www.osram.com/kreios www.osram.com/kreios h l Main benefits —— Bright and uniformly illuminated image —— Compact and lightweight design —— Low heat output, no active cooling necessary, no noise —— No UV/IR filters needed —— Easy access for gobo replacement —— Easy to install —— Long-life LED —— Mounting plate included —— Track mount version also available —— Manual pan (270°) and tilt (120°) adjustment —— Max. ambient temperature 36° C —— CE/UL listed —— Accessories for more creative freedom KREIOS ® G1 Product Product reference number KREIOS® G1 white 4008321676146 24 100–240 1 800 6000 200 320 70 80 1500 KREIOS® G1 black 4008321676160 24 100–240 1 800 6000 200 320 70 80 1500 KREIOS® G1 Accessories KREIOS® G1 24° LENS 4008321832870 KREIOS® G1 SHUTTER 4008321832917 KREIOS® G1 GEL HOLDER 4008321832894 KREIOS® G1 TRACK MOUNT EU 4008321832931 KREIOS® G1 POWER CABLE 3M 4008321843890 KREIOS® G1 GOBO HOLDER 4008321843913 KREIOS® G1 C-Clamp BRACKET 4052899173040 Gobo size: Ø 37 mm; visible gobo size: Ø 30 mm. All data are preliminary and subject to change without notice. Light is creative OSRAM KREIOS® G1 and Accessories OSRAM GmbH Head office: Display/Optic: Marcel-Breuer-Strasse 6 Nonnendammallee 44 80807 Munich, Germany 13625 Berlin, Germany Phone +49 89-6213-0 E-mail: displayoptic@osram.com Fax +49 89-6213-2020 www.osram.com 1A0S001GB 04/14 OSRAM does not accept liability for errors, changes and omissions. KREIOS® G1 LED image projector Change your message. Instantly. With OSRAM KREIOS® G1 – a new LEDbased fixture for spot lighting, spot messaging and projection purposes. Light is OSRAM KREIOS® G1 – Bright, compact and lightweight The OSRAM KREIOS® G1 is an LED image projector for a wide range of spot lighting applications that require especially bright images. With easily replaceable standard and self-made gobos, you can project brand names and logos at points of sale and exhibition booths as well as in bars, restaurants, clubs, gas stations etc. With the highpower LED light source and its dedicated optical system, the KREIOS® G1 delivers a crystal-clear outline of the gobo with a homogeneous distribution of light across the entire image. The small and compact size of the fixture allows easy installation on walls, ceilings and floors. Moreover, the LED light source has a very long lifetime and the low heat output allows passive cooling and therefore silent operation. It´s so easy: changing gobos in seconds! Thanks to its low heat output, the KREIOS® G1 also allows the use of quickly, easily designed and selfprinted gobos. KREIOS ® G1 Accessories KREIOS® G1 Shutter —— Lightweight and compact design —— Magnetic attachment —— Mounts in place of existing Gobo holder for quick and easy installation —— Finger adjustment of slides to achieve square, triangular or rectangular beam shaping —— Can be used with or without filters KREIOS® G1 Track Mount EU —— Compatible with EUTRAC and most of 3Phase track systems of leading suppliers —— Robust and lightweight —— The main fixation to the projector base is done by a single screw —— Mounts onto projector base in place of standard bracket for quick and easy conversion to track mode Main applications —— Shops —— Gas stations —— Events —— Museums —— Bars and restaurants —— Architectural spot lighting and many others KREIOS® G1 projection possibilites Distance 1.0 m 1.5 m 2.0 m 2.5 m 3.0 m 3.5 m 4.0 m 4.5 m 5.0 m KREIOS® G1 standard 16° lens 0.3 m 0.4 m 0.6 m 0.7 m 0.8 m 1.0 m 1.1 m 1.3 m 1.4 m Size of image 0.4 m 0.6 m 0.9 m 1.1 m 1.3 m 1.5 m 1.7 m 1.9 m 2.1 m Size of image Beam angle 16° KREIOS® G1 Gel Holder —— Simple attachment to front of KREIOS® G1 projector —— One diffusion filter included —— Creates a soft-edge beam spot in seconds —— Accepts most of Ø 76 mm (3 inch) sized colour, frost, diffusion and other filters KREIOS® G1 C-Clamp Bracket —— Allows mounting of the KREIOS® G1 to a truss or pipe using a C-Clamp —— Quick and easy installation for wide range of venues —— Simple attachment via a single screw KREIOS® G1 Power Cable —— 3 m with hybrid plug E+F CEE 7/7, 230V, black —— Plug and play – the easiest way to turn the KREIOS® G1 LED image projector on KREIOS® G1 24° Lens —— 24° beam angle —— Quick and easy installation —— Simple screw in attachment in place of existing 16° lens —— 50% larger images than standard 16° lens KREIOS® G1 24° lens Beam angle 24° KREIOS® G1 Gobo Holder —— Every KREIOS® G1 contains 2 empty gobo holders, but with more gobo holders on your hand quick changes of spot messaging are allowed