ESIGNS R N E W D NT O F D E E ND COMME PLACEM r at N OT R E DED RE N te E n e Data Sheet October 16, 2008 M C M rt O NO R E C al Suppo ic n h c e T s r te our contact ERSIL or T N -I 8 8 1-8 HSP45106 FN2809.8 16-Bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator Features The Intersil HSP45106 is a high performance 16-bit quadrature Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO16). The NCO16 simplifies applications requiring frequency and phase agility such as frequency-hopped modems, PSK modems, spread spectrum communications, and precision signal generators. As shown in the block diagram, the HSP45106 is divided into a Phase/Frequency Control Section (PFCS) and a Sine/Cosine Section. • 25.6MHz, 33MHz Versions The inputs to the Phase/Frequency Control Section consist of a microprocessor interface and individual control lines. The frequency resolution is 32 bits, which provides for resolution of better than 0.008Hz at 33MHz. User programmable center frequency and offset frequency registers give the user the capability to perform phase coherent switching between two sinusoids of different frequencies. Further, a programmable phase control register allows for phase control of better than 0.006°. In applications requiring up to 8-level PSK, three discrete inputs are provided to simplify implementation. • <0.008Hz Tuning Resolution at 33MHz The output of the PFCS is a 28-bit phase which is input to the Sine/Cosine Section for conversion into sinusoidal amplitude. The outputs of the Sine/Cosine Section are two 16-bit quadrature signals. The spurious free dynamic range of this complex vector is greater than 90dBc. For added flexibility when using the NCO16 in conjunction with DACs, a choice of either parallel or serial outputs with either two’s complement or offset binary encoding is provided. In addition, a synchronization signal is available which indicates serial word boundaries. • 32-Bit Center and Offset Frequency Control • 16-Bit Phase Control • 8-Level PSK Supported Through Three Pin Interface • Simultaneous 16-Bit Sine and Cosine Outputs • Output in Two’s Complement or Offset Binary • Serial or Parallel Outputs • Spurious Frequency Components <-90dBc • 16-Bit Microprocessor Compatible Control Interface • Pb-Free available (RoHS compliant) Applications • Direct Digital Synthesis • Quadrature Signal Generation • Spread Spectrum Communications • PSK Modems • Modulation - FM, FSK, PSK (BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK) • Frequency Hopping Communications • Precision Signal Generation • Related Products - Use with Data Acquisition Parts HI5731 or HI5741 Ordering Information PART NUMBER PART MARKING TEMP. RANGE (°C) PACKAGE PKG. DWG. # HSP45106JC-25 HSP45106JC-25 0 to +70 84 Ld PLCC N84.1.15 HSP45106JC-25Z (Note) HSP45106JC-25Z 0 to +70 84 Ld PLCC (Pb-free) N84.1.15 HSP45106JC-33 HSP45106JC-33 0 to +70 84 Ld PLCC N84.1.15 HSP45106JC-33Z (Note) HSP45106JC-33Z 0 to +70 84 Ld PLCC (Pb-free N84.1.15 NOTE: These Intersil Pb-free plastic packaged products employ special Pb-free material sets, molding compounds/die attach materials, and 100% matte tin plate plus anneal (e3 termination finish, which is RoHS compliant and compatible with both SnPb and Pb-free soldering operations). Intersil Pb-free products are MSL classified at Pb-free peak reflow temperatures that meet or exceed the Pb-free requirements of IPC/JEDEC J STD-020. 1 CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge; follow proper IC Handling Procedures. 1-888-INTERSIL or 1-888-468-3774 | Intersil (and design) is a registered trademark of Intersil Americas Inc. Copyright © Intersil Americas Inc. 2000, 2004, 2008. All Rights Reserved All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. HSP45106 Block Diagram MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE PHASE/ FREQUENCY CONTROL SECTION CLOCK DISCRETE CONTROL SIGNALS Pinouts SIN/COS ARGUMENT 32 SINE/ COSINE SECTION SINE 16 COSINE 16 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 VCC C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 GND A0 A1 A2 HSP45106 (84 LD PLCC) TOP VIEW 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 TICO COS15 COS14 COS13 GND COS12 COS11 COS10 COS9 COS8 COS7 COS6 COS5 COS4 VCC COS3 COS2 COS1 COS0 OEC DACSTRB 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 PMSEL