ACS8525 LC/P Line Card Protection Switch for SONET/SDH Systems ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS Description FINAL Features The ACS8525 is a highly integrated, single-chip solution for “Hit-less” protection switching of SEC (SDH/SONET Equipment Clock) + Sync clock “Groups”, from Master and Slave SETS clock cards and a third (Stand-by) source, for Line Cards in a SONET or SDH Network Element. The ACS8525 has fast activity monitors on the SEC clock inputs and will implement automatic system protection switching against the Master clock failure. The selection of the Master/Slave input can be forced by a Force Fast Switch pin. If both the Master and Slave input clocks fail, the Stand-by “Group” is selected or, if no Stand-by is available, the device enters Digital Holdover mode. The ACS8525 can perform frequency translation, converting, for example, an 8 kHz SEC input clock from a backplane into a 155.52 MHz clock for local line cards. Master and Slave SEC inputs to the device support TTL/CMOS and PECL/LVDS. The Stand-by SEC and three Sync inputs are TTL/CMOS only. The ACS8525 generates two SEC clock outputs, via one PECL/LVDS and one TTL/CMOS port, with spot frequencies from 2 kHz up to 311.04 MHz (up to 155.52 MHz on the TTL/CMOS port). It also provides an 8 kHz Frame Sync and a 2 kHz Multi-Frame Sync signal output with programmable pulse width and polarity. The ACS8525 includes a Serial Port, which can be SPI compatible, providing access to the configuration and status registers for device setup. IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Boundary Scan is supported. Block Diagram PRODUCT BRIEF SONET/SDH applications up to OC-3/STM-1 bit rates Switches between grouped inputs (SEC/Sync pairs) Inputs: three SECs at any of 2, 4, 8 kHz (and N x 8 kHz multiples up to 155.52 MHz), plus Frame Sync/MultiFrame Sync Outputs: two SEC clocks at any of several spot frequencies from 2 kHz up to 77.76 MHz via the TTL/CMOS port and up to 311.04 MHz via the PECL/LVDS port Selectable clock I/O port technologies Modes for E3/DS3 and multiple E1/DS1 rate output clocks Generates 8 kHz Frame Sync and 2 kHz Multi-Frame Sync output clocks with programmable pulse width and polarity Frequency translation of SEC input clock to a different local line card clock Robust input clock source activity monitoring on all inputs Supports Free-run, Locked and Digital Holdover modes of operation Automatic “Hit-less” source switchover on loss of input External force fast switch between SEC1/SEC2 inputs Phase Build-out for output clock phase continuity during input switchover PLL “Locked” and “Acquisition” bandwidths individually selectable from 18, 35 or 70 Hz Serial interface for device set-up Single 3.3 V operation, 5 V I/O compatible Operating temperature (ambient) of -40 to +85°C Available in LQFP 64 package Figure 1 Block Diagram of the ACS8525 LC/P 3 x SEC/Sync Input Groups SEC1 & SEC2: TTL/PECL/LVDS, SEC3 and all Syncs TTL only SEC1 Master SYNC1 SEC2 Slave SYNC2 SEC3 MUX 2 Selector APLL3 SYNC3 SEC Inputs: Programmable Frequencies 2 kHz, 4 kHz, TCK N x 8 kHz TDI 1.544/2.048 MHz TMS 6.48 MHz TRST 19.44 MHz TDO 25.92 MHz 38.88 MHz 51.84 MHz 77.76 MHz 155.52 MHz IEEE 1149.1 JTAG Chip Clock Generator APLL2 Priority Register Set Table TCXO or XO 02 (TTL) Output Port Frequency Selection Digital Feedback E1/DS1 Synthesis Stand-by SEC Outputs: 01 (PECL/LVDS) DPLL2 DPLL1 Input SEC Port Monitors and Input Selection Control MUX 1 Sync Outputs: MFrSync 2 kHz (TTL) APLL 1 Serial Interface Port FrSync 8 kHz (TTL) 01 and 02: E1/DS1 (2.048/1.544 MHz) and frequency multiples: 1.5x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 6x, 12x, 16x, and 24x E1/DS1 E3/DS3, 2 kHz, 8 kHz. and OC-N* rates: OC-1 51.84 MHz OC-3 155.52 MHz and derivatives: 6.48 MHz (O2 port only) 19.44 MHz, 25.92 MHz, 38.88 MHz, 51.84 MHz, 77.76 MHz, 155.52 MHz (01 port only) 311.04 MHz (01 port only) F8525D_001BLOCKDIA_05 Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. Page 1 ACS8525 LC/P ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS Pin Diagram FINAL Table 1 Power Pins (cont...) Figure 2 ACS8525 Pin Diagram 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 SONSDHB IC6 IC5 IC4 IC3 NC2 AGND4 VA3+ O2 NC1 VDD7 DGND6 SDO TDI TDO TCK Pin No. AGND1 IC1 AGND2 VA1+ INTREQ REFCLK DGND1 VD1+ VD2+ DGND2 DGND3 VD3+ SRCSW VA2+ AGND3 IC2 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 ACS8525 LC/P PORB SCLK VDD6 VDD5 CSB SDI CLKE TMS DGND5 VDD4 VDD3 TRST VDD2 SYNC3 SEC3 SYNC2 Symbol I/O Type Description 7, 10, 11 DGND1, DGND2, DGND3 P - Supply Ground: Digital ground for components in PLLs. 31, 40, 53 DGND4, DGND5, DGND6 P - Supply Ground: Digital ground for logic. 21 GND_DIFF P - Supply Ground: Digital ground for differential ports. 