C8051F70x/71x Mixed Signal ISP Flash MCU Family Capacitance to Digital Converter - Supports buttons, sliders, wheels, capacitive prox- High-Speed 8051 µC Core - Pipelined instruction architecture; executes 70% of imity, and touch screen sensing instructions in 1 or 2 system clocks - Up to 38 input channels - Fast 40 µs per channel conversion time - 12, 13, 14, or 16-bit output - Auto-scan and wake-on-touch - Auto-accumulate 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 samples 10-Bit Analog to Digital Converter - Up to 500 ksps - Up to 16 external single-ended inputs - VREF from on-chip VREF, external pin or VDD - Internal or external start of conversion source - Built-in temperature sensor Analog Comparator - Programmable hysteresis and response time - Configurable as interrupt or reset source On-Chip Debug - On-chip debug circuitry facilitates full speed, non- - intrusive in-system debug (no emulator required) Provides breakpoints, single stepping, inspect/modify memory and registers Superior performance to emulation systems using ICE-chips, target pods, and sockets Low cost, complete development kit Supply Voltage 1.8 to 3.6 V - Built-in voltage supply monitor Clock Sources - 24.5 MHz ±2% Oscillator Supports crystal-less - UART operation External oscillator: Crystal, RC, C, or clock (1 or 2 pin modes) Can switch between clock sources on-the-fly; useful in power saving modes 64-Pin TQFP, 48-Pin TQFP, 48-Pin QFN, 32-Pin QFN, 24-Pin QFN Temperature Range: –40 to +85 °C ANALOG PERIPHERALS A M U X ble), and enhanced SPI™ serial ports Four general purpose 16-bit counter/timers 16-Bit programmable counter array (PCA) with 3 capture/compare modules and enhanced PWM functionality Real time clock mode using timer and crystal 10-bit 500 ksps ADC TEMP SENSOR + Capacitive Sense – VOLTAGE COMPARATOR DIGITAL I/O UART SMBus SPI PCA Timer 0 Timer 1 Timer 2 Timer 3 Port 0 Port 1 Ext. Memory I/F - byte Sectors - Up to 32-byte data EEPROM Digital Peripherals - Up to 54 Port I/O with high sink current - Hardware enhanced UART, SMBus™ (I2C compati- CROSSBAR - - Up to 25 MIPS throughput with 25 MHz clock - Expanded interrupt handler Memory - 512 bytes internal data RAM (256 + 256) - Up to 16 kB Flash; In-system programmable in 512- Port 2 Port 3 Port 4 Port 5 Port 6.0 – 6.5 24.5 MHz PRECISION INTERNAL OSCILLATOR HIGH-SPEED CONTROLLER CORE 16 kB ISP FLASH FLEXIBLE INTERRUPTS Rev. 1.0 7/10 8051 CPU (25 MIPS) DEBUG CIRCUITRY 512 B RAM 32 B EEPROM POR Copyright © 2010 by Silicon Laboratories WDT C8051F70x/71x C8051F70x/71x 2 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table of Contents 1. System Overview ..................................................................................................... 17 2. Ordering Information ............................................................................................... 26 3. Pin Definitions.......................................................................................................... 28 4. TQFP-64 Package Specifications ........................................................................... 37 5. TQFP-48 Package Specifications ........................................................................... 39 6. QFN-48 Package Specifications ............................................................................. 41 7. QFN-32 Package Specifications ............................................................................. 43 8. QFN-24 Package Specifications ............................................................................. 45 9. Electrical Characteristics ........................................................................................ 47 9.1. Absolute Maximum Specifications..................................................................... 47 9.2. Electrical Characteristics ................................................................................... 48 10. 10-Bit ADC (ADC0) ................................................................................................. 55 10.1. Output Code Formatting .................................................................................. 56 10.2. 8-Bit Mode ....................................................................................................... 56 10.3. Modes of Operation ......................................................................................... 56 10.3.1. Starting a Conversion.............................................................................. 56 10.3.2. Tracking Modes....................................................................................... 57 10.3.3. Settling Time Requirements.................................................................... 58 10.4. Programmable Window Detector..................................................................... 62 10.4.1. Window Detector Example...................................................................... 64 10.5. ADC0 Analog Multiplexer ................................................................................ 65 11. Temperature Sensor .............................................................................................. 67 11.1. Calibration ....................................................................................................... 67 12. Voltage and Ground Reference Options.............................................................. 69 12.1. External Voltage References........................................................................... 70 12.2. Internal Voltage Reference Options ................................................................ 70 12.3. Analog Ground Reference............................................................................... 70 12.4. Temperature Sensor Enable ........................................................................... 70 13. Voltage Regulator (REG0) ..................................................................................... 72 14. Comparator0........................................................................................................... 74 14.1. Comparator Multiplexer ................................................................................... 78 15. Capacitive Sense (CS0) ......................................................................................... 80 15.1. Configuring Port Pins as Capacitive Sense Inputs .......................................... 81 15.2. CS0 Gain Adjustment ...................................................................................... 81 15.3. Capacitive Sense Start-Of-Conversion Sources ............................................. 81 15.4. Automatic Scanning......................................................................................... 83 15.5. CS0 Comparator.............................................................................................. 84 15.6. CS0 Conversion Accumulator ......................................................................... 85 15.7. CS0 Pin Monitor .............................................................................................. 86 15.8. Adjusting CS0 For Special Situations.............................................................. 87 15.9. Capacitive Sense Multiplexer .......................................................................... 96 16. CIP-51 Microcontroller........................................................................................... 98 16.1. Instruction Set.................................................................................................. 99 Rev. 1.0 3 C8051F70x/71x 16.1.1. Instruction and CPU Timing .................................................................... 99 16.2. CIP-51 Register Descriptions ........................................................................ 104 17. Memory Organization .......................................................................................... 108 17.1. Program Memory........................................................................................... 109 17.1.1. MOVX Instruction and Program Memory .............................................. 109 17.2. EEPROM Memory ......................................................................................... 109 17.3. Data Memory ................................................................................................. 109 17.3.1. Internal RAM ......................................................................................... 109 General Purpose Registers .......................................................... 110 Bit Addressable Locations ............................................................ 110 Stack .......................................................................................... 110 18. External Data Memory Interface and On-Chip XRAM ....................................... 111 18.1. Accessing XRAM........................................................................................... 111 18.1.1. 16-Bit MOVX Example .......................................................................... 111 18.1.2. 8-Bit MOVX Example ............................................................................ 111 18.2. Configuring the External Memory Interface ................................................... 112 18.3. Port Configuration.......................................................................................... 112 18.4. Multiplexed and Non-multiplexed Selection................................................... 115 18.4.1. Multiplexed Configuration...................................................................... 115 18.4.2. Non-multiplexed Configuration.............................................................. 116 18.5. Memory Mode Selection................................................................................ 117 18.5.1. Internal XRAM Only .............................................................................. 117 18.5.2. Split Mode without Bank Select............................................................. 117 18.5.3. Split Mode with Bank Select.................................................................. 118 18.5.4. External Only......................................................................................... 118 18.6. Timing .......................................................................................................... 118 18.6.1. Non-Multiplexed Mode .......................................................................... 120 16-bit MOVX: EMI0CF[4:2] = 101, 110, or 111............................. 120 8-bit MOVX without Bank Select: EMI0CF[4:2] = 101 or 111 ....... 121 8-bit MOVX with Bank Select: EMI0CF[4:2] = 110 ....................... 122 18.6.2. Multiplexed Mode .................................................................................. 123 16-bit MOVX: EMI0CF[4:2] = 001, 010, or 011............................. 123 8-bit MOVX without Bank Select: EMI0CF[4:2] = 001 or 011 ....... 124 8-bit MOVX with Bank Select: EMI0CF[4:2] = 010 ....................... 125 19. In-System Device Identification.......................................................................... 128 20. Special Function Registers................................................................................. 130 21. Interrupts .............................................................................................................. 137 21.1. MCU Interrupt Sources and Vectors.............................................................. 138 21.1.1. Interrupt Priorities.................................................................................. 138 21.1.2. Interrupt Latency ................................................................................... 138 21.2. Interrupt Register Descriptions ...................................................................... 140 21.3. INT0 and INT1 External Interrupts................................................................. 146 22. Flash Memory....................................................................................................... 148 22.1. Programming The Flash Memory .................................................................. 148 22.1.1. Flash Lock and Key Functions .............................................................. 148 4 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 22.1.2. Flash Erase Procedure ......................................................................... 148 22.1.3. Flash Write Procedure .......................................................................... 149 22.2. Non-volatile Data Storage ............................................................................. 149 22.3. Security Options ............................................................................................ 149 22.4. Flash Write and Erase Guidelines ................................................................. 150 22.4.1. VDD Maintenance and the VDD Monitor .............................................. 151 22.4.2. PSWE Maintenance .............................................................................. 151 22.4.3. System Clock ........................................................................................ 152 23. EEPROM ............................................................................................................... 155 23.1. RAM Reads and Writes ................................................................................. 155 23.2. Auto Increment .............................................................................................. 155 23.3. Interfacing with the EEPROM........................................................................ 155 23.4. EEPROM Security ......................................................................................... 156 24. Power Management Modes................................................................................. 160 24.1. Idle Mode....................................................................................................... 160 24.2. Stop Mode ..................................................................................................... 161 24.3. Suspend Mode .............................................................................................. 161 25. Reset Sources ...................................................................................................... 163 25.1. Power-On Reset ............................................................................................ 164 25.2. Power-Fail Reset / VDD Monitor ................................................................... 165 25.3. External Reset ............................................................................................... 166 25.4. Missing Clock Detector Reset ....................................................................... 166 25.5. Comparator0 Reset ....................................................................................... 167 25.6. Watchdog Timer Reset.................................................................................. 167 25.7. Flash Error Reset .......................................................................................... 167 25.8. Software Reset .............................................................................................. 167 26. Watchdog Timer................................................................................................... 169 26.1. Enable/Reset WDT........................................................................................ 169 26.2. Disable WDT ................................................................................................. 169 26.3. Disable WDT Lockout.................................................................................... 169 26.4. Setting WDT Interval ..................................................................................... 169 27. Oscillators and Clock Selection ......................................................................... 171 27.1. System Clock Selection................................................................................. 171 27.2. Programmable Internal High-Frequency (H-F) Oscillator .............................. 173 27.3. External Oscillator Drive Circuit..................................................................... 175 27.3.1. External Crystal Example...................................................................... 177 27.3.2. External RC Example............................................................................ 178 27.3.3. External Capacitor Example.................................................................. 179 28. Port Input/Output ................................................................................................. 180 28.1. Port I/O Modes of Operation.......................................................................... 181 28.1.1. Port Pins Configured for Analog I/O...................................................... 181 28.1.2. Port Pins Configured For Digital I/O...................................................... 181 28.1.3. Interfacing Port I/O to 5 V Logic ............................................................ 182 28.1.4. Increasing Port I/O Drive Strength ........................................................ 182 28.2. Assigning Port I/O Pins to Analog and Digital Functions............................... 182 Rev. 1.0 5 C8051F70x/71x 28.2.1. Assigning Port I/O Pins to Analog Functions ........................................ 182 28.2.2. Assigning Port I/O Pins to Digital Functions.......................................... 184 28.2.3. Assigning Port I/O Pins to External Event Trigger Functions................ 184 28.3. Priority Crossbar Decoder ............................................................................. 185 28.4. Port I/O Initialization ...................................................................................... 189 28.5. Port Match ..................................................................................................... 192 28.6. Special Function Registers for Accessing and Configuring Port I/O ............. 194 29. Cyclic Redundancy Check Unit (CRC0)............................................................. 211 29.1. 16-bit CRC Algorithm..................................................................................... 212 29.2. 32-bit CRC Algorithm..................................................................................... 213 29.3. Preparing for a CRC Calculation ................................................................... 214 29.4. Performing a CRC Calculation ...................................................................... 214 29.5. Accessing the CRC0 Result .......................................................................... 214 29.6. CRC0 Bit Reverse Feature............................................................................ 218 30. SMBus................................................................................................................... 219 30.1. Supporting Documents .................................................................................. 220 30.2. SMBus Configuration..................................................................................... 220 30.3. SMBus Operation .......................................................................................... 220 30.3.1. Transmitter Vs. Receiver....................................................................... 221 30.3.2. Arbitration.............................................................................................. 221 30.3.3. Clock Low Extension............................................................................. 221 30.3.4. SCL Low Timeout.................................................................................. 221 30.3.5. SCL High (SMBus Free) Timeout ......................................................... 222 30.4. Using the SMBus........................................................................................... 222 30.4.1. SMBus Configuration Register.............................................................. 222 30.4.2. SMB0CN Control Register .................................................................... 226 Software ACK Generation ............................................................ 226 Hardware ACK Generation ........................................................... 226 30.4.3. Hardware Slave Address Recognition .................................................. 228 30.4.4. Data Register ........................................................................................ 231 30.5. SMBus Transfer Modes................................................................................. 232 30.5.1. Write Sequence (Master) ...................................................................... 232 30.5.2. Read Sequence (Master) ...................................................................... 233 30.5.3. Write Sequence (Slave) ........................................................................ 234 30.5.4. Read Sequence (Slave) ........................................................................ 235 30.6. SMBus Status Decoding................................................................................ 235 31. Enhanced Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0) ..................................................... 241 31.1. Signal Descriptions........................................................................................ 242 31.1.1. Master Out, Slave In (MOSI)................................................................. 242 31.1.2. Master In, Slave Out (MISO)................................................................. 242 31.1.3. Serial Clock (SCK) ................................................................................ 242 31.1.4. Slave Select (NSS) ............................................................................... 242 31.2. SPI0 Master Mode Operation ........................................................................ 242 31.3. SPI0 Slave Mode Operation .......................................................................... 244 31.4. SPI0 Interrupt Sources .................................................................................. 245 6 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 31.5. Serial Clock Phase and Polarity .................................................................... 245 31.6. SPI Special Function Registers ..................................................................... 247 32. UART0 ................................................................................................................... 254 32.1. Enhanced Baud Rate Generation.................................................................. 255 32.2. Operational Modes ........................................................................................ 256 32.2.1. 8-Bit UART ............................................................................................ 256 32.2.2. 9-Bit UART ............................................................................................ 257 32.3. Multiprocessor Communications ................................................................... 258 33. Timers ................................................................................................................... 262 33.1. Timer 0 and Timer 1 ...................................................................................... 264 33.1.1. Mode 0: 13-bit Counter/Timer ............................................................... 264 33.1.2. Mode 1: 16-bit Counter/Timer ............................................................... 265 33.1.3. Mode 2: 8-bit Counter/Timer with Auto-Reload..................................... 265 33.1.4. Mode 3: Two 8-bit Counter/Timers (Timer 0 Only)................................ 266 33.2. Timer 2 .......................................................................................................... 272 33.2.1. 16-bit Timer with Auto-Reload............................................................... 272 33.2.2. 8-bit Timers with Auto-Reload............................................................... 273 33.3. Timer 3 .......................................................................................................... 278 33.3.1. 16-bit Timer with Auto-Reload............................................................... 278 33.3.2. 8-bit Timers with Auto-Reload............................................................... 279 34. Programmable Counter Array............................................................................. 284 34.1. PCA Counter/Timer ....................................................................................... 285 34.2. PCA0 Interrupt Sources................................................................................. 286 34.3. Capture/Compare Modules ........................................................................... 286 34.3.1. Edge-triggered Capture Mode............................................................... 288 34.3.2. Software Timer (Compare) Mode.......................................................... 289 34.3.3. High-Speed Output Mode ..................................................................... 290 34.3.4. Frequency Output Mode ....................................................................... 291 34.3.5. 8-bit, 9-bit, 10-bit and 11-bit Pulse Width Modulator Modes ............... 292 8-bit Pulse Width Modulator Mode.............................................. 292 9/10/11-bit Pulse Width Modulator Mode.................................... 293 34.3.6. 16-Bit Pulse Width Modulator Mode.................................................... 294 34.4. Register Descriptions for PCA0..................................................................... 295 35. C2 Interface .......................................................................................................... 301 35.1. C2 Interface Registers................................................................................... 301 35.2. C2CK Pin Sharing ......................................................................................... 304 Document Change List.............................................................................................. 305 Contact Information................................................................................................... 306 Rev. 1.0 7 C8051F70x/71x List of Figures Figure 1.1. C8051F700/1 Block Diagram ................................................................ 18 Figure 1.2. C8051F702/3 Block Diagram ................................................................ 19 Figure 1.3. C8051F704/5 Block Diagram ................................................................ 20 Figure 1.4. C8051F706/07 Block Diagram .............................................................. 21 Figure 1.5. C8051F708/09/10/11 Block Diagram .................................................... 22 Figure 1.6. C8051F712/13/14/15 Block Diagram .................................................... 23 Figure 1.7. C8051F716 Block Diagram ................................................................... 24 Figure 1.8. C8051F717 Block Diagram ................................................................... 25 Figure 3.1. C8051F7xx-GQ TQFP64 Pinout Diagram (Top View) .......................... 32 Figure 3.2. C8051F7xx-GQ QFP48 Pinout Diagram (Top View) ............................. 33 Figure 3.3. C8051F7xx-GM QFN48 Pinout Diagram (Top View) ............................ 34 Figure 3.4. C8051F716-GM QFN32 Pinout Diagram (Top View) ............................ 35 Figure 3.5. C8051F717-GM QFN24 Pinout Diagram (Top View) ............................ 36 Figure 4.1. TQFP-64 Package Drawing .................................................................. 37 Figure 4.2. TQFP-64 PCB Land Pattern .................................................................. 38 Figure 5.1. TQFP-48 Package Drawing .................................................................. 39 Figure 5.2. TQFP-48 PCB Land Pattern .................................................................. 40 Figure 6.1. QFN-48 Package Drawing .................................................................... 41 Figure 6.2. QFN-48 PCB Land Pattern .................................................................... 42 Figure 7.1. QFN-32 Package Drawing .................................................................... 43 Figure 7.2. QFN-32 Recommended PCB Land Pattern .......................................... 44 Figure 8.1. QFN-24 Package Drawing .................................................................... 45 Figure 8.2. QFN-24 Recommended PCB Land Pattern .......................................... 46 Figure 10.1. ADC0 Functional Block Diagram ......................................................... 55 Figure 10.2. 10-Bit ADC Track and Conversion Example Timing ........................... 57 Figure 10.3. ADC0 Equivalent Input Circuits ........................................................... 58 Figure 10.4. ADC Window Compare Example: Right-Justified Data ....................... 64 Figure 10.5. ADC Window Compare Example: Left-Justified Data ......................... 64 Figure 10.6. ADC0 Multiplexer Block Diagram ........................................................ 65 Figure 11.1. Temperature Sensor Transfer Function .............................................. 67 Figure 11.2. Temperature Sensor Error with 1-Point Calibration at 0 Celsius ......... 68 Figure 12.1. Voltage Reference Functional Block Diagram ..................................... 69 Figure 14.1. Comparator0 Functional Block Diagram ............................................. 74 Figure 14.2. Comparator Hysteresis Plot ................................................................ 75 Figure 14.3. Comparator Input Multiplexer Block Diagram ...................................... 78 Figure 15.1. CS0 Block Diagram ............................................................................. 80 Figure 15.2. Auto-Scan Example ............................................................................. 83 Figure 15.3. CS0 Multiplexer Block Diagram ........................................................... 96 Figure 16.1. CIP-51 Block Diagram ......................................................................... 98 Figure 17.1. C8051F70x/71x Memory Map ........................................................... 108 Figure 17.2. Flash Program Memory Map ............................................................. 109 Figure 18.1. Multiplexed Configuration Example ................................................... 115 Figure 18.2. Non-multiplexed Configuration Example ........................................... 116 8 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Figure 18.3. EMIF Operating Modes ..................................................................... 117 Figure 18.4. Non-multiplexed 16-bit MOVX Timing ............................................... 120 Figure 18.5. Non-multiplexed 8-bit MOVX without Bank Select Timing ................ 121 Figure 18.6. Non-Multiplexed 8-Bit MOVX with Bank Select Timing ..................... 122 Figure 18.7. Multiplexed 16-bit MOVX Timing ....................................................... 123 Figure 18.8. Multiplexed 8-Bit MOVX without Bank Select Timing ........................ 124 Figure 18.9. Multiplexed 8-Bit MOVX with Bank Select Timing ............................. 125 Figure 23.1. EEPROM Block Diagram .................................................................. 155 Figure 25.1. Reset Sources ................................................................................... 163 Figure 25.2. Power-On and VDD Monitor Reset Timing ....................................... 164 Figure 27.1. Oscillator Options .............................................................................. 171 Figure 27.2. External 32.768 kHz Quartz Crystal Oscillator Connection Diagram 178 Figure 28.1. Port I/O Functional Block Diagram .................................................... 180 Figure 28.2. Port I/O Cell Block Diagram .............................................................. 181 Figure 28.3. Port I/O Overdrive Current ................................................................ 182 Figure 28.4. Crossbar Priority Decoder—Possible Pin Assignments .................... 186 Figure 28.5. Crossbar Priority Decoder in Example Configuration— No Pins Skipped ............................................................................... 187 Figure 28.6. Crossbar Priority Decoder in Example Configuration— 3 Pins Skipped .................................................................................. 188 Figure 29.1. CRC0 Block Diagram ........................................................................ 211 Figure 30.1. SMBus Block Diagram ...................................................................... 219 Figure 30.2. Typical SMBus Configuration ............................................................ 220 Figure 30.3. SMBus Transaction ........................................................................... 221 Figure 30.4. Typical SMBus SCL Generation ........................................................ 223 Figure 30.5. Typical Master Write Sequence ........................................................ 232 Figure 30.6. Typical Master Read Sequence ........................................................ 233 Figure 30.7. Typical Slave Write Sequence .......................................................... 234 Figure 30.8. Typical Slave Read Sequence .......................................................... 235 Figure 31.1. SPI Block Diagram ............................................................................ 241 Figure 31.2. Multiple-Master Mode Connection Diagram ...................................... 243 Figure 31.3. 3-Wire Single Master and Single Slave Mode Connection Diagram . 243 Figure 31.4. 4-Wire Single Master Mode and Slave Mode Connection Diagram .. 244 Figure 31.5. Master Mode Data/Clock Timing ....................................................... 246 Figure 31.6. Slave Mode Data/Clock Timing (CKPHA = 0) ................................... 246 Figure 31.7. Slave Mode Data/Clock Timing (CKPHA = 1) ................................... 247 Figure 31.8. SPI Master Timing (CKPHA = 0) ....................................................... 251 Figure 31.9. SPI Master Timing (CKPHA = 1) ....................................................... 251 Figure 31.10. SPI Slave Timing (CKPHA = 0) ....................................................... 252 Figure 31.11. SPI Slave Timing (CKPHA = 1) ....................................................... 252 Figure 32.1. UART0 Block Diagram ...................................................................... 254 Figure 32.2. UART0 Baud Rate Logic ................................................................... 255 Figure 32.3. UART Interconnect Diagram ............................................................. 256 Figure 32.4. 8-Bit UART Timing Diagram .............................................................. 256 Figure 32.5. 9-Bit UART Timing Diagram .............................................................. 257 Rev. 1.0 9 C8051F70x/71x Figure 32.6. UART Multi-Processor Mode Interconnect Diagram ......................... 258 Figure 33.1. T0 Mode 0 Block Diagram ................................................................. 265 Figure 33.2. T0 Mode 2 Block Diagram ................................................................. 266 Figure 33.3. T0 Mode 3 Block Diagram ................................................................. 267 Figure 33.4. Timer 2 16-Bit Mode Block Diagram ................................................. 272 Figure 33.5. Timer 2 8-Bit Mode Block Diagram ................................................... 273 Figure 33.7. Timer 3 16-Bit Mode Block Diagram ................................................. 278 Figure 33.8. Timer 3 8-Bit Mode Block Diagram ................................................... 279 Figure 33.9. Timer 3 Capture Mode Block Diagram .............................................. 280 Figure 34.1. PCA Block Diagram ........................................................................... 284 Figure 34.2. PCA Counter/Timer Block Diagram ................................................... 285 Figure 34.3. PCA Interrupt Block Diagram ............................................................ 286 Figure 34.4. PCA Capture Mode Diagram ............................................................. 288 Figure 34.5. PCA Software Timer Mode Diagram ................................................. 289 Figure 34.6. PCA High-Speed Output Mode Diagram ........................................... 290 Figure 34.7. PCA Frequency Output Mode ........................................................... 291 Figure 34.8. PCA 8-Bit PWM Mode Diagram ........................................................ 292 Figure 34.9. PCA 9, 10 and 11-Bit PWM Mode Diagram ...................................... 293 Figure 34.10. PCA 16-Bit PWM Mode ................................................................... 294 Figure 35.1. Typical C2CK Pin Sharing ................................................................. 304 10 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x List of Tables Table 2.1. Product Selection Guide ......................................................................... 27 Table 3.1. Pin Definitions for the C8051F70x/71x ................................................... 28 Table 4.1. TQFP-64 Package Dimensions .............................................................. 37 Table 4.2. TQFP-64 PCB Land Pattern Dimensions ............................................... 38 Table 5.1. TQFP-48 Package Dimensions .............................................................. 39 Table 5.2. TQFP-48 PCB Land Pattern Dimensions ............................................... 40 Table 6.1. QFN-48 Package Dimensions ................................................................ 41 Table 6.2. QFN-48 PCB Land Pattern Dimensions ................................................. 42 Table 7.1. QFN-32 Package Dimensions ................................................................ 43 Table 7.2. QFN-32 PCB Land Pattern Dimensions ................................................. 44 Table 8.1. QFN-24 Package Dimensions ................................................................ 45 Table 8.2. QFN-24 PCB Land Pattern Dimensions ................................................. 46 Table 9.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings .................................................................... 47 Table 9.2. Global Electrical Characteristics ............................................................. 48 Table 9.3. Port I/O DC Electrical Characteristics ..................................................... 49 Table 9.4. Reset Electrical Characteristics .............................................................. 49 Table 9.5. Internal Voltage Regulator Electrical Characteristics ............................. 50 Table 9.6. Flash Electrical Characteristics .............................................................. 50 Table 9.7. Internal High-Frequency Oscillator Electrical Characteristics ................. 50 Table 9.8. Capacitive Sense Electrical Characteristics ........................................... 51 Table 9.9. EEPROM Electrical Characteristics ........................................................ 52 Table 9.10. ADC0 Electrical Characteristics ............................................................ 52 Table 9.11. Power Management Electrical Characteristics ..................................... 53 Table 9.12. Temperature Sensor Electrical Characteristics .................................... 53 Table 9.13. Voltage Reference Electrical Characteristics ....................................... 53 Table 9.14. Comparator Electrical Characteristics .................................................. 54 Table 15.1. Gain Setting vs. Maximum Capacitance and Conversion Time ........... 81 Table 15.2. Operation with Auto-scan and Accumulate .......................................... 85 Table 16.1. CIP-51 Instruction Set Summary ........................................................ 100 Table 18.1. AC Parameters for External Memory Interface ................................... 126 Table 18.2. EMIF Pinout (C8051F700/1/2/3/8/9 and C8051F710/1) ..................... 127 Table 20.1. Special Function Register (SFR) Memory Map .................................. 131 Table 20.2. Special Function Registers ................................................................. 132 Table 21.1. Interrupt Summary .............................................................................. 139 Table 22.1. Flash Security Summary .................................................................... 150 Table 28.1. Port I/O Assignment for Analog Functions ......................................... 183 Table 28.2. Port I/O Assignment for Digital Functions ........................................... 184 Table 28.3. Port I/O Assignment for External Event Trigger Functions ................. 184 Table 29.1. Example 16-bit CRC Outputs ............................................................. 212 Table 29.2. Example 32-bit CRC Outputs ............................................................. 213 Table 30.1. SMBus Clock Source Selection .......................................................... 223 Table 30.2. Minimum SDA Setup and Hold Times ................................................ 224 Table 30.3. Sources for Hardware Changes to SMB0CN ..................................... 228 Rev. 1.0 11 C8051F70x/71x Table 30.4. Hardware Address Recognition Examples (EHACK = 1) ................... 229 Table 30.5. SMBus Status Decoding: Hardware ACK Disabled (EHACK = 0) ...... 236 Table 30.6. SMBus Status Decoding: Hardware ACK Enabled (EHACK = 1) ...... 238 Table 31.1. SPI Slave Timing Parameters ............................................................ 253 Table 32.1. Timer Settings for Standard Baud Rates Using The Internal 24.5 MHz Oscillator .............................................. 261 Table 32.2. Timer Settings for Standard Baud Rates Using an External 22.1184 MHz Oscillator ......................................... 261 Table 34.1. PCA Timebase Input Options ............................................................. 285 Table 34.2. PCA0CPM and PCA0PWM Bit Settings for PCA Modules ................. 287 12 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x List of Registers SFR Definition 10.1. ADC0CF: ADC0 Configuration .................................................... 59 SFR Definition 10.2. ADC0H: ADC0 Data Word MSB .................................................. 60 SFR Definition 10.3. ADC0L: ADC0 Data Word LSB .................................................... 60 SFR Definition 10.4. ADC0CN: ADC0 Control .............................................................. 61 SFR Definition 10.5. ADC0GTH: ADC0 Greater-Than Data High Byte ........................ 62 SFR Definition 10.6. ADC0GTL: ADC0 Greater-Than Data Low Byte .......................... 62 SFR Definition 10.7. ADC0LTH: ADC0 Less-Than Data High Byte .............................. 63 SFR Definition 10.8. ADC0LTL: ADC0 Less-Than Data Low Byte ............................... 63 SFR Definition 10.9. ADC0MX: AMUX0 Channel Select .............................................. 66 SFR Definition 12.1. REF0CN: Voltage Reference Control .......................................... 71 SFR Definition 13.1. REG0CN: Voltage Regulator Control .......................................... 73 SFR Definition 14.1. CPT0CN: Comparator0 Control ................................................... 76 SFR Definition 14.2. CPT0MD: Comparator0 Mode Selection ..................................... 77 SFR Definition 14.3. CPT0MX: Comparator0 MUX Selection ...................................... 79 SFR Definition 15.1. CS0CN: Capacitive Sense Control .............................................. 88 SFR Definition 15.2. CS0CF: Capacitive Sense Configuration ..................................... 89 SFR Definition 15.3. CS0DH: Capacitive Sense Data High Byte ................................. 90 SFR Definition 15.4. CS0DL: Capacitive Sense Data Low Byte ................................... 90 SFR Definition 15.5. CS0SS: Capacitive Sense Auto-Scan Start Channel .................. 91 SFR Definition 15.6. CS0SE: Capacitive Sense Auto-Scan End Channel ................... 91 SFR Definition 15.7. CS0THH: Capacitive Sense Comparator Threshold High Byte ... 92 SFR Definition 15.8. CS0THL: Capacitive Sense Comparator Threshold Low Byte .... 92 SFR Definition 15.9. CS0PM: Capacitive Sense Pin Monitor ....................................... 93 SFR Definition 15.10. CS0MD1: Capacitive Sense Mode 1 ......................................... 94 SFR Definition 15.11. CS0MD2: Capacitive Sense Mode 2 ......................................... 95 SFR Definition 15.12. CS0MX: Capacitive Sense Mux Channel Select ....................... 97 SFR Definition 16.1. DPL: Data Pointer Low Byte ...................................................... 104 SFR Definition 16.2. DPH: Data Pointer High Byte ..................................................... 104 SFR Definition 16.3. SP: Stack Pointer ....................................................................... 105 SFR Definition 16.4. ACC: Accumulator ..................................................................... 105 SFR Definition 16.5. B: B Register .............................................................................. 106 SFR Definition 16.6. PSW: Program Status Word ...................................................... 107 SFR Definition 18.1. EMI0CN: External Memory Interface Control ............................ 113 SFR Definition 18.2. EMI0CF: External Memory Configuration .................................. 114 SFR Definition 18.3. EMI0TC: External Memory Timing Control ................................ 119 SFR Definition 19.1. HWID: Hardware Identification Byte .......................................... 128 SFR Definition 19.2. DERIVID: Derivative Identification Byte ..................................... 128 SFR Definition 19.3. REVID: Hardware Revision Identification Byte .......................... 129 SFR Definition 20.1. SFRPAGE: SFR Page ............................................................... 132 SFR Definition 21.1. IE: Interrupt Enable .................................................................... 140 SFR Definition 21.2. IP: Interrupt Priority .................................................................... 141 SFR Definition 21.3. EIE1: Extended Interrupt Enable 1 ............................................ 142 SFR Definition 21.4. EIE2: Extended Interrupt Enable 2 ............................................ 143 Rev. 1.0 13 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 21.5. EIP1: Extended Interrupt Priority 1 ............................................ 144 SFR Definition 21.6. EIP2: Extended Interrupt Priority 2 ............................................ 145 SFR Definition 21.7. IT01CF: INT0/INT1 Configuration .............................................. 147 SFR Definition 22.1. PSCTL: Program Store R/W Control ......................................... 153 SFR Definition 22.2. FLKEY: Flash Lock and Key ...................................................... 154 SFR Definition 23.1. EEADDR: EEPROM Byte Address ............................................ 156 SFR Definition 23.2. EEDATA: EEPROM Byte Data .................................................. 157 SFR Definition 23.3. EECNTL: EEPROM Control ...................................................... 158 SFR Definition 23.4. EEKEY: EEPROM Protect Key .................................................. 159 SFR Definition 24.1. PCON: Power Control ................................................................ 162 SFR Definition 25.1. VDM0CN: VDD Monitor Control ................................................ 166 SFR Definition 25.2. RSTSRC: Reset Source ............................................................ 168 SFR Definition 26.1. WDTCN: Watchdog Timer Control ............................................ 170 SFR Definition 27.1. CLKSEL: Clock Select ............................................................... 172 SFR Definition 27.2. OSCICL: Internal H-F Oscillator Calibration .............................. 173 SFR Definition 27.3. OSCICN: Internal H-F Oscillator Control ................................... 174 SFR Definition 27.4. OSCXCN: External Oscillator Control ........................................ 176 SFR Definition 28.1. XBR0: Port I/O Crossbar Register 0 .......................................... 190 SFR Definition 28.2. XBR1: Port I/O Crossbar Register 1 .......................................... 191 SFR Definition 28.3. P0MASK: Port 0 Mask Register ................................................. 192 SFR Definition 28.4. P0MAT: Port 0 Match Register .................................................. 193 SFR Definition 28.5. P1MASK: Port 1 Mask Register ................................................. 193 SFR Definition 28.6. P1MAT: Port 1 Match Register .................................................. 194 SFR Definition 28.7. P0: Port 0 ................................................................................... 195 SFR Definition 28.8. P0MDIN: Port 0 Input Mode ....................................................... 195 SFR Definition 28.9. P0MDOUT: Port 0 Output Mode ................................................ 196 SFR Definition 28.10. P0SKIP: Port 0 Skip ................................................................. 196 SFR Definition 28.11. P0DRV: Port 0 Drive Strength ................................................. 197 SFR Definition 28.12. P1: Port 1 ................................................................................. 197 SFR Definition 28.13. P1MDIN: Port 1 Input Mode ..................................................... 198 SFR Definition 28.14. P1MDOUT: Port 1 Output Mode .............................................. 198 SFR Definition 28.15. P1SKIP: Port 1 Skip ................................................................. 199 SFR Definition 28.16. P1DRV: Port 1 Drive Strength ................................................. 199 SFR Definition 28.17. P2: Port 2 ................................................................................. 200 SFR Definition 28.18. P2MDIN: Port 2 Input Mode ..................................................... 200 SFR Definition 28.19. P2MDOUT: Port 2 Output Mode .............................................. 201 SFR Definition 28.20. P2SKIP: Port 2 Skip ................................................................. 201 SFR Definition 28.21. P2DRV: Port 2 Drive Strength ................................................. 202 SFR Definition 28.22. P3: Port 3 ................................................................................. 202 SFR Definition 28.23. P3MDIN: Port 3 Input Mode ..................................................... 203 SFR Definition 28.24. P3MDOUT: Port 3 Output Mode .............................................. 203 SFR Definition 28.25. P3DRV: Port 3 Drive Strength ................................................. 204 SFR Definition 28.26. P4: Port 4 ................................................................................. 204 SFR Definition 28.27. P4MDIN: Port 4 Input Mode ..................................................... 205 SFR Definition 28.28. P4MDOUT: Port 4 Output Mode .............................................. 205 14 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.29. P4DRV: Port 4 Drive Strength ................................................. 206 SFR Definition 28.30. P5: Port 5 ................................................................................. 206 SFR Definition 28.31. P5MDIN: Port 5 Input Mode ..................................................... 207 SFR Definition 28.32. P5MDOUT: Port 5 Output Mode .............................................. 207 SFR Definition 28.33. P5DRV: Port 5 Drive Strength ................................................. 208 SFR Definition 28.34. P6: Port 6 ................................................................................. 208 SFR Definition 28.35. P6MDIN: Port 6 Input Mode ..................................................... 209 SFR Definition 28.36. P6MDOUT: Port 6 Output Mode .............................................. 209 SFR Definition 28.37. P6DRV: Port 6 Drive Strength ................................................. 210 SFR Definition 29.1. CRC0CN: CRC0 Control ........................................................... 215 SFR Definition 29.2. CRC0IN: CRC Data Input .......................................................... 216 SFR Definition 29.3. CRC0DATA: CRC Data Output ................................................. 216 SFR Definition 29.4. CRC0AUTO: CRC Automatic Control ........................................ 217 SFR Definition 29.5. CRC0CNT: CRC Automatic Flash Sector Count ....................... 217 SFR Definition 29.6. CRC0FLIP: CRC Bit Flip ............................................................ 218 SFR Definition 30.1. SMB0CF: SMBus Clock/Configuration ...................................... 225 SFR Definition 30.2. SMB0CN: SMBus Control .......................................................... 227 SFR Definition 30.3. SMB0ADR: SMBus Slave Address ............................................ 229 SFR Definition 30.4. SMB0ADM: SMBus Slave Address Mask .................................. 230 SFR Definition 30.5. SMB0DAT: SMBus Data ............................................................ 231 SFR Definition 31.1. SPI0CFG: SPI0 Configuration ................................................... 248 SFR Definition 31.2. SPI0CN: SPI0 Control ............................................................... 249 SFR Definition 31.3. SPI0CKR: SPI0 Clock Rate ....................................................... 250 SFR Definition 31.4. SPI0DAT: SPI0 Data ................................................................. 250 SFR Definition 32.1. SCON0: Serial Port 0 Control .................................................... 259 SFR Definition 32.2. SBUF0: Serial (UART0) Port Data Buffer .................................. 260 SFR Definition 33.1. CKCON: Clock Control .............................................................. 263 SFR Definition 33.2. TCON: Timer Control ................................................................. 268 SFR Definition 33.3. TMOD: Timer Mode ................................................................... 269 SFR Definition 33.4. TL0: Timer 0 Low Byte ............................................................... 270 SFR Definition 33.5. TL1: Timer 1 Low Byte ............................................................... 270 SFR Definition 33.6. TH0: Timer 0 High Byte ............................................................. 271 SFR Definition 33.7. TH1: Timer 1 High Byte ............................................................. 271 SFR Definition 33.8. TMR2CN: Timer 2 Control ......................................................... 275 SFR Definition 33.9. TMR2RLL: Timer 2 Reload Register Low Byte .......................... 276 SFR Definition 33.10. TMR2RLH: Timer 2 Reload Register High Byte ...................... 276 SFR Definition 33.11. TMR2L: Timer 2 Low Byte ....................................................... 277 SFR Definition 33.12. TMR2H Timer 2 High Byte ....................................................... 277 SFR Definition 33.13. TMR3CN: Timer 3 Control ....................................................... 281 SFR Definition 33.14. TMR3RLL: Timer 3 Reload Register Low Byte ........................ 282 SFR Definition 33.15. TMR3RLH: Timer 3 Reload Register High Byte ...................... 282 SFR Definition 33.16. TMR3L: Timer 3 Low Byte ....................................................... 283 SFR Definition 33.17. TMR3H Timer 3 High Byte ....................................................... 283 SFR Definition 34.1. PCA0CN: PCA Control .............................................................. 295 SFR Definition 34.2. PCA0MD: PCA Mode ................................................................ 296 Rev. 1.0 15 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 34.3. PCA0PWM: PCA PWM Configuration ....................................... 297 SFR Definition 34.4. PCA0CPMn: PCA Capture/Compare Mode .............................. 298 SFR Definition 34.5. PCA0L: PCA Counter/Timer Low Byte ...................................... 299 SFR Definition 34.6. PCA0H: PCA Counter/Timer High Byte ..................................... 299 SFR Definition 34.7. PCA0CPLn: PCA Capture Module Low Byte ............................. 300 SFR Definition 34.8. PCA0CPHn: PCA Capture Module High Byte ........................... 300 C2 Register Definition 35.1. C2ADD: C2 Address ...................................................... 301 C2 Register Definition 35.2. DEVICEID: C2 Device ID ............................................... 302 C2 Register Definition 35.3. REVID: C2 Revision ID .................................................. 302 C2 Register Definition 35.4. FPCTL: C2 Flash Programming Control ........................ 303 C2 Register Definition 35.5. FPDAT: C2 Flash Programming Data ............................ 