SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual Supported devices: SM59XX series, SM59DXX series, SM59RXX series, SM39RXX series Table of contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Top view of MSM9059 .................................................................................................................... 3 3. ISP Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 4 4. Configuration for ISP ...................................................................................................................... 5 5. ISP entry mechanism ..................................................................................................................... 7 5.1 Hardware ISP........................................................................................................................ 7 5.2 Software ISP ......................................................................................................................... 8 6. ICP introduction............................................................................................................................ 10 7. Comparison between ISP and ICP ...........................................................................................................11 8. Setup USB driver.......................................................................................................................... 12 9. SMAP settings.............................................................................................................................. 13 9.1 To select writer .................................................................................................................... 13 9.2 Automatic update for firmware............................................................................................. 14 9.3 Manual update for firmware ................................................................................................ 16 10. User interface of SMAP.............................................................................................................. 17 10.1 Operation modes............................................................................................................... 17 10.2 Connecting COM Port .......................................................................................................17 10.3 Selecting program files...................................................................................................... 17 10.4 Configuration..................................................................................................................... 18 10.4.1 Configuration option.................................................................................................. 18 10.4.2 Reading configuration ............................................................................................... 18 10.5 Buffer................................................................................................................................. 19 11. ISP tutorials ................................................................................................................................ 20 11.1 Hardware connection modes............................................................................................. 20 11.2 Manual recording............................................................................................................... 20 11.3 Power-on recording ........................................................................................................... 21 11.4 User-defined recording ...................................................................................................... 22 12. ICP tutorials................................................................................................................................ 29 13. Off-line tutorials .......................................................................................................................... 