1, 3 AGND1, AGND2 P - Supply Ground: Analog grounds. Note...I = Input, O = Output, P = Power, TTLU = TTL input with pull-up resistor, TTLD = TTL input with pull-down resistor. Table 2 Internally Connected and Not Connected Pins Pin No. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 FrSync MFrSync O1POS O1NEG GND_DIFF VDD_DIFF SEC1POS SEC1NEG SEC2POS SEC2NEG VDD5V SYNC1 SEC1 SEC2 DGND4 VDD1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 12 13 14 15 16 PRODUCT BRIEF Symbol I/O Type 2, 16, IC1, IC2, 60, 61, IC3, IC4, 62, 63 IC5, IC6, - - Internally Connected: Leave to float. 55, 59 - - Not Connected: Leave to float. NC1, NC2 Description F8525D_002PINDIAG_02 Table 3 Other Pins Pin No. Pin Description Table 1 Power Pins Pin No. Description Symbol I/O Type Description 5 INTREQ O TTL/CMOS Interrupt Request: Active High/Low software Interrupt output. 6 REFCLK I TTL Reference Clock: 12.800 MHz. Symbol I/O Type 8, 9, 12 VD1+, VD2+, VD3+ P - Supply Voltage: Digital supply to gates in analog section, +3.3 Volts ±10%. 13 SRCSW I TTLD Source Switching: Force Fast Source Switching on SEC1 and SEC2. 22 VDD_DIFF P - Supply Voltage: Digital supply for differential output pins 19 and 20, +3.3 Volts ±10%. 17 FrSync O TTL/CMOS Output Reference: 8 kHz Frame Sync output. 27 VDD5V P - Digital Supply for +5 Volts Tolerance to Input Pins. Connect to +5 Volts (±10%) for clamping to +5 Volts. Connect to VDD for clamping to +3.3 Volts. Leave floating for no clamping. Input pins tolerant up to +5.5 Volts. 18 MFrSync O TTL/CMOS Output Reference: 2 kHz Multi-Frame Sync output. 19, 20 O1POS, O1NEG O LVDS/PECL Output Reference: Programmable, default 38.88 MHz, LVDS. 23, 24 SEC1_POS, SEC1_NEG I PECL/LVDS Input Reference: Programmable, default 19.44 MHz, PECL. 25, 26 SEC2_POS, SEC2_NEG I PECL/LVDS Input Reference: Programmable, default 19.44 MHz PECL. 28 SYNC1 I TTLD (Master) Multi-Frame Sync 2kHz Input: Connect to 2 or 8 kHz Multi-Frame Sync output of Master SETS. 29 SEC1 I TTLD (Master) Input Reference: Programmable, default 8 kHz. 32, 36, 38, 39, 45, 46, 54 VDD1, VDD2, VDD3, VDD4, VDD5, VDD6, VDD7 P - Supply Voltage: Digital supply to logic, +3.3 Volts ±10%. 4 VA1+ P - Supply Voltage: Analog supply to clock multiplying PLL, +3.3 Volts ±10%. 14, 57 VA2+, VA3+ 15, 58 AGND3, AGND4 P - Supply Voltage: Analog supply to output PLLs APLL2 and APPL1, +3.3 Volts ±10%. - Supply Ground: Analog ground for output PLLs APLL2 and APPL1. Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. Page 2 ACS8525 LC/P ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS Table 3 Other Pins (cont...) Pin No. Symbol I/O Type FINAL Introduction Description 30 SEC2 I TTLD (Slave) Input Reference: Programmable, default 8 kHz. 33 SYNC2 I TTLD (Slave) Multi-Frame Sync 2 kHz: Connect to 2 or 8 kHz Multi-Frame Sync output of Slave SETS. 34 SEC3 I TTLD (Stand-by) Input Reference: External standby reference clock source, programmable, default 19.44 MHz. 35 SYNC3 I TTLD (Stand-by) Input Reference: External standby 2 or 8 kHz Multi-Frame Sync clock source. 37 TRST I TTLD JTAG Control Reset Input: TRST = 1 to enable JTAG Boundary Scan mode. TRST = 0 is Boundary Scan stand-by mode, still allowing normal device operation (JTAG logic transparent). NC if not used. 41 TMS I TTLD JTAG Test Mode Select: Boundary Scan enable. Sampled on rising edge of TCK. NC if not used. 42 CLKE I TTLD SCLK Edge Select: SCLK active edge select, CLKE = 1, selects falling edge of SCLK to be active. 43 SDI I TTLD Serial Interface Address: Serial Data Input. 44 CSB I TTLU Chip Select (Active Low): This pin is asserted Low by the microprocessor to enable the microprocessor interface. 47 SCLK I TTLD Serial Data Clock. When this pin goes High data is latched from SDI pin. 48 PORB I TTLU Power-On Reset: Master reset. If PORB is forced Low, all internal states are reset back to default values. 49 TCK I TTLD JTAG Clock: Boundary Scan clock input. 50 TDO O TTL/CMOS 51 TDI I TTLD JTAG Input: Serial test data Input. Sampled on rising edge of TCK. 52 SDO O TTLD Interface Address: SPI compatible Serial Data Output. 