303 16 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 1. System Overview C8051F70x/71x devices are fully integrated, system-on-a-chip, capacitive sensing mixed-signal MCUs. Highlighted features are listed below. Refer to Table 2.1 for specific product feature selection and part ordering numbers. High-speed pipelined 8051-compatible microcontroller core (up to 25 MIPS) full-speed, non-intrusive debug interface (on-chip) Capacitive Sense interface with 38 input channels 10-bit 500 ksps single-ended ADC with 16 external channels and integrated temperature sensor Precision calibrated 24.5 MHz internal oscillator 16 kB of on-chip Flash memory 512 bytes of on-chip RAM In-system, SMBus/I 2 C, Enhanced UART, and Enhanced SPI serial interfaces implemented in hardware general-purpose 16-bit timers Programmable Counter/Timer Array (PCA) with three capture/compare modules On-chip internal voltage reference On-chip Watchdog timer On-chip Power-On Reset and Supply Monitor On-chip Voltage Comparator 54 general purpose I/O Four With on-chip power-on reset, VDD monitor, watchdog timer, and clock oscillator, the C8051F70x/71x devices are truly stand-alone, system-on-a-chip solutions. The Flash memory can be reprogrammed even in-circuit, providing non-volatile data storage, and also allowing field upgrades of the 8051 firmware. User software has complete control of all peripherals, and may individually shut down any or all peripherals for power savings. The C8051F70x/71x processors include Silicon Laboratories’ 2-Wire C2 Debug and Programming interface, which allows non-intrusive (uses no on-chip resources), full speed, in-circuit debugging using the production MCU installed in the final application. This debug logic supports inspection of memory, viewing and modification of special function registers, setting breakpoints, single stepping, and run and halt commands. All analog and digital peripherals are fully functional while debugging using C2. The two C2 interface pins can be shared with user functions, allowing in-system debugging without occupying package pins. Each device is specified for 1.8–3.6 V operation over the industrial temperature range (–45 to +85 °C). An internal LDO is used to supply the processor core voltage at 1.8 V. The Port I/O and RST pins are tolerant of input signals up to 2 V above the VDD supply, with the exception of P0.3. See Table 2.1 for ordering information. Block diagrams of the devices in the C8051F70x/71x family are shown in Figure 1.1. Rev. 1.0 17 C8051F70x/71x CIP-51 8051 Controller Core Port I/O Configuration Digital Peripherals UART Power On Reset 256 Byte RAM C2D Debug / Programming Hardware Timer 3 / RTC 256 Byte XRAM SPI WDT Peripheral Power Regulator SYSCLK SFR Bus Core Power XTAL1 XTAL2 Crossbar Control ... Port 3 Drivers ... Port 4 Drivers ... Port 5 Drivers ... Port 6 Drivers ... P2.7 P4 / P3 Address External Clock Circuit P4.0 P4.7 Analog Peripherals Capacitive Sense + - Comparator VDD 10-bit 500 ksps ADC VREF A M U X (‘F700 Only) VDD Temp Sensor Figure 1.1. C8051F700/1 Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 P5.0 P5.7 P5 Data P3.0 P3.7 P6 Control System Clock Configuration 18 P2.0 Port 2 Drivers SMBus External Memory Interface Precision Internal Oscillator GND Priority Crossbar Decoder PCA 32 Bytes EEPROM VDD Port 1 Drivers P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 Timers 0, 1, 2, 3 15 kB Flash Memory Reset C2CK/RST Port 0 Drivers P0.0 / VREF P0.1 / AGND P0.2 / XTAL1 P0.3 / XTAL2 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 P6.0 P6.5 C8051F70x/71x CIP-51 8051 Controller Core Port I/O Configuration Digital Peripherals UART Power On Reset Reset C2D Timer 3 / RTC 256 Byte RAM Debug / Programming Hardware 256 Byte XRAM Priority Crossbar Decoder PCA SPI WDT Peripheral Power VDD Regulator SYSCLK SFR Bus Core Power XTAL1 XTAL2 P2.0 Port 2 Drivers ... Port 3 Drivers ... Port 4 Drivers ... Port 5 Drivers ... Port 6 Drivers ... P2.7 SMBus Crossbar Control External Memory Interface Precision Internal Oscillator GND Port 1 Drivers P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 Timers 0, 1, 2, 3 16 kB Flash Memory C2CK/RST Port 0 Drivers P0.0 / VREF P0.1 / AGND P0.2 / XTAL1 P0.3 / XTAL2 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 P3.7 P4.0 P4.7 P6 Control P4 / P3 Address External Clock Circuit System Clock Configuration P5.0 P5.7 P5 Data P3.0 P6.0 P6.5 Analog Peripherals Capacitive Sense + - Comparator VDD 10-bit 500 ksps ADC VREF A M U X (‘F702 Only) VDD Temp Sensor Figure 1.2. C8051F702/3 Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 19 C8051F70x/71x Port I/O Configuration CIP-51 8051 Controller Core Digital Peripherals UART Power On Reset Timers 0, 1, 2, 4 15 kB Flash Memory Reset 256 Byte RAM C2CK/RST C2D Debug / Programming Hardware Timer 3 / RTC 256 Byte XRAM PCA 32 Bytes EEPROM Regulator SYSCLK SFR Bus SMBus Crossbar Control Core Power Precision Internal Oscillator GND XTAL1 XTAL2 Port 1 Drivers P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 External Clock Circuit ... Port 3 Drivers ... Port 4 Drivers ... Port 5 Drivers ... Port 6 Drivers ... Analog Peripherals System Clock Configuration Capacitive Sense + - Comparator VDD 10-bit 500 ksps ADC (‘F704 Only) VREF A M U X VDD Temp Sensor Figure 1.3. C8051F704/5 Block Diagram 20 P2.0 Port 2 Drivers Rev. 1.0 (8 I/O) P2.7 SPI WDT Peripheral Power VDD Priority Crossbar Decoder Port 0 Drivers P0.0 / VREF P0.1 / AGND P0.2 / XTAL1 P0.3 / XTAL2 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 P3.0 (8 I/O) P3.7 P4.0 (4 I/O) P4.3 P5.0 (8 I/O) P5.7 P6.0 (6 I/O) P6.5 C8051F70x/71x Port I/O Configuration CIP-51 8051 Controller Core Digital Peripherals UART Power On Reset Timers 0, 1, 2, 4 16 kB Flash Memory Reset 256 Byte RAM C2CK/RST C2D Debug / Programming Hardware Timer 3 / RTC Priority Crossbar Decoder 256 Byte XRAM PCA Port 0 Drivers P0.0 / VREF P0.1 / AGND P0.2 / XTAL1 P0.3 / XTAL2 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 Port 1 Drivers P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P2.0 Port 2 Drivers ... Port 3 Drivers ... Port 4 Drivers ... Port 5 Drivers ... Port 6 Drivers ... SPI WDT Peripheral Power VDD Regulator SYSCLK SFR Bus SMBus Crossbar Control Core Power Precision Internal Oscillator GND XTAL1 XTAL2 External Clock Circuit (8 I/O) P2.7 P3.4 (4 I/O) P3.7 P4.0 (4 I/O) P4.3 P5.0 (8 I/O) P5.7 P6.3 (3 I/O) P6.5 Analog Peripherals System Clock Configuration Capacitive Sense + - Comparator VDD 10-bit 500 ksps ADC VREF A M U X (‘F706 Only) VDD Temp Sensor Figure 1.4. C8051F706/07 Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 21 C8051F70x/71x CIP-51 8051 Controller Core Port I/O Configuration Digital Peripherals UART Power On Reset 256 Byte RAM C2D Debug / Programming Hardware Timer 3 / RTC 256 Byte XRAM Regulator SPI WDT SYSCLK SFR Bus Core Power XTAL1 XTAL2 Crossbar Control ... Port 3 Drivers ... Port 4 Drivers ... Port 5 Drivers ... Port 6 Drivers ... P2.7 P4 / P3 Address External Clock Circuit P4.0 P4.7 Analog Peripherals Capacitive Sense + - Comparator VDD 10-bit 500 ksps ADC VREF A M U X (‘F708/10 Only) VDD Temp Sensor Figure 1.5. C8051F708/09/10/11 Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 P5.0 P5.7 P5 Data P3.0 P3.7 P6 Control System Clock Configuration 22 P2.0 Port 2 Drivers SMBus External Memory Interface Precision Internal Oscillator GND Priority Crossbar Decoder PCA 32 Bytes EEPROM (‘F708/09 Only) Peripheral Power VDD Port 1 Drivers P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 Timers 0, 1, 2, 3 8 kB Flash Memory Reset C2CK/RST Port 0 Drivers P0.0 / VREF P0.1 / AGND P0.2 / XTAL1 P0.3 / XTAL2 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 P6.0 P6.5 C8051F70x/71x Port I/O Configuration CIP-51 8051 Controller Core Digital Peripherals UART Power On Reset Timers 0, 1, 2, 4 8 kB Flash Memory Reset 256 Byte RAM C2CK/RST C2D Debug / Programming Hardware Timer 3 / RTC 256 Byte XRAM PCA 32 Bytes EEPROM (‘F712/13 Only) Regulator SYSCLK SFR Bus SMBus Crossbar Control Core Power Precision Internal Oscillator GND XTAL1 XTAL2 Port 1 Drivers P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P2.0 Port 2 Drivers ... Port 3 Drivers ... Port 4 Drivers ... Port 5 Drivers ... External Clock Circuit Port 6 Drivers ... (8 I/O) P2.7 SPI WDT Peripheral Power VDD Priority Crossbar Decoder Port 0 Drivers P0.0 / VREF P0.1 / AGND P0.2 / XTAL1 P0.3 / XTAL2 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 P3.4 (4 I/O) P3.7 P4.0 (4 I/O) P4.3 P5.0 (8 I/O) P5.7 P6.3 (3 I/O) P6.5 Analog Peripherals System Clock Configuration Capacitive Sense + - Comparator VDD 10-bit 500 ksps ADC VREF A M U X (‘F712/14 Only) VDD Temp Sensor Figure 1.6. C8051F712/13/14/15 Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 23 C8051F70x/71x Port I/O Configuration CIP-51 8051 Controller Core Digital Peripherals Power On Reset Timers 0, 1, 2, 4 16 kB Flash Memory Reset 256 Byte RAM C2CK/RST C2D Debug / Programming Hardware Timer 3 / RTC Priority Crossbar Decoder 256 Byte XRAM PCA SPI Peripheral Power VDD Regulator SFR Bus WDT XTAL1 XTAL2 Port 3 Drivers ... Port 5 Drivers ... Core Power Analog Peripherals Capacitive Sense External Clock Circuit + - Comparator VDD 10-bit 500 ksps ADC System Clock Configuration VREF A M U X VDD Figure 1.7. C8051F716 Block Diagram 24 ... Port 6 Drivers Crossbar Control Precision Internal Oscillator GND Port 2 Drivers SMBus SYSCLK Rev. 1.0 P0.3 / XTAL2 P0.4 P0.5 Port 0 Drivers UART Temp Sensor P2.0 (8 I/O) P2.7 P3.0 (7 I/O) P3.6 P5.0 (8 I/O) P5.7 P6.3 P6.4 P6.5 C8051F70x/71x Port I/O Configuration CIP-51 8051 Controller Core Digital Peripherals Power On Reset Timers 0, 1, 2, 4 16 kB Flash Memory Reset 256 Byte RAM C2CK/RST C2D Port 0 Drivers UART Debug / Programming Hardware Timer 3 / RTC 256 Byte XRAM PCA Priority Crossbar Decoder SPI Peripheral Power VDD Regulator SFR Bus XTAL1 XTAL2 ... Port 4 Drivers ... P2.0 (8 I/O) P2.7 P4.0 (8 I/O) P4.7 P6.4 P6.5 SMBus Crossbar Control SYSCLK Core Power Analog Peripherals Precision Internal Oscillator GND Port 2 Drivers Port 6 Drivers WDT P0.4 P0.5 Capacitive Sense External Clock Circuit + - Comparator System Clock Configuration Figure 1.8. C8051F717 Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 25 C8051F70x/71x 2. Ordering Information All C8051F70x/71x devices have the following features: 25 MIPS (Peak) Calibrated Internal Oscillator SMBus/I2C UART Programmable counter array (3 channels) 4 Timers (16-bit) 1 Comparator Pb-Free (RoHS compliant) package 512 bytes RAM In addition to the features listed above, each device in the C8051F70x/71x family has a set of features that vary across the product line. See Table 2.1 for a complete list of the unique feature sets for each device in the family. 26 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Part Number Digital Port I/Os Capacitive Sense Channels Flash Memory (kB) EEPROM (Bytes) External Memory Interface 10-bit 500 ksps ADC ADC Channels Temperature Sensor Package (RoHS) Table 2.1. Product Selection Guide C8051F700-GQ 54 38 15 32 Y Y 16 Y TQFP-64 C8051F701-GQ 54 38 15 32 Y N — — TQFP-64 C8051F702-GQ 54 38 16 — Y Y 16 Y TQFP-64 C8051F703-GQ 54 38 16 — Y N — — TQFP-64 C8051F704-GQ 39 27 15 32 N Y 12 Y TQFP-48 C8051F704-GM 39 27 15 32 N Y 12 Y QFN-48 C8051F705-GQ 39 27 15 32 N N — — TQFP-48 C8051F705-GM 39 27 15 32 N N — — QFN-48 C8051F706-GQ 39 27 16 — N Y 12 Y TQFP-48 C8051F706-GM 39 27 16 — N Y 12 Y QFN-48 C8051F707-GQ 39 27 16 — N N — — TQFP-48 C8051F707-GM 39 27 16 — N N — — QFN-48 C8051F708-GQ 54 38 8 32 Y Y 16 Y TQFP-64 C8051F709-GQ 54 38 8 32 Y N — — TQFP-64 C8051F710-GQ 54 38 8 — Y Y 16 Y TQFP-64 C8051F711-GQ 54 38 8 — Y N — — TQFP-64 C8051F712-GQ 39 27 8 32 N Y 12 Y TQFP-48 C8051F712-GM 39 27 8 32 N Y 12 Y QFN-48 C8051F713-GQ 39 27 8 32 N N — — TQFP-48 C8051F713-GM 39 27 8 32 N N — — QFN-48 C8051F714-GQ 39 27 8 — N Y 12 Y TQFP-48 C8051F714-GM 39 27 8 — N Y 12 Y QFN-48 C8051F715-GQ 39 27 8 — N N — — TQFP-48 C8051F715-GM 39 27 8 — N N — — QFN-48 C8051F716-GM 29 26 16 — N Y 3 Y QFN-32 C8051F717-GM 20 18 16 — N N — — QFN-24 Lead finish material on all devices is 100% matte tin (Sn). Rev. 1.0 27 C8051F70x/71x 3. Pin Definitions Table 3.1. Pin Definitions for the C8051F70x/71x Name TQFP64 TQFP48 QFN32 QFN24 QFN48 Type Description VDD 8, 24, 41, 57 8, 20, 44 27 21 Power Supply Voltage. GND 9, 25, 40, 56 9, 21, 30, 43 Center 20 Ground. RST / 58 45 28 22 C2CK C2D 59 46 29 23 P0.0 / 55 42 — — VREF P0.1/ D I/O Device Reset. Open-drain output of internal POR or VDD monitor. D I/O Clock signal for the C2 Debug Interface. D I/O Bi-directional data signal for the C2 Debug Interface. D I/O or Port 0.0. A In ADC0 Input. A In 54 41 — — D I/O or Port 0.1. A In ADC0 Input. External AGND input. AGND P0.2 / 53 40 — — D I/O or Port 0.2. A In ADC0 Input. A In XTAL1 P0.3 / External VREF input. 52 39 26 — External Clock Pin. This pin can be used for crystal clock mode. D I/O or Port 0.3. ADC0 Input. A In A I/O or External Clock Pin. This pin can be used for D In RC, crystal, and CMOS clock modes. XTAL2 P0.4 51 38 25 19 D I/O or Port 0.4. A In ADC0 Input. P0.5 50 37 24 18 D I/O or Port 0.5. A In ADC0 Input. P0.6 49 36 — — D I/O or Port 0.6. A In ADC0 Input. 28 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 3.1. Pin Definitions for the C8051F70x/71x (Continued) Name TQFP64 TQFP48 QFN32 QFN24 QFN48 Type P0.7 48 35 — — D I/O or Port 0.7. A In ADC0 Input. P1.0 47 34 — — D I/O or Port 1.0. A In ADC0 Input. P1.1 46 33 — — D I/O or Port 1.1. A In ADC0 Input. P1.2 45 32 — — D I/O or Port 1.2. A In ADC0 Input. P1.3 44 31 — — D I/O or Port 1.3. A In ADC0 Input. P1.4 43 — — — D I/O or Port 1.4. A In ADC0 Input. P1.5 42 — — — D I/O or Port 1.5. A In ADC0 Input. P1.6 39 — — — D I/O or Port 1.6. A In ADC0 Input. P1.7 38 — — — D I/O or Port 1.7. A In ADC0 Input. P2.0 37 29 23 17 D I/O or Port 2.0. A In CS0 input pin 1. P2.1 36 28 22 16 D I/O or Port 2.1. A In CS0 input pin 2. P2.2 35 27 21 15 D I/O or Port 2.2. A In CS0 input pin 3. P2.3 34 26 20 14 D I/O or Port 2.3. A In CS0 input pin 4. P2.4 33 25 19 13 D I/O or Port 2.4. A In CS0 input pin 5. P2.5 32 24 18 12 D I/O or Port 2.5. A In CS0 input pin 6. P2.6 31 23 17 11 D I/O or Port 2.6. A In CS0 input pin 7. P2.7 30 22 16 10 D I/O or Port 2.7. A In CS0 input pin 8. Rev. 1.0 Description 29 C8051F70x/71x Table 3.1. Pin Definitions for the C8051F70x/71x (Continued) Name TQFP64 TQFP48 QFN32 QFN24 QFN48 Type Description P3.0 29 — 15 — D I/O or Port 3.0. A In CS0 input pin 9. P3.1 28 — 14 — D I/O or Port 3.1. A In CS0 input pin 10. P3.2 27 — 13 — D I/O or Port 3.2. A In CS0 input pin 11. P3.3 26 — 12 — D I/O or Port 3.3. A In CS0 input pin 12. P3.4 23 19 11 — D I/O or Port 3.4. A In CS0 input pin 13. P3.5 22 18 10 — D I/O or Port 3.5. A In CS0 input pin 14. P3.6 21 17 9 — D I/O or Port 3.6. A In CS0 input pin 15. P3.7 20 16 — — D I/O or Port 3.7. A In CS0 input pin 16. P4.0 19 15 — 9 D I/O or Port 4.0. A In CS0 input pin 17. P4.1 18 14 — 8 D I/O or Port 4.1. A In CS0 input pin 18. P4.2 17 13 — 7 D I/O or Port 4.2. A In CS0 input pin 19. P4.3 16 12 — 6 D I/O or Port 4.3. A In CS0 input pin 20. P4.4 15 — — 5 D I/O or Port 4.4. A In CS0 input pin 21. P4.5 14 — — 4 D I/O or Port 4.5. A In CS0 input pin 22. P4.6 13 — — 3 D I/O or Port 4.6. A In CS0 input pin 23. P4.7 12 — — 2 D I/O or Port 4.7. A In CS0 input pin 24. P5.0 11 11 8 - D I/O or Port 5.0. A In CS0 input pin 25. 30 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 3.1. Pin Definitions for the C8051F70x/71x (Continued) Name TQFP64 TQFP48 QFN32 QFN24 QFN48 Type Description P5.1 10 10 7 — D I/O or Port 5.0. A In CS0 input pin 26. P5.2 7 7 6 — D I/O or Port 5.2. A In CS0 input pin 27 P5.3 6 6 5 — D I/O or Port 5.3. A In CS0 input pin 28. P5.4 5 5 4 — D I/O or Port 5.4. A In CS0 input pin 29. P5.5 4 4 3 — D I/O or Port 5.5. A In CS0 input pin 30. P5.6 3 3 2 — D I/O or Port 5.6. A In CS0 input pin 31. P5.7 2 2 1 — D I/O or Port 5.7. A In CS0 input pin 32. P6.0 1 — — — D I/O Port 6.0. CS0 input pin 33. P6.1 64 — — — D I/O Port 6.1. CS0 input pin 34. P6.2 63 — — — D I/O Port 6.2. CS0 input pin 35. P6.3 62 1 32 — D I/O Port 6.3. CS0 input pin 36. P6.4 61 48 31 1 D I/O Port 6.4. CS0 input pin 37. P6.5 60 47 30 24 D I/O Port 6.5. CS0 input pin 38. Rev. 1.0 31 P6.1 P6.2 P6.3 P6.4 P6.5 C2D RST/C2CK VDD GND P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 C8051F70x/71x P6.0 1 48 P0.7 P5.7 2 47 P1.0 P5.6 3 46 P1.1 P5.5 4 45 P1.2 P5.4 5 44 P1.3 P5.3 6 43 P1.4 P5.2 7 42 P1.5 VDD 8 41 VDD GND 9 40 GND P5.1 10 39 P1.6 P5.0 11 38 P1.7 P4.7 12 37 P2.0 P4.6 13 36 P2.1 P4.5 14 35 P2.2 P4.4 15 34 P2.3 P4.3 16 33 P2.4 27 28 29 30 31 32 P3.2 P3.1 P3.0 P2.7 P2.6 P2.5 23 P3.4 26 22 P3.5 P3.3 21 P3.6 25 20 P3.7 GND 19 P4.0 24 18 P4.1 VDD 17 P4.2 C8051F700/01/02/03/08/09/10/11 Figure 3.1. C8051F7xx-GQ TQFP64 Pinout Diagram (Top View) 32 Rev. 1.0 P6.4 P6.5 C2D RST/C2CK VDD GND P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 C8051F70x/71x P6.3 1 36 P0.6 P5.7 2 35 P0.7 P5.6 3 34 P1.0 P5.5 4 33 P1.1 P5.4 5 32 P1.2 P5.3 6 31 P1.3 P5.2 7 30 GND VDD 8 29 P2.0 GND 9 28 P2.1 P5.1 10 27 P2.2 P5.0 11 26 P2.3 P4.3 12 25 P2.4 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 P4.2 P4.1 P4.0 P3.7 P3.6 P3.5 P3.4 VDD GND P2.7 P2.6 P2.5 C8051F704/05/06/07/ 12/13/14/15 Figure 3.2. C8051F7xx-GQ QFP48 Pinout Diagram (Top View) Rev. 1.0 33 P6.4 P6.5 C2D RST/C2CK VDD GND P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 C8051F70x/71x P6.3 1 36 P0.6 P5.7 2 35 P0.7 P5.6 3 34 P1.0 P5.5 4 33 P1.1 P5.4 5 32 P1.2 P5.3 6 31 P1.3 P5.2 7 30 GND VDD 8 29 P2.0 GND 9 28 P2.1 P5.1 10 27 P2.2 P5.0 11 26 P2.3 P4.3 12 25 P2.4 C8051F704/05/06/07/ 12/13/14/15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 P4.2 P4.1 P4.0 P3.7 P3.6 P3.5 P3.4 VDD GND P2.7 P2.6 P2.5 GND Figure 3.3. C8051F7xx-GM QFN48 Pinout Diagram (Top View) 34 Rev. 1.0 P6.3 P6.4 P6.5 C2D RST/C2CK VDD P0.3 P0.4 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 C8051F70x/71x P5.7 1 24 P0.5 P5.6 2 23 P2.0 P5.5 3 22 P2.1 P5.4 4 21 P2.2 P5.3 5 20 P2.3 P5.2 6 19 P2.4 P5.1 7 18 P2.5 P5.0 8 17 P2.6 C8051F716 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 P3.6 P3.5 P3.4 P3.3 P3.2 P3.1 P3.0 P2.7 GND Figure 3.4. C8051F716-GM QFN32 Pinout Diagram (Top View) Rev. 1.0 35 P6.5 C2D RST/C2CK VDD GND P0.4 24 23 22 21 20 19 C8051F70x/71x P6.4 1 18 P0.5 P4.7 2 17 P2.0 P4.6 3 16 P2.1 C8051F717 P4.5 4 15 P2.2 P4.4 5 14 P2.3 P4.3 6 13 P2.4 7 8 9 10 11 12 P4.2 P4.1 P4.0 P2.7 P2.6 P2.5 GND Figure 3.5. C8051F717-GM QFN24 Pinout Diagram (Top View) 36 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 4. TQFP-64 Package Specifications Figure 4.1. TQFP-64 Package Drawing Table 4.1. TQFP-64 Package Dimensions Dimension Min Nom Max Dimension A A1 A2 b c D D1 e — 0.05 0.95 0.17 0.09 — — 1.00 0.22 — 12.00 BSC. 10.00 BSC. 0.50 BSC. 1.20 0.15 1.05 0.27 0.20 E E1 L aaa bbb ccc ddd Θ Min Nom Max 0.45 — — — — 0 12.00 BSC. 10.00 BSC. 0.60 — — — — 3.5 0.75 0.20 0.20 0.08 0.08 7 Notes: 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. Dimensioning and Tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1994. 3. This package outline conforms to JEDEC MS-026, variant ACD. 4. Recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. Rev. 1.0 37 C8051F70x/71x Figure 4.2. TQFP-64 PCB Land Pattern Table 4.2. TQFP-64 PCB Land Pattern Dimensions Dimension Min Max C1 C2 E X Y 11.30 11.30 11.40 11.40 0.50 BSC 0.20 1.40 0.30 1.50 Notes: General 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. This land pattern design is based on the IPC-7351 guidelines. Solder Mask Design 3. All metal pads are to be non-solder mask defined (NSMD). Clearance between the solder mask and the metal pad is to be 60 m minimum, all the way around the pad. Stencil Design 4. A stainless steel, laser-cut and electro-polished stencil with trapezoidal walls should be used to assure good solder paste release. 5. The stencil thickness should be 0.125 mm (5 mils). 6. The ratio of stencil aperture to land pad size should be 1:1 for all perimeter pins. Card Assembly 7. A No-Clean, Type-3 solder paste is recommended. 8. The recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. 38 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 5. TQFP-48 Package Specifications Figure 5.1. TQFP-48 Package Drawing Table 5.1. TQFP-48 Package Dimensions Dimension Min Nom Max Dimension A A1 A2 b c D D1 e — 0.05 0.95 0.17 0.09 — — 1.00 0.22 — 9.00 BSC. 7.00 BSC. 0.50 BSC. 1.20 0.15 1.05 0.27 0.20 E E1 L aaa bbb ccc ddd Θ Min 0.45 0° Nom 9.00 BSC. 7.00 BSC. 0.60 0.20 0.20 0.08 0.08 3.5° Max 0.75 7° Notes: 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. Dimensioning and Tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1994. 3. This drawing conforms to JEDEC outline MS-026, variation ABC. 4. Recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. Rev. 1.0 39 C8051F70x/71x Figure 5.2. TQFP-48 PCB Land Pattern Table 5.2. TQFP-48 PCB Land Pattern Dimensions Dimension Min Max C1 C2 E X1 Y1 8.30 8.30 8.40 8.40 0.50 BSC 0.20 1.40 0.30 1.50 Notes: General 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. This land pattern design is based on the IPC-7351 guidelines. Solder Mask Design 3. All metal pads are to be non-solder mask defined (NSMD). Clearance between the solder mask and the metal pad is to be 60 m minimum, all the way around the pad. Stencil Design 4. A stainless steel, laser-cut and electro-polished stencil with trapezoidal walls should be used to assure good solder paste release. 5. The stencil thickness should be 0.125 mm (5 mils). 6. The ratio of stencil aperture to land pad size should be 1:1 for all pads. Card Assembly 7. A No-Clean, Type-3 solder paste is recommended. 8. The recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. 40 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 6. QFN-48 Package Specifications Figure 6.1. QFN-48 Package Drawing Table 6.1. QFN-48 Package Dimensions Dimension Min Nom Max Dimension Min Nom Max A A1 b D D2 e E 0.80 0.00 0.18 0.90 — 0.23 7.00 BSC. 4.00 0.50 BSC. 7.00 BSC. 1.00 0.05 0.30 E2 L L1 aaa bbb ccc ddd 3.90 0.30 0.00 — — — — 4.00 0.40 — — — — — 4.10 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.08 3.90 4.10 Notes: 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. Dimensioning and Tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1994. 3. 3.This drawing conforms to JEDEC outline MO-220, variation VKKD-4 except for features D2 and L which are toleranced per supplier designation. 4. Recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. Rev. 1.0 41 C8051F70x/71x Figure 6.2. QFN-48 PCB Land Pattern Table 6.2. QFN-48 PCB Land Pattern Dimensions Dimension e C1 C2 X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Min Max 0.50 BSC 6.80 6.80 0.20 4.00 0.75 4.00 6.90 6.90 0.30 4.10 0.85 4.10 Notes: General 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. Dimensioning and Tolerancing is per the ANSI Y14.5M-1994 specification. 3. This Land Pattern Design is based on IPC-SM-7351 guidelines. 4. All dimensions shown are at Maximum Material Condition (MMC). Least Material Condition (LMC) is calculated based on a Fabrication Allowance of 0.05 mm. Solder Mask Design 5. All metal pads are to be non-solder mask defined (NSMD). Clearance between the solder mask and the metal pad is to be 60 µm minimum, all the way around the pad. Stencil Design 6. A stainless steel, laser-cut and electro-polished stencil with trapezoidal walls should be used to assure good solder paste release. 7. The stencil thickness should be 0.125 mm (5 mils). 8. The ratio of stencil aperture to land pad size should be 1:1 for all perimeter pads. 9. A 3x3 array of 1.20 mm square openings on 1.40 mm pitch should be used for the center ground pad. Card Assembly 10. A No-Clean, Type-3 solder paste is recommended. 11. The recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. 42 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 7. QFN-32 Package Specifications Figure 7.1. QFN-32 Package Drawing Table 7.1. QFN-32 Package Dimensions Dimension Min Typ Max Dimension Min Typ Max A A1 b D D2 e E 0.80 0.00 0.18 0.90 0.02 0.25 5.00 BSC. 3.60 0.50 BSC. 5.00 BSC. 1.00 0.05 0.30 E2 L L1 aaa bbb ddd eee 3.50 0.30 0.00 3.60 0.35 — 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.08 3.70 0.40 0.10 3.50 3.70 Notes: 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. Dimensioning and Tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1994. 3. This drawing conforms to the JEDEC Solid State Outline MO-220, variation VHHD except for custom features D2, E2, L and L1 which are toleranced per supplier designation. 4. Recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. Rev. 1.0 43 C8051F70x/71x Figure 7.2. QFN-32 Recommended PCB Land Pattern Table 7.2. QFN-32 PCB Land Pattern Dimensions Dimension C1 C2 E X1 Min Max Dimension Min Max X2 Y1 Y2 3.60 0.45 3.60 3.70 0.55 3.70 4.60 4.60 0.50 0.20 0.30 Notes: General 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. Dimensioning and Tolerancing is per the ANSI Y14.5M-1994 specification. 3. This Land Pattern Design is based on the IPC-7351 guidelines. Solder Mask Design 4. All metal pads are to be non-solder mask defined (NSMD). Clearance between the solder mask and the metal pad is to be 60 µm minimum, all the way around the pad. Stencil Design 5. A stainless steel, laser-cut and electro-polished stencil with trapezoidal walls should be used to assure good solder paste release. 6. The stencil thickness should be 0.125 mm (5 mils). 7. The ratio of stencil aperture to land pad size should be 1:1 for all perimeter pins. 8. A 3x3 array of 1.0 mm openings on a 1.25 mm pitch should be used for the center pad to assure the proper paste volume. Card Assembly 9. A No-Clean, Type-3 solder paste is recommended. 10. The recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. 44 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 8. QFN-24 Package Specifications Figure 8.1. QFN-24 Package Drawing Table 8.1. QFN-24 Package Dimensions Dimension Min Typ Max Dimension Min Typ Max A A1 b D D2 e E E2 0.70 0.00 0.18 0.75 0.02 0.25 4.00 BSC. 2.70 0.50 BSC. 4.00 BSC. 2.70 0.80 0.05 0.30 L L1 aaa bbb ddd eee Z Y 0.30 0.00 — — — — — — 0.40 — — — — — 0.24 0.18 0.50 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.08 — — 2.55 2.55 2.80 2.80 Notes: 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. Dimensioning and Tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1994. 3. This drawing conforms to JEDEC Solid State Outline MO-220, variation WGGD except for custom features D2, E2, Z, Y, and L which are toleranced per supplier designation. 4. Recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. Rev. 1.0 45 C8051F70x/71x Figure 8.2. QFN-24 Recommended PCB Land Pattern Table 8.2. QFN-24 PCB Land Pattern Dimensions Dimension Min Max Dimension Min Max C1 C2 E X1 3.90 3.90 4.00 4.00 X2 Y1 Y2 2.70 0.65 2.70 2.80 0.75 2.80 0.50 BSC 0.20 0.30 Notes: General 1. All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted. 2. This Land Pattern Design is based on the IPC-7351 guidelines. Solder Mask Design 3. All metal pads are to be non-solder mask defined (NSMD). Clearance between the solder mask and the metal pad is to be 60 µm minimum, all the way around the pad. Stencil Design 4. A stainless steel, laser-cut and electro-polished stencil with trapezoidal walls should be used to assure good solder paste release. 5. The stencil thickness should be 0.125 mm (5 mils). 6. The ratio of stencil aperture to land pad size should be 1:1 for all perimeter pads. 7. A 2x2 array of 1.10 mm x 1.10 mm openings on a 1.30 mm pitch should be used for the center pad. Card Assembly 8. A No-Clean, Type-3 solder paste is recommended. 9. The recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specification for Small Body Components. 46 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 9. Electrical Characteristics 9.1. Absolute Maximum Specifications Table 9.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Min Typ Max Units Ambient temperature under bias –55 — 125 °C Storage Temperature –65 — 150 °C Voltage on RST or any Port I/O Pin (except P0.3) with respect to GND –0.3 — VDD + 2.0 V Voltage on P0.3 with respect to GND –0.3 — VDD + 0.3 V –0.3 –0.3 — — 4.2 1.98 V V Maximum Total current through VDD and GND — — 500 mA Maximum output current sunk by RST or any Port pin — — 100 mA Voltage on VDD with respect to GND Conditions Regulator in Normal Mode Regulator in Bypass Mode Note: Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the devices at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation listings of this specification is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Rev. 1.0 47 C8051F70x/71x 9.2. Electrical Characteristics Table 9.2. Global Electrical Characteristics –40 to +85 °C, 25 MHz system clock unless otherwise specified. Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Regulator in Normal Mode Regulator in Bypass Mode 1.8 1.7 3.0 1.8 3.6 1.9 V V Digital Supply Current with CPU Active (Normal Mode2,3) VDD = 1.8 V, Clock = 25 MHz VDD = 1.8 V, Clock = 1 MHz VDD = 1.8 V, Clock = 32 kHz VDD = 3.0 V, Clock = 25 MHz VDD = 3.0 V, Clock = 1 MHz VDD = 3.0 V, Clock = 32 kHz — — — — — — 5.0 1.2 175 5.5 1.3 190 6.5 — — 7.0 — — mA mA µA mA mA µA Digital Supply Current with CPU Inactive (Idle Mode2,3) VDD = 1.8 V, Clock = 25 MHz VDD = 1.8 V, Clock = 1 MHz VDD = 1.8 V, Clock = 32 kHz VDD = 3.0 V, Clock = 25 MHz VDD = 3.0 V, Clock = 1 MHz VDD = 3.0 V, Clock = 32 kHz — — — — — — 2.5 180 90 3.2 200 110 4.0 — — 4.5 — — mA µA µA mA µA µA Stop/suspend mode, Reg On, 25 °C — 80 90 µA Stop/suspend mode, Reg Bypass, 25 °C — 2 4 µA — 1.3 — V –40 — +85 °C 0 — 25 MHz Tsysl (SYSCLK low time) 18 — — ns Tsysh (SYSCLK high time) 18 — — ns Supply Voltage1 Digital Supply Current (shutdown)3 Digital Supply RAM Data Retention Voltage Specified Operating Temperature Range SYSCLK (system clock frequency) See Note 3. Notes: 1. Analog performance is not guaranteed when VDD is below 1.8 V. 2. Includes bias current for internal voltage regulator. 3. SYSCLK must be at least 32 kHz to enable debugging. 48 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 9.3. Port I/O DC Electrical Characteristics VDD = 1.8 to 3.6 V, –40 to +85 °C unless otherwise specified. Parameters Output High Voltage Output Low Voltage Conditions High Drive Strength IOH = –3 mA, Port I/O push-pull IOH = –10 µA, Port I/O push-pull IOH = –10 mA, Port I/O push-pull Low Drive Strength IOH = –1 mA, Port I/O push-pull IOH = –10 µA, Port I/O push-pull IOH = –3 mA, Port I/O push-pull High Drive Strength IOL = 8.5 mA IOL = 10 µA IOL = 25 mA Low Drive Strength IOL = 1.4 mA IOL = 10 µA IOL = 4 mA Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage Input Leakage Current Weak Pullup Off Weak Pullup On, VIN = 0 V Min Typ Max Units VDD – 0.7 VDD – 0.1 — — — VDD – 0.8 — — — V V V VDD – 0.7 VDD – 0.1 — — — VDD – 0.8 — — — V V V — — — — — 1.0 0.6 0.1 — V V V — — — 0.75 x VDD — –1 — — — 1.0 — — — 25 0.6 0.1 — — 0.6 1 50 V V V V V µA µA Table 9.4. Reset Electrical Characteristics VDD = 1.8 to 3.6 V, –40 to +85 °C unless otherwise specified. Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units IOL = 8.5 mA, VDD = 1.8 V to 3.6 V — — 0.6 V RST Input High Voltage 0.75 x VDD — — V RST Input Low Voltage — — 0.3 x VDD VDD — 25 50 µA VDD POR Ramp Time — — 1 ms VDD Monitor Threshold (VRST) 1.7 1.75 1.8 V Time from last system clock rising edge to reset initiation 100 500 1000 µs Delay between release of any reset source and code execution at location 0x0000 — — 30 µs 15 — — µs — 50 — µs — 25 30 µA RST Output Low Voltage RST Input Pullup Current Missing Clock Detector Timeout Reset Time Delay RST = 0.0 V Minimum RST Low Time to Generate a System Reset VDD Monitor Turn-on Time VDD = VRST – 0.1 V VDD Monitor Supply Current Rev. 1.0 49 C8051F70x/71x Table 9.5. Internal Voltage Regulator Electrical Characteristics VDD = 3.0 V, –40 to +85 °C unless otherwise specified. Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units 1.8 — 3.6 V Normal mode, 25 °C — 80 90 µA Bypass mode, 25 °C — 2 4 µA Input Voltage Range Bias Current Table 9.6. Flash Electrical Characteristics Parameter Conditions Flash Size* C8051F702/3/6/7, C8051F716/7 C8051F700/1/4/5 C8051F708/9, C8051F710/1/2/3/4/5 Endurance (Erase/Write) Min Typ Max 16384 15360 8192 10000 — Units bytes bytes bytes — cycles Erase Cycle Time 25 MHz Clock 15 20 26 ms Write Cycle Time 25 MHz Clock 15 20 26 µs 1 — — MHz Clock Speed During Flash Write/Erase Operations *Note: Includes Security Lock Byte. Table 9.7. Internal High-Frequency Oscillator Electrical Characteristics VDD = 1.8 to 3.6 V; TA = –40 to +85 °C unless otherwise specified. Use factory-calibrated settings. Parameter Oscillator Frequency Oscillator Supply Current 50 Conditions Min Typ Max Units IFCN = 11b 25 °C, VDD = 3.0 V, OSCICN.7 = 1, OCSICN.5 = 0 24 — 24.5 350 25 650 MHz µA Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 9.8. Capacitive Sense Electrical Characteristics VDD = 1.8 to 3.6 V; TA = –40 to +85 °C unless otherwise specified. Parameter Single Conversion Time1 Number of Channels Capacitance per Code Conditions Min Typ Max Units 12-bit Mode 13-bit Mode (default) 14-bit Mode 16-bit Mode 20 21 23 26 29 31 33 38 40 42.5 45 50 µs Channels 38 27 26 18 64-pin Packages 48-pin Packages 32-pin Packages 24-pin Packages Default Configuration — 1 — fF External Capacitive Load CS0CG = 111b (Default) CS0CG = 000b — — — — 45 500 pF pF External Series Impedance CS0CG = 111b (Default) — — 50 k RMS Peak-to-Peak — — 3 20 — — fF fF CS module bias current, 25 °C — 50 60 µA CS module alone, maximum code output, 25 °C — 90 105 µA Wake-on-CS threshold (suspend mode with regulator and CS module on)3 — 130 145 µA Quantization Noise12 Power Supply Current Notes: 1. Conversion time is specified with the default configuration. 2. RMS Noise is equivalent to one standard deviation. Peak-to-peak noise encompasses ±3.3 standard deviations. The RMS noise value is specified with the default configuration. 3. Includes only current from regulator, CS module, and MCU in suspend mode. Rev. 1.0 51 C8051F70x/71x Table 9.9. EEPROM Electrical Characteristics VDD = 1.8 to 3.6 V; TA = –40 to +85 °C unless otherwise specified. Use factory-calibrated settings. Parameter Conditions Min Write to EEPROM from RAM Read of EEPROM to RAM Endurance (Writes) Clock Speed During EEPROM Write Operations Typ Max Units — 3 ms — 50 x TSYSCLK — µs 300000 — — cycles 1 — — MHz Note: TSYSCLK is equal to one period of the device system clock (SYSCLK). Table 9.10. ADC0 Electrical Characteristics VDD = 3.0 V, VREF = 2.40 V (REFSL=0), –40 to +85 °C unless otherwise specified. Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units DC Accuracy Resolution 10 Integral Nonlinearity bits — ±0.5 ±1 LSB — ±0.5 ±1 LSB Offset Error –2 0 2 LSB Full Scale Error –2 0 2 LSB Offset Temperature Coefficient — 45 — ppm/°C Differential Nonlinearity Guaranteed Monotonic Dynamic performance (10 kHz sine-wave single-ended input, 1 dB below Full Scale, 500 ksps) Signal-to-Noise Plus Distortion Total Harmonic Distortion Up to the 5th harmonic Spurious-Free Dynamic Range 56 60 — dB — 72 — dB — –75 — dB — — 8.33 MHz Conversion Rate SAR Conversion Clock Conversion Time in SAR Clocks 10-bit Mode 8-bit Mode 13 11 — — — — clocks clocks Track/Hold Acquisition Time VDD >= 2.0 V VDD < 2.0 V 300 2.0 — — — — ns µs — — 500 ksps 0 — VREF V — — 5 3 — — pF pF — 5 — k — 600 1000 µA — –70 — dB Throughput Rate Analog Inputs ADC Input Voltage Range Sampling Capacitance 1x Gain 0.5x Gain Input Multiplexer Impedance Power Specifications Power Supply Current Operating Mode, 500 ksps Power Supply Rejection 52 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 9.11. Power Management Electrical Characteristics VDD = 1.8 to 3.6 V; TA = –40 to +85 °C unless otherwise specified. Use factory-calibrated settings. Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Idle Mode Wake-Up time 2 — 3 SYSCLKs Suspend Mode Wake-Up Time — 250 — ns Table 9.12. Temperature Sensor Electrical Characteristics VDD = 3.0 V, –40 to +85 °C unless otherwise specified. Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units Linearity — 1 — °C Slope — 3.27 — mV/°C Slope Error* — ±65 — µV/°C Offset Temp = 0 °C — 868 — mV Offset Error* Temp = 0 °C — ±15.3 — mV Typ Max Units 1.55 1.59 1.70 V Turn-on Time — — 1.7 µs Supply Current — 200 — µA 0 — VDD — 7 — *Note: Represents one standard deviation from the mean. Table 9.13. Voltage Reference Electrical Characteristics VDD = 1.8 to 3.6 V; –40 to +85 °C unless otherwise specified. Parameter Conditions Min Internal High-Speed Reference (REFSL[1:0] = 11) Output Voltage 25 °C ambient External Reference (REF0E = 0) Input Voltage Range Input Current Sample Rate = 500 ksps; VREF = 3.0 V Rev. 1.0 µA 53 C8051F70x/71x Table 9.14. Comparator Electrical Characteristics VDD = 3.0 V, –40 to +85 °C unless otherwise noted. Parameter Response Time: Mode 0, Vcm* = 1.5 V Response Time: Mode 1, Vcm* = 1.5 V Response Time: Mode 2, Vcm* = 1.5 V Response Time: Mode 3, Vcm* = 1.5 V Conditions Min Typ Max Units CP0+ – CP0– = 100 mV — 300 — ns CP0+ – CP0– = –100 mV — 200 — ns CP0+ – CP0– = 100 mV — 400 — ns CP0+ – CP0– = –100 mV — 350 — ns CP0+ – CP0– = 100 mV — 570 — ns CP0+ – CP0– = –100 mV — 870 — ns CP0+ – CP0– = 100 mV — 1500 — ns CP0+ – CP0– = –100 mV — 4500 — ns — 1 4 mV/V Common-Mode Rejection Ratio Positive Hysteresis 1 Mode 2, CP0HYP1–0 = 00 — 0 1 mV Positive Hysteresis 2 Mode 2, CP0HYP1–0 = 01 2 5 10 mV Positive Hysteresis 3 Mode 2, CP0HYP1–0 = 10 7 10 20 mV Positive Hysteresis 4 Mode 2, CP0HYP1–0 = 11 10 20 30 mV Negative Hysteresis 1 Mode 2, CP0HYN1–0 = 00 — 0 1 mV Negative Hysteresis 2 Mode 2, CP0HYN1–0 = 01 2 5 10 mV Negative Hysteresis 3 Mode 2, CP0HYN1–0 = 10 7 10 20 mV Negative Hysteresis 4 Mode 2, CP0HYN1–0 = 11 10 20 30 mV Inverting or Non-Inverting Input Voltage Range –0.25 — VDD + 0.25 V Input Offset Voltage –7.5 — 7.5 mV Power Supply Rejection — 0.1 — mV/V Powerup Time — 10 — µs Mode 0 — 25 — µA Mode 1 — 10 — µA Mode 2 — 3 — µA Mode 3 — 0.5 — µA Power Specifications Supply Current at DC Note: Vcm is the common-mode voltage on CP0+ and CP0–. 54 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 10. 10-Bit ADC (ADC0) ADC0 on the C8051F700/2/4/6/8 and C8051F710/2/4/6 is a 500 ksps, 10-bit successive-approximationregister (SAR) ADC with integrated track-and-hold, a gain stage programmable to 1x or 0.5x, and a programmable window detector. The ADC is fully configurable under software control via Special Function Registers. The ADC may be configured to measure various different signals using the analog multiplexer described in Section “10.5. ADC0 Analog Multiplexer” on page 65. The voltage reference for the ADC is selected as described in Section “11. Temperature Sensor” on page 67. The ADC0 subsystem is enabled only when the AD0EN bit in the ADC0 Control register (ADC0CN) is set to logic 1. The ADC0 subsystem is in low power shutdown when this bit is logic 0. AD0INT AD0BUSY AD0WINT AD0CM2 AD0CM1 AD0CM0 AD0EN AD0TM ADC0CN VDD X1 or X0.5 10-Bit SAR AIN 000 001 010 011 100 AD0BUSY (W) Timer 0 Overflow Timer 2 Overflow Timer 1 Overflow CNVSTR Input Timer 3 Overflow 101 ADC0H ADC AD0SC0 AD0LJST AD08BE AMP0GN0 SYSCLK REF AMP0GN0 AD0SC4 AD0SC3 AD0SC2 AD0SC1 From AMUX0 ADC0L Start Conversion ADC0CF AD0WINT 32 ADC0LTH ADC0LTL Window Compare Logic ADC0GTH ADC0GTL Figure 10.1. ADC0 Functional Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 55 C8051F70x/71x 10.1. Output Code Formatting The ADC measures the input voltage with reference to GND. The registers ADC0H and ADC0L contain the high and low bytes of the output conversion code from the ADC at the completion of each conversion. Data can be right-justified or left-justified, depending on the setting of the AD0LJST bit. Conversion codes are represented as 10-bit unsigned integers. Inputs are measured from 0 to VREF x 1023/1024. Example codes are shown below for both right-justified and left-justified data. Unused bits in the ADC0H and ADC0L registers are set to 0. Input Voltage Right-Justified ADC0H:ADC0L (AD0LJST = 0) Left-Justified ADC0H:ADC0L (AD0LJST = 1) VREF x 1023/1024 VREF x 512/1024 VREF x 256/1024 0 0x03FF 0x0200 0x0100 0x0000 0xFFC0 0x8000 0x4000 0x0000 10.2. 8-Bit Mode Setting the ADC08BE bit in register ADC0CF to 1 will put the ADC in 8-bit mode. In 8-bit mode, only the 8 MSBs of data are converted, and the ADC0H register holds the results. The AD0LJST bit is ignored for 8bit mode. 8-bit conversions take two fewer SAR clock cycles than 10-bit conversions, so the conversion is completed faster, and a 500 ksps sampling rate can be achieved with a slower SAR clock. 10.3. Modes of Operation ADC0 has a maximum conversion speed of 500 ksps. The ADC0 conversion clock is a divided version of the system clock, determined by the AD0SC bits in the ADC0CF register. 10.3.1. Starting a Conversion A conversion can be initiated in one of six ways, depending on the programmed states of the ADC0 Start of Conversion Mode bits (AD0CM2–0) in register ADC0CN. Conversions may be initiated by one of the following: 1. Writing a 1 to the AD0BUSY bit of register ADC0CN 2. A Timer 0 overflow (i.e., timed continuous conversions) 3. A Timer 2 overflow 4. A Timer 1 overflow 5. A rising edge on the CNVSTR input signal 6. A Timer 3 overflow Writing a 1 to AD0BUSY provides software control of ADC0 whereby conversions are performed "ondemand". During conversion, the AD0BUSY bit is set to logic 1 and reset to logic 0 when the conversion is complete. The falling edge of AD0BUSY triggers an interrupt (when enabled) and sets the ADC0 interrupt flag (AD0INT). When polling for ADC conversion completions, the ADC0 interrupt flag (AD0INT) should be used. Converted data is available in the ADC0 data registers, ADC0H:ADC0L, when bit AD0INT is logic 1. When Timer 2 or Timer 3 overflows are used as the conversion source, Low Byte overflows are used if Timer 2/3 is in 8-bit mode; High byte overflows are used if Timer 2/3 is in 16-bit mode. See Section “33. Timers” on page 262 for timer configuration. Important Note About Using CNVSTR: The CNVSTR input pin also functions as a Port I/O pin. When the CNVSTR input is used as the ADC0 conversion source, the associated pin should be skipped by the Digital Crossbar. See Section “28. Port Input/Output” on page 180 for details on Port I/O configuration. 56 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 10.3.2. Tracking Modes The AD0TM bit in register ADC0CN enables "delayed conversions", and will delay the actual conversion start by three SAR clock cycles, during which time the ADC will continue to track the input. If AD0TM is left at logic 0, a conversion will begin immediately, without the extra tracking time. For internal start-of-conversion sources, the ADC will track anytime it is not performing a conversion. When the CNVSTR signal is used to initiate conversions, ADC0 will track either when AD0TM is logic 1, or when AD0TM is logic 0 and CNVSTR is held low. See Figure 10.2 for track and convert timing details. Delayed conversion mode is useful when AMUX settings are frequently changed, due to the settling time requirements described in Section “10.3.3. Settling Time Requirements” on page 58. A. ADC Timing for External Trigger Source CNVSTR (AD0CM[2:0]=1xx) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15* 16 17 SAR Clocks AD0TM=1 Track Convert Track th *Conversion Ends at rising edge of 15 clock in 8-bit Mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 13 14 SAR Clocks AD0TM=0 N/C Track Convert N/C *Conversion Ends at rising edge of 12th clock in 8-bit Mode B. ADC Timing for Internal Trigger Source Write '1' to AD0BUSY, Timer 0, Timer 2, Timer 1 Overflow (AD0CM[2:0]=000, 001, 010, 011) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15* 16 17 SAR Clocks AD0TM=1 Track Convert Track th *Conversion Ends at rising edge of 15 clock in 8-bit Mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 13 14 SAR Clocks AD0TM=0 Track or Convert Convert Track *Conversion Ends at rising edge of 12th clock in 8-bit Mode Figure 10.2. 10-Bit ADC Track and Conversion Example Timing Rev. 1.0 57 C8051F70x/71x 10.3.3. Settling Time Requirements A minimum tracking time is required before each conversion to ensure that an accurate conversion is performed. This tracking time is determined by any series impedance, including the AMUX0 resistance, the the ADC0 sampling capacitance, and the accuracy required for the conversion. In delayed tracking mode, three SAR clocks are used for tracking at the start of every conversion. For many applications, these three SAR clocks will meet the minimum tracking time requirements. Figure 10.3 shows the equivalent ADC0 input circuit. The required ADC0 settling time for a given settling accuracy (SA) may be approximated by Equation 10.1. See Table 9.10 for ADC0 minimum settling time requirements as well as the mux impedance and sampling capacitor values. n 2 t = ln ------- R TOTAL C SAMPLE SA Equation 10.1. ADC0 Settling Time Requirements Where: SA is the settling accuracy, given as a fraction of an LSB (for example, 0.25 to settle within 1/4 LSB) t is the required settling time in seconds RTOTAL is the sum of the AMUX0 resistance and any external source resistance. n is the ADC resolution in bits (10). MUX Select Input Pin RMUX CSAMPLE RCInput= RMUX * CSAMPLE Note: See electrical specification tables for RMUX and CSAMPLE parameters. Figure 10.3. ADC0 Equivalent Input Circuits 58 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 10.1. ADC0CF: ADC0 Configuration Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name AD0SC[4:0] AD0LJST AD08BE AMP0GN0 Type R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 1 Reset 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xBC; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:3 1 Function AD0SC[4:0] ADC0 SAR Conversion Clock Period Bits. SAR Conversion clock is derived from system clock by the following equation, where AD0SC refers to the 5-bit value held in bits AD0SC4–0. SAR Conversion clock requirements are given in the ADC specification table. SYSCLK- – 1 AD0SC = ---------------------CLK SAR 2 AD0LJST ADC0 Left Justify Select. 0: Data in ADC0H:ADC0L registers are right-justified. 1: Data in ADC0H:ADC0L registers are left-justified. Note: The AD0LJST bit is only valid for 10-bit mode (AD08BE = 0). 1 AD08BE 8-Bit Mode Enable. 0: ADC operates in 10-bit mode (normal). 1: ADC operates in 8-bit mode. Note: When AD08BE is set to 1, the AD0LJST bit is ignored. 0 AMP0GN0 ADC Gain Control Bit. 0: Gain = 0.5 1: Gain = 1 Rev. 1.0 59 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 10.2. ADC0H: ADC0 Data Word MSB Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name ADC0H[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xBE; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function 7:0 ADC0H[7:0] ADC0 Data Word High-Order Bits. For AD0LJST = 0: Bits 7:2 will read 000000b. Bits 1–0 are the upper 2 bits of the 10bit ADC0 Data Word. For AD0LJST = 1: Bits 7:0 are the most-significant bits of the 10-bit ADC0 Data Word. Note: In 8-bit mode AD0LJST is ignored, and ADC0H holds the 8-bit data word. SFR Definition 10.3. ADC0L: ADC0 Data Word LSB Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name ADC0L[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xBD; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function ADC0L[7:0] ADC0 Data Word Low-Order Bits. For AD0LJST = 0: Bits 7:0 are the lower 8 bits of the 10-bit Data Word. For AD0LJST = 1: Bits 7:6 are the lower 2 bits of the 10-bit Data Word. Bits 5–0 will always read 0. Note: In 8-bit mode AD0LJST is ignored, and ADC0L will read back 00000000b. 60 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 10.4. ADC0CN: ADC0 Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name AD0EN AD0TM AD0INT Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 2 AD0BUSY AD0WINT 1 0 AD0CM[2:0] R/W 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xE8; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Function 7 AD0EN ADC0 Enable Bit. 0: ADC0 Disabled. ADC0 is in low-power shutdown. 1: ADC0 Enabled. ADC0 is active and ready for data conversions. 6 AD0TM ADC0 Track Mode Bit. 0: Normal Track Mode: When ADC0 is enabled, tracking is continuous unless a conversion is in progress. Conversion begins immediately on start-of-conversion event, as defined by AD0CM[2:0]. 1: Delayed Track Mode: When ADC0 is enabled, input is tracked when a conversion is not in progress. A start-of-conversion signal initiates three SAR clocks of additional tracking, and then begins the conversion. 5 AD0INT ADC0 Conversion Complete Interrupt Flag. 0: ADC0 has not completed a data conversion since AD0INT was last cleared. 1: ADC0 has completed a data conversion. 4 3 AD0BUSY AD0WINT ADC0 Busy Bit. Read: Write: 0: ADC0 conversion is not in progress. 1: ADC0 conversion is in progress. 0: No Effect. 1: Initiates ADC0 Conversion if AD0CM[2:0] = 000b ADC0 Window Compare Interrupt Flag. 0: ADC0 Window Comparison Data match has not occurred since this flag was last cleared. 1: ADC0 Window Comparison Data match has occurred. 2:0 AD0CM[2:0] ADC0 Start of Conversion Mode Select. 000: ADC0 start-of-conversion source is write of 1 to AD0BUSY. 001: ADC0 start-of-conversion source is overflow of Timer 0. 010: ADC0 start-of-conversion source is overflow of Timer 2. 011: ADC0 start-of-conversion source is overflow of Timer 1. 100: ADC0 start-of-conversion source is rising edge of external CNVSTR. 101: ADC0 start-of-conversion source is overflow of Timer 3. 11x: Reserved. Rev. 1.0 61 C8051F70x/71x 10.4. Programmable Window Detector The ADC Programmable Window Detector continuously compares the ADC0 output registers to user-programmed limits, and notifies the system when a desired condition is detected. This is especially effective in an interrupt-driven system, saving code space and CPU bandwidth while delivering faster system response times. The window detector interrupt flag (AD0WINT in register ADC0CN) can also be used in polled mode. The ADC0 Greater-Than (ADC0GTH, ADC0GTL) and Less-Than (ADC0LTH, ADC0LTL) registers hold the comparison values. The window detector flag can be programmed to indicate when measured data is inside or outside of the user-programmed limits, depending on the contents of the ADC0 Less-Than and ADC0 Greater-Than registers. SFR Definition 10.5. ADC0GTH: ADC0 Greater-Than Data High Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name ADC0GTH[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xC4; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 Function 7:0 ADC0GTH[7:0] ADC0 Greater-Than Data Word High-Order Bits. SFR Definition 10.6. ADC0GTL: ADC0 Greater-Than Data Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name ADC0GTL[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xC3; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 62 1 Function ADC0GTL[7:0] ADC0 Greater-Than Data Word Low-Order Bits. Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 10.7. ADC0LTH: ADC0 Less-Than Data High Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name ADC0LTH[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xC6; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function ADC0LTH[7:0] ADC0 Less-Than Data Word High-Order Bits. SFR Definition 10.8. ADC0LTL: ADC0 Less-Than Data Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name ADC0LTL[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xC5; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 0 Function ADC0LTL[7:0] ADC0 Less-Than Data Word Low-Order Bits. Rev. 1.0 63 C8051F70x/71x 10.4.1. Window Detector Example Figure 10.4 shows two example window comparisons for right-justified data, with ADC0LTH:ADC0LTL = 0x0080 (128d) and ADC0GTH:ADC0GTL = 0x0040 (64d). The input voltage can range from 0 to VREF x (1023/1024) with respect to GND, and is represented by a 10-bit unsigned integer value. In the left example, an AD0WINT interrupt will be generated if the ADC0 conversion word (ADC0H:ADC0L) is within the range defined by ADC0GTH:ADC0GTL and ADC0LTH:ADC0LTL (if 0x0040 < ADC0H:ADC0L < 0x0080). In the right example, and AD0WINT interrupt will be generated if the ADC0 conversion word is outside of the range defined by the ADC0GT and ADC0LT registers (if ADC0H:ADC0L < 0x0040 or ADC0H:ADC0L > 0x0080). Figure 10.5 shows an example using left-justified data with the same comparison values. ADC0H:ADC0L ADC0H:ADC0L Input Voltage (AIN - GND) Input Voltage (AIN - GND) VREF x (1023/ 1024) VREF x (1023/ 1024) 0x03FF 0x03FF AD0WINT not affected AD0WINT=1 0x0081 VREF x (128/1024) 0x0080 0x007F 0x0081 ADC0LTH:ADC0LTL VREF x (128/1024) 0x0080 0x007F AD0WINT=1 0x0041 VREF x (64/1024) 0x0040 0x0041 ADC0GTH:ADC0GTL VREF x (64/1024) 0x003F 0x0040 ADC0GTH:ADC0GTL AD0WINT not affected ADC0LTH:ADC0LTL 0x003F AD0WINT=1 AD0WINT not affected 0 0x0000 0 0x0000 Figure 10.4. ADC Window Compare Example: Right-Justified Data ADC0H:ADC0L ADC0H:ADC0L Input Voltage (AIN - GND) VREF x (1023/ 1024) Input Voltage (AIN - GND) VREF x (1023/ 1024) 0xFFC0 0xFFC0 AD0WINT not affected AD0WINT=1 0x2040 VREF x (128/1024) 0x2000 0x2040 ADC0LTH:ADC0LTL VREF x (128/1024) 0x1FC0 0x2000 0x1FC0 AD0WINT=1 0x1040 VREF x (64/1024) 0x1000 0x1040 ADC0GTH:ADC0GTL VREF x (64/1024) 0x0FC0 0x1000 ADC0GTH:ADC0GTL AD0WINT not affected ADC0LTH:ADC0LTL 0x0FC0 AD0WINT=1 AD0WINT not affected 0 0x0000 0 0x0000 Figure 10.5. ADC Window Compare Example: Left-Justified Data 64 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 10.5. ADC0 Analog Multiplexer ADC0 on the C8051F700/2/4/6/8 and C8051F710/2/4/6 uses an analog input multiplexer to select the positive input to the ADC. Any of the following may be selected as the positive input: Port 0 or Port 1 I/O pins, the on-chip temperature sensor, or the positive power supply (VDD). The ADC0 input channel is selected in the ADC0MX register described in SFR Definition 10.9. AMX0P4 AMX0P3 AMX0P2 AMX0P1 AMX0P0 ADC0MX P0.0 P1.7 Temp Sensor AMUX ADC0 VREG Output VDD GND Figure 10.6. ADC0 Multiplexer Block Diagram Important Note About ADC0 Input Configuration: Port pins selected as ADC0 inputs should be configured as analog inputs, and should be skipped by the Digital Crossbar. To configure a Port pin for analog input, set the corresponding bit in register PnMDIN to 0. To force the Crossbar to skip a Port pin, set the corresponding bit in register PnSKIP to 1. See Section “28. Port Input/Output” on page 180 for more Port I/O configuration details. Rev. 1.0 65 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 10.9. ADC0MX: AMUX0 Channel Select Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 Type R R R Reset 0 0 0 1 1 R/W 1 SFR Address = 0xBB; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 1 1 Function Unused Read = 000b; Write = Don’t Care. AMX0P[4:0] AMUX0 Positive Input Selection. 00000 00001 00010 00011 00100 00101 00110 00111 01000 01001 01010 01011 01100 01101 01110 01111 10000 10001 10010 10011 10100–11111 66 0 AMX0P[4:0] Name 7:5 4:0 1 64-Pin Devices P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 Temp Sensor VREG Output VDD GND Rev. 1.0 48-Pin Devices P0.0 P0.1 P0.2 P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 P0.6 P0.7 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 — — — — Temp Sensor VREG Output VDD GND no input selected 32-Pin Devices — — — P0.3 P0.4 P0.5 — — — — — — — — — — Temp Sensor VREG Output VDD GND C8051F70x/71x 11. Temperature Sensor An on-chip temperature sensor is included on the C8051F700/2/4/6/8 and C8051F710/2/4/6 which can be directly accessed via the ADC multiplexer in single-ended configuration. To use the ADC to measure the temperature sensor, the ADC mux channel should be configured to connect to the temperature sensor. The temperature sensor transfer function is shown in Figure 11.1. The output voltage (VTEMP) is the positive ADC input when the ADC multiplexer is set correctly. The TEMPE bit in register REF0CN enables/disables the temperature sensor, as described in SFR Definition 12.1. While disabled, the temperature sensor defaults to a high impedance state and any ADC measurements performed on the sensor will result in meaningless data. Refer to Table 9.12 for the slope and offset parameters of the temperature sensor. VTEMP = (Slope x TempC) + Offset TempC = (VTEMP - Offset) / Slope Voltage Slope (V / deg C) Offset (V at 0 Celsius) Temperature Figure 11.1. Temperature Sensor Transfer Function 11.1. Calibration The uncalibrated temperature sensor output is extremely linear and suitable for relative temperature measurements (see Table 5.1 for linearity specifications). For absolute temperature measurements, offset and/or gain calibration is recommended. Typically a 1-point (offset) calibration includes the following steps: 1. Control/measure the ambient temperature (this temperature must be known). 2. Power the device, and delay for a few seconds to allow for self-heating. 3. Perform an ADC conversion with the temperature sensor selected as the ADC’s input. 4. Calculate the offset characteristics, and store this value in non-volatile memory for use with subsequent temperature sensor measurements. Figure 5.3 shows the typical temperature sensor error assuming a 1-point calibration at 0 °C. Rev. 1.0 67 C8051F70x/71x Error (degrees C) Parameters that affect ADC measurement, in particular the voltage reference value, will also affect temperature measurement. 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 -40.00 -20.00 0.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 -1.00 -1.00 -2.00 -2.00 -3.00 -3.00 -4.00 -4.00 -5.00 -5.00 Temperature (degrees C) Figure 11.2. Temperature Sensor Error with 1-Point Calibration at 0 Celsius 68 0.00 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 12. Voltage and Ground Reference Options The voltage reference MUX is configurable to use an externally connected voltage reference, the on-chip voltage reference, or one of two power supply voltages (see Figure 12.1). The ground reference MUX allows the ground reference for ADC0 to be selected between the ground pin (GND) or a port pin dedicated to analog ground (P0.1/AGND). The voltage and ground reference options are configured using the REF0CN SFR described on page 71. Electrical specifications are can be found in the Electrical Specifications Chapter. Important Note About the VREF and AGND Inputs: Port pins are used as the external VREF and AGND inputs. When using an external voltage reference, P0.0/VREF should be configured as an analog input and skipped by the Digital Crossbar. When using AGND as the ground reference to ADC0, P0.1/AGND should be configured as an analog input and skipped by the Digital Crossbar. Refer to Section “28. Port Input/Output” on page 180 for complete Port I/O configuration details. The external reference voltage must be within the range 0 VREF VDD and the external ground reference must be at the same DC voltage potential as GND. REFGND REFSL1 REFSL0 TEMPE BIASE REF0CN EN Bias Generator IOSCEN EN VDD R1 Temp Sensor To ADC, Internal Oscillator, Reference, TempSensor To Analog Mux External Voltage Reference Circuit P0.0/VREF 00 VDD 01 Internal 1.8 V Regulated Digital Supply GND 10 11 4.7 uF + Internal 1.6 V High Speed Reference 0.1 uF GND Recommended Bypass Capacitors 0 P0.1/AGND 1 REFGND Figure 12.1. Voltage Reference Functional Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 69 C8051F70x/71x 12.1. External Voltage References To use an external voltage reference, REFSL[1:0] should be set to 00. Bypass capacitors should be added as recommended by the manufacturer of the external voltage reference. 12.2. Internal Voltage Reference Options A 1.6 V high-speed reference is included on-chip. The high speed internal reference is selected by setting REFSL[1:0] to 11. When selected, the high-speed internal reference will be automatically enabled on an as-needed basis by ADC0. For applications with a non-varying power supply voltage, using the power supply as the voltage reference can provide ADC0 with added dynamic range at the cost of reduced power supply noise rejection. To use the 1.8 to 3.6 V power supply voltage (VDD) or the 1.8 V regulated digital supply voltage as the reference source, REFSL[1:0] should be set to 01 or 10, respectively. 12.3. Analog Ground Reference To prevent ground noise generated by switching digital logic from affecting sensitive analog measurements, a separate analog ground reference option is available. When enabled, the ground reference for ADC0 is taken from the P0.1/AGND pin. Any external sensors sampled by ADC0 should be referenced to the P0.1/AGND pin. The separate analog ground reference option is enabled by setting REFGND to 1. Note that when using this option, P0.1/AGND must be connected to the same potential as GND. 12.4. Temperature Sensor Enable The TEMPE bit in register REF0CN enables the temperature sensor. While disabled, the temperature sensor defaults to a high impedance state and any ADC0 measurements performed on the sensor result in meaningless data. 70 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 12.1. REF0CN: Voltage Reference Control Bit 7 6 5 4 REFGND Name 3 REFSL 2 1 TEMPE BIASE 0 Type R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R Reset 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xD2; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:6 5 Unused Function Read = 00b; Write = Don’t Care. REFGND Analog Ground Reference. Selects the ADC0 ground reference. 0: The ADC0 ground reference is the GND pin. 1: The ADC0 ground reference is the P0.1/AGND pin. 4:3 REFSL Voltage Reference Select. Selects the ADC0 voltage reference. 