TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier SOP-8 Pin assignment: 1. CD 8. VO2 2. FC2 7. Gnd 3. FC1 6. Vcc 4. Vin 5. VO1 General Description The TS34119 is a low power audio amplifier, it integrated circuit intended (primarily) for telephone applications, such as in speakerphones. It provides differential speaker outputs to maximize output swing at low supply voltages (2.0V minimum). Coupling capacitors to the speaker are not required. Open loop gain is 80dB, and the closed loop gain is set with two external resistors. A chip Disable pin permits powering down and/or muting the input signal. Features ● Wide operating supply voltage (2~16V) ● Chip disable input to power down the IC ● Low quiescent current for battery powered Ordering Information Package Packing TS34119CS RLG SOP-8 2,500pcs / 13” Reel “G” denotes for Halogen free products application ● Part No. Lower power down quiescent current ● Drives a wide range of speaker load (8~100Ω) ● Output power exceed 250mW with 32Ωspeaker ● Low total harmonic distortion ● Gain adjustable for voice band ● Requires few external components Block Diagram Document Number: DS_P0000240 1 Version: C15 TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier Absolute Maximum Rating Parameter Symbol Value Unit Supply Voltage Vcc +1 ~ 18V V Maximum Input Voltage (FC1, FC2, CD, Vin) Vin -1.0 ~ Vcc+1.0 V Applied Output Voltage to VO1, VO2 when disabled Vvo -1.0 ~ Vcc+1.0 V Io ±250 mA Maximum Output Current at VO1, VO2 o Storage Temperature Range TSTG -65 ~ +150 C Note: Maximum ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur, functional operation should be Restricted to the recommended operating conditions. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Value Unit Vcc +2 ~ 16V V RL 8 ~ 100 Ω Load Impedance IL 200 mA Peak Load Current AVD 0 ~ 46 dB Differential Gain (5kHz bandwidth) VCD 0 ~ Vcc V Voltage @ CD (pin 1) Note: This device contains protection circuitry to guard against damage due to high static voltage or electric fields. However, precautions must be taken to avoid applications of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltage to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation, Vin and Vout should be constrained to the range Gnd ≤ (Vin or Vout) ≤ Vcc. Unused inputs must always be tied to an appropriate logic voltage level (e.g., either Gnd or Vcc), unused output must be left open. Supply Voltage Electrical Specifications (VCD=0V, Ta =25oC; unless otherwise noted.) Parameter Symbol Amplifiers (AC Characteristics) AC Input Resistance Ri Open Loop Gain (Amp. #1) AVOL1 Closed Loop Gain (Amp. #2) AV2 Gain Bandwidth Product GBW Output Power Total Harmonic (f=1KHz) Pout Distortion Power Supply Rejection (Vcc=6.0V, ∆Vcc=3.0V) Differential Muting Document Number: DS_P0000240 THD PSRR GMT Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit @ Vin f<100Hz Vcc=6V,f=1KHz, RL=32Ω -80 -0.35 -55 250 400 --- >30 -0 1.5 ---0.5 0.5 --+0.35 ----1.0 -- MΩ dB dB MHz -- 0.6 -- 50 --- -12 52 ---- dB -- >70 -- dB Vcc=3V,RL=16Ω,THD≤10% Vcc=6V,RL=32Ω,THD≤10% Vcc=12V,RL=100Ω,THD≤10% Vcc=6V,RL=32Ω, Po=125mW Vcc≥3V,RL=8Ω, Po=20mW Vcc≥12V, RL=32Ω, Po=200mW C1=∞, C2=0.01uF C1=0.1uF, C2=0, f=1KHz C1=1uF, C2=5uF, f=1KHz Vcc=6V, 1KHz ≤ f ≤ 20KHz, CD=2V 2 mW % Version: C15 TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier Electrical Specifications (Continue) Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max VCC=3V, RL=16 (Rf =75K) 1.0 1.15 1.25 Vcc=6V, RL=16 (Rf =75K) -- 2.65 -- Vcc=12V, RL=16 (Rf =75K) -- 5.56 -- Unit Amplifiers (DC Characteristics) Output DC Level @ VO1,VO2 Output Level Output DC Offset Voltage (VO1 – VO2) Input Bias Current @ Vin Equivalent Resistance @ FC1 Equivalent Resistance @ Vo Vdc VOH Iout=-75mA, 2.0 ≤ Vcc ≤ 16V VOL Iout=75mA, 2.0 ≤ Vcc ≤ 16V -- 0.16 -- ∆Vo Vcc=6V, RL=75KΩ, RL=32Ω -30 0 +30 mV -- -100 -200 nA 100 150 220 fIB Vcc=6.0V RFC1 Vcc-1.0 (typ) Vdc Vcc=6.0V KΩ RFC2 18 25 40 Input Voltage Low VIL -- -- 0.8 Input Voltage High VIH 2.0 -- -- Vcc=3V, RL=∞, CD=0.8V -- 2.7 4.0 Vcc=16V, RL=∞, CD=0.8V -- 3.3 5.0 Vcc=3V, RL=∞, CD=2V -- 65 100 FC2 Chip Disable (pin 1) Vdc Power Supply Power Supply Current Icc mA uA Note: a. Currents into a pin are positive, currents out of a pin negative. Typical Temperature Performance ( -20oC < Ta < +70oC) Function Condition Input Bias Current @ Vin Total Harmonic Distortion Vcc=6V, RL=32Ω, Po=120mW, f=1kHz Power Supply Current Typical Change Units ±40 Pa/ C +0.003 %/ C Vcc=3V, RL=∞, CD=0V -2.5 Vcc=3V, RL=∞, CD=2V -0.03 Document Number: DS_P0000240 3 o o o uA/ C Version: C15 TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier Pin Function Description Symbol Pin CD 1 FC2 2 Description Chip Disable-Digital input. A logic ”0” (<0.8V) sets normal operation. A logic ”I”(≥2.0V) sets the power down mode. Input impedance is nominally 90KΩ A capacitor at this pin increases power supply rejection, and affects turn-on time. This pin can be left open it the capacitor at FC1 is sufficient. Analog ground for