30 13.1 Off-line ICP........................................................................................................................ 30 Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 1 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 13.2 Off-line ISP........................................................................................................................ 30 Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 2 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 1 Introduction: 1.1 MSM9059 supports ICP and allows users to easily program a code into SM59DXX Series, SM39RXX Series and SM59RXX Series without having to program the ISP Service CODE into Target IC. The product also supports SM59XX Series, SM59DXX Series, SM39RXX Series and SM59RXX Series ISP. 1.2 Supportable interfaces: USB. 2 Top view of MSM9059: ISP Interface VCC GND N/A RxD TxD Button USB Plug ICP(2-Wires) ICP(3-Wires) VCC VCC GND GND N/A(or RST) TRIG OCI_SCL CLK OCI_SDA DATA POWER(Red LED) GOOD(Green LED) BUSY(Yellow LED) FAIL(Red LED) Note: MSM9059 can’t provide Vcc power to target board, but must connect to the target board’s VCC. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 3 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 3 ISP introduction: ISP (In-system programming) is a function that allows user to directly update MCU code on system board. For example, With ISP firmware code residing in MCU, user can select RS-232 or USB to execute functions of erase and program for MCU. Before user uses ISP, it is essential to program an appropriate ISP firmware code to MCU with writer first. COM Port UART UART converter board or USB Port USB UART converter board Windows application program User’s code {…… If(…) ISP(); …..} ISP code ISP system diagram SyncMOS provides application program and ISP source code for customer. ICs have included ISP code before shipping, exclusive of SM59R08/16A2 and SM39R02/04G1. For SM59R08/16A2 and SM39R02/04G1 ISP requirement, please contact SycMOS or agent. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 4 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 4 Configuration for ISP: If IC has been erased by universal programmer, please re-programming ISP code with universal programmer. The user should configure the MCU by the below steps: 4.1 SM59XX and SM59DXX series: Set N=1 with universal programmer. 4.2 SM59RXX (exclusive of SM59R08/16A2) and SM39RXX: Set N=2 with universal programmer. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 5 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 4.3 Load ISP bin file according to your IC model, then execute programming action. ISP codes attach in SMAP setup directory “C:\Program Files\SyncMOS\SyncMOS Writers\SMAP\ISP”. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 6 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 5 ISP entry mechanism: 5.1 Hardware ISP: Using IC’s internal hardware mechanism to enter the ISP code area. IC model First address $0000=FFH P2.6/P2.7 = 0 P4.3 = 0 Rx inputs 2 clocks No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Standard package SM5964 SM5964A SM59128 SM592654 SM59D03/04G2 SM59R08/16A2 SM59R02/03/04A1 SM59R04A2 SM59R05/09/16A3 SM59R05/09/16A5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes SM59R05/09/16G6 Yes Yes Yes SM59R01/02G1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Low pin count package SM39R20/4051 Yes No P1.5 = 0 Yes SM39R02/04G1 Yes No P1.5 = 0 Yes SM39R08/12/16A2 Yes Yes P1.6 = 0 Yes 5.1.1 “First address $0000=FFH”: Reset with first flash address blank ($0000=#FFH) will load the PC counter with start address of ISP code area. 5.1.2 “P2.6/P2.7 = 0”: User can force IC enter ISP code area by setting P2.6, P2.7 “active low” during reset period. 5.1.3 “P4.3 = 0”: User can force IC enter ISP code area by setting P4.3 “active low” during reset period. The DIP package has no port 4, so QFP package and PLCC package support this function. 5.1.4 “Rx inputs 2 clocks”: Rx will be detected the two clock signals during hardware reset period. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 7 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 5.2 Software ISP: Execute jump instruction can load the start address of the ISP code area to PC counter. For example, insert Gotoisp.a51 in the project of Keil C, as shown in picture: Gotoisp.a51: ; GOTOISP.A51 NAME GOTOISP ?PR?GotoIsp?GOTOISP SEGMENT CODE PUBLIC GotoIsp RSEG ?PR?GotoIsp?GOTOISP USING 0 GotoIsp: LJMP 03E00H ;isp start address END User’s program: #include <….h> … extern void GoToIsp(void); … void main(void) { if(P4.3 = = 0) { GoToIsp(); } … … } Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 8 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual Note: ※ Please modify LJMP ISP start address according to IC model. ※ SM59XX Series and SM59DXX Series using Timer1 as baud rate generator in ISP service code. If using Timer2 as baud rate generator, please write T2CON = 0x00 before jumping ISP to avoid occupying UART port. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 9 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 6 ICP introduction: ICP(In Circuit Programming) is a method of directly programming. ISP must have ISP boot code in the IC, but ICP don’t need ISP boot code because built-in the hardware structure of IC. ICP Interface MSM9059 USB Port Windows application program SMAP ICP diagram Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 10 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 7 Comparison between ISP and ICP: Items ISP ICP(3-Wires interface) ICP(2-Wires interface) SM5964 SM5964A SM59128 SM592654 SM59R02/03/04A1 SM59D03/04G2 SM59R04A2 SM59R08/16A2 SM59D03G2 SM59R05/09/16A3 SM59R02/03/04A1 SM59D04G2 SM59R05/09/16A5 Supported IC SM59R04A2 SM59R08A2 SM59R05/09/16G6 SM59R05/09/16A3 SM59R16A2 SM39R20/4051 SM59R05/09/16A5 SM39R02/04G1 SM59R05/09/16G6 SM39R08/12/16A2 SM59R01/02G1 SM39R20/4051 SM39R02/04G1 SM39R08/12/16A2 Update IC Only SM59RXX supported, Yes Yes configuration exclusive of SM59R08/16A2. Only SM59R08/16A2 not IC protect Yes Yes supported. Interface GND,RX,TX,VCC VCC,GND,TRIG,CLK,DATA VCC,GND,OCI_SCL,OCI_SDA 1. Needed 0.5k ISP code. 2. ICs have included ISP code before shipping, Note N/A N/A exclusive of SM59R08/ 16A2 and SM39R02/ 04G1. User can use RS-232 or USB Advantages to execute functions of erase Not needed ISP code Not needed ISP code and program for MCU. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 11 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 8 Setup USB driver: You can find PL-2303 USB Driver in start menu. Please click “PL-2303 Driver Installer” to install. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 12 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 9 SMAP settings: 9.1 To select writer: 9.1.1 There is SMAP shortcut on desktop after installing SMAP. 9.1.2 When first open SMAP, you can select MSM9059 or MSM9171. Please select MSM9059 then click <OK>. 9.1.3 SMAP will pop up main window. You can change writer, language or update firmware in the setting window. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 13 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 9.2 Automatic update for firmware: 9.2.1 Enter [Recording Mode] then click <Connect>. If your firmware of MSM9059 is not fit the version of SMAP, SMAP will pop up updating firmware window. Please follow flow chart to update your firmware. 9.2.2 Select FW-9059VXXX.hex then click <Open>. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 14 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 9.2.3 SMAP shows “Clear offline data succeeded!” means finished firmware update. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 15 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 9.3 Manual update for firmware: 9.3.1 If automatic update failed, you must use manual update. You must push down the button and plug MSM9059 into a USB port at the same time. Then click <Update> button. 9.3.2 Select FW-9059VXXX.hex then click <Open>. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 16 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 10 User interface of SMAP: 10.1 Operation modes: 10.1.1 On-line ISP: MSM9059 must connect to PC and program by UART. Please set frequency according to the target frequency. 