00: The ADC0 voltage reference is the P0.0/VREF pin. 01: The ADC0 voltage reference is the VDD pin. 10: The ADC0 voltage reference is the internal 1.8 V digital supply voltage. 11: The ADC0 voltage reference is the internal 1.6 V high-speed voltage reference. 2 TEMPE Temperature Sensor Enable. Enables/Disables the internal temperature sensor. 0: Temperature Sensor Disabled. 1: Temperature Sensor Enabled. 1 BIASE Internal Analog Bias Generator Enable Bit. 0: Internal Bias Generator off. 1: Internal Bias Generator on. 0 Unused Read = 0b; Write = Don’t Care. Rev. 1.0 71 C8051F70x/71x 13. Voltage Regulator (REG0) C8051F70x/71x devices include an internal voltage regulator (REG0) to regulate the internal core supply to 1.8 V from a VDD supply of 1.8 to 3.6 V. Two power-saving modes are built into the regulator to help reduce current consumption in low-power applications. These modes are accessed through the REG0CN register (SFR Definition 13.1). Electrical characteristics for the on-chip regulator are specified in Table 9.5 on page 50 If an external regulator is used to power the device, the internal regulator may be put into bypass mode using the BYPASS bit. The internal regulator should never be placed in bypass mode unless an external 1.8 V regulator is used to supply VDD. Doing so could cause permanent damage to the device. Under default conditions, when the device enters STOP mode the internal regulator will remain on. This allows any enabled reset source to generate a reset for the device and bring the device out of STOP mode. For additional power savings, the STOPCF bit can be used to shut down the regulator and the internal power network of the device when the part enters STOP mode. When STOPCF is set to 1, the RST pin or a full power cycle of the device are the only methods of generating a reset. 72 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 13.1. REG0CN: Voltage Regulator Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name STOPCF BYPASS Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xB9; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7 Function STOPCF Stop Mode Configuration. This bit configures the regulator’s behavior when the device enters STOP mode. 0: Regulator is still active in STOP mode. Any enabled reset source will reset the device. 1: Regulator is shut down in STOP mode. Only the RST pin or power cycle can reset the device. 6 BYPASS Bypass Internal Regulator. This bit places the regulator in bypass mode, allowing the core to run directly from the VDD supply pin. 0: Normal Mode—Regulator is on and regulates VDD down to the core voltage. 1: Bypass Mode—Regulator is in bypass mode, and the microcontroller core operates directly from the VDD supply voltage. IMPORTANT: Bypass mode is for use with an external regulator as the supply voltage only. Never place the regulator in bypass mode when the VDD supply voltage is greater than the specifications given in Table 9.1 on page 47. Doing so may cause permanent damage to the device. 5:0 Reserved Reserved. Must Write 000000b. Rev. 1.0 73 C8051F70x/71x 14. Comparator0 C8051F70x/71x devices include an on-chip programmable voltage comparator, Comparator0, shown in Figure 14.1. The Comparator offers programmable response time and hysteresis, an analog input multiplexer, and two outputs that are optionally available at the Port pins: a synchronous “latched” output (CP0), or an asynchronous “raw” output (CP0A). The asynchronous CP0A signal is available even when the system clock is not active. This allows the Comparator to operate and generate an output with the device in STOP mode. When assigned to a Port pin, the Comparator output may be configured as open drain or push-pull (see Section “28.4. Port I/O Initialization” on page 189). Comparator0 may also be used as a reset source (see Section “25.5. Comparator0 Reset” on page 167). The Comparator0 inputs are selected by the comparator input multiplexer, as detailed in Section “14.1. Comparator Multiplexer” on page 78. CPT0CN CP0EN CP0OUT CP0RIF CP0FIF CP0HYP1 CP0HYP0 CP0HYN1 CP0HYN0 VDD CP0 + Comparator Input Mux + CP0 - CP0 D - SET CLR Q D Q SET CLR Q Q Crossbar (SYNCHRONIZER) CP0A GND CPT0MD CP0RIE CP0FIE CP0MD1 CP0MD0 Reset Decision Tree CP0RIF CP0FIF 0 CP0EN EA 1 0 0 0 1 1 CP0 Interrupt 1 Figure 14.1. Comparator0 Functional Block Diagram The Comparator output can be polled in software, used as an interrupt source, and/or routed to a Port pin. When routed to a Port pin, the Comparator output is available asynchronous or synchronous to the system clock; the asynchronous output is available even in STOP mode (with no system clock active). When disabled, the Comparator output (if assigned to a Port I/O pin via the Crossbar) defaults to the logic low state, and the power supply to the comparator is turned off. See Section “28.3. Priority Crossbar Decoder” on page 185 for details on configuring Comparator outputs via the digital Crossbar. Comparator inputs can be externally driven from –0.25 V to (VDD) + 0.25 V without damage or upset. The complete Comparator electrical specifications are given in Section “9. Electrical Characteristics” on page 47. 74 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x The Comparator response time may be configured in software via the CPT0MD register (see SFR Definition 14.2). Selecting a longer response time reduces the Comparator supply current. VIN+ VIN- CP0+ CP0- + CP0 _ OUT CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION Positive Hysteresis Voltage (Programmed with CP0HYP Bits) VIN- INPUTS Negative Hysteresis Voltage (Programmed by CP0HYN Bits) VIN+ VOH OUTPUT VOL Negative Hysteresis Disabled Positive Hysteresis Disabled Maximum Negative Hysteresis Maximum Positive Hysteresis Figure 14.2. Comparator Hysteresis Plot The Comparator hysteresis is software-programmable via its Comparator Control register CPT0CN. The user can program both the amount of hysteresis voltage (referred to the input voltage) and the positive and negative-going symmetry of this hysteresis around the threshold voltage. The Comparator hysteresis is programmed using Bits3–0 in the Comparator Control Register CPT0CN (shown in SFR Definition 14.1). The amount of negative hysteresis voltage is determined by the settings of the CP0HYN bits. As shown in Figure 14.2, settings of 20, 10 or 5 mV of negative hysteresis can be programmed, or negative hysteresis can be disabled. In a similar way, the amount of positive hysteresis is determined by the setting the CP0HYP bits. Comparator interrupts can be generated on both rising-edge and falling-edge output transitions. (For Interrupt enable and priority control, see Section “21.1. MCU Interrupt Sources and Vectors” on page 138). The CP0FIF flag is set to logic 1 upon a Comparator falling-edge occurrence, and the CP0RIF flag is set to logic 1 upon the Comparator rising-edge occurrence. Once set, these bits remain set until cleared by software. The Comparator rising-edge interrupt mask is enabled by setting CP0RIE to a logic 1. The Comparator0 falling-edge interrupt mask is enabled by setting CP0FIE to a logic 1. The output state of the Comparator can be obtained at any time by reading the CP0OUT bit. The Comparator is enabled by setting the CP0EN bit to logic 1, and is disabled by clearing this bit to logic 0. Note that false rising edges and falling edges can be detected when the comparator is first powered on or if changes are made to the hysteresis or response time control bits. Therefore, it is recommended that the rising-edge and falling-edge flags be explicitly cleared to logic 0 a short time after the comparator is enabled or its mode bits have been changed. Rev. 1.0 75 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 14.1. CPT0CN: Comparator0 Control Bit 7 6 5 4 Name CP0EN CP0OUT CP0RIF CP0FIF CP0HYP[1:0] CP0HYN[1:0] Type R/W R R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x9B; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7 CP0EN 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 Function Comparator0 Enable Bit. 0: Comparator0 Disabled. 1: Comparator0 Enabled. 6 CP0OUT Comparator0 Output State Flag. 0: Voltage on CP0+ < CP0–. 1: Voltage on CP0+ > CP0–. 5 CP0RIF Comparator0 Rising-Edge Flag. Must be cleared by software. 0: No Comparator0 Rising Edge has occurred since this flag was last cleared. 1: Comparator0 Rising Edge has occurred. 4 CP0FIF Comparator0 Falling-Edge Flag. Must be cleared by software. 0: No Comparator0 Falling-Edge has occurred since this flag was last cleared. 1: Comparator0 Falling-Edge has occurred. 3:2 CP0HYP[1:0] Comparator0 Positive Hysteresis Control Bits. 00: Positive Hysteresis Disabled. 01: Positive Hysteresis = 5 mV. 10: Positive Hysteresis = 10 mV. 11: Positive Hysteresis = 20 mV. 1:0 CP0HYN[1:0] Comparator0 Negative Hysteresis Control Bits. 00: Negative Hysteresis Disabled. 01: Negative Hysteresis = 5 mV. 10: Negative Hysteresis = 10 mV. 11: Negative Hysteresis = 20 mV. 76 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 14.2. CPT0MD: Comparator0 Mode Selection Bit 7 6 Name 5 4 CP0RIE CP0FIE 3 2 R R R/W R/W R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 R/W 1 0 Function 7:6 5 Unused CP0RIE Read = 00b, Write = Don’t Care. 4 CP0FIE Comparator0 Falling-Edge Interrupt Enable. 0: Comparator0 Falling-edge interrupt disabled. 1: Comparator0 Falling-edge interrupt enabled. 3:2 1:0 0 CP0MD[1:0] Type SFR Address = 0x9D; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 1 Comparator0 Rising-Edge Interrupt Enable. 0: Comparator0 Rising-edge interrupt disabled. 1: Comparator0 Rising-edge interrupt enabled. Unused Read = 00b, Write = don’t care. CP0MD[1:0] Comparator0 Mode Select. These bits affect the response time and power consumption for Comparator0. 00: Mode 0 (Fastest Response Time, Highest Power Consumption) 01: Mode 1 10: Mode 2 11: Mode 3 (Slowest Response Time, Lowest Power Consumption) Rev. 1.0 77 C8051F70x/71x 14.1. Comparator Multiplexer C8051F70x/71x devices include an analog input multiplexer to connect Port I/O pins to the comparator inputs. The Comparator0 inputs are selected in the CPT0MX register (SFR Definition 14.3). The CMX0P2– CMX0P0 bits select the Comparator0 positive input; the CMX0N2–CMX0N0 bits select the Comparator0 negative input. Important Note About Comparator Inputs: The Port pins selected as comparator inputs should be configured as analog inputs in their associated Port configuration register, and configured to be skipped by the Crossbar (for details on Port configuration, see Section “28.6. Special Function Registers for Accessing and Configuring Port I/O” on page 194). CPT0MX CMX0P0 CMX0P1 CMX0P2 CMX0N0 CMX0N1 CMX0N2 P1.1 P1.3 P1.5 P1.7 / P2.0* VDD CP0 - CP0 + P1.0 P1.2 P1.4 P1.6 + GND *P1.7 on 64 and 48-pin devices, P2.0 on 32 and 24-pin devices Figure 14.3. Comparator Input Multiplexer Block Diagram 78 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 14.3. CPT0MX: Comparator0 MUX Selection Bit 7 6 5 4 Type R Reset 0 R/W 0 0 Unused 2:0 0 R 0 0 R/W 0 0 0 Function Read = 0b; Write = don’t care. CMX0N[2:0] Comparator0 Negative Input MUX Selection. 000 001 010 011 100-111 3 1 CMX0P[2:0] SFR Address = 0x9F; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 6:4 2 CMX0N[2:0] Name 7 3 Unused 64-Pin Devices P1.1 P1.3 P1.5 P1.7 No input selected. 48-Pin Devices P1.1 P1.3 — — No input selected. 32-Pin Devices — — — P2.0 (see note) No input selected. 24-Pin Devices — — — P2.0 (see note) No input selected. Read = 0b; Write = don’t care. CMX0P[2:0] Comparator0 Positive Input MUX Selection. 000 001 010 011 100-111 64-Pin Devices P1.0 P1.2 P1.4 P1.6 No input selected. 48-Pin Devices P1.0 P1.2 — — No input selected. 32-Pin Devices 24-Pin Devices — — — — — — (P1.6—see note) (P1.6—see note) No input No input selected. selected. Note: On 32 and 24-pin devices, P2.0 can be used as the negative comparator input, for detecting low-level signals near the GND or VDD supply rails. The P1.6 setting for the positive input should be used in conjunction with the selection of P2.0 as the negative input. P1.6 should be configured for push-pull mode and driven to the desired supply rail. Although P1.6 is not connected to a device pin in these packages, it is still a valid signal internally. Rev. 1.0 79 C8051F70x/71x 15. Capacitive Sense (CS0) The Capacitive Sense subsystem uses a capacitance-to-digital circuit to determine the capacitance on a port pin. The module can take measurements from different port pins using the module’s analog multiplexer. The module is enabled only when the CS0EN bit (CS0CN) is set to 1. Otherwise the module is in a low-power shutdown state. The module can be configured to take measurements on one port pin or a group of port pins, using auto-scan. A selectable gain circuit allows the designer to adjust the maximum allowable capacitance. An accumulator is also included, which can be configured to average multiple conversions on an input channel. Interrupts can be generated when CS0 completes a conversion or when the measured value crosses a threshold defined in CS0THH:L. CS0SS CS0ACU2 CS0ACU1 CS0ACU0 CS0CM2 CS0CM1 CS0CM0 CS0CMPF CS0SE Auto-Scan Logic AMUX Start Conversion Pin Monitor Port I/O and Peripherals CS0MX ... CS0CF CS0CN CS0EN CS0PME CS0INT CS0BUSY CS0CMPEN UAPM SPIPM SMBPM PCAPM PIOPM CP0PM CSPMMD1 CSPMMD0 CS0PM 1x-8x Capacitance to Digital Converter 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 CS0BUSY (W) Timer 0 Overflow Timer 2 Overflow Timer 1 Overflow Timer 3 Overflow Reserved Initiated continuously Initiated continuously when auto-scan enabled 12, 13, 14, or 16 bits 22-Bit Accumulator CS0MD1 Greater Than Compare Logic CS0CR1 CS0CR0 CS0DT2 CS0DT1 CS0DT0 CS0IA2 CS0IA1 CS0IA0 CS0CG2 CS0CG1 CS0CG0 CS0DR1 CS0DR0 CS0DH:L CS0THH:L CS0MD2 Figure 15.1. CS0 Block Diagram 80 Rev. 1.0 CS0CMPF C8051F70x/71x 15.1. Configuring Port Pins as Capacitive Sense Inputs In order for a port pin to be measured by CS0, that port pin must be configured as an analog input (see “28. Port Input/Output” ). Configuring the input multiplexer to a port pin not configured as an analog input will cause the capacitance-to-digital converter to output incorrect measurements. Note: When CS0 begins a conversion to measure capacitance on a port pin, CS0 grounds all other port pins that meet the following requirements: - The port pin is accessible by the CS0 input multiplexer. - The port pin is configured as an analog input. - The port latch contains a 0. 15.2. CS0 Gain Adjustment The gain of the CS0 circuit can be adjusted in integer increments from 1x to 8x (8x is the default). High gain gives the best sensitivity and resolution for small capacitors, such as those typically implemented as touch-sensitive PCB features. To measure larger capacitance values, the gain can be lowered. However, lower gain values will affect the overall conversion time. SeeTable 15.1 for more details on the gain adjustment. The bits CS0CG[2:0] in register CS0MD1 set the gain value. Table 15.1. Gain Setting vs. Maximum Capacitance and Conversion Time CS0CG[2:0] (Gain) Maximum Total Capacitance (pF)1 Conversion Time (µs)2 000b (1x) 001b (2x) 010b (3x) 011b (4x) 100b (5x) 101b (6x) 110b (7x) 111b (8x) 520 260 175 130 105 85 75 65 178 93 66 52 43 38 34 31 Notes: 1. The maximum total capacitance values listed in this table are for guidance only, and are not a specification. The total measured capacitance will include internal capacitance as well as external parasitics, and the actual external capacitance being measured. Please refer to the Electrical Specifications for details on the maximum external capacitance. 2. Conversion times are nominal, and listed for 13-bit conversions with all other CS0 settings at their default values. 15.3. Capacitive Sense Start-Of-Conversion Sources A capacitive sense conversion can be initiated in one of seven ways, depending on the programmed state of the CS0 start of conversion bits (CS0CF6:4). Conversions may be initiated by one of the following: 1. Writing a 1 to the CS0BUSY bit of register CS0CN 2. Timer 0 overflow 3. Timer 2 overflow 4. Timer 1 overflow 5. Timer 3 overflow 6. Convert continuously 7. Convert continuously with auto-scan enabled Rev. 1.0 81 C8051F70x/71x If CS0BUSY is used to initiate conversions, and then polled to determine if the conversion is finished, at least one clock cycle must be inserted between setting CS0BUSY to 1 and polling the CS0BUSY bit. Conversions can be configured to be initiated continuously through one of two methods. CS0 can be configured to convert at a single channel continuously or it can be configured to convert continuously with auto-scan enabled. When configured to convert continuously, conversions will begin after the CS0BUSY bit in CS0CF has been set. An interrupt will be generated if CS0 conversion complete interrupts are enabled by setting the ECSCPT bit (EIE2.0). The CS0 module uses a method of successive approximation to determine the value of an external capacitance. The number of bits the CS0 module converts is adjustable using the CS0CR bits in register CS0MD2. Conversions are 13 bits long by default, but they can be adjusted to 12, 13, 14, or 16 bits depending on the needs of the application. Unconverted bits will be set to 0. Shorter conversion lengths produce faster conversion rates, and vice-versa. Applications can take advantage of faster conversion rates when the unconverted bits fall below the noise floor. Note: CS0 conversion complete interrupt behavior depends on the settings of the CS0 accumulator. If CS0 is configured to accumulate multiple conversions on an input channel, a CS0 conversion complete interrupt will be generated only after the last conversion completes. 82 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 15.4. Automatic Scanning CS0 can be configured to automatically scan a sequence of contiguous CS0 input channels by configuring and enabling auto-scan. Using auto-scan with the CS0 comparator interrupt enabled allows a system to detect a change in measured capacitance without requiring any additional dedicated MCU resources. Auto-scan is enabled by setting the CS0 start-of-conversion bits (CS0CF6:4) to 111b. After enabling autoscan, the starting and ending channels should be set to appropriate values in CS0SS and CS0SE, respectively. Writing to CS0SS when auto-scan is enabled will cause the value written to CS0SS to be copied into CS0MX. After being enabled, writing a 1 to CS0BUSY will start auto-scan conversions. When auto-scan completes the number of conversions defined in the CS0 accumulator bits (CS0CF2:0), auto-scan configures CS0MX to the next sequential port pin configured as an analog input and begins a conversion on that channel. The scan sequence continues until CS0MX reaches the ending input channel value defined in CS0SE. Note: All other CS0 pins configured for analog input with a 0 in the port latch are grounded during the conversion. After the final channel conversion, auto-scan configures CS0MX back to the starting input channel. For an example system configured to use auto-scan, please see Figure “15.2 Auto-Scan Example” on page 83. Note: Auto-scan attempts one conversion on a CS0MX channel regardless of whether that channel’s port pin has been configured as an analog input. Auto-scan will also complete the current rotation when the device is halted for debugging. PxMDIN bit Port Pin CS0MX Channel If auto-scan is enabled when the device enters suspend mode, auto-scan will remain enabled and running. This feature allows the device to wake from suspend through CS0 greater-than comparator event on any configured capacitive sense input included in the auto-scan sequence of inputs. A P2.0 0 D P2.1 1 A P2.2 2 A P2.3 3 D P2.4 4 Configures P2.3, P2.2, P2.0 as analog inputs D P2.5 5 D P2.6 6 Configures P3.0-P3.1 and P3.3-P3.7 as analog inputs D P2.7 7 A P3.0 8 A P3.1 9 D P3.2 10 A P3.3 11 A P3.4 12 A P3.5 13 A P3.6 14 A P3.7 15 SFR Configuration: CS0CN = 0x80 Enables CS0 CS0CF = 0x70 Enables Auto-scan as start-ofconversion source CS0SS = 0x02 Sets P2.2 as Autoscan starting channel CS0SE = 0x0D Sets P3.5 as Autoscan ending channel P2MDIN = 0xF2 P3MDIN = 0x04 Scans on channels not configured as analog inputs result in indeterminate values that cannot trigger a CS0 Greater Than Interrupt event Figure 15.2. Auto-Scan Example Rev. 1.0 83 C8051F70x/71x 15.5. CS0 Comparator The CS0 comparator compares the latest capacitive sense conversion result with the value stored in CS0THH:CS0THL. If the result is less than or equal to the stored value, the CS0CMPF bit(CS0CN:0) is set to 0. If the result is greater than the stored value, CS0CMPF is set to 1. If the CS0 conversion accumulator is configured to accumulate multiple conversions, a comparison will not be made until the last conversion has been accumulated. An interrupt will be generated if CS0 greater-than comparator interrupts are enabled by setting the ECSGRT bit (EIE2.1) when the comparator sets CS0CMPF to 1. If auto-scan is running when the comparator sets the CS0CMPF bit, no further auto-scan initiated conversions will start until firmware sets CS0BUSY to 1. A CS0 greater-than comparator event can wake a device from suspend mode. This feature is useful in systems configured to continuously sample one or more capacitive sense channels. The device will remain in the low-power suspend state until the captured value of one of the scanned channels causes a CS0 greater-than comparator event to occur. It is not necessary to have CS0 comparator interrupts enabled in order to wake a device from suspend with a greater-than event. For a summary of behavior with different CS0 comparator, auto-scan, and auto accumulator settings, please see Table 15.2. 84 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 15.6. CS0 Conversion Accumulator CS0 can be configured to accumulate multiple conversions on an input channel. The number of samples to be accumulated is configured using the CS0ACU2:0 bits (CS0CF2:0). The accumulator can accumulate 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 samples. After the defined number of samples have been accumulated, the result is divided by either 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, or 64 (depending on the CS0ACU[2:0] setting) and copied to the CS0DH:CS0DL SFRs. Auto-Scan Enabled Accumulator Enabled Table 15.2. Operation with Auto-scan and Accumulate CS0 Conversion Complete Interrupt Behavior N N CS0INT Interrupt serviced after 1 conversion completes Interrupt serviced after 1 conversion completes if value in CS0DH:CS0DL is greater than CS0THH:CS0THL CS0MX unchanged. N Y CS0INT Interrupt Interrupt serviced after M conversions complete if value in serviced after M conversions com- CS0DH:CS0DL (post accumuplete late and divide) is greater than CS0THH:CS0THL CS0MX unchanged. Y N CS0INT Interrupt serviced after 1 conversion completes Y Y CS0INT Interrupt Interrupt serviced after M con- If greater-than comparator detects converserviced after M versions complete if value in sion value is greater than conversions com- CS0DH:CS0DL (post accumuCS0THH:CS0THL, CS0MX is left plete late and divide) is greater than unchanged; otherwise, CS0MX updates to CS0THH:CS0THL; Auto-Scan the next channel (CS0MX + 1) and wraps stopped back to CS0SS after passing CS0SE CS0 Greater Than Interrupt Behavior CS0MX Behavior Interrupt serviced after con- If greater-than comparator detects conversion value is greater than version completes if value in CS0THH:CS0THL, CS0MX is left CS0DH:CS0DL is greater than unchanged; otherwise, CS0MX updates to CS0THH:CS0THL; the next channel (CS0MX + 1) and wraps Auto-Scan stopped back to CS0SS after passing CS0SE M = Accumulator setting (1x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x, 64x) Rev. 1.0 85 C8051F70x/71x 15.7. CS0 Pin Monitor The CS0 module provides accurate conversions in all operating modes of the CPU, peripherals and I/O ports. Pin monitoring circuits are provided to improve interference immunity from high-current output pin switching. The Capacitive Sense Pin Monitor register (CS0PM, SFR Definition 15.9) controls the operation of these pin monitors. Conversions in the CS0 module are immune to any change on digital inputs and immune to most output switching. Even high-speed serial data transmission will not affect CS0 operation as long as the output load is limited. Output changes that switch large loads such as LEDs and heavily-loaded communications lines can affect conversion accuracy. For this reason, the CS0 module includes pin monitoring circuits that will, if enabled, automatically adjust conversion timing if necessary to eliminate any effect from high-current output pin switching. The pin monitor enable bit should be set for any output signal that is expected to drive a large load. Example: The SMBus in a system is heavily loaded with multiple slaves and a long PCB route. Set the SMBus pin monitor enable, SMBPM = 1. Example: Timer2 controls an LED on Port 1, pin 3 to provide variable dimming. Set the Port SFR write monitor enable, PIOPM = 1. Example: The SPI bus is used to communicate to a nearby host. The pin monitor is not needed because the output is not heavily loaded, SPIPM remains = 0, the default reset state. Pin monitors should not be enabled unless they are required. The pin monitor works by repeating any portion of a conversion that may have been corrupted by a change on an output pin. Setting pin monitor enables bits will slow CS0 conversions. The frequency of CS0 retry operations can be limited by setting the CSPMMD bits. In the default (reset) state, all converter retry requests will be performed. This is the recommended setting for all applications. The number of retries per conversion can be limited to either two or four retries by changing CSPMMD. Limiting the number of retries per conversion ensures that even in circumstances where extremely frequent high-power output switching occurs, conversions will be completed, though there may be some loss of accuracy due to switching noise. Activity of the pin monitor circuit can be detected by reading the Pin Monitor Event bit, CS0PME, in register CS0CN. This bit will be set if any CS0 converter retries have occurred. It remains set until cleared by software or a device reset. 86 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 15.8. Adjusting CS0 For Special Situations There are several configuration options in the CS0 module designed to modify the operation of the circuit and address special situations. In particular, any circuit with more than 500 of series impedance between the sensor and the device pin may require adjustments for optimal performance. Typical applications which may require adjustments include the following: Touch panel sensors fabricated using a resistive conductor such as indium-tin-oxide (ITO). Circuits using a high-value series resistor to isolate the sensor element for high ESD protection. Most systems will require no fine tuning, and the default settings for CS0DT, CS0DR, and CS0IA should be used. Rev. 1.0 87 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 15.1. CS0CN: Capacitive Sense Control Bit 7 6 5 4 Name CS0EN CS0PME CS0INT Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CS0EN 2 1 CS0BUSY CS0CMPEN SFR Address = 0x9A; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7 3 0 CS0CMPF Description CS0 Enable. 0: CS0 disabled and in low-power mode. 1: CS0 enabled and ready to convert. 6 CS0PME CS0 Pin Monitor Event. Set if any converter re-try requests have occurred due to a pin monitor event. This bit remains set until cleared by firmware. 5 CS0INT CS0 Interrupt Flag. 0: CS0 has not completed a data conversion since the last time CS0INT was cleared. 1: CS0 has completed a data conversion. This bit is not automatically cleared by hardware. 4 CS0BUSY CS0 Busy. Read: 0: CS0 conversion is complete or a conversion is not currently in progress. 1: CS0 conversion is in progress. Write: 0: No effect. 1: Initiates CS0 conversion if CS0CM[2:0] = 000b, 110b, or 111b. 3 CS0CMPEN CS0 Digital Comparator Enable Bit. Enables the digital comparator, which compares accumulated CS0 conversion output to the value stored in CS0THH:CS0THL. 0: CS0 digital comparator disabled. 1: CS0 digital comparator enabled. 2:1 Unused 0 CS0CMPF Read = 00b; Write = Don’t care CS0 Digital Comparator Interrupt Flag. 0: CS0 result is smaller than the value set by CS0THH and CS0THL since the last time CS0CMPF was cleared. 1: CS0 result is greater than the value set by CS0THH and CS0THL since the last time CS0CMPF was cleared. 88 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 15.2. CS0CF: Capacitive Sense Configuration Bit 7 6 Name 5 4 3 2 CS0CM[2:0] 1 0 CS0ACU[2:0] Type R R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x9E; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7 Unused 6:4 CS0CM[2:0] Description Read = 0b; Write = Don’t care CS0 Start of Conversion Mode Select. 000: Conversion initiated on every write of 1 to CS0BUSY. 001: Conversion initiated on overflow of Timer 0. 010: Conversion initiated on overflow of Timer 2. 011: Conversion initiated on overflow of Timer 1. 100: Conversion initiated on overflow of Timer 3. 101: Reserved. 110: Conversion initiated continuously after writing 1 to CS0BUSY. 111: Auto-scan enabled, conversions initiated continuously after writing 1 to CS0BUSY. 3 Unused 2:0 CS0ACU[2:0] Read = 0b; Write = Don’t care CS0 Accumulator Mode Select. 000: Accumulate 1 sample. 001: Accumulate 4 samples. 010: Accumulate 8 samples. 011: Accumulate 16 samples 100: Accumulate 32 samples. 101: Accumulate 64 samples. 11x: Reserved. Rev. 1.0 89 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 15.3. CS0DH: Capacitive Sense Data High Byte Bit 7 6 5 Name 4 3 2 1 0 CS0DH[7:0] Type R R R R R R R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xAA; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 CS0DH Description CS0 Data High Byte. Stores the high byte of the last completed 16-bit Capacitive Sense conversion. SFR Definition 15.4. CS0DL: Capacitive Sense Data Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 Name 4 3 2 1 0 CS0DL[7:0] Type R R R R R R R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xA9; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 CS0DL Description CS0 Data Low Byte. Stores the low byte of the last completed 16-bit Capacitive Sense conversion. 90 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 15.5. CS0SS: Capacitive Sense Auto-Scan Start Channel Bit 7 6 5 4 Name 3 2 1 0 0 0 CS0SS[5:0] Type R R Reset 0 0 R/W 0 0 SFR Address = 0x92; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:6 Unused 5:0 CS0SS[5:0] 0 0 Description Read = 00b; Write = Don’t care Starting Channel for Auto-Scan. Sets the first CS0 channel to be selected by the mux for Capacitive Sense conversion when auto-scan is enabled and active. All channels detailed in CS0MX SFR Definition 15.12 are possible choices for this register. When auto-scan is enabled, a write to CS0SS will also update CS0MX. SFR Definition 15.6. CS0SE: Capacitive Sense Auto-Scan End Channel Bit 7 6 5 4 Name 3 2 1 0 0 0 CS0SE[5:0] Type R R Reset 0 0 R/W 0 0 SFR Address = 0x93; SFR Page = F Bit Name 0 0 Description 7:6 Unused Read = 000b; Write = Don’t care 5:0 CS0SE[5:0] Ending Channel for Auto-Scan. Sets the last CS0 channel to be selected by the mux for Capacitive Sense conversion when auto-scan is enabled and active. All channels detailed in CS0MX SFR Definition 15.12 are possible choices for this register. Rev. 1.0 91 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 15.7. CS0THH: Capacitive Sense Comparator Threshold High Byte Bit 7 6 5 Name 4 3 2 1 0 CS0THH[7:0] Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x97; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 CS0THH[7:0] Description CS0 Comparator Threshold High Byte. High byte of the 16-bit value compared to the Capacitive Sense conversion result. SFR Definition 15.8. CS0THL: Capacitive Sense Comparator Threshold Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 Name 4 3 2 1 0 CS0THL[7:0] Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x96; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 CS0THL[7:0] Description CS0 Comparator Threshold Low Byte. Low byte of the 16-bit value compared to the Capacitive Sense conversion result. 92 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 15.9. CS0PM: Capacitive Sense Pin Monitor Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 Name UAPM SPIPM SMBPM PCAPM PIOPM CP0PM CSPMMD[1:0] Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x9F; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7 UAPM 1 0 0 0 Description UART Pin Monitor Enable. Enables monitoring of the UART TX pin. 6 SPIPM SPI Pin Monitor Enable. Enables monitoring SPI output pins. 5 SMBPM SMBus Pin Monitor Enable. Enables monitoring of the SMBus pins. 4 PCAPM PCA Pin Monitor Enable. Enables monitoring of PCA output pins. 3 PIOPM Port I/O Pin Monitor Enable. Enables monitoring of writes to the port latch registers. 2 CP0PM CP0 Pin Monitor Enable. Enables monitoring of the comparator CP0 (synchronous) output. 1:0 CSPMMD[1:0] CS0 Pin Monitor Mode. Selects the operation to take when a monitored signal changes state. 00: Always retry bit cycles on a pin state change. 01: Retry up to twice on consecutive bit cycles. 10: Retry up to four times on consecutive bit cycles. 11: Reserved. Rev. 1.0 93 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 15.10. CS0MD1: Capacitive Sense Mode 1 Bit 7 6 5 Name 3 2 CS0DR[1:0] Type Reset 4 R 0 R/W 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xAD; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:6 Unused 5:4 CS0DR[1:0] 1 0 CS0CG[2:0] R R/W R/W R/W 0 1 1 1 Description Read = 00b; Write = Don’t care CS0 Double Reset Select. These bits adjust the secondary CS0 reset time. For most touch-sensitive switches, the default (fastest) value is sufficient, and these bits should not be modified. 00: No additional time is used for secondary reset (recommended for most switches) 01: An additional 0.75 µs is used for secondary reset. 10: An additional 1.5 µs is used for secondary reset. 11: An additional 2.25 µs is used for secondary reset. 3 Unused 2:0 CS0CG[2:0] Read = 0b; Write = Don’t care CS0 Reference Gain Select. These bits select the "gain" applied to the current used to charge an internal reference capacitor. Lower gain values decrease the current setting, and increase both the size of the capacitance that can be measured with the CS0 module, and the base conversion time. Refer to “15.2. CS0 Gain Adjustment” on page 81 for more information. 000: Gain = 1x 001: Gain = 2x 010: Gain = 3x 011: Gain = 4x 100: Gain = 5x 101: Gain = 6x 110: Gain = 7x 111: Gain = 8x (default) 94 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 15.11. CS0MD2: Capacitive Sense Mode 2 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Name CS0CR[1:0] CS0DT[2:0] CS0IA[2:0] Type R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 1 0 0 SFR Address = 0xBE; SFR Page = F Bit Name 0 0 0 0 0 Description 7:6 CS0CR[1:0] CS0 Conversion Rate. These bits control the conversion rate of the CS0 module. See the electrical specifications table for specific timing. 00: Conversions last 12 internal CS0 clocks and are 12 bits in length. 01: Conversions last 13 internal CS0 clocks and are 13 bits in length. 10: Conversions last 14 internal CS0 clocks and are 14 bits in length. 11: Conversions last 16 internal CS0 clocks.and are 16 bits in length. 5:3 CS0DT[2:0] CS0 Discharge Time. These bits adjust the primary CS0 reset time. For most touch-sensitive switches, the default (fastest) value is sufficient, and these bits should not be modified. 000: Discharge time is 0.75 µs (recommended for most switches) 001: Discharge time is 1.0 µs 010: Discharge time is 1.2 µs 011: Discharge time is 1.5 µs 100: Discharge time is 2 µs 101: Discharge time is 3 µs 110: Discharge time is 6 µs 111: Discharge time is 12 µs 2:0 CS0IA[2:0] CS0 Output Current Adjustment. These bits allow the user to adjust the output current used to charge up the capacitive sensor element. For most touch-sensitive switches, the default (highest) current is sufficient, and these bits should not be modified. 000: Full Current (recommended for most switches) 001: 1/8 Current 010: 1/4 Current 011: 3/8 Current 100: 1/2 Current 101: 5/8 Current 110: 3/4 Current 111: 7/8 Current Rev. 1.0 95 C8051F70x/71x 15.9. Capacitive Sense Multiplexer The input multiplexer can be controlled through two methods. The CS0MX register can be written to through firmware, or the register can be configured automatically using the modules auto-scan functionality (see “15.4. Automatic Scanning” ). CS0MX5 CS0MX4 CS0MX3 CS0MX2 CS0MX1 CS0MX0 CS0UC CS0MX P2.0 CS0MUX CS0 P6.5 Figure 15.3. CS0 Multiplexer Block Diagram 96 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 15.12. CS0MX: Capacitive Sense Mux Channel Select Bit 7 6 Name CS0UC Type R/W R/W Reset 0 0 5 4 CS0UC 2 1 0 0 0 CS0MX[5:0] R/W 0 0 SFR Address = 0x9C; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7 3 0 0 Description CS0 Unconnected. Disconnects CS0 from all port pins, regardless of the selected channel. 0: CS0 connected to port pins 1: CS0 disconnected from port pins 6 Reserved Write = 0b 5:0 CS0MX[5:0] CS0 Mux Channel Select. Selects one of the 38 input channels for Capacitive Sense conversion. Value 64-pin 48-pin 32-pin 24-pin Value 64-pin 48-pin 32-pin 24-pin 000000 P2.0 P2.0 P2.0 P2.0 010011 P4.3 P4.3 — P4.3 000001 P2.1 P2.1 P2.1 P2.1 010100 P4.4 — — P4.4 000010 P2.2 P2.2 P2.2 P2.2 010101 P4.5 — — P4.5 000011 P2.3 P2.3 P2.3 P2.3 010110 P4.6 — — P4.6 000100 P2.4 P2.4 P2.4 P2.4 010111 P4.7 — — P4.7 000101 P2.5 P2.5 P2.5 P2.5 011000 P5.0 P5.0 P5.0 — 000110 P2.6 P2.6 P2.6 P2.6 011001 P5.1 P5.1 P5.1 — 000111 P2.7 P2.7 P2.7 P2.7 011010 P5.2 P5.2 P5.2 — 001000 P3.0 — P3.0 — 011011 P5.3 P5.3 P5.3 — 001001 P3.1 — P3.1 — 011100 P5.4 P5.4 P5.4 — 001010 P3.2 — P3.2 — 011101 P5.5 P5.5 P5.5 — 001011 P3.3 — P3.3 — 011110 P5.6 P5.6 P5.6 — 001100 P3.4 P3.4 P3.4 — 011111 P5.7 P5.7 P5.7 — 001101 P3.5 P3.5 P3.5 — 100000 P6.0 — — — 001110 P3.6 P3.6 P3.6 — 100001 P6.1 — — — 001111 P3.7 P3.7 — — 100010 P6.2 — — — 010000 P4.0 P4.0 — P4.0 100011 P6.3 P6.3 P6.3 — 010001 P4.1 P4.1 — P4.1 100100 P6.4 P6.4 P6.4 P6.4 010010 P4.2 P4.2 — P4.2 100101 P6.5 P6.5 P6.5 P6.5 Rev. 1.0 97 C8051F70x/71x 16. CIP-51 Microcontroller The MCU system controller core is the CIP-51 microcontroller. The CIP-51 is fully compatible with the MCS-51™ instruction set; standard 803x/805x assemblers and compilers can be used to develop software. The MCU family has a superset of all the peripherals included with a standard 8051. The CIP-51 also includes on-chip debug hardware (see description in “C2 Interface” on page 301), and interfaces directly with the analog and digital subsystems providing a complete data acquisition or control-system solution in a single integrated circuit. The CIP-51 Microcontroller core implements the standard 8051 organization and peripherals as well as additional custom peripherals and functions to extend its capability (see Figure 16.1 for a block diagram). The CIP-51 includes the following features: Fully Reset 25 Compatible with MCS-51 Instruction Set MIPS Peak Throughput with 25 MHz Clock 0 to 25 MHz Clock Frequency Extended Interrupt Handler Power Input Management Modes On-chip Debug Logic Program and Data Memory Security Performance The CIP-51 employs a pipelined architecture that greatly increases its instruction throughput over the standard 8051 architecture. In a standard 8051, all instructions except for MUL and DIV take 12 or 24 system clock cycles to execute, and usually have a maximum system clock of 12 MHz. By contrast, the CIP-51 core executes 70% of its instructions in one or two system clock cycles, with no instructions taking more than eight system clock cycles. D8 D8 ACCUMULATOR STACK POINTER TMP1 TMP2 SRAM ADDRESS REGISTER PSW D8 D8 D8 ALU SRAM D8 DATA BUS B REGISTER D8 D8 D8 DATA BUS DATA BUS SFR_ADDRESS BUFFER D8 D8 DATA POINTER D8 SFR BUS INTERFACE SFR_CONTROL SFR_WRITE_DATA SFR_READ_DATA DATA BUS PC INCREMENTER PROGRAM COUNTER (PC) PRGM. ADDRESS REG. MEM_ADDRESS D8 MEM_CONTROL A16 MEMORY INTERFACE MEM_WRITE_DATA MEM_READ_DATA PIPELINE RESET D8 CONTROL LOGIC SYSTEM_IRQs CLOCK D8 STOP IDLE POWER CONTROL REGISTER INTERRUPT INTERFACE EMULATION_IRQ D8 Figure 16.1. CIP-51 Block Diagram 98 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x With the CIP-51's maximum system clock at 25 MHz, it has a peak throughput of 25 MIPS. The CIP-51 has a total of 109 instructions. The table below shows the total number of instructions that require each execution time. Clocks to Execute 1 2 2/3 3 3/4 4 4/5 5 8 Number of Instructions 26 50 5 14 7 3 1 2 1 16.1. Instruction Set The instruction set of the CIP-51 System Controller is fully compatible with the standard MCS-51™ instruction set. Standard 8051 development tools can be used to develop software for the CIP-51. All CIP-51 instructions are the binary and functional equivalent of their MCS-51™ counterparts, including opcodes, addressing modes and effect on PSW flags. However, instruction timing is different than that of the standard 8051. 16.1.1. Instruction and CPU Timing In many 8051 implementations, a distinction is made between machine cycles and clock cycles, with machine cycles varying from 2 to 12 clock cycles in length. However, the CIP-51 implementation is based solely on clock cycle timing. All instruction timings are specified in terms of clock cycles. Due to the pipelined architecture of the CIP-51, most instructions execute in the same number of clock cycles as there are program bytes in the instruction. Conditional branch instructions take one less clock cycle to complete when the branch is not taken as opposed to when the branch is taken. Table 16.1 is the CIP-51 Instruction Set Summary, which includes the mnemonic, number of bytes, and number of clock cycles for each instruction. Rev. 1.0 99 C8051F70x/71x Table 16.1. CIP-51 Instruction Set Summary Mnemonic Description Bytes Clock Cycles Add register to A Add direct byte to A Add indirect RAM to A Add immediate to A Add register to A with carry Add direct byte to A with carry Add indirect RAM to A with carry Add immediate to A with carry Subtract register from A with borrow Subtract direct byte from A with borrow Subtract indirect RAM from A with borrow Subtract immediate from A with borrow Increment A Increment register Increment direct byte Increment indirect RAM Decrement A Decrement register Decrement direct byte Decrement indirect RAM Increment Data Pointer Multiply A and B Divide A by B Decimal adjust A 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 4 8 1 AND Register to A AND direct byte to A AND indirect RAM to A AND immediate to A AND A to direct byte AND immediate to direct byte OR Register to A OR direct byte to A OR indirect RAM to A OR immediate to A OR A to direct byte OR immediate to direct byte Exclusive-OR Register to A Exclusive-OR direct byte to A Exclusive-OR indirect RAM to A Exclusive-OR immediate to A Exclusive-OR A to direct byte 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 Arithmetic Operations ADD A, Rn ADD A, direct ADD A, @Ri ADD A, #data ADDC A, Rn ADDC A, direct ADDC A, @Ri ADDC A, #data SUBB A, Rn SUBB A, direct SUBB A, @Ri SUBB A, #data INC A INC Rn INC direct INC @Ri DEC A DEC Rn DEC direct DEC @Ri INC DPTR MUL AB DIV AB DA A Logical Operations ANL A, Rn ANL A, direct ANL A, @Ri ANL A, #data ANL direct, A ANL direct, #data ORL A, Rn ORL A, direct ORL A, @Ri ORL A, #data ORL direct, A ORL direct, #data XRL A, Rn XRL A, direct XRL A, @Ri XRL A, #data XRL direct, A 100 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 16.1. CIP-51 Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Mnemonic Description Bytes Clock Cycles XRL direct, #data CLR A CPL A RL A RLC A RR A RRC A SWAP A Exclusive-OR immediate to direct byte Clear A Complement A Rotate A left Rotate A left through Carry Rotate A right Rotate A right through Carry Swap nibbles of A 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Move Register to A Move direct byte to A Move indirect RAM to A Move immediate to A Move A to Register Move direct byte to Register Move immediate to Register Move A to direct byte Move Register to direct byte Move direct byte to direct byte Move indirect RAM to direct byte Move immediate to direct byte Move A to indirect RAM Move direct byte to indirect RAM Move immediate to indirect RAM Load DPTR with 16-bit constant Move code byte relative DPTR to A Move code byte relative PC to A Move external data (8-bit address) to A Move A to external data (8-bit address) Move external data (16-bit address) to A Move A to external data (16-bit address) Push direct byte onto stack Pop direct byte from stack Exchange Register with A Exchange direct byte with A Exchange indirect RAM with A Exchange low nibble of indirect RAM with A 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 Clear Carry Clear direct bit Set Carry Set direct bit Complement Carry Complement direct bit 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Data Transfer MOV A, Rn MOV A, direct MOV A, @Ri MOV A, #data MOV Rn, A MOV Rn, direct MOV Rn, #data MOV direct, A MOV direct, Rn MOV direct, direct MOV direct, @Ri MOV direct, #data MOV @Ri, A MOV @Ri, direct MOV @Ri, #data MOV DPTR, #data16 MOVC A, @A+DPTR MOVC A, @A+PC MOVX A, @Ri MOVX @Ri, A MOVX A, @DPTR MOVX @DPTR, A PUSH direct POP direct XCH A, Rn XCH A, direct XCH A, @Ri XCHD A, @Ri Boolean Manipulation CLR C CLR bit SETB C SETB bit CPL C CPL bit Rev. 1.0 101 C8051F70x/71x Table 16.1. CIP-51 Instruction Set Summary (Continued) Mnemonic Description Bytes Clock Cycles ANL C, bit ANL C, /bit ORL C, bit ORL C, /bit MOV C, bit MOV bit, C JC rel JNC rel JB bit, rel JNB bit, rel JBC bit, rel AND direct bit to Carry AND complement of direct bit to Carry OR direct bit to carry OR complement of direct bit to Carry Move direct bit to Carry Move Carry to direct bit Jump if Carry is set Jump if Carry is not set Jump if direct bit is set Jump if direct bit is not set Jump if direct bit is set and clear bit 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2/3 2/3 3/4 3/4 3/4 Absolute subroutine call Long subroutine call Return from subroutine Return from interrupt Absolute jump Long jump Short jump (relative address) Jump indirect relative to DPTR Jump if A equals zero Jump if A does not equal zero Compare direct byte to A and jump if not equal Compare immediate to A and jump if not equal Compare immediate to Register and jump if not equal Compare immediate to indirect and jump if not equal Decrement Register and jump if not zero Decrement direct byte and jump if not zero No operation 2 3 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 3 4 3 3 2/3 2/3 4/5 3/4 3/4 3 4/5 2 3 1 2/3 3/4 1 Program Branching ACALL addr11 LCALL addr16 RET RETI AJMP addr11 LJMP addr16 SJMP rel JMP @A+DPTR JZ rel JNZ rel CJNE A, direct, rel CJNE A, #data, rel CJNE Rn, #data, rel CJNE @Ri, #data, rel DJNZ Rn, rel DJNZ direct, rel NOP 102 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Notes on Registers, Operands and Addressing Modes: Rn—Register R0–R7 of the currently selected register bank. @Ri—Data RAM location addressed indirectly through R0 or R1. rel—8-bit, signed (twos complement) offset relative to the first byte of the following instruction. Used by SJMP and all conditional jumps. direct—8-bit internal data location’s address. This could be a direct-access Data RAM location (0x00– 0x7F) or an SFR (0x80–0xFF). #data—8-bit constant #data16—16-bit constant bit—Direct-accessed bit in Data RAM or SFR addr11—11-bit destination address used by ACALL and AJMP. The destination must be within the same 2 kB page of program memory as the first byte of the following instruction. addr16—16-bit destination address used by LCALL and LJMP. The destination may be anywhere within the 8 kB program memory space. There is one unused opcode (0xA5) that performs the same function as NOP. All mnemonics copyrighted © Intel Corporation 1980. Rev. 1.0 103 C8051F70x/71x 16.2. CIP-51 Register Descriptions Following are descriptions of SFRs related to the operation of the CIP-51 System Controller. Reserved bits should always be written to the value indicated in the SFR description. Future product versions may use these bits to implement new features in which case the reset value of the bit will be the indicated value, selecting the feature's default state. Detailed descriptions of the remaining SFRs are included in the sections of the data sheet associated with their corresponding system function. SFR Definition 16.1. DPL: Data Pointer Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 Name DPL[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x82; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:0 DPL[7:0] 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Function Data Pointer Low. The DPL register is the low byte of the 16-bit DPTR. SFR Definition 16.2. DPH: Data Pointer High Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 Name DPH[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x83; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:0 DPH[7:0] Function Data Pointer High. The DPH register is the high byte of the 16-bit DPTR. 104 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 16.3. SP: Stack Pointer Bit 7 6 5 4 Name SP[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x81; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:0 SP[7:0] 3 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 Function Stack Pointer. The Stack Pointer holds the location of the top of the stack. The stack pointer is incremented before every PUSH operation. The SP register defaults to 0x07 after reset. SFR Definition 16.4. ACC: Accumulator Bit 7 6 5 4 Name ACC[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xE0; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Function 7:0 ACC[7:0] Accumulator. This register is the accumulator for arithmetic operations. Rev. 1.0 105 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 16.5. B: B Register Bit 7 6 5 4 Name B[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xF0; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Function 7:0 B[7:0] B Register. This register serves as a second accumulator for certain arithmetic operations. 106 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 16.6. PSW: Program Status Word Bit 7 6 5 Name CY AC F0 Type R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 RS[1:0] OV F1 PARITY R/W R/W R/W R 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xD0; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Function 7 CY Carry Flag. This bit is set when the last arithmetic operation resulted in a carry (addition) or a borrow (subtraction). It is cleared to logic 0 by all other arithmetic operations. 6 AC Auxiliary Carry Flag. This bit is set when the last arithmetic operation resulted in a carry into (addition) or a borrow from (subtraction) the high order nibble. It is cleared to logic 0 by all other arithmetic operations. 5 F0 User Flag 0. This is a bit-addressable, general purpose flag for use under software control. 4:3 RS[1:0] Register Bank Select. These bits select which register bank is used during register accesses. 00: Bank 0, Addresses 0x00-0x07 01: Bank 1, Addresses 0x08-0x0F 10: Bank 2, Addresses 0x10-0x17 11: Bank 3, Addresses 0x18-0x1F 2 OV Overflow Flag. This bit is set to 1 under the following circumstances: An ADD, ADDC, or SUBB instruction causes a sign-change overflow. MUL instruction results in an overflow (result is greater than 255). A DIV instruction causes a divide-by-zero condition. A The OV bit is cleared to 0 by the ADD, ADDC, SUBB, MUL, and DIV instructions in all other cases. 1 F1 User Flag 1. This is a bit-addressable, general purpose flag for use under software control. 0 PARITY Parity Flag. This bit is set to logic 1 if the sum of the eight bits in the accumulator is odd and cleared if the sum is even. Rev. 1.0 107 C8051F70x/71x 17. Memory Organization The memory organization of the CIP-51 System Controller is similar to that of a standard 8051. There are two separate memory spaces: program memory and data memory. Program and data memory share the same address space but are accessed via different instruction types. The memory organization of the C8051F70x/71x device family is shown in Figure 17.1 PROGRAM/DATA MEMORY (FLASH) 0x3FFF C8051F702/3/6/7 and C8051F716/7 Lock Byte 0x3FFE 16 K Bytes FLASH (In-System Programmable in 512 Byte Sectors) 0x0000 C8051F700/1/4/5 0x3BFF Lock Byte DATA MEMORY (RAM) INTERNAL DATA ADDRESS SPACE 0xFF 0x80 0x7F Upper 128 RAM (Indirect Addressing Only) (Direct and Indirect Addressing) 0x30 0x2F Bit Addressable 0x20 0x1F 0x00 EXTERNAL DATA ADDRESS SPACE 15 K Bytes FLASH 0xFFFF 0x0000 Same 256 bytes as from 0x0000 to 0x01FF, wrapped on 256-byte boundaries C8051F708/9 and C8051F710/1/2/3/4/5 0x1FFF Lock Byte 0x1FFE 0x0100 8 K Bytes FLASH 0x00FF (In-System Programmable in 512 Byte Sectors) 0x0000 XRAM - 256 Bytes (accessable using MOVX instruction) 0x0000 Figure 17.1. C8051F70x/71x Memory Map 108 Lower 128 RAM (Direct and Indirect Addressing) General Purpose Registers 0x3BFE (In-System Programmable in 512 Byte Sectors) Special Function Register's (Direct Addressing Only) Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 17.1. Program Memory The members of the C8051F70x/71x device family contain 16 kB (C8051F702/3/6/7 and C8051F16/7), 15 kB (C8051F700/1/4/5), or 8 kB (C8051F708/9 and C8051F710/1/2/3/4/5) of re-programmable Flash memory that can be used as non-volatile program or data storage. The last byte of user code space is used as the security lock byte (0x3FFF on 16 kB devices, 0x3BFF on 15 kB devices and 0x1FFF on 8 kB devices). C8051F702/3/6/7 and C8051F716/7 Lock Byte 0x3FFF 0x3FFE Lock Byte Page FLASH memory organized in 512-byte pages 0x3E00 C8051F700/1/4/5 Lock Byte 0x3BFF 0x3BFE Lock Byte Page 0x3A00 Flash Memory Space C8051F708/9 and C8051F710/1/2/3/4/5 0x1FFF Lock Byte 0x1FFE Lock Byte Page 0x1E00 Flash Memory Space Flash Memory Space 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 Figure 17.2. Flash Program Memory Map 17.1.1. MOVX Instruction and Program Memory The MOVX instruction in an 8051 device is typically used to access external data memory. On the C8051F70x/71x devices, the MOVX instruction is normally used to read and write on-chip XRAM, but can be re-configured to write and erase on-chip Flash memory space. MOVC instructions are always used to read Flash memory, while MOVX write instructions are used to erase and write Flash. This Flash access feature provides a mechanism for the C8051F70x/71x to update program code and use the program memory space for non-volatile data storage. Refer to Section “22. Flash Memory” on page 148 for further details. 17.2. EEPROM Memory The C8051F700/1/4/5/8/9 and C8051F712/3 contain EEPROM emulation hardware, which uses Flash memory to emulate a 32-byte EEPROM memory space for non-volatile data storage. The EEPROM data is accessed through a RAM buffer for increased speed. More details about the EEPROM can be found in Section “23. EEPROM” on page 155. 17.3. Data Memory The C8051F70x/71x device family includes 512 bytes of RAM data memory. 256 bytes of this memory is mapped into the internal RAM space of the 8051. 256 bytes of this memory is on-chip “external” memory. The data memory map is shown in Figure 17.1 for reference. 17.3.1. Internal RAM There are 256 bytes of internal RAM mapped into the data memory space from 0x00 through 0xFF. The lower 128 bytes of data memory are used for general purpose registers and scratch pad memory. Either direct or indirect addressing may be used to access the lower 128 bytes of data memory. Locations 0x00 through 0x1F are addressable as four banks of general purpose registers, each bank consisting of eight Rev. 1.0 109 C8051F70x/71x byte-wide registers. The next 16 bytes, locations 0x20 through 0x2F, may either be addressed as bytes or as 128 bit locations accessible with the direct addressing mode. The upper 128 bytes of data memory are accessible only by indirect addressing. This region occupies the same address space as the Special Function Registers (SFR) but is physically separate from the SFR space. The addressing mode used by an instruction when accessing locations above 0x7F determines whether the CPU accesses the upper 128 bytes of data memory space or the SFRs. Instructions that use direct addressing will access the SFR space. Instructions using indirect addressing above 0x7F access the upper 128 bytes of data memory. Figure 17.1 illustrates the data memory organization of the C8051F70x/71x. General Purpose Registers The lower 32 bytes of data memory, locations 0x00 through 0x1F, may be addressed as four banks of general-purpose registers. Each bank consists of eight byte-wide registers designated R0 through R7. Only one of these banks may be enabled at a time. Two bits in the program status word, RS0 (PSW.3) and RS1 (PSW.4), select the active register bank (see description of the PSW in SFR Definition 16.6). This allows fast context switching when entering subroutines and interrupt service routines. Indirect addressing modes use registers R0 and R1 as index registers. Bit Addressable Locations In addition to direct access to data memory organized as bytes, the sixteen data memory locations at 0x20 through 0x2F are also accessible as 128 individually addressable bits. Each bit has a bit address from 0x00 to 0x7F. Bit 0 of the byte at 0x20 has bit address 0x00 while bit7 of the byte at 0x20 has bit address 0x07. Bit 7 of the byte at 0x2F has bit address 0x7F. A bit access is distinguished from a full byte access by the type of instruction used (bit source or destination operands as opposed to a byte source or destination). The MCS-51™ assembly language allows an alternate notation for bit addressing of the form XX.B where XX is the byte address and B is the bit position within the byte. For example, the instruction: MOV C, 22.3h moves the Boolean value at 0x13 (bit 3 of the byte at location 0x22) into the Carry flag. Stack A programmer's stack can be located anywhere in the 256-byte data memory. The stack area is designated using the Stack Pointer (SP) SFR. The SP will point to the last location used. The next value pushed on the stack is placed at SP+1 and then SP is incremented. A reset initializes the stack pointer to location 0x07. Therefore, the first value pushed on the stack is placed at location 0x08, which is also the first register (R0) of register bank 1. Thus, if more than one register bank is to be used, the SP should be initialized to a location in the data memory not being used for data storage. The stack depth can extend up to 256 bytes. 110 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 18. External Data Memory Interface and On-Chip XRAM For C8051F70x/71x devices, 256 B of RAM are included on-chip and mapped into the external data memory space (XRAM). Additionally, an External Memory Interface (EMIF) is available on the C8051F700/1/2/3/8/9 and C8051F710/1 devices, which can be used to access off-chip data memories and memory-mapped devices connected to the GPIO ports. The external memory space may be accessed using the external move instruction (MOVX) and the data pointer (DPTR), or using the MOVX indirect addressing mode using R0 or R1. If the MOVX instruction is used with an 8-bit address operand (such as @R1), then the high byte of the 16-bit address is provided by the External Memory Interface Control Register (EMI0CN, shown in SFR Definition 18.1). Note: The MOVX instruction can also be used for writing to the Flash memory. See Section “22. Flash Memory” on page 148 for details. The MOVX instruction accesses XRAM by default. 