MOD0 MOD1 MOD2 TEST VCC WR GND CS ENCFREG ENOFREG INHOFR ENTIREG INITTAC ENPOREG INPHAC PACI INITPAC BINFMT PAR/SER VCC OES SIN15 SIN14 SIN13 GND SIN12 SIN11 SIN10 SIN9 SIN8 SIN7 SIN6 SIN5 VCC SIN4 SIN3 SIN2 SIN1 SIN0 CLK GND 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Pin Descriptions NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION +5 power supply pin. VCC GND Ground. C(15:0) I A(2:0) I Control input bus for loading phase, frequency, and timer data into the PFCS. C0 is LSB. Address pins for selecting destination of C(15:0) data (Table 2). A0 is the LSB CS I Chip select (active low). Enables data to be written into Control Registers by WR. WR I Write enable (active low). Data is clocked into the register selected by A(2:0) on the rising edge of WR when CS is low. CLK I Clock. All registers, except the Control Registers clocked with WR, are clocked (when enabled) by the rising edge of CLK. ENPOREG I Phase Offset Register Enable (active low). Registered on chip by CLK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENPOREG enables the clocking of data into the Phase Offset Register. Allows ROM address to be updated regardless of ENPHAC. ENOFREG I Offset Frequency Register Enable (active low). Registered on chip by CLK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENOFREG enables the clocking of data into the Offset Frequency Register. ENCFREG I Center Frequency Register Enable (active low). Registered on chip by CLK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENCFREG enables the clocking of data into the Center Frequency Register. 2 FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 HSP45106 Pin Descriptions (Continued) NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION ENPHAC I Phase Accumulator Register Enable (active low). Registered on chip by CLK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENPHAC enables the clocking of data into the Phase Accumulator Register. ENTIREG I Timer Increment Register Enable (active low). Registered on chip by CLK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, ENTIREG enables the clocking of data into the Timer Increment Register. INHOFR I Inhibit Offset Frequency Register Output (active low). Registered on chip by CLK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, INHOFR zeroes the data path from the Offset Frequency Register to the Frequency Adder. New data can be still clocked into the Offset Frequency Register. INHOFR does not affect the contents of the register. INITPAC I Initialize Phase Accumulator (active low). Registered on chip by CLK. Zeroes the feedback path in the Phase Accumulator. Does not clear the Phase Accumulator Register. MOD(2:0) I Modulation Control Inputs. When selected with the PMSEL line, these bits add an offset of 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, or 315 degrees to the current phase (i.e., modulate the output). The lower 13 bits of the phase control are set to zero. These bits are registered when the Phase Offset Register is enabled. PMSEL I Phase Modulation Select input. Registered on-chip by CLK. This input determines the source of the data clocked into the Phase Offset Register. When high, the Phase Input Register is selected. When low, the external modulation pins (MOD(2:1)) control the three most significant bits of the Phase Offset Register and the 13 least significant bits are set to zero. PACI I Phase Accumulator Carry Input (active low). Registered on-chip by CLK. INITTAC I Initialize Timer Accumulator (active low). This input is registered on chip by CLK. When active, after being clocked onto chip, INITTAC enables the clocking of data into the Timer increment Register, and also zeroes the feedback path in the Timer Accumulator. TEST I Test Select Input. Registered on chip by CLK. This input is active high. When active, this input enables test busses to the outputs instead of the sine and cosine data. PAR/SER I Parallel/Serial Output Select. This input is registered on chip by CLK. When low, the sine and cosine outputs are in serial mode. The Output Shift Registers will load in new data after ENPHAC goes low and will start shifting the data out after ENPHAC goes high. When this input is high, the Output Registers are loaded every clock and no shifting takes place. BINFMT I Format. This input is registered on