EM MICROELECTRONIC - MARIN SA USER GUIDE Ɩ EM7180SFP EM MONITOR USER GUIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 2 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 3 GENERAL OPERATION..................................................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 MAIN WINDOW ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 BUTTON MENU ............................................................................................................................................................ 3 SENSORS WINDOW ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 CUBE WINDOW ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 ROTATION DIALS .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 SENSOR PLOTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Copyright 2016, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 7180SFP-MN01, Version 1.0, 20-May-16 1 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 3.0 USER GUIDE Ɩ EM7180SFP 1 INTRODUCTION EM Monitor is a graphical utility to demonstrate the EM7180SFP sensor fusion platform module functionality through the use of dials, plots, tables and a 3D display. In order to operate properly, the utility must be connected to an EM7180SFP module via a SAB2 board (EM7180DVK). 2 SCOPE This document describes the operation of the EM Monitor user interface and its various display elements. 3 GENERAL OPERATION Start the application as applicable to your operating system. Using the Button Menu as shown in Figure 1, click Connect to connect the software to your EM7180SFP module product. Once connected, select which sensors to view as plots, or which rotation sensor to use as the source for the dials and compass. Figure 1 – Button Menu The device will start and begin collecting data as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 - Collecting Data Copyright 2016, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 7180SFP-MN01, Version 1.0, 20-May-16 2 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 3.0 USER GUIDE Ɩ EM7180SFP Received sample data can be saved by clicking the ‘Record’ button, and sensor information can be viewed and/or modified by clicking the ‘Sensors’ button. The dial and plot updates can be temporarily suspended by clicking the ‘Pause’ button. Additionally, a 3-D, rotating cube can be displayed by clicking the ‘Cube’ button. 3.1 MAIN WINDOW Figure 3 - Main Window 3.2 BUTTON MENU The Button Menu, shown in Figure 1, provides primary control of the application. 3.2.1 Connect/Disconnect Connect to target or disconnect from target. Clicking once will connect to the target device. Upon successful connection, the button text will change to Disconnect. Clicking again will disconnect from the target. 3.2.2 Pause/Resume Pause/resume dial and plot updates. Click once to stop updates to the dials and plots. Sample data is still collected during pause, and recording will continue uninterrupted. Once paused, the button text will change to Resume. Clicking again will resume updates. 3.2.3 Sensors Opens the Sensors Window 3.2.4 Cube Opens the Cube Window 3.2.5 Record/Stop Recording Record data to a file Clicking will open a file dialog, allowing the user to select a destination file, which need not exist. Upon successful file selection, recording will begin and the button text will change to Stop Recording. Clicking again will stop the current recording and close the file. Copyright 2016, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 7180SFP-MN01, Version 1.0, 20-May-16 3 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 3.0 USER GUIDE Ɩ EM7180SFP 3.2.6 Upload NOTE: Upload is disabled. In case this Menu is enabled you might need to contact EM Microelectronic support for recovery instructions. 3.3 SENSORS WINDOW Clicking the Sensors button will display the Sensors window as shown in Figure 4. This window displays a data table, with each row displaying information for a detected sensor, and each column displays a particular data element for all sensors. Figure 3 – Sensors Window Fields with a light background may be edited, while fields with a darker background are read-only. The editable fields may be edited by double-clicking on the field, or simply selecting the field and entering a numeric value. 