18.1. Accessing XRAM The XRAM memory space is accessed using the MOVX instruction. The MOVX instruction has two forms, both of which use an indirect addressing method. The first method uses the Data Pointer, DPTR, a 16-bit register which contains the effective address of the XRAM location to be read from or written to. The second method uses R0 or R1 in combination with the EMI0CN register to generate the effective XRAM address. Examples of both of these methods are given below. 18.1.1. 16-Bit MOVX Example The 16-bit form of the MOVX instruction accesses the memory location pointed to by the contents of the DPTR register. The following series of instructions reads the value of the byte at address 0x1234 into the accumulator A: MOV MOVX DPTR, #1234h A, @DPTR ; load DPTR with 16-bit address to read (0x1234) ; load contents of 0x1234 into accumulator A The above example uses the 16-bit immediate MOV instruction to set the contents of DPTR. Alternately, the DPTR can be accessed through the SFR registers DPH, which contains the upper 8-bits of DPTR, and DPL, which contains the lower 8-bits of DPTR. 18.1.2. 8-Bit MOVX Example The 8-bit form of the MOVX instruction uses the contents of the EMI0CN SFR to determine the upper 8-bits of the effective address to be accessed and the contents of R0 or R1 to determine the lower 8-bits of the effective address to be accessed. The following series of instructions read the contents of the byte at address 0x1234 into the accumulator A. MOV MOV MOVX EMI0CN, #12h R0, #34h a, @R0 ; load high byte of address into EMI0CN ; load low byte of address into R0 (or R1) ; load contents of 0x1234 into accumulator A Rev. 1.0 111 C8051F70x/71x 18.2. Configuring the External Memory Interface Configuring the External Memory Interface consists of five steps: 1. Configure the Output Modes of the associated port pins as either push-pull or open-drain (push-pull is most common). 2. Configure Port latches to “park” the EMIF pins in a dormant state (usually by setting them to logic 1). 3. Select Multiplexed mode or Non-multiplexed mode. 4. Select the memory mode (on-chip only, split mode without bank select, split mode with bank select, or off-chip only). 5. Set up timing to interface with off-chip memory or peripherals. Each of these five steps is explained in detail in the following sections. The Port selection, Multiplexed mode selection, and Mode bits are located in the EMI0CF register shown in SFR Definition . 18.3. Port Configuration The EMIF pinout is shown in Figure 18.2 on Page 127 The External Memory Interface claims the associated Port pins for memory operations ONLY during the execution of an off-chip MOVX instruction. Once the MOVX instruction has completed, control of the Port pins reverts to the Port latches for those pins. See Section “28. Port Input/Output” on page 180 for more information about Port operation and configuration. The Port latches should be explicitly configured to “park” the External Memory Interface pins in a dormant state, most commonly by setting them to a logic 1. During the execution of the MOVX instruction, the External Memory Interface will explicitly disable the drivers on all Port pins that are acting as Inputs (Data[7:0] during a READ operation, for example). The Output mode of the Port pins (whether the pin is configured as Open-Drain or Push-Pull) is unaffected by the External Memory Interface operation, and remains controlled by the PnMDOUT registers. In most cases, the output modes of all EMIF pins should be configured for push-pull mode. 112 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 18.1. EMI0CN: External Memory Interface Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name PGSEL[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xAA; SFR Page = F Bit Name 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function 7:0 PGSEL[7:0] XRAM Page Select Bits. The XRAM Page Select Bits provide the high byte of the 16-bit external data memory address when using an 8-bit MOVX command, effectively selecting a 256-byte page of RAM. 0x00: 0x0000 to 0x00FF 0x01: 0x0100 to 0x01FF ... 0xFE: 0xFE00 to 0xFEFF 0xFF: 0xFF00 to 0xFFFF Rev. 1.0 113 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 18.2. EMI0CF: External Memory Configuration Bit 7 6 5 Name 3 EMD2 Type Reset 4 2 EMD[1:0] R 0 0 1 0 EALE[1:0] R/W 0 0 SFR Address = 0xC7; SFR Page = F Bit Name 0 0 1 1 Function 7:5 Unused 4 EMD2 3:2 EMD[1:0] EMIF Operating Mode Select Bits. 00: Internal Only: MOVX accesses on-chip XRAM only. All effective addresses alias to on-chip memory space 01: Split Mode without Bank Select: Accesses below the 256 B boundary are directed on-chip. Accesses above the 256 B boundary are directed off-chip. 8-bit off-chip MOVX operations use current contents of the Address high port latches to resolve the upper address byte. To access off chip space, EMI0CN must be set to a page that is not contained in the on-chip address space. 10: Split Mode with Bank Select: Accesses below the 256 B boundary are directed onchip. Accesses above the 256 B boundary are directed off-chip. 8-bit off-chip MOVX operations uses the contents of EMI0CN to determine the high-byte of the address. 11: External Only: MOVX accesses off-chip XRAM only. On-chip XRAM is not visible to the CPU. 1:0 EALE[1:0] ALE Pulse-Width Select Bits. These bits only have an effect when EMD2 = 0. 00: ALE high and ALE low pulse width = 1 SYSCLK cycle. 01: ALE high and ALE low pulse width = 2 SYSCLK cycles. 10: ALE high and ALE low pulse width = 3 SYSCLK cycles. 11: ALE high and ALE low pulse width = 4 SYSCLK cycles. 114 Read = 000b; Write = Don’t Care. EMIF Multiplex Mode Select Bit. 0: EMIF operates in multiplexed address/data mode 1: EMIF operates in non-multiplexed mode (separate address and data pins) Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 18.4. Multiplexed and Non-multiplexed Selection The External Memory Interface is capable of acting in a Multiplexed mode or a Non-multiplexed mode, depending on the state of the EMD2 (EMI0CF.4) bit. 18.4.1. Multiplexed Configuration In Multiplexed mode, the Data Bus and the lower 8-bits of the Address Bus share the same Port pins: AD[7:0]. In this mode, an external latch (74HC373 or equivalent logic gate) is used to hold the lower 8-bits of the RAM address. The external latch is controlled by the ALE (Address Latch Enable) signal, which is driven by the External Memory Interface logic. An example of a Multiplexed Configuration is shown in Figure 18.1. In Multiplexed mode, the external MOVX operation can be broken into two phases delineated by the state of the ALE signal. During the first phase, ALE is high and the lower 8-bits of the Address Bus are presented to AD[7:0]. During this phase, the address latch is configured such that the Q outputs reflect the states of the ‘D’ inputs. When ALE falls, signaling the beginning of the second phase, the address latch outputs remain fixed and are no longer dependent on the latch inputs. Later in the second phase, the Data Bus controls the state of the AD[7:0] port at the time RD or WR is asserted. See Section “18.6.2. Multiplexed Mode” on page 123 for more information. A[15:8] A[15:8] ADDRESS BUS 74HC373 E M I F G ALE AD[7:0] D ADDRESS/DATA BUS Q A[7:0] VDD 64 K X 8 SRAM (Optional) 8 I/O[7:0] CE WE OE WR RD Figure 18.1. Multiplexed Configuration Example Rev. 1.0 115 C8051F70x/71x 18.4.2. Non-multiplexed Configuration In Non-multiplexed mode, the Data Bus and the Address Bus pins are not shared. An example of a Nonmultiplexed Configuration is shown in Figure 18.2. See Section “18.6.1. Non-Multiplexed Mode” on page 120 for more information about Non-multiplexed operation. E M I F A[15:0] ADDRESS BUS A[15:0] VDD (Optional) 8 D[7:0] DATA BUS 64 K X 8 SRAM I/O[7:0] CE WE OE WR RD Figure 18.2. Non-multiplexed Configuration Example 116 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 18.5. Memory Mode Selection The external data memory space can be configured in one of four modes, shown in Figure 18.3, based on the EMIF Mode bits in the EMI0CF register (SFR Definition 18.2). These modes are summarized below. More information about the different modes can be found in Section “18.6. Timing” on page 118. EMI0CF[3:2] = 00 EMI0CF[3:2] = 01 0xFFFF EMI0CF[3:2] = 10 0xFFFF EMI0CF[3:2] = 11 0xFFFF 0xFFFF On-Chip XRAM On-Chip XRAM Off-Chip Memory (No Bank Select) Off-Chip Memory (Bank Select) On-Chip XRAM Off-Chip Memory On-Chip XRAM On-Chip XRAM On-Chip XRAM On-Chip XRAM On-Chip XRAM 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 Figure 18.3. EMIF Operating Modes 18.5.1. Internal XRAM Only When bits EMI0CF[3:2] are set to 00, all MOVX instructions will target the internal XRAM space on the device. Memory accesses to addresses beyond the populated space will wrap on 4 kB boundaries. As an example, the addresses 0x1000 and 0x2000 both evaluate to address 0x0000 in on-chip XRAM space. 8-bit MOVX operations use the contents of EMI0CN to determine the high-byte of the effective address and R0 or R1 to determine the low-byte of the effective address. 16-bit MOVX operations use the contents of the 16-bit DPTR to determine the effective address. 18.5.2. Split Mode without Bank Select When bit EMI0CF.[3:2] are set to 01, the XRAM memory map is split into two areas, on-chip space and offchip space. Effective addresses below the internal XRAM size boundary will access on-chip XRAM space. Effective addresses above the internal XRAM size boundary will access off-chip space. 8-bit MOVX operations use the contents of EMI0CN to determine whether the memory access is onchip or off-chip. However, in the “No Bank Select” mode, an 8-bit MOVX operation will not drive the upper 8-bits A[15:8] of the Address Bus during an off-chip access. This allows the user to manipulate the upper address bits at will by setting the Port state directly via the port latches. This behavior is in contrast with “Split Mode with Bank Select” described below. The lower 8-bits of the Address Bus A[7:0] are driven, determined by R0 or R1. 16-bit MOVX operations use the contents of DPTR to determine whether the memory access is on-chip or off-chip, and unlike 8-bit MOVX operations, the full 16-bits of the Address Bus A[15:0] are driven during the off-chip transaction. Rev. 1.0 117 C8051F70x/71x 18.5.3. Split Mode with Bank Select When EMI0CF[3:2] are set to 10, the XRAM memory map is split into two areas, on-chip space and offchip space. Effective addresses below the internal XRAM size boundary will access on-chip XRAM space. Effective addresses above the internal XRAM size boundary will access off-chip space. 8-bit MOVX operations use the contents of EMI0CN to determine whether the memory access is onchip or off-chip. The upper 8-bits of the Address Bus A[15:8] are determined by EMI0CN, and the lower 8-bits of the Address Bus A[7:0] are determined by R0 or R1. All 16-bits of the Address Bus A[15:0] are driven in “Bank Select” mode. 16-bit MOVX operations use the contents of DPTR to determine whether the memory access is on-chip or off-chip, and the full 16-bits of the Address Bus A[15:0] are driven during the off-chip transaction. 18.5.4. External Only When EMI0CF[3:2] are set to 11, all MOVX operations are directed to off-chip space. On-chip XRAM is not visible to the CPU. This mode is useful for accessing off-chip memory located between 0x0000 and the internal XRAM size boundary. 8-bit MOVX operations ignore the contents of EMI0CN. The upper Address bits A[15:8] are not driven (identical behavior to an off-chip access in “Split Mode without Bank Select” described above). This allows the user to manipulate the upper address bits at will by setting the Port state directly. The lower 8-bits of the effective address A[7:0] are determined by the contents of R0 or R1. 16-bit MOVX operations use the contents of DPTR to determine the effective address A[15:0]. The full 16-bits of the Address Bus A[15:0] are driven during the off-chip transaction. 18.6. Timing The timing parameters of the External Memory Interface can be configured to enable connection to devices having different setup and hold time requirements. The Address Setup time, Address Hold time, RD and WR strobe widths, and in multiplexed mode, the width of the ALE pulse are all programmable in units of SYSCLK periods through EMI0TC, shown in SFR Definition 18.3, and EMI0CF[1:0]. The timing for an off-chip MOVX instruction can be calculated by adding 4 SYSCLK cycles to the timing parameters defined by the EMI0TC register. Assuming non-multiplexed operation, the minimum execution time for an off-chip XRAM operation is 5 SYSCLK cycles (1 SYSCLK for RD or WR pulse + 4 SYSCLKs). For multiplexed operations, the Address Latch Enable signal will require a minimum of 2 additional SYSCLK cycles. Therefore, the minimum execution time for an off-chip XRAM operation in multiplexed mode is 7 SYSCLK cycles (2 for /ALE + 1 for RD or WR + 4). The programmable setup and hold times default to the maximum delay settings after a reset. Table 18.1 lists the ac parameters for the External Memory Interface, and Figure 18.4 through Figure 18.9 show the timing diagrams for the different External Memory Interface modes and MOVX operations. 118 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 18.3. EMI0TC: External Memory Timing Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name EAS[1:0] EWR[3:0] EAH[1:0] Type R/W R/W R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xEE; SFR Page = F Bit Name Function 7:6 EAS[1:0] EMIF Address Setup Time Bits. 00: Address setup time = 0 SYSCLK cycles. 01: Address setup time = 1 SYSCLK cycle. 10: Address setup time = 2 SYSCLK cycles. 11: Address setup time = 3 SYSCLK cycles. 5:2 EWR[3:0] EMIF WR and RD Pulse-Width Control Bits. 0000: WR and RD pulse width = 1 SYSCLK cycle. 0001: WR and RD pulse width = 2 SYSCLK cycles. 0010: WR and RD pulse width = 3 SYSCLK cycles. 0011: WR and RD pulse width = 4 SYSCLK cycles. 0100: WR and RD pulse width = 5 SYSCLK cycles. 0101: WR and RD pulse width = 6 SYSCLK cycles. 0110: WR and RD pulse width = 7 SYSCLK cycles. 0111: WR and RD pulse width = 8 SYSCLK cycles. 1000: WR and RD pulse width = 9 SYSCLK cycles. 1001: WR and RD pulse width = 10 SYSCLK cycles. 1010: WR and RD pulse width = 11 SYSCLK cycles. 1011: WR and RD pulse width = 12 SYSCLK cycles. 1100: WR and RD pulse width = 13 SYSCLK cycles. 1101: WR and RD pulse width = 14 SYSCLK cycles. 1110: WR and RD pulse width = 15 SYSCLK cycles. 1111: WR and RD pulse width = 16 SYSCLK cycles. 1:0 EAH[1:0] EMIF Address Hold Time Bits. 00: Address hold time = 0 SYSCLK cycles. 01: Address hold time = 1 SYSCLK cycle. 10: Address hold time = 2 SYSCLK cycles. 11: Address hold time = 3 SYSCLK cycles. Rev. 1.0 119 C8051F70x/71x 18.6.1. Non-Multiplexed Mode 16-bit MOVX: EMI0CF[4:2] = 101, 110, or 111 Nonmuxed 16-bit WRITE ADDR[15:8] EMIF ADDRESS (8 MSBs) from DPH ADDR[7:0] EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from DPL DATA[7:0] EMIF WRITE DATA T T WDS T ACS WDH T T ACW ACH WR RD Nonmuxed 16-bit READ ADDR[15:8] EMIF ADDRESS (8 MSBs) from DPH ADDR[7:0] EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from DPL DATA[7:0] EMIF READ DATA T RDS T ACS T ACW T RDH T ACH RD WR Figure 18.4. Non-multiplexed 16-bit MOVX Timing 120 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 8-bit MOVX without Bank Select: EMI0CF[4:2] = 101 or 111 Nonmuxed 8-bit WRITE without Bank Select ADDR[15:8] ADDR[7:0] EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from R0 or R1 DATA[7:0] EMIF WRITE DATA T T WDS T ACS WDH T T ACW ACH WR RD Nonmuxed 8-bit READ without Bank Select ADDR[15:8] EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from R0 or R1 ADDR[7:0] EMIF READ DATA DATA[7:0] T RDS T ACS T ACW T RDH T ACH RD WR Figure 18.5. Non-multiplexed 8-bit MOVX without Bank Select Timing Rev. 1.0 121 C8051F70x/71x 8-bit MOVX with Bank Select: EMI0CF[4:2] = 110 Nonmuxed 8-bit WRITE with Bank Select ADDR[15:8] EMIF ADDRESS (8 MSBs) from EMI0CN ADDR[7:0] EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from R0 or R1 DATA[7:0] EMIF WRITE DATA T T WDS T ACS WDH T T ACW ACH WR RD Nonmuxed 8-bit READ with Bank Select ADDR[15:8] EMIF ADDRESS (8 MSBs) from EMI0CN ADDR[7:0] EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from R0 or R1 DATA[7:0] EMIF READ DATA T RDS T ACS T ACW T RDH T ACH RD WR Figure 18.6. Non-Multiplexed 8-Bit MOVX with Bank Select Timing 122 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 18.6.2. Multiplexed Mode 16-bit MOVX: EMI0CF[4:2] = 001, 010, or 011 Muxed 16-bit WRITE ADDR[15:8] AD[7:0] EMIF ADDRESS (8 MSBs) from DPH EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from DPL T ALEH EMIF WRITE DATA T ALEL ALE T T WDS T ACS WDH T T ACW ACH WR RD Muxed 16-bit READ ADDR[15:8] AD[7:0] EMIF ADDRESS (8 MSBs) from DPH EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from DPL T ALEH EMIF READ DATA T T ALEL RDS T RDH ALE T ACS T ACW T ACH RD WR Figure 18.7. Multiplexed 16-bit MOVX Timing Rev. 1.0 123 C8051F70x/71x 8-bit MOVX without Bank Select: EMI0CF[4:2] = 001 or 011 Muxed 8-bit WRITE Without Bank Select ADDR[15:8] AD[7:0] EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from R0 or R1 T ALEH EMIF WRITE DATA T ALEL ALE T T WDS T ACS WDH T T ACW ACH WR RD Muxed 8-bit READ Without Bank Select ADDR[15:8] AD[7:0] EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from R0 or R1 T ALEH EMIF READ DATA T T ALEL RDS T RDH ALE T ACS T ACW T ACH l RD WR Figure 18.8. Multiplexed 8-Bit MOVX without Bank Select Timing 124 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 8-bit MOVX with Bank Select: EMI0CF[4:2] = 010 Muxed 8-bit WRITE with Bank Select ADDR[15:8] AD[7:0] EMIF ADDRESS (8 MSBs) from EMI0CN EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from R0 or R1 T ALEH EMIF WRITE DATA T ALEL ALE T T WDS T ACS WDH T T ACW ACH WR RD Muxed 8-bit READ with Bank Select ADDR[15:8] AD[7:0] EMIF ADDRESS (8 MSBs) from EMI0CN EMIF ADDRESS (8 LSBs) from R0 or R1 T ALEH EMIF READ DATA T T ALEL RDS T RDH ALE T ACS T ACW T ACH RD WR Figure 18.9. Multiplexed 8-Bit MOVX with Bank Select Timing Rev. 1.0 125 C8051F70x/71x Table 18.1. AC Parameters for External Memory Interface Parameter Description Min* Max* Units TACS Address/Control Setup Time 0 3 x TSYSCLK ns TACW Address/Control Pulse Width TSYSCLK 16 x TSYSCLK ns TACH Address/Control Hold Time 0 3 x TSYSCLK ns TALEH Address Latch Enable High Time TSYSCLK 4 x TSYSCLK ns TALEL Address Latch Enable Low Time TSYSCLK 4 x TSYSCLK ns TWDS Write Data Setup Time TSYSCLK 19 x TSYSCLK ns TWDH Write Data Hold Time 0 3 x TSYSCLK ns TRDS Read Data Setup Time 20 — ns TRDH Read Data Hold Time 0 — ns Note: TSYSCLK is equal to one period of the device system clock (SYSCLK). 126 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 18.2. EMIF Pinout (C8051F700/1/2/3/8/9 and C8051F710/1) Multiplexed Mode Non Multiplexed Mode Signal Name Port Pin Signal Name Port Pin RD P6.1 RD P6.1 WR P6.0 WR P6.0 ALE P6.2 D0 P5.0 D0/A0 P5.0 D1 P5.1 D1/A1 P5.1 D2 P5.2 D2/A2 P5.2 D3 P5.3 D3/A3 P5.3 D4 P5.4 D4/A4 P5.4 D5 P5.5 D5/A5 P5.5 D6 P5.6 D6/A6 P5.6 D7 P5.7 D7/A7 P5.7 A0 P4.0 A8 P4.0 A1 P4.1 A9 P4.1 A2 P4.2 A10 P4.2 A3 P4.3 A11 P4.3 A4 P4.4 A12 P4.4 A5 P4.5 A13 P4.5 A6 P4.6 A14 P4.6 A7 P4.7 A15 P4.7 A8 P3.0 — — A9 P3.1 — — A10 P3.2 — — A11 P3.3 — — A12 P3.4 — — A13 P3.5 — — A14 P3.6 — — A15 P3.7 Rev. 1.0 127 C8051F70x/71x 19. In-System Device Identification The C8051F70x/71x has SFRs that identify the device family and derivative. These SFRs can be read by firmware at runtime to determine the capabilities of the MCU that is executing code. This allows the same firmware image to run on MCUs with different memory sizes and peripherals, and dynamically changing functionality to suit the capabilities of that MCU. In order for firmware to identify the MCU, it must read three SFRs. HWID describes the MCU’s family, DERIVID describes the specific derivative within that device family, and REVID describes the hardware revision of the MCU. SFR Definition 19.1. HWID: Hardware Identification Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 HWID[7:0] Name Type R R R R R R R R Reset 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 SFR Address = 0xC4; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 HWID[7:0] Description Hardware Identification Byte. Describes the MCU family. 0x1E: Devices covered in this document (C8051F70x/71x) SFR Definition 19.2. DERIVID: Derivative Identification Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 DERIVID[7:0] Name Type R R R R R R R R Reset Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies SFR Address = 0xEC; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 DERIVID[7:0] Description Derivative Identification Byte. Shows the C8051F70x/71x derivative being used. 0xD0: C8051F700; 0xD1: C8051F701; 0xD2: C8051F702; 0xD3: C8051F703 0xD4: C8051F704; 0xD5: C8051F705; 0xD6: C8051F706; 0xD7: C8051F707 0xD8: C8051F708; 0xD9: C8051F709; 0xDA: C8051F710; 0xDB: C8051F711 0xDC: C8051F712; 0xDD: C8051F713; 0xDE: C8051F714; 0xDF: C8051F715 0xE0: C8051F716; 0xE1: C8051F717 128 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 19.3. REVID: Hardware Revision Identification Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 REVID[7:0] Name Type R R R R R R R R Reset Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies SFR Address = 0xAD; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 REVID[7:0] Description Hardware Revision Identification Byte. Shows the C8051F70x/71x hardware revision being used. For example, 0x00 = Revision A. Rev. 1.0 129 C8051F70x/71x 20. Special Function Registers The direct-access data memory locations from 0x80 to 0xFF constitute the special function registers (SFRs). The SFRs provide control and data exchange with the C8051F70x/71x's resources and peripherals. The CIP-51 controller core duplicates the SFRs found in a typical 8051 implementation as well as implementing additional SFRs used to configure and access the sub-systems unique to the C8051F70x/71x. This allows the addition of new functionality while retaining compatibility with the MCS51™ instruction set. Table 20.1 lists the SFRs implemented in the C8051F70x/71x device family. The SFR registers are accessed anytime the direct addressing mode is used to access memory locations from 0x80 to 0xFF. SFRs with addresses ending in 0x0 or 0x8 (e.g., P0, TCON, SCON0, IE, etc.) are bitaddressable as well as byte-addressable. All other SFRs are byte-addressable only. Unoccupied addresses in the SFR space are reserved for future use. Accessing these areas will have an indeterminate effect and should be avoided. Refer to the corresponding pages of the data sheet, as indicated in Table 20.2, for a detailed description of each register. 130 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 20.1. Special Function Register (SFR) Memory Map Addr F8 F0 E8 E0 D8 D0 C8 C0 B8 B0 A8 A0 98 90 88 80 SFR Page 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0 F 0(8) 1(9) 2(A) SPI0CN PCA0L P0DRV PCA0H P1DRV B ADC0CN ACC PCA0CN PSW IP P2 SCON0 P1 5(D) 6(E) P5DRV P5MDIN EMI0TC EIE1 7(F) VDM0CN P6MDIN RSTSRC EIE2 CRC0DATA PCA0CPM0 PCA0CPM1 PCA0CPM2 EEDATA SMB0CF P6DRV REG0CN P3 IE 4(C) PCA0CPL0 PCA0CPH0 P2DRV P3DRV P4DRV P0MAT P0MASK P0MDIN P1MDIN P2MDIN P3MDIN P4MDIN PCA0CPL1 PCA0CPH1 PCA0CPL2 PCA0CPH2 DERIVID PCA0MD P1MAT P1MASK WDTCN XBR0 XBR1 IT01CF TMR2CN SMB0CN 3(B) REF0CN TMR2RLL TMR2RLH P0SKIP TMR2L SMB0DAT ADC0GTL ADC0GTH HWID ADC0MX SMB0ADR SMB0ADM ADC0CF P6 P5 P1SKIP TMR2H ADC0LTL EECNTL ADC0L CLKSEL OSCXCN CS0MD1 REVID P2SKIP EIP1 ADC0LTH EEKEY ADC0H CS0MD2 EIP2 OSCICL EEADDR FLKEY EMI0CF CS0DL CS0DH P4 OSCICN EMI0CN P3MDOUT SPI0CFG SPI0DAT SFRPAGE PCA0PWM SPI0CKR P0MDOUT P1MDOUT P2MDOUT CS0CN CPT0CN CS0MX CPT0MD CS0CF CPT0MX SBUF0 P4MDOUT P5MDOUT P6MDOUT CS0PM TMR3CN TMR3RLL TMR3RLH TMR3L TMR3H CS0THL CS0THH CRC0CN CS0SS CS0SE CRC0IN CRC0FLIP CRC0AUTO CRC0CNT TCON TMOD TL0 TL1 P0 SP DPL DPH 0(8) 1(9) 2(A) 3(B) TH0 TH1 CKCON PSCTL PCON 4(C) 5(D) 6(E) 7(F) Notes: 1. SFR addresses ending in 0x0 or 0x8 (leftmost column) are bit-addressable. 2. SFRs indicated with bold lettering and shaded cells are available on both SFR Page 0 and F. Rev. 1.0 131 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 20.1. SFRPAGE: SFR Page Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name SFRPAGE[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xA7; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Description SFRPAGE[7:0] SFR Page Bits. Represents the SFR Page the C8051 core uses when reading or modifying SFRs. Write: Sets the SFR Page. Read: Byte is the SFR page the C8051 core is using. Table 20.2. Special Function Registers SFRs are listed in alphabetical order. All undefined SFR locations are reserved Register Address Page Description All Pages Accumulator Page ACC 0xE0 ADC0CF 0xBC ADC0CN 0xE8 ADC0GTH 0xC4 0 ADC0 Greater-Than Compare High 62 ADC0GTL 0xC3 0 ADC0 Greater-Than Compare Low 62 F ADC0 Configuration All Pages ADC0 Control 105 59 61 ADC0H 0xBE 0 ADC0 High 60 ADC0L 0xBD 0 ADC0 Low 60 ADC0LTH 0xC6 0 ADC0 Less-Than Compare Word High 63 ADC0LTL 0xC5 0 ADC0 Less-Than Compare Word Low 63 ADC0MX 0xBB 0 AMUX0 Multiplexer Channel Select B 0xF0 All Pages B Register 106 CKCON 0x8E All Pages Clock Control 263 CLKSEL 0xBD F 66 Clock Select 263 CPT0CN 0x9B 0 Comparator0 Control 76 CPT0MD 0x9D 0 Comparator0 Mode Selection 77 CPT0MX 0x9F 0 Comparator0 MUX Selection 79 CRC0AUTO 0x96 F CRC0 Automatic Control Register 217 CRC0CN 0x91 F CRC0 Control 215 CRC0CNT 0x97 F CRC0 Automatic Flash Sector Count 217 CRC0DATA 0xD9 F CRC0 Data Output 216 CRC0FLIP 0x95 F CRC0 Bit Flip 218 CRC0IN 0x94 F CRC Data Input 216 132 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 20.2. Special Function Registers (Continued) SFRs are listed in alphabetical order. All undefined SFR locations are reserved Register Address Page Description Page CS0CN 0x9A 0 CS0 Control 88 CS0DH 0xAA 0 CS0 Data High 90 CS0DL 0xA9 0 CS0 Data Low 90 CS0CF 0x9E 0 CS0 Configuration 89 CS0MD1 0xAD 0 CS0 Mode 1 94 CS0MD2 0xBE F CS0 Mode 2 95 CS0MX 0x9C 0 CS0 Mux 97 CS0PM 0x9F F CS0 Pin Monitor 93 CS0SE 0x93 F Auto Scan End Channel 91 CS0SS 0x92 F Auto Scan Start Channel 91 CS0THH 0x97 0 CS0 Digital Compare Threshold High 92 CS0THL 0x96 0 CS0 Digital Compare Threshold Low 92 DERIVID 0xEC F Derivative Identification 128 DPH 0x83 All Pages Data Pointer High 104 DPL 0x82 All Pages Data Pointer Low 104 EEADDR 0xB6 All Pages EEPROM Byte Address 156 EECNTL 0xC5 EEDATA 0xD1 EEKEY 0xC6 EIE1 0xE6 All Pages Extended Interrupt Enable 1 142 EIE2 0xE7 All Pages Extended Interrupt Enable 2 143 EIP1 0xCE EIP2 0xCF EMI0CF 0xC7 EMI0CN 0xAA EMI0TC 0xEE F EEPROM Control All Pages EEPROM Byte Data F F EEPROM Protect Key 158 157 159 Extended Interrupt Priority 1 144 F Extended Interrupt Priority 2 145 F EMIF Configuration 114 F EMIF Control 113 F EMIF Timing Control 119 All Pages Flash Lock And Key 154 FLKEY 0xB7 HWID 0xC4 IE 0xA8 All Pages Interrupt Enable 140 IP 0xB8 All Pages Interrupt Priority 141 F Hardware Identification 128 IT01CF 0xE4 F INT0/INT1 Configuration 147 OSCICL 0xBF F Internal Oscillator Calibration 173 OSCICN 0xA9 F Internal Oscillator Control 174 OSCXCN 0xB5 F External Oscillator Control 176 P0 0x80 P0DRV 0xF9 All Pages Port 0 Latch F Port 0 Drive Strength 197 P0MASK 0xF4 0 Port 0 Mask 192 P0MAT 0xF3 0 Port 0 Match 193 Rev. 1.0 195 133 C8051F70x/71x Table 20.2. Special Function Registers (Continued) SFRs are listed in alphabetical order. All undefined SFR locations are reserved Register Address Page Description P0MDIN 0xF1 F Port 0 Input Mode Configuration 195 P0MDOUT 0xA4 F Port 0 Output Mode Configuration 196 P0SKIP 0xD4 F Port 0 Skip 196 P1 0x90 P1DRV 0xFA F Port 1 Drive Strength 199 P1MASK 0xE2 0 P0 Mask 193 P1MAT 0xE1 0 P1 Match 194 P1MDIN 0xF2 F Port 1 Input Mode Configuration 198 P1MDOUT 0xA5 F Port 1 Output Mode Configuration 198 P1SKIP 0xD5 F Port 1 Skip 199 All Pages Port 1 Latch All Pages Port 2 Latch Page 197 P2 0xA0 P2DRV 0xFB F Port 2 Drive Strength 202 P2MDIN 0xF3 F Port 2 Input Mode Configuration 200 P2MDOUT 0xA6 F Port 2 Output Mode Configuration 201 P2SKIP 0xD6 F Port 2 Skip 201 P3 0xB0 P3DRV 0xFC F Port 3 Drive Strength 204 P3MDIN 0xF4 F Port 3 Input Mode Configuration 203 F Port 3 Output Mode Configuration All Pages Port 3 Latch 200 202 P3MDOUT 0xAF P4 0xAC P4DRV 0xFD F Port 4 Drive Strength 206 P4MDIN 0xF5 F Port 4 Input Mode Configuration 205 P4MDOUT 0x9A F Port 4 Output Mode Configuration P5 0xB3 P5DRV 0xFE F Port 5 Drive Strength 208 P5MDIN 0xF6 F Port 5 Input Mode Configuration 207 P5MDOUT 0x9B F Port 5 Output Mode Configuration P6 0xB2 P6DRV 0xC1 F Port 6 Drive Strength 210 P6MDIN 0xF7 F Port 6 Input Mode Configuration 209 P6MDOUT 0x9C F Port 6 Output Mode Configuration PCA0CN 0xD8 PCA0CPH0 0xFC 0 PCA Capture 0 High 300 PCA0CPH1 0xEA 0 PCA Capture 1 High 300 PCA0CPH2 0xEC 0 PCA Capture 2 High 300 PCA0CPL0 0xFB 0 PCA Capture 0 Low 300 PCA0CPL1 0xE9 0 PCA Capture 1 Low 300 PCA0CPL2 0xEB 0 PCA Capture 2 Low 300 134 All Pages Port 4 Latch All Pages Port 5 Latch All Pages Port 6 Latch All Pages PCA Control Rev. 1.0 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 295 C8051F70x/71x Table 20.2. Special Function Registers (Continued) SFRs are listed in alphabetical order. All undefined SFR locations are reserved Register Address Page Description PCA0CPM0 0xDA F PCA Module 0 Mode Register 298 PCA0CPM1 0xDB F PCA Module 1 Mode Register 298 PCA0CPM2 0xDC F PCA Module 2 Mode Register 298 PCA0H 0xFA 0 PCA Counter High 299 PCA0L 0xF9 0 PCA Counter Low 299 PCA0MD 0xED F PCA Mode 296 PCA0PWM 0xA1 F PCA PWM Configuration 297 PCON 0x87 All Pages Power Control 162 PSCTL 0x8F All Pages Program Store R/W Control 153 PSW 0xD0 All Pages Program Status Word 107 REF0CN 0xD2 F Voltage Reference Control 71 REG0CN 0xB9 F Voltage Regulator Control 73 REVID 0xAD F Revision ID 129 RSTSRC 0xEF All Pages Reset Source Configuration/Status SBUF0 0x99 All Pages UART0 Data Buffer 260 SCON0 0x98 All Pages UART0 Control 259 SFRPAGE 0xA7 All Pages SFR Page 132 SMB0ADM 0xBB F SMBus Slave Address mask 230 SMB0ADR 0xBA F SMBus Slave Address 229 SMB0CF 0xC1 0 SMBus Configuration 225 SMB0CN 0xC0 SMB0DAT 0xC2 All Pages SMBus Control 0 Page 168 227 SMBus Data 231 All Pages Stack Pointer 105 SP 0x81 SPI0CFG 0xA1 0 SPI0 Configuration 248 SPI0CKR 0xA2 F SPI0 Clock Rate Control 250 SPI0CN 0xF8 SPI0DAT 0xA3 SPI0 Data 250 TCON 0x88 All Pages Timer/Counter Control 268 TH0 0x8C All Pages Timer/Counter 0 High 271 TH1 0x8D All Pages Timer/Counter 1 High 271 TL0 0x8A All Pages Timer/Counter 0 Low 270 TL1 0x8B All Pages Timer/Counter 1 Low 270 TMOD 0x89 All Pages Timer/Counter Mode 269 TMR2CN 0xC8 All Pages Timer/Counter 2 Control 275 TMR2H 0xCD 0 Timer/Counter 2 High 277 TMR2L 0xCC 0 Timer/Counter 2 Low 277 TMR2RLH 0xCB 0 Timer/Counter 2 Reload High 276 TMR2RLL 0xCA 0 Timer/Counter 2 Reload Low 276 All Pages SPI0 Control 0 Rev. 1.0 249 135 C8051F70x/71x Table 20.2. Special Function Registers (Continued) SFRs are listed in alphabetical order. All undefined SFR locations are reserved Register Address Page TMR3CN 0x91 0 Timer/Counter 3 Control 281 TMR3H 0x95 0 Timer/Counter 3 High 283 TMR3L 0x94 0 Timer/Counter 3 Low 283 TMR3RLH 0x93 0 Timer/Counter 3 Reload High 282 TMR3RLL 0x92 0 Timer/Counter 3 Reload Low 282 VDM0CN 0xFF All Pages VDD Monitor Control WDTCN 0xE3 All Pages Watchdog Timer Control XBR0 0xE1 F Port I/O Crossbar Control 0 190 XBR1 0xE2 F Port I/O Crossbar Control 1 191 All other SFR Locations 136 Description Reserved Rev. 1.0 Page 166 170 C8051F70x/71x 21. Interrupts The C8051F70x/71x includes an extended interrupt system supporting several interrupt sources with two priority levels. The allocation of interrupt sources between on-chip peripherals and external input pins varies according to the specific version of the device. Each interrupt source has one or more associated interrupt-pending flag(s) located in an SFR. When a peripheral or external source meets a valid interrupt condition, the associated interrupt-pending flag is set to logic 1. If interrupts are enabled for the source, an interrupt request is generated when the interrupt-pending flag is set. As soon as execution of the current instruction is complete, the CPU generates an LCALL to a predetermined address to begin execution of an interrupt service routine (ISR). Each ISR must end with an RETI instruction, which returns program execution to the next instruction that would have been executed if the interrupt request had not occurred. If interrupts are not enabled, the interrupt-pending flag is ignored by the hardware and program execution continues as normal. (The interrupt-pending flag is set to logic 1 regardless of the interrupt's enable/disable state.) Each interrupt source can be individually enabled or disabled through the use of an associated interrupt enable bit in an SFR (IE–EIE1). However, interrupts must first be globally enabled by setting the EA bit (IE.7) to logic 1 before the individual interrupt enables are recognized. Setting the EA bit to logic 0 disables all interrupt sources regardless of the individual interrupt-enable settings. Some interrupt-pending flags are automatically cleared by the hardware when the CPU vectors to the ISR. However, most are not cleared by the hardware and must be cleared by software before returning from the ISR. If an interrupt-pending flag remains set after the CPU completes the return-from-interrupt (RETI) instruction, a new interrupt request will be generated immediately and the CPU will re-enter the ISR after the completion of the next instruction. Rev. 1.0 137 C8051F70x/71x 21.1. MCU Interrupt Sources and Vectors The C8051F70x/71x MCUs support 16 interrupt sources. Software can simulate an interrupt by setting an interrupt-pending flag to logic 1. If interrupts are enabled for the flag, an interrupt request will be generated and the CPU will vector to the ISR address associated with the interrupt-pending flag. MCU interrupt sources, associated vector addresses, priority order and control bits are summarized in Table 21.1. Refer to the datasheet section associated with a particular on-chip peripheral for information regarding valid interrupt conditions for the peripheral and the behavior of its interrupt-pending flag(s). 21.1.1. Interrupt Priorities Each interrupt source can be individually programmed to one of two priority levels: low or high. A low priority interrupt service routine can be preempted by a high priority interrupt. A high priority interrupt cannot be preempted. Each interrupt has an associated interrupt priority bit in an SFR (IP or EIP1) used to configure its priority level. Low priority is the default. If two interrupts are recognized simultaneously, the interrupt with the higher priority is serviced first. If both interrupts have the same priority level, a fixed priority order is used to arbitrate, given in Table 21.1. 21.1.2. Interrupt Latency Interrupt response time depends on the state of the CPU when the interrupt occurs. Pending interrupts are sampled and priority decoded each system clock cycle. Therefore, the fastest possible response time is 5 system clock cycles: 1 clock cycle to detect the interrupt and 4 clock cycles to complete the LCALL to the ISR. If an interrupt is pending when a RETI is executed, a single instruction is executed before an LCALL is made to service the pending interrupt. Therefore, the maximum response time for an interrupt (when no other interrupt is currently being serviced or the new interrupt is of greater priority) occurs when the CPU is performing an RETI instruction followed by a DIV as the next instruction. In this case, the response time is 18 system clock cycles: 1 clock cycle to detect the interrupt, 5 clock cycles to execute the RETI, 8 clock cycles to complete the DIV instruction and 4 clock cycles to execute the LCALL to the ISR. If the CPU is executing an ISR for an interrupt with equal or higher priority, the new interrupt will not be serviced until the current ISR completes, including the RETI and following instruction. 138 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Interrupt Priority Pending Flag Vector Order Reset 0x0000 Top None External Interrupt 0 (INT0) Timer 0 Overflow External Interrupt 1 (INT1) Timer 1 Overflow UART0 0x0003 0 IE0 (TCON.1) N/A N/A Always Always Enabled Highest Y Y EX0 (IE.0) PX0 (IP.0) 0x000B 0x0013 1 2 TF0 (TCON.5) IE1 (TCON.3) Y Y Y Y ET0 (IE.1) PT0 (IP.1) EX1 (IE.2) PX1 (IP.2) 0x001B 0x0023 3 4 Y Y Y N ET1 (IE.3) PT1 (IP.3) ES0 (IE.4) PS0 (IP.4) Timer 2 Overflow 0x002B 5 Y N ET2 (IE.5) PT2 (IP.5) SPI0 0x0033 6 SMB0 0x003B 7 TF1 (TCON.7) RI0 (SCON0.0) TI0 (SCON0.1) TF2H (TMR2CN.7) TF2L (TMR2CN.6) SPIF (SPI0CN.7) WCOL (SPI0CN.6) MODF (SPI0CN.5) RXOVRN (SPI0CN.4) SI (SMB0CN.0) Port Match 0x0043 8 ADC0 Window Compare ADC0 Conversion Complete Programmable Counter Array Comparator0 0x004B 9 0x0053 10 0x005B 11 0x0063 12 0x0073 14 0x007B 0x0083 RESERVED Timer 3 Overflow CS0 Conversion Complete CS0 Greater Than Compare Cleared by HW? Interrupt Source Bit addressable? Table 21.1. Interrupt Summary Y Enable Flag ESPI0 (IE.6) N PSPI0 (IP.6) ESMB0 (EIE1.0) None N/A N/A EMAT (EIE1.1) AD0WINT (ADC0CN.3) Y N EWADC0 (EIE1.2) AD0INT (ADC0CN.5) Y N EADC0 (EIE1.3) CF (PCA0CN.7) Y N EPCA0 (EIE1.4) CCFn (PCA0CN.n) CP0FIF (CPT0CN.4) N N ECP0 (EIE1.5) CP0RIF (CPT0CN.5) PSMB0 (EIP1.0) PMAT (EIP1.1) PWADC0 (EIP1.2) PADC0 (EIP1.3) PPCA0 (EIP1.4) PCP0 (EIP1.5) N N 15 TF3H (TMR3CN.7) TF3L (TMR3CN.6) CS0INT (CS0CN.5) N N 16 CS0CMPF (CS0CN.0) N N PT3 (EIP1.7) PSCCPT (EIP2.0) PSCGRT (EIP2.1) Rev. 1.0 Y Priority Control ET3 (EIE1.7) ECSCPT (EIE2.0) ECSGRT (EIE2.1) 139 C8051F70x/71x 21.2. Interrupt Register Descriptions The SFRs used to enable the interrupt sources and set their priority level are described in this section. Refer to the data sheet section associated with a particular on-chip peripheral for information regarding valid interrupt conditions for the peripheral and the behavior of its interrupt-pending flag(s). SFR Definition 21.1. IE: Interrupt Enable Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name EA ESPI0 ET2 ES0 ET1 EX1 ET0 EX0 Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xA8; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Function 7 EA 6 ESPI0 5 ET2 Enable Timer 2 Interrupt. This bit sets the masking of the Timer 2 interrupt. 0: Disable Timer 2 interrupt. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the TF2L or TF2H flags. 4 ES0 Enable UART0 Interrupt. This bit sets the masking of the UART0 interrupt. 0: Disable UART0 interrupt. 1: Enable UART0 interrupt. 3 ET1 Enable Timer 1 Interrupt. This bit sets the masking of the Timer 1 interrupt. 0: Disable all Timer 1 interrupt. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the TF1 flag. 2 EX1 Enable External Interrupt 1. This bit sets the masking of External Interrupt 1. 0: Disable external interrupt 1. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the INT1 input. 1 ET0 Enable Timer 0 Interrupt. This bit sets the masking of the Timer 0 interrupt. 0: Disable all Timer 0 interrupt. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the TF0 flag. 0 EX0 Enable External Interrupt 0. This bit sets the masking of External Interrupt 0. 0: Disable external interrupt 0. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the INT0 input. 140 Enable All Interrupts. Globally enables/disables all interrupts. It overrides individual interrupt mask settings. 0: Disable all interrupt sources. 1: Enable each interrupt according to its individual mask setting. Enable Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0) Interrupt. This bit sets the masking of the SPI0 interrupts. 0: Disable all SPI0 interrupts. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by SPI0. Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 21.2. IP: Interrupt Priority Bit 7 Name 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PSPI0 PT2 PS0 PT1 PX1 PT0 PX0 Type R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xB8; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Function 7 Unused Read = 1b, Write = Don't Care. 6 PSPI0 5 PT2 Timer 2 Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the Timer 2 interrupt. 0: Timer 2 interrupt set to low priority level. 1: Timer 2 interrupt set to high priority level. 4 PS0 UART0 Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the UART0 interrupt. 0: UART0 interrupt set to low priority level. 1: UART0 interrupt set to high priority level. 3 PT1 Timer 1 Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the Timer 1 interrupt. 0: Timer 1 interrupt set to low priority level. 1: Timer 1 interrupt set to high priority level. 2 PX1 External Interrupt 1 Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the External Interrupt 1 interrupt. 0: External Interrupt 1 set to low priority level. 1: External Interrupt 1 set to high priority level. 1 PT0 Timer 0 Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the Timer 0 interrupt. 0: Timer 0 interrupt set to low priority level. 1: Timer 0 interrupt set to high priority level. 0 PX0 External Interrupt 0 Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the External Interrupt 0 interrupt. 0: External Interrupt 0 set to low priority level. 1: External Interrupt 0 set to high priority level. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0) Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the SPI0 interrupt. 0: SPI0 interrupt set to low priority level. 1: SPI0 interrupt set to high priority level. Rev. 1.0 141 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 21.3. EIE1: Extended Interrupt Enable 1 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name ET3 Reserved ECP0 EPCA0 EADC0 EWADC0 EMAT ESMB0 Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xE6; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7 6 ET3 Function Enable Timer 3 Interrupt. This bit sets the masking of the Timer 3 interrupt. 0: Disable Timer 3 interrupt. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the TF3L or TF3H flags. Reserved Must write 0. 5 ECP0 4 EPCA0 Enable Programmable Counter Array (PCA0) Interrupt. This bit sets the masking of the PCA0 interrupts. 0: Disable all PCA0 interrupts. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by PCA0. 3 EADC0 Enable ADC0 Conversion Complete Interrupt. This bit sets the masking of the ADC0 Conversion Complete interrupt. 0: Disable ADC0 Conversion Complete interrupt. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the AD0INT flag. 2 EWADC0 Enable Window Comparison ADC0 interrupt. This bit sets the masking of ADC0 Window Comparison interrupt. 0: Disable ADC0 Window Comparison interrupt. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by ADC0 Window Compare flag (AD0WINT). 1 EMAT 0 ESMB0 142 Enable Comparator0 (CP0) Interrupt. This bit sets the masking of the CP0 rising edge or falling edge interrupt. 0: Disable CP0 interrupts. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by the CP0RIF and CP0FIF flags. Enable Port Match Interrupts. This bit sets the masking of the Port Match event interrupt. 0: Disable all Port Match interrupts. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by a Port Match. Enable SMBus (SMB0) Interrupt. This bit sets the masking of the SMB0 interrupt. 0: Disable all SMB0 interrupts. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by SMB0. Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 21.4. EIE2: Extended Interrupt Enable 2 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 Name 1 0 ECSGRT ECSCPT Type R R R R R R R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xE7; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:2 1 0 Function Unused Read = 000000b; Write = don’t care. ECSGRT Enable Capacitive Sense Greater Than Comparator Interrupt. 0: Disable Capacitive Sense Greater Than Comparator interrupt. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by CS0CMPF. ECSCPT Enable Capacitive Sense Conversion Complete Interrupt. 0: Disable Capacitive Sense Conversion Complete interrupt. 1: Enable interrupt requests generated by CS0INT. Rev. 1.0 143 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 21.5. EIP1: Extended Interrupt Priority 1 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name PT3 Reserved PCP0 PPCA0 PADC0 PWADC0 PMAT PSMB0 Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xCE; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7 6 PT3 Function Timer 3 Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the Timer 3 interrupt. 0: Timer 3 interrupt set to low priority level. 1: Timer 3 interrupt set to high priority level. Reserved Must write 0b. 5 PCP0 4 PPCA0 Programmable Counter Array (PCA0) Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the PCA0 interrupt. 0: PCA0 interrupt set to low priority level. 1: PCA0 interrupt set to high priority level. 3 PADC0 ADC0 Conversion Complete Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the ADC0 Conversion Complete interrupt. 0: ADC0 Conversion Complete interrupt set to low priority level. 1: ADC0 Conversion Complete interrupt set to high priority level. 2 PWADC0 ADC0 Window Comparator Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the ADC0 Window interrupt. 0: ADC0 Window interrupt set to low priority level. 1: ADC0 Window interrupt set to high priority level. 1 PMAT 0 PSMB0 144 Comparator0 (CP0) Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the CP0 rising edge or falling edge interrupt. 0: CP0 interrupt set to low priority level. 1: CP0 interrupt set to high priority level. Port Match Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the Port Match Event interrupt. 0: Port Match interrupt set to low priority level. 1: Port Match interrupt set to high priority level. SMBus (SMB0) Interrupt Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the SMB0 interrupt. 0: SMB0 interrupt set to low priority level. 1: SMB0 interrupt set to high priority level. Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 21.6. EIP2: Extended Interrupt Priority 2 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved PSCGRT PSCCPT Type R R R R R R R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xCF; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:2 1 0 Function Reserved Must Write 000000b. PSCGRT Capacitive Sense Greater Than Comparator Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the Capacitive Sense Greater Than Comparator interrupt. 0: CS0 Greater Than Comparator interrupt set to low priority level. 1: CS0 Greater Than Comparator set to high priority level. PSCCPT Capacitive Sense Conversion Complete Priority Control. This bit sets the priority of the Capacitive Sense Conversion Complete interrupt. 0: CS0 Conversion Complete set to low priority level. 1: CS0 Conversion Complete set to high priority level. Rev. 1.0 145 C8051F70x/71x 21.3. INT0 and INT1 External Interrupts The INT0 and INT1 external interrupt sources are configurable as active high or low, edge or level sensitive. The IN0PL (INT0 Polarity) and IN1PL (INT1 Polarity) bits in the IT01CF register select active high or active low; the IT0 and IT1 bits in TCON (Section “33.1. Timer 0 and Timer 1” on page 264) select level or edge sensitive. The table below lists the possible configurations. IT0 IN0PL INT0 Interrupt IT1 IN1PL INT1 Interrupt 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Active low, edge sensitive Active high, edge sensitive Active low, level sensitive Active high, level sensitive 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Active low, edge sensitive Active high, edge sensitive Active low, level sensitive Active high, level sensitive INT0 and INT1 are assigned to Port pins as defined in the IT01CF register (see SFR Definition 21.7). Note that INT0 and INT0 Port pin assignments are independent of any Crossbar assignments. INT0 and INT1 will monitor their assigned Port pins without disturbing the peripheral that was assigned the Port pin via the Crossbar. To assign a Port pin only to INT0 and/or INT1, configure the Crossbar to skip the selected pin(s). This is accomplished by setting the associated bit in register XBR0 (see Section “28.3. Priority Crossbar Decoder” on page 185 for complete details on configuring the Crossbar). IE0 (TCON.1) and IE1 (TCON.3) serve as the interrupt-pending flags for the INT0 and INT1 external interrupts, respectively. If an INT0 or INT1 external interrupt is configured as edge-sensitive, the corresponding interrupt-pending flag is automatically cleared by the hardware when the CPU vectors to the ISR. When configured as level sensitive, the interrupt-pending flag remains logic 1 while the input is active as defined by the corresponding polarity bit (IN0PL or IN1PL); the flag remains logic 0 while the input is inactive. The external interrupt source must hold the input active until the interrupt request is recognized. It must then deactivate the interrupt request before execution of the ISR completes or another interrupt request will be generated. 146 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 21.7. IT01CF: INT0/INT1 Configuration Bit 7 6 5 Name IN1PL IN1SL[2:0] IN0PL IN0SL[2:0] Type R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 SFR Address = 0xE4; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7 IN1PL 6:4 3 2:0 Function INT1 Polarity. 0: INT1 input is active low. 1: INT1 input is active high. IN1SL[2:0] INT1 Port Pin Selection Bits. These bits select which Port pin is assigned to INT1. Note that this pin assignment is independent of the Crossbar; INT1 will monitor the assigned Port pin without disturbing the peripheral that has been assigned the Port pin via the Crossbar. The Crossbar will not assign the Port pin to a peripheral if it is configured to skip the selected pin. 000: Select P0.0 001: Select P0.1 010: Select P0.2 011: Select P0.3 100: Select P0.4 101: Select P0.5 110: Select P0.6 111: Select P0.7 IN0PL INT0 Polarity. 0: INT0 input is active low. 1: INT0 input is active high. IN0SL[2:0] INT0 Port Pin Selection Bits. These bits select which Port pin is assigned to INT0. Note that this pin assignment is independent of the Crossbar; INT0 will monitor the assigned Port pin without disturbing the peripheral that has been assigned the Port pin via the Crossbar. The Crossbar will not assign the Port pin to a peripheral if it is configured to skip the selected pin. 000: Select P0.0 001: Select P0.1 010: Select P0.2 011: Select P0.3 100: Select P0.4 101: Select P0.5 110: Select P0.6 111: Select P0.7 Rev. 1.0 147 C8051F70x/71x 22. Flash Memory On-chip, re-programmable Flash memory is included for program code and non-volatile data storage. The Flash memory can be programmed in-system through the C2 interface or by software using the MOVX write instruction. Once cleared to logic 0, a Flash bit must be erased to set it back to logic 1. Flash bytes would typically be erased (set to 0xFF) before being reprogrammed. The write and erase operations are automatically timed by hardware for proper execution; data polling to determine the end of the write/erase operations is not required. Code execution is stalled during Flash write/erase operations. Refer to Table 9.6 for complete Flash memory electrical characteristics. 22.1. Programming The Flash Memory The simplest means of programming the Flash memory is through the C2 interface using programming tools provided by Silicon Laboratories or a third party vendor. This is the only means for programming a non-initialized device. For details on the C2 commands to program Flash memory, see Section “35. C2 Interface” on page 301. The Flash memory can be programmed by software using the MOVX write instruction with the address and data byte to be programmed provided as normal operands. Before programming Flash memory using MOVX, Flash programming operations must be enabled by: (1) setting the PSWE Program Store Write Enable bit (PSCTL.0) to logic 1 (this directs the MOVX writes to target Flash memory); and (2) Writing the Flash key codes in sequence to the Flash Lock register (FLKEY). The PSWE bit remains set until cleared by software. Note: A minimum SYSCLK frequency is required for writing or erasing Flash memory, as detailed in Section “Table 9.6. Flash Electrical Characteristics” on page 50. For detailed guidelines on programming Flash from firmware, please see Section “22.4. Flash Write and Erase Guidelines” on page 150. To ensure the integrity of the Flash contents, the on-chip VDD Monitor must be enabled and enabled as a reset source in any system that includes code that writes and/or erases Flash memory from software. Furthermore, there should be no delay between enabling the VDD Monitor and enabling the VDD Monitor as a reset source. Any attempt to write or erase Flash memory while the VDD Monitor is disabled, or not enabled as a reset source, will cause a Flash Error device reset. 22.1.1. Flash Lock and Key Functions Flash writes and erases by user software are protected with a lock and key function. The Flash Lock and Key Register (FLKEY) must be written with the correct key codes, in sequence, before Flash operations may be performed. The key codes are: 0xA5, 0xF1. The timing does not matter, but the codes must be written in order. If the key codes are written out of order, or the wrong codes are written, Flash writes and erases will be disabled until the next system reset. Flash writes and erases will also be disabled if a Flash write or erase is attempted before the key codes have been written properly. The Flash lock resets after each write or erase; the key codes must be written again before a following Flash operation can be performed. The FLKEY register is detailed in SFR Definition 22.2. 22.1.2. Flash Erase Procedure The Flash memory is organized in 512-byte pages. The erase operation applies to an entire page (setting all bytes in the page to 0xFF). To erase an entire 512-byte page, perform the following steps: 1. Save current interrupt state and disable interrupts. 2. Set the PSEE bit (register PSCTL). 3. Set the PSWE bit (register PSCTL). 4. Write the first key code to FLKEY: 0xA5. 5. Write the second key code to FLKEY: 0xF1. 148 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 6. Using the MOVX instruction, write a data byte to any location within the 512-byte page to be erased. 7. Clear the PSWE and PSEE bits. 8. Restore previous interrupt state. Steps 4–6 must be repeated for each 512-byte page to be erased. Note: Flash security settings may prevent erasure of some Flash pages, such as the reserved area and the page containing the lock bytes. For a summary of Flash security settings and restrictions affecting Flash erase operations, please see Section “22.3. Security Options” on page 149. 22.1.3. Flash Write Procedure A write to Flash memory can clear bits to logic 0 but cannot set them; only an erase operation can set bits to logic 1 in Flash. A byte location to be programmed should be erased before a new value is written. The recommended procedure for writing a single byte in Flash is as follows: 1. Save current interrupt state and disable interrupts. 2. Ensure that the Flash byte has been erased (has a value of 0xFF). 3. Set the PSWE bit (register PSCTL). 4. Clear the PSEE bit (register PSCTL). 5. Write the first key code to FLKEY: 0xA5. 6. Write the second key code to FLKEY: 0xF1. 7. Using the MOVX instruction, write a single data byte to the desired location within the 512-byte sector. 8. Clear the PSWE bit. 9. Restore previous interrupt state. Steps 5–7 must be repeated for each byte to be written. Note: Flash security settings may prevent writes to some areas of Flash, such as the reserved area. For a summary of Flash security settings and restrictions affecting Flash write operations, please see Section “22.3. Security Options” on page 149. 22.2. Non-volatile Data Storage The Flash memory can be used for non-volatile data storage as well as program code. This allows data such as calibration coefficients to be calculated and stored at run time. Data is written using the MOVX write instruction and read using the MOVC instruction. Note: MOVX read instructions always target XRAM. 22.3. Security Options The CIP-51 provides security options to protect the Flash memory from inadvertent modification by software as well as to prevent the viewing of proprietary program code and constants. The Program Store Write Enable (bit PSWE in register PSCTL) and the Program Store Erase Enable (bit PSEE in register PSCTL) bits protect the Flash memory from accidental modification by software. PSWE must be explicitly set to 1 before software can modify the Flash memory; both PSWE and PSEE must be set to 1 before software can erase Flash memory. Additional security features prevent proprietary program code and data constants from being read or altered across the C2 interface. A Security Lock Byte located at the last byte of Flash user space offers protection of the Flash program memory from access (reads, writes, and erases) by unprotected code or the C2 interface. The Flash security mechanism allows the user to lock all Flash pages, starting at page 0, by writing a non-0xFF value to the lock byte. Note that writing a non-0xFF value to the lock byte will lock all pages of FLASH from reads, writes, and erases, including the page containing the lock byte. The level of Flash security depends on the Flash access method. The three Flash access methods that can be restricted are reads, writes, and erases from the C2 debug interface, user firmware executing on Rev. 1.0 149 C8051F70x/71x unlocked pages, and user firmware executing on locked pages. Table 22.1 summarizes the Flash security features of the C8051F70x/71x devices. Table 22.1. Flash Security Summary Action C2 Debug Interface User Firmware executing from: an unlocked page Permitted a locked page Read, Write or Erase unlocked pages (except page with Lock Byte) Permitted Read, Write or Erase locked pages (except page with Lock Byte) Not Permitted FEDR Permitted Read or Write page containing Lock Byte (if no pages are locked) Permitted Permitted Read or Write page containing Lock Byte (if any page is locked) Not Permitted FEDR Permitted Read contents of Lock Byte (if no pages are locked) Permitted Permitted Read contents of Lock Byte (if any page is locked) Not Permitted FEDR Permitted Erase page containing Lock Byte (if no pages are locked) Permitted FEDR FEDR Erase page containing Lock Byte - Unlock all pages (if any page is locked) Only by C2DE FEDR FEDR Lock additional pages (change '1's to '0's in the Lock Byte) Not Permitted FEDR FEDR Unlock individual pages (change '0's to '1's in the Lock Byte) Not Permitted FEDR FEDR Read, Write or Erase Reserved Area Not Permitted FEDR FEDR Permitted Permitted Permitted C2DE - C2 Device Erase (Erases all Flash pages including the page containing the Lock Byte) FEDR - Not permitted; Causes Flash Error Device Reset (FERROR bit in RSTSRC is '1' after reset) - All prohibited operations that are performed via the C2 interface are ignored (do not cause device reset). - Locking any Flash page also locks the page containing the Lock Byte. - Once written to, the Lock Byte cannot be modified except by performing a C2 Device Erase. - If user code writes to the Lock Byte, the Lock does not take effect until the next device reset. 