PFC-2828-2 Stainless Steel Float Data Float housing Magnet Magnetical Orientation Stainless Steel S316L, mechanically polished Ferrite axially Remanence Br Coercivity HcB Coercitivity HcJ Energy density BHmax. Operating p g Temperature p mT kA/m kA/m mT °C 225 151 271 0.105 -10 to 180 Nominal values unless otherwise specified. Ø 10.4 ±0.5 Dimensions in mm 9.3±0.5 Ø 9.4 ±0.5 S 26.0 ±0.5 28.2 ±0.5 housing mark for magnet position N 0.5 ±0.05 ring magnet 16.0 x 10.5 x 3.0 Ø 26.0 ±0.5 Ø 28.0 ±0.5 Mechanical Characteristics Density of float typ. * Recommended minimum gravity of medium Pressure max. @ 25°C g/cm3 g/cm3 MPa 0.7 Density of float + 20% 1.0 * In delivery condition Ordering Information Packing Unit Weight per piece Page 1 of 1 Rev. 1.1, 05.11.2013, (006, 009, 009) pfc28282_ds_e_1.1 500 pcs 8.0 g ±0.5g PIC Proximity Instrumentation Controls Kontaktbauelemente GmbH Nibelungenstr. 5A 90530 Wendelstein, Germany Phone +49 911 99 59 06-0 Fax +49 911 99 59 06-99