chip by CLK. When low, the MSB of the SIN and COS are inverted to form an offset binary (unsigned) number. OES I Three-state control for bits SIN(15:0). Outputs are enabled when OES is low. OEC I Three-state control for bits COS(15:0). Outputs are enabled when OEC is low. TICO O Timer Accumulator Carry Output. Active low, registered. This output goes low when a carry is generated by the Timer Accumulator. DACSTRB O DAC Strobe (active low). In serial mode, this output will go low when the first bit of a new output word is valid at the shift register output. This pin is active only in serial mode. SIN(15:0) O Sine Output Data. When parallel mode is enabled, data is output on SIN(15:0). When serial mode is enabled, output data bits are shifted out of SIN15 and SIN0. The bit stream on SIN15 is provided MSB first while the bit stream on SIN0 is provided LSB first. COS(15:0) O Cosine Output Data. When parallel mode is enabled, data is output on COS(15:0). When serial mode is enabled, output data bits are shifted out of COS15 and COS0. The bit stream on COS15 is provided MSB first while the bit stream in COS0 is provided LSB first. Index Pin Used to align chip in socket or on circuit board. Must be left as a no connect in circuit. (CPGA Package only). 3 FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 HSP45106 Functional Description The 16-bit Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO16) produces a digital complex sinusoid waveform whose frequency and phase are controlled through a standard microprocessor interface and discrete inputs. The NCO16 generates 16-bit sine and cosine vectors at a maximum sample rate of 33MHz. The NCO16 can be preprogrammed to produce a constant (CW) sine and cosine output for Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) applications. Alternatively, the phase and frequency inputs can be updated in real time to produce a FM, PSK, FSK, or MSK modulated waveform. To simplify PSK generation, a 3 pin interface is provided to support modulation of up to 8 levels. As shown in Figure 1, the HSP45106 Block Diagram, the NCO16 is comprised of a Phase and Frequency Control Section (PFCS) and Sine/ Cosine Section. The PFCS stores the phase and frequency control inputs and uses them to calculate the phase angle of a rotating complex vector. The Sine/Cosine Section performs a lookup on this phase and generates the appropriate amplitude values for the sine and cosine. These quadrature outputs may be configured as serial or parallel with either two's complement or offset binary format. Phase/Frequency Control Section The phase and frequency of the quadrature outputs are controlled by the PFCS (see Figure 1). The PFCS generates a 32-bit word which represents the instantaneous phase (Sin/Cos argument) of the sine and cosine waves being generated. This phase is incremented on the rising edge of each CLK by the preprogrammed amounts in the phase and Frequency Control Registers. As the instantaneous phase steps from 0 through full scale (232 - 1), the phase of the quadrature outputs proceeds from 0° around the unit circle counter clockwise. The PFCS is comprised of a Phase Accumulator Section, Phase Offset adder, Input Section, and a Timer Accumulator Section. The Phase Accumulator computes the instantaneous phase angle from user programmed values in the Center and Offset Frequency Registers. This angle is then fed into the Phase Offset adder where it is offset by the preprogrammed value in the Phase Offset Register. The Input Section routes data from a microprocessor compatible control bus and discrete input signals into the appropriate configuration registers. The Timer Accumulator supplies a pulse to mark the passage of a user programmed period of time. 4 FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 OES OEC R.ENPHAC / 3 TEST PAR/SER 20 BINFMT / / SIN/COS ROM ADDRESS DECODE / 16 COS 16 SIN / OUTPUT CONTROL FORMAT CONTROL 28 / SIN/COS ARGUMENT WR > R E G MSB OFFSET FREQUENCY INPUT REG (16) WR > LSOFEN WR > MSTIEN R E G WR LSTIEN PMSEL R.PMSEL ENCFREG R.ENCFREG ENPOREG R.ENPOREG ENOFREG R.ENOFREG INHOFR R E G INITPAC PACI R.INHOFR R.INITPAC 16 LSB OFFSET FREQUENCY INPUT REG (16) 16 MSB TIMER INCREMENT INPUT REG (16) > R E G 1 CLK > R.ENCFREG OFFSET FREQUENCY REGISTER OFFSET 32 R FREQUENCY 32 E 32 G CLK > '0' R.ENOFREG R.INHOFR 32 32 A D D E R 32 32 32 '0' ENPHAC R.ENPHAC R.ENTIREG INITTAC R.INITTAC 32 A D D E R > CLK 32 R E G PHASE ACCUMULATOR REGISTER 32 PHASE ACCUMULATOR SECTION R.INITPAC 16 LSB TIMER INCREMENT INPUT REG (16) > FREQUENCY ADDER R E G R.PACI R.ENPHAC TIMER INCREMENT 32 TIMER INCREMENT CLK REGISTER R.ENTIREG R.INITTAC > R E G 32 32 '0' R.INITTAC FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 > CLK FIGURE 1. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE HSP45106 32 32 R.PACI ENTIREG CLK R E G 16 28 R E G HSP45106 LSTIEN CENTER FREQUENCY 1 LSOFEN MSTIEN LSB CENTER FREQUENCY INPUT REG (16) CENTER FREQUENCY 32 REGISTER MUX WR > LSCFEN R E G 16 R.PMSEL 0 LSCFEN MSOFEN '0' 1 MSCFEN MSB CENTER FREQUENCY INPUT REG (16) 16 MUX A(2:0) D E C O D E > 32 A D D E R CLK > 0 CS WR 1 PHEN 13 MUX WR 16 R E G 3 COS(15:0) 16 PHASE OFFSET PHASE OFFSET ADDER REGISTER 16 16 A R 16 D E D 16 G 16 LSBs E CLK > R MSBs CLK R.ENPOREG 0 ENCODER PHEN MUX > PHASE INPUT PHASE INPUT REG (16) 0 5 WR MOD(2:1) 16 R E G SIN(15:0) DACSTRB INPUT SECTION (DISCRETE CONTROL INPUT SIGNALS AND PROCESSOR CONTROL INTERFACE) C(15:0) 16 TIMER ACCUMULATOR SECTION R E G CLK 32 > R E G TICO HSP45106 Input Section The Input Section loads the data on C(15:0) into one of the seven input registers, the LSB and MSB Center Frequency Input Registers, the LSB and MSB Offset Frequency Registers, the LSB and MSB Timer Input Registers, and the Phase Input Register. The destination depends on the state of A(2:0) when CS and WR are low (Table 1). TABLE 1. ADDRESS DECODE MAPPING MOD(2:0) DECODING A2 A1 A0 CS WR 0 0 0 0 Load least significant bits of Center Frequency input. FUNCTION 0 0 1 0 Load most significant bits of Center Frequency input. 0 1 0 0 Load least significant bits of Offset Frequency input. 0 1 1 0 Load most significant bits of Offset Frequency input. 1 0 0 0 Load least significant bits of Timing Interval input. 1 0 1 0 Load most significant bits of Timing Interval input. 1 1 0 0 Load Phase Register 1 1 1 0 Reserved X X X 1 X Input Disabled Once the Input Registers have been loaded, the control inputs ENCFREG, ENOFREG, ENTIREG, ENCTIREG, and ENPOREG will allow the Input Registers to be downloaded to the PFCS Control Registers with the input CLK. The control inputs are latched on the rising edge of CLK and the Control Registers are updated on the rising edge of the following CLK. For example, to load the Center Frequency Register, the data is loaded into the LSB and MSB Center Frequency Input Register, and ENCFREG is set to zero; the next rising edge of CLK will pass the registered version of ENCFREG, R.ENCFREG, to the clock enable of the Center Frequency Register; this register then gets loaded on the following rising edge of CLK. The contents of the Input Registers are downloaded to the Control Registers every clock, if the control inputs are enabled. Phase Accumulator Section The Phase Accumulator adds the 32-bit output of the Frequency Adder with the contents of a 32-bit Phase Accumulator Register on every clock cycle. When the sum causes the adder to overflow, the accumulation continues with the least significant 32 bits of the result. Initializing the Phase Accumulator Register is done by putting a low on the INITPAC and ENPHAC lines. This zeroes the feedback path to the accumulator, so that the register is loaded with the current value of the Frequency Adder on the next clock. 6 The frequency of the quadrature outputs is based on the number of clock cycles required to step from 0 to full scale. The number of steps required for this transition depends on the phase increment calculated by the frequency adder. For example, if the Center and Offset Frequency Registers are programmed such that the output of the Frequency Adder is 4000 0000 hex, the Phase Accumulator will step the phase from 0° to 360° every 4 clock cycles. Thus, for a 30MHz CLK, the quadrature outputs will have a frequency of 30/4MHz or 7.5MHz. In general, the frequency of the quadrature output is determined by Equations 1 and 2: F LO = N f CLK 2 32 , or f OUT 32 N = INT ------------- 2 , f CLK (EQ. 1) (EQ. 2) where N is the 32 bits of frequency control word that is programmed. INT[•] is the integer of the computation. For example, if the control word is 20000000 hexadecimal and the clock frequency is 30MHz, then the output frequency would be