22.4. Flash Write and Erase Guidelines Any system which contains routines which write or erase Flash memory from software involves some risk that the write or erase routines will execute unintentionally if the CPU is operating outside its specified operating range of VDD, system clock frequency, or temperature. This accidental execution of Flash modifying code can result in alteration of Flash memory contents causing a system failure that is only recoverable by re-Flashing the code in the device. To help prevent the accidental modification of Flash by firmware, the VDD Monitor must be enabled and enabled as a reset source on C8051F70x/71x devices for the Flash to be successfully modified. If either the VDD Monitor or the VDD Monitor reset source is not enabled, a Flash Error Device Reset will be generated when the firmware attempts to modify the Flash. 150 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x The following guidelines are recommended for any system that contains routines which write or erase Flash from code. 22.4.1. VDD Maintenance and the VDD Monitor 1. If the system power supply is subject to voltage or current "spikes," add sufficient transient protection devices to the power supply to ensure that the supply voltages listed in the Absolute Maximum Ratings table are not exceeded. 2. Make certain that the minimum VDD rise time specification of 1 ms is met. If the system cannot meet this rise time specification, then add an external VDD brownout circuit to the /RST pin of the device that holds the device in reset until VDD reaches the minimum device operating voltage and re-asserts /RST if VDD drops below the minimum device operating voltage. 3. Keep the on-chip VDD Monitor enabled and enable the VDD Monitor as a reset source as early in code as possible. This should be the first set of instructions executed after the Reset Vector. For C-based systems, this will involve modifying the startup code added by the C compiler. See your compiler documentation for more details. Make certain that there are no delays in software between enabling the VDD Monitor and enabling the VDD Monitor as a reset source. Code examples showing this can be found in “AN201: Writing to Flash from Firmware," available from the Silicon Laboratories web site. Note: On C8051F70x/71x devices, both the VDD Monitor and the VDD Monitor reset source must be enabled to write or erase Flash without generating a Flash Error Device Reset. On C8051F70x/71x devices, both the VDD Monitor and the VDD Monitor reset source are enabled by hardware after a power-on reset. 4. As an added precaution, explicitly enable the VDD Monitor and enable the VDD Monitor as a reset source inside the functions that write and erase Flash memory. The VDD Monitor enable instructions should be placed just after the instruction to set PSWE to a 1, but before the Flash write or erase operation instruction. 5. Make certain that all writes to the RSTSRC (Reset Sources) register use direct assignment operators and explicitly DO NOT use the bit-wise operators (such as AND or OR). For example, "RSTSRC = 0x02" is correct, but "RSTSRC |= 0x02" is incorrect. 6. Make certain that all writes to the RSTSRC register explicitly set the PORSF bit to a 1. Areas to check are initialization code which enables other reset sources, such as the Missing Clock Detector or Comparator, for example, and instructions which force a Software Reset. A global search on "RSTSRC" can quickly verify this. 22.4.2. PSWE Maintenance 7. Reduce the number of places in code where the PSWE bit (b0 in PSCTL) is set to a 1. There should be exactly one routine in code that sets PSWE to a 1 to write Flash bytes and one routine in code that sets both PSWE and PSEE both to a 1 to erase Flash pages. 8. Minimize the number of variable accesses while PSWE is set to a 1. Handle pointer address updates and loop maintenance outside the "PSWE = 1;... PSWE = 0;" area. Code examples showing this can be found in “AN201: Writing to Flash from Firmware," available from the Silicon Laboratories web site. 9. Disable interrupts prior to setting PSWE to a 1 and leave them disabled until after PSWE has been reset to 0. Any interrupts posted during the Flash write or erase operation will be serviced in priority order after the Flash operation has been completed and interrupts have been re-enabled by software. 10.Make certain that the Flash write and erase pointer variables are not located in XRAM. See your compiler documentation for instructions regarding how to explicitly locate variables in different memory areas. 11. Add address bounds checking to the routines that write or erase Flash memory to ensure that a routine called with an illegal address does not result in modification of the Flash. Rev. 1.0 151 C8051F70x/71x 22.4.3. System Clock 12.If operating from an external crystal, be advised that crystal performance is susceptible to electrical interference and is sensitive to layout and to changes in temperature. If the system is operating in an electrically noisy environment, use the internal oscillator or use an external CMOS clock. 13.If operating from the external oscillator, switch to the internal oscillator during Flash write or erase operations. The external oscillator can continue to run, and the CPU can switch back to the external oscillator after the Flash operation has completed. Additional Flash recommendations and example code can be found in “AN201: Writing to Flash from Firmware," available from the Silicon Laboratories web site. 152 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 22.1. PSCTL: Program Store R/W Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 Name 1 0 PSEE PSWE Type R R R R R R R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address =0x8F; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:2 Unused 1 PSEE Function Read = 000000b, Write = don’t care. Program Store Erase Enable. Setting this bit (in combination with PSWE) allows an entire page of Flash program memory to be erased. If this bit is logic 1 and Flash writes are enabled (PSWE is logic 1), a write to Flash memory using the MOVX instruction will erase the entire page that contains the location addressed by the MOVX instruction. The value of the data byte written does not matter. 0: Flash program memory erasure disabled. 1: Flash program memory erasure enabled. 0 PSWE Program Store Write Enable. Setting this bit allows writing a byte of data to the Flash program memory using the MOVX write instruction. The Flash location should be erased before writing data. 0: Writes to Flash program memory disabled. 1: Writes to Flash program memory enabled; the MOVX write instruction targets Flash memory. Rev. 1.0 153 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 22.2. FLKEY: Flash Lock and Key Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name FLKEY[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xB7; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function FLKEY[7:0] Flash Lock and Key Register. Write: This register provides a lock and key function for Flash erasures and writes. Flash writes and erases are enabled by writing 0xA5 followed by 0xF1 to the FLKEY register. Flash writes and erases are automatically disabled after the next write or erase is complete. If any writes to FLKEY are performed incorrectly, or if a Flash write or erase operation is attempted while these operations are disabled, the Flash will be permanently locked from writes or erasures until the next device reset. If an application never writes to Flash, it can intentionally lock the Flash by writing a non-0xA5 value to FLKEY from software. Read: When read, bits 1–0 indicate the current Flash lock state. 00: Flash is write/erase locked. 01: The first key code has been written (0xA5). 10: Flash is unlocked (writes/erases allowed). 11: Flash writes/erases disabled until the next reset. 154 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 23. EEPROM C8051F700/1/4/5/8/9 and C8051F712/3 devices have hardware which emulates 32 bytes of non-volatile, byte-programmable EEPROM data space. The module mirrors each non-volatile byte through 32 bytes of volatile data space. This data space can be accessed indirectly through EEADDR and EEDATA. Users can copy the complete 32-byte image between EEPROM space and volatile space using controls in the EECNTL SFR. EEKEY EEADDR EEDATA EEREAD EEWRT AUTOINC EEEN EECNTL 32 Bytes RAM 32 Bytes EEPROM EEPROM Control Logic Figure 23.1. EEPROM Block Diagram 23.1. RAM Reads and Writes In order to perform EEPROM reads and writes, the EEPROM control logic must be enabled by setting EEEN (EECNTL.7). 32 bytes of RAM can be accessed indirectly through EEADDR and EEDATA. To write to a byte of RAM, write address of byte to EEADDR and then write the value to be written to EEDATA. To read a byte from RAM, write address of byte to be read to EEADDR. The value stored at that address can then be read from EEDATA. 23.2. Auto Increment When AUTOINC (EECNTL.0) is set, EEADDR will increment by one after each write to EEDATA and each read from EEDATA. When Auto Increment is enabled and EEADDR reaches the top address of dedicated RAM space, the next write to or read from EEDATA will cause EEADDR to wrap along the address boundary, which will set the address to 0. 23.3. Interfacing with the EEPROM The EEPROM is accessed through the dedicated 32 bytes of RAM. Writes to EEPROM are allowed only after writes have been enabled (see “23.4. EEPROM Security” ). The contents of the EEPROM can be uploaded to the RAM by setting EEREAD (EECNTL.2). Contents of RAM can be downloaded to EEPROM by setting EEWRT (EENTL.1). Note: A minimum SYSCLK frequency is required for writing EEPROM memory, as detailed in Section “Table 9.9. EEPROM Electrical Characteristics” on page 52. Rev. 1.0 155 C8051F70x/71x 23.4. EEPROM Security RAM can only be downloaded to EEPROM after firmware writes a sequence of two bytes to EEKEY. In order to enable EEPROM writes: 1. Write the first EEPROM key code byte to EEKEY: 0x55 2. Write the second EEPROM key code byte to EEKEY: 0xAA After a EEPROM writes have been enabled and a single write has executed, the control logic locks EEPROM writes until the two-byte unlock sequence has been entered into EEKEY again. The protection state of the EEPROM can be observed by reading EEPSTATE (EEKEY2:0). This state can be read at any time without affecting the EEPROM’s protection state. If the two-byte unlock sequence is entered incorrectly, or if a write is attempted without first entering the two-byte sequence, EEPROM writes will be locked until the next power-on reset. SFR Definition 23.1. EEADDR: EEPROM Byte Address Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 0 0 EEADDR[4:0] Name Type R R R Reset 0 0 0 R/W 0 SFR Address = 0xB6; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:5 Unused 4:0 EEADDR[4:0] 0 Description Read = 000b; Write = Don’t Care EEPROM Byte Address Selects one of 32 EEPROM bytes to read/write. 156 1 Rev. 1.0 0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 23.2. EEDATA: EEPROM Byte Data Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name EEDATA[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xD1; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name Description 7:0 EEDATA[7:0] 2 1 0 1 1 1 Write E2PROM Data The EEDATA register is used to read bytes from the EEPROM space and write bytes to EEPROM space. Writes byte to location stored in EEADDR. Rev. 1.0 Read Returns contents at location stored in EEADDR. 157 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 23.3. EECNTL: EEPROM Control Bit 7 Name EEEN Type R/W Reset 0 6 5 4 EEEN 2 1 0 EEREAD EEWRT AUTOINC R 0 R/W 0 0 SFR Address = 0xC5; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7 3 0 0 0 1 Description EEPROM Enable. 0: EEPROM control logic disabled. 1: EEPROM control logic enabled. EEPROM reads and writes can be performed. 6:4 Reserved Reserved. Read = variable; Write = Don’t Care 3 Reserved Reserved. Read = 0b, Write = 0 2 EEREAD EEPROM 32-Byte Read. 0: Does nothing. 1: 32 bytes of EEPROM Data will be read from Flash to internal RAM. 1 EEWRITE EEPROM 32-Byte Write. 0: Does nothing. 1: 32 bytes of EEPROM Data will be written from internal RAM to Flash. 0 AUTOINC Auto Increment. 0: Disable auto-increment. 1: Enable auto-increment. 158 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 23.4. EEKEY: EEPROM Protect Key Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name EEKEY EEPSTATE/EEKEY Type W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xC6; SFR Page = F Bit Name Description 7:0 EEKEY Write EEPROM Key. Protects the EEPROM from inadvertent writes and erases. 1:0 EEPSTATE 0 0 0 Read The sequence 0x55 0xAA must be written to enable EEPROM writes and erases EEPROM Protection State. These bytes show whether Flash writes/erases have been enabled, disabled, or locked. Rev. 1.0 00: Write/Erase is not enabled 01: The first key has been written 10: Write/Erase is enabled 11: EEPROM is locked from further writes/erases 159 C8051F70x/71x 24. Power Management Modes The C8051F70x/71x devices have three software programmable power management modes: Idle, Stop, and Suspend. Idle mode and Stop mode are part of the standard 8051 architecture, while Suspend mode is an enhanced power-saving mode implemented by the high-speed oscillator peripheral. Idle mode halts the CPU while leaving the peripherals and clocks active. In Stop mode, the CPU is halted, all interrupts and timers (except the Missing Clock Detector) are inactive, and the internal oscillator is stopped (analog peripherals remain in their selected states; the external oscillator is not affected). Suspend mode is similar to Stop mode in that the internal oscillator and CPU are halted, but the device can wake on events such as a Port Mismatch, Comparator low output, or a Timer 3 overflow. Since clocks are running in Idle mode, power consumption is dependent upon the system clock frequency and the number of peripherals left in active mode before entering Idle. Stop mode and Suspend mode consume the least power because the majority of the device is shut down with no clocks active. SFR Definition 24.1 describes the Power Control Register (PCON) used to control the C8051F70x/71x's Stop and Idle power management modes. Suspend mode is controlled by the SUSPEND bit in the OSCICN register (SFR Definition 27.3). Although the C8051F70x/71x has Idle, Stop, and Suspend modes available, more control over the device power can be achieved by enabling/disabling individual peripherals as needed. Each analog peripheral can be disabled when not in use and placed in low power mode. Digital peripherals, such as timers or serial buses, draw little power when they are not in use. Turning off oscillators lowers power consumption considerably, at the expense of reduced functionality. 24.1. Idle Mode Setting the Idle Mode Select bit (PCON.0) causes the hardware to halt the CPU and enter Idle mode as soon as the instruction that sets the bit completes execution. All internal registers and memory maintain their original data. All analog and digital peripherals can remain active during Idle mode. Idle mode is terminated when an enabled interrupt is asserted or a reset occurs. The assertion of an enabled interrupt will cause the Idle Mode Selection bit (PCON.0) to be cleared and the CPU to resume operation. The pending interrupt will be serviced and the next instruction to be executed after the return from interrupt (RETI) will be the instruction immediately following the one that set the Idle Mode Select bit. If Idle mode is terminated by an internal or external reset, the CIP-51 performs a normal reset sequence and begins program execution at address 0x0000. Note: If the instruction following the write of the IDLE bit is a single-byte instruction and an interrupt occurs during the execution phase of the instruction that sets the IDLE bit, the CPU may not wake from Idle mode when a future interrupt occurs. Therefore, instructions that set the IDLE bit should be followed by an instruction that has two or more opcode bytes, for example: // in ‘C’: PCON |= 0x01; // set IDLE bit PCON = PCON; // ... followed by a 3-cycle dummy instruction ; in assembly: ORL PCON, #01h MOV PCON, PCON ; set IDLE bit ; ... followed by a 3-cycle dummy instruction If enabled, the Watchdog Timer (WDT) will eventually cause an internal watchdog reset and thereby terminate the Idle mode. This feature protects the system from an unintended permanent shutdown in the event of an inadvertent write to the PCON register. If this behavior is not desired, the WDT may be disabled by software prior to entering the Idle mode if the WDT was initially configured to allow this operation. This provides the opportunity for additional power savings, allowing the system to remain in the Idle mode indefinitely, waiting for an external stimulus to wake up the system. Refer to Section “26. Watchdog Timer” on page 169 for more information on the use and configuration of the WDT. 160 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 24.2. Stop Mode Setting the Stop Mode Select bit (PCON.1) causes the controller core to enter Stop mode as soon as the instruction that sets the bit completes execution. In Stop mode the internal oscillator, CPU, and all digital peripherals are stopped; the state of the external oscillator circuit is not affected. Each analog peripheral (including the external oscillator circuit) may be shut down individually prior to entering Stop Mode. Stop mode can only be terminated by an internal or external reset. On reset, the device performs the normal reset sequence and begins program execution at address 0x0000. If enabled, the Missing Clock Detector will cause an internal reset and thereby terminate the Stop mode. The Missing Clock Detector should be disabled if the CPU is to be put to in STOP mode for longer than the MCD timeout of 100 µs. 24.3. Suspend Mode Suspend mode allows a system running from the internal oscillator to go to a very low power state similar to Stop mode, but the processor can be awakened by certain events without requiring a reset of the device. Setting the SUSPEND bit (OSCICN.5) causes the hardware to halt the CPU and the high-frequency internal oscillator, and go into Suspend mode as soon as the instruction that sets the bit completes execution. All internal registers and memory maintain their original data. Most digital peripherals are not active in Suspend mode. The exception to this is the Port Match feature and Timer 3, when it is run from an external oscillator source. Note that the clock divider bits CLKDIV[2:0] in register CLKSEL must be set to "divide by 1" when entering Suspend mode. Suspend mode can be terminated by five types of events, a port match (described in Section “28.5. Port Match” on page 192), a Timer 3 overflow (described in Section “33.3. Timer 3” on page 278), a comparator low output (if enabled), a capacitive sense greater-than comparator interrupt, or a device reset event. In order to run Timer 3 in Suspend mode, the timer must be configured to clock from the external clock source/8. When Suspend mode is terminated, the device will continue execution on the instruction following the one that set the SUSPEND bit. If the wake event (port match or Timer 3 overflow) was configured to generate an interrupt, the interrupt will be serviced upon waking the device. If Suspend mode is terminated by an internal or external reset, the CIP-51 performs a normal reset sequence and begins program execution at address 0x0000. Note: The device will still enter Suspend mode if a wake source is "pending", and the device will not wake on such pending sources. It is important to ensure that the intended wake source will trigger after the device enters Suspend mode. For example, if a CS0 conversion completes and the interrupt fires before the device is in Suspend mode, that interrupt cannot trigger the wake event. Because port match events are level-sensitive, pre-existing port match events will trigger a wake, as long as the match condition is still present when the device enters Suspend. Rev. 1.0 161 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 24.1. PCON: Power Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name GF[5:0] STOP IDLE Type R/W R/W R/W 0 0 Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x87; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:2 GF[5:0] 0 0 Function General Purpose Flags 5–0. These are general purpose flags for use under software control. 1 STOP Stop Mode Select. Setting this bit will place the CIP-51 in Stop mode. This bit will always be read as 0. 1: CPU goes into Stop mode (internal oscillator stopped). 0 IDLE IDLE: Idle Mode Select. Setting this bit will place the CIP-51 in Idle mode. This bit will always be read as 0. 1: CPU goes into Idle mode. (Shuts off clock to CPU, but clock to Timers, Interrupts, Serial Ports, and Analog Peripherals are still active.) 162 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 25. Reset Sources Reset circuitry allows the controller to be easily placed in a predefined default condition. On entry to this reset state, the following occur: CIP-51 halts program execution Function Registers (SFRs) are initialized to their defined reset values External Port pins are forced to a known state Interrupts and timers are disabled. Special All SFRs are reset to the predefined values noted in the SFR detailed descriptions. The contents of internal data memory are unaffected during a reset; any previously stored data is preserved. However, since the stack pointer SFR is reset, the stack is effectively lost, even though the data on the stack is not altered. The Port I/O latches are reset to 0xFF (all logic ones) in open-drain mode. Weak pullups are enabled during and after the reset. For VDD Monitor and power-on resets, the RST pin is driven low until the device exits the reset state. On exit from the reset state, the program counter (PC) is reset, and the system clock defaults to the internal oscillator. The Watchdog Timer is enabled with the system clock divided by 12 as its clock source. Program execution begins at location 0x0000. VDD Power On Reset Supply Monitor '0' Enable (wired-OR) RST + C0RSEF Missing Clock Detector (oneshot) EN Reset Funnel PCA WDT (Software Reset) SWRSF Errant FLASH Operation EN System Clock WDT Enable Px.x + - Comparator 0 MCD Enable Px.x CIP-51 Microcontroller Core System Reset Extended Interrupt Handler Figure 25.1. Reset Sources Rev. 1.0 163 C8051F70x/71x 25.1. Power-On Reset During power-up, the device is held in a reset state and the RST pin is driven low until VDD settles above VRST. A delay occurs before the device is released from reset; the delay decreases as the VDD ramp time increases (VDD ramp time is defined as how fast VDD ramps from 0 V to VRST). Figure 25.2. plots the power-on and VDD monitor reset timing. The maximum VDD ramp time is 1 ms; slower ramp times may cause the device to be released from reset before VDD reaches the VRST level. For ramp times less than 1 ms, the power-on reset delay (TPORDelay) is typically less than 10 ms. On exit from a power-on reset, the PORSF flag (RSTSRC.1) is set by hardware to logic 1. When PORSF is set, all of the other reset flags in the RSTSRC Register are indeterminate (PORSF is cleared by all other resets). Since all resets cause program execution to begin at the same location (0x0000) software can read the PORSF flag to determine if a power-up was the cause of reset. The content of internal data memory should be assumed to be undefined after a power-on reset. The VDD monitor is enabled following a power-on reset. VDD V DD VDD Supply VRST t Logic HIGH RST TPORDelay Logic LOW VDD Monitor Reset Power-On Reset Figure 25.2. Power-On and VDD Monitor Reset Timing 164 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 25.2. Power-Fail Reset / VDD Monitor When a power-down transition or power irregularity causes VDD to drop below VRST, the power supply monitor will drive the RST pin low and hold the CIP-51 in a reset state (see Figure 25.2). When VDD returns to a level above VRST, the CIP-51 will be released from the reset state. Even though internal data memory contents are not altered by the power-fail reset, it is impossible to determine if VDD dropped below the level required for data retention. If the PORSF flag reads 1, the data may no longer be valid. The V DD monitor is enabled after power-on resets. Its defined state (enabled/disabled) is not altered by any other reset source. For example, if the VDD monitor is disabled by code and a software reset is performed, the VDD monitor will still be disabled after the reset. Important Note: If the VDD monitor is being turned on from a disabled state, it should be enabled before it is selected as a reset source. Selecting the VDD monitor as a reset source before it is enabled and stabilized may cause a system reset. In some applications, this reset may be undesirable. If this is not desirable in the application, a delay should be introduced between enabling the monitor and selecting it as a reset source. The procedure for enabling the VDD monitor and configuring it as a reset source from a disabled state is shown below: 1. Enable the VDD monitor (VDMEN bit in VDM0CN = 1). 2. If necessary, wait for the VDD monitor to stabilize. 3. Select the VDD monitor as a reset source (PORSF bit in RSTSRC = 1). See Figure 25.2 for VDD monitor timing; note that the power-on-reset delay is not incurred after a VDD monitor reset. See Section “9. Electrical Characteristics” on page 47 for complete electrical characteristics of the VDD monitor. Rev. 1.0 165 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 25.1. VDM0CN: VDD Monitor Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name VDMEN VDDSTAT Type R/W R R R R R R R Reset Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies SFR Address = 0xFF; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7 VDMEN Function VDD Monitor Enable. This bit turns the VDD monitor circuit on/off. The VDD Monitor cannot generate system resets until it is also selected as a reset source in register RSTSRC (SFR Definition 25.2). Selecting the VDD monitor as a reset source before it has stabilized may generate a system reset. In systems where this reset would be undesirable, a delay should be introduced between enabling the VDD Monitor and selecting it as a reset source. 0: VDD Monitor Disabled. 1: VDD Monitor Enabled. 6 VDDSTAT VDD Status. This bit indicates the current power supply status (VDD Monitor output). 0: VDD is at or below the VDD monitor threshold. 1: VDD is above the VDD monitor threshold. 5:0 Unused Read = Varies; Write = Don’t care. 25.3. External Reset The external RST pin provides a means for external circuitry to force the device into a reset state. Asserting an active-low signal on the RST pin generates a reset; an external pullup and/or decoupling of the RST pin may be necessary to avoid erroneous noise-induced resets. See Section “9. Electrical Characteristics” on page 47 for complete RST pin specifications. The PINRSF flag (RSTSRC.0) is set on exit from an external reset. 25.4. Missing Clock Detector Reset The Missing Clock Detector (MCD) is a one-shot circuit that is triggered by the system clock. If the system clock remains high or low for more than the MCD timeout, the one-shot will time out and generate a reset. After a MCD reset, the MCDRSF flag (RSTSRC.2) will read 1, signifying the MCD as the reset source; otherwise, this bit reads 0. Writing a 1 to the MCDRSF bit enables the Missing Clock Detector; writing a 0 disables it. The state of the RST pin is unaffected by this reset. 166 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 25.5. Comparator0 Reset Comparator0 can be configured as a reset source by writing a 1 to the C0RSEF flag (RSTSRC.5). Comparator0 should be enabled and allowed to settle prior to writing to C0RSEF to prevent any turn-on chatter on the output from generating an unwanted reset. The Comparator0 reset is active-low: if the noninverting input voltage (on CP0+) is less than the inverting input voltage (on CP0-), the device is put into the reset state. After a Comparator0 reset, the C0RSEF flag (RSTSRC.5) will read 1 signifying Comparator0 as the reset source; otherwise, this bit reads 0. The state of the RST pin is unaffected by this reset. 25.6. Watchdog Timer Reset The programmable Watchdog Timer (WDT) can be used to prevent software from running out of control during a system malfunction. The WDT function can be enabled or disabled by software as described in Section “26. Watchdog Timer” on page 169. If a system malfunction prevents user software from updating the WDT, a reset is generated and the WDTRSF bit (RSTSRC.3) is set to 1. The state of the RST pin is unaffected by this reset. 25.7. Flash Error Reset If a Flash read/write/erase or program read targets an illegal address, a system reset is generated. This may occur due to any of the following: A Flash write or erase is attempted above user code space. This occurs when PSWE is set to 1 and a MOVX write operation targets an address above address 0x3DFF. A Flash read is attempted above user code space. This occurs when a MOVC operation targets an address above address 0x3DFF. A Program read is attempted above user code space. This occurs when user code attempts to branch to an address above 0x3DFF. A Flash read, write or erase attempt is restricted due to a Flash security setting (see Section “22.3. Security Options” on page 149). The FERROR bit (RSTSRC.6) is set following a Flash error reset. The state of the RST pin is unaffected by this reset. 25.8. Software Reset Software may force a reset by writing a 1 to the SWRSF bit (RSTSRC.4). The SWRSF bit will read 1 following a software forced reset. The state of the RST pin is unaffected by this reset. Rev. 1.0 167 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 25.2. RSTSRC: Reset Source Bit 7 Name 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FERROR C0RSEF SWRSF WDTRSF MCDRSF PORSF PINRSF Type R R R/W R/W R R/W R/W R Reset 0 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies SFR Address = 0xEF; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name Description 7 Unused Unused. Write Read Don’t care. 0 6 FERROR Flash Error Reset Flag. N/A Set to 1 if Flash read/write/erase error caused the last reset. 5 C0RSEF Comparator0 Reset Enable and Flag. Writing a 1 enables Comparator0 as a reset source (active-low). Set to 1 if Comparator0 caused the last reset. 4 SWRSF Writing a 1 forces a system reset. Set to 1 if last reset was caused by a write to SWRSF. Software Reset Force and Flag. 3 WDTRSF Watchdog Timer Reset Flag. N/A 2 MCDRSF Missing Clock Detector Enable and Flag. Set to 1 if Watchdog Timer overflow caused the last reset. Writing a 1 enables the Set to 1 if Missing Clock Missing Clock Detector. Detector timeout caused The MCD triggers a reset the last reset. if a missing clock condition is detected. 1 PORSF Writing a 1 enables the Power-On / VDD Monitor Reset Flag, and VDD monitor VDD monitor as a reset source. Reset Enable. Writing 1 to this bit before the VDD monitor is enabled and stabilized may cause a system reset. Set to 1 anytime a poweron or VDD monitor reset occurs. When set to 1 all other RSTSRC flags are indeterminate. 0 PINRSF HW Pin Reset Flag. Set to 1 if RST pin caused the last reset. N/A Note: Do not use read-modify-write operations on this register 168 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 26. Watchdog Timer The MCU includes a programmable Watchdog Timer (WDT) running off the system clock. A WDT overflow will force the MCU into the reset state. To prevent the reset, the WDT must be restarted by application software before overflow. If the system experiences a software or hardware malfunction preventing the software from restarting the WDT, the WDT will overflow and cause a reset. Following a reset the WDT is automatically enabled and running with the default maximum time interval. If desired the WDT can be disabled by system software or locked on to prevent accidental disabling. Once locked, the WDT cannot be disabled until the next system reset. The state of the /RST pin is unaffected by this reset. The WDT consists of a 21-bit timer running from the programmed system clock. The timer measures the period between specific writes to its control register. If this period exceeds the programmed limit, a WDT reset is generated. The WDT can be enabled and disabled as needed in software, or can be permanently enabled if desired. Watchdog features are controlled via the Watchdog Timer Control Register (WDTCN) shown in SFR Definition 26.1. 26.1. Enable/Reset WDT The watchdog timer is both enabled and reset by writing 0xA5 to the WDTCN register. The user's application software should include periodic writes of 0xA5 to WDTCN as needed to prevent a watchdog timer overflow. The WDT is enabled and reset as a result of any system reset. 26.2. Disable WDT Writing 0xDE followed by 0xAD to the WDTCN register disables the WDT. The following code segment illustrates disabling the WDT: CLR EA MOV WDTCN,#0DEh MOV WDTCN,#0ADh SETB EA ; disable all interrupts ; disable software watchdog timer ; re-enable interrupts The writes of 0xDE and 0xAD must occur within 4 clock cycles of each other, or the disable operation is ignored. Interrupts should be disabled during this procedure to avoid delay between the two writes. 26.3. Disable WDT Lockout Writing 0xFF to WDTCN locks out the disable feature. Once locked out, the disable operation is ignored until the next system reset. Writing 0xFF does not enable or reset the watchdog timer. Applications always intending to use the watchdog should write 0xFF to WDTCN in the initialization code. 26.4. Setting WDT Interval WDTCN.[2:0] control the watchdog timeout interval. The interval is given by the following equation: 4^(3+WDTCN[2-0]) x Tsysclk ;where Tsysclk is the system clock period. For a 3 MHz system clock, this provides an interval range of 0.021 to 349.5 ms. WDTCN.7 must be logic 0 when setting this interval. Reading WDTCN returns the programmed interval. WDTCN.[2:0] reads 111b after a system reset. Rev. 1.0 169 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 26.1. WDTCN: Watchdog Timer Control Bit 7 6 5 4 Name WDT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 1 SFR Address = 0xE3; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name Description 7:0 WDT[7:0] 4 WDTSTATUS 2:0 170 WDT Control. 3 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 Write Read Writing 0xA5 both enables and reloads the WDT. Writing 0xDE followed within 4 system clocks by 0xAD disables the WDT. Writing 0xFF locks out the disable feature. Watchdog Status Bit. 0: WDT is inactive 1: WDT is active WDTTIMEOUT Watchdog Timeout Interval WDTCN[2:0] bits set the Bits. Watchdog Timeout Interval. When writing these bits, WDTCN[7] must be set to 0. Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 27. Oscillators and Clock Selection C8051F70x/71x devices include a programmable internal high-frequency oscillator and an external oscillator drive circuit. The internal high-frequency oscillator can be enabled/disabled and calibrated using the OSCICN and OSCICL registers, as shown in Figure 27.1. The system clock can be sourced by the external oscillator circuit or the internal oscillator (default). The internal oscillator offers a selectable post-scaling feature, which is initially set to divide the clock by 8. Option 2 – RC Mode OSCICL OSCICN CLKSEL CLKSL1 CLKSL0 CLKRDY CLKDIV2 CLKDIV1 CLKDIV0 XTAL2 SSE IFCN1 IFCN0 IOSCEN IFRDY SUSPEND STSYNC VDD EN Programmable Internal Clock Generator Option 4 – CMOS Mode XTAL2 CLKRDY n Clock Divider SYSCLK n Option 1 – Crystal Mode XTAL1 Clock Divider Input Circuit 10M OSC XTAL2 XTAL2 XFCN2 XFCN1 XFCN0 XOSCMD2 XOSCMD1 XOSCMD0 Option 3 – C Mode OSCXCN Figure 27.1. Oscillator Options 27.1. System Clock Selection The system clock source for the MCU can be selected using the CLKSEL register. The clock selected as the system clock can be divided by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128. When switching between two clock divide values, the transition may take up to 128 cycles of the undivided clock source. The CLKRDY flag can be polled to determine when the new clock divide value has been applied. The clock divider must be set to "divide by 1" when entering Suspend mode. The system clock source may also be switched on-the-fly. The switchover takes effect after one clock period of the slower oscillator. Rev. 1.0 171 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 27.1. CLKSEL: Clock Select Bit 7 6 5 4 Name CLKRDY Type R R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CLKDIV[2:0] CLKRDY 2 Reserved SFR Address = 0xBD; SFR Page= F Bit Name 7 3 1 0 CLKSEL[2:0] Function System Clock Divider Clock Ready Flag. 0: The selected clock divide setting has not been applied to the system clock. 1: The selected clock divide setting has been applied to the system clock. 6:4 CLKDIV 3 Reserved System Clock Divider Bits. Selects the clock division to be applied to the selected source (internal or external). 000: Selected clock is divided by 1. 001: Selected clock is divided by 2. 010: Selected clock is divided by 4. 011: Selected clock is divided by 8. 100: Selected clock is divided by 16. 101: Selected clock is divided by 32. 110: Selected clock is divided by 64. 111: Selected clock is divided by 128. Read = 0b. Must write 0b. 2:0 CLKSEL[2:0] System Clock Select. Selects the oscillator to be used as the undivided system clock source. 000: Internal Oscillator 001: External Oscillator All other values reserved. 172 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 27.2. Programmable Internal High-Frequency (H-F) Oscillator All C8051F70x/71x devices include a programmable internal high-frequency oscillator that defaults as the system clock after a system reset. The internal oscillator period can be adjusted via the OSCICL register as defined by SFR Definition 27.2. On C8051F70x/71x devices, OSCICL is factory calibrated to obtain a 24.5 MHz base frequency. The internal oscillator output frequency may be divided by 1, 2, 4, or 8, as defined by the IFCN bits in register OSCICN. The divide value defaults to 8 following a reset. The precision oscillator supports a spread spectrum mode which modulates the output frequency in order to reduce the EMI generated by the system. When enabled (SSE = 1), the oscillator output frequency is modulated by a stepped triangle wave whose frequency is equal to the oscillator frequency divided by 384 (63.8 kHz using the factory calibration). The maximum deviation from the center frequency is ±0.75%. The output frequency updates occur every 32 cycles and the step size is typically 0.25% of the center frequency. SFR Definition 27.2. OSCICL: Internal H-F Oscillator Calibration Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name OSCICL[6:0] Type R/W Reset Varies Varies Varies Varies SFR Address = 0xBF; SFR Page = F Bit Name 6:0 Varies 2 1 0 Varies Varies Varies Function OSCICL[7:0] Internal Oscillator Calibration Bits. These bits determine the internal oscillator period. When set to 00000000b, the H-F oscillator operates at its fastest setting. When set to 11111111b, the H-F oscillator operates at its slowest setting. The reset value is factory calibrated to generate an internal oscillator frequency of 24.5 MHz. Rev. 1.0 173 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 27.3. OSCICN: Internal H-F Oscillator Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name IOSCEN IFRDY SUSPEND STSYNC SSE Type R/W R R/W R R/W R Reset 1 1 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xA9; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7 IOSCEN 2 1 0 IFCN[1:0] R/W 0 0 Function Internal H-F Oscillator Enable Bit. 0: Internal H-F Oscillator Disabled. 1: Internal H-F Oscillator Enabled. 6 IFRDY Internal H-F Oscillator Frequency Ready Flag. 0: Internal H-F Oscillator is not running at programmed frequency. 1: Internal H-F Oscillator is running at programmed frequency. 5 SUSPEND Internal Oscillator Suspend Enable Bit. Setting this bit to logic 1 places the internal oscillator in SUSPEND mode. The internal oscillator resumes operation when one of the SUSPEND mode awakening events occurs. 4 STSYNC Suspend Timer Synchronization Bit. This bit is used to indicate when it is safe to read and write the registers associated with the suspend wake-up timer. If a suspend wake-up source other than Timer 3 has brought the oscillator out of suspend mode, it make take up to three timer clocks before the timer can be read or written. 0: Timer 3 registers can be read safely. 1: Timer 3 register reads and writes should not be performed. 3 SSE Spread Spectrum Enable. Spread spectrum enable bit. 0: Spread Spectrum clock dithering disabled. 1: Spread Spectrum clock dithering enabled. 2 Unused 1:0 IFCN[1:0] Read = 0b; Write = Don’t Care Internal H-F Oscillator Frequency Divider Control Bits. 00: SYSCLK derived from Internal H-F Oscillator divided by 8. 01: SYSCLK derived from Internal H-F Oscillator divided by 4. 10: SYSCLK derived from Internal H-F Oscillator divided by 2. 11: SYSCLK derived from Internal H-F Oscillator divided by 1. 174 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 27.3. External Oscillator Drive Circuit The external oscillator circuit may drive an external crystal, ceramic resonator, capacitor, or RC network. A CMOS clock may also provide a clock input. For a crystal or ceramic resonator configuration, the crystal/resonator must be wired across the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins as shown in Option 1 of Figure 27.1. A 10 Mresistor also must be wired across the XTAL2 and XTAL1 pins for the crystal/resonator configuration. In RC, capacitor, or CMOS clock configuration, the clock source should be wired to the XTAL2 pin as shown in Option 2, 3, or 4 of Figure 27.1. The type of external oscillator must be selected in the OSCXCN register, and the frequency control bits (XFCN) must be selected appropriately (see SFR Definition 27.4). Important Note on External Oscillator Usage: Port pins must be configured when using the external oscillator circuit. When the external oscillator drive circuit is enabled in crystal/resonator mode, Port pins P0.2 and P0.3 are used as XTAL1 and XTAL2 respectively. When the external oscillator drive circuit is enabled in capacitor, RC, or CMOS clock mode, Port pin P0.3 is used as XTAL2. The Port I/O Crossbar should be configured to skip the Port pins used by the oscillator circuit; see Section “28.3. Priority Crossbar Decoder” on page 185 for Crossbar configuration. Additionally, when using the external oscillator circuit in crystal/resonator, capacitor, or RC mode, the associated Port pins should be configured as analog inputs. In CMOS clock mode, the associated pin should be configured as a digital input. See Section “28.4. Port I/O Initialization” on page 189 for details on Port input mode selection. Rev. 1.0 175 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 27.4. OSCXCN: External Oscillator Control Bit 7 6 5 Name XTLVLD XOSCMD[2:0] Type R R/W Reset 0 0 4 3 XTLVLD 1 0 XFCN[2:0] R 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xB5; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7 2 R/W 0 0 0 Function Crystal Oscillator Valid Flag. (Read only when XOSCMD = 11x.) 0: Crystal Oscillator is unused or not yet stable. 1: Crystal Oscillator is running and stable. 6:4 XOSCMD[2:0] External Oscillator Mode Select. 00x: External Oscillator circuit off. 010: External CMOS Clock Mode. 011: External CMOS Clock Mode with divide by 2 stage. 100: RC Oscillator Mode. 101: Capacitor Oscillator Mode. 110: Crystal Oscillator Mode. 111: Crystal Oscillator Mode with divide by 2 stage. 3 Unused 2:0 XFCN[2:0] Read = 0; Write = Don’t Care External Oscillator Frequency Control Bits. Set according to the desired frequency for Crystal or RC mode. Set according to the desired K Factor for C mode. 176 XFCN Crystal Mode RC Mode C Mode 000 f 32 kHz f 25 kHz K Factor = 0.87 001 32 kHz f 84 kHz 25 kHz f 50 kHz K Factor = 2.6 010 84 kHz f 225 kHz 50 kHz f 100 kHz K Factor = 7.7 011 225 kHz f 590 kHz 100 kHz f 200 kHz K Factor = 22 100 590 kHz f 1.5 MHz 200 kHz f 400 kHz K Factor = 65 101 1.5 MHz f 4 MHz 400 kHz f 800 kHz K Factor = 180 110 4 MHz f 10 MHz 800 kHz f 1.6 MHz K Factor = 664 111 10 MHz f 30 MHz 1.6 MHz f 3.2 MHz K Factor = 1590 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 27.3.1. External Crystal Example If a crystal or ceramic resonator is used as an external oscillator source for the MCU, the circuit should be configured as shown in Figure 27.1, Option 1. The External Oscillator Frequency Control value (XFCN) should be chosen from the Crystal column of the table in SFR Definition 27.4 (OSCXCN register). For example, an 11.0592 MHz crystal requires an XFCN setting of 111b and a 32.768 kHz Watch Crystal requires an XFCN setting of 001b. After an external 32.768 kHz oscillator is stabilized, the XFCN setting can be switched to 000 to save power. It is recommended to enable the missing clock detector before switching the system clock to any external oscillator source. When the crystal oscillator is first enabled, the oscillator amplitude detection circuit requires a settling time to achieve proper bias. Introducing a delay of 1 ms between enabling the oscillator and checking the XTLVLD bit will prevent a premature switch to the external oscillator as the system clock. Switching to the external oscillator before the crystal oscillator has stabilized can result in unpredictable behavior. The recommended procedure is: 1. Force XTAL1 and XTAL2 to a low state. This involves enabling the Crossbar and writing 0 to the port pins associated with XTAL1 and XTAL2. 2. Configure XTAL1 and XTAL2 as analog inputs. 3. Enable the external oscillator. 4. Wait at least 1 ms. 5. Poll for XTLVLD = 1. 6. If desired, enable the Missing Clock Detector. 7. Switch the system clock to the external oscillator. Important Note on External Crystals: Crystal oscillator circuits are quite sensitive to PCB layout. The crystal should be placed as close as possible to the XTAL pins on the device. The traces should be as short as possible and shielded with ground plane from any other traces which could introduce noise or interference. The capacitors shown in the external crystal configuration provide the load capacitance required by the crystal for correct oscillation. These capacitors are "in series" as seen by the crystal and "in parallel" with the stray capacitance of the XTAL1 and XTAL2 pins. Note: The desired load capacitance depends upon the crystal and the manufacturer. Please refer to the crystal data sheet when completing these calculations. For example, a tuning-fork crystal of 32.768 kHz with a recommended load capacitance of 12.5 pF should use the configuration shown in Figure 27.1, Option 1. The total value of the capacitors and the stray capacitance of the XTAL pins should equal 25 pF. With a stray capacitance of 3 pF per pin, the 22 pF capacitors yield an equivalent capacitance of 12.5 pF across the crystal, as shown in Figure 27.2. Rev. 1.0 177 C8051F70x/71x XTAL1 10M XTAL2 32.768 kHz 22pF* 22pF* * Capacitor values depend on crystal specifications Figure 27.2. External 32.768 kHz Quartz Crystal Oscillator Connection Diagram 27.3.2. External RC Example If an RC network is used as an external oscillator source for the MCU, the circuit should be configured as shown in Figure 27.1, Option 2. The capacitor should be no greater than 100 pF; however for very small capacitors, the total capacitance may be dominated by parasitic capacitance in the PCB layout. To determine the required External Oscillator Frequency Control value (XFCN) in the OSCXCN Register, first select the RC network value to produce the desired frequency of oscillation, according to Equation , where f = the frequency of oscillation in MHz, C = the capacitor value in pF, and R = the pull-up resistor value in k. 3 f = 1.23 10 R C Equation 27.1. RC Mode Oscillator Frequency For example: If the frequency desired is 100 kHz, let R = 246 k and C = 50 pF: f = 1.23( 103 ) / RC = 1.23 ( 103 ) / [ 246 x 50 ] = 0.1 MHz = 100 kHz Referring to the table in SFR Definition 27.4, the required XFCN setting is 010b. 178 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 27.3.3. External Capacitor Example If a capacitor is used as an external oscillator for the MCU, the circuit should be configured as shown in Figure 27.1, Option 3. The capacitor should be no greater than 100 pF; however for very small capacitors, the total capacitance may be dominated by parasitic capacitance in the PCB layout. To determine the required External Oscillator Frequency Control value (XFCN) in the OSCXCN Register, select the capacitor to be used and find the frequency of oscillation according to Equation , where f = the frequency of oscillation in MHz, C = the capacitor value in pF, and VDD = the MCU power supply in Volts. f = KF R V DD Equation 27.2. C Mode Oscillator Frequency For example: Assume VDD = 3.0 V and f = 150 kHz: f = KF / (C x VDD) 0.150 MHz = KF / (C x 3.0) Since the frequency of roughly 150 kHz is desired, select the K Factor from the table in SFR Definition 27.4 (OSCXCN) as KF = 22: 0.150 MHz = 22 / (C x 3.0) C x 3.0 = 22 / 0.150 MHz C = 146.6 / 3.0 pF = 48.8 pF Therefore, the XFCN value to use in this example is 011b and C = 50 pF. Rev. 1.0 179 C8051F70x/71x 28. Port Input/Output Digital and analog resources are available through 64 I/O pins. Each of the Port pins P0.0–P2.7 can be defined as general-purpose I/O (GPIO), assigned to one of the internal digital resources, or assigned to an analog function as shown in Figure 28.4. The designer has complete control over which functions are assigned, limited only by the number of physical I/O pins. This resource assignment flexibility is achieved through the use of a Priority Crossbar Decoder. The state of a Port I/O pin can always be read in the corresponding Port latch, regardless of the Crossbar settings. The Crossbar assigns the selected internal digital resources to the I/O pins based on the Priority Decoder. The registers XBR0 and XBR1, defined in SFR Definition 28.1 and SFR Definition 28.2, are used to select internal digital functions. All Port I/Os except P0.3 are tolerant of voltages up to 2 V above the VDD supply (refer to Figure 28.2 for the Port cell circuit). The Port I/O cells are configured as either push-pull or open-drain in the Port Output Mode registers (PnMDOUT, where n = 0,1). Complete Electrical Specifications for Port I/O are given in Section “9. Electrical Characteristics” on page 47. Port M atch P 0M AS K , P0M A T P 1M AS K , P1M A T X BR 0, XB R1, P nS K IP R egisters External Interrupts EX0 and E X1 Priority Decoder H ighest P riority U AR T 4 (Internal Digital Signals) S PI 8 2 SM Bus C P0 O utputs Digital C rossbar 2 S Y SC LK T0, T1 8 8 4 PC A Low est P riority PnM D O U T, PnM D IN , P nD R V R egisters 2 2 P0 I/O C ells P0.0 P1 I/O C ells P1.0 P2 I/O C ells P2.0 P3 I/O C ells P3.0 P4 I/O C ells P4.0 P5 I/O C ells P5.0 P6 I/O C ells P6.0 P0.7 P1.7 P2.7 P3.7 (Port Latches) 8 P0 (P0.0-P 0.7) P1 (P1.0-P 1.7) 8 To C S0 To Analog Peripherals (A D C 0, C P0, V R E F, XTAL) Figure 28.1. Port I/O Functional Block Diagram 180 Rev. 1.0 P4.7 P5.7 P6.5 C8051F70x/71x 28.1. Port I/O Modes of Operation Port pins P0.0 - P6.5 use the Port I/O cell shown in Figure 28.2. Each Port I/O cell can be configured by software for analog I/O or digital I/O using the PnMDIN registers. On reset, all Port I/O cells default to a high impedance state with weak pull-ups enabled. Until the crossbar is enabled (XBARE = 1), both the high and low port I/O drive circuits are explicitly disabled on all crossbar pins. 28.1.1. Port Pins Configured for Analog I/O Any pins to be used as Comparator or ADC input, Capacitive Sense input, external oscillator input/output, VREF output, or AGND connection should be configured for analog I/O (PnMDIN.n = 0). When a pin is configured for analog I/O, its weak pullup, digital driver, and digital receiver are disabled. Port pins configured for analog I/O will always read back a value of 0. Configuring pins as analog I/O saves power and isolates the Port pin from digital interference. Port pins configured as digital I/O may still be used by analog peripherals; however, this practice is not recommended and may result in measurement errors. 28.1.2. Port Pins Configured For Digital I/O Any pins to be used by digital peripherals (UART, SPI, SMBus, etc.), external event trigger functions, or as GPIO should be configured as digital I/O (PnMDIN.n = 1). For digital I/O pins, one of two output modes (push-pull or open-drain) must be selected using the PnMDOUT registers. Push-pull outputs (PnMDOUT.n = 1) drive the Port pad to the VDD or GND supply rails based on the output logic value of the Port pin. Open-drain outputs have the high side driver disabled; therefore, they only drive the Port pad to GND when the output logic value is 0 and become high impedance inputs (both high low drivers turned off) when the output logic value is 1. When a digital I/O cell is placed in the high impedance state, a weak pull-up transistor pulls the Port pad to the VDD supply voltage to ensure the digital input is at a defined logic state. Weak pull-ups are disabled when the I/O cell is driven to GND to minimize power consumption, and they may be globally disabled by setting WEAKPUD to 1. The user should ensure that digital I/O are always internally or externally pulled or driven to a valid logic state to minimize power consumption. Port pins configured for digital I/O always read back the logic state of the Port pad, regardless of the output logic value of the Port pin. WEAKPUD (Weak Pull-Up Disable) PxMDOUT.x (1 for push-pull) (0 for open-drain) VDD XBARE (Crossbar Enable) VDD (WEAK) PORT PAD Px.x – Output Logic Value (Port Latch or Crossbar) PxMDIN.x (1 for digital) (0 for analog) To/From Analog Peripheral GND Px.x – Input Logic Value (Reads 0 when pin is configured as an analog I/O) Figure 28.2. Port I/O Cell Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 181 C8051F70x/71x 28.1.3. Interfacing Port I/O to 5 V Logic All Port I/O configured for digital, open-drain operation are capable of interfacing to digital logic operating at a supply voltage up to 2 V higher than VDD and less than 5.25 V. An external pull-up resistor to the higher supply voltage is typically required for most systems. Important Note: In a multi-voltage interface, the external pull-up resistor should be sized to allow a current of at least 150 µA to flow into the Port pin when the supply voltage is between (VDD + 0. 6V) and (VDD + 1.0V). Once the Port pin voltage increases beyond this range, the current flowing into the Port pin is minimal. Figure 28.3 shows the input current characteristics of port pins driven above VDD. The port pin requires 150 µA peak overdrive current when its voltage reaches approximately (VDD + 0.7 V). VDD Vtest (V) VDD VDD+0.7 IVtest I/O Cell 0 -10 IVtest (µA) + - Vtest Port I/O Overdrive Test Circuit -150 Port I/O Overdrive Current vs. Voltage Figure 28.3. Port I/O Overdrive Current 28.1.4. Increasing Port I/O Drive Strength Port I/O output drivers support a high and low drive strength; the default is low drive strength. The drive strength of a Port I/O can be configured using the PnDRV registers. See Section “9. Electrical Characteristics” on page 47 for the difference in output drive strength between the two modes. 28.2. Assigning Port I/O Pins to Analog and Digital Functions Port I/O pins P0.0–P2.7 can be assigned to various analog, digital, and external interrupt functions. The Port pins assigned to analog functions should be configured for analog I/O, and Port pins assigned to digital or external interrupt functions should be configured for digital I/O. 28.2.1. Assigning Port I/O Pins to Analog Functions Table 28.1 shows all available analog functions that require Port I/O assignments. Port pins selected for these analog functions should have their corresponding bit in PnSKIP set to 1. This reserves the pin for use by the analog function and does not allow it to be claimed by the Crossbar. Table 28.1 shows the potential mapping of Port I/O to each analog function. 182 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 28.1. Port I/O Assignment for Analog Functions Analog Function Potentially Assignable Port Pins SFR(s) used for Assignment ADC Input P0.0–P1.7 AMX0P, AMX0N, PnSKIP, PnMDIN Comparator0 Input P1.0–P1.7 CPT0MX, PnSKIP, PnMDIN CS0 Input P2.0–P6.5 PnMDIN Voltage Reference (VREF0) P0.0 REF0CN, P0SKIP, PnMDIN Ground Reference (AGND) P0.1 REF0CN, P0SKIP External Oscillator in Crystal Mode (XTAL1) P0.2 OSCXCN, P0SKIP, P0MDIN External Oscillator in RC, C, or Crystal Mode (XTAL2) P0.3 OSCXCN, P0SKIP, P0MDIN Rev. 1.0 183 C8051F70x/71x 28.2.2. Assigning Port I/O Pins to Digital Functions Any Port pins not assigned to analog functions may be assigned to digital functions or used as GPIO. Most digital functions rely on the Crossbar for pin assignment; however, some digital functions bypass the Crossbar in a manner similar to the analog functions listed above. Port pins used by these digital functions and any Port pins selected for use as GPIO should have their corresponding bit in PnSKIP set to 1. Table 28.2 shows all available digital functions and the potential mapping of Port I/O to each digital function. Table 28.2. Port I/O Assignment for Digital Functions Digital Function Potentially Assignable Port Pins UART0, SPI0, SMBus, CP0, Any Port pin available for assignment by the CP0A, SYSCLK, PCA0 Crossbar. This includes P0.0–P2.7 pins which (CEX0-2 and ECI), T0 or T1. have their PnSKIP bit set to 0. Note: The Crossbar will always assign UART0 pins to P0.4 and P0.5. SFR(s) used for Assignment XBR0, XBR1 Any pin used for GPIO P0.0–P6.5 P0SKIP, P1SKIP, P2SKIP External Memory Interface P3.0–P6.2 EMI0CF 28.2.3. Assigning Port I/O Pins to External Event Trigger Functions External event trigger functions can be used to trigger an interrupt or wake the device from a low power mode when a transition occurs on a digital I/O pin. The event trigger functions do not require dedicated pins and will function on both GPIO pins (PnSKIP = 1) and pins in use by the Crossbar (PnSKIP = 0). External event trigger functions cannot be used on pins configured for analog I/O. Table 28.3 shows all available external event trigger functions. Table 28.3. Port I/O Assignment for External Event Trigger Functions Event Trigger Function Potentially Assignable Port Pins SFR(s) used for Assignment External Interrupt 0 P0.0–P0.7 IT01CF External Interrupt 1 P0.0–P0.7 IT01CF Port Match P0.0–P1.7 P0MASK, P0MAT P1MASK, P1MAT 184 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 28.3. Priority Crossbar Decoder The Priority Crossbar Decoder assigns a priority to each I/O function, starting at the top with UART0. When a digital resource is selected, the least-significant unassigned Port pin is assigned to that resource (excluding UART0, which is always at pins 4 and 5). If a Port pin is assigned, the Crossbar skips that pin when assigning the next selected resource. The potential crossbar pin assignments are shown in Figure 28.4. Additionally, the Crossbar will skip Port pins whose associated bits in the PnSKIP registers are set. The PnSKIP registers allow software to skip Port pins that are to be used for analog input, dedicated functions, or GPIO. The Crossbar skips selected pins as if they were already assigned, and moves to the next unassigned pin. Figure 28.5 shows an example crossbar configuration with no pins skipped. Figure 28.6 shows the same example with pins P0.2, P0.3 and P1.0 skipped. If a Port pin is claimed by a peripheral without use of the Crossbar, its corresponding PnSKIP bit should be set. This applies to P0.0 if VREF is used, P0.1 if AGND is used, P0.3 and/or P0.2 if the external oscillator circuit is enabled, P0.6 if the ADC is configured to use the external conversion start signal (CNVSTR), and any selected ADC or Comparator inputs. It is also important to skip any pins that do not exist for the package being used. Registers XBR0 and XBR1 are used to assign the digital I/O resources to the physical I/O Port pins. When the SMBus is selected, the Crossbar assigns both pins associated with the SMBus (SDA and SCL); when the UART is selected, the Crossbar assigns both pins associated with the UART (TX and RX). UART0 pin assignments are fixed for bootloading purposes: UART TX0 is always assigned to P0.4; UART RX0 is always assigned to P0.5. Standard Port I/Os appear contiguously after the prioritized functions have been assigned. Important Note: The SPI can be operated in either 3-wire or 4-wire modes, pending the state of the NSSMD1–NSSMD0 bits in register SPI0CN. According to the SPI mode, the NSS signal may or may not be routed to a Port pin. Rev. 1.0 185 C8051F70x/71x CNVSTR XTAL2 XTAL1 AGND Special Function Signals VREF Port P0 P1 P2 Pin Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TX0 RX0 SCK MISO MOSI NSS* SDA SCL CP0 CP0A SYSCLK CEX0 CEX1 CEX2 ECI T0 T1 Pin Skip 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Settings P0SKIP P1SKIP P2SKIP The crossbar peripherals are assigned in priority order from top to bottom, according to this diagram. These boxes represent Port pins which can potentially be assigned to a peripheral. Special Function Signals are not assigned by the crossbar. When these signals are enabled, the Crossbar should be manually configured to skip the corresponding port pins. Pins can be “skipped” by setting the corresponding bit in PnSKIP to 1. * NSS is only pinned out when the SPI is in 4-wire mode. Figure 28.4. Crossbar Priority Decoder—Possible Pin Assignments 186 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Port P0 P1 P2 TX0 RX0 CNVSTR XTAL2 XTAL1 AGND Special Function Signals VREF Pin Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TX0 and RX0 are fixed at these locations SCK MISO MOSI NSS* SDA SCL The other peripherals are assigned based on pin availability, in priority order. CP0 CP0A SYSCLK CEX0 CEX1 CEX2 ECI T0 T1 Pin Skip 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Settings P0SKIP P1SKIP P2SKIP This example shows a crossbar configuration with XBR0 = 0x07 and XBR1 = 0x43. These boxes represent Port pins which are assigned to a peripheral. Figure 28.5. Crossbar Priority Decoder in Example Configuration—No Pins Skipped Rev. 1.0 187 C8051F70x/71x Port P0 P1 P2 CNVSTR XTAL2 XTAL1 AGND Special Function Signals VREF Pin Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TX0 RX0 SCK MISO MOSI If a pin is skipped, it is not available for assignment, and the crossbar will move the assignment to the next available pin NSS* SDA SCL CP0 P1.0 Skipped ECI T0 T1 P0.3 Skipped CEX1 CEX2 P0.2 Skipped CP0A SYSCLK CEX0 Pin Skip 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Settings P0SKIP P1SKIP P2SKIP This example shows a crossbar configuration with XBR0 = 0x07 and XBR1 = 0x43. These boxes represent Port pins which are assigned to a peripheral. Figure 28.6. Crossbar Priority Decoder in Example Configuration—3 Pins Skipped 188 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 28.4. Port I/O Initialization Port I/O initialization consists of the following steps: 1. Select the input mode (analog or digital) for all Port pins, using the Port Input Mode register (PnMDIN). 