10.1.2 Off-line ISP: You can send code to MSM9059 before programming. MSM9059 doesn’t connect to PC during ISP programming. 10.1.3 On-line ICP: MSM9059 must connect to PC and program by IIC. 10.1.4 Off-line ICP: You can send code to MSM9059 before programming. MSM9059 doesn’t connect to PC during ICP programming. 10.2 Connecting COM Port: Click <Connect> to link PC and MSM9059. 10.3 Selecting program files: 10.3.1 Click <Select> then SMAP will pop up “Select Program File(s)” window. Click <Open> to load your file. (XXX.HEX or XXX.BIN) Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 17 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 10.3.2 When you need to load main code and ISP code together, you can load code and ISP separately. 10.4 Configuration: 10.4.1 Configuration option: Please set needed option. MSM9059 will program configuration during program process. 10.4.2 Reading configuration: Click “Reading configuration” icon to read configuration. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 18 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 10.5 Buffer: 10.5.1 File Content: Click to open file buffer. 10.5.2 MCU Content: Click to open MCU buffer. 10.5.3 Save: The code will be saved as bin file. 10.5.4 Refresh: The code of file will be displayed to file buffer. 10.5.5 Refresh: The code of MCU will be displayed to MCU buffer. File buffer MCU buffer Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 19 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 11 ISP tutorials: 11.1 Hardware connection modes: VCC GND Rx Tx 11.1.1 Please set your frequency of the target board. 11.2 Manual recording: 11.2.1 Please let MCU enter ISP mode by hardware or software mechanism. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 20 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 11.2.2 Set chip, frequency, comport, and select <Manual>. 11.2.3 Select hex file or bin file and tick wanted functions of the recording block, then click <Autorun>. If you want single step operation, you merely click <Scan>, <Chip Erase>, <Program>, <Protect>, <MCU Reset>. 11.3 Power-on recording: (1) User can easily program IC through SMAP software, as long as power on user’s target board. SM59RXX and SM39RXX series have the ISP entry mechanism of Rx inputting 2 clocks, exclusive of SM59R08/16A2. Other models need software method to detect Rx. If it receive 5 commands of 0x69, PC counter will jump to address of ISP code area. (2) Press “Autorun” then SMAP will display “Detecting… …(0%)”. Please reset MCU or power on your target board, SMAP will start programming. (3) When finish programming, SMAP shows “MCU Reset Succeeded!”. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 21 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 11.4 User-defined recording: User can define command as entry ISP password through SMAP software to run programming. 11.4.1 Operating steps: (1) Program sample code and ISP code into the IC. (2) Power on your target board and connect to your MSM9059. (3) Select “User-defined” and set baud rate speed according to customer’s transmission speed. For example, we select 115200bps due to the sample code using 115200bps. (4) Load sample code into SMAP. Key in your user-defined command into SMAP according to your receive command of UART interrupt subroutine. User-defined command length range is between 1~32 byte, and data type is hexadecimal. (5) Press “Autorun” then SMAP will start programming. When finish programming, SMAP shows “MCU Reset Succeeded!”. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 22 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 11.4.2 Flowchart: PC MCU SMAP Initial UART Run customer's main code NO Send user-defined command Receive data YES Enter UART interrupt NO Check data = userdefined data YES NO Check data number = nCommandLength YES NO Receive ACK Send 0x5A YES Fail Start ISP erase, program, protect, reset LJMP ISP address Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 23 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 11.4.3 Sample code: (1) Keil C: Description main.c (Main program) //This sample code included main.c、GoToISP_Low.A51 #include "SM59D04G2.h" #define nCommandLength 32 #define nAckCommand 0x5A unsigned char Uart CmdCount; unsigned char code CommandArray[nCommandLength]= {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32}; extern GoToISP_Low(); void delayms(unsigned int mscnt) { unsigned int i; while(mscnt--) { for(i= 0;i<250;i++); } } void init_UART_timer1(unsigned char BR) { SCON = 0x50; //SCON: serail mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable receive TMOD = 0x22; //TMOD: timer 1, mode 2, 8-bit reload PCON = 0x80; //SMOD = 1; TH1 = BR; //Baud:57600 fosc= 22.1184MHz TR1 = 1 ; //timer 1 run EA = 1; //all interrupt enable ES = 1; //UART enable } void init_UART_timer2(unsigned int T2value) { } RCAP2L = (char)T2value; RCAP2H = (char)(T2value>>8); T2CON = 0x34; SCON = 0x50; EA = 1; //all interrupt enable ES = 1; //UART enable void main(void) { init_UART_timer2(0xFFFA);//choise Timer 1 or Timer 2 as baud rate generator //init_UART_timer1(0xFF); //SyncMOS_GoToISP via UART //TH1 = 0xFF; //12T, 3.579MHz(19200), 11.0592MHz(57600) // 6T, 3.579MHz(38400), 11.0592MHz(115200) Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 24 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual //TH1 = 0xFE; //TH1 = 0xFD; //TH1 = 0xFC; //TH1 = 0xFB; //TH1 = 0xF7; //TH1 = 0xF5; //TH1 = 0xF3; // // } GoToISP_Low. A51 while(1) { P0 = 0xF0; P0 = 0x0F; P2 = 0xF0; P2 = 0x0F; } //12T, 14.31818MHz(38400), 22.1184MHz(57600), 14.7456MHz(38400) // 6T, 22.1184MHz(115200) //12T, 4MHz(7200), 8MHz(14400), 8.192MHz(14400), 16MHz(28800) // 6T, 4MHz(14400),8MHz(28800), 8.192MHz(28800), 16MHz(57600) // // 6T, 14.31818MHz(38400), 14.7456MHz(38400) //12T, 18.432MHz(19200) // 6T, 18.432MHz(38400) //12T, 24.576MHz(14400), 25MHz(14400) // 6T, 24.576MHz(28800), 25MHz(28800) //12T, 20MHz(9600) // 6T, 20MHz(19200) //12T, 6MHz(2400), 12MHz(4800), 24MHz(9600) // 6T, 6MHz(4800), 12MHz(9600), 24MHz(19200) delayms(300); delayms(300); delayms(300); delayms(300); void serial(void) interrupt 4 { if(RI) { if(SBUF == CommandArray[UartCmdCount]) UartCmdCount++; else UartCmdCount=0; RI = 0 ; if(UartCmdCount==nCommandLength) { IE = 0x00; //disabling interrupt SBUF = nAckCommand; while(!TI); TI = 0; T2CON = 0x00; //disabling T2 because using T1 baud rate generator in ISP code GoToISP_Low(); //LJMP 3E00H ISP code address } } else TI=0; } ; GoToISP_Low.A51 NAME GoToISP_Low ?PR?GoToISP_Low?GOTOISP_LOW SEGMENT CODE PUBLIC GoToISP_Low RSEG ?PR?GoT oISP_Low?GOTOISP_LOW USING 0 GoToISP_Low: MOV DPTR,#3E00H ;LJMP 3E00H ISP code address Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 25 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual PUSH DPL PUSH DPH RETI END (2) Assembly: Description Main program nCommandLength EQU 32 ;setting command length by user UARTCmdCount EQU 20H T2CON EQ U 0C8H RCAP2L EQU 0CAH RCAP2H EQU 0CBH ORG 0000H AJMP ISP_Entry ORG 0023H AJMP UART_INTERRUPT ISP_Entry: ACALL SyncMOS_GoToISP ;initial setting ;;; ;;; main code start ;;; /* LED display demo */ MOV DPTR,#TABLE_01 ;DPTR point to data area START: MOV R0,#0 ; MOV R1,#8 ;8 datas LOOP: MOV A,R0 ;put R0 contect to A MOVC A,@A+DPTR ;use indirect address get data, and put into A MOV P0,A ;put ACC to Port 0 MOV P1,A ;put ACC to Port 1 ACALL DELAY100MS ;delay 0.1 second INC R0 ;R0 point to next data DJNZ R1,LOOP ;if R1 != 0 then jump to LOOP SJMP START ;if R1=0 then jump to START ;;; dealy subroutine DELAY100MS: MOV R5,#10 ;Dealy 10x10ms=100ms DELAY10MS: MOV R6,#50 ;delay time 10ms @ 11.0592MHz DELAY01: MOV R7,#99 DJNZ R7,$ ; Inner loop delay DJNZ R6,DELAY01 ; DJNZ R5,DELAY10MS RET ;;; TABLE_01: DB 11100111B DB 11000011B DB 10000001B Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 26 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual DB DB DB DB DB 00000000B 10000001B 11000011B 11100111B 11111111B ;;; ;;; main code End ;;; ;;; ;;; SyncMOS_GoToISP Subroutine ;;; SyncMOS_GoToISP: ;;;======UART Timer1 setting============= ;MOV TMOD,#00100001B ;Timer 1 is mode1 is