fCLK/8, or 3.75MHz. The Frequency Adder sums the contents of both the Center and Offset Frequency Registers to produce a phase increment. By enabling INHOFR, the output of the Offset Frequency Register is disabled so that the output frequency is determined from the Center Frequency Register alone. For BFSK modems, INHOFR can be asserted/ de-asserted to toggle the quadrature outputs between two programmed frequencies. NOTE: Enabling/disabling INHOFR preserves the contents of the Offset Frequency Register. The Block Diagram shown in Figure 2 illustrates the method of reading the phase accumulator of the NCO16 from a microprocessor. The setup shown is very similar to that used when the part is used for generating a complex sinusoid, except that the internal SIN/COS lookup is bypassed by setting the TEST pin to a logic 1(high). While the TEST pin is high, the phase accumulator continues to drive the inputs of the SIN/COS Generator while the most significant 28 bits of the phase accumulator are multiplexed out onto the output pins. Because of this, the part can be operated in two modes, one where the SIN/COS Generator is permanently bypassed, and one where the phase accumulator output is brought out to the outputs as a check. Figure 2 illustrates a circuit for reading out the phase accumulator all the time. In this case, a microprocessor loads the frequency and phase registers of the NCO16. This is fairly straightforward, except for the Start Logic Block, which needs to be synchronous to the oscillator clock and the microprocessor interface. This has been left as an undefined function, since it is dependent on the implementation. Also note that all COS outputs (COS(15:0)) are connected, although only COS(15:4) are valid in this application. The microprocessor reads the sine and cosine data busses as if FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 HSP45106 they were RAMs, using the decoded address bus to select one or the other. The timing for loading the Center Frequency Register (MSB and LSB) and data being output on COS(15:0) and SIN(15:0) is shown in Figure 3. This timing is independent of whether the output data represents the phase accumulator data or the SIN/COS Generator output. When it is desired for the output of the NCO16 to be switched back and forth between sine/cosine and the phase accumulator, a circuit such as the one shown in Figure 4 could be used. In this case, the sinusoidal output cannot be interrupted, so the phase accumulator must be read out between samples. This is possible due to the fact that the TEST signal is simply the control line for a multiplexer on the output of the SIN/COS Generator, but carries with it a limitation on the maximum possible clock rate. Since TEST is a synchronous input, the output of the NCO16 must be either driven by the SIN/COS Generator or the phase accumulator for an entire clock cycle. Therefore, the part must be driven at twice the desired speed at all times so there is a clock cycle available for TEST, when necessary. Note that the processor must be driven from the same clock that generates the NCO clock in order to maintain synchronous operation. GND VCC DECODE START LOGIC CS A0-2 C0-15 TRANSFER DATA TO CENTER OR OFFSET FREQUENCY REGISTER ENCFREG, ENOFREG NEW FREQUENCY DATA COS0-15, SIN0-15 CLK FIGURE 3. NCO16 PIPELINE DELAY VCC GND VCC GND VCC VCC VCC VCC VCC MOD0(2:0) (15:0) SIN0-15 PMSEL C(15:0) COS(15:0) WR A(2:0) CS ENPOREG ENCFREG OES OEC ENOFREG ENPHAC ENTIGEG INHOFR INITPAC PACI INITTAC TEST PAR/SER BINFMT CLK HSP45106 MICROPROCESSOR HSP45106 MICROPROCESSOR DATA WE ADDRESS WR WRITE WRITE MS INPUT LS INPUT REGISTER REGISTER GND VCC DATA WE ADDRESS DECODE START LOGIC 2 VCC GND VCC GND VCC VCC VCC VCC MOD0-2 PMSEL SIN0-15 C0-15 COS0-15 WR A0-2 CS ENPOREG ENCFREG OES OEC ENOFREG ENPHAC ENTIGEG INHOFR INITPAC PACI INITTAC TEST PAR/SER BINFMT CLK DAC DAC > REGISTER OSCILLATOR OSCILLATOR FIGURE 2. CIRCUIT FOR READING PHASE ACCUMULATOR OF NCO16 7 FIGURE 4. CIRCUIT FOR READING PHASE ACCUMULATOR OF NCO16 WHILE GENERATING SINUSOID FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 HSP45106 Phase Offset Adder The output of the Phase Accumulator goes to the Phase Offset Adder, which adds the 16-bit contents of the Phase Offset Register to the 16 MSBs of the phase. Twenty-eight (28) bits of the resulting 