56 O2 O TTL/CMOS Output Reference: Programmable, default 19.44 MHz. 64 SONSDHB I TTLD SONET or SDH Frequency Select: Sets the initial power-up state (or state after a PORB) of the SONET/SDH frequency selection registers, Reg. 34, Bit 2 and Reg. 38, Bit 5, Bit 6 and Reg. 64 Bit 4. When set Low, SDH rates are selected (2.048 MHz etc.) and when set High, SONET rates are selected (1.544 MHz etc.) The register states can be changed after power-up by software. The ACS8525 LC/P is a Line Card Protection device designed to complement the Semtech SETS devices which maintain the SETS functions in both SONET and SDH Network Elements. The ACS8525 LC/P extends this functionality on to the Line Card, for which it has been specifically designed. The ACS8525 LC/P uses “Hit-less” group switching between Master and Slave inputs or a third (Stand-by) input group, to generate and maintain accurate and stable SEC and frame synchronization pulse outputs for distribution on the Line Card. The ACS8525 provides a simple, compact, yet flexible solution, which can be easily tailored for use with a range of transmission formats and rates, via software configuration. The ACS8525 employs various mechanisms to maintain the integrity of its output clocks when its input clocks fail or fall below the required specification levels. By smoothing out the effects of these input anomalies, the ACS8525 improves the overall stability and reliability of the downstream system synchronization, which translates to improved quality of service. The key architectural advantage that the ACS8525 has over traditional solutions is in the use of Digital Phase Locked Loop (DPLL) technology for precise and repeatable performance over temperature or voltage variations and between parts. Semtech can provide an Evaluation Board and an intuitive, GUI-based (Figure 3) Software package so that designers can rapidly appraise the ACS8525 LC/P device and see for themselves the benefits that a Semtech Line Card Protection solution can bring to their designs. JTAG Output: Serial test data output. Updated on falling edge of TCK. Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. PRODUCT BRIEF Figure 3 Evaluation Software Graphical User Interface. Page 3 ACS8525 LC/P ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS General Description FINAL SEC Activity Monitors Inputs The ACS8525 SETS device has input ports for input clock groups from three sources, typically Master, Slave and Stand-by, where each clock group comprises one SEC and optionally one Sync signal. This means that when any SEC input changeover is made, the corresponding Sync signal changeover is also made. Master and Slave SEC inputs to the device support TTL/CMOS and PECL/LVDS. The Stand-by SEC and three Sync inputs are TTL/CMOS only. All the TTL/CMOS ports are 3 V and 5 V compatible (with clamping if required by connecting the VDD5 pin). Input frequencies supported range from 2, 4, 8 kHz (and n x 8 kHz) up to 155.52 MHz. Common E1, DS1, OC3/STM-1 and sub-divisions are supported as spot frequencies to which the DPLLs will directly lock. Any input frequency, up to 100 MHz, that is a multiple of 8 kHz can also be locked to via a built-in programmable divider. Refer to Table 4 for details of each input port. Input Locking Frequency Modes Each input port has to be configured to receive the expected input frequency. To achieve this, three Input Locking Frequency Modes are provided: Direct Lock, Lock8K and DivN. PRODUCT BRIEF A monitoring function constantly appraises the activity of each input SEC, and reports anomalous behavior. Each of the input monitors is individually configurable, allowing flags or interrupts to be raised which can influence both the operating state of the device, and which inputs are available for selection by the PLL circuitry. Any Input SEC which suffers a loss-of-activity will be declared as unavailable. Anomalies detected by the Activity Monitor are integrated in a Leaky Bucket Accumulator. Occasional anomalies do not cause the accumulator to cross the alarm setting threshold, so the selected reference source is retained. Persistent anomalies cause the alarm setting threshold to be crossed and result in the selected SEC (and Sync) being rejected. There is one Leaky Bucket Accumulator per SEC input. Each Leaky Bucket Accumulator can be programmed with a Bucket ID (0 to 3) which assigns to the Leaky Bucket the corresponding Leaky Bucket Configuration (from four available Configurations). Each Leaky Bucket Configuration comprises the following programmable parameters: z z z z Bucket size Alarm trigger (set threshold) Alarm clear (reset threshold) Leak rate (decay rate) Table 4 Input Reference Source Selection and Priority Table Port Name Channel Number Input Port Technology Frequencies Supported Default Priority SEC1 TTL 0011 TTL/CMOS Up to 100 MHz (see Note (i)) Default (SONET): 8 kHz Default (SDH): 8 kHz 2 SEC2 TTL 0100 TTL/CMOS Up to 100 MHz (see Note (i)) Default (SONET): 8 kHz Default (SDH): 8 kHz 3 SEC1 DIFF 0101 PECL/LVDS PECL default Up to 155.52 MHz (see Note (ii)) Default (SONET): 19.44 MHz Default (SDH): 19.44 MHz 0 SEC2 DIFF 0110 PECL/LVDS PECL default Up to 155.52 MHz (see Note (ii)) Default (SONET): 19.44 MHz Default (SDH): 19.44 MHz 0 SYNC1 0111 TTL/CMOS 2/4/8 kHz auto-sensing n/a SYNC2 1000 TTL/CMOS 2/4/8 kHz auto-sensing n/a SEC3 1001 TTL/CMOS Up to 100 MHz (see Note (i)) Default (SONET): 19.44 MHz Default (SDH): 19.44 MHz 4 SYNC3 1010 TTL/CMOS 2/4/8 kHz auto-sensing n/a Notes: (i) TTL ports (compatible also with CMOS signals) support clock speeds up to 100 MHz, with the highest spot frequency being 77.76 MHz. The actual spot frequencies are: 2 kHz, 4 kHz, 8 kHz (and N x 8 kHz), 1.544 MHz (SONET)/2.048 MHz (SDH), 6.48 MHz, 19.44 MHz, 25.92 MHz, 38.88 MHz, 51.84 MHz, 77.76 MHz. SONET or SDH input rate is selected via Reg. 34 bit 2, ip_sonsdhb). (ii) PECL and LVDS ports support the spot clock frequencies listed above plus 155.52 MHz (and 311.04 MHz for Output O1 only). (iii) SEC1 TTL and SEC2 TTL ports are on pins SEC1 and SEC2. SEC1 DIFF (Differential) port uses pins SEC1POS and SEC1NEG, similarly SEC2DIFF uses pins SEC2POS and SEC2NEG. Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. Page 4 ACS8525 LC/P ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS Phase Locked Loops (PLLs) FINAL Figure 1 shows the PLL circuitry which comprises two Digital PLLs (DPLL1 and DPLL2), two output multiplying and filtering Analog PLLs (APLL1 and APLL2), output frequency dividers in an Output Port Frequency Selection block, a Synthesis block, multiplexers MUX1 and MUX2, and a feedback Analog PLL (APLL3). These functional blocks and their interconnections are highly configurable, via register control, providing a range of output frequencies and a choice of levels of jitter performance. The DPLLs give a stable and consistent level of performance that can be easily programmed for different dynamic behavior or operating range. They are not affected by operating conditions or silicon process variations. Digital Synthesis is used to generate all required SONET/SDH output frequencies. The digital logic operates at 204.8 MHz that is multiplied up from the external 12.800 MHz oscillator module. Hence the best resolution of the output signals from the DPLLs is one 204.8 MHz cycle or 4.9 ns. Both of the DPLLs’ outputs can be connected to multiplying and filtering APLLs. The outputs of these APLLs are divided making a number of frequencies simultaneously available for selection at the output clock ports. The various combinations of DPLL, APLL, Multiplexer and divider configurations allow for generation of a comprehensive set of frequencies, as listed in Table 5 and Table 6. PRODUCT BRIEF z Frequency translation between input and output rates via direct digital synthesis z High accuracy digital architecture for stable PLL dynamics combined with an APLL for low jitter final output clocks z Non-revertive mode z Frame Sync pulse alignment z Selectable automatic DPLL bandwidth control (auto selects either Locked bandwidth, or Acquisition bandwidth), or Locked DPLL bandwidth z Two programmable bandwidth controls: • Locked bandwidth: 18, 35 or 70 Hz • Acquisition bandwidth: 18, 35 or 70 Hz z Programmable damping factor, (For optional faster locking and peaking control) Factors = 1.2, 2.5, 5, 10 or 20 z Programmable DPLL pull-in frequency range z Phase Build-out on source switching (hit-less source switching), on/off z Freeze Phase Build-out, on/off DPLL2 Main Features The main features of DPLL2 are: z Always locked to DPLL1 z Single programmable bandwidth control: 18, 35 or 70 Hz DPLLs z DPLL1 is the more feature rich of the two DPLLs. The main features of the two DPLLs are summarized here. Refer to the Register Descriptions in the datasheet for advanced features and more information. Programmable damping factor, (For optional faster locking and peaking control) Factors = 1.2, 2.5, 5, 10 or 20. z Digital feedback, on/off z Output frequency selection z DS3/E3 support (44.736 MHz / 34.368 MHz) independent of rates from DPLL1 DPLL1 Main Features z Multiple E1 and DS1 outputs supported z Low jitter MFrSync (2 kHz) and FrSync (8 kHz) outputs z Multiple phase loss and multiple phase detectors z Direct PLL locking to common SONET/SDH input frequencies or any multiple of 8 kHz z Automatic mode switching between Free-run, Locked and Digital Holdover modes (states) z Can provide the source for the 2 kHz and 8 kHz outputs available at Outputs 01 and 02 z Fast detection on input failure and entry into Digital Holdover mode (holds at the last good frequency value) z Can use its phase detector to measure the input phase difference between two inputs z Selectable digital feedback, on/off Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. • Low jitter E1/DS1 options independent of rates from DPLL1 • Frequencies of n x E1/DS1 including 16 and 12 x E1, and 16 and 24 x DS1 supported • Squelched (clock off) Page 5 ACS8525 LC/P ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FINAL Either the software or an internal state machine controls the operation of DPLL1. The state machine for DPLL2 is very simple and cannot be manually/externally controlled. One additional feature of DPLL2 is the ability to measure a phase difference between two inputs. PRODUCT BRIEF Table 6 Output Frequencies/Lowest Jitter Configuration (Typical Conditions) Jitter Level (Typ) Frequency (MHz, unless stated otherwise) rms (ps) pk-pk (ns) 0.6 2 kHz 60 DPLL1 always produces an output at 77.76 MHz to feed the APLL, regardless of the frequency selected at the output pins or the locking frequency (frequency at the input of the Phase and Frequency Detector — PFD). 