the amplifiers. A 1uF capacitor at this pin (with a 5uF capacitor at pin FC1 3 2) provides 52dB(typically) of power supply rejection. Turn-on time of the circuit is affected by the capacitor on this pin. This pin can be used as an alternate input. Amplifier input. The input capacitor and resistor set low frequency roll off and input Vin 4 VO1 5 Amplifier Output #1. The dc level is ≈ (VCC - 0.7) / 2 VCC 6 DC supply voltage (+2.0V ~ +16V) is applied to this pin. GND 7 Ground pin for the entire circuit. VO2 8 impedance. The feedback resistor is connected to this pin and VO1. Amplifier Output #2. This signal is equal in amplitude, but 180° out-of-phase with that at VO1. The dc level is ≈ (VCC - 0.7V) / 2. Typical Application Circuit Document Number: DS_P0000240 4 Version: C15 TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier Design Guideline GENERAL The TS34119 is a low power audio amplifier capable of low voltage operation (Vcc=2.0V minimum) such as that encountered in line-powered speakerphones. The circuit provides a differential output (VO1-VO2) to the speaker to maximize the available voltage swing at low voltages. The different gain is set by two external resistors. Pins FC1 and FC2 allow controlling the amount of power supply and noise rejection, as well as providing alternate inputs to the amplifiers. The CD pin permits powering down the IC for muting purposes and to conserve power. AMPLIFIERS Referring to the block diagram, the internal configuration consists of two identical operational amplifiers. Amplifier #1 has an open loop gain of ≥80Db (at f≤100Hz), and the closed loop gain is set by external resistor Rf and Rj. The amplifier is unity gain stable, and has a unity gain frequency of approximately 1.5MHz. In order to adequately cover the telephone voice band (300Hz to 3.4kHz), a maximum closed loop gain of 46dB is recommended. Amplifier #2 is internally set to gain of –1.0 (0dB). The outputs of both amplifiers are capable of souring and sinking a peak current of 200mA.The outputs can typically swing to within ≈ 0.4V above ground, and to within≈1.3V below VCC, at the maximum current. See Figure 18 and 19 for VOH and VOL curves. The output dc offset voltage (VO1-VO2) is primarily a function of the feedback resistor (Rf), and secondarily due to the amplifiers’ input offset voltages. The input offset voltage of the two amplifiers will generally be similar for a particular IC, and therefore nearly cancel each other at the outputs. Amplifier #1’s bias current, however, flows out of Vin (pin 4) and through Rf, forcing VO1 to shift negative by an amount equal to (Rf × IIB), Vo2 is shifted posited an equal amount. The output offset voltage, specified in the Electrical Characteristics is measured with the feedback the feedback resistor shown in the Typical Application Circuit, and therefore takes into account the bias current as wells internal offset voltages of the amplifiers. The bias current is constant with respect to VCC. FC1 AND FC2 Power supply rejection is provided by the capacitors (C1 and C2 in the typical Application Circuit) at FC1 and FC2. C2 is somewhat dominant at low frequencies, while C1 is dominant at high frequencies, as shown in the graphs of Figure 4 to 7. The required values of C1 and C2 depend on the conditions of each application. A line powered speakerphone, for example, will require more filtering than a circuit powered by a well regulated power supply. The amount of rejection is function of the capacitors, and the equivalent impedance looking into FC1 and FC2 (listed in the Electrical Characteristics as RFC1 and RFC2). In addition to providing filtering, C1 and C2 also affect the turn-on time of the circuit at power-up, since the two capacitors must charge up through the internal 50K and 125K resistors. The graph of Figure 1 indicates the turn-on time upon application of VCC of +6V. The turn-on time is ≈ 60% longer for VCC =3V, and ≈ 20% less for VCC =9V. Turn-off time is <10uS upon removal of VCC. CHIP DISABLE The chip Disable (pin 1) can be used to power down the IC to conserve power, or for muting, or both. When at a Logic “0” (0V to 0.8V), the TS34119 is enabled for normal operation. When pin 1 is a Logic ”1” (2V to VCC), the IC is disabled. If pin 1 is open, that is equivalent to Logic “0” although good design proactive dictates that an input should never be left open. Input impedance at pin 1 is a nominal 90KΩ. The power supply current (when disabled) is shown in Figure 15. Muting, defined as the change in differential gain from normal operation to muted operation, is in excess of 70dB. The turn-off time the audio output, from the application of the CD signal, is <2uS, and turn on-time is 12 mS-15mS. Both times are independent of C1, C2, and VCC. When the TS34119 is disabled, the voltage at FC1 and FC2 do not change as they are powered from Vcc. The outputs, VO1 and VO2, change to high impedance condition, removing the signal from the speaker. If signals from other sources are to be