32-bit number forms the instantaneous phase which is fed to the Sine/Cosine Section. The user has the option of loading the Phase Offset Registers with the contents of the Phase Input Register or with the MOD(2:0) inputs depending on the state of PMSEL. When PMSEL is high, the contents of the Phase Input Register are loaded. If PMSEL is low, MOD(2:0) encode the upper 3 bits of the Phase Offset Register while the lower 13 bits are cleared. The MOD(2:0) inputs simplify PSK modulation by providing a 3 input interface to phase modulate the carrier as shown in Table 2. The control input ENPOREG acts as a clock enable and must be low to enable clocking of data into the Phase Offset Register. TABLE 2. MODULATION CONTROL MAP MOD(2:0) DECODING MOD2 MOD1 MOD0 PHASE SHIFT (DEGREES) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 45 0 1 0 90 0 1 1 135 1 0 0 270 1 0 1 315 1 1 0 180 1 1 1 225 Timer Accumulator Section The Timer Accumulator consists of a register which is incremented on every clock. The amount by which it increments is loaded into the Timer Increment Input Registers and is latched into the Timer Increment Register on rising edges of CLK while ENTIREG is low. The output of the Timer Accumulator is the accumulator carry out, TICO. TICO can be used as a timer to enable the periodic sampling of the output of the NCO-16. The number programmed into this register equals: f OUT 32 N = INT ------------- 2 , f CLK (EQ. 3) where INT[x] is the integer portion of the result of the computation. Sine/Cosine Section The Sine/Cosine Section (Figure 5) converts the instantaneous phase from the PFCS Section into the appropriate amplitude values for the sine and cosine 8 outputs. It takes the most significant 20 bits of the PFCS output and passes them through a Sine/Cosine look up to form the 16-bit quadrature outputs. The sine and cosine values are computed to reduce the amount of ROM needed. The magnitude of the error in the computed value of the complex vector is less than -90.2dB. The error in the sine or cosine alone is approximately 2dB better. The 20-bit phase word maps into 2p radians so that the angular resolution is (2p)/220. An address of zero corresponds to 0 radians and an address of hex FFFFF corresponds to 2-((2)/220) radians. The outputs of the Sine/Cosine Section are two's complement sine and cosine values. The ROM contents have been scaled by (216-1)/(216+1) for symmetry about zero. To simplify interfacing with D/A converters, the format of the Sine/cosine outputs may be changed to offset binary by enabling BINFMT. When BINFMT is enabled, the MSB of the Sine and Cosine outputs (SIN15 and COS15 when the outputs are in parallel mode) are inverted. Depending upon the state of BINFMT, the output is centered around midscale and ranges from 8001H to 7FFFH (two's complement mode) or 0001H to FFFFH (offset binary mode). Serial output mode is chosen by enabling PAR/SER. In this mode the user loads the Output Shift Registers with Sine/Cosine ROM output by enabling ENPHAC. After ENPHAC goes inactive the data is shifted out serially. For example, to clock out one 16-bit Sine/Cosine output, ENPHAC would be active for one cycle to load the output Shift Register, and would then go inactive for the following 15 cycles to clock the remaining bits out. Output bit streams are provided in formats with either MSB first or LSB first. The MSB first format is available on the SIN15 and COS15 output pins. The LSB first format is available on the SIN0 and COS0 output pins. In MSB first format, zero’s follow the LSB if a new output word is not loaded into the Shift Register. In LSB first format, the sine extension bit follows the MSB if a new data word is not loaded. The output signal DACSTRB is provided to signal the first bit of a new output word is valid (Figure 6). NOTE: All unused pins of SIN(15:0) and COS(15:0) should be left floating. A test mode is supplied which enables the user to access the phase input to the Sine/Cosine ROM. If TEST and PAR/SER are both high, the 28 MSBs of the phase input to the Sine/Cosine Section are made available on SIN(15:0) and COS(15:4). The SIN(15:0) outputs represent the MSW of the address. The Timing Diagrams in Figures 7, 8 and 9 show the pipeline delays through the HSP45106 NCO16 from the time that data is applied to the inputs until the outputs are