the Mask Option · Set Time To set the length of Seq-End, Key-End1, Key-End2 22 May 5, 2004 Chapter 3 Details of Operation Mask Option · The Pull-high Resistor has a total of values Note If the device is triggered by a microcontroller, a none resistor should be chosen. If the application uses a motor, the 50kW resistor should be selected to minimize the effects of motor noise. 23 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide · Key1 can be selected as a Normal Key or Sequential Key. - If Sequential Key is chosen then the Group Size must be selected. The Group Size can be set to 8, 16 or 32 segments with each segment containing a SegEND. - The Normal Key does not need to set the Group Size. A KeyEND1 or KeyEND2 must be placed at the end of the last segment. Key Option · Debounce time Debounce Time has four options: 45ms, 22ms and 1.2ms Note If triggered by a Micrcontroller Voice, the Debounce time should be set to 1.2ms. If the application uses a motor, the 45ms debounce option should be chosen to minimize the effect of motor noise. If susceptible to the effects of household electrical appliances consider using the 45ms option. · Audio output The Audio Volume Control can be set to either full volume or half volume. If half volume is chosen the LED1 functions will have four less options. 24 May 5, 2004 Chapter 3 Details of Operation - LED1 with no volume control Off Busy Busy output 3Hz 3Hz flash 3HzB 3Hz flash 6Hz 6HzB flash 6HzB 6Hz flash V-D Voce output indication E-P End-Pulse - LED1 with volume control Off Busy Busy output 3Hz 3Hz flash 3HzB 3Hz flash - LED2 Off Busy Busy output 3Hz 3Hz flash 6Hz 6Hz flash · End-Time setup main objective If it is required to automatically trigger another key after one sound has finished playing then the End-Time must be set. Note that the End-Time value must be greater than the Debounce Time. 25 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide · When choosing the body, note that the max. voice capacity will be set by the body size. If the capacity is insufficient then select a larger body; the maximum capacity is 36 seconds. · To increase or reduce the voice capacity use the ²Del² and ²Add² Commands. · To edit or modify the voice contents, use the ²Edit² Command. When using the ²Edit² command, the system will jump to another auxiliary program (HT-Voice). · For more detailed information on using HT-Voice consult the HT-Voice manual. · The present sampling frequency is 6250Hz. · To Add notes into a key, select one or more segments in the [Note List], and press the ²Add Segment² button. Or double click one (or more segments) note which you wanted to add into a key. 26 May 5, 2004 Chapter 3 Details of Operation · The presently chosen sampling frequency will be set automatically by the body but can be changed any time. · Table Note segment window Different bodies have different Table Note segment capacities. For the capacity of each body consult the Body Partition Segment Information. · Presently remaining note size · Presently remaining ROM size · Presently used body 27 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide 28 May 5, 2004 Chapter 4 Voice Data Editing Examples Chapter 4 Voice Data Editing Examples The main screen of HT-VOICE Editor is shown below. This chapter explains how to edit a wave file, and describes all the files and the menu commands. The main screen of HT-Voice 29 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide Record Command ® Step 1 To create a new voice file, select the [New] command from the [File] menu. ® Step 2 To record, select the [Record] command from the [Function] menu, or press the button (if a sound blaster card and microphone is available), a [Record Function Dialog] box appears: Fill out the dialog: File Name, Sample Rate, and other options. Press the [Begin] button to start recording. Record Function Dialog box ® Step 3 The default longest time you can record is 25 sec (if option is 8 bits per sample and Mono). If you need more time, select the [Memory..] command in the [Option] menu. The [Memory Setting Dialog] is shown as follows. Press the [End] button to stop recording. Memory Setting Dialog 30 May 5, 2004 Chapter 4 Voice Data Editing Examples [Play] Command and Sample Rate ® Step 1 Before playing, we must record or open a file. Select the [Play] command in the [Function] menu, or press the button to listen to the recorded sound. Press the button to stop. ® Step 2 To repeatedly play a song, select the number of times to play from the following combo box. Repeat count ® Step 3 You can also adjust the Sampling Rate, and then you can differentiate between the sounds produced. This command will not change the voice data, but will change the sampling rate when playing. Different sampling rate will come with the difference in sound frequency and speed. Sampling Rate 31 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide [Open] Command and [Edit] Command ® Step 1 To open a voice file, select the [Open] command in the [File] menu. ® Step 2 - Cut/copy/paste Select a range first, and then cut/copy the range by selecting the [cut]/[copy] command from the [Edit] menu, or press the button. After cutting or copying, the [Paste] command in the [Edit] menu or the button will be enabled, you can select this command or press this button to paste the range in the clipboard to the current position. ® Step 3 - Delete Mark a range first, and then select the [Delete] command in the [Edit] menu. ® Step 4 - Re-sample The