8 kHz 60 0.6 1.536 250 1.5 1.544 150 1.0 2.048 220 1.2 2.059 150 1.0 DPLL2 can be operated at a number of frequencies. This is to enable the generation of extra output frequencies, which cannot be easily related to 77.76 MHz. If DPLL2 is enabled, it locks to the 8 kHz from DPLL1. This is because all of the frequencies of operation of DPLL2 can be divided to 8 kHz and this will ensure synchronization of frequencies, from 8 kHz upwards, within the two DPLLs. 2.316 110 0.75 2.731 220 1.2 2.796 110 1.0 3.088 110 0.75 110 1.0 APLLs There are three APLLs. APLL1 and APLL2 provide a lower final output jitter reducing the 4.9 ns pk-pk jitter from the digital down to 500 ps pk-pk and 60 ps rms as typical final outputs measured broadband (from 10 Hz to 1 GHz). The feedback APLL (APLL3) is selected by default; it provides improved performance over the digital feedback. Each APLL has its own divider. Each divider simultaneously outputs a series of fixed ratios of its APLL input. These divided outputs are available on Output Ports O1 or O2. Outputs The ACS8525 delivers four output signals on the following ports: Two clocks, one each on ports Output O1 and Output O2; and two Sync signals, on ports FrSync and MFrSync. Output O1 and Output O2 are independent of each other and are individually selectable. Output 01 is a differential port (pins O1POS and O1NEG), and can be selected PECL or LVDS. Output O2 (pin O2) and the Sync outputs are TTL/CMOS. Output Port Technology via Digital1 or Digital2 (not Output O1) 4.296 Frequencies as per Table 6 Output O2 TTL/CMOS FrSync TTL/CMOS FrSync, 8 kHz programmable pulse width and polarity, see Reg. 7C. MFrSync TTL/CMOS MFrSync, 2 kHz programmable pulse width and polarity, see Reg. 7C. 1.0 60 0.6 120 1.0 6.144 250 1.5 6.176 150 1.0 6.48 60 0.6 8.192 220 1.2 8.235 760 2.6 9.264 110 0.75 10.923 250 1.6 11.184 110 1.0 12.288 250 1.5 12.352 110 0.75 16.384 220 1.2 16.469 760 2.6 17.184 120 1.0 18.528 110 0.75 19.44 60 0.6 21.845 250 1.6 22.368 110 1.0 24.576 250 1.5 24.704 110 0.75 25.92 60 0.6 32.768 220 1.2 34.368 120 1.0 37.056 110 0.75 38.88 60 0.6 44.736 110 1.0 49.152 (Output O1 only) 900 4.5 49.408 (Output O1 only) 760 2.6 60 0.6 51.84 (Output O1 only) (Output O1 only) 77.76 LVDS/PECL (LVDS default) 13 120 5.728 74.112 Output O1 3800 4.86 68.736 Frequencies Supported Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. 4.096 65.536 Table 5 Output Port Frequencies and Technologies Port Name 3.728 250 1.6 120 1.0 110 0.75 60 0.6 (Output O1 only) 900 4.5 98.816 (Output O1 only) 760 2.6 131.07 (Output O1 only) 250 1.6 148.22 (Output O1 only) 110 0.75 98.304 155.52 (Output O1 only) 60 0.6 311.04 (Output O1 only) 60 0.6 Page 6 ACS8525 LC/P ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS Modes of Operation FINAL Table 4 gives details of the input reference ports. Specific frequencies and priorities are set by configuration. The device has three principle modes of operation: z z z Ultra Fast Switching Free-run Locked Digital Holdover The Free-run mode is typically used following a power-onreset or a device reset before network synchronization has been achieved. In the Free-run mode, the timing and synchronization signals generated from the ACS8525 are based on the 12.800 MHz clock frequency provided from the external oscillator and are not synchronized to an input SEC. The accuracy can be enhanced via software calibration to within ±0.0196229 ppm. The Locked mode is used when an input SEC has been selected and the PLL has had time to lock. When the Locked mode is achieved, the output signal is in phase and is locked to the selected input SEC. The priority table determines which input SEC is selected. When the ACS8525 is in Locked mode, the output frequency and phase follows that of the selected input SEC. In Digital Holdover mode, the ACS8525 provides the timing signals to maintain the Line Card when its currently selected input source becomes invalid, and no other valid replacement source is available. Digital Holdover operates instantaneously, which means the DPLL freezes at the frequency it was operating at the time of entering Digital Holdover mode. Input Selection Priorities Each input SEC can be programmed with a priority number (see Table 4) allowing references to be chosen according to the highest priority valid input. Under normal operation, the input SECs are selected automatically, according to availability and in order of priority. For special circumstances, such as chip or board testing, the selection may be forced by configuration. The priority table is initially defined by the default configuration and can be changed via the Serial interface by the Network Manager. In this way, when all the defined sources are active and valid, the source with the highest programmed priority is selected but, if this source fails, the next-highest source is selected, and so on. Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. PRODUCT BRIEF SEC inputs are monitored using a leaky bucket approach to allow source qualification criterion to be monitored. A reference source is normally disqualified after the leaky bucket monitor thresholds have been crossed. An option for a faster disqualification has been implemented so that a loss of activity of just a few reference clock cycles will raise an alarm and cause a reference switch. External Forced Fast Protection Switching External Forced Fast Protection Switching mode, for fast switching between inputs SEC1 or SEC2, can be triggered directly from the dedicated pin SRCSW. Restoration Restoration of repaired reference sources is handled carefully to avoid inadvertent disturbance of the output clock. For this, the ACS8525 has two modes of operation; Revertive and Non-revertive. Sync Reference Sources The ACS8525 provides the facility to have a Sync reference source associated with each SEC. The Sync inputs (SYNC1, SYNC2 and SYNC3) are used for Frame Sync output alignment and can be 2, 4 or 8 kHz (automatically detected frequency). As in all the Semtech ACS85xx series of parts supporting such a mechanism, the Sync is treated as an additional part of the SEC clock. The failure of a Sync input will never cause a source disqualification. The Sync input is used to internally align the generation of the output 2 kHz and 8 kHz Sync pulses. Serial Interface The ACS8525 device has an SPI compatible serial interface, providing access to the configuration and status registers for device set-up and monitoring. Page 7 ACS8525 LC/P ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS Performance FINAL Conformance The ACS8525 is designed for use in Line Cards in Network Elements which must meet the requirements of the following specifications: ITU: G. 736, G.742, G.812, G.813, G.824, K.41. Telcordia: GR-253-CORE, GR-499-CORE, GR-1244-CORE. ANSI: T1.101-1999. ETSI: ETSI 300 462-3, ETSI 300 462-5. Performance Benefits from DPLL/APLL Technology The use of Digital Phase Locked Loop technology ensures precise and repeatable performance over temperature or voltage variations, and between parts. The overall PLL bandwidth, loop damping, pull-in range and frequency accuracy are all determined by digital parameters that provide a consistent level of performance. An Analog PLL takes the signal from the DPLL output and provides a lower jitter output. The APLL bandwidth is set four orders PRODUCT BRIEF of magnitude higher than the DPLL bandwidth. This ensures that the overall system performance still maintains the advantage of consistent behavior provided by the digital approach. The DPLLs are clocked by the external oscillator module therefore the Free-run or Digital Holdover frequency stability is only determined by the stability of the external oscillator module. This key advantage confines all temperature critical components to one well defined and pre-calibrated module, whose performance can be chosen to match the application. All performance parameters of the DPLLs are programmable without the need to understand detailed PLL equations. Bandwidth, damping factor and lock range, for example, can all be set directly. A high level of phase and frequency accuracy is made possible in the ACS8525 by an internal resolution of up to 54 bits and internal Holdover accuracy of up to 7.5 x 10-14 ppb (instantaneous). Typical Application Figure 4 Semtech’s Product Family Solution for a Typical SONET/SDH Architecture Multiple Line cards Line Card Recovered Clock Master Clock Master Sync Slave Clock Slave Sync Stand-by Clock Stand-by Sync Frame Sync Multi Frame Sync ACS8515 ACS8525 ACS8526 ACS8527 FRAMER E1/DS1 To/from SONET/SDH/PDH Network MPLL LINE CARD PROTECTION Low Jitter/Low Skew Clock ACS8942 Distribution ACS8943 Low Jitter up to 622 MHz Backplane SERDES Slave Sync Card Master Sync Card Input CLK Sources Config. Priorities mP/Serial Bus SSM Primary Ref. Input/ output RDATA TDATA TCLK ACS8510 ACS8520 ACS8522 ACS8530 Priorities TCLK RCLK Line I/F Unit SETS Output CLKs ACS8110 SSM HANDLER Clock Distribution SEC F8942_SetsLinecardGenApp_02 Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. Page 8 ACS8525 LC/P ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS Register Map FINAL PRODUCT BRIEF Table 7 Register Map Address (hex) Default (hex) Register Name RO = Read Only R/W = Read/Write chip_id (RO) 00 chip_revision (RO) test_register1 (R/W) 03 14 Data Bit 7 (MSB) 5 4 3 chip_id[7:0], 8 LSBs of Chip ID 01 21 chip_id[15:8], 8 MSBs of Chip ID 02 00 2 1 8K Edge Polarity Set to 0 0 (LSB) chip_revision[7:0] Phase_alarm test_register2 (R/W) 04 12 sts_interrupts (R/W) 05 FF 06 3F sts_current_DPLL_frequency, see OC/OD 07 00 sts_interrupts (R/W) 08 10 Sync_alarm_ int sts_operating_mode (RO) 09 01 Sync_alarm sts_priority_table (RO) 6 4D Resync_ analog Disable_180 Set to 0 Set to 0 Do not use status_SEC2_ DIFF operating_ mode status_SEC1_ DIFF status_SEC2_ TTL status_SEC1_ TTL DPLL1_main_ ref_failed status_SEC3 Bits [18:16] of sts_current_DPLL_frequency DPLL2_Lock DPLL1_freq_ soft_alarm DPLL2_freq_ soft_alarm DPLL1_operating_mode 0A 00 Highest priority validated source Currently selected source 0B 00 3rd highest priority validated source 2nd highest priority validated source sts_current_DPLL_frequency[7:0] 0C 00 (RO) Bits [7:0] of sts_current_DPLL_frequency [15:8] 0D 00 [18:16] 07 00 0E 00 sts_sources_valid (RO) Bits [15:8] of sts_current_DPLL_frequencyy Bits [18:16] of sts_current_DPLL_frequency SEC2 DIFF SEC1 DIFF SEC2 TTL SEC1 TTL 0F 00 sts_reference_sources (RO) Alarm Status on inputs: SEC1 & SEC2 TTL 11 22 SEC1 & SEC2 DIFF 12 22 SEC3 14 22 cnfg_ref_selection_priority (R/W) 19 SEC1 & SEC2 TTL 32 programmed_priority_SEC2_TTL programmed_priority_SEC1_TTL SEC1 & SEC2 DIFF 1A 00 programmed_priority_SEC2_DIFF programmed_priority_SEC1_DIFF SEC3 1C 04 cnfg_ref_source_frequency_ <input> (R/W), where <input> = SEC1 TTL 22 00 divn_SEC1 TTL lock8k_SEC1 TTL Bucket_id_SEC1 TTL reference_source_frequency_SEC1 TTL SEC2 TTL 23 00 divn_SEC2 TTL lock8k_SEC2 TTL Bucket_id_SEC2 TTL reference_source_frequency_SEC2 TTL SEC1 DIFF 24 03 divn_SEC1 DIFF lock8k_SEC1 DIFF Bucket_id_SEC1 DIFF reference_source_frequency_SEC1 DIFF SEC2 DIFF 25 03 divn_SEC2 DIFF lock8k_SEC2 DIFF Bucket_id_SEC2 DIFF reference_source_frequency_SEC2 DIFF divn_SEC3 lock8k_SEC3 Bucket_id_SEC3 reference_source_frequency_SEC3 SEC3 28 03 cnfg_operating_mode (R/W) 32 00 force_select_reference_source (R/W) 33 0F cnfg_input_mode (R/W) 34 CA cnfg_DPLL2_path (R/W) 35 A0 cnfg_differential_inputs (R/W) 36 03 cnfg_dig_outputs_sonsdh (R/W) 38 04 cnfg_digtial_frequencies (R/W) 39 08 cnfg_differential_output (R/W) 3A C2 cnfg_auto_bw_sel 3B 98 SEC3 No Activity SEC2 TTL Phase Lock SEC2 TTL No Activity SEC1 TTL Phase Lock SEC1 TTL No Activity SEC2 DIFF Phase Lock SEC2 DIFF No Activity SEC1 DIFF Phase Lock SEC1 DIFF No Activity SEC3 Phase Lock SEC3 programmed_priority_SEC3 DPLL1_operating_mode forced_select_SEC_input auto_extsync_ en phalarm_ timeout XO_ edge extsync_en ip_sonsdhb reversion_ mode DPLL2_dig_ feedback SEC2_DIFF_ PECL dig2_sonsdh digital2_frequency SEC1_DIFF_ PECL dig1_sonsdh digital1_frequency Output O1 _LVDS_PECL auto_BW_sel Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. DPLL1_lim_int Page 9 ACS8525 LC/P ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FINAL PRODUCT BRIEF Table 7 Register Map (cont...) Address (hex) Default (hex) Register Name RO = Read Only R/W = Read/Write cnfg_nominal_frequency [7:0] 3C (R/W) Data Bit 7 (MSB) 6 5 4 3 2 99 Bits[7:0] of cnfg_nominal_frequency [15:8] 3D 99 Bits[15:8] of cnfg_nominal_frequency cnfg_DPLL_freq_limit (R/W) [7:0] 41 76 cnfg_DPLL_freq_limit (R/W) [9:8] 42 00 1 Bits[7:0] of cnfg_DPLL_freq_limit Bits[9:8] of cnfg_DPLL_freq_limit cnfg_interrupt_mask (R/W) [7:0] 43 00 Set to 0 Set to 0 [15:8] 44 00 operating_ mode main_ref_ failed [23:16] 45 00 Sync_ip_alarm [7:0]. 46 FF [13:8] 47 3F cnfg_monitors (R/W) 48 04 cnfg_registers_source_select (R/W) 4B 00 cnfg_freq_lim_ph_loss 4D cnfg_upper_threshold_0 (R/W) 50 06 upper_threshold_0_value (Activity alarm, Config. 0, Leaky Bucket - set threshold) cnfg_lower_threshold_0 (R/W) 51 04 lower_threshold_0_value (Activity alarm, Config. 0, Leaky Bucket - reset threshold) Bucket_size_0_value (Activity alarm, Config. 0, Leaky Bucket - size) cnfg_freq_divn (R/W) 0 (LSB) SEC2 DIFF SEC1 DIFF SEC2 TTL SEC1 TTL Set to 0 SEC3 divn_value [7:0] (divide Input frequency by n) divn_value [13:8] (divide Input frequency by n) los_flag_on_ TDO ultra_fast_ switch ext_switch PBO_freeze PBO_en DPLL1_DPLL2 _select freq_lim_ph_ loss cnfg_bucket_size_0 (R/W) 52 08 cnfg_decay_rate_0 (R/W) 53 01 cnfg_upper_threshold_1 (R/W) 54 06 upper_threshold_1_value (Activity alarm, Config. 1, Leaky Bucket - set threshold) cnfg_lower_threshold_1 (R/W) 55 04 lower_threshold_1_value (Activity alarm, Config. 1, Leaky Bucket - reset threshold) Bucket_size_1_value (Activity alarm, Config. 1, Leaky Bucket - size) decay_rate_0_value (Activity alarm, Config. 