affected by the change. The delay is shown as a number of clock cycles, with no attempt made to accurately represent the setup and hold times or the clock to output delays. FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 HSP45106 SIN/COS ARGUMENT 20 ADDRESS DECODE / SINE/COSINE ROM / / 16 COSINE 28 BINFMT DACSTRB FORMAT CONTROL 16 SINE OUTPUT CONTROL / / / 16 SIN (15:0) 16 COS (15:0) R.ENPHAC, TEST, PAR/SER OES OEC FIGURE 5. SINE/COSINE SECTION BLOCK DIAGRAM CLK 0 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 10 9 8 tECS ENPHAC tDSO DACSTRB SERIAL DATA OUTPUT BIT 0 1 2 3 FIGURE 6. SERIAL OUTPUT I/O TIMING DIAGRAM CLK CS WRITE MS INPUT REGISTER WRITE LS INPUT REGISTER WR A(2:0) C(15:0) TRANSFER DATA TO CENTER OR OFFSET FREQUENCY REGISTER ENCFREG ENOFREG NEW FREQUENCY DATA COS(15:0), SIN(15:0) FIGURE 7. FREQUENCY TO OUTPUT DELAY 9 FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 HSP45106 CLK WRITE PHASE INPUT REGISTER WR A(2:0) C(15:0) TRANSFER DATA TO PHASE REGISTER ENPOREG NEW PHASE DATA COS(15:0), SIN(15:0) FIGURE 8. PHASE TO OUTPUT DELAY CLK MOD0-2 PMSEL TRANSFER DATA TO PHASE REGISTER ENPOREG NEW PHASE DATA COS(15:0), SIN(15:0) FIGURE 9. PHASE MODULATION TO OUTPUT DELAY 10 FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 HSP45106 Absolute Maximum Ratings TA = +25°C Thermal Information Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +6.0V Input, Output or I/O Voltage Applied . . . . . GND -0.5V to VCC +0.5V ESD Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Class 1 Thermal Resistance (Typical, Note 1) Operating Conditions Voltage Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +4.75V to +5.25V Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0°C to +70°C JA (°C/W) PLCC Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Maximum Junction Temperature PLCC Package. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +150°C Maximum Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . .-65°C to +150°C Pb-Free Reflow Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see link below Die Characteristics Backside Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VCC CAUTION: Do not operate at or near the maximum ratings listed for extended periods of time. Exposure to such conditions may adversely impact product reliability and result in failures not covered by warranty. NOTE: 1. JA is measured in free air with the component mounted on a high effective thermal conductivity test board with “direct attach” features. See Tech Brief TB379. DC Electrical Specifications Parameters with MIN and/or MAX limits are 100% tested at +25°C, unless otherwise specified. Temperature limits established by characterization and are not production tested. PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN MAX UNITS Logical One Input Voltage VIH VCC = 5.25V 2.0 - V Logical Zero Input Voltage VIL VCC = 4.75V - 0.8 V High Level Clock Input VIHC VCC = 5.25V 3.0 - V Low Level Clock Input VILC VCC = 4.75V - 0.8 V Output HIGH Voltage VOH IOH = -400µA, VCC = 4.75V 2.6 - V Output LOW Voltage VOL IOL = +2.0mA, VCC = 4.75V - 0.4 V Input Leakage Current II VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V -10 10 µA I/O Leakage Current IO VOUT = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V -10 10 µA Standby Power Supply Current ICCSB VIN = VCC or GND, VCC = 5.25V, (Note 4) - 500 µA Operating Power Supply Current ICCOP f = 25.6MHz, VIN = VCC or GND VCC = 5.25V, (Notes 2 and 4) - 180 mA MIN MAX UNITS - 10 pF - 10 pF Capacitance TA = +25°C, (Note 3) PARAMETER SYMBOL Input Capacitance CIN Output Capacitance CO TEST CONDITIONS FREQ = 1MHz, VCC = Open. All measurements are referenced to device ground NOTES: 2. Power supply current is proportional to operating frequency. Typical rating for ICCOP is 7mA/MHz. 3. Not tested, but characterized at initial design and at major process/design changes. 4. Output load per test load circuit with switch open and CL = 40pF. 11 FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 HSP45106 AC Electrical Specifications VCC = 5.0V ±5%, TA = 0°C to +70°C (Note 5). Parameters with MIN and/or MAX limits are 100% tested at +25°C, unless otherwise specified. Temperature limits established by characterization and are not production tested. 