418.00 MHZ SAW FILTER • • • • • Designed to Provide Front-end selectivity in 418.00 MHz Low-Loss, Coupled-Resonator Quartz Design Simple External Impedance Matching Rugged, Hermetic, Low Profile TO-39 Package Complies with Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS Compliant) SF418 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING (TA=25°C) Parameter Rating Unit CW RF Power Dissipation Pmax +10 dBm DC Voltage VDC Between Any Two Pins VDC ±30 V Operating Temperature Range TA -10 ~ +60 °C Storage Temperature Range Tstg -40 ~ +85 °C ELECTRONIC CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Sym Minimum Typical Maximum Unit fC NS 418.00 NS MHz Insertion Loss IL - 3.5 5.0 dB 3dB Passband BW3 - 600 800 KHz Δα - - ±1.0 dB at fC - 21.4 MHz (Image) - 40 50 - dB at fC - 10.7 MHz (LO) - 20 30 - dB Ultimate - - 60 - dB °C Nominal Frequency (at 25°C) (Center frequency between 3dB point) Passband Ripple Rejection Temperature Stability Operating Temperature Range TC -10 - +60 Turnover Temperature TO 25 - 55 °C Turnover Frequency fO - fC - MHz FTC - 0.032 - ppm/C |fA| - - 10 ppm/yr - 1.0 - - MΩ Frequency Temperature Coefficient Frequency Aging Absolute Value during the First Year DC Insulation Resistance Between any Two Pins 2 NS = Not Specified Notes: 1. The frequency fC is defined as the midpoint between the 3dB frequencies. 2. Unless noted otherwise, all measurements are made with the filter installed in the specified test fixture that is connected to a 50Ω test system with VSWR ≤ 1.2:1. The test fixture L and C are adjusted for minimum insertion loss at the filter center frequency, fC. Note that insertion loss, bandwidth, and passband shape are dependent on the impedance matching component values and quality. 5. Turnover temperature, T0, is the temperature of maximum (or turnover) frequency, f0. The nominal frequency at any case temperature, TC, may be calculated from: f = f0 [1 - FTC (T0 - TC)2]. 6. The specifications of this device are based on the test circuit shown above and subject to change or obsolescence without notice. 7. All equipment designs utilizing this product must be approved by the appropriate government agency prior to manufacture or sale. 3. Unless noted otherwise, specifications apply over the entire specified operating temperature range. 8. 4. Frequency aging is the change in fC with time and is specified at +65°C or less. Aging may exceed the specification for prolonged temperatures above +65°C. Typically, aging is greatest the first year after manufacture, decreasing in subsequent years. Our liability is only assumed for the Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) component(s) per se, not for applications, processes and circuits implemented within components or assemblies. 9. For questions on technology, prices and delivery please contact our sales offices or email to sales@vanlong.com. Phone: +86 (10) 5820-3910 SF418 © VANLONG TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Fax: +86 (10) 5820-3915 Revision Version 1 January 11, 2010 Email: sales@vanlong.com Web: http://www.vanlong.com Page 1 of 3 418.00 MHZ SAW FILTER PACKAGE DIMENSIONS (TO-39) Electrical Connections Terminals 1 2 3 Connection Input/Output Output/Input Case Ground Package Dimensions Dimensions A B C D E F G MARKING Nom. (mm) 9.35 3.40 3.00 0.45 5.08 2.54 Tol. (mm) ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.20 ±0.10 ±0.10 ±0.20 0.45 TEST CIRCUIT Ink or Laser Marking SF418 YWW 1. SF418 - Part Code 2. Date Code: Y : Last digit of year WW : Week No. C = 13 pF* Ls1 = Ls2 = 5 tunes of insulated copper, 3.0mm ID TYPICAL FREQUENCY RESPONSE Phone: +86 (10) 5820-3910 SF418 © VANLONG TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Fax: +86 (10) 5820-3915 Revision Version 1 January 11, 2010 Email: sales@vanlong.com Web: http://www.vanlong.com Page 2 of 3 418.00 MHZ SAW FILTER ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS Item Condition of Test Requirements Random Drop The Filter shall be measured after 3 times random drops from the height of 1.0M on concrete floor. Vibration The Filter shall be measured after being applied vibration of amplitude of 1.5mm with 10 to 55Hz bands of vibration frequency to each of 3 perpendicular directions for 1 hour. Lead Pulling Test Weight a long with the direction of lead without any shock 1.0 Kg. Lead bending Test Lead shall be subject to withstand against 90 bending at its stem. This operation shall be done toward both directions. Resistance to Soldering Heat Lead terminals are immersed up to 1.5mm from the Filter’s body in solder bath of 270°C ± 10°C for 10 ± 1 seconds, and then the Filter shall be measured after being placed in natural condition for 2 hour. Solderability Lead terminals are immersed in resin for 5 seconds and then immersed in soldering bath of 270°C ± 10°C for 2 ± 0.5 seconds. High Temperature After being placed in a chamber with +85°C ± 2°C for 96 ± 4 hours and then being placed in natural condition for 2 hour. The Filter shall be measured. Low Temperature After being placed in a chamber with -40°C ± 2°C for 96 ± 4 hours and then being placed in natural condition for 2 hour. The Filter shall be measured. Humidity After being placed in a chamber with 90 to 95% R.H. at +40°C ± 2°C for 96 ± 4 hours and then being placed in natural condition for 2 hour. The Filter shall be measured. Heat Shock After being kept at room temperature, the Filter shall be placed at temperature of -40°C for 30 minutes, then the Filter shall be immediately placed at temperature of 85°C, after 30 minutes at temperature of 85°C, the Filter shall be returned to -40°C again. After 5 times above cycles, the Filter shall be returned to room temperature, after 2 hour in natural condition, the Filter shall be measured. No visible damage and the measured values shall meet the Electronic Characteristics REFLOW SOLDERING TEMPERATURE PROFILE Phone: +86 (10) 5820-3910 SF418 © VANLONG TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Fax: +86 (10) 5820-3915 Revision Version 1 January 11, 2010 Email: sales@vanlong.com Web: http://www.vanlong.com Page 3 of 3