Package Information SOP Outline Dimensions 28-pin SOP (330mil) Outline Dimensions 2 8 1 5 A B 1 1 4 C C ' G H D E = F · MS-059 Symbol Dimensions in mil Min. Nom. Max. A 453 ¾ 500 B 324 ¾ 350 C 14 ¾ 20 C¢ 697 ¾ 728 D 100 ¾ 120 E ¾ 50 ¾ F 2 ¾ 14 G 16 ¾ 50 H 6 ¾ 12.5 a 0° ¾ 8° 1 November 19, 2008 Package Information Product Tape and Reel Specifications Reel Dimensions D T 2 A C B T 1 SOP 28E (330mil) Symbol A Description Dimensions in mm Reel Outer Diameter 330.0±1.0 B Reel Inner Diameter 100.0±1.5 C Spindle Hole Diameter 13.0+0.5/-0.2 D Key Slit Width T1 Space Between Flange T2 Reel Thickness 2.0±0.5 24.8+0.3/-0.2 30.2±0.2 2 November 19, 2008 Package Information Carrier Tape Dimensions P 0 D P 1 t E F W C D 1 B 0 P K 0 A 0 R e e l H o le IC p a c k a g e p in 1 a n d th e r e e l h o le s a r e lo c a te d o n th e s a m e s id e . SOP 28E (330mil) Symbol Description Dimensions in mm 24.0+0.3/-0.1 W Carrier Tape Width P Cavity Pitch 16.0±0.1 E Perforation Position 1.75±0.10 F Cavity to Perforation (Width Direction) 11.5±0.1 D Perforation Diameter 1.55+0.10/-0.00 D1 Cavity Hole Diameter 1.50+0.25/-0.00 P0 Perforation Pitch 4.0±0.1 P1 Cavity to Perforation (Length Direction) 2.0±0.1 A0 Cavity Length 12.32±0.10 B0 Cavity Width 18.8±0.1 K0 Cavity Depth 3.0±0.1 t Carrier Tape Thickness 0.30±0.05 C Cover Tape Width 21.3±0.1 3 November 19, 2008