Thermopile Infrared Sensor ▓ TP337 Features The thermopile sensor consists of a series of 116 thermoelements, forming a sensitive region size of 545 µm (diameter). The sensor is hermetically sealed into a TO-5 metal housing, with an optical filter. This standard filter allows measurements to be made in the spectral range above 5 µm wavelength. The thermosensor exhibits an almost white noise, comparable to an ohmic resistance. It has a constant signal versus frequency up to its frequency limit, and is directly proportional to incident radiation. The thermopile sensors are featured with an additional temperature reference resistor on the same chip. The standard version of temperature reference resistor is housing connected to ground. ▓ Applications * Ear thermometers; clinic thermometers * Infrared thermometers * Consumer applications: hair dryer, micro-wave oven, air conditioner, refrigerator * Continuous temperature control of manufacturing * Security system * Radiation monitor switch system * Absorbing measurement for gas analysis * Thermoelectric converter * Heat flux flowmeter ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK Tel: 43-1-5865243-0 Fax: 43-1-5865243-44 Microelectronics Dept. 2000.05 1/9 Thermopile Infrared Sensor ▓ TP337 Electrical Characteristics Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Number of thermojunctions --- 116 --- Chip size --- 1740*1740 --- µm2 --- Diameter 545 --- µm Thermopile Active region size Interference layer Thickness of substrate Siliconsubstrate 600 625 650 µm Resistance of thermopile 25 °C 50 65 80 KOhm Sensitivity With 5-14 µm filter 70 85 100 V/W 1.0*108 1.3*108 Time constant --- 16 --- ms Noise voltage 28 32 36 nV/Hz1/2 0.28 0.36 0.48 nW/Hz1/2 -20 --- 100 °C Detecctivity NEP Temperature range Operation 1.7*108 cm*Hz1/2/W --- Temperature reference resistor Resistance (1) 25 29.1 30.0 30.9 KOhm Resistance (1) 25 97 100 103 KOhm value (1) 0oC/25 3773 3811 3849 K value (2) 0oC/25 3950 3970 3990 K Measured at 1 Hz chopper frequency, within spectral range 5-14 µm, using a blackbody radiator of 500K temperature. Note : Thermistor should be operated under 1 mA. ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK Tel: 43-1-5865243-0 Fax: 43-1-5865243-44 Microelectronics Dept. 2000.05 2/9 Thermopile Infrared Sensor TP337 ▓ Thermopile voltage vs. blackbody temperature ▓ Frequency response ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK Tel: 43-1-5865243-0 Fax: 43-1-5865243-44 Microelectronics Dept. 2000.05 3/9 Thermopile Infrared Sensor ▓ TP337 Field of view 1) window size: 2.57 mm (diameter) 337A 2) window size: 3.80 mm (diameter) 337E ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK Tel: 43-1-5865243-0 Fax: 43-1-5865243-44 Microelectronics Dept. 2000.05 4/9 Thermopile Infrared Sensor ▓ TP337 Thermistor vs. temperature The resistance of the temperature reference resistor varies with temperature and the behaviour is illustrated in the following figure. 1 1 − T T25 At temperature 25 °C, R(T)=R25e describes the resistance vs. temperature, where R25 is the resistance at ambient temperature 25 °C and T, T25 are the ambient temperatures in unit of kelvin degrees. ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK Tel: 43-1-5865243-0 Fax: 43-1-5865243-44 Microelectronics Dept. 2000.05 5/9 Thermopile Infrared Sensor ▓ TP337 Pin assignment & description 2 thermistor pin 4 thermistor pin (GND) 1 thermopile output pin (+) 3 thermopile output pin (-) Thermistor 2(R) Thermopile 3(V-) 1(V+) 4(GND) SIDE VIEW BACKSIDE VIEW ▓ Order information : TP337 x x : A : Standard filter (5-14 µm), window size=2.57 mm (diameter). B : Silicon filter with flat band transmission, window size=2.57 mm (diameter). E : Standard filter (5-14 µm), window size=3.80 mm (diameter). F : Silicon filter with flat band transmission, window size=3.80 mm (diameter). ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK Tel: 43-1-5865243-0 Fax: 43-1-5865243-44 Microelectronics Dept. 2000.05 6/9 Thermopile Infrared Sensor ▓ TP337 Transmission of filter Transmission of optical filter is measured by FTIR from 2 m ▓ Package The sensor is hermetically sealed into a TO-5 metal housing, with an optical filter. This standard filter allows measurements to be made in the spectral range above 5 µm wavelength. The dimensions of header and cap are shown below. ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK Tel: 43-1-5865243-0 Fax: 43-1-5865243-44 Microelectronics Dept. 2000.05 7/9 Thermopile Infrared Sensor TP337 TP337A Unit: mm ψ8.15 ψ5.4 2.00 Cap ψ2.57 4.6 Window Header 0.43 Window IR Filter filter TP337E Unit: mm ψ8.17 2.00 4.6 ψ3.80 Chip Cap Header 0.43 WIindow Window IR IR Filter filter ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK Tel: 43-1-5865243-0 Fax: 43-1-5865243-44 Microelectronics Dept. 2000.05 8/9 Thermopile Infrared Sensor ▓ TP337 Application circuit Circuit 1 : +5V C1 R1 Thermopile 2 4 R2 + - 1 C3 R5 3 Vout + OP R6 C6 C4 R4 C5 Reference Resistor R3 C2 Circuit 2 : Ambient Temperature Compensation Circuit Pre-Amplification Circuit +5V R10 + A2 Thermopile (+) - +5V Adder C1 C3 + A1 - Thermopile (-) 2 4 R11 1 + 3 - R1 C4 Vout R7 R13 + A3 - R8 C2 reference resistor R9 R12 R2 ROITHNER LASERTECHNIK Tel: 43-1-5865243-0 Fax: 43-1-5865243-44 Microelectronics Dept. 2000.05 9/9