0, Leaky Bucket leak rate) cnfg_bucket_size_1 (R/W) 56 08 cnfg_decay_rate_1 (R/W) 57 01 cnfg_upper_threshold_2 (R/W) 58 06 upper_threshold_2_value (Activity alarm, Config. 2, Leaky Bucket - set threshold) cnfg_lower_threshold_2 (R/W) 59 04 lower_threshold_2_value (Activity alarm, Config. 2, Leaky Bucket - reset threshold) Bucket_size_2_value (Activity alarm, Config. 2, Leaky Bucket - size) cnfg_bucket_size_2 (R/W) 5A 08 cnfg_decay_rate_2 (R/W) 5B 01 cnfg_upper_threshold_3 (R/W) 5C 06 cnfg_lower_threshold_3 (R/W) 5D 04 cnfg_bucket_size_3 (R/W) 5E 08 cnfg_decay_rate_3 (R/W) 5F 01 cnfg_output_frequency (R/W) (Output O2) 61 06 (Output O1) 62 80 (MFrSync/FrSync) 63 C0 decay_rate_1_value (Activity alarm, Config. 1, Leaky Bucket leak rate) decay_rate_2_value (Activity alarm, Config. 2, Leaky Bucket leak rate) upper_threshold_3_value (Activity alarm, Config. 3, Leaky Bucket - set threshold) lower_threshold_3_value (Activity alarm, Config. 3, Leaky Bucket - reset threshold) Bucket_size_3_value (Activity alarm, Config. 3, Leaky Bucket - size) decay_rate_3_value (Activity alarm, Config. 3, Leaky Bucket leak rate) output_freq_O2 output_freq_O1 MFrSync_en FrSync_en DPLL2_meas_ DPLL1_ph APLL2_for_ DPLL1_E1/DS 1 cnfg_DPLL2_frequency (R/W) 64 00 cnfg_DPLL1_frequency (R/W) 65 01 cnfg_DPLL2_bw (R/W) 66 00 DPLL2_bandwidth cnfg_DPLL1_locked_bw (R/W) 67 10 DPLL1_locked_bandwidth cnfg_DPLL1_acq_bw (R/W) 69 11 cnfg_DPLL2_damping (R/W) 6A 13 DPLL2_frequency DPLL1_freq_to_APLL2 DPLL1_frequency DPLL1_acquisition_bandwidth DPLL2_PD2_gain_alog_8k DPLL2_damping cnfg_DPLL1_damping (R/W) 6B 13 DPLL1_PD2_gain_alog_8k DPLL1_damping cnfg_DPLL2_PD2_gain (R/W) 6C C2 DPLL2_PD2_ gain_enable DPLL2_PD2_gain_alog DPLL2_PD2_gain_digital cnfg_DPLL1_PD2_gain (R/W) 6D C2 DPLL1_PD2_ gain_enable DPLL1_PD2_gain_alog DPLL1_PD2_gain_digital cnfg_phase_offset (R/W) [7:0] 70 00 phase_offset_value [7:0] [15:8] 71 00 phase_offset_value[15:8] Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. Page 10 ACS8525 LC/P ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS FINAL PRODUCT BRIEF Table 7 Register Map (cont...) Address (hex) Default (hex) Register Name RO = Read Only R/W = Read/Write cnfg_PBO_phase_offset (R/W) 72 00 Data Bit 7 (MSB) 6 5 3 2 1 0 (LSB) PBO_phase_offset cnfg_phase_loss_fine_limit (R/W) 73 A2 fine_limit_en noact_ph_loss narrow_en cnfg_phase_loss_coarse_limit (R/W) 74 85 coarse_lim_ phaseloss_en wide_range_ en multi_ph_resp cnfg_ip_noise_window (R/W) 76 06 ip_noise_ window_en sts_current_phase (RO) 4 phase_loss_fine_limit phase_loss_coarse_limit [7:0] 77 00 current_phase[7:0] [15:8] 78 00 current_phase[15:8] cnfg_phase_alarm_timeout (RO) 79 32 cnfg_sync_pulses (R/W) 7A 00 2k_8k_from_ DPLL2 cnfg_sync_phase (R/W) 7B 00 Indep_FrSync/ MFrSync cnfg_sync_monitor (R/W) 7C 2B ph_offset_ ramp cnfg_interrupt (R/W) 7D 02 cnfg_protection(R/W) 7E timeout_value (in two-second intervals) 8k_invert Sync_OC-N_ rates Sync_phase_SYNC3 8k_pulse Sync_phase_SYNC2 2k_invert 2k_pulse Sync_phase_SYNC1 Sync_monitor_limit Interrupt GPO_en 85 Interrupt tristate_en Interrupt int_polarity protection_value Notes Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. Page 11 ACS8525 LC/P ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS Ordering Information FINAL PRODUCT BRIEF Table 8 Parts List Part Number Description ACS8525 LC/P Line Card Protection Switch for SONET/SDH Systems ACS8525 EVB Evaluation Board and Software Disclaimers Life support- This product is not designed or intended for use in life support equipment, devices or systems, or other critical applications. This product is not authorized or warranted by Semtech for such use. Right to change- Semtech Corporation reserves the right to make changes, without notice, to this product. Customers are advised to obtain the latest version of the relevant information before placing orders. Compliance to relevant standards- Operation of this device is subject to the User’s implementation and design practices. It is the responsibility of the User to ensure equipment using this device is compliant to any relevant standards. Contacts For Additional Information, contact the following: Semtech Corporation Advanced Communications Products E-mail: [email protected] Internet: USA: Mailing Address: Street Address: Tel: +1 805 498 2111, [email protected] P.O. Box 6097, Camarillo, CA 93011-6097 200 Flynn Road, Camarillo, CA 93012-8790 Fax: +1 805 498 3804 FAR EAST: 11F, No. 46, Lane 11, Kuang Fu North Road, Taipei, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2748 3380 Fax: +886 2 2748 3390 EUROPE: Semtech Ltd., Units 2 and 3, Park Court, Premier Way, Abbey Park Industrial Estate, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 9DN Tel: +44 (0)1794 527 600 Fax: +44 (0)1794 527 601 ISO9001 CERTIFIED Revision 3.00/October 2003 © Semtech Corp. Page 12