2. Select the output mode (open-drain or push-pull) for all Port pins, using the Port Output Mode register (PnMDOUT). 3. Select any pins to be skipped by the I/O Crossbar using the Port Skip registers (PnSKIP). 4. Assign Port pins to desired peripherals. 5. Enable the Crossbar (XBARE = 1). All Port pins must be configured as either analog or digital inputs. Any pins to be used as Comparator or ADC inputs should be configured as an analog inputs. When a pin is configured as an analog input, its weak pullup, digital driver, and digital receiver are disabled. This process saves power and reduces noise on the analog input. Pins configured as digital inputs may still be used by analog peripherals; however this practice is not recommended. Additionally, all analog input pins should be configured to be skipped by the Crossbar (accomplished by setting the associated bits in PnSKIP). Port input mode is set in the PnMDIN register, where a 1 indicates a digital input, and a 0 indicates an analog input. All pins default to digital inputs on reset. See SFR Definition 28.8 for the PnMDIN register details. The output driver characteristics of the I/O pins are defined using the Port Output Mode registers (PnMDOUT). Each Port Output driver can be configured as either open drain or push-pull. This selection is required even for the digital resources selected in the XBRn registers, and is not automatic. The only exception to this is the SMBus (SDA, SCL) pins, which are configured as open-drain regardless of the PnMDOUT settings. When the WEAKPUD bit in XBR1 is 0, a weak pullup is enabled for all Port I/O configured as open-drain. WEAKPUD does not affect the push-pull Port I/O. Furthermore, the weak pullup is turned off on an output that is driving a 0 to avoid unnecessary power dissipation. Registers XBR0 and XBR1 must be loaded with the appropriate values to select the digital I/O functions required by the design. Setting the XBARE bit in XBR1 to 1 enables the Crossbar. Until the Crossbar is enabled, the external pins remain as standard Port I/O (in input mode), regardless of the XBRn Register settings. For given XBRn Register settings, one can determine the I/O pin-out using the Priority Decode Table; as an alternative, the Configuration Wizard utility of the Silicon Labs IDE software will determine the Port I/O pin-assignments based on the XBRn Register settings. The Crossbar must be enabled to use Port pins as standard Port I/O in output mode. Port output drivers are disabled while the Crossbar is disabled. Rev. 1.0 189 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.1. XBR0: Port I/O Crossbar Register 0 Bit 7 6 Name 5 4 3 2 1 0 CP0AE CP0E SYSCKE SMB0E SPI0E URT0E Type R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xE1; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:6 5 Unused CP0AE Function Read = 00b; Write = Don’t Care. Comparator0 Asynchronous Output Enable. 0: Asynchronous CP0 unavailable at Port pin. 1: Asynchronous CP0 routed to Port pin. 4 CP0E Comparator0 Output Enable. 0: CP0 unavailable at Port pin. 1: CP0 routed to Port pin. 3 SYSCKE SYSCLK Output Enable. 0: SYSCLK unavailable at Port pin. 1: SYSCLK output routed to Port pin. 2 SMB0E SMBus I/O Enable. 0: SMBus I/O unavailable at Port pins. 1: SMBus I/O routed to Port pins. 1 SPI0E SPI I/O Enable. 0: SPI I/O unavailable at Port pins. 1: SPI I/O routed to Port pins. Note that the SPI can be assigned either 3 or 4 GPIO pins. 0 URT0E UART I/O Output Enable. 0: UART I/O unavailable at Port pin. 1: UART TX0, RX0 routed to Port pins P0.4 and P0.5. 190 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.2. XBR1: Port I/O Crossbar Register 1 Bit 7 Name WEAKPUD 6 5 4 3 XBARE T1E T0E ECIE 2 1 0 PCA0ME[1:0] Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xE2; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7 WEAKPUD Function Port I/O Weak Pullup Disable. 0: Weak Pullups enabled (except for Ports whose I/O are configured for analog mode). 1: Weak Pullups disabled. 6 XBARE Crossbar Enable. 0: Crossbar disabled. 1: Crossbar enabled. 5 T1E T1 Enable. 0: T1 unavailable at Port pin. 1: T1 routed to Port pin. 4 T0E T0 Enable. 0: T0 unavailable at Port pin. 1: T0 routed to Port pin. 3 ECIE PCA0 External Counter Input Enable. 0: ECI unavailable at Port pin. 1: ECI routed to Port pin. 2 Unused Read = 0b; Write = Don’t Care. 1:0 PCA0ME[1:0] PCA Module I/O Enable Bits. 00: All PCA I/O unavailable at Port pins. 01: CEX0 routed to Port pin. 10: CEX0, CEX1 routed to Port pins. 11: CEX0, CEX1, CEX2 routed to Port pins. Rev. 1.0 191 C8051F70x/71x 28.5. Port Match Port match functionality allows system events to be triggered by a logic value change on P0 or P1. A software controlled value stored in the PnMATCH registers specifies the expected or normal logic values of P0 and P1. A Port mismatch event occurs if the logic levels of the Port’s input pins no longer match the software controlled value. This allows Software to be notified if a certain change or pattern occurs on P0 or P1 input pins regardless of the XBRn settings. The PnMASK registers can be used to individually select which P0 and P1 pins should be compared against the PnMATCH registers. A Port mismatch event is generated if (P0 & P0MASK) does not equal (P0MATCH & P0MASK) or if (P1 & P1MASK) does not equal (P1MATCH & P1MASK). A Port mismatch event may be used to generate an interrupt or wake the device from a low power mode, such as IDLE or SUSPEND. See the Interrupts and Power Options chapters for more details on interrupt and wake-up sources. SFR Definition 28.3. P0MASK: Port 0 Mask Register Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P0MASK[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xF4; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 P0MASK[7:0] 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Port 0 Mask Value. Selects P0 pins to be compared to the corresponding bits in P0MAT. 0: P0.n pin logic value is ignored and cannot cause a Port Mismatch event. 1: P0.n pin logic value is compared to P0MAT.n. 192 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.4. P0MAT: Port 0 Match Register Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P0MAT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xF3; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 P0MAT[7:0] 2 1 0 1 1 1 Function Port 0 Match Value. Match comparison value used on Port 0 for bits in P0MASK which are set to 1. 0: P0.n pin logic value is compared with logic LOW. 1: P0.n pin logic value is compared with logic HIGH. SFR Definition 28.5. P1MASK: Port 1 Mask Register Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P1MASK[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xE2; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 P1MASK[7:0] 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Port 1 Mask Value. Selects P1 pins to be compared to the corresponding bits in P1MAT. 0: P1.n pin logic value is ignored and cannot cause a Port Mismatch event. 1: P1.n pin logic value is compared to P1MAT.n. Rev. 1.0 193 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.6. P1MAT: Port 1 Match Register Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P1MAT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xE1; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 P1MAT[7:0] 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 Function Port 1 Match Value. Match comparison value used on Port 1 for bits in P1MASK which are set to 1. 0: P1.n pin logic value is compared with logic LOW. 1: P1.n pin logic value is compared with logic HIGH. 28.6. Special Function Registers for Accessing and Configuring Port I/O All Port I/O are accessed through corresponding special function registers (SFRs) that are both byte addressable and bit addressable. When writing to a Port, the value written to the SFR is latched to maintain the output data value at each pin. When reading, the logic levels of the Port's input pins are returned regardless of the XBRn settings (i.e., even when the pin is assigned to another signal by the Crossbar, the Port register can always read its corresponding Port I/O pin). The exception to this is the execution of the read-modify-write instructions that target a Port Latch register as the destination. The read-modify-write instructions when operating on a Port SFR are the following: ANL, ORL, XRL, JBC, CPL, INC, DEC, DJNZ and MOV, CLR or SETB, when the destination is an individual bit in a Port SFR. For these instructions, the value of the latch register (not the pin) is read, modified, and written back to the SFR. Each Port has a corresponding PnSKIP register which allows its individual Port pins to be assigned to digital functions or skipped by the Crossbar. All Port pins used for analog functions, GPIO, or dedicated digital functions such as the EMIF should have their PnSKIP bit set to 1. The Port input mode of the I/O pins is defined using the Port Input Mode registers (PnMDIN). Each Port cell can be configured for analog or digital I/O. This selection is required even for the digital resources selected in the XBRn registers, and is not automatic. The output driver characteristics of the I/O pins are defined using the Port Output Mode registers (PnMDOUT). Each Port Output driver can be configured as either open drain or push-pull. This selection is required even for the digital resources selected in the XBRn registers, and is not automatic. The only exception to this is the SMBus (SDA, SCL) pins, which are configured as open-drain regardless of the PnMDOUT settings. 194 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.7. P0: Port 0 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name P0[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0x80; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit Addressable Bit Name Description Write 7:0 P0[7:0] Port 0 Data. Sets the Port latch logic value or reads the Port pin logic state in Port cells configured for digital I/O. Read 0: Set output latch to logic LOW. 1: Set output latch to logic HIGH. 0: P0.n Port pin is logic LOW. 1: P0.n Port pin is logic HIGH. SFR Definition 28.8. P0MDIN: Port 0 Input Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P0MDIN[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xF1; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P0MDIN[7:0] 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 Function Analog Configuration Bits for P0.7–P0.0 (respectively). Port pins configured for analog mode have their weak pullup, digital driver, and digital receiver disabled. 0: Corresponding P0.n pin is configured for analog mode. 1: Corresponding P0.n pin is not configured for analog mode. Rev. 1.0 195 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.9. P0MDOUT: Port 0 Output Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P0MDOUT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xA4; SFR Page = F Bit Name 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function 7:0 P0MDOUT[7:0] Output Configuration Bits for P0.7–P0.0 (respectively). These bits are ignored if the corresponding bit in register P0MDIN is logic 0. 0: Corresponding P0.n Output is open-drain. 1: Corresponding P0.n Output is push-pull. SFR Definition 28.10. P0SKIP: Port 0 Skip Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P0SKIP[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xD4; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P0SKIP[7:0] 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Port 0 Crossbar Skip Enable Bits. These bits select Port 0 pins to be skipped by the Crossbar Decoder. Port pins used for analog, special functions or GPIO should be skipped by the Crossbar. 0: Corresponding P0.n pin is not skipped by the Crossbar. 1: Corresponding P0.n pin is skipped by the Crossbar. 196 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.11. P0DRV: Port 0 Drive Strength Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P0DRV[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xF9; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P0DRV[7:0] 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Drive Strength Configuration Bits for P0.7–P0.0 (respectively). Configures digital I/O Port cells to high or low output drive strength. 0: Corresponding P0.n Output has low output drive strength. 1: Corresponding P0.n Output has high output drive strength. SFR Definition 28.12. P1: Port 1 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name P1[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0x90; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit Addressable Bit Name Description Write 7:0 P1[7:0] Port 1 Data. Sets the Port latch logic value or reads the Port pin logic state in Port cells configured for digital I/O. 0: Set output latch to logic LOW. 1: Set output latch to logic HIGH. Rev. 1.0 Read 0: P1.n Port pin is logic LOW. 1: P1.n Port pin is logic HIGH. 197 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.13. P1MDIN: Port 1 Input Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P1MDIN[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1* 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xF2; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P1MDIN[7:0] 2 1 0 1 1 1 Function Analog Configuration Bits for P1.7–P1.0 (respectively). Port pins configured for analog mode have their weak pullup, digital driver, and digital receiver disabled. 0: Corresponding P1.n pin is configured for analog mode. 1: Corresponding P1.n pin is not configured for analog mode. Note: On C8051F716 and C8051F717 devices, P1.7 will default to analog mode. If the P1MDIN register is written on the C8051F716 and C8051F717 devices, P1.7 should always be configured as analog. SFR Definition 28.14. P1MDOUT: Port 1 Output Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P1MDOUT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xA5; SFR Page = F Bit Name 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function 7:0 P1MDOUT[7:0] Output Configuration Bits for P1.7–P1.0 (respectively). These bits are ignored if the corresponding bit in register P1MDIN is logic 0. 0: Corresponding P1.n Output is open-drain. 1: Corresponding P1.n Output is push-pull. 198 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.15. P1SKIP: Port 1 Skip Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P1SKIP[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xD5; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P1SKIP[7:0] 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Port 1 Crossbar Skip Enable Bits. These bits select Port 1 pins to be skipped by the Crossbar Decoder. Port pins used for analog, special functions or GPIO should be skipped by the Crossbar. 0: Corresponding P1.n pin is not skipped by the Crossbar. 1: Corresponding P1.n pin is skipped by the Crossbar. SFR Definition 28.16. P1DRV: Port 1 Drive Strength Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P1DRV[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xFA; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P1DRV[7:0] 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Drive Strength Configuration Bits for P1.7–P1.0 (respectively). Configures digital I/O Port cells to high or low output drive strength. 0: Corresponding P1.n Output has low output drive strength. 1: Corresponding P1.n Output has high output drive strength. Rev. 1.0 199 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.17. P2: Port 2 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name P2[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xA0; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit Addressable Bit Name Description Write 7:0 P2[7:0] Port 2 Data. Sets the Port latch logic value or reads the Port pin logic state in Port cells configured for digital I/O. Read 0: Set output latch to logic LOW. 1: Set output latch to logic HIGH. 0: P2.n Port pin is logic LOW. 1: P2.n Port pin is logic HIGH. SFR Definition 28.18. P2MDIN: Port 2 Input Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P2MDIN[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xF3; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P2MDIN[7:0] 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 Function Analog Configuration Bits for P2.7–P2.0 (respectively). Port pins configured for analog mode have their weak pullup, digital driver, and digital receiver disabled. 0: Corresponding P2.n pin is configured for analog mode. 1: Corresponding P2.n pin is not configured for analog mode. 200 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.19. P2MDOUT: Port 2 Output Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P2MDOUT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xA6; SFR Page = F Bit Name 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function 7:0 P2MDOUT[7:0] Output Configuration Bits for P2.7–P2.0 (respectively). These bits are ignored if the corresponding bit in register P2MDIN is logic 0. 0: Corresponding P2.n Output is open-drain. 1: Corresponding P2.n Output is push-pull. SFR Definition 28.20. P2SKIP: Port 2 Skip Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P2SKIP[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xD6; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P2SKIP[3:0] 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Port 2 Crossbar Skip Enable Bits. These bits select Port 2 pins to be skipped by the Crossbar Decoder. Port pins used for analog, special functions or GPIO should be skipped by the Crossbar. 0: Corresponding P2.n pin is not skipped by the Crossbar. 1: Corresponding P2.n pin is skipped by the Crossbar. Rev. 1.0 201 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.21. P2DRV: Port 2 Drive Strength Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P2DRV[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xFB; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P2DRV[7:0] 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Drive Strength Configuration Bits for P2.7–P2.0 (respectively). Configures digital I/O Port cells to high or low output drive strength. 0: Corresponding P2.n Output has low output drive strength. 1: Corresponding P2.n Output has high output drive strength. SFR Definition 28.22. P3: Port 3 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name P3[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xB0; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit Addressable Bit Name Description Write 7:0 P3[7:0] Port 3 Data. Sets the Port latch logic value or reads the Port pin logic state in Port cells configured for digital I/O. 202 0: Set output latch to logic LOW. 1: Set output latch to logic HIGH. Rev. 1.0 Read 0: P3.n Port pin is logic LOW. 1: P3.n Port pin is logic HIGH. C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.23. P3MDIN: Port 3 Input Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P3MDIN[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xF4; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P3MDIN[7:0] 2 1 0 1 1 1 Function Analog Configuration Bits for P3.7–P3.0 (respectively). Port pins configured for analog mode have their weak pullup, digital driver, and digital receiver disabled. 0: Corresponding P3.n pin is configured for analog mode. 1: Corresponding P3.n pin is not configured for analog mode. SFR Definition 28.24. P3MDOUT: Port 3 Output Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P3MDOUT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xAF; SFR Page = F Bit Name 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function 7:0 P3MDOUT[7:0] Output Configuration Bits for P3.7–P3.0 (respectively). These bits are ignored if the corresponding bit in register P3MDIN is logic 0. 0: Corresponding P3.n Output is open-drain. 1: Corresponding P3.n Output is push-pull. Rev. 1.0 203 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.25. P3DRV: Port 3 Drive Strength Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P3DRV[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xFC; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P3DRV[7:0] 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Drive Strength Configuration Bits for P3.7-P3.0 (respectively). Configures digital I/O Port cells to high or low output drive strength. 0: Corresponding P3.n Output has low output drive strength. 1: Corresponding P3.n Output has high output drive strength. SFR Definition 28.26. P4: Port 4 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name P4[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xAC; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name Description 7:0 P4[7:0] Port 4 Data. Sets the Port latch logic value or reads the Port pin logic state in Port cells configured for digital I/O. 204 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 Write 0: Set output latch to logic LOW. 1: Set output latch to logic HIGH. Rev. 1.0 Read 0: P4.n Port pin is logic LOW. 1: P4.n Port pin is logic HIGH. C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.27. P4MDIN: Port 4 Input Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P4MDIN[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xF5; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P4MDIN[7:0] 2 1 0 1 1 1 Function Analog Configuration Bits for P4.7–P4.0 (respectively). Port pins configured for analog mode have their weak pullup, digital driver, and digital receiver disabled. 0: Corresponding P4.n pin is configured for analog mode. 1: Corresponding P4.n pin is not configured for analog mode. SFR Definition 28.28. P4MDOUT: Port 4 Output Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P4MDOUT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x9A; SFR Page = F Bit Name 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function 7:0 P4MDOUT[7:0] Output Configuration Bits for P4.7–P4.0 (respectively). These bits are ignored if the corresponding bit in register P4MDIN is logic 0. 0: Corresponding P4.n Output is open-drain. 1: Corresponding P4.n Output is push-pull. Rev. 1.0 205 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.29. P4DRV: Port 4 Drive Strength Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P4DRV[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xFD; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P4DRV[7:0] 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Drive Strength Configuration Bits for P4.7–P4.0 (respectively). Configures digital I/O Port cells to high or low output drive strength. 0: Corresponding P4.n Output has low output drive strength. 1: Corresponding P4.n Output has high output drive strength. SFR Definition 28.30. P5: Port 5 Bit 7 6 5 4 Name P5[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xB3; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name Description 7:0 P5[7:0] Port 5 Data. Sets the Port latch logic value or reads the Port pin logic state in Port cells configured for digital I/O. 206 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 Write 0: Set output latch to logic LOW. 1: Set output latch to logic HIGH. Rev. 1.0 Read 0: P5.n Port pin is logic LOW. 1: P5.n Port pin is logic HIGH. C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.31. P5MDIN: Port 5 Input Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P5MDIN[7:0] Type R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xF6; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P5MDIN[7:0] 2 1 0 1 1 1 Function Analog Configuration Bits for P5.7–P5.0 (respectively). Port pins configured for analog mode have their weak pullup, digital driver, and digital receiver disabled. 0: Corresponding P5.n pin is configured for analog mode. 1: Corresponding P5.n pin is not configured for analog mode. SFR Definition 28.32. P5MDOUT: Port 5 Output Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P5MDOUT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x9B; SFR Page = F Bit Name 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function 7:0 P5MDOUT[7:0] Output Configuration Bits for P5.7–P5.0 (respectively). These bits are ignored if the corresponding bit in register P5MDIN is logic 0. 0: Corresponding P5.n Output is open-drain. 1: Corresponding P5.n Output is push-pull. Rev. 1.0 207 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.33. P5DRV: Port 5 Drive Strength Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name P5DRV[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xFE; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 P5DRV[7:0] 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Drive Strength Configuration Bits for P5.7–P5.0 (respectively). Configures digital I/O Port cells to high or low output drive strength. 0: Corresponding P5.n Output has low output drive strength. 1: Corresponding P5.n Output has high output drive strength. SFR Definition 28.34. P6: Port 6 Bit 7 6 5 4 3 1 0 1 1 1 P6[5:0] Name Type R R Reset 0 0 R/W 1 1 SFR Address = 0xB2; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name Description Unused Read = 00b; Write = Don’t Care 5:0 P6[5:0] Port 6 Data. Sets the Port latch logic value or reads the Port pin logic state in Port cells configured for digital I/O. 1 Write 7:6 208 2 0: Set output latch to logic LOW. 1: Set output latch to logic HIGH. Rev. 1.0 Read 0: P6.n Port pin is logic LOW. 1: P6.n Port pin is logic HIGH. C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.35. P6MDIN: Port 6 Input Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 P6MDIN[5:0] Name Type R R Reset 0 0 R/W 1 1 SFR Address = 0xF7; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:6 Unused 5:0 P6MDIN[5:0] 1 1 Function Read = 00b; Write = Don’t Care Analog Configuration Bits for P6.5–P6.0 (respectively). Port pins configured for analog mode have their weak pullup, digital driver, and digital receiver disabled. 0: Corresponding P6.n pin is configured for analog mode. 1: Corresponding P6.n pin is not configured for analog mode. SFR Definition 28.36. P6MDOUT: Port 6 Output Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 2 1 0 0 0 P6MDOUT[5:0] Name Type R R Reset 0 0 R/W 0 0 SFR Address = 0x9C; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:6 3 Unused 0 0 Function Read = 00b; Write = Don’t Care 5:0 P6MDOUT[5:0] Output Configuration Bits for P6.5–P6.0 (respectively). These bits are ignored if the corresponding bit in register P6MDIN is logic 0. 0: Corresponding P6.n Output is open-drain. 1: Corresponding P6.n Output is push-pull. Rev. 1.0 209 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 28.37. P6DRV: Port 6 Drive Strength Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 P6DRV[5:0] Name Type R R Reset 0 0 R/W 0 0 SFR Address = 0xC1; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:6 Unused 5:0 P6DRV[5:0] 0 0 Function Read = 00b; Write = Don’t Care Drive Strength Configuration Bits for P6.5–P6.0 (respectively). Configures digital I/O Port cells to high or low output drive strength. 0: Corresponding P6.n Output has low output drive strength. 1: Corresponding P6.n Output has high output drive strength. 210 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 29. Cyclic Redundancy Check Unit (CRC0) C8051F70x/71x devices include a cyclic redundancy check unit (CRC0) that can perform a CRC using a 16-bit or 32-bit polynomial. CRC0 accepts a stream of 8-bit data written to the CRC0IN register. CRC0 posts the 16-bit or 32-bit result to an internal register. The internal result register may be accessed indirectly using the CRC0PNT bits and CRC0DAT register, as shown in Figure 29.1. CRC0 also has a bit reverse register for quick data manipulation. 8 CRC0CN CRC0IN Automatic CRC Controller Flash Memory CRC0AUTO CRC0SEL CRC0INIT CRC0VAL CRC0PNT1 CRC0PNT0 CRC0FLIP Write 8 CRC Engine CRC0CNT 32 RESULT 8 8 8 8 4 to 1 MUX 8 CRC0DAT CRC0FLIP Read Figure 29.1. CRC0 Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 211 C8051F70x/71x 29.1. 16-bit CRC Algorithm The C8051F70x/71x CRC unit calculates the 16-bit CRC MSB-first, using a poly of 0x1021. The following describes the 16-bit CRC algorithm performed by the hardware: 1. XOR the most-significant byte of the current CRC result with the input byte. If this is the first iteration of the CRC unit, the current CRC result will be the set initial value (0x0000 or 0xFFFF). 2. If the MSB of the CRC result is set, left-shift the CRC result, and then XOR the CRC result with the polynomial (0x1021). 3. If the MSB of the CRC result is not set, left-shift the CRC result. 4. Repeat at Step 2 for the number of input bits (8). For example, the 16-bit C8051F70x/71x CRC algorithm can be described by the following code: unsigned short UpdateCRC (unsigned short CRC_acc, unsigned char CRC_input){ unsigned char i; // loop counter #define POLY 0x1021 // Create the CRC "dividend" for polynomial arithmetic (binary arithmetic // with no carries) CRC_acc = CRC_acc ^ (CRC_input << 8); // "Divide" the poly into the dividend using CRC XOR subtraction // CRC_acc holds the "remainder" of each divide // Only complete this division for 8 bits since input is 1 byte for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // Check if the MSB is set (if MSB is 1, then the POLY can "divide" // into the "dividend") if ((CRC_acc & 0x8000) == 0x8000) { // if so, shift the CRC value, and XOR "subtract" the poly CRC_acc = CRC_acc << 1; CRC_acc ^= POLY; } else { // if not, just shift the CRC value CRC_acc = CRC_acc << 1; } } return CRC_acc; // Return the final remainder (CRC value) } Table 29.1 lists example input values and the associated outputs using the 16-bit C8051F70x/71x CRC algorithm (an initial value of 0xFFFF is used): Table 29.1. Example 16-bit CRC Outputs 212 Input Output 0x63 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC 0x00, 0x00, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC 0xBD35 0x6CF6 0xB166 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 29.2. 32-bit CRC Algorithm The C8051F70x/71x CRC unit calculates the 32-bit CRC using a poly of 0x04C11DB7. The CRC-32 algorithm is "reflected", meaning that all of the input bytes and the final 32-bit output are bit-reversed in the processing engine. The following is a description of a simplified CRC algorithm that produces results identical to the hardware: 1. XOR the least-significant byte of the current CRC result with the input byte. If this is the first iteration of the CRC unit, the current CRC result will be the set initial value (0x00000000 or 0xFFFFFFFF). 2. Right-shift the CRC result. 3. If the LSB of the CRC result is set, XOR the CRC result with the reflected polynomial (0xEDB88320). 4. Repeat at Step 2 for the number of input bits (8). For example, the 32-bit C8051F70x/71x CRC algorithm can be described by the following code: unsigned long UpdateCRC (unsigned long CRC_acc, unsigned char CRC_input){ unsigned char i; // loop counter #define POLY 0xEDB88320 // bit-reversed version of the poly 0x04C11DB7 // Create the CRC "dividend" for polynomial arithmetic (binary arithmetic // with no carries) CRC_acc = CRC_acc ^ CRC_input; // "Divide" the poly into the dividend using CRC XOR subtraction // CRC_acc holds the "remainder" of each divide // Only complete this division for 8 bits since input is 1 byte for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // Check if the MSB is set (if MSB is 1, then the POLY can "divide" // into the "dividend") if ((CRC_acc & 0x00000001) == 0x00000001) { // if so, shift the CRC value, and XOR "subtract" the poly CRC_acc = CRC_acc >> 1; CRC_acc ^= POLY; } else { // if not, just shift the CRC value CRC_acc = CRC_acc >> 1; } } return CRC_acc; // Return the final remainder (CRC value) } Table 29.2 lists example input values and the associated outputs using the 32-bit C8051F70x/71x CRC algorithm (an initial value of 0xFFFFFFFF is used): Table 29.2. Example 32-bit CRC Outputs Input Output 0x63 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC 0x00, 0x00, 0xAA, 0xBB, 0xCC 0xF9462090 0x41B207B3 0x78D129BC Rev. 1.0 213 C8051F70x/71x 29.3. Preparing for a CRC Calculation To prepare CRC0 for a CRC calculation, software should select the desired polynomial and set the initial value of the result. Two polynomials are available: 0x1021 (16-bit) and 0x04C11DB7 (32-bit). The CRC0 result may be initialized to one of two values: 0x00000000 or 0xFFFFFFFF. The following steps can be used to initialize CRC0. 1. Select a polynomial (Set CRC0SEL to 0 for 32-bit or 1 for 16-bit). 2. Select the initial result value (Set CRC0VAL to 0 for 0x00000000 or 1 for 0xFFFFFFFF). 3. Set the result to its initial value (Write 1 to CRC0INIT). 29.4. Performing a CRC Calculation Once CRC0 is initialized, the input data stream is sequentially written to CRC0IN, one byte at a time. The CRC0 result is automatically updated after each byte is written. The CRC engine may also be configured to automatically perform a CRC on one or more Flash sectors. The following steps can be used to automatically perform a CRC on Flash memory. 1. Prepare CRC0 for a CRC calculation as shown above. 2. Write the index of the starting page to CRC0AUTO. 3. Set the AUTOEN bit in CRC0AUTO. 4. Write the number of Flash sectors to perform in the CRC calculation to CRC0CNT. Note: Each Flash sector is 512 bytes. 5. Write any value to CRC0CN (or OR its contents with 0x00) to initiate the CRC calculation. The CPU will not execute code any additional code until the CRC operation completes. 6. Clear the AUTOEN bit in CRC0AUTO. 7. Read the CRC result using the procedure below. 29.5. Accessing the CRC0 Result The internal CRC0 result is 32-bits (CRC0SEL = 0b) or 16-bits (CRC0SEL = 1b). The CRC0PNT bits select the byte that is targeted by read and write operations on CRC0DAT and increment after each read or write. The calculation result will remain in the internal CR0 result register until it is set, overwritten, or additional data is written to CRC0IN. 214 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 29.1. CRC0CN: CRC0 Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 CRC0SEL CRC0INIT CRC0VAL Name Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x91; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:5 Unused 4 CRC0SEL 1 0 CRC0PNT[1:0] R/W 0 0 Function Read = 000b; Write = Don’t Care. CRC0 Polynomial Select Bit. This bit selects the CRC0 polynomial and result length (32-bit or 16-bit). 0: CRC0 uses the 32-bit polynomial 0x04C11DB7 for calculating the CRC result. 1: CRC0 uses the 16-bit polynomial 0x1021 for calculating the CRC result. 3 CRC0INIT CRC0 Result Initialization Bit. Writing a 1 to this bit initializes the entire CRC result based on CRC0VAL. 2 CRC0VAL CRC0 Set Value Initialization Bit. This bit selects the set value of the CRC result. 0: CRC result is set to 0x00000000 on write of 1 to CRC0INIT. 1: CRC result is set to 0xFFFFFFFF on write of 1 to CRC0INIT. 1:0 CRC0PNT[1:0] CRC0 Result Pointer. Specifies the byte of the CRC result to be read/written on the next access to CRC0DAT. The value of these bits will auto-increment upon each read or write. For CRC0SEL = 0: 00: CRC0DAT accesses bits 7–0 of the 32-bit CRC result. 01: CRC0DAT accesses bits 15–8 of the 32-bit CRC result. 10: CRC0DAT accesses bits 23–16 of the 32-bit CRC result. 11: CRC0DAT accesses bits 31–24 of the 32-bit CRC result. For CRC0SEL = 1: 00: CRC0DAT accesses bits 7–0 of the 16-bit CRC result. 01: CRC0DAT accesses bits 15–8 of the 16-bit CRC result. 10: CRC0DAT accesses bits 7–0 of the 16-bit CRC result. 11: CRC0DAT accesses bits 15–8 of the 16-bit CRC result. Rev. 1.0 215 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 29.2. CRC0IN: CRC Data Input Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name CRC0IN[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x94; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 CRC0IN[7:0] 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function CRC0 Data Input. Each write to CRC0IN results in the written data being computed into the existing CRC result according to the CRC algorithm described in Section 29.1 SFR Definition 29.3. CRC0DATA: CRC Data Output Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name CRC0DAT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xD9; SFR Page = F Bit Name 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function 7:0 CRC0DAT[7:0] CRC0 Data Output. Each read or write performed on CRC0DAT targets the CRC result bits pointed to by the CRC0 Result Pointer (CRC0PNT bits in CRC0CN). 216 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 29.4. CRC0AUTO: CRC Automatic Control Bit 7 6 5 Name AUTOEN CRCCPT Reserved 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 CRC0ST[4:0] R/W Type Reset 0 1 0 0 SFR Address = 0x96; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7 AUTOEN 0 0 Function Automatic CRC Calculation Enable. When AUTOEN is set to 1, any write to CRC0CN will initiate an automatic CRC starting at Flash sector CRC0ST and continuing for CRC0CNT sectors. 6 CRCCPT Automatic CRC Calculation Complete. Set to 0 when a CRC calculation is in progress. Code execution is stopped during a CRC calculation, therefore reads from firmware will always return 1. 5 Reserved 4:0 CRC0ST[4:0] Reserved. Must write 0. Automatic CRC Calculation Starting Flash Sector. These bits specify the Flash sector to start the automatic CRC calculation. The starting address of the first Flash sector included in the automatic CRC calculation is CRC0ST x 512. SFR Definition 29.5. CRC0CNT: CRC Automatic Flash Sector Count Bit 7 6 5 4 Type R R Reset 0 0 1 0 0 0 R/W 0 0 SFR Address = 0x97; SFR Page = F Bit Name 5:0 2 CRC0CNT[5:0] Name 7:6 3 Unused 0 0 Function Read = 00b; Write = Don’t Care. CRC0CNT[5:0] Automatic CRC Calculation Flash Sector Count. These bits specify the number of Flash sectors to include when performing an automatic CRC calculation. The base address of the last flash sector included in the automatic CRC calculation is equal to (CRC0ST + CRC0CNT) x 512. Rev. 1.0 217 C8051F70x/71x 29.6. CRC0 Bit Reverse Feature CRC0 includes hardware to reverse the bit order of each bit in a byte as shown in Figure 29.1. Each byte of data written to CRC0FLIP is read back bit reversed. For example, if 0xC0 is written to CRC0FLIP, the data read back is 0x03. Bit reversal is a useful mathematical function used in algorithms such as the FFT. SFR Definition 29.6. CRC0FLIP: CRC Bit Flip Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name CRC0FLIP[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x95; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 CRC0FLIP[7:0] 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function CRC0 Bit Flip. Any byte written to CRC0FLIP is read back in a bit-reversed order, i.e. the written LSB becomes the MSB. For example: If 0xC0 is written to CRC0FLIP, the data read back will be 0x03. If 0x05 is written to CRC0FLIP, the data read back will be 0xA0. 218 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 30. SMBus The SMBus I/O interface is a two-wire, bi-directional serial bus. The SMBus is compliant with the System Management Bus Specification, version 1.1, and compatible with the I2C serial bus. Reads and writes to the interface by the system controller are byte oriented with the SMBus interface autonomously controlling the serial transfer of the data. Data can be transferred at up to 1/20th of the system clock as a master or slave (this can be faster than allowed by the SMBus specification, depending on the system clock used). A method of extending the clock-low duration is available to accommodate devices with different speed capabilities on the same bus. The SMBus interface may operate as a master and/or slave, and may function on a bus with multiple masters. The SMBus provides control of SDA (serial data), SCL (serial clock) generation and synchronization, arbitration logic, and START/STOP control and generation. The SMBus peripheral can be fully driven by software (i.e., software accepts/rejects slave addresses, and generates ACKs), or hardware slave address recognition and automatic ACK generation can be enabled to minimize software overhead. A block diagram of the SMBus peripheral and the associated SFRs is shown in Figure 30.1. SMB0CN M T S S A A A S A X T T CR C I SMAOK B K T O R L E D QO R E S T SMB0CF E I B E S S S S N N U XMMMM S H S T B B B B M Y H T F CC B OO T S S L E E 1 0 D SMBUS CONTROL LOGIC Arbitration SCL Synchronization SCL Generation (Master Mode) SDA Control Hardware Slave Address Recognition Hardware ACK Generation Data Path IRQ Generation Control Interrupt Request 00 T0 Overflow 01 T1 Overflow 10 TMR2H Overflow 11 TMR2L Overflow SCL Control S L V 5 S L V 4 S L V 3 S L V 2 S L V 1 SMB0ADR SG L C V 0 S S S S S S S L L L L L L L V V V V V V V MMMMMMM 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 SMB0ADM C R O S S B A R N SDA Control SMB0DAT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 S L V 6 SCL FILTER Port I/O SDA FILTER E H A C K N Figure 30.1. SMBus Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 219 C8051F70x/71x 30.1. Supporting Documents It is assumed the reader is familiar with or has access to the following supporting documents: 1. The I2C-Bus and How to Use It (including specifications), Philips Semiconductor. 2. The I2C-Bus Specification—Version 2.0, Philips Semiconductor. 3. System Management Bus Specification—Version 1.1, SBS Implementers Forum. 30.2. SMBus Configuration Figure 30.2 shows a typical SMBus configuration. The SMBus specification allows any recessive voltage between 3.0 V and 5.0 V; different devices on the bus may operate at different voltage levels. The bi-directional SCL (serial clock) and SDA (serial data) lines must be connected to a positive power supply voltage through a pullup resistor or similar circuit. Every device connected to the bus must have an open-drain or open-collector output for both the SCL and SDA lines, so that both are pulled high (recessive state) when the bus is free. The maximum number of devices on the bus is limited only by the requirement that the rise and fall times on the bus not exceed 300 ns and 1000 ns, respectively. VDD = 5V VDD = 3V VDD = 5V VDD = 3V Master Device Slave Device 1 Slave Device 2 SDA SCL Figure 30.2. Typical SMBus Configuration 30.3. SMBus Operation Two types of data transfers are possible: data transfers from a master transmitter to an addressed slave receiver (WRITE), and data transfers from an addressed slave transmitter to a master receiver (READ). The master device initiates both types of data transfers and provides the serial clock pulses on SCL. The SMBus interface may operate as a master or a slave, and multiple master devices on the same bus are supported. If two or more masters attempt to initiate a data transfer simultaneously, an arbitration scheme is employed with a single master always winning the arbitration. It is not necessary to specify one device as the Master in a system; any device who transmits a START and a slave address becomes the master for the duration of that transfer. A typical SMBus transaction consists of a START condition followed by an address byte (Bits7–1: 7-bit slave address; Bit0: R/W direction bit), one or more bytes of data, and a STOP condition. Bytes that are received (by a master or slave) are acknowledged (ACK) with a low SDA during a high SCL (see Figure 30.3). If the receiving device does not ACK, the transmitting device will read a NACK (not acknowledge), which is a high SDA during a high SCL. The direction bit (R/W) occupies the least-significant bit position of the address byte. The direction bit is set to logic 1 to indicate a "READ" operation and cleared to logic 0 to indicate a "WRITE" operation. 220 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x All transactions are initiated by a master, with one or more addressed slave devices as the target. The master generates the START condition and then transmits the slave address and direction bit. If the transaction is a WRITE operation from the master to the slave, the master transmits the data a byte at a time waiting for an ACK from the slave at the end of each byte. For READ operations, the slave transmits the data waiting for an ACK from the master at the end of each byte. At the end of the data transfer, the master generates a STOP condition to terminate the transaction and free the bus. Figure 30.3 illustrates a typical SMBus transaction. SCL SDA SLA6 START SLA5-0 Slave Address + R/W R/W D7 ACK D6-0 Data Byte NACK STOP Figure 30.3. SMBus Transaction 30.3.1. Transmitter Vs. Receiver On the SMBus communications interface, a device is the “transmitter” when it is sending an address or data byte to another device on the bus. A device is a “receiver” when an address or data byte is being sent to it from another device on the bus. The transmitter controls the SDA line during the address or data byte. After each byte of address or data information is sent by the transmitter, the receiver sends an ACK or NACK bit during the ACK phase of the transfer, during which time the receiver controls the SDA line. 30.3.2. Arbitration A master may start a transfer only if the bus is free. The bus is free after a STOP condition or after the SCL and SDA lines remain high for a specified time (see Section “30.3.5. SCL High (SMBus Free) Timeout” on page 222). In the event that two or more devices attempt to begin a transfer at the same time, an arbitration scheme is employed to force one master to give up the bus. The master devices continue transmitting until one attempts a HIGH while the other transmits a LOW. Since the bus is open-drain, the bus will be pulled LOW. The master attempting the HIGH will detect a LOW SDA and lose the arbitration. The winning master continues its transmission without interruption; the losing master becomes a slave and receives the rest of the transfer if addressed. This arbitration scheme is non-destructive: one device always wins, and no data is lost. 30.3.3. Clock Low Extension SMBus provides a clock synchronization mechanism, similar to I2C, which allows devices with different speed capabilities to coexist on the bus. A clock-low extension is used during a transfer in order to allow slower slave devices to communicate with faster masters. The slave may temporarily hold the SCL line LOW to extend the clock low period, effectively decreasing the serial clock frequency. 30.3.4. SCL Low Timeout If the SCL line is held low by a slave device on the bus, no further communication is possible. Furthermore, the master cannot force the SCL line high to correct the error condition. To solve this problem, the SMBus protocol specifies that devices participating in a transfer must detect any clock cycle held low longer than 25 ms as a “timeout” condition. Devices that have detected the timeout condition must reset the communication no later than 10 ms after detecting the timeout condition. When the SMBTOE bit in SMB0CF is set, Timer 3 is used to detect SCL low timeouts. Timer 3 is forced to reload when SCL is high, and allowed to count when SCL is low. With Timer 3 enabled and configured to Rev. 1.0 221 C8051F70x/71x overflow after 25 ms (and SMBTOE set), the Timer 3 interrupt service routine can be used to reset (disable and re-enable) the SMBus in the event of an SCL low timeout. 30.3.5. SCL High (SMBus Free) Timeout The SMBus specification stipulates that if the SCL and SDA lines remain high for more that 50 µs, the bus is designated as free. When the SMBFTE bit in SMB0CF is set, the bus will be considered free if SCL and SDA remain high for more than 10 SMBus clock source periods (as defined by the timer configured for the SMBus clock source). If the SMBus is waiting to generate a Master START, the START will be generated following this timeout. A clock source is required for free timeout detection, even in a slave-only implementation. 30.4. Using the SMBus The SMBus can operate in both Master and Slave modes. The interface provides timing and shifting control for serial transfers; higher level protocol is determined by user software. The SMBus interface provides the following application-independent features: Byte-wise serial data transfers Clock signal generation on SCL (Master Mode only) and SDA data synchronization Timeout/bus error recognition, as defined by the SMB0CF configuration register START/STOP timing, detection, and generation Bus arbitration Interrupt generation Status information Optional hardware recognition of slave address and automatic acknowledgement of address/data SMBus interrupts are generated for each data byte or slave address that is transferred. When hardware acknowledgement is disabled, the point at which the interrupt is generated depends on whether the hardware is acting as a data transmitter or receiver. When a transmitter (i.e., sending address/data, receiving an ACK), this interrupt is generated after the ACK cycle so that software may read the received ACK value; when receiving data (i.e., receiving address/data, sending an ACK), this interrupt is generated before the ACK cycle so that software may define the outgoing ACK value. If hardware acknowledgement is enabled, these interrupts are always generated after the ACK cycle. See Section 30.5 for more details on transmission sequences. Interrupts are also generated to indicate the beginning of a transfer when a master (START generated), or the end of a transfer when a slave (STOP detected). Software should read the SMB0CN (SMBus Control register) to find the cause of the SMBus interrupt. The SMB0CN register is described in Section 30.4.2; Table 30.5 provides a quick SMB0CN decoding reference. 30.4.1. SMBus Configuration Register The SMBus Configuration register (SMB0CF) is used to enable the SMBus Master and/or Slave modes, select the SMBus clock source, and select the SMBus timing and timeout options. When the ENSMB bit is set, the SMBus is enabled for all master and slave events. Slave events may be disabled by setting the INH bit. With slave events inhibited, the SMBus interface will still monitor the SCL and SDA pins; however, the interface will NACK all received addresses and will not generate any slave interrupts. When the INH bit is set, all slave events will be inhibited following the next START (interrupts will continue for the duration of the current transfer). 222 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 30.1. SMBus Clock Source Selection SMBCS1 SMBCS0 SMBus Clock Source 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 Timer 0 Overflow Timer 1 Overflow Timer 2 High Byte Overflow Timer 2 Low Byte Overflow The SMBCS1–0 bits select the SMBus clock source, which is used only when operating as a master or when the Free Timeout detection is enabled. When operating as a master, overflows from the selected source determine the absolute minimum SCL low and high times as defined in Equation 30.1.The selected clock source may be shared by other peripherals so long as the timer is left running at all times. For example, Timer 1 overflows may generate the SMBus and UART baud rates simultaneously. Timer configuration is covered in Section “33. Timers” on page 262. 1 T HighMin = T LowMin = --------------------------------------------f ClockSourceOverflow Equation 30.1. Minimum SCL High and Low Times The selected clock source should be configured to establish the minimum SCL High and Low times as per Equation 30.1. When the interface is operating as a master (and SCL is not driven or extended by any other devices on the bus), the typical SMBus bit rate is approximated by Equation 30.2. f ClockSourceOverflow BitRate = --------------------------------------------3 Equation 30.2. Typical SMBus Bit Rate Figure 30.4 shows the typical SCL generation described by Equation 30.2. Notice that THIGH is typically twice as large as TLOW. The actual SCL output may vary due to other devices on the bus (SCL may be extended low by slower slave devices, or driven low by contending master devices). The bit rate when operating as a master will never exceed the limits defined by equation Equation 30.1. Timer Source Overflows SCL TLow SCL High Timeout THigh Figure 30.4. Typical SMBus SCL Generation Setting the EXTHOLD bit extends the minimum setup and hold times for the SDA line. The minimum SDA setup time defines the absolute minimum time that SDA is stable before SCL transitions from low-to-high. The minimum SDA hold time defines the absolute minimum time that the current SDA value remains stable after SCL transitions from high-to-low. EXTHOLD should be set so that the minimum setup and hold times meet the SMBus Specification requirements of 250 ns and 300 ns, respectively. Table 30.2 shows the min- Rev. 1.0 223 C8051F70x/71x imum setup and hold times for the two EXTHOLD settings. Setup and hold time extensions are typically necessary when SYSCLK is above 10 MHz. Table 30.2. Minimum SDA Setup and Hold Times EXTHOLD 0 1 Minimum SDA Setup Time Tlow – 4 system clocks or 1 system clock + s/w delay* 11 system clocks Minimum SDA Hold Time 3 system clocks 12 system clocks Note: Setup Time for ACK bit transmissions and the MSB of all data transfers. When using software acknowledgement, the s/w delay occurs between the time SMB0DAT or ACK is written and when SI is cleared. Note that if SI is cleared in the same write that defines the outgoing ACK value, s/w delay is zero. With the SMBTOE bit set, Timer 3 should be configured to overflow after 25 ms in order to detect SCL low timeouts (see Section “30.3.4. SCL Low Timeout” on page 221). The SMBus interface will force Timer 3 to reload while SCL is high, and allow Timer 3 to count when SCL is low. The Timer 3 interrupt service routine should be used to reset SMBus communication by disabling and re-enabling the SMBus. SMBus Free Timeout detection can be enabled by setting the SMBFTE bit. When this bit is set, the bus will be considered free if SDA and SCL remain high for more than 10 SMBus clock source periods (see Figure 30.4). 224 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 30.1. SMB0CF: SMBus Clock/Configuration Bit 7 6 5 4 Name ENSMB INH BUSY Type R/W R/W R R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 EXTHOLD SMBTOE SFR Address = 0xC1; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7 ENSMB 3 2 1 0 SMBFTE SMBCS[1:0] R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 Function SMBus Enable. This bit enables the SMBus interface when set to 1. When enabled, the interface constantly monitors the SDA and SCL pins. 6 INH SMBus Slave Inhibit. When this bit is set to logic 1, the SMBus does not generate an interrupt when slave events occur. This effectively removes the SMBus slave from the bus. Master Mode interrupts are not affected. 5 BUSY SMBus Busy Indicator. This bit is set to logic 1 by hardware when a transfer is in progress. It is cleared to logic 0 when a STOP or free-timeout is sensed. 4 EXTHOLD SMBus Setup and Hold Time Extension Enable. This bit controls the SDA setup and hold times according to Table 30.2. 0: SDA Extended Setup and Hold Times disabled. 1: SDA Extended Setup and Hold Times enabled. 3 SMBTOE SMBus SCL Timeout Detection Enable. This bit enables SCL low timeout detection. If set to logic 1, the SMBus forces Timer 3 to reload while SCL is high and allows Timer 3 to count when SCL goes low. If Timer 3 is configured to Split Mode, only the High Byte of the timer is held in reload while SCL is high. Timer 3 should be programmed to generate interrupts at 25 ms, and the Timer 3 interrupt service routine should reset SMBus communication. 2 SMBFTE SMBus Free Timeout Detection Enable. When this bit is set to logic 1, the bus will be considered free if SCL and SDA remain high for more than 10 SMBus clock source periods. 1:0 SMBCS[1:0] SMBus Clock Source Selection. These two bits select the SMBus clock source, which is used to generate the SMBus bit rate. The selected device should be configured according to Equation 30.1. 