mode 2, Timer 0 is mode 1 ;;; ;MOV TH1,#0FFH ;baud rate, 12T, 3.579MHz(19200), 11.0592MHz(57600) ; 6T , 3.579MHz(38400), 11.0592MHz(115200) ;MOV TH1,#0FEH ;baud rate, 12T, 14.31818MHz(38400), 22.1184MHz(57600), 14.7456MHz(38400) ; 6T, 22.1184MHz(115200) ;MOV TH1,#0FDH ;baud rate, 12T, 4MHz(7200), 8MHz(14400), 8.192MHz(14400), 16MHz(28800) ; 6T , 4MHz(14400),8MHz(28800), 8.192MHz(28800), 16MHz(57600) ;MOV TH1,#0FCH ;baud rate, ; 6T , 14.31818MHz(38400), 14.7456MHz(38400) ;MOV TH1,#0FBH ;baud rate, 12T, 18.432MHz(19200) ; 6T, 18.432MHz(38400) ;MOV TH1,#0F7H ;baud rate, 12T, 24.576MHz(14400), 25MHz(14400) ; 6T , 24.576MHz(28800), 25MHz(28800) ;MOV TH1,#0F5H ;baud rate, 12T, 20MHz(9600) ; 6T, 20MHz(19200) ;MOV TH1,#0F3H ;baud rate, 12T, 6MHz(2400), 12MHz(4800), 24MHz(9600) ; 6T , 6MHz(4800), 12MHz(9600), 24MHz(19200) ;SETB TR1 ;enable Timer 1 ;MOV PCON,#10000000B ;set SMOD = 1 ;;;====================================== ;;; ;;;======UART Timer2 setting============= ;choise Timer 1 or Timer 2 as baud rate generator MOV RCAP2H,#0FFH MOV RCAP2L,#0FAH MOV T2CON,#34H ;;;====================================== MOV SCON,#01010000B ;serial mode 1, REN=1, TI=0, RI=0 MOV IE,#90H ;enable UART interrupt MOV UARTCmdCount,#00H RET UART_INTERRUPT: JB RI,RX ; if RI=1 jump RX,else clear TI CLR TI RETI RX: CLR RI Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 27 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual PUSH ACC PUSH DPL PUSH DPH MOV A,UARTCmdCount MOV DPTR,#COMMAND_TABLE MOVC A,@A+DPTR CJNE A,SBUF,CLR_UARTCmdCount INC UARTCmdCount MOV A,UARTCmdCount CJNE A,#nCommandLength,RETURN CLR EA MOV SBUF,#5AH ;transmit ack MOV DPTR,#3E00H ;LJMP 3E00H ISP code address PUSH DPL PUSH DPH JNB TI,$ CLR TI MOV T2CON,#00H ;disabling T2 because using T1 baud rate generator in ISP code RETI CLR_UARTCmdCount: MOV UARTCmdCount,#00H RETURN: POP DPH POP DPL POP ACC RETI COMMAND_TABLE: DB 01H,02H,03H,04H,05H,06H,07H,08H ;to define command by user DB 09H,10H,11H,12H,13H,14H,15H,16H DB 17H,18H,19H,20H,21H,22H,23H,24H DB 25H,26H,27H,28H,29H,30H,31H,32H END Note: ※ The sample codes attach in SMAP setup directory “C:\Program Files\SyncMOS\ SyncMOS Writers\SMAP\OnlineUpdate\User-defined”. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 28 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 12 ICP tutorials: 12.1 Please connect OCI_SCL, OCI_SDA, VCC, GND with MSM9059. Press “Autorun” then SMAP will start ICP programming. VCC GND OCI_SCL OCI_SDA 12.2 If OCI_SCL、OCI_SDA as GPIO, that caused enter ICP mode failed. As long as enter ICP mode during power-on. (1) Please power off your target board. (2) Press “Autorun” then SMAP will display “Detecting… …(0%)”. Please reset MCU or power on your target board, SMAP will start programming. (3) When finish programming, SMAP shows “MCU Reset Succeeded!”. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 29 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 13 Off-line tutorials: 13.1 Off-line ICP: 13.1.1 Select the tasks you want to perform and click <Autorun> to allow the MSM9059 record all of the source code into its flash. Then, the massage will pop up: Transmitting succeeded! 13.1.2 Disconnect USB and press button to perform off-line recording. During the recording. LED will flash yellow until the task is finished. When the LED turn green, the off-line recording task is completed. If OCI_SCL、OCI_SDA as GPIO, as long as enter ICP mode during power-on. 13.2 Off-line ISP: 13.2.1 Select the tasks you want to perform and click <Autorun> to allow the MSM9059 record all of the source code into its flash. Then, the massage will pop up: Transmitting succeeded! Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 30 Ver. A 2011/04 SyncMOS MSM9059 User’s Manual 13.2.2 Disconnect USB and press button to perform off-line recording. During the recording. LED will flash yellow until the task is finished. When the LED turn green, the off-line recording task is completed. Specifications subject to change without notice, contact your sales representatives for the most recent information. ISSFT-0041 31 Ver. A 2011/04