Sampling Rate of the file can be changed by selecting the [ReSample] command in the [Edit] menu. The [ReSample Dialog] is shown below. Re-sample dialog ReSample will add/delete data points to suit the sampling rate you type in. If you decrease the sampling rate, the timbre will not be as good as the original voice, but the file size will be decreased. ® Step 5 - Change format The Format of the voice file can be changed by selecting the [Change Format] command in the [Edit] menu, or pressing the button. You can change the Sampling rate, Channel, and Bits Per Sample of this file. If we open a PCM file, the system will take it with default setting, Sampling Rate: 8000Hz, 1 Channel, 8 Bits Per Sample. The correct setting can be set by using the [Change Format] command 32 May 5, 2004 Chapter 4 Voice Data Editing Examples ® Step 6 - Change code Before changing the code, you must mark a range first, or define the range in the [Change Code Dialog] as shown below. Code can be changed by selecting the [Change Code] command in the [Edit] menu. Change Code To replace the data marked with the code series, fill in the [Changed Code] edit box with code series, in the format of data1,data2,data3 (hex). For example, filling-in the [Changed Code] edit box with 80, from 0 to fff, will generate a silence segment from 0 to fff (hex). You can also replace the data marked with the code function. Select also which channel to be replaced by checking [Changed Channel] check box. ® Step 7 - Amplify Mark a range first or choose the [Amplify] command from the [Edit] menu and define the range in the [Amplify Dialog] window, and then type in the magnitude you want the selected range to be amplified. Amplify 33 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide ® Step 8 - Offset Mark a range first, or select the [Offset] command from the [Edit] menu and define a range in the [Offset Dialog] window, and type in the desired offset value. If the offset value is negative, the voice data will down offset, that means, if the offset value is positive, the voice data will up offset. Offset ® Step 9 - Add slope Add Slope Dialog Add up Slope 34 May 5, 2004 Chapter 4 Voice Data Editing Examples ® Step 10 - Zoom in and zoom out Dragging the vertical scroll bar will control the magnification of the wave form. If you drag the vertical scroll bar up, HT-VOICE will magnify the form size. In the opposite, if you drag the vertical scroll bar down, HT-VOICE will reduce the magnification of the wave form. Drag the vertical scroll bar up or down to zoom in or zoom out the size Zoom In and Zoom Out [Save] Command and Voice Type ® Save To save a file, select the [Save] command in the [File] menu, or press the name is not specified, the system will show a [Save As] dialogue. button. If the file If you mark a range before executing this command, a [Save Range] dialogue will be displayed. You can check the radio button to save a range of this file, or save all. Save Range 35 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide ® Save As To save the current file under another name, select the [Save As] command from the [File] menu. System will show a [Save As] dialogue as follows. Save As Type in the full path, file name, and file type (Wave Files (.WAV) or Holtek PCM File (.PCM)). The same with [Save] command, if you mark a range first, the [Save Range] dialogue also will be displayed. ® Save To... Save the current file to another name. This command is different with the [Save As] command. [Save As] command will change the current-opened file, but [Save To...] just saves the content to another file. If you mark a range first, the [Save Range] dialogue will be displayed. Other Commands ® Short Menus or Full Menus/File Short menu/Full menu switch command. ® Exit/File Close the application. ® About HT-VOICE/File Show the Information about this application. ® Tile or Arrange/Window Tile (its called Arrange in short menu) all opened files on the screen. ® Cascade/Window Cascade all opened files on the screen. ® Arrange Icons/Window Arrange all icons on the screen. ® Close All/Window Close all opened files. 36 May 5, 2004 Chapter 5 Voice IC ROM Code Certification and Transfer Chapter 5 Voice IC ROM Code Certification and Transfer Once technical personnel have finished editing the code and setting the operating parameters for a custom voice IC, the code and the settings are saved in a voice IC ROM file (generic filename .Exx). This file contains all the data required for voice IC emulation, both on-line and off-line, and for fabrication of the mask from which the chip is mass-produced. This file should be formally approved by the customer and then transferred to Holtek. Voice IC ROM File Certification When the customer has heard the contents of a voice IC ROM file played back through the OTP type EasyVoiceTM and is satisfied with the results, the first thing to do is to print out a voice body option table for the file. That is done by loading the file into the HT-VDS81W environment, making sure a printer is on and then presses print. The voice body option table contains two functions. It lets the customer's technical personnel carry out a final check of the key operating mode and mask option selections. Once the customer signs the table, it provides Holtek with formal authorization for mask production, as well as a means to verify the integrity of the data received from the customer. The signed voice body option table should be mailed or faxed to Holtek or one