Part Number: XDUR07A 7.62mm (0.3") SINGLE DIGIT NUMERIC DISPLAY Package Schematics Features ● Low power consumption ● Robust package ● I.C. Compatible ● Standard configuration: Gray face w/ white segments ● Optional black face provides superior color contrast ● RoHS Compliant Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches), Tolerance is ±0.25(0.01")unless otherwise noted. 2. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA=25°C) UR (GaAsP/GaP) Unit Reverse Voltage VR 5 V Forward Current IF 30 mA Forward Current (Peak) 1/10 Duty Cycle 0.1ms Pulse Width iFS Power Dissipation PD 75 Operating Temperature TA -40 ~ +85 Tstg -40 ~ +85 Storage Temperature Lead Solder Temperature [2mm Below Package Base] 160 mA mW °C 260°C For 3-5 Seconds Operating Characteristics (TA=25°C) XDUR07A Emitting Color Red Emitting Material GaAsP/GaP Unit Forward Voltage (Typ.) (IF=10mA) VF 1.9 V Forward Voltage (Max.) (IF=10mA) VF 2.5 V Reverse Current (Max.) (VR=5V) IR 10 uA Wavelength of Peak Emission (Typ.) (IF=10mA) λP 627 nm Wavelength of Dominant Emission (Typ.) (IF=10mA) λD 625 nm Spectral Line Full Width At Half-Maximum (Typ.) (IF=10mA) △λ 45 nm C 15 pF Capacitance (Typ.) (VF=0V, f=1MHz) Part Number UR (GaAsP/GaP) Luminous Intensity (IF=10mA) ucd min. typ. 3600 8090 Mar 24,2011 Wavelength nm λP Description 627 Common Anode, Rt. Hand Decimal. XDSA0119 SunLED Corporation V6 Layout: Maggie L. P. 1/3 Part Number: XDUR07A 7.62mm (0.3") SINGLE DIGIT NUMERIC DISPLAY UR Remarks: If special sorting is required (e.g. binning based on forward voltage, luminous intensity / luminous flux, or wavelength), the typical accuracy of the sorting process is as follows: 1. Wavelength: +/-1nm 2. Luminous Intensity / Luminous Flux: +/-15% 3. Forward Voltage: +/-0.1V Note: Accuracy may depend on the sorting parameters. Mar 24,2011 XDSA0119 SunLED Corporation V6 Layout: Maggie L. P. 2/3 Part Number: XDUR07A 7.62mm (0.3") SINGLE DIGIT NUMERIC DISPLAY PACKING & LABEL SPECIFICATIONS Mar 24,2011 XDSA0119 SunLED Corporation V6 Layout: Maggie L. P. 3/3