00: Timer 0 Overflow 01: Timer 1 Overflow 10: Timer 2 High Byte Overflow 11: Timer 2 Low Byte Overflow Rev. 1.0 225 C8051F70x/71x 30.4.2. SMB0CN Control Register SMB0CN is used to control the interface and to provide status information (see SFR Definition 30.2). The higher four bits of SMB0CN (MASTER, TXMODE, STA, and STO) form a status vector that can be used to jump to service routines. MASTER indicates whether a device is the master or slave during the current transfer. TXMODE indicates whether the device is transmitting or receiving data for the current byte. STA and STO indicate that a START and/or STOP has been detected or generated since the last SMBus interrupt. STA and STO are also used to generate START and STOP conditions when operating as a master. Writing a 1 to STA will cause the SMBus interface to enter Master Mode and generate a START when the bus becomes free (STA is not cleared by hardware after the START is generated). Writing a 1 to STO while in Master Mode will cause the interface to generate a STOP and end the current transfer after the next ACK cycle. If STO and STA are both set (while in Master Mode), a STOP followed by a START will be generated. The ARBLOST bit indicates that the interface has lost an arbitration. This may occur anytime the interface is transmitting (master or slave). A lost arbitration while operating as a slave indicates a bus error condition. ARBLOST is cleared by hardware each time SI is cleared. The SI bit (SMBus Interrupt Flag) is set at the beginning and end of each transfer, after each byte frame, or when an arbitration is lost; see Table 30.3 for more details. Important Note About the SI Bit: The SMBus interface is stalled while SI is set; thus SCL is held low, and the bus is stalled until software clears SI. Software ACK Generation When the EHACK bit in register SMB0ADM is cleared to 0, the firmware on the device must detect incoming slave addresses and ACK or NACK the slave address and incoming data bytes. As a receiver, writing the ACK bit defines the outgoing ACK value; as a transmitter, reading the ACK bit indicates the value received during the last ACK cycle. ACKRQ is set each time a byte is received, indicating that an outgoing ACK value is needed. When ACKRQ is set, software should write the desired outgoing value to the ACK bit before clearing SI. A NACK will be generated if software does not write the ACK bit before clearing SI. SDA will reflect the defined ACK value immediately following a write to the ACK bit; however SCL will remain low until SI is cleared. If a received slave address is not acknowledged, further slave events will be ignored until the next START is detected. Hardware ACK Generation When the EHACK bit in register SMB0ADM is set to 1, automatic slave address recognition and ACK generation is enabled. More detail about automatic slave address recognition can be found in Section 30.4.3. As a receiver, the value currently specified by the ACK bit will be automatically sent on the bus during the ACK cycle of an incoming data byte. As a transmitter, reading the ACK bit indicates the value received on the last ACK cycle. The ACKRQ bit is not used when hardware ACK generation is enabled. If a received slave address is NACKed by hardware, further slave events will be ignored until the next START is detected, and no interrupt will be generated. Table 30.3 lists all sources for hardware changes to the SMB0CN bits. Refer to Table 30.5 for SMBus status decoding using the SMB0CN register. 226 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 30.2. SMB0CN: SMBus Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name MASTER TXMODE STA STO ACKRQ ARBLOST ACK SI Type R R R/W R/W R R R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xC0; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Description Read Write 7 MASTER SMBus Master/Slave Indicator. This read-only bit indicates when the SMBus is operating as a master. 0: SMBus operating in slave mode. 1: SMBus operating in master mode. N/A 6 TXMODE SMBus Transmit Mode Indicator. This read-only bit indicates when the SMBus is operating as a transmitter. 0: SMBus in Receiver Mode. 1: SMBus in Transmitter Mode. N/A 5 STA SMBus Start Flag. 0: No Start or repeated Start detected. 1: Start or repeated Start detected. 0: No Start generated. 1: When Configured as a Master, initiates a START or repeated START. 4 STO SMBus Stop Flag. 0: No Stop condition detected. 1: Stop condition detected (if in Slave Mode) or pending (if in Master Mode). 0: No STOP condition is transmitted. 1: When configured as a Master, causes a STOP condition to be transmitted after the next ACK cycle. Cleared by Hardware. 3 ACKRQ SMBus Acknowledge Request. 0: No Ack requested 1: ACK requested N/A 0: No arbitration error. 1: Arbitration Lost N/A 0: NACK received. 1: ACK received. 0: Send NACK 1: Send ACK 2 ARBLOST SMBus Arbitration Lost Indicator. 1 ACK 0 SI SMBus Acknowledge. SMBus Interrupt Flag. 0: No interrupt pending This bit is set by hardware 1: Interrupt Pending under the conditions listed in Table 15.3. SI must be cleared by software. While SI is set, SCL is held low and the SMBus is stalled. Rev. 1.0 0: Clear interrupt, and initiate next state machine event. 1: Force interrupt. 227 C8051F70x/71x Table 30.3. Sources for Hardware Changes to SMB0CN Bit MASTER Set by Hardware When: START is generated. SMB0DAT is written before the start of an SMBus frame. A STOP is generated. Arbitration is lost. A START is detected. Arbitration is lost. SMB0DAT is not written before the start of an SMBus frame. Must be cleared by software. A pending STOP is generated. After each ACK cycle. Each time SI is cleared. TXMODE STA STO ACKRQ ARBLOST ACK SI Cleared by Hardware When: A START is generated. A START followed by an address byte is received. A STOP is detected while addressed as a slave. Arbitration is lost due to a detected STOP. A byte has been received and an ACK response value is needed (only when hardware ACK is not enabled). A repeated START is detected as a MASTER when STA is low (unwanted repeated START). SCL is sensed low while attempting to generate a STOP or repeated START condition. SDA is sensed low while transmitting a 1 (excluding ACK bits). The incoming ACK value is low (ACKNOWLEDGE). A START has been generated. Lost arbitration. A byte has been transmitted and an ACK/NACK received. A byte has been received. A START or repeated START followed by a slave address + R/W has been received. A STOP has been received. The incoming ACK value is high (NOT ACKNOWLEDGE). Must be cleared by software. 30.4.3. Hardware Slave Address Recognition The SMBus hardware has the capability to automatically recognize incoming slave addresses and send an ACK without software intervention. Automatic slave address recognition is enabled by setting the EHACK bit in register SMB0ADM to 1. This will enable both automatic slave address recognition and automatic hardware ACK generation for received bytes (as a master or slave). More detail on automatic hardware ACK generation can be found in Section The registers used to define which address(es) are recognized by the hardware are the SMBus Slave Address register (SFR Definition 30.3) and the SMBus Slave Address Mask register (SFR Definition 30.4). A single address or range of addresses (including the General Call Address 0x00) can be specified using these two registers. The most-significant seven bits of the two registers are used to define which addresses will be ACKed. A 1 in bit positions of the slave address mask SLVM[6:0] enable a comparison between the received slave address and the hardware’s slave address SLV[6:0] for those bits. A 0 in a bit of the slave address mask means that bit will be treated as a “don’t care” for comparison purposes. In this 228 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x case, either a 1 or a 0 value are acceptable on the incoming slave address. Additionally, if the GC bit in register SMB0ADR is set to 1, hardware will recognize the General Call Address (0x00). Table 30.4 shows some example parameter settings and the slave addresses that will be recognized by hardware under those conditions. Table 30.4. Hardware Address Recognition Examples (EHACK = 1) Hardware Slave Address SLV[6:0] Slave Address Mask SLVM[6:0] GC bit Slave Addresses Recognized by Hardware 0x34 0x34 0x34 0x34 0x70 0x7F 0x7F 0x7E 0x7E 0x73 0 1 0 1 0 0x34 0x34, 0x00 (General Call) 0x34, 0x35 0x34, 0x35, 0x00 (General Call) 0x70, 0x74, 0x78, 0x7C SFR Definition 30.3. SMB0ADR: SMBus Slave Address Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name SLV[6:0] GC Type R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xBA; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:1 SLV[6:0] 0 0 0 0 Function SMBus Hardware Slave Address. Defines the SMBus Slave Address(es) for automatic hardware acknowledgement. Only address bits which have a 1 in the corresponding bit position in SLVM[6:0] are checked against the incoming address. This allows multiple addresses to be recognized. 0 GC General Call Address Enable. When hardware address recognition is enabled (EHACK = 1), this bit will determine whether the General Call Address (0x00) is also recognized by hardware. 0: General Call Address is ignored. 1: General Call Address is recognized. Rev. 1.0 229 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 30.4. SMB0ADM: SMBus Slave Address Mask Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name SLVM[6:0] EHACK Type R/W R/W Reset 1 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xBB; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:1 SLVM[6:0] 1 1 1 0 Function SMBus Slave Address Mask. Defines which bits of register SMB0ADR are compared with an incoming address byte, and which bits are ignored. Any bit set to 1 in SLVM[6:0] enables comparisons with the corresponding bit in SLV[6:0]. Bits set to 0 are ignored (can be either 0 or 1 in the incoming address). 0 EHACK Hardware Acknowledge Enable. Enables hardware acknowledgement of slave address and received data bytes. 0: Firmware must manually acknowledge all incoming address and data bytes. 1: Automatic Slave Address Recognition and Hardware Acknowledge is Enabled. 230 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 30.4.4. Data Register The SMBus Data register SMB0DAT holds a byte of serial data to be transmitted or one that has just been received. Software may safely read or write to the data register when the SI flag is set. Software should not attempt to access the SMB0DAT register when the SMBus is enabled and the SI flag is cleared to logic 0, as the interface may be in the process of shifting a byte of data into or out of the register. Data in SMB0DAT is always shifted out MSB first. After a byte has been received, the first bit of received data is located at the MSB of SMB0DAT. While data is being shifted out, data on the bus is simultaneously being shifted in. SMB0DAT always contains the last data byte present on the bus. In the event of lost arbitration, the transition from master transmitter to slave receiver is made with the correct data or address in SMB0DAT. SFR Definition 30.5. SMB0DAT: SMBus Data Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name SMB0DAT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xC2; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function 7:0 SMB0DAT[7:0] SMBus Data. The SMB0DAT register contains a byte of data to be transmitted on the SMBus serial interface or a byte that has just been received on the SMBus serial interface. The CPU can read from or write to this register whenever the SI serial interrupt flag (SMB0CN.0) is set to logic 1. The serial data in the register remains stable as long as the SI flag is set. When the SI flag is not set, the system may be in the process of shifting data in/out and the CPU should not attempt to access this register. Rev. 1.0 231 C8051F70x/71x 30.5. SMBus Transfer Modes The SMBus interface may be configured to operate as master and/or slave. At any particular time, it will be operating in one of the following four modes: Master Transmitter, Master Receiver, Slave Transmitter, or Slave Receiver. The SMBus interface enters Master Mode any time a START is generated, and remains in Master Mode until it loses an arbitration or generates a STOP. An SMBus interrupt is generated at the end of all SMBus byte frames. The position of the ACK interrupt when operating as a receiver depends on whether hardware ACK generation is enabled. As a receiver, the interrupt for an ACK occurs before the ACK with hardware ACK generation disabled, and after the ACK when hardware ACK generation is enabled. As a transmitter, interrupts occur after the ACK, regardless of whether hardware ACK generation is enabled or not. 30.5.1. Write Sequence (Master) During a write sequence, an SMBus master writes data to a slave device. The master in this transfer will be a transmitter during the address byte, and a transmitter during all data bytes. The SMBus interface generates the START condition and transmits the first byte containing the address of the target slave and the data direction bit. In this case the data direction bit (R/W) will be logic 0 (WRITE). The master then transmits one or more bytes of serial data. After each byte is transmitted, an acknowledge bit is generated by the slave. The transfer is ended when the STO bit is set and a STOP is generated. The interface will switch to Master Receiver Mode if SMB0DAT is not written following a Master Transmitter interrupt. Figure 30.5 shows a typical master write sequence. Two transmit data bytes are shown, though any number of bytes may be transmitted. Notice that all of the “data byte transferred” interrupts occur after the ACK cycle in this mode, regardless of whether hardware ACK generation is enabled. Interrupts with Hardware ACK Enabled (EHACK = 1) S SLA W A Data Byte A Data Byte A Interrupts with Hardware ACK Disabled (EHACK = 0) S = START P = STOP A = ACK W = WRITE SLA = Slave Address Received by SMBus Interface Transmitted by SMBus Interface Figure 30.5. Typical Master Write Sequence 232 Rev. 1.0 P C8051F70x/71x 30.5.2. Read Sequence (Master) During a read sequence, an SMBus master reads data from a slave device. The master in this transfer will be a transmitter during the address byte, and a receiver during all data bytes. The SMBus interface generates the START condition and transmits the first byte containing the address of the target slave and the data direction bit. In this case the data direction bit (R/W) will be logic 1 (READ). Serial data is then received from the slave on SDA while the SMBus outputs the serial clock. The slave transmits one or more bytes of serial data. If hardware ACK generation is disabled, the ACKRQ is set to 1 and an interrupt is generated after each received byte. Software must write the ACK bit at that time to ACK or NACK the received byte. With hardware ACK generation enabled, the SMBus hardware will automatically generate the ACK/NACK, and then post the interrupt. It is important to note that the appropriate ACK or NACK value should be set up by the software prior to receiving the byte when hardware ACK generation is enabled. Writing a 1 to the ACK bit generates an ACK; writing a 0 generates a NACK. Software should write a 0 to the ACK bit for the last data transfer, to transmit a NACK. The interface exits Master Receiver Mode after the STO bit is set and a STOP is generated. The interface will switch to Master Transmitter Mode if SMB0DAT is written while an active Master Receiver. Figure 30.6 shows a typical master read sequence. Two received data bytes are shown, though any number of bytes may be received. Notice that the ‘data byte transferred’ interrupts occur at different places in the sequence, depending on whether hardware ACK generation is enabled. The interrupt occurs before the ACK with hardware ACK generation disabled, and after the ACK when hardware ACK generation is enabled. Interrupts with Hardware ACK Enabled (EHACK = 1) S SLA R A Data Byte A Data Byte N P Interrupts with Hardware ACK Disabled (EHACK = 0) S = START P = STOP A = ACK N = NACK R = READ SLA = Slave Address Received by SMBus Interface Transmitted by SMBus Interface Figure 30.6. Typical Master Read Sequence Rev. 1.0 233 C8051F70x/71x 30.5.3. Write Sequence (Slave) During a write sequence, an SMBus master writes data to a slave device. The slave in this transfer will be a receiver during the address byte, and a receiver during all data bytes. When slave events are enabled (INH = 0), the interface enters Slave Receiver Mode when a START followed by a slave address and direction bit (WRITE in this case) is received. If hardware ACK generation is disabled, upon entering Slave Receiver Mode, an interrupt is generated and the ACKRQ bit is set. The software must respond to the received slave address with an ACK, or ignore the received slave address with a NACK. If hardware ACK generation is enabled, the hardware will apply the ACK for a slave address which matches the criteria set up by SMB0ADR and SMB0ADM. The interrupt will occur after the ACK cycle. If the received slave address is ignored (by software or hardware), slave interrupts will be inhibited until the next START is detected. If the received slave address is acknowledged, zero or more data bytes are received. If hardware ACK generation is disabled, the ACKRQ is set to 1 and an interrupt is generated after each received byte. Software must write the ACK bit at that time to ACK or NACK the received byte. With hardware ACK generation enabled, the SMBus hardware will automatically generate the ACK/NACK, and then post the interrupt. It is important to note that the appropriate ACK or NACK value should be set up by the software prior to receiving the byte when hardware ACK generation is enabled. The interface exits Slave Receiver Mode after receiving a STOP. The interface will switch to Slave Transmitter Mode if SMB0DAT is written while an active Slave Receiver. Figure 30.7 shows a typical slave write sequence. Two received data bytes are shown, though any number of bytes may be received. Notice that the ‘data byte transferred’ interrupts occur at different places in the sequence, depending on whether hardware ACK generation is enabled. The interrupt occurs before the ACK with hardware ACK generation disabled, and after the ACK when hardware ACK generation is enabled. Interrupts with Hardware ACK Enabled (EHACK = 1) S SLA W A Data Byte A Data Byte A P Interrupts with Hardware ACK Disabled (EHACK = 0) S = START P = STOP A = ACK W = WRITE SLA = Slave Address Received by SMBus Interface Transmitted by SMBus Interface Figure 30.7. Typical Slave Write Sequence 234 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 30.5.4. Read Sequence (Slave) During a read sequence, an SMBus master reads data from a slave device. The slave in this transfer will be a receiver during the address byte, and a transmitter during all data bytes. When slave events are enabled (INH = 0), the interface enters Slave Receiver Mode (to receive the slave address) when a START followed by a slave address and direction bit (READ in this case) is received. If hardware ACK generation is disabled, upon entering Slave Receiver Mode, an interrupt is generated and the ACKRQ bit is set. The software must respond to the received slave address with an ACK, or ignore the received slave address with a NACK. If hardware ACK generation is enabled, the hardware will apply the ACK for a slave address which matches the criteria set up by SMB0ADR and SMB0ADM. The interrupt will occur after the ACK cycle. If the received slave address is ignored (by software or hardware), slave interrupts will be inhibited until the next START is detected. If the received slave address is acknowledged, zero or more data bytes are transmitted. If the received slave address is acknowledged, data should be written to SMB0DAT to be transmitted. The interface enters slave transmitter mode, and transmits one or more bytes of data. After each byte is transmitted, the master sends an acknowledge bit; if the acknowledge bit is an ACK, SMB0DAT should be written with the next data byte. If the acknowledge bit is a NACK, SMB0DAT should not be written to before SI is cleared (an error condition may be generated if SMB0DAT is written following a received NACK while in slave transmitter mode). The interface exits slave transmitter mode after receiving a STOP. The interface will switch to slave receiver mode if SMB0DAT is not written following a Slave Transmitter interrupt. Figure 30.8 shows a typical slave read sequence. Two transmitted data bytes are shown, though any number of bytes may be transmitted. Notice that all of the “data byte transferred” interrupts occur after the ACK cycle in this mode, regardless of whether hardware ACK generation is enabled. Interrupts with Hardware ACK Enabled (EHACK = 1) S SLA R A Data Byte A Data Byte N P Interrupts with Hardware ACK Disabled (EHACK = 0) S = START P = STOP N = NACK R = READ SLA = Slave Address Received by SMBus Interface Transmitted by SMBus Interface Figure 30.8. Typical Slave Read Sequence 30.6. SMBus Status Decoding The current SMBus status can be easily decoded using the SMB0CN register. The appropriate actions to take in response to an SMBus event depend on whether hardware slave address recognition and ACK generation is enabled or disabled. Table 30.5 describes the typical actions when hardware slave address recognition and ACK generation is disabled. Table 30.6 describes the typical actions when hardware slave address recognition and ACK generation is enabled. In the tables, STATUS VECTOR refers to the four upper bits of SMB0CN: MASTER, TXMODE, STA, and STO. The shown response options are only the typical responses; application-specific procedures are allowed as long as they conform to the SMBus specification. Highlighted responses are allowed by hardware but do not conform to the SMBus specification. Rev. 1.0 235 C8051F70x/71x ARBLOST 0 X 0 0 1000 1 0 ACK STO 0 STA 1100 Typical Response Options ACK ACKRQ 0 Status Vector Mode Master Transmitter Master Receiver 236 1110 Current SMbus State Vector Expected Values to Write Values Read Next Status Table 30.5. SMBus Status Decoding: Hardware ACK Disabled (EHACK = 0) 0 0 X 1100 1 0 X 1110 0 1 X — Load next data byte into SMB0DAT. 0 0 X 1100 End transfer with STOP. 0 1 X — A master data or address byte End transfer with STOP and start 1 1 was transmitted; ACK another transfer. received. Send repeated START. 1 1 X — 0 X 1110 Switch to Master Receiver Mode 0 (clear SI without writing new data to SMB0DAT). 0 X 1000 Acknowledge received byte; Read SMB0DAT. 0 0 1 1000 Send NACK to indicate last byte, 0 and send STOP. 1 0 — Send NACK to indicate last byte, 1 and send STOP followed by START. 1 0 1110 Send ACK followed by repeated START. 1 0 1 1110 Send NACK to indicate last byte, 1 and send repeated START. 0 0 1110 Send ACK and switch to Master Transmitter Mode (write to SMB0DAT before clearing SI). 0 0 1 1100 Send NACK and switch to Master Transmitter Mode (write to SMB0DAT before clearing SI). 0 0 0 1100 A master START was generated. Load slave address + R/W into SMB0DAT. A master data or address byte Set STA to restart transfer. 0 was transmitted; NACK Abort transfer. received. 0 X A master data byte was received; ACK requested. Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x ARBLOST ACK STA STO 0101 ACKRQ 0 0 0 A slave byte was transmitted; No action required (expecting NACK received. STOP condition). 0 0 X 0001 0 0 1 A slave byte was transmitted; Load SMB0DAT with next data ACK received. byte to transmit. 0 0 X 0100 0 1 X A Slave byte was transmitted; No action required (expecting error detected. Master to end transfer). 0 0 X 0001 0 0 X — 0 0 1 0000 If Read, Load SMB0DAT with 0 data byte; ACK received address 0 1 0100 NACK received address. 0 0 0 — If Write, Acknowledge received address 0 0 1 0000 If Read, Load SMB0DAT with 0 Lost arbitration as master; 1 X slave address + R/W received; data byte; ACK received address ACK requested. NACK received address. 0 0 1 0100 0 0 — 1 0 0 1110 0 0 X — Lost arbitration while attempt- No action required (transfer ing a STOP. complete/aborted). 0 0 0 — Acknowledge received byte; Read SMB0DAT. 0 0 1 0000 NACK received byte. 0 0 0 — Current SMbus State Typical Response Options An illegal STOP or bus error 0 X X was detected while a Slave Clear STO. Transmission was in progress. If Write, Acknowledge received address 1 0 X A slave address + R/W was received; ACK requested. Slave Receiver 0010 1 Reschedule failed transfer; NACK received address. 0 A STOP was detected while 0 X addressed as a Slave Transmitter or Slave Receiver. 1 1 X 1 A slave byte was received; 0 X ACK requested. 0001 0000 ACK Status Vector Mode Slave Transmitter 0100 Vector Expected Values to Write Values Read Next Status Table 30.5. SMBus Status Decoding: Hardware ACK Disabled (EHACK = 0) (Continued) Clear STO. Rev. 1.0 237 C8051F70x/71x ACKRQ ARBLOST 0 1 X Lost arbitration while attempt- Abort failed transfer. ing a repeated START. Reschedule failed transfer. 0001 0 1 X Lost arbitration due to a detected STOP. 0000 1 1 X STA STO ACK Typical Response Options ACK Status Vector Mode Bus Error Condition 0010 Current SMbus State Vector Expected Values to Write Values Read Next Status Table 30.5. SMBus Status Decoding: Hardware ACK Disabled (EHACK = 0) (Continued) 0 0 X — 1 0 X 1110 Abort failed transfer. 0 0 X — Reschedule failed transfer. 1 0 X 1110 Lost arbitration while transmit- Abort failed transfer. ting a data byte as master. Reschedule failed transfer. 0 0 0 — 1 0 0 1110 238 ARBLOST 0 0 X 0 0 0 ACK STO 0 STA 1100 Typical Response Options ACK ACKRQ Vector Status Mode Master Transmitter 1110 Current SMbus State Vector Expected Values to Write Values Read Next Status Table 30.6. SMBus Status Decoding: Hardware ACK Enabled (EHACK = 1) 0 0 X 1100 1 0 X 1110 0 1 X — Load next data byte into SMB0DAT. 0 0 X 1100 End transfer with STOP. 0 1 X — End transfer with STOP and start 1 A master data or address byte another transfer. 1 was transmitted; ACK Send repeated START. 1 received. Switch to Master Receiver Mode 0 (clear SI without writing new data to SMB0DAT). Set ACK for initial data byte. 1 X — 0 X 1110 0 1000 A master START was generated. Load slave address + R/W into SMB0DAT. A master data or address byte Set STA to restart transfer. 0 was transmitted; NACK Abort transfer. received. Rev. 1.0 1 C8051F70x/71x Values to Write 0100 0101 STO ACK Next Status 0 Set ACK for next data byte; Read SMB0DAT. 0 0 1 1000 Set NACK to indicate next data byte as the last data byte; Read SMB0DAT. 0 0 0 1000 Initiate repeated START. 1 0 0 1110 Switch to Master Transmitter 0 Mode (write to SMB0DAT before clearing SI). 0 X 1100 Read SMB0DAT; send STOP. 0 1 0 — Read SMB0DAT; Send STOP followed by START. 1 1 0 1110 Initiate repeated START. 1 0 0 1110 0 X 1100 Typical Response Options ACK 1 A master data byte was received; ACK sent. 1000 0 Slave Transmitter 0 Current SMbus State STA Master Receiver 0 ARBLOST ACKRQ Vector Status Mode Values Read A master data byte was 0 received; NACK sent (last byte). Vector Expected Table 30.6. SMBus Status Decoding: Hardware ACK Enabled (EHACK = 1) (Continued) Switch to Master Transmitter 0 Mode (write to SMB0DAT before clearing SI). 0 0 0 A slave byte was transmitted; No action required (expecting NACK received. STOP condition). 0 0 X 0001 0 0 1 A slave byte was transmitted; Load SMB0DAT with next data ACK received. byte to transmit. 0 0 X 0100 0 1 X A Slave byte was transmitted; No action required (expecting error detected. Master to end transfer). 0 0 X 0001 0 0 X — An illegal STOP or bus error 0 X X was detected while a Slave Clear STO. Transmission was in progress. Rev. 1.0 239 C8051F70x/71x Values to Write STA STO ACK Next Status 0 0 1 0000 If Read, Load SMB0DAT with data byte 0 0 X 0100 If Write, Set ACK for first data byte. 0 0 1 0000 0 0 X 0100 1 0 X 1110 0 0 X — Lost arbitration while attempt- No action required (transfer ing a STOP. complete/aborted). 0 0 0 — Set ACK for next data byte; Read SMB0DAT. 0 0 1 0000 Set NACK for next data byte; Read SMB0DAT. 0 0 0 0000 0 0 X — 1 0 X 1110 Abort failed transfer. 0 0 X — ARBLOST If Write, Set ACK for first data byte. ACKRQ 0 A slave address + R/W was 0 X received; ACK sent. Current SMbus State Typical Response Options ACK Vector Status Mode Values Read Bus Error Condition Slave Receiver 0010 240 0 Lost arbitration as master; 1 X slave address + R/W received; If Read, Load SMB0DAT with ACK sent. data byte Reschedule failed transfer 0 A STOP was detected while 0 X addressed as a Slave Transmitter or Slave Receiver. 0 1 X 0001 Vector Expected Table 30.6. SMBus Status Decoding: Hardware ACK Enabled (EHACK = 1) (Continued) Clear STO. 0000 0 0 X A slave byte was received. 0010 0 1 X Lost arbitration while attempt- Abort failed transfer. ing a repeated START. Reschedule failed transfer. 0001 0 1 X Lost arbitration due to a detected STOP. Reschedule failed transfer. 1 0 X 1110 0 X — 0 1 X Lost arbitration while transmit- Abort failed transfer. ting a data byte as master. Reschedule failed transfer. 0 0000 1 0 X 1110 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 31. Enhanced Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0) The Enhanced Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI0) provides access to a flexible, full-duplex synchronous serial bus. SPI0 can operate as a master or slave device in both 3-wire or 4-wire modes, and supports multiple masters and slaves on a single SPI bus. The slave-select (NSS) signal can be configured as an input to select SPI0 in slave mode, or to disable Master Mode operation in a multi-master environment, avoiding contention on the SPI bus when more than one master attempts simultaneous data transfers. NSS can also be configured as a chip-select output in master mode, or disabled for 3-wire operation. Additional general purpose port I/O pins can be used to select multiple slave devices in master mode. SFR Bus SYSCLK SPI0CN SPIBSY MSTEN CKPHA CKPOL SLVSEL NSSIN SRMT RXBMT SPIF WCOL MODF RXOVRN NSSMD1 NSSMD0 TXBMT SPIEN SPI0CFG SCR7 SCR6 SCR5 SCR4 SCR3 SCR2 SCR1 SCR0 SPI0CKR Clock Divide Logic SPI CONTROL LOGIC Data Path Control SPI IRQ Pin Interface Control MOSI Tx Data SPI0DAT SCK Transmit Data Buffer Shift Register Rx Data 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Receive Data Buffer Pin Control Logic MISO C R O S S B A R Port I/O NSS Read SPI0DAT Write SPI0DAT SFR Bus Figure 31.1. SPI Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 241 C8051F70x/71x 31.1. Signal Descriptions The four signals used by SPI0 (MOSI, MISO, SCK, NSS) are described below. 31.1.1. Master Out, Slave In (MOSI) The master-out, slave-in (MOSI) signal is an output from a master device and an input to slave devices. It is used to serially transfer data from the master to the slave. This signal is an output when SPI0 is operating as a master and an input when SPI0 is operating as a slave. Data is transferred most-significant bit first. When configured as a master, MOSI is driven by the MSB of the shift register in both 3- and 4-wire mode. 31.1.2. Master In, Slave Out (MISO) The master-in, slave-out (MISO) signal is an output from a slave device and an input to the master device. It is used to serially transfer data from the slave to the master. This signal is an input when SPI0 is operating as a master and an output when SPI0 is operating as a slave. Data is transferred most-significant bit first. The MISO pin is placed in a high-impedance state when the SPI module is disabled and when the SPI operates in 4-wire mode as a slave that is not selected. When acting as a slave in 3-wire mode, MISO is always driven by the MSB of the shift register. 31.1.3. Serial Clock (SCK) The serial clock (SCK) signal is an output from the master device and an input to slave devices. It is used to synchronize the transfer of data between the master and slave on the MOSI and MISO lines. SPI0 generates this signal when operating as a master. The SCK signal is ignored by a SPI slave when the slave is not selected (NSS = 1) in 4-wire slave mode. 31.1.4. Slave Select (NSS) The function of the slave-select (NSS) signal is dependent on the setting of the NSSMD1 and NSSMD0 bits in the SPI0CN register. There are three possible modes that can be selected with these bits: 1. NSSMD[1:0] = 00: 3-Wire Master or 3-Wire Slave Mode: SPI0 operates in 3-wire mode, and NSS is disabled. When operating as a slave device, SPI0 is always selected in 3-wire mode. Since no select signal is present, SPI0 must be the only slave on the bus in 3-wire mode. This is intended for point-topoint communication between a master and one slave. 2. NSSMD[1:0] = 01: 4-Wire Slave or Multi-Master Mode: SPI0 operates in 4-wire mode, and NSS is enabled as an input. When operating as a slave, NSS selects the SPI0 device. When operating as a master, a 1-to-0 transition of the NSS signal disables the master function of SPI0 so that multiple master devices can be used on the same SPI bus. 3. NSSMD[1:0] = 1x: 4-Wire Master Mode: SPI0 operates in 4-wire mode, and NSS is enabled as an output. The setting of NSSMD0 determines what logic level the NSS pin will output. This configuration should only be used when operating SPI0 as a master device. See Figure 31.2, Figure 31.3, and Figure 31.4 for typical connection diagrams of the various operational modes. Note that the setting of NSSMD bits affects the pinout of the device. When in 3-wire master or 3-wire slave mode, the NSS pin will not be mapped by the crossbar. In all other modes, the NSS signal will be mapped to a pin on the device. See Section “28. Port Input/Output” on page 180 for general purpose port I/O and crossbar information. 31.2. SPI0 Master Mode Operation A SPI master device initiates all data transfers on a SPI bus. SPI0 is placed in master mode by setting the Master Enable flag (MSTEN, SPI0CN.6). Writing a byte of data to the SPI0 data register (SPI0DAT) when in master mode writes to the transmit buffer. If the SPI shift register is empty, the byte in the transmit buffer is moved to the shift register, and a data transfer begins. The SPI0 master immediately shifts out the data serially on the MOSI line while providing the serial clock on SCK. The SPIF (SPI0CN.7) flag is set to logic 242 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 1 at the end of the transfer. If interrupts are enabled, an interrupt request is generated when the SPIF flag is set. While the SPI0 master transfers data to a slave on the MOSI line, the addressed SPI slave device simultaneously transfers the contents of its shift register to the SPI master on the MISO line in a full-duplex operation. Therefore, the SPIF flag serves as both a transmit-complete and receive-data-ready flag. The data byte received from the slave is transferred MSB-first into the master's shift register. When a byte is fully shifted into the register, it is moved to the receive buffer where it can be read by the processor by reading SPI0DAT. When configured as a master, SPI0 can operate in one of three different modes: multi-master mode, 3-wire single-master mode, and 4-wire single-master mode. The default, multi-master mode is active when NSSMD1 (SPI0CN.3) = 0 and NSSMD0 (SPI0CN.2) = 1. In this mode, NSS is an input to the device, and is used to disable the master SPI0 when another master is accessing the bus. When NSS is pulled low in this mode, MSTEN (SPI0CN.6) and SPIEN (SPI0CN.0) are set to 0 to disable the SPI master device, and a Mode Fault is generated (MODF, SPI0CN.5 = 1). Mode Fault will generate an interrupt if enabled. SPI0 must be manually re-enabled in software under these circumstances. In multi-master systems, devices will typically default to being slave devices while they are not acting as the system master device. In multi-master mode, slave devices can be addressed individually (if needed) using general-purpose I/O pins. Figure 31.2 shows a connection diagram between two master devices in multiple-master mode. 3-wire single-master mode is active when NSSMD1 (SPI0CN.3) = 0 and NSSMD0 (SPI0CN.2) = 0. In this mode, NSS is not used, and is not mapped to an external port pin through the crossbar. Any slave devices that must be addressed in this mode should be selected using general-purpose I/O pins. Figure 31.3 shows a connection diagram between a master device in 3-wire master mode and a slave device. 4-wire single-master mode is active when NSSMD1 (SPI0CN.3) = 1. In this mode, NSS is configured as an output pin, and can be used as a slave-select signal for a single SPI device. In this mode, the output value of NSS is controlled (in software) with the bit NSSMD0 (SPI0CN.2). Additional slave devices can be addressed using general-purpose I/O pins. Figure 31.4 shows a connection diagram for a master device in 4-wire master mode and two slave devices. Master Device 1 NSS GPIO MISO MISO MOSI MOSI SCK SCK GPIO NSS Master Device 2 Figure 31.2. Multiple-Master Mode Connection Diagram Master Device MISO MISO MOSI MOSI SCK SCK Slave Device Figure 31.3. 3-Wire Single Master and Single Slave Mode Connection Diagram Rev. 1.0 243 C8051F70x/71x Master Device MISO MISO MOSI MOSI GPIO SCK SCK NSS NSS MISO MOSI Slave Device Slave Device SCK NSS Figure 31.4. 4-Wire Single Master Mode and Slave Mode Connection Diagram 31.3. SPI0 Slave Mode Operation When SPI0 is enabled and not configured as a master, it will operate as a SPI slave. As a slave, bytes are shifted in through the MOSI pin and out through the MISO pin by a master device controlling the SCK signal. A bit counter in the SPI0 logic counts SCK edges. When 8 bits have been shifted through the shift register, the SPIF flag is set to logic 1, and the byte is copied into the receive buffer. Data is read from the receive buffer by reading SPI0DAT. A slave device cannot initiate transfers. Data to be transferred to the master device is pre-loaded into the shift register by writing to SPI0DAT. Writes to SPI0DAT are doublebuffered, and are placed in the transmit buffer first. If the shift register is empty, the contents of the transmit buffer will immediately be transferred into the shift register. When the shift register already contains data, the SPI will load the shift register with the transmit buffer’s contents after the last SCK edge of the next (or current) SPI transfer. When configured as a slave, SPI0 can be configured for 4-wire or 3-wire operation. The default, 4-wire slave mode, is active when NSSMD1 (SPI0CN.3) = 0 and NSSMD0 (SPI0CN.2) = 1. In 4-wire mode, the NSS signal is routed to a port pin and configured as a digital input. SPI0 is enabled when NSS is logic 0, and disabled when NSS is logic 1. The bit counter is reset on a falling edge of NSS. The NSS signal must be driven low at least 2 system clocks before the first active edge of SCK for each byte transfer. Figure 31.4 shows a connection diagram between two slave devices in 4-wire slave mode and a master device. 3-wire slave mode is active when NSSMD1 (SPI0CN.3) = 0 and NSSMD0 (SPI0CN.2) = 0. NSS is not used in this mode, and is not mapped to an external port pin through the crossbar. Since there is no way of uniquely addressing the device in 3-wire slave mode, SPI0 must be the only slave device present on the bus. It is important to note that in 3-wire slave mode there is no external means of resetting the bit counter that determines when a full byte has been received. The bit counter can only be reset by disabling and reenabling SPI0 with the SPIEN bit. Figure 31.3 shows a connection diagram between a slave device in 3wire slave mode and a master device. 244 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 31.4. SPI0 Interrupt Sources When SPI0 interrupts are enabled, the following four flags will generate an interrupt when they are set to logic 1: All of the following bits must be cleared by software. The SPI Interrupt Flag, SPIF (SPI0CN.7) is set to logic 1 at the end of each byte transfer. This flag can occur in all SPI0 modes. The Write Collision Flag, WCOL (SPI0CN.6) is set to logic 1 if a write to SPI0DAT is attempted when the transmit buffer has not been emptied to the SPI shift register. When this occurs, the write to SPI0DAT will be ignored, and the transmit buffer will not be written.This flag can occur in all SPI0 modes. The Mode Fault Flag MODF (SPI0CN.5) is set to logic 1 when SPI0 is configured as a master, and for multi-master mode and the NSS pin is pulled low. When a Mode Fault occurs, the MSTEN and SPIEN bits in SPI0CN are set to logic 0 to disable SPI0 and allow another master device to access the bus. The Receive Overrun Flag RXOVRN (SPI0CN.4) is set to logic 1 when configured as a slave, and a transfer is completed and the receive buffer still holds an unread byte from a previous transfer. The new byte is not transferred to the receive buffer, allowing the previously received data byte to be read. The data byte which caused the overrun is lost. 31.5. Serial Clock Phase and Polarity Four combinations of serial clock phase and polarity can be selected using the clock control bits in the SPI0 Configuration Register (SPI0CFG). The CKPHA bit (SPI0CFG.5) selects one of two clock phases (edge used to latch the data). The CKPOL bit (SPI0CFG.4) selects between an active-high or active-low clock. Both master and slave devices must be configured to use the same clock phase and polarity. SPI0 should be disabled (by clearing the SPIEN bit, SPI0CN.0) when changing the clock phase or polarity. The clock and data line relationships for master mode are shown in Figure 31.5. For slave mode, the clock and data relationships are shown in Figure 31.6 and Figure 31.7. CKPHA should be set to 0 on both the master and slave SPI when communicating between two Silicon Labs C8051 devices. The SPI0 Clock Rate Register (SPI0CKR) as shown in SFR Definition 31.3 controls the master mode serial clock frequency. This register is ignored when operating in slave mode. When the SPI is configured as a master, the maximum data transfer rate (bits/sec) is one-half the system clock frequency or 12.5 MHz, whichever is slower. When the SPI is configured as a slave, the maximum data transfer rate (bits/sec) for full-duplex operation is 1/10 the system clock frequency, provided that the master issues SCK, NSS (in 4wire slave mode), and the serial input data synchronously with the slave’s system clock. If the master issues SCK, NSS, and the serial input data asynchronously, the maximum data transfer rate (bits/sec) must be less than 1/10 the system clock frequency. In the special case where the master only wants to transmit data to the slave and does not need to receive data from the slave (i.e., half-duplex operation), the SPI slave can receive data at a maximum data transfer rate (bits/sec) of 1/4 the system clock frequency. This is provided that the master issues SCK, NSS, and the serial input data synchronously with the slave’s system clock. Rev. 1.0 245 C8051F70x/71x SCK (CKPOL=0, CKPHA=0) SCK (CKPOL=0, CKPHA=1) SCK (CKPOL=1, CKPHA=0) SCK (CKPOL=1, CKPHA=1) MISO/MOSI MSB Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 NSS (Must Remain High in Multi-Master Mode) Figure 31.5. Master Mode Data/Clock Timing SCK (CKPOL=0, CKPHA=0) SCK (CKPOL=1, CKPHA=0) MOSI MSB Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 MISO MSB Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 NSS (4-Wire Mode) Figure 31.6. Slave Mode Data/Clock Timing (CKPHA = 0) 246 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SCK (CKPOL=0, CKPHA=1) SCK (CKPOL=1, CKPHA=1) MOSI MSB Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 MISO MSB Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit 0 NSS (4-Wire Mode) Figure 31.7. Slave Mode Data/Clock Timing (CKPHA = 1) 31.6. SPI Special Function Registers SPI0 is accessed and controlled through four special function registers in the system controller: SPI0CN Control Register, SPI0DAT Data Register, SPI0CFG Configuration Register, and SPI0CKR Clock Rate Register. The four special function registers related to the operation of the SPI0 Bus are described in the following figures. Rev. 1.0 247 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 31.1. SPI0CFG: SPI0 Configuration Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name SPIBSY MSTEN CKPHA CKPOL SLVSEL NSSIN SRMT RXBMT Type R R/W R/W R/W R R R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 SFR Address = 0xA1; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name Function 7 SPIBSY SPI Busy. This bit is set to logic 1 when a SPI transfer is in progress (master or slave mode). 6 MSTEN Master Mode Enable. 0: Disable master mode. Operate in slave mode. 1: Enable master mode. Operate as a master. 5 CKPHA SPI0 Clock Phase. 0: Data centered on first edge of SCK period.* 1: Data centered on second edge of SCK period.* 4 CKPOL SPI0 Clock Polarity. 0: SCK line low in idle state. 1: SCK line high in idle state. 3 SLVSEL Slave Selected Flag. This bit is set to logic 1 whenever the NSS pin is low indicating SPI0 is the selected slave. It is cleared to logic 0 when NSS is high (slave not selected). This bit does not indicate the instantaneous value at the NSS pin, but rather a de-glitched version of the pin input. 2 NSSIN NSS Instantaneous Pin Input. This bit mimics the instantaneous value that is present on the NSS port pin at the time that the register is read. This input is not de-glitched. 1 SRMT Shift Register Empty (valid in slave mode only). This bit will be set to logic 1 when all data has been transferred in/out of the shift register, and there is no new information available to read from the transmit buffer or write to the receive buffer. It returns to logic 0 when a data byte is transferred to the shift register from the transmit buffer or by a transition on SCK. SRMT = 1 when in Master Mode. 0 RXBMT Receive Buffer Empty (valid in slave mode only). This bit will be set to logic 1 when the receive buffer has been read and contains no new information. If there is new information available in the receive buffer that has not been read, this bit will return to logic 0. RXBMT = 1 when in Master Mode. Note: In slave mode, data on MOSI is sampled in the center of each data bit. In master mode, data on MISO is sampled one SYSCLK before the end of each data bit, to provide maximum settling time for the slave device. See Table 31.1 for timing parameters. 248 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 31.2. SPI0CN: SPI0 Control Bit 7 6 5 4 Name SPIF WCOL MODF RXOVRN Type R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 NSSMD[1:0] TXBMT SPIEN R/W R R/W 1 0 0 1 SFR Address = 0xF8; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Function 7 SPIF SPI0 Interrupt Flag. This bit is set to logic 1 by hardware at the end of a data transfer. If SPI interrupts are enabled, an interrupt will be generated. This bit is not automatically cleared by hardware, and must be cleared by software. 6 WCOL Write Collision Flag. This bit is set to logic 1 if a write to SPI0DAT is attempted when TXBMT is 0. When this occurs, the write to SPI0DAT will be ignored, and the transmit buffer will not be written. If SPI interrupts are enabled, an interrupt will be generated. This bit is not automatically cleared by hardware, and must be cleared by software. 5 MODF Mode Fault Flag. This bit is set to logic 1 by hardware when a master mode collision is detected (NSS is low, MSTEN = 1, and NSSMD[1:0] = 01). If SPI interrupts are enabled, an interrupt will be generated. This bit is not automatically cleared by hardware, and must be cleared by software. 4 RXOVRN Receive Overrun Flag (valid in slave mode only). This bit is set to logic 1 by hardware when the receive buffer still holds unread data from a previous transfer and the last bit of the current transfer is shifted into the SPI0 shift register. If SPI interrupts are enabled, an interrupt will be generated. This bit is not automatically cleared by hardware, and must be cleared by software. 3:2 NSSMD[1:0] 1 TXBMT Transmit Buffer Empty. This bit will be set to logic 0 when new data has been written to the transmit buffer. When data in the transmit buffer is transferred to the SPI shift register, this bit will be set to logic 1, indicating that it is safe to write a new byte to the transmit buffer. 0 SPIEN SPI0 Enable. 0: SPI disabled. 1: SPI enabled. Slave Select Mode. Selects between the following NSS operation modes: (See Section 31.2 and Section 31.3). 00: 3-Wire Slave or 3-Wire Master Mode. NSS signal is not routed to a port pin. 01: 4-Wire Slave or Multi-Master Mode (Default). NSS is an input to the device. 1x: 4-Wire Single-Master Mode. NSS signal is mapped as an output from the device and will assume the value of NSSMD0. Rev. 1.0 249 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 31.3. SPI0CKR: SPI0 Clock Rate Bit 7 6 5 4 Name SCR[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xA2; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7:0 SCR[7:0] 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Function SPI0 Clock Rate. These bits determine the frequency of the SCK output when the SPI0 module is configured for master mode operation. The SCK clock frequency is a divided version of the system clock, and is given in the following equation, where SYSCLK is the system clock frequency and SPI0CKR is the 8-bit value held in the SPI0CKR register. SYSCLK f SCK = ---------------------------------------------------------2 SPI0CKR[7:0] + 1 for 0 <= SPI0CKR <= 255 Example: If SYSCLK = 2 MHz and SPI0CKR = 0x04, 2000000 f SCK = ------------------------2 4 + 1 f SCK = 200kHz SFR Definition 31.4. SPI0DAT: SPI0 Data Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name SPI0DAT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xA3; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function SPI0DAT[7:0] SPI0 Transmit and Receive Data. The SPI0DAT register is used to transmit and receive SPI0 data. Writing data to SPI0DAT places the data into the transmit buffer and initiates a transfer when in Master Mode. A read of SPI0DAT returns the contents of the receive buffer. 250 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SCK* T T MCKH MCKL T T MIS MIH MISO MOSI * SCK is shown for CKPOL = 0. SCK is the opposite polarity for CKPOL = 1. Figure 31.8. SPI Master Timing (CKPHA = 0) SCK* T T MCKH MCKL T T MIS MIH MISO MOSI * SCK is shown for CKPOL = 0. SCK is the opposite polarity for CKPOL = 1. Figure 31.9. SPI Master Timing (CKPHA = 1) Rev. 1.0 251 C8051F70x/71x NSS T T SE T CKL SD SCK* T CKH T SIS T SIH MOSI T T SEZ T SOH SDZ MISO * SCK is shown for CKPOL = 0. SCK is the opposite polarity for CKPOL = 1. Figure 31.10. SPI Slave Timing (CKPHA = 0) NSS T T SE T CKL SD SCK* T CKH T SIS T SIH MOSI T SEZ T T SOH SLH MISO * SCK is shown for CKPOL = 0. SCK is the opposite polarity for CKPOL = 1. Figure 31.11. SPI Slave Timing (CKPHA = 1) 252 Rev. 1.0 T SDZ C8051F70x/71x Table 31.1. SPI Slave Timing Parameters Parameter Description Min Max Units Master Mode Timing (See Figure 31.8 and Figure 31.9) TMCKH SCK High Time 1 x TSYSCLK — ns TMCKL SCK Low Time 1 x TSYSCLK — ns TMIS MISO Valid to SCK Shift Edge 1 x TSYSCLK + 20 — ns TMIH SCK Shift Edge to MISO Change 0 — ns Slave Mode Timing (See Figure 31.10 and Figure 31.11) TSE NSS Falling to First SCK Edge 2 x TSYSCLK — ns TSD Last SCK Edge to NSS Rising 2 x TSYSCLK — ns TSEZ NSS Falling to MISO Valid — 4 x TSYSCLK ns TSDZ NSS Rising to MISO High-Z — 4 x TSYSCLK ns TCKH SCK High Time 5 x TSYSCLK — ns TCKL SCK Low Time 5 x TSYSCLK — ns TSIS MOSI Valid to SCK Sample Edge 2 x TSYSCLK — ns TSIH SCK Sample Edge to MOSI Change 2 x TSYSCLK — ns TSOH SCK Shift Edge to MISO Change — 4 x TSYSCLK ns TSLH Last SCK Edge to MISO Change (CKPHA = 1 ONLY) 6 x TSYSCLK 8 x TSYSCLK ns Note: TSYSCLK is equal to one period of the device system clock (SYSCLK). Rev. 1.0 253 C8051F70x/71x 32. UART0 UART0 is an asynchronous, full duplex serial port offering modes 1 and 3 of the standard 8051 UART. Enhanced baud rate support allows a wide range of clock sources to generate standard baud rates (details in Section “32.1. Enhanced Baud Rate Generation” on page 255). Received data buffering allows UART0 to start reception of a second incoming data byte before software has finished reading the previous data byte. UART0 has two associated SFRs: Serial Control Register 0 (SCON0) and Serial Data Buffer 0 (SBUF0). The single SBUF0 location provides access to both transmit and receive registers. Writes to SBUF0 always access the Transmit register. Reads of SBUF0 always access the buffered Receive register; it is not possible to read data from the Transmit register. With UART0 interrupts enabled, an interrupt is generated each time a transmit is completed (TI0 is set in SCON0), or a data byte has been received (RI0 is set in SCON0). The UART0 interrupt flags are not cleared by hardware when the CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine. They must be cleared manually by software, allowing software to determine the cause of the UART0 interrupt (transmit complete or receive complete). SFR Bus Write to SBUF TB8 SBUF (TX Shift) SET D Q TX CLR Crossbar Zero Detector Stop Bit Shift Start Data Tx Control Tx Clock Send Tx IRQ SCON TI Serial Port Interrupt MCE REN TB8 RB8 TI RI SMODE UART Baud Rate Generator Port I/O RI Rx IRQ Rx Clock Rx Control Start Shift 0x1FF RB8 Load SBUF Input Shift Register (9 bits) Load SBUF SBUF (RX Latch) Read SBUF SFR Bus RX Crossbar Figure 32.1. UART0 Block Diagram 254 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 32.1. Enhanced Baud Rate Generation The UART0 baud rate is generated by Timer 1 in 8-bit auto-reload mode. The TX clock is generated by TL1; the RX clock is generated by a copy of TL1 (shown as RX Timer in Figure 32.2), which is not useraccessible. Both TX and RX Timer overflows are divided by two to generate the TX and RX baud rates. The RX Timer runs when Timer 1 is enabled, and uses the same reload value (TH1). However, an RX Timer reload is forced when a START condition is detected on the RX pin. This allows a receive to begin any time a START is detected, independent of the TX Timer state. Timer 1 TL1 UART Overflow 2 TX Clock Overflow 2 RX Clock TH1 Start Detected RX Timer Figure 32.2. UART0 Baud Rate Logic Timer 1 should be configured for Mode 2, 8-bit auto-reload (see Section “33.1.3. Mode 2: 8-bit Counter/Timer with Auto-Reload” on page 265). The Timer 1 reload value should be set so that overflows will occur at two times the desired UART baud rate frequency. Timer 1 may be clocked by one of six sources: SYSCLK, SYSCLK/4, SYSCLK/12, SYSCLK/48, the external oscillator clock/8, or an external input T1. For any given Timer 1 clock source, the UART0 baud rate is determined by Equation 32.1-A and Equation 32.1-B. A) 1 UartBaudRate = --- T1_Overflow_Rate 2 B) T1 CLK T1_Overflow_Rate = ------------------------256 – TH1 Equation 32.1. UART0 Baud Rate Where T1CLK is the frequency of the clock supplied to Timer 1, and T1H is the high byte of Timer 1 (reload value). Timer 1 clock frequency is selected as described in Section “33. Timers” on page 262. A quick reference for typical baud rates and system clock frequencies is given in Table 32.1 through Table 32.2. The internal oscillator may still generate the system clock when the external oscillator is driving Timer 1. Rev. 1.0 255 C8051F70x/71x 32.2. Operational Modes UART0 provides standard asynchronous, full duplex communication. The UART mode (8-bit or 9-bit) is selected by the S0MODE bit (SCON0.7). Typical UART connection options are shown in Figure 32.3. RS-232 LEVEL XLTR RS-232 TX RX C8051xxxx OR TX TX RX RX MCU C8051xxxx Figure 32.3. UART Interconnect Diagram 32.2.1. 8-Bit UART 8-Bit UART mode uses a total of 10 bits per data byte: one start bit, eight data bits (LSB first), and one stop bit. Data are transmitted LSB first from the TX0 pin and received at the RX0 pin. On receive, the eight data bits are stored in SBUF0 and the stop bit goes into RB80 (SCON0.2). Data transmission begins when software writes a data byte to the SBUF0 register. The TI0 Transmit Interrupt Flag (SCON0.1) is set at the end of the transmission (the beginning of the stop-bit time). Data reception can begin any time after the REN0 Receive Enable bit (SCON0.4) is set to logic 1. After the stop bit is received, the data byte will be loaded into the SBUF0 receive register if the following conditions are met: RI0 must be logic 0, and if MCE0 is logic 1, the stop bit must be logic 1. In the event of a receive data overrun, the first received 8 bits are latched into the SBUF0 receive register and the following overrun data bits are lost. If these conditions are met, the eight bits of data is stored in SBUF0, the stop bit is stored in RB80 and the RI0 flag is set. If these conditions are not met, SBUF0 and RB80 will not be loaded and the RI0 flag will not be set. An interrupt will occur if enabled when either TI0 or RI0 is set. MARK SPACE START BIT D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 BIT TIMES BIT SAMPLING Figure 32.4. 8-Bit UART Timing Diagram 256 Rev. 1.0 D7 STOP BIT C8051F70x/71x 32.2.2. 9-Bit UART 9-bit UART mode uses a total of eleven bits per data byte: a start bit, 8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable ninth data bit, and a stop bit. The state of the ninth transmit data bit is determined by the value in TB80 (SCON0.3), which is assigned by user software. It can be assigned the value of the parity flag (bit P in register PSW) for error detection, or used in multiprocessor communications. On receive, the ninth data bit goes into RB80 (SCON0.2) and the stop bit is ignored. Data transmission begins when an instruction writes a data byte to the SBUF0 register. The TI0 Transmit Interrupt Flag (SCON0.1) is set at the end of the transmission (the beginning of the stop-bit time). Data reception can begin any time after the REN0 Receive Enable bit (SCON0.4) is set to 1. After the stop bit is received, the data byte will be loaded into the SBUF0 receive register if the following conditions are met: (1) RI0 must be logic 0, and (2) if MCE0 is logic 1, the 9th bit must be logic 1 (when MCE0 is logic 0, the state of the ninth data bit is unimportant). If these conditions are met, the eight bits of data are stored in SBUF0, the ninth bit is stored in RB80, and the RI0 flag is set to 1. If the above conditions are not met, SBUF0 and RB80 will not be loaded and the RI0 flag will not be set to 1. A UART0 interrupt will occur if enabled when either TI0 or RI0 is set to 1. MARK SPACE START BIT D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 STOP BIT BIT TIMES BIT SAMPLING Figure 32.5. 9-Bit UART Timing Diagram Rev. 1.0 257 C8051F70x/71x 32.3. Multiprocessor Communications 9-Bit UART mode supports multiprocessor communication between a master processor and one or more slave processors by special use of the ninth data bit. When a master processor wants to transmit to one or more slaves, it first sends an address byte to select the target(s). An address byte differs from a data byte in that its ninth bit is logic 1; in a data byte, the ninth bit is always set to logic 0. Setting the MCE0 bit (SCON0.5) of a slave processor configures its UART such that when a stop bit is received, the UART will generate an interrupt only if the ninth bit is logic 1 (RB80 = 1) signifying an address byte has been received. In the UART interrupt handler, software will compare the received address with the slave's own assigned 8-bit address. If the addresses match, the slave will clear its MCE0 bit to enable interrupts on the reception of the following data byte(s). Slaves that weren't addressed leave their MCE0 bits set and do not generate interrupts on the reception of the following data bytes, thereby ignoring the data. Once the entire message is received, the addressed slave resets its MCE0 bit to ignore all transmissions until it receives the next address byte. Multiple addresses can be assigned to a single slave and/or a single address can be assigned to multiple slaves, thereby enabling "broadcast" transmissions to more than one slave simultaneously. The master processor can be configured to receive all transmissions or a protocol can be implemented such that the master/slave role is temporarily reversed to enable half-duplex transmission between the original master and slave(s). Master Device Slave Device Slave Device Slave Device V+ RX TX RX TX RX TX RX TX Figure 32.6. UART Multi-Processor Mode Interconnect Diagram 258 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 32.1. SCON0: Serial Port 0 Control Bit 7 6 Name S0MODE Type R/W Reset 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 MCE0 REN0 TB80 RB80 TI0 RI0 R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x98; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Function 7 S0MODE Serial Port 0 Operation Mode. Selects the UART0 Operation Mode. 0: 8-bit UART with Variable Baud Rate. 1: 9-bit UART with Variable Baud Rate. 6 Unused 5 MCE0 Read = 1b, Write = Don’t Care. Multiprocessor Communication Enable. The function of this bit is dependent on the Serial Port 0 Operation Mode: Mode 0: Checks for valid stop bit. 0: Logic level of stop bit is ignored. 