CERTIFICAT D'ESSAI OC CB TEST CERTIFICATE Produd Prodtli{ Power Supply (built-in) Name and address ol'thc applicant Convertec Limited Whiternill Industrial Estate, Wexford, Republic of lreland Nom et adresse dt, dcnlaiRlctlr Nal]lC alld addrcss oflhe illal]llfaclÿÿrer Noi]] ct adr¢,,sc du Ial)rical]t Name and address ol'the l'actom Nom et adresse de I'usinc Convertec Limited Whitemill lndustrial Estate, Wexford, Republic of lreland Convertec Limited Whitemill lndustrial Estate, Wexford, Republic of lreland [] Additional Inlbrmation on page 2 Note II It,'ll tmcl« lh«ttt «**t« /ÿh h'* l, l']«dse l.7'«Jt l «#t l'ÿt£'« 2 Note I ÿp! ÿq/lÿ" tl Y lÿhtÿ d't¢lw tlÿt/te, rctu/A': IttJ/tÿ,'/ hl 2 /ÿÿtÿÿ' Ralings and principal charactcristics Valcurs nominalcs ct caractcristiqucs principalcs See page 2 Tradcmark (il' any) MarqLlC de lhbriquc (si eile c\istc) TRACOPOWER T., pc of Manulacturcr's 'l'eshng l_aboratorics uscd N/A Type de programme du laboratoirc d'cssais conslructcur biodcl/T> pc P, cl2 TIW 12-124;TIW 12-115;TIW 12-112, TIW06-103, TIW06-105; Ref. l)c type TIW06-106; TIW24-112; TIW24-124 Eachmodelcan alternativelybemarked with a suffix,,xxyyyy"fornonsaÿU relevantchanges. No impacton saßty. Additional inlbrmation (if ncccssary may also be rcport«t on page 2) I.e,ÿ il] fOFll]allOll>, COl]]plOl]],'ntÿ.lirgs (ÿ,i n0ccssairc.. I)eLl\"t21ll N/A [] Additional Information on page 2 ,ÿtre indiqu(?s sur la 2ÿ'''ÿ page A sample of the product was tcstcd and Ibund to be in conlbrmitv wilh IE(' [Jn 0chantilhm de cc produit a etc cssa5c ct a ètè IEC 60950-1 - Ed. 2; Am 1:2009 considcr,,5 coldbrmc ä la (.'El As sl]owi] il] the Test Report Ref. No. which ft;rms pari of 12TH0326-60950 0 this ('ertificate Comme indiquÿ dans le [;',aplmrt d'cssais l]Ul]ltÿro dc rdf,&ence qui constituc partie de cc Uertificat This ('B Test Cerlificatc is issucd by the National ('crtil]calion l?,ody Ce ('crtificat d'essai O(" ost ,3tabli par I'OrganislnC National (le Certification Bureau Veritas Consumer Product Services Businesspark A96, 86842 Türkheim, Germany www.bureauveritas.de/cps Date: 2013-03-18 lssued 2009-03 Signature: 1/2 t'ti CPS G tatings and principal characteristics - Valeurs nominales et caractÿristiques principales TIW 12-124: Input: 100-240Vac; 0,33-0,14A; 50/60Hz Output: 24Vdc / 0,5A / 12W TIW 12-115: Input: 100-240Vac; 0,19-0,14A; 50/60Hz Output: 15Vdc/0,8A/12W T1W 12-112: Input: 100-240Vac; 0,23-0,15A; 50/60Hz Output: 12Vdc/I,0A/12W TIW 06-103: lnput: 100-240Vac; 0A0-0,05A; 50/60Hz Output: 3,3Vdc / 1,2A / 4W TIW 06-105: Input: 100-240Vac; 0,13-0,07A; 50/60Hz Output: 5Vdc / 1,0A / 5W TIW 06-106: Input: 100-240Vac; 0,15-0,08A; 50/60Hz Output: 6Vdc / 1,0A / 6W TIW 24-112: Input: 100-240Vac; 0,42-0,32A; 50/60Hz Output: 12Vdc / 2,0A / 24W TIW 24-124: Input: 100-240Vac; 0,45-0,30A; 50/60Hz Output: 24Vdc / 1,0A / 24W Additional information (il necessary) Information complömentaire (si nöcessaire) Bureau Veritas Consumer Product Serÿ Businesspark A96, 86842 Türkheim, Germany www.bureauveritas.de/cps III Il il]ÿ Signature: Date: 2013-03-18 Issued 2009-03 2/2