of Holtek¢s branch offices or agents. A sample voice body option table is shown on the following page. Voice IC ROM File Transfer The finished voice IC ROM file can be sent to Holtek or one of its agents by e-mail, or it can be copied to a floppy disk and then mailed to Holtek together with the signed voice body option table. Holtek will check the integrity of the data on the basis of the contents of the voice body option table. After verifying that the data are all error-free, Holtek will proceed to the next step, i.e., production of sample ICs. This process involves fabrication and a pilot production run. It is important to remember that during this process Holtek cannot accommodate requests for changes of any kind. 37 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide A flowchart of the voice IC ROM file certification and transfer process follows the sample voice body option table as shown below. The Voice IC ROM File Transfer Process C r e a te v o ic e IC R O M file X X X X X X X X .E x x U s e A lt- P c o m m a n d to p r in t o u t v o ic e b o d y o p tio n ta b le C u s to m e r c h e c k s a n d s ig n s v o ic e b o d y o p tio n ta b le S e n d b y m a il o r d e liv e r b y h a n d S e n d b y fa x H o lte k o r a n y H o lte k b r a n c h o ffic e o r a g e n t 38 May 5, 2004 Chapter 5 Voice IC ROM Code Certification and Transfer HOLTEK VOICE BODY OPTION TABLE HT81012 File Name: D:\HT81XXX\HT81012\TEST.E12 Check Sum: FF13H [0 ~1FFFFH] Sample Rate: 8000Hz Package ______ Pin DIP Key Group 0 8 16 Pull-Hi (K) 32 20 50 100 Debounce 200 1.2ms 22ms 45ms One Shot Yes No Repeat Yes KeyEnd No 1 * * * * * 16ms 2 * * * * * 16ms 3 * * * * * 16ms 4 * * * * * 16ms 5 * * * * * 16ms 6 * * * * * 16ms Volume Control: No Key6: Stop Key The Above Option Table is Confirmed by: (Customer) Prepared by: (HOLTEK) _______________________________ (Name, Date, & Company Chop) __________________________ (Name, Date) 39 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide 40 May 5, 2004 Chapter 6 Sample IC Certification Chapter 6 Sample IC Certification The final step before Holtek begins mass production of a custom voice IC is certification of samples produced exactly as the final Ics are to be produced: from a photomask fabricated with respect to the voice IC ROM file. Sample Production and Delivery Approximately four weeks after the customer transfers the voice IC ROM file to Holtek, a batch of voice ICs made to the customer's specifications will come off the production line. Holtek engineers will carry out preliminary testing and function verification, after which five to ten COBs (with DIP-type leads configured as shown in the HT-81 EasyVoiceTM series data sheet) will be sent to the customer for further testing. Sample Certification The COB samples can be tested using the application circuits as shown in the HT-81 EasyVoiceTM series data sheet or using customer-designed circuits. The customer should thoroughly test the features, including functional response, operating voltage, and current consumption, and then compare the chips performance with the data sheet ratings. If the samples fully meet the customer¢s requirements, the customer should fill out a sample IC certification form and return the form to Holtek by mail or fax. Holtek will then prepare to begin mass production. Atypical sample IC certification form is shown at the end of this chapter. If the samples perform in a way inconsistent with the performance of the voice IC ROM file during emulation, or if their electrical characteristics differ from those given in the data sheet, the customer should immediately inform Holtek or its agent, either by telephone or in writing. Holtek¢s technical personnel will then make every effort to identify and solve the problems and inform the customer of their findings as quickly as possible. 41 May 5, 2004 HT81XXX EasyVoiceTM Development System User¢s Guide The certification process is shown graphically below. Sample IC Certification Process T e s t s a m p le s O K N G F ill o u t S a m p le C e r tific a tio n F o r m N o tify H o lte k b y te le p h o n e o r in w r itin g F a x o r m a il to H o lte k H o lte k w ill s e e k a s o lu tio n a n d r e s p o n d H o lte k w ill p r e p a r e fo r m a s s p r o d u c tio n 42 May 5, 2004 Chapter 6 Sample IC Certification Sample IC Certification Form Certificate of Approval 1. This certificate is made with regard to samples (hereinafter referred to as the Samples) of the item _________________. 2. The Samples have been tested and found to function exactly as stipulated in, and meet exactly all specifications set forth in, the design authorization contract between Party A and Party B. 3. Party A, in accordance with Article 4 of the aforesaid design authorization contract, hereby certifies that the Samples meet Party A¢s requirements. Party A authorizes Party B to carry out mass production of the aforesaid item in the quantity or quantities specified in the order or orders placed. Party A: ____________________________________ Officer of the Company: ____________________________________ Agent: ____________________________________ Party B: Holtek Semiconductor Inc. Officer of the Company: ____________________________________ Agent: ____________________________________ (Sales Director) Note: Return signed certificate to Holtek before ______________ _________, _________. Failure to do so will be regarded as indication of approval. with Party B by Party A. 43 May 5, 2004