Magnet Material Selection Table Material Magnetic Properties Br - 5,500 - 13,500 Hc - 475 - 1,900 MGOe 1.4 - 10.5 Br - 6,000 - 10,800 Hc - 550 - 1,900 Sintered Alnico MGOe 1.4 - 5.0 Br - 3,450 - 4,100 Ceramic (Hard Hci - 3,000 - 4,800 Ferrite) MGOe 2.7 - 4.0 Br - 8,800 - 11,000 Hci - 11,000 - 21,000 Samarium Cobalt MGOe - 18 - 32 Br - 10,000 - 13,000 Neodymium Iron Hci - - 14,000 Boron MGOe 27 - 45 Br - 9,000 - 13,500 Iron-Chrome Cobalt Hc - 50 - 600 MGOe - 4.25 - 5.25 Br - 2,500 - 5,600 Bonded Flexible Hci - 3,500 - 16,000 (Callenered or MGOe 1.4 - 6.2 Extruded) Br - 2,500 - 6,900 Bonded Plastic Hci - 3,000 - 16,000 (Molded) MGOe - 1.5 - 10.5 Br - 6,200 - 8,200 Compression Hci - 4,300 - 18,000 Bonded Neo MGOe - 7.5 - 15.0 (Epoxy) Cast Alnico Curie Temperature Temperature Coefficient Cost $ / lb. Cast to Shape, Hard, Crystal Structure - Grind or EDM 840°C .02% / °C $40 Powder Pressed to Shape, Hard Structure - Grind or EDM 840°C .02% / °C $23 Simple Shapes: Arcs, Rect., Plugs, Rings - Hard-Grind 450°C .2% / °C $2 750°C / 825°C .035% / °C $125 Requires Coating to Prevent Oxidization Grind or EDM 310°C .13% / °C $95 Can be Formed, Stamped, Thin Rolled Mat’l .050"- .0005" 600°C .02% / °C $30 450°C 310°C .18% / °C 0.07 to 0.13% / °C $3 $30 - $50 450°C 310°C .18% / °C 0.07 to 0.13% / °C $3 $60 310°C 0.07 to 0.13% / °C $60 Magnetic Characteristics Very Brittle - Grind or EDM Flexible, Thermal Shock Resistant, Low-to-no Tooling Charge, Available In Wide Range of Sizes Complex Shapes, Thin Walls, Tight Dimensions without Machining, Good Strength Simple Geometry, Close Tolerancing W.O Machining Higher BhMax Than Inj. Molded With Lower Tooling Cost Ferrite Neo Ferrite Neo Neo