Fair-Rite Products Corp. Your Signal Solution™ High Frequency Toroid Kit Fair-Rite Products Corp has created a High Frequency Toroid Kit for inductive applications operating at a frequency of 1MHz and above. The kit contains eight sizes in four materials. The toroids range from a 6mm OD to 61mm OD. The materials are selected for power conversion and low loss applications. Fair-Rite Products Corp 52 material is best for 1 to 5 MHz, the 61 material from 1- 25 MHz, the 67 material from 10 – 50 MHz and 68 material from 50 – 100 MHz. These toroids and materials can be utilized for broadband transformers and high frequency chokes as well. The material relative to their electrical requirements. Once a material supplies and transformers. Typical applications for these products are in Medical Imaging, Semi-Conductor processing, RF Communications and Plasma Chemical Deposition. Material Characteristics Property unit initial permeability @ B< 10 gauss Quality World-Class Customer Service and Flux Density @ Field Strength symbol 68 67 61 52 μi 16 40 125 250 2700 40 2300 20 2350 15 4200 10 1000 800 1200 2900 7 3.5 1.8 0.6 150 50 30 1 45 1 gauss Oe. B Residual Flux Density gauss Br Engineering Support Quality Certifications Over 55 Years US Based Manufacturing Coercive Force Oe. Loss Factor @ Frequency 10 -6 500 MHz tan δ/μ i 100 Curie Temperature ºC Resistivity Ω-cm ρ Fair-Rite Products Corp. Hc Tc PO Box 288, One Commercial Row, Wallkill, NY 12589-0288 | www.fair-rite.com (888) FAIRRITE (324-7748) or (845) 895-2055 | Fax (845) 895-2629 > 500 > 475 >300 >250 1 x 10 7 1 x 10 7 1 x 10 8 1 x 10 9 FR P/N 5968020901 5968000201 5968000301 5968001101 5968001801 5968021001 5968002701 5968003801 5967000101 5967000201 5967000301 5967001101 5967001801 5967001001 5967002701 5967003801 A (mm) 5.84 / 6.09 9.3 / 9.7 12.45 / 12.95 12.45 / 12.95 21.7 / 22.5 29.3 / 30.6 34.8 / 36.3 59.7 / 62.3 5.70 / 5.95 9.30 / 9.70 12.45 / 12.95 12.45 / 12.95 21.7 / 22.5 28.35 / 29.65 34.8 / 36.3 59.7 / 62.3 B (mm) 3.02 / 3.22 4.60 / 4.90 6.95 / 7.35 7.70 / 8.10 13.4 / 14.0 18.95 / 19.95 22.45 / 23.55 34.7 / 36.4 2.95 / 3.15 4.60 / 4.90 6.95 / 7.35 7.70 / 8.10 13.4 / 14.0 18.5 / 19.5 22.45 / 23.55 34.7 / 36.4 C (mm) 1.40 / 1.65 3.05 / 3.30 4.65 / 4.90 6.10 / 6.60 6.10 / 6.60 7.25 / 7.75 12.2 / 13.2 12.2 / 13.2 1.40 / 1.65 3.05 / 3.30 4.65 / 4.90 6.10 / 6.60 6.10 / 6.60 7.25 / 7.75 12.2 / 13.2 12.2 / 13.2 le(cm) 1.33 2.07 2.95 3.12 5.41 7.52 8.9 14.5 1.3 2.07 2.95 3.12 5.41 7.32 8.9 14.5 Ae(cm2) 0.021 0.073 0.129 0.15 0.262 0.388 0.78 1.58 0.02 0.073 0.129 0.15 0.262 0.369 0.78 1.58 AL(nH) 2.3 min 5.3 min 6.6 min 7.2 min 7.3 min 7.7 min 13 min 16 min 6.0 min 17.6 +/-25% 22 +/-25% 24 +/-25% 24 +/-25% 24.5 +/-25% 45 +/-25% 55 +/-25% 5961000101 5961000201 5.70 / 5.95 9.30 / 9.70 2.95 / 3.15 4.60 / 4.90 1.40 / 1.65 3.05 / 3.30 1.3 2.07 0.02 0.073 25 +/-25% 55 +/-25% 5961000301 5961001101 5961001801 5961001001 5961002701 5961003801 5952020201 5952020301 5952020401 5952020501 5952020601 5952020701 5952020801 5952003801 12.45 / 12.95 12.45 / 12.95 21.7 / 22.5 28.35 / 29.65 34.8 / 36.3 59.7 / 62.3 5.58 / 5.84 9.22 / 9.62 12.35 / 12.85 12.2 / 12.7 21.3 / 22.1 28.15 / 29.45 34.5 / 36.0 58.7 / 61.3 6.95 / 7.35 7.70 / 8.10 13.4 / 14.0 18.5 / 19.5 22.45 / 23.55 34.7 / 36.4 2.90 / 3.10 4.57 / 4.87 6.79 / 7.19 7.60 / 8.00 13.2 / 13.8 18.2 / 19.2 22.05 / 23.15 34.75 / 35.95 4.65 / 4.90 6.10 / 6.60 6.10 / 6.60 7.25 / 7.75 12.2 / 13.2 12.2 / 13.2 1.40 / 1.65 3.05 / 3.30 4.65 / 4.90 6.1 / 6.6 6.1 / 6.6 7.25 / 7.75 12.2 / 13.2 12.2 / 13.2 2.95 3.12 5.42 7.32 8.9 14.5 1.28 2.06 2.9 3.06 5.33 7.23 8.79 14.5 0.129 0.15 0.262 0.369 0.78 1.58 0.02 0.072 0.13 0.144 0.256 0.374 0.792 1.58 69 +/-25% 75 +/-25% 75 +/-25% 80 +/-25% 140 +/-25% 170 +/-25% 49 +/-25% 110 +/-25% 141 +/-25% 148 +/-25% 151 +/-25% 162 +/-25% 283 +/-25% 325 +/-25% Parts in this kit are color coded for ease of identification, production parts are not color coded. Color Code Key:68 = ORANGE, 67 = SILVER, 61 = BLUE ,52 = NONE μ’ reactive component of material permeability 1000 100 10 1 1 10 68 67 61 Frequency (MHz) 52 100 1000