, One. TELEPHONE: (973) 376-2922 (212)227-6005 20 STERN AV6. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. FAX: (973) 376-8960 1N2970thru 1N3O15B and 1N3993thru 1N40OOA FEATURES • ZENER VOLTAGE 3.9 to 200V • VOLTAGE TOLERANCES; ±5%, ±10% and ±20% (See Note 1) SILICON 10 WATT ZENER DIODES . MAXIMUM RELIABILITY FOR MILITARY ENVIRONMENTS (Sect Below) MAXIMUM RATINGS Junction and Storage Temperatures: -65°C to + 175°C DC Power Dissipation: 10 Watts Power Derating: 80 mW/°C above 50°C Forward Voltage @ 2.0 A: 1.5 Volts 'ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS @ 30°C Case Temperature TYPE NO. NOMINAL ZE*ER VOlTAQf MAX. DYNAMIC IftWlDANCE (Neu3| ZENER TEST CUAflENT VaJtt (Nan fl I'll) mA .9 3 .7 ,1 .6 .2 .8 5 640 680 530 .0 490 445 .1 .0 405 370 335 .1 .2 3 .5 .0 0 t 370 336 305 273 2M 230 H1N2979B fflNMBOB IN79B1B 2 3 4 5 fi 17 710 190 1*0 170 155 145 T1N29628 1N7963B H1N2984B tlN298SB 'TIN29B6B 1N2987B 18 19 JO 22 24 25 ttlN29SBB tflN?989B H1N7990B [-1N7991B riN799?B UNW93B 1N7994B IT1NZ995B 1N2W6S 1N7997B 1NZ998B ttlN?999B »tlN3OOOB 27 tlN3993A T1H3994A tlN3WSA t IN 3996 A MO 250 350 750 250 750 1.320 1,180 1.040 d60 060 780 250 250 250 750 250 7M 72O 660 600 560 530 BOO 140 750 130 135 260 106 100 250 260 750 750 460 440 420 3HO 350 310 30 33 36 39 43 95 85 75 70 65 £0 12 250 3OO 300 300 300 400 300 280 26O 230 3'0 19% 46 47 50 SI 52 56 62 55 65 50 SO 50 •5 40 13 14 15 15 15 16 17 400 400 500 5OO SOO 500 600 189 175 165 160 160 160 130 68 75 82 91 100 (OS 37 33 30 2ft 25 IB 22 25 35 40 600 6OO 700 800 900 K 4S 1000 ito 23 55 1>00 120 110 100 95 80 75 72 120 130 140 160 160 17% 100 200 M 19 18 17 16 14 14 75 100 '25 175 300 350 260 3OO 8 .5 2 1 mNM73i <T1N3001B 1MN3002B ttlN30Q3B fflN30O4B *tlN3005B 1N3006B rflN1007B nlN300BB 1N30M0 1N3010B ttlNjOllB t 1N30I2B IN1013B ttlN30]4B ttlN3015B Staid TMP. (NOM4) mA 2380 nlMZ470B 1tlN297lB 1HN297ZB IN 29 788 OHMS *rt@ 1mA tl,fc) OHMS 400 400 500 550 600 750 500 250 11N3498A T1N3999A tlN4000A iflN2974l 1flNZ975B 1MN2976B tMNZ977S zit@'*t DC ZENEfl MAX. CURRENT ti KSI1 n°c 1'imHS '3 w .5 ,2 .2 .3 its 13 1 11 UOO 1300 1400 1500 1600 175O tBSO 2000 2130 1940 1780 1620 1460 1330 1210 67 62 SB 54 50 4fi 45 40 TVFICA TEMP, MAX" LEAKAGE CURRENT POLARITY ' Otvz IR @ VR %/«c //A Volts -.046 -.033 ^.015 ±.010 100 100 50 10 10 10 10 10 0.5 0.5 1.0 1,0 10 2.0 2.0 3.0 150 100 50 25 25 10 52 5.7 4.2 6.9 7.6 5.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.1 99 +.030 4.049 -t-,040 +.04 fi .040 ,045 ,a*» .051 .055 060 065 ,065 070 ,070 .070 075 .080 0 0 0 10 10 10 .085 10 .085 to .075 07$ 07S 080 .080 085 DBS 090 .090 .090 .090 090 .090 .090 -090 090 ,090 090 MO 090 090 .095 CS5 095 095 W5 095 095 045 095 .100 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10.5 STD. POLARITY CATHODE TO STUD STD POLARITY ANODE TO STUD 10-32 UNF7A [MOO) PITCH DIA. MIN. .1658 MAX..1697 TO WITHSTAND A TORQUE UP TO 30 IN LB WHEN NUT IS TIGHTENED ON STUD 11.4 12.2 13.0 FIGURE I 13.7 14.0 AM dimensions in INCH 15.2 16.7 18.2 18.2 206 228 25,1 27.4 29.7 327 330 358 36.0 39.B 390 426 47 1 51.7 5«.0 622 692 76.0 76.0 an e 91.2 90.8 00,0 14,0 31.6 33.0 MB 52.0 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS CASK: Industry Standard DO-4, (DO-203AA). 7/16" Hex. stud with 10-32 threads, welded, hermetically sealud metal and glass.. FINISH: All external surfaces arc corrosion resistant and terminal solderable, WEIGHT: 7.5 grams. MOUNTINfi POSITION: Any THKRMAL RESISTANCE: 10'C/W (Typical) junction to stud. POLARITY: IN3993 - 1N4000: Std. Polarity is cathode to sud. Reverse polarity (anode to stud) indicated by suffix "R." IN2970 - IN3015: Std, Polarity is anode to stud. Reverse polarity indicated by suffix "R." NJ Semi-Conductors reserves the right to change test conditions, parameter limits and package dimensions without notice. Information furnished by NJ Semi-Conductors is believed to be both accurate and reliable at the time of going to press. However, NJ Semi-Conductors assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions discovered in its use. NJ Semi-Conductors encourages customers to verify that datasheets are current before placing orders. Quality Semi-Conductors 1N297Othru 1N3O15B, 1N3993thru 1N4OOOA NOTE1 1N3993-1N4000 series: suffix A indicates ±5% tolerance, no suffix indicates±10% tolerance. 1N2970-1N3015 series: suffix B indicates ±5% tolerance, suffix A indicates + 10%, no suffix indicates ±20% tolerance. If tighter tolerance is required, consult factory. NOTE 2 The electrical characteristics are measured after allowing the device to stabilize for 90 seconds with 30°C Base temperature. NOTE 3 The 7.ener impedance (Zzr) is derived from the 60 Hz ac voltage, which results when an ac current having an rms value equal to 10% of the DC zener current (Izj or IZK) is superimposed on I^j or IZK- When making zener impedance measurements at the I z n test point, it may be necessary to insert a 60 Hz band pass filter between the diode and voltmeter to avoid errors resulting from low level noise signals. A curve showing the variation of zener impedance vs. zener current for three representative types is shown in Figures 3 and 4. NOTE 4 These values of !„„ may be exceeded in the case of individual diodes. The values shown are calculated for the worst case which is a unit of ±5% tolerance at the high voltage end of its tolerance range. Allowance has also been made for the rise in zener voltage above Va, which results from zener impedance and the increase in junction temperature as power dissipation approaches 10 watts.