applied to the outputs (while disabled), they must be within the range of VCC and Ground. LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS Normally a snobbier is not needed at the output of the TS34119, unlike many other audio amplifiers, However, the PC board layout, stray capacitances, and the manner in which the speaker wires are configured, may dictate otherwise. Generally, the speaker wires should be twisted tightly, and not more than a few inches in length. Document Number: DS_P0000240 5 Version: C15 TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier Design Guideline (Continue) POWER DISSIPATION Figure 8 to 10 indicate the device dissipation (within the IC) for various combinations of VCC, RL, and load power. The maximum power which can safely be dissipated within the TS34119 is found from the following equation: PD= (140°C - Ta) / Өja o Where Ta is the ambient temperature; and Өja is the package thermal resistance (100 C/W for the standard DIP o package, and 180 C/W for the surface mount package.) The power dissipated within the TS34119, in a given application, it is found from the following equation: PD= (VCC × ICC) + (IRMS × VCC) - (RL × IRMS2) Where ICC is obtained from Figure 15; and IRMS is the RMS current at the load; and RL is load resistance. Figure 8 to 10, along with Figure 11 to 13 (distortion curves), and a peak working load current of ±200mA, define the operating range for the TS34119. The operating range is further defined in terms of allowable load power in Figure 14 for loads of 8Ω, 16Ω and 32Ω. The left (ascending) portion of each of the three curves is defined by the power level at which 10% distortion occurs. The center flat portion of each curve is defined by the maximum output current capability of the TS34119. The right (descending) portion of each curve is defined by the maximum o internal power dissipation of the IC at 25 C. At higher ambient temperatures, the maximum load power must be reduced according to the above equations. Operating the device beyond the current and junction temperature limits will degrade long-term reliability. Electrical Characteristics Curve Figure 1. Turn-On Time vs. C2, C2 at Power-On Figure 2. Amplifier #1 Open Loop Gain and Phase Figure 3. Differential Gain vs. Frequency Document Number: DS_P0000240 Figure 4. PSRR vs. Frequency (C2=10uF) 6 Version: C15 TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier Electrical Characteristics Curve (Continue) Figure 5. PSRR vs. Frequency (C2=5uF) Figure 6. PSRR vs. Frequency (C2=1uF) Figure 7. PSRR vs. Frequency (C2=0uF) Figure 8. Device Dissipation, 0.8Ω Load Figure 9. Device Dissipation, 16Ω Load Figure 10. Device Dissipation, 32Ω Load Document Number: DS_P0000240 7 Version: C15 TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier Electrical Characteristics Curve (Continue) Figure 11. Distortion vs. Power (f=1kHz, AVD=34dB) Figure 12. Distortion vs. Power (f=3kHz, AVD=34dB) Figure 13. Distortion vs. Power (f=1, 3kHz, AVD=12dB) Figure 14. Maximum Allowable Load Power Figure 15. Power Supply Current Figure 16. Small Signal Response Document Number: DS_P0000240 8 Version: C15 TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier Electrical Characteristics Curve (Continue) Figure 17. Large Signal Response Figure 18. Vcc-Voh @ Vo1, Vo2 vs. Load Current Figure 19. Vol @ Vo1, Vo2 vs. Load Current Figure 20. Input Characteristics @ CD (Pin1) Figure 21. Audio Amplifier with High Input Impedance Document Number: DS_P0000240 9 Version: C15 TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier Electrical Characteristics Curve (Continue) Figure 22. Audio Amplifier with Bass Suppression Figure 23. Frequency Response of Figure 22 Figure 24. Audio Amplifier with Bandpass Figure 25. Frequency Response of Figure 24 Figure 26. Device Dissipation, 16Ω Load Document Number: DS_P0000240 10 Version: C15 TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier SOP-8 Mechanical Drawing Unit: Millimeters Marking Diagram Y = Year Code M = Month Code for Halogen Free Product O =Jan P =Feb Q =Mar R =Apr S =May T =Jun U =Jul V =Aug W =Sep X =Oct Y =Nov Z =Dec L = Lot Code Document Number: DS_P0000240 11 Version: C15 TS34119 Low Power Audio Amplifier Notice Specifications of the products displayed herein are subject to change without notice. TSC or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies. Information contained herein is intended to provide a product description only. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in TSC’s terms and conditions of sale for such products, TSC assumes no liability whatsoever, and disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of TSC products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright, or other intellectual property right. The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications. Customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify TSC for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale. Document Number: DS_P0000240 12 Version: C15