TIGER ELECTRONIC CO.,LTD Octal High Voltage,High Current Darlington Transistor Arrays ULN2803APG/AFWG DESCRIPTIONS: The eight NPN Da rlington connected transistors in th is fa mily of a rrays are ideally suited for interfacing between low logic level digital circuitry (such as TTL, CMOS or PMOS/NM OS) and the higher current/voltage requiremen ts of lamps, relays, printer hamme rs or other DIP18 si milar loads for a broad range of computer, industrial, and consu mer applications. All devices feature open–co llector ou tputs and free wheeling clamp diodes SOP18 for transient suppression The ULN2803 is designed to be co mp atible with standard TTL fa milies while the ULN2804 is optimized for 6 to 15 volt high level CMOS or PMOS. PIN CONNECTION 1/6 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ( T A = 25°C and rating apply to any one device in th e package, unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Valu e Unit Output voltage VO 50 V Input voltage VI 30 V Collector current- continuous IC 500 mA Base current- continuous IB 25 mA Operating te mperature Topr 0~ 70 °C Storage temperature Tstg -55 ~ +1 50 °C Junction temperature TJ 125 °C * R θ J A =55°C/W Do not exceed maxi mu m current li mit per driver. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (unless otherwise specified: T A =2 5°C) Characteristics Output leakage current (Fig.1) Collector-Emitter saturation voltage (Fig.2) Input current - on condition (Fig.4) Input voltage - on condition (Fig.5) Input current - off condition (Fig.3 ) Input capacitance Turn-on delay time (50% E I to 50% E O ) Turn-off delay ti me (50% E I to 50% E O ) Symbol I CEX V CE(sat) I I(on) V I(on) I I(off) Test conditions Min Typ Max Vo =50V, T A =70°C 100 Vo =50V, T A =25°C 50 Ic=350mA,I B =500µA 1.1 1.6 Ic=200mA,I B =350µA 0.95 1.3 Ic=100mA,I B =250µA 0.85 1.1 V I =3.85V 1.1 1.35 V C E =2.0V, I C =200mA 1.70 2.4 V C E =2.0V, I C =250mA 1.75 2.7 V C E =2.0V, I C =300mA 1.80 3.0 I C =500µA, T A =70°C 50 100 Unit µA V mA V µA CI 15 25 pF ton 0.25 1.0 µs t o ff 0.25 1.0 µs Clamp diode leak ag e current (V R =50V) (Fig.6) IR Clamp diode forward Vo ltage (Fig.7) VF T A =25°C 50 T A =70°C 100 I F =3 5 0 mA 1.5 2.0 µA V 2/6 ULN2803APG / AFWG TEST CIRCUIT 3/6 ULN2803APG/AFWG TYPICAL CURVE 4/6 ULN2803APG/AFWG OUTLINE DRAWING DIP18 Un it: mm 5/6 ULN2803APG/AFWG SOP18 Unit:mm 6/6