1: RI0 will only be activated if stop bit is logic level 1. Mode 1: Multiprocessor Communications Enable. 0: Logic level of ninth bit is ignored. 1: RI0 is set and an interrupt is generated only when the ninth bit is logic 1. 4 REN0 Receive Enable. 0: UART0 reception disabled. 1: UART0 reception enabled. 3 TB80 Ninth Transmission Bit. The logic level of this bit will be sent as the ninth transmission bit in 9-bit UART Mode (Mode 1). Unused in 8-bit mode (Mode 0). 2 RB80 Ninth Receive Bit. RB80 is assigned the value of the STOP bit in Mode 0; it is assigned the value of the 9th data bit in Mode 1. 1 TI0 Transmit Interrupt Flag. Set by hardware when a byte of data has been transmitted by UART0 (after the 8th bit in 8-bit UART Mode, or at the beginning of the STOP bit in 9-bit UART Mode). When the UART0 interrupt is enabled, setting this bit causes the CPU to vector to the UART0 interrupt service routine. This bit must be cleared manually by software. 0 RI0 Receive Interrupt Flag. Set to 1 by hardware when a byte of data has been received by UART0 (set at the STOP bit sampling time). When the UART0 interrupt is enabled, setting this bit to 1 causes the CPU to vector to the UART0 interrupt service routine. This bit must be cleared manually by software. Rev. 1.0 259 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 32.2. SBUF0: Serial (UART0) Port Data Buffer Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name SBUF0[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x99; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function SBUF0[7:0] Serial Data Buffer Bits 7–0 (MSB–LSB). This SFR accesses two registers; a transmit shift register and a receive latch register. When data is written to SBUF0, it goes to the transmit shift register and is held for serial transmission. Writing a byte to SBUF0 initiates the transmission. A read of SBUF0 returns the contents of the receive latch. 260 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 32.1. Timer Settings for Standard Baud Rates Using The Internal 24.5 MHz Oscillator Internal Osc. SYSCLK from Frequency: 24.5 MHz Target Baud Rate (bps) Baud Rate% Error 230400 115200 57600 28800 14400 9600 2400 1200 –0.32% –0.32% 0.15% –0.32% 0.15% –0.32% –0.32% 0.15% Oscillator Timer Clock Divide Source Factor 106 212 426 848 1704 2544 10176 20448 SCA1–SCA0 (pre-scale select)1 T1M1 Timer 1 Reload Value (hex) XX2 XX XX 01 00 00 10 10 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0xCB 0x96 0x2B 0x96 0xB9 0x96 0x96 0x2B SCA1–SCA0 (pre-scale select)1 T1M1 Timer 1 Reload Value (hex) XX2 XX XX 00 00 00 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0xD0 0xA0 0x40 0xE0 0xC0 0xA0 0xA0 0x40 0xFA 0xF4 0xE8 0xD0 0xA0 0x70 SYSCLK SYSCLK SYSCLK SYSCLK/4 SYSCLK/12 SYSCLK/12 SYSCLK/48 SYSCLK/48 Notes: 1. SCA1–SCA0 and T1M bit definitions can be found in Section 33.1. 2. X = Don’t care. Table 32.2. Timer Settings for Standard Baud Rates Using an External 22.1184 MHz Oscillator SYSCLK from External Osc. SYSCLK from Internal Osc. Frequency: 22.1184 MHz Target Baud Rate (bps) Baud Rate% Error 230400 115200 57600 28800 14400 9600 2400 1200 230400 115200 57600 28800 14400 9600 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Oscillator Timer Clock Divide Source Factor 96 192 384 768 1536 2304 9216 18432 96 192 384 768 1536 2304 SYSCLK SYSCLK SYSCLK SYSCLK / 12 SYSCLK / 12 SYSCLK / 12 SYSCLK / 48 SYSCLK / 48 EXTCLK / 8 EXTCLK / 8 EXTCLK / 8 EXTCLK / 8 EXTCLK / 8 EXTCLK / 8 Notes: 1. SCA1–SCA0 and T1M bit definitions can be found in Section 33.1. 2. X = Don’t care. Rev. 1.0 261 C8051F70x/71x 33. Timers Each MCU includes four counter/timers: two are 16-bit counter/timers compatible with those found in the standard 8051, and two are 16-bit auto-reload timer for use with the ADC, SMBus, or for general purpose use. These timers can be used to measure time intervals, count external events and generate periodic interrupt requests. Timer 0 and Timer 1 are nearly identical and have four primary modes of operation. Timer 2 and Timer 3 offer 16-bit and split 8-bit timer functionality with auto-reload. Additionally, Timer 3 offers the ability to be clocked from the external oscillator while the device is in Suspend mode, and can be used as a wake-up source. This allows for implementation of a very low-power system, including RTC capability. Timer 0 and Timer 1 Modes: 13-bit counter/timer 16-bit counter/timer 8-bit counter/timer with auto-reload Two 8-bit counter/timers (Timer 0 only) Timer 2 Modes: Timer 3 Modes: 16-bit timer with auto-reload 16-bit timer with auto-reload Two 8-bit timers with auto-reload Two 8-bit timers with auto-reload Timers 0 and 1 may be clocked by one of five sources, determined by the Timer Mode Select bits (T1M– T0M) and the Clock Scale bits (SCA1–SCA0). The Clock Scale bits define a pre-scaled clock from which Timer 0 and/or Timer 1 may be clocked (See SFR Definition 33.1 for pre-scaled clock selection). Timer 0/1 may then be configured to use this pre-scaled clock signal or the system clock. Timer 2 and Timer 3 may be clocked by the system clock, the system clock divided by 12, or the external oscillator clock source divided by 8. Timer 0 and Timer 1 may also be operated as counters. When functioning as a counter, a counter/timer register is incremented on each high-to-low transition at the selected input pin (T0 or T1). Events with a frequency of up to one-fourth the system clock frequency can be counted. The input signal need not be periodic, but it should be held at a given level for at least two full system clock cycles to ensure the level is properly sampled. 262 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 33.1. CKCON: Clock Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 Name T3MH T3ML T2MH T2ML T1M T0M SCA[1:0] Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x8E; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 1 0 0 0 Function 7 T3MH Timer 3 High Byte Clock Select. Selects the clock supplied to the Timer 3 high byte (split 8-bit timer mode only). 0: Timer 3 high byte uses the clock defined by the T3XCLK bit in TMR3CN. 1: Timer 3 high byte uses the system clock. 6 T3ML Timer 3 Low Byte Clock Select. Selects the clock supplied to Timer 3. Selects the clock supplied to the lower 8-bit timer in split 8-bit timer mode. 0: Timer 3 low byte uses the clock defined by the T3XCLK bit in TMR3CN. 1: Timer 3 low byte uses the system clock. 5 T2MH Timer 2 High Byte Clock Select. Selects the clock supplied to the Timer 2 high byte (split 8-bit timer mode only). 0: Timer 2 high byte uses the clock defined by the T2XCLK bit in TMR2CN. 1: Timer 2 high byte uses the system clock. 4 T2ML Timer 2 Low Byte Clock Select. Selects the clock supplied to Timer 2. If Timer 2 is configured in split 8-bit timer mode, this bit selects the clock supplied to the lower 8-bit timer. 0: Timer 2 low byte uses the clock defined by the T2XCLK bit in TMR2CN. 1: Timer 2 low byte uses the system clock. 3 T1 Timer 1 Clock Select. Selects the clock source supplied to Timer 1. Ignored when C/T1 is set to 1. 0: Timer 1 uses the clock defined by the prescale bits SCA[1:0]. 1: Timer 1 uses the system clock. 2 T0 Timer 0 Clock Select. Selects the clock source supplied to Timer 0. Ignored when C/T0 is set to 1. 0: Counter/Timer 0 uses the clock defined by the prescale bits SCA[1:0]. 1: Counter/Timer 0 uses the system clock. 1:0 SCA[1:0] Timer 0/1 Prescale Bits. These bits control the Timer 0/1 Clock Prescaler: 00: System clock divided by 12 01: System clock divided by 4 10: System clock divided by 48 11: External clock divided by 8 (synchronized with the system clock) Rev. 1.0 263 C8051F70x/71x 33.1. Timer 0 and Timer 1 Each timer is implemented as a 16-bit register accessed as two separate bytes: a low byte (TL0 or TL1) and a high byte (TH0 or TH1). The Counter/Timer Control register (TCON) is used to enable Timer 0 and Timer 1 as well as indicate status. Timer 0 interrupts can be enabled by setting the ET0 bit in the IE register (Section “21.2. Interrupt Register Descriptions” on page 140); Timer 1 interrupts can be enabled by setting the ET1 bit in the IE register (Section “21.2. Interrupt Register Descriptions” on page 140). Both counter/timers operate in one of four primary modes selected by setting the Mode Select bits T1M1–T0M0 in the Counter/Timer Mode register (TMOD). Each timer can be configured independently. Each operating mode is described below. 33.1.1. Mode 0: 13-bit Counter/Timer Timer 0 and Timer 1 operate as 13-bit counter/timers in Mode 0. The following describes the configuration and operation of Timer 0. However, both timers operate identically, and Timer 1 is configured in the same manner as described for Timer 0. The TH0 register holds the eight MSBs of the 13-bit counter/timer. TL0 holds the five LSBs in bit positions TL0.4–TL0.0. The three upper bits of TL0 (TL0.7–TL0.5) are indeterminate and should be masked out or ignored when reading. As the 13-bit timer register increments and overflows from 0x1FFF (all ones) to 0x0000, the timer overflow flag TF0 in TCON is set and an interrupt will occur if Timer 0 interrupts are enabled. The C/T0 bit in the TMOD register selects the counter/timer's clock source. When C/T0 is set to logic 1, high-to-low transitions at the selected Timer 0 input pin (T0) increment the timer register (Refer to Section “28.3. Priority Crossbar Decoder” on page 185 for information on selecting and configuring external I/O pins). Clearing C/T selects the clock defined by the T0M bit in register CKCON. When T0M is set, Timer 0 is clocked by the system clock. When T0M is cleared, Timer 0 is clocked by the source selected by the Clock Scale bits in CKCON (see SFR Definition 33.1). Setting the TR0 bit (TCON.4) enables the timer when either GATE0 in the TMOD register is logic 0 or the input signal INT0 is active as defined by bit IN0PL in register IT01CF (see SFR Definition 21.7). Setting GATE0 to 1 allows the timer to be controlled by the external input signal INT0 (see Section “21.2. Interrupt Register Descriptions” on page 140), facilitating pulse width measurements TR0 GATE0 INT0 Counter/Timer 0 1 1 1 X 0 1 1 X X 0 1 Disabled Enabled Disabled Enabled Note: X = Don't Care Setting TR0 does not force the timer to reset. The timer registers should be loaded with the desired initial value before the timer is enabled. TL1 and TH1 form the 13-bit register for Timer 1 in the same manner as described above for TL0 and TH0. Timer 1 is configured and controlled using the relevant TCON and TMOD bits just as with Timer 0. The input signal INT1 is used with Timer 1; the INT1 polarity is defined by bit IN1PL in register IT01CF (see SFR Definition 21.7). 264 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x TMOD G A T E 1 T0M Pre-scaled Clock C / T 1 T T 1 1 MM 1 0 G A T E 0 C / T 0 IT01CF T T 0 0 MM 1 0 I N 1 P L I N 1 S L 2 I N 1 S L 1 I N 1 S L 0 I N 0 P L I N 0 S L 2 I N 0 S L 1 I N 0 S L 0 0 0 SYSCLK 1 1 TCLK TR0 TL0 (5 bits) TH0 (8 bits) GATE0 Crossbar INT0 IN0PL TCON T0 TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 Interrupt XOR Figure 33.1. T0 Mode 0 Block Diagram 33.1.2. Mode 1: 16-bit Counter/Timer Mode 1 operation is the same as Mode 0, except that the counter/timer registers use all 16 bits. The counter/timers are enabled and configured in Mode 1 in the same manner as for Mode 0. 33.1.3. Mode 2: 8-bit Counter/Timer with Auto-Reload Mode 2 configures Timer 0 and Timer 1 to operate as 8-bit counter/timers with automatic reload of the start value. TL0 holds the count and TH0 holds the reload value. When the counter in TL0 overflows from all ones to 0x00, the timer overflow flag TF0 in the TCON register is set and the counter in TL0 is reloaded from TH0. If Timer 0 interrupts are enabled, an interrupt will occur when the TF0 flag is set. The reload value in TH0 is not changed. TL0 must be initialized to the desired value before enabling the timer for the first count to be correct. When in Mode 2, Timer 1 operates identically to Timer 0. Both counter/timers are enabled and configured in Mode 2 in the same manner as Mode 0. Setting the TR0 bit (TCON.4) enables the timer when either GATE0 in the TMOD register is logic 0 or when the input signal INT0 is active as defined by bit IN0PL in register IT01CF (see Section “21.3. INT0 and INT1 External Interrupts” on page 146 for details on the external input signals INT0 and INT1). Rev. 1.0 265 C8051F70x/71x TMOD G A T E 1 T0M Pre-scaled Clock C / T 1 T T 1 1 MM 1 0 G A T E 0 C / T 0 IT01CF T T 0 0 MM 1 0 I N 1 P L I N 1 S L 2 I N 1 S L 1 I N 1 S L 0 I N 0 P L I N 0 S L 2 I N 0 S L 1 I N 0 S L 0 0 0 SYSCLK 1 1 T0 TL0 (8 bits) TCON TCLK TR0 Crossbar GATE0 TH0 (8 bits) INT0 IN0PL TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 Interrupt Reload XOR Figure 33.2. T0 Mode 2 Block Diagram 33.1.4. Mode 3: Two 8-bit Counter/Timers (Timer 0 Only) In Mode 3, Timer 0 is configured as two separate 8-bit counter/timers held in TL0 and TH0. The counter/timer in TL0 is controlled using the Timer 0 control/status bits in TCON and TMOD: TR0, C/T0, GATE0 and TF0. TL0 can use either the system clock or an external input signal as its timebase. The TH0 register is restricted to a timer function sourced by the system clock or prescaled clock. TH0 is enabled using the Timer 1 run control bit TR1. TH0 sets the Timer 1 overflow flag TF1 on overflow and thus controls the Timer 1 interrupt. Timer 1 is inactive in Mode 3. When Timer 0 is operating in Mode 3, Timer 1 can be operated in Modes 0, 1 or 2, but cannot be clocked by external signals nor set the TF1 flag and generate an interrupt. However, the Timer 1 overflow can be used to generate baud rates or overflow conditions for other peripherals. While Timer 0 is operating in Mode 3, Timer 1 run control is handled through its mode settings. To run Timer 1 while Timer 0 is in Mode 3, set the Timer 1 Mode as 0, 1, or 2. To disable Timer 1, configure it for Mode 3. 266 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x TMOD G A T E 1 T0M Pre-scaled Clock C / T 1 T T 1 1 MM 1 0 G A T E 0 C / T 0 T T 0 0 MM 1 0 0 TR1 SYSCLK TH0 (8 bits) 1 TCON 0 TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 Interrupt Interrupt 1 T0 TL0 (8 bits) TR0 Crossbar INT0 GATE0 IN0PL XOR Figure 33.3. T0 Mode 3 Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 267 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 33.2. TCON: Timer Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name TF1 TR1 TF0 TR0 IE1 IT1 IE0 IT0 Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x88; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Function 7 TF1 Timer 1 Overflow Flag. Set to 1 by hardware when Timer 1 overflows. This flag can be cleared by software but is automatically cleared when the CPU vectors to the Timer 1 interrupt service routine. 6 TR1 Timer 1 Run Control. Timer 1 is enabled by setting this bit to 1. 5 TF0 Timer 0 Overflow Flag. Set to 1 by hardware when Timer 0 overflows. This flag can be cleared by software but is automatically cleared when the CPU vectors to the Timer 0 interrupt service routine. 4 TR0 Timer 0 Run Control. Timer 0 is enabled by setting this bit to 1. 3 IE1 External Interrupt 1. This flag is set by hardware when an edge/level of type defined by IT1 is detected. It can be cleared by software but is automatically cleared when the CPU vectors to the External Interrupt 1 service routine in edge-triggered mode. 2 IT1 Interrupt 1 Type Select. This bit selects whether the configured /INT1 interrupt will be edge or level sensitive. /INT1 is configured active low or high by the IN1PL bit in the IT01CF register (see SFR Definition 21.7). 0: /INT1 is level triggered. 1: /INT1 is edge triggered. 1 IE0 External Interrupt 0. This flag is set by hardware when an edge/level of type defined by IT1 is detected. It can be cleared by software but is automatically cleared when the CPU vectors to the External Interrupt 0 service routine in edge-triggered mode. 0 IT0 Interrupt 0 Type Select. This bit selects whether the configured INT0 interrupt will be edge or level sensitive. INT0 is configured active low or high by the IN0PL bit in register IT01CF (see SFR Definition 21.7). 0: INT0 is level triggered. 1: INT0 is edge triggered. 268 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 33.3. TMOD: Timer Mode Bit 7 6 Name GATE1 C/T1 Type R/W R/W Reset 0 0 5 4 3 2 T1M[1:0] GATE0 C/T0 T0M[1:0] R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x89; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7 GATE1 1 0 0 0 Function Timer 1 Gate Control. 0: Timer 1 enabled when TR1 = 1 irrespective of INT1 logic level. 1: Timer 1 enabled only when TR1 = 1 AND INT1 is active as defined by bit IN1PL in register IT01CF (see SFR Definition 21.7). 6 C/T1 Counter/Timer 1 Select. 0: Timer: Timer 1 incremented by clock defined by T1M bit in register CKCON. 1: Counter: Timer 1 incremented by high-to-low transitions on external pin (T1). 5:4 T1M[1:0] Timer 1 Mode Select. These bits select the Timer 1 operation mode. 00: Mode 0, 13-bit Counter/Timer 01: Mode 1, 16-bit Counter/Timer 10: Mode 2, 8-bit Counter/Timer with Auto-Reload 11: Mode 3, Timer 1 Inactive 3 GATE0 Timer 0 Gate Control. 0: Timer 0 enabled when TR0 = 1 irrespective of INT0 logic level. 1: Timer 0 enabled only when TR0 = 1 AND INT0 is active as defined by bit IN0PL in register IT01CF (see SFR Definition 21.7). 2 C/T0 Counter/Timer 0 Select. 0: Timer: Timer 0 incremented by clock defined by T0M bit in register CKCON. 1: Counter: Timer 0 incremented by high-to-low transitions on external pin (T0). 1:0 T0M[1:0] Timer 0 Mode Select. These bits select the Timer 0 operation mode. 00: Mode 0, 13-bit Counter/Timer 01: Mode 1, 16-bit Counter/Timer 10: Mode 2, 8-bit Counter/Timer with Auto-Reload 11: Mode 3, Two 8-bit Counter/Timers Rev. 1.0 269 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 33.4. TL0: Timer 0 Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 Name TL0[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x8A; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:0 TL0[7:0] 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Function Timer 0 Low Byte. The TL0 register is the low byte of the 16-bit Timer 0. SFR Definition 33.5. TL1: Timer 1 Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 Name TL1[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x8B; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:0 TL1[7:0] Function Timer 1 Low Byte. The TL1 register is the low byte of the 16-bit Timer 1. 270 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 33.6. TH0: Timer 0 High Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 Name TH0[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x8C; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:0 TH0[7:0] 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Function Timer 0 High Byte. The TH0 register is the high byte of the 16-bit Timer 0. SFR Definition 33.7. TH1: Timer 1 High Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 Name TH1[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x8D; SFR Page = All Pages Bit Name 7:0 TH1[7:0] 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Function Timer 1 High Byte. The TH1 register is the high byte of the 16-bit Timer 1. Rev. 1.0 271 C8051F70x/71x 33.2. Timer 2 Timer 2 is a 16-bit timer formed by two 8-bit SFRs: TMR2L (low byte) and TMR2H (high byte). Timer 2 may operate in 16-bit auto-reload mode or (split) 8-bit auto-reload mode. The T2SPLIT bit (TMR2CN.3) defines the Timer 2 operation mode. Timer 2 can also be used in capture mode to capture rising edges of the Comparator 0 output. Timer 2 may be clocked by the system clock, the system clock divided by 12, or the external oscillator source divided by 8. The external clock mode is ideal for real-time clock (RTC) functionality, where the internal oscillator drives the system clock while Timer 2 (and/or the PCA) is clocked by an external precision oscillator. The external oscillator source divided by 8 is synchronized with the system clock. 33.2.1. 16-bit Timer with Auto-Reload When T2SPLIT (TMR2CN.3) is zero, Timer 2 operates as a 16-bit timer with auto-reload. Timer 2 can be clocked by SYSCLK, SYSCLK divided by 12, or the external oscillator clock source divided by 8. As the 16-bit timer register increments and overflows from 0xFFFF to 0x0000, the 16-bit value in the Timer 2 reload registers (TMR2RLH and TMR2RLL) is loaded into the Timer 2 register as shown in Figure 33.4, and the Timer 2 High Byte Overflow Flag (TMR2CN.7) is set. If Timer 2 interrupts are enabled (if IE.5 is set), an interrupt will be generated on each Timer 2 overflow. Additionally, if Timer 2 interrupts are enabled and the TF2LEN bit is set (TMR2CN.5), an interrupt will be generated each time the lower 8 bits (TMR2L) overflow from 0xFF to 0x00. CKCON T2XCLK SYSCLK / 12 T T T T T T S 3 3 2 2 1 0 C MMMMMMA H L H L 1 S C A 0 TL2 Overflow 0 SYSCLK 1 TCLK TMR2L TMR2H TMR2CN TR2 External Clock / 8 To ADC, SMBus To SMBus 0 1 TF2H TF2L TF2LEN TF2CEN T2SPLIT TR2 T2XCLK TMR2RLL TMR2RLH Reload Figure 33.4. Timer 2 16-Bit Mode Block Diagram 272 Rev. 1.0 Interrupt C8051F70x/71x 33.2.2. 8-bit Timers with Auto-Reload When T2SPLIT is set, Timer 2 operates as two 8-bit timers (TMR2H and TMR2L). Both 8-bit timers operate in auto-reload mode as shown in Figure 33.5. TMR2RLL holds the reload value for TMR2L; TMR2RLH holds the reload value for TMR2H. The TR2 bit in TMR2CN handles the run control for TMR2H. TMR2L is always running when configured for 8-bit Mode. Each 8-bit timer may be configured to use SYSCLK, SYSCLK divided by 12, or the external oscillator clock source divided by 8. The Timer 2 Clock Select bits (T2MH and T2ML in CKCON) select either SYSCLK or the clock defined by the Timer 2 External Clock Select bit (T2XCLK in TMR2CN), as follows: T2MH T2XCLK 0 0 1 0 1 X TMR2H Clock Source SYSCLK / 12 External Clock / 8 SYSCLK T2ML T2XCLK 0 0 1 0 1 X TMR2L Clock Source SYSCLK / 12 External Clock / 8 SYSCLK The TF2H bit is set when TMR2H overflows from 0xFF to 0x00; the TF2L bit is set when TMR2L overflows from 0xFF to 0x00. When Timer 2 interrupts are enabled (IE.5), an interrupt is generated each time TMR2H overflows. If Timer 2 interrupts are enabled and TF2LEN (TMR2CN.5) is set, an interrupt is generated each time either TMR2L or TMR2H overflows. When TF2LEN is enabled, software must check the TF2H and TF2L flags to determine the source of the Timer 2 interrupt. The TF2H and TF2L interrupt flags are not cleared by hardware and must be manually cleared by software. CKCON T T T T T T S 3 3 2 2 1 0 C MMMMMMA H L H L 1 T2XCLK SYSCLK / 12 0 External Clock / 8 1 S C A 0 TMR2RLH Reload To SMBus 0 TCLK TR2 TMR2H TMR2RLL SYSCLK Reload TMR2CN 1 TF2H TF2L TF2LEN TF2CEN T2SPLIT TR2 Interrupt T2XCLK 1 TCLK TMR2L To ADC, SMBus 0 Figure 33.5. Timer 2 8-Bit Mode Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 273 C8051F70x/71x 33.2.3. Comparator 0 Capture Mode The capture mode in Timer 2 allows Comparator 0 rising edges to be captured with the timer clocking from the system clock or the system clock divided by 12. Timer 2 capture mode is enabled by setting TF2CEN to 1 and T2SPLIT to 0. When capture mode is enabled, a capture event will be generated on every Comparator 0 rising edge. When the capture event occurs, the contents of Timer 2 (TMR2H:TMR2L) are loaded into the Timer 2 reload registers (TMR2RLH:TMR2RLL) and the TF2H flag is set (triggering an interrupt if Timer 2 interrupts are enabled). By recording the difference between two successive timer capture values, the Comparator 0 period can be determined with respect to the Timer 2 clock. The Timer 2 clock should be much faster than the capture clock to achieve an accurate reading. This mode allows software to determine the time between consecutive Comparator 0 rising edges, which can be used for detecting changes in the capacitance of a capacitive switch, or measuring the frequency of a low-level analog signal. T2XCLK SYSCLK / 12 0 External Clock / 8 1 CKCON TTTTTTSS 3 3 2 2 1 0CC MMMMMMA A HLHL 1 0 0 TR2 Comparator 0 Output TMR2L TMR2H Capture 1 TF2CEN TMR2RLL TMR2RLH TMR2CN SYSCLK TCLK TF2H TF2L TF2LEN TF2CEN T2SPLIT TR2 T2XCLK Figure 33.6. Timer 2 Capture Mode Block Diagram 274 Rev. 1.0 Interrupt C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 33.8. TMR2CN: Timer 2 Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name TF2H TF2L TF2LEN TF2CEN T2SPLIT TR2 Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T2XCLK SFR Address = 0xC8; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Function 7 TF2H Timer 2 High Byte Overflow Flag. Set by hardware when the Timer 2 high byte overflows from 0xFF to 0x00. In 16 bit mode, this will occur when Timer 2 overflows from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. When the Timer 2 interrupt is enabled, setting this bit causes the CPU to vector to the Timer 2 interrupt service routine. This bit is not automatically cleared by hardware. 6 TF2L Timer 2 Low Byte Overflow Flag. Set by hardware when the Timer 2 low byte overflows from 0xFF to 0x00. TF2L will be set when the low byte overflows regardless of the Timer 2 mode. This bit is not automatically cleared by hardware. 5 TF2LEN Timer 2 Low Byte Interrupt Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables Timer 2 Low Byte interrupts. If Timer 2 interrupts are also enabled, an interrupt will be generated when the low byte of Timer 2 overflows. 4 TF2CEN Timer 2 Comparator Capture Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables Timer 2 Comparator Capture Mode. If TF2CEN is set, on a rising edge of the Comparator0 output the current 16-bit timer value in TMR2H:TMR2L will be copied to TMR2RLH:TMR2RLL. If Timer 2 interrupts are also enabled, an interrupt will be generated on this event. 3 T2SPLIT Timer 2 Split Mode Enable. When this bit is set, Timer 2 operates as two 8-bit timers with auto-reload. 0: Timer 2 operates in 16-bit auto-reload mode. 1: Timer 2 operates as two 8-bit auto-reload timers. 2 TR2 Timer 2 Run Control. Timer 2 is enabled by setting this bit to 1. In 8-bit mode, this bit enables/disables TMR2H only; TMR2L is always enabled in split mode. 1 Unused Read = 0b; Write = Don’t Care. 0 T2XCLK Timer 2 External Clock Select. This bit selects the external clock source for Timer 2. If Timer 2 is in 8-bit mode, this bit selects the external oscillator clock source for both timer bytes. However, the Timer 2 Clock Select bits (T2MH and T2ML in register CKCON) may still be used to select between the external clock and the system clock for either timer. 0: Timer 2 clock is the system clock divided by 12. 1: Timer 2 clock is the external clock divided by 8 (synchronized with SYSCLK). Rev. 1.0 275 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 33.9. TMR2RLL: Timer 2 Reload Register Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name TMR2RLL[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xCA; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function TMR2RLL[7:0] Timer 2 Reload Register Low Byte. TMR2RLL holds the low byte of the reload value for Timer 2. SFR Definition 33.10. TMR2RLH: Timer 2 Reload Register High Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name TMR2RLH[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xCB; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 0 Function 7:0 TMR2RLH[7:0] Timer 2 Reload Register High Byte. TMR2RLH holds the high byte of the reload value for Timer 2. 276 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 33.11. TMR2L: Timer 2 Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name TMR2L[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xCC; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function TMR2L[7:0] Timer 2 Low Byte. In 16-bit mode, the TMR2L register contains the low byte of the 16-bit Timer 2. In 8bit mode, TMR2L contains the 8-bit low byte timer value. SFR Definition 33.12. TMR2H Timer 2 High Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name TMR2H[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xCD; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function TMR2H[7:0] Timer 2 Low Byte. In 16-bit mode, the TMR2H register contains the high byte of the 16-bit Timer 2. In 8bit mode, TMR2H contains the 8-bit high byte timer value. Rev. 1.0 277 C8051F70x/71x 33.3. Timer 3 Timer 3 is a 16-bit timer formed by two 8-bit SFRs: TMR3L (low byte) and TMR3H (high byte). Timer 3 may operate in 16-bit auto-reload mode or (split) 8-bit auto-reload mode. The T3SPLIT bit (TMR3CN.3) defines the Timer 3 operation mode. Timer 3 may be clocked by the system clock, the system clock divided by 12, or the external oscillator source divided by 8. The external clock mode is ideal for real-time clock (RTC) functionality, where the internal high-frequency oscillator drives the system clock while Timer 3 is clocked by an external oscillator source. The external oscillator source divided by 8 is synchronized with the system clock when in all operating modes except suspend. When the internal oscillator is placed in suspend mode, The external clock/8 signal can directly drive the timer. This allows the use of an external clock to wake up the device from suspend mode. The timer will continue to run in suspend mode and count up. When the timer overflow occurs, the device will wake from suspend mode, and begin executing code again. The timer value may be set prior to entering suspend, to overflow in the desired amount of time (number of clocks) to wake the device. If a wake-up source other than the timer wakes the device from suspend mode, it may take up to three timer clocks before the timer registers can be read or written. During this time, the STSYNC bit in register OSCICN will be set to 1, to indicate that it is not safe to read or write the timer registers. 33.3.1. 16-bit Timer with Auto-Reload When T3SPLIT (TMR3CN.3) is zero, Timer 3 operates as a 16-bit timer with auto-reload. Timer 3 can be clocked by SYSCLK, SYSCLK divided by 12, or the external oscillator clock source divided by 8. As the 16-bit timer register increments and overflows from 0xFFFF to 0x0000, the 16-bit value in the Timer 3 reload registers (TMR3RLH and TMR3RLL) is loaded into the Timer 3 register as shown in Figure 33.7, and the Timer 3 High Byte Overflow Flag (TMR3CN.7) is set. If Timer 3 interrupts are enabled (if EIE1.7 is set), an interrupt will be generated on each Timer 3 overflow. Additionally, if Timer 3 interrupts are enabled and the TF3LEN bit is set (TMR3CN.5), an interrupt will be generated each time the lower 8 bits (TMR3L) overflow from 0xFF to 0x00. CKCON T T T T T T S 3 3 2 2 1 0 C MMMMMMA H L H L 1 T3XCLK SYSCLK / 12 0 External Clock / 8 1 S C A 0 To ADC 0 TCLK TMR3L TMR3H TMR3CN TR3 1 SYSCLK TF3H TF3L TF3LEN TF3CEN T3SPLIT TR3 T3XCLK TMR3RLL TMR3RLH Reload Figure 33.7. Timer 3 16-Bit Mode Block Diagram 278 Rev. 1.0 Interrupt C8051F70x/71x 33.3.2. 8-bit Timers with Auto-Reload When T3SPLIT is set, Timer 3 operates as two 8-bit timers (TMR3H and TMR3L). Both 8-bit timers operate in auto-reload mode as shown in Figure 33.8. TMR3RLL holds the reload value for TMR3L; TMR3RLH holds the reload value for TMR3H. The TR3 bit in TMR3CN handles the run control for TMR3H. TMR3L is always running when configured for 8-bit Mode. Timer 3 can also be used in capture mode to capture rising edges of the Comparator 0 output. Each 8-bit timer may be configured to use SYSCLK, SYSCLK divided by 12, or the external oscillator clock source divided by 8. The Timer 3 clock select bits (T3MH and T3ML in CKCON) select either SYSCLK or the clock defined by the Timer 3 External Clock Select bits (T3XCLK in TMR3CN), as follows: T3MH T3XCLK 0 0 1 0 1 X TMR3H Clock Source SYSCLK / 12 External Clock / 8 SYSCLK T3ML T3XCLK 0 0 1 0 1 X TMR3L Clock Source SYSCLK / 12 External Clock / 8 SYSCLK The TF3H bit is set when TMR3H overflows from 0xFF to 0x00; the TF3L bit is set when TMR3L overflows from 0xFF to 0x00. When Timer 3 interrupts are enabled, an interrupt is generated each time TMR3H overflows. If Timer 3 interrupts are enabled and TF3LEN (TMR3CN.5) is set, an interrupt is generated each time either TMR3L or TMR3H overflows. When TF3LEN is enabled, software must check the TF3H and TF3L flags to determine the source of the Timer 3 interrupt. The TF3H and TF3L interrupt flags are not cleared by hardware and must be manually cleared by software. CKCON T T T T T TSS 3 3 2 2 1 0CC MMMMMMA A HLHL 1 0 T3XCLK SYSCLK / 12 TMR3RLH Reload 0 0 1 TCLK TR3 TMR3H 1 TMR3RLL SYSCLK Reload TMR3CN External Clock / 8 TF3H TF3L TF3LEN TF3CEN T3SPLIT TR3 Interrupt T3XCLK 1 TCLK TMR3L To ADC 0 Figure 33.8. Timer 3 8-Bit Mode Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 279 C8051F70x/71x 33.3.3. Comparator 0 Capture Mode The capture mode in Timer 3 allows Comparator 0 rising edges to be captured with the timer clocking from the system clock or the system clock divided by 12. Timer 3 capture mode is enabled by setting TF3CEN to 1 and T3SPLIT to 0. When capture mode is enabled, a capture event will be generated on every Comparator 0 rising edge. When the capture event occurs, the contents of Timer 3 (TMR3H:TMR3L) are loaded into the Timer 3 reload registers (TMR3RLH:TMR3RLL) and the TF3H flag is set (triggering an interrupt if Timer 3 interrupts are enabled). By recording the difference between two successive timer capture values, the Comparator 0 period can be determined with respect to the Timer 3 clock. The Timer 3 clock should be much faster than the capture clock to achieve an accurate reading. This mode allows software to determine the time between consecutive Comparator 0 rising edges, which can be used for detecting changes in the capacitance of a capacitive switch, or measuring the frequency of a low-level analog signal. T3XCLK SYSCLK / 12 0 External Clock / 8 1 CKCON TTTTTTSS 3 3 2 2 1 0 CC MMMMMMA A HLHL 1 0 0 TR3 Comparator 0 Output TMR3L TMR3H Capture 1 TF3CEN TMR3RLL TMR3RLH TMR3CN SYSCLK TCLK TF3H TF3L TF3LEN TF3CEN T3SPLIT TR3 T3XCLK Figure 33.9. Timer 3 Capture Mode Block Diagram 280 Rev. 1.0 Interrupt C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 33.13. TMR3CN: Timer 3 Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 Name TF3H TF3L TF3LEN TF3CEN T3SPLIT TR3 Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x91; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 1 0 T3XCLK Function 7 TF3H Timer 3 High Byte Overflow Flag. Set by hardware when the Timer 3 high byte overflows from 0xFF to 0x00. In 16 bit mode, this will occur when Timer 3 overflows from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. When the Timer 3 interrupt is enabled, setting this bit causes the CPU to vector to the Timer 3 interrupt service routine. This bit is not automatically cleared by hardware. 6 TF3L Timer 3 Low Byte Overflow Flag. Set by hardware when the Timer 3 low byte overflows from 0xFF to 0x00. TF3L will be set when the low byte overflows regardless of the Timer 3 mode. This bit is not automatically cleared by hardware. 5 TF3LEN Timer 3 Low Byte Interrupt Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables Timer 3 Low Byte interrupts. If Timer 3 interrupts are also enabled, an interrupt will be generated when the low byte of Timer 3 overflows. 4 TF3CEN Timer 3 Comparator Capture Enable. When set to 1, this bit enables Timer 3 Comparator Capture Mode. If TF3CEN is set, on a rising edge of the Comparator0 output the current 16-bit timer value in TMR3H:TMR3L will be copied to TMR3RLH:TMR3RLL. If Timer 3 interrupts are also enabled, an interrupt will be generated on this event. 3 T3SPLIT Timer 3 Split Mode Enable. When this bit is set, Timer 3 operates as two 8-bit timers with auto-reload. 0: Timer 3 operates in 16-bit auto-reload mode. 1: Timer 3 operates as two 8-bit auto-reload timers. 2 TR3 1 Unused Read = 0b; Write = Don’t Care. 0 T3XCLK Timer 3 External Clock Select. This bit selects the external clock source for Timer 3. If Timer 3 is in 8-bit mode, this bit selects the external oscillator clock source for both timer bytes. However, the Timer 3 Clock Select bits (T3MH and T3ML in register CKCON) may still be used to select between the external clock and the system clock for either timer. 0: System clock divided by 12. 1: External clock divided by 8 (synchronized with SYSCLK when not in suspend). Timer 3 Run Control. Timer 3 is enabled by setting this bit to 1. In 8-bit mode, this bit enables/disables TMR3H only; TMR3L is always enabled in split mode. Rev. 1.0 281 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 33.14. TMR3RLL: Timer 3 Reload Register Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name TMR3RLL[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x92; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 2 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function TMR3RLL[7:0] Timer 3 Reload Register Low Byte. TMR3RLL holds the low byte of the reload value for Timer 3. SFR Definition 33.15. TMR3RLH: Timer 3 Reload Register High Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name TMR3RLH[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x93; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 0 Function 7:0 TMR3RLH[7:0] Timer 3 Reload Register High Byte. TMR3RLH holds the high byte of the reload value for Timer 3. 282 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 33.16. TMR3L: Timer 3 Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name TMR3L[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x94; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 TMR3L[7:0] 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Timer 3 Low Byte. In 16-bit mode, the TMR3L register contains the low byte of the 16-bit Timer 3. In 8-bit mode, TMR3L contains the 8-bit low byte timer value. SFR Definition 33.17. TMR3H Timer 3 High Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name TMR3H[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0x95; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 TMR3H[7:0] 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function Timer 3 High Byte. In 16-bit mode, the TMR3H register contains the high byte of the 16-bit Timer 3. In 8-bit mode, TMR3H contains the 8-bit high byte timer value. Rev. 1.0 283 C8051F70x/71x 34. Programmable Counter Array The Programmable Counter Array (PCA0) provides enhanced timer functionality while requiring less CPU intervention than the standard 8051 counter/timers. The PCA consists of a dedicated 16-bit counter/timer and three 16-bit capture/compare modules. Each capture/compare module has its own associated I/O line (CEXn) which is routed through the Crossbar to Port I/O when enabled. The counter/timer is driven by a programmable timebase that can select between seven sources: system clock, system clock divided by four, system clock divided by twelve, the external oscillator clock source divided by 8, Timer 0 overflows, or an external clock signal on the ECI input pin. Each capture/compare module may be configured to operate independently in one of six modes: Edge-Triggered Capture, Software Timer, High-Speed Output, Frequency Output, 8 to 11-Bit PWM, or 16-Bit PWM (each mode is described in Section “34.3. Capture/Compare Modules” on page 286). The external oscillator clock option is ideal for real-time clock (RTC) functionality, allowing the PCA to be clocked by a precision external oscillator while the internal oscillator drives the system clock. The PCA is configured and controlled through the system controller's Special Function Registers. The PCA block diagram is shown in Figure 34.1 SYSCLK/12 SYSCLK/4 Timer 0 Overflow ECI PCA CLOCK MUX 16-Bit Counter/Timer SYSCLK External Clock/8 Capture/Compare Module 0 Capture/Compare Module 1 Capture/Compare Module 2 Port I/O Figure 34.1. PCA Block Diagram 284 Rev. 1.0 CEX2 CEX1 CEX0 ECI Crossbar C8051F70x/71x 34.1. PCA Counter/Timer The 16-bit PCA counter/timer consists of two 8-bit SFRs: PCA0L and PCA0H. PCA0H is the high byte (MSB) of the 16-bit counter/timer and PCA0L is the low byte (LSB). Reading PCA0L automatically latches the value of PCA0H into a “snapshot” register; the following PCA0H read accesses this “snapshot” register. Reading the PCA0L Register first guarantees an accurate reading of the entire 16-bit PCA0 counter. Reading PCA0H or PCA0L does not disturb the counter operation. The CPS2–CPS0 bits in the PCA0MD register select the timebase for the counter/timer as shown in Table 34.1. When the counter/timer overflows from 0xFFFF to 0x0000, the Counter Overflow Flag (CF) in PCA0MD is set to logic 1 and an interrupt request is generated if CF interrupts are enabled. Setting the ECF bit in PCA0MD to logic 1 enables the CF flag to generate an interrupt request. The CF bit is not automatically cleared by hardware when the CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine, and must be cleared by software. Clearing the CIDL bit in the PCA0MD register allows the PCA to continue normal operation while the CPU is in Idle mode. Table 34.1. PCA Timebase Input Options CPS2 CPS1 CPS0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 x Timebase System clock divided by 12 System clock divided by 4 Timer 0 overflow High-to-low transitions on ECI (max rate = system clock divided by 4) System clock External oscillator source divided by 8* Reserved Note: External oscillator source divided by 8 is synchronized with the system clock. IDLE PCA0MD C I D L CCCE PPPC SSSF 2 1 0 PCA0CN CC FR CCC CCC FFF 2 1 0 To SFR Bus PCA0L read Snapshot Register SYSCLK/12 SYSCLK/4 Timer 0 Overflow ECI SYSCLK External Clock/8 000 001 010 0 011 1 PCA0H PCA0L Overflow To PCA Interrupt System CF 100 101 To PCA Modules Figure 34.2. PCA Counter/Timer Block Diagram Rev. 1.0 285 C8051F70x/71x 34.2. PCA0 Interrupt Sources Figure 34.3 shows a diagram of the PCA interrupt tree. There are eight independent event flags that can be used to generate a PCA0 interrupt. They are: the main PCA counter overflow flag (CF), which is set upon a 16-bit overflow of the PCA0 counter, an intermediate overflow flag (COVF), which can be set on an overflow from the 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th bit of the PCA0 counter, and the individual flags for each PCA channel (CCF0, CCF1, and CCF2), which are set according to the operation mode of that module. These event flags are always set when the trigger condition occurs. Each of these flags can be individually selected to generate a PCA0 interrupt, using the corresponding interrupt enable flag (ECF for CF, ECOV for COVF, and ECCFn for each CCFn). PCA0 interrupts must be globally enabled before any individual interrupt sources are recognized by the processor. PCA0 interrupts are globally enabled by setting the EA bit and the EPCA0 bit to logic 1. (for n = 0 to 2) PCA0CPMn P ECCMT P E WC A A A O W C MO P P T G M C 1 MP N n n n F 6 n n n n n PCA0CN CC FR CCC CCC FFF 2 1 0 PCA0MD C I D L PCA0PWM ACE ROC S VO E FV L CCCE PPPC SSSF 2 1 0 C L S E L 1 PCA Counter/Timer 8, 9, 10 or 11-bit Overflow C L S E L 0 Set 8, 9, 10, or 11 bit Operation 0 PCA Counter/Timer 16bit Overflow 0 1 1 ECCF0 PCA Module 0 (CCF0) EPCA0 EA 0 0 0 1 1 1 Interrupt Priority Decoder ECCF1 0 PCA Module 1 (CCF1) 1 ECCF2 0 PCA Module 2 (CCF2) 1 Figure 34.3. PCA Interrupt Block Diagram 34.3. Capture/Compare Modules Each module can be configured to operate independently in one of six operation modes: Edge-triggered Capture, Software Timer, High Speed Output, Frequency Output, 8 to 11-Bit Pulse Width Modulator, or 16Bit Pulse Width Modulator. Each module has Special Function Registers (SFRs) associated with it in the CIP-51 system controller. These registers are used to exchange data with a module and configure the module's mode of operation. Table 34.2 summarizes the bit settings in the PCA0CPMn and PCA0PWM registers used to select the PCA capture/compare module’s operating mode. All modules set to use 8, 9, 10, or 11-bit PWM mode must use the same cycle length (8-11 bits). Setting the ECCFn bit in a PCA0CPMn register enables the module's CCFn interrupt. 286 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x Table 34.2. PCA0CPM and PCA0PWM Bit Settings for PCA Modules Operational Mode PCA0CPMn Bit Number Capture triggered by positive edge on CEXn Capture triggered by negative edge on CEXn Capture triggered by any transition on CEXn Software Timer High Speed Output Frequency Output 8-Bit Pulse Width Modulator (Note 7) 9-Bit Pulse Width Modulator (Note 7) 10-Bit Pulse Width Modulator (Note 7) 11-Bit Pulse Width Modulator (Note 7) 16-Bit Pulse Width Modulator PCA0PWM 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 X X X X X X 0 0 0 0 1 X X X C C C C C C C C 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 E E E E E 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 A A A A A A A A A A A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D D 0 X X X X X X X X X X X B B B B B B B B B B B 4:2 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 1:0 XX XX XX XX XX XX 00 01 10 11 XX Notes: 1. X = Don’t Care (no functional difference for individual module if 1 or 0). 2. A = Enable interrupts for this module (PCA interrupt triggered on CCFn set to 1). 3. B = Enable 8th, 9th, 10th or 11th bit overflow interrupt (Depends on setting of CLSEL[1:0]). 4. C = When set to 0, the digital comparator is off. For high speed and frequency output modes, the associated pin will not toggle. In any of the PWM modes, this generates a 0% duty cycle (output = 0). 5. D = Selects whether the Capture/Compare register (0) or the Auto-Reload register (1) for the associated channel is accessed via addresses PCA0CPHn and PCA0CPLn. 6. E = When set, a match event will cause the CCFn flag for the associated channel to be set. 7. All modules set to 8, 9, 10 or 11-bit PWM mode use the same cycle length setting. Rev. 1.0 287 C8051F70x/71x 34.3.1. Edge-triggered Capture Mode In this mode, a valid transition on the CEXn pin causes the PCA to capture the value of the PCA counter/timer and load it into the corresponding module's 16-bit capture/compare register (PCA0CPLn and PCA0CPHn). The CAPPn and CAPNn bits in the PCA0CPMn register are used to select the type of transition that triggers the capture: low-to-high transition (positive edge), high-to-low transition (negative edge), or either transition (positive or negative edge). When a capture occurs, the Capture/Compare Flag (CCFn) in PCA0CN is set to logic 1. An interrupt request is generated if the CCFn interrupt for that module is enabled. The CCFn bit is not automatically cleared by hardware when the CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine, and must be cleared by software. If both CAPPn and CAPNn bits are set to logic 1, then the state of the Port pin associated with CEXn can be read directly to determine whether a rising-edge or falling-edge caused the capture. PCA Interrupt PCA0CPMn P ECCMT P E WC A A A O W C MO P P T G M C 1 MP N n n n F 6 n n n n n 0 0 0 x 0 Port I/O Crossbar CEXn CCC CCC FFF 2 1 0 (to CCFn) x x PCA0CN CC FR 1 PCA0CPLn PCA0CPHn Capture 0 1 PCA Timebase PCA0L PCA0H Figure 34.4. PCA Capture Mode Diagram Note: The CEXn input signal must remain high or low for at least 2 system clock cycles to be recognized by the hardware. 288 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 34.3.2. Software Timer (Compare) Mode In Software Timer mode, the PCA counter/timer value is compared to the module's 16-bit capture/compare register (PCA0CPHn and PCA0CPLn). When a match occurs, the Capture/Compare Flag (CCFn) in PCA0CN is set to logic 1. An interrupt request is generated if the CCFn interrupt for that module is enabled. The CCFn bit is not automatically cleared by hardware when the CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine, and must be cleared by software. Setting the ECOMn and MATn bits in the PCA0CPMn register enables Software Timer mode. Important Note About Capture/Compare Registers: When writing a 16-bit value to the PCA0 Capture/Compare registers, the low byte should always be written first. Writing to PCA0CPLn clears the ECOMn bit to 0; writing to PCA0CPHn sets ECOMn to 1. Write to PCA0CPLn 0 ENB Reset Write to PCA0CPHn PCA Interrupt ENB 1 PCA0CPMn P ECCMT P E WC A A A O W C MO P P T G M C 1 MP N n n n F 6 n n n n n x 0 0 PCA0CN PCA0CPLn CC FR PCA0CPHn CCC CCC FFF 2 1 0 0 0 x Enable 16-bit Comparator PCA Timebase PCA0L Match 0 1 PCA0H Figure 34.5. PCA Software Timer Mode Diagram Rev. 1.0 289 C8051F70x/71x 34.3.3. High-Speed Output Mode In High-Speed Output mode, a module’s associated CEXn pin is toggled each time a match occurs between the PCA Counter and the module's 16-bit capture/compare register (PCA0CPHn and PCA0CPLn). When a match occurs, the Capture/Compare Flag (CCFn) in PCA0CN is set to logic 1. An interrupt request is generated if the CCFn interrupt for that module is enabled. The CCFn bit is not automatically cleared by hardware when the CPU vectors to the interrupt service routine, and must be cleared by software. Setting the TOGn, MATn, and ECOMn bits in the PCA0CPMn register enables the HighSpeed Output mode. If ECOMn is cleared, the associated pin will retain its state, and not toggle on the next match event. Important Note About Capture/Compare Registers: When writing a 16-bit value to the PCA0 Capture/Compare registers, the low byte should always be written first. Writing to PCA0CPLn clears the ECOMn bit to 0; writing to PCA0CPHn sets ECOMn to 1. Write to PCA0CPLn 0 ENB Reset Write to PCA0CPHn PCA0CPMn P ECCMT P E WC A A A O W C MO P P T G M C 1 MP N n n n F 6 n n n n n ENB 1 x 0 0 0 x PCA Interrupt PCA0CN PCA0CPLn Enable CC FR PCA0CPHn 16-bit Comparator Match CCC CCC FFF 2 1 0 0 1 TOGn Toggle PCA Timebase 0 CEXn 1 PCA0L PCA0H Figure 34.6. PCA High-Speed Output Mode Diagram 290 Rev. 1.0 Crossbar Port I/O C8051F70x/71x 34.3.4. Frequency Output Mode Frequency Output Mode produces a programmable-frequency square wave on the module’s associated CEXn pin. The capture/compare module high byte holds the number of PCA clocks to count before the output is toggled. The frequency of the square wave is then defined by Equation 34.1. F PCA F CEXn = ---------------------------------------2 PCA0CPHn Note: A value of 0x00 in the PCA0CPHn register is equal to 256 for this equation. Equation 34.1. Square Wave Frequency Output Where FPCA is the frequency of the clock selected by the CPS2–0 bits in the PCA mode register, PCA0MD. The lower byte of the capture/compare module is compared to the PCA counter low byte; on a match, CEXn is toggled and the offset held in the high byte is added to the matched value in PCA0CPLn. Frequency Output Mode is enabled by setting the ECOMn, TOGn, and PWMn bits in the PCA0CPMn register. The MATn bit should normally be set to 0 in this mode. If the MATn bit is set to 1, the CCFn flag for the channel will be set when the 16-bit PCA0 counter and the 16-bit capture/compare register for the channel are equal. Write to PCA0CPLn 0 ENB Reset PCA0CPMn Write to PCA0CPHn ENB 1 P ECCMT P E WC A A A O W C MO P P T G M C 1 MPN n n n F 6 n n n n n x 0 0 0 PCA0CPLn 8-bit Adder PCA0CPHn Adder Enable TOGn Toggle x Enable PCA Timebase 8-bit Comparator match 0 CEXn 1 Crossbar Port I/O PCA0L Figure 34.7. PCA Frequency Output Mode Rev. 1.0 291 C8051F70x/71x 34.3.5. 8-bit, 9-bit, 10-bit and 11-bit Pulse Width Modulator Modes Each module can be used independently to generate a pulse width modulated (PWM) output on its associated CEXn pin. The frequency of the output is dependent on the timebase for the PCA counter/timer, and the setting of the PWM cycle length (8, 9, 10 or 11-bits). For backwards-compatibility with the 8-bit PWM mode available on other devices, the 8-bit PWM mode operates slightly different than 9, 10 and 11-bit PWM modes. It is important to note that all channels configured for 8/9/10/11-bit PWM mode will use the same cycle length. It is not possible to configure one channel for 8-bit PWM mode and another for 11bit mode (for example). However, other PCA channels can be configured to Pin Capture, High-Speed Output, Software Timer, Frequency Output, or 16-bit PWM mode independently. 8-bit Pulse Width Modulator Mode The duty cycle of the PWM output signal in 8-bit PWM mode is varied using the module's PCA0CPLn capture/compare register. When the value in the low byte of the PCA counter/timer (PCA0L) is equal to the value in PCA0CPLn, the output on the CEXn pin will be set. When the count value in PCA0L overflows, the CEXn output will be reset (see Figure 34.8). Also, when the counter/timer low byte (PCA0L) overflows from 0xFF to 0x00, PCA0CPLn is reloaded automatically with the value stored in the module’s capture/compare high byte (PCA0CPHn) without software intervention. Setting the ECOMn and PWMn bits in the PCA0CPMn register, and setting the CLSEL bits in register PCA0PWM to 00b enables 8-Bit Pulse Width Modulator mode. If the MATn bit is set to 1, the CCFn flag for the module will be set each time an 8-bit comparator match (rising edge) occurs. The COVF flag in PCA0PWM can be used to detect the overflow (falling edge), which will occur every 256 PCA clock cycles. The duty cycle for 8-Bit PWM Mode is given in Equation 34.2. Important Note About Capture/Compare Registers: When writing a 16-bit value to the PCA0 Capture/Compare registers, the low byte should always be written first. Writing to PCA0CPLn clears the ECOMn bit to 0; writing to PCA0CPHn sets ECOMn to 1. 256 – PCA0CPHn - Duty Cycle = -------------------------------------------------256 Equation 34.2. 8-Bit PWM Duty Cycle Using Equation 34.2, the largest duty cycle is 100% (PCA0CPHn = 0), and the smallest duty cycle is 0.39% (PCA0CPHn = 0xFF). A 0% duty cycle may be generated by clearing the ECOMn bit to 0. Write to PCA0CPLn 0 ENB Reset PCA0CPHn Write to PCA0CPHn ENB COVF 1 PCA0PWM A R S E L EC CO OV VF 0 x C L S E L 1 PCA0CPMn C L S E L 0 0 0 P ECCMT P E WC A A A O W C MO P P T G M C 1 MP N n n n F 6 n n n n n 0 0 0 x 0 PCA0CPLn x Enable 8-bit Comparator match S R PCA Timebase SET CLR Q CEXn Q PCA0L Overflow Figure 34.8. PCA 8-Bit PWM Mode Diagram 292 Rev. 1.0 Crossbar Port I/O C8051F70x/71x 9/10/11-bit Pulse Width Modulator Mode The duty cycle of the PWM output signal in 9/10/11-bit PWM mode should be varied by writing to an “AutoReload” Register, which is dual-mapped into the PCA0CPHn and PCA0CPLn register locations. The data written to define the duty cycle should be right-justified in the registers. The auto-reload registers are accessed (read or written) when the bit ARSEL in PCA0PWM is set to 1. The capture/compare registers are accessed when ARSEL is set to 0. When the least-significant N bits of the PCA0 counter match the value in the associated module’s capture/compare register (PCA0CPn), the output on CEXn is asserted high. When the counter overflows from the Nth bit, CEXn is asserted low (see Figure 34.9). Upon an overflow from the Nth bit, the COVF flag is set, and the value stored in the module’s auto-reload register is loaded into the capture/compare register. The value of N is determined by the CLSEL bits in register PCA0PWM. The 9, 10 or 11-bit PWM mode is selected by setting the ECOMn and PWMn bits in the PCA0CPMn register, and setting the CLSEL bits in register PCA0PWM to the desired cycle length (other than 8-bits). If the MATn bit is set to 1, the CCFn flag for the module will be set each time a comparator match (rising edge) occurs. The COVF flag in PCA0PWM can be used to detect the overflow (falling edge), which will occur every 512 (9-bit), 1024 (10-bit) or 2048 (11-bit) PCA clock cycles. The duty cycle for 9/10/11-Bit PWM Mode is given in Equation 34.2, where N is the number of bits in the PWM cycle. Important Note About PCA0CPHn and PCA0CPLn Registers: When writing a 16-bit value to the PCA0CPn registers, the low byte should always be written first. Writing to PCA0CPLn clears the ECOMn bit to 0; writing to PCA0CPHn sets ECOMn to 1. 2 N – PCA0CPn Duty Cycle = ------------------------------------------2N Equation 34.3. 9, 10, and 11-Bit PWM Duty Cycle A 0% duty cycle may be generated by clearing the ECOMn bit to 0. Write to PCA0CPLn 0 R/W when ARSEL = 1 ENB Reset Write to PCA0CPHn (Auto-Reload) PCA0PWM PCA0CPH:Ln A R S E L (right-justified) ENB 1 C L S E L 1 EC CO OV VF PCA0CPMn P ECCMT P E WC A A A O W C MO P P T G M C 1 MP N n n n F 6 n n n n n 0 0 0 x 0 R/W when ARSEL = 0 C L S E L 0 x (Capture/Compare) Set “N” bits: 01 = 9 bits 10 = 10 bits 11 = 11 bits PCA0CPH:Ln (right-justified) x Enable N-bit Comparator match S R PCA Timebase SET CLR Q CEXn Crossbar Port I/O Q PCA0H:L Overflow of Nth Bit Figure 34.9. PCA 9, 10 and 11-Bit PWM Mode Diagram Rev. 1.0 293 C8051F70x/71x 34.3.6. 16-Bit Pulse Width Modulator Mode A PCA module may also be operated in 16-Bit PWM mode. 16-bit PWM mode is independent of the other (8/9/10/11-bit) PWM modes. In this mode, the 16-bit capture/compare module defines the number of PCA clocks for the low time of the PWM signal. When the PCA counter matches the module contents, the output on CEXn is asserted high; when the 16-bit counter overflows, CEXn is asserted low. To output a varying duty cycle, new value writes should be synchronized with PCA CCFn match interrupts. 16-Bit PWM Mode is enabled by setting the ECOMn, PWMn, and PWM16n bits in the PCA0CPMn register. For a varying duty cycle, match interrupts should be enabled (ECCFn = 1 AND MATn = 1) to help synchronize the capture/compare register writes. If the MATn bit is set to 1, the CCFn flag for the module will be set each time a 16-bit comparator match (rising edge) occurs. The CF flag in PCA0CN can be used to detect the overflow (falling edge). The duty cycle for 16-Bit PWM Mode is given by Equation 34.4. Important Note About Capture/Compare Registers: When writing a 16-bit value to the PCA0 Capture/Compare registers, the low byte should always be written first. Writing to PCA0CPLn clears the ECOMn bit to 0; writing to PCA0CPHn sets ECOMn to 1. 65536 – PCA0CPn Duty Cycle = ---------------------------------------------------65536 Equation 34.4. 16-Bit PWM Duty Cycle Using Equation 34.4, the largest duty cycle is 100% (PCA0CPn = 0), and the smallest duty cycle is 0.0015% (PCA0CPn = 0xFFFF). A 0% duty cycle may be generated by clearing the ECOMn bit to 0. Write to PCA0CPLn 0 ENB Reset Write to PCA0CPHn ENB 1 PCA0CPMn PEC WC A MO P 1 MP 6 n n n 1 C A P N n MT P AOW TGM n n n 0 0 x 0 E C C F n PCA0CPHn PCA0CPLn x Enable 16-bit Comparator match S R PCA Timebase PCA0H PCA0L Overflow Figure 34.10. PCA 16-Bit PWM Mode 294 