25.6MHz PARAMETER SYMBOL NOTES 33MHz MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS CLK Period tCP 39 - 30 - ns CLK High tCH 15 - 12 - ns CLK Low tCL 15 - 12 - ns WR Period tWP 39 - 30 - ns WR High tWH 15 - 12 - ns WR Low tWL 15 - 12 - ns Setup Time A(2:0), CS to WR Going High tAWS 13 - 13 - ns Hold Time A(2:0), CS from WR Going High tAWH 1 - 1 - ns Setup Time C(15:0) to WR Going High tCWS 15 - 15 - ns Hold Time C(15:0) from WR Going High tCWH 0 - 0 - ns 16 - 12 - ns Setup Time WR High to CLK High tWC Setup Time MOD(2:0) to CLK Going High tMCS 15 - 15 - ns Hold Time MOD(2:0) from CLK Going High tMCH 0 - 0 - ns Setup Time ENPOREG, ENOFREG, ENCFREG, ENPHAC, ENTIREG, INHOFR, PMSEL, INITPAC, BINFMT, TEST, PAR/SER, PACI, INITTAC to CLK Going High tECS 12 - 12 - ns Hold Time ENPOREG, ENOFREG, ENCFREG, ENPHAC, ENTIREG, INHOFR, PMSEL, INITPAC, BINFMT, TEST, PAR/SER, PACI, INITTAC from CLK Going High tECH 0 - 0 - ns CLK to Output Delay SIN(15:0), COS(15:0), TICO tDO - 18 - 15 ns tDSO 2 18 2 15 ns Output Enable Time tOE - 12 - 12 ns Output Disable Time tOD (Note 7) - 15 - 15 ns Output Rise, Fall Time tRF (Note 7) - 8 - 8 ns CLK to Output Delay DACSTRB (Note 6) NOTES: 5. AC testing is performed as follows: Input levels (CLK Input) 4.0V and 0V; input levels (all other inputs) 0V and 3.0V; timing reference levels (CLK) 2.0V; all others 1.5V. Output load per test load circuit with switch closed and CL = 40pF. Output transition is measured at VOH > 1.5V and VOL < 1.5V. 6. If ENOFREG, ENCFREG, ENTIREG, or ENPOREG are active, care must be taken to not violate setup and hold times to these registers when writing data into the chip via the C(15:0) port. 7. Controlled via design or process parameters and not directly tested. Characterized upon initial design and after major process and/or changes. 12 FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 HSP45106 AC Test Load Circuit S1 DUT CL (NOTE) IOH SWITCH S1 OPEN FOR ICCSB AND ICCOP ± 1.5V IOL EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT NOTE: Test head capacitance. Waveforms tCP tCH tCL CLK tMCS tMCH tECS tECH MOD(2:1) ENABLE/CONTROL SIGNALS tDO SIN(15:0), COS(15:0), TICO tDSO DACSTRB (SERIAL MODE ONLY) tWC FIGURE 10. SYNCHRONOUS TIMING tWC tWP tWL tWH WR tAWS tAWH A(2:0), CS tCWS tCWH C(15:0) FIGURE 11. ASYNCHRONOUS TIMING 13 FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 HSP45106 Waveforms (Continued) 1.5V 1.5V OES, OEC tOE COS(15:0), SIN(15:0) HIGH IMPEDANCE tOD 1.7V 1.3V HIGH IMPEDANCE FIGURE 12. OUTPUT ENABLE, DISABLE TIMING 2.0V 0.8V tRF 2.0V 0.8V tRF FIGURE 13. OUTPUT RISE AND FALL TIMES 14 FN2809.8 October 16, 2008 HSP45106 Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier Packages (PLCC) 0.042 (1.07) 0.048 (1.22) PIN (1) IDENTIFIER N84.1.15 (JEDEC MS-018AF ISSUE A) 0.042 (1.07) 0.056 (1.42) 0.004 (0.10) C 0.025 (0.64) R 0.045 (1.14) 0.050 (1.27) TP C L D2/E2 C L E1 E D2/E2 VIEW “A” 0.020 (0.51) MIN A1 A D1 D 84 LEAD PLASTIC LEADED CHIP CARRIER PACKAGE INCHES MILLIMETERS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX NOTES A 0.165 0.180 4.20 4.57 - A1 0.090 0.120 2.29 3.04 - D 1.185 1.195 30.10 30.35 - D1 1.150 1.158 29.21 29.41 3 D2 0.541 0.569 13.75 14.45 4, 5 E 1.185 1.195 30.10 30.35 - E1 1.150 1.158 29.21 29.41 3 E2 0.541 0.569 13.75 14.45 4, 5 N 84 84 6 Rev. 2 11/97 SEATING -C- PLANE 0.020 (0.51) MAX 3 PLCS 0.026 (0.66) 0.032 (0.81) 0.013 (0.33) 0.021 (0.53) 0.025 (0.64) MIN 0.045 (1.14) MIN VIEW “A” TYP. NOTES: 1. Controlling dimension: INCH. Converted millimeter dimensions are not necessarily exact. 2. Dimensions and tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1982. 3. Dimensions D1 and E1 do not include mold protrusions. Allowable mold protrusion is 0.010 inch (0.25mm) per side. Dimensions D1 and E1 include mold mismatch and are measured at the extreme material condition at the body parting line. 4. To be measured at seating plane -C- contact point. 5. Centerline to be determined where center leads exit plastic body. 6. “N” is the number of terminal positions. For additional products, see Intersil products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9001 quality systems as noted in the quality certifications found at Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time without notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries. For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see 15 FN2809.8 October 16, 2008