3.3.1 Show Details Checking the Show Details checkbox will add additional columns displaying more detailed information about each sensor as shown in Figure 5. Once checked, it may be necessary to use the horizontal scrollbar (if shown) to scroll the table to view the additional columns. Uncheck to remove these additional columns. Figure 5 - Show Details NOTE: Not applicable to EM7180SFP 3.3.2 Show Event Data Checking the Show Event Data checkbox will add additional table columns displaying the real-time sample data being received for each sensor, as shown in Figure 6. Once checked, it may be necessary to use the horizontal scrollbar (if shown) to scroll the table to view the additional columns. Uncheck to remove these additional columns. Copyright 2016, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 7180SFP-MN01, Version 1.0, 20-May-16 4 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 3.0 USER GUIDE Ɩ EM7180SFP Figure 6 - Event Data 3.3.3 Sensor Table Columns The following table columns may be shown: Ɩ Rate (Set) The rate, in Hz, set by the user. This field may be edited. Ɩ Rate (Act) The actual rate, in Hz, the sensor is being sampled. This may be different than the rate set for a variety of reasons, including fulfilling requirements of other sensors. Ɩ Latency (Set) The latency (fifo buffering time), in milliseconds, configured for the sensor. Sample data for all sensors will be collected at a rate defined by the smallest latency value. A value of 0 indicates that data should be collected at every sample, or as quickly as possible. NOTE: Not applicable to EM7180SFP ●LATENCY (ACT) The actual latency value in use NOTE: Not applicable to EM7180SFP Ɩ Dyn Range The current range NOTE: Not applicable to EM7180SFP Ɩ Driver ID Internal driver ID NOTE: Not applicable to EM7180SFP Ɩ Max Range Maximum range NOTE: Not applicable to EM7180SFP Ɩ Resolution Number of bits of resolution NOTE: Not applicable to EM7180SFP Ɩ Rate Min Minimum rate of the sensor NOTE: Not applicable to EM7180SFP Ɩ Rate Max Maximum rate of the sensor NOTE: Not applicable to EM7180SFP Ɩ Fifo (Rsvd) FIFO bytes reserved for this sensor NOTE: Not applicable to EM7180SFP Ɩ Fifo (Max) Maximum FIFO size NOTE: Not applicable to EM7180SFP Ɩ Packet Size The size of the sensor data received from the device, in bytes. Ɩ Data[0] To Data[7] Each sensor sends up to 8 bytes of data. These columns display the data, scaled to correct units for the sensor. Copyright 2016, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 7180SFP-MN01, Version 1.0, 20-May-16 5 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 3.0 USER GUIDE Ɩ EM7180SFP 3.4 CUBE WINDOW The cube window displays a 3D, rotating cube. Figure 7 - Cube Window 3.5 ROTATION DIALS The rotation dials show the output of the selected Rotation Sensor. The scaled X, Y, Z and W quaternion values are displayed on the top row, with the calculated heading, pitch and roll, along with compass shown in the bottom row. Figure 8 - Rotation Dials Copyright 2016, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 7180SFP-MN01, Version 1.0, 20-May-16 6 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 3.0 USER GUIDE Ɩ EM7180SFP 3.6 SENSOR PLOTS The sensor plots allow for simultaneously plotting of up to 3 sensors. The sensor for each plot is selected using the combobox above the plot. One or more axes will be shown for each selected sensor. By default, all axes are enabled. To hide any axis, simply click the axis button in the plot legend. Figure 9 - Sensor Plot EM Microelectronic-Marin SA (“EM”) makes no warranties for the use of EM products, other than those expressly contained in EM's applicable General Terms of Sale, located at http://www.emmicroelectronic.com. EM assumes no responsibility for any errors which may have crept into this document, reserves the right to change devices or specifications detailed herein at any time without notice, and does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. No licenses to patents or other intellectual property rights of EM are granted in connection with the sale of EM products, neither expressly nor implicitly. In respect of the intended use of EM products by customer, customer is solely responsible for observing existing patents and other intellectual property rights of third parties and for obtaining, as the case may be, the necessary licenses. Important note: The use of EM products as components in medical devices and/or medical applications, including but not limited to, safety and life supporting systems, where malfunction of such EM products might result in damage to and/or injury or death of persons is expressly prohibited, as EM products are neither destined nor qualified for use as components in such medical devices and/or medical applications. The prohibited use of EM products in such medical devices and/or medical applications is exclusively at the risk of the customer Copyright 2016, EM Microelectronic-Marin SA 7180SFP-MN01, Version 1.0, 20-May-16 7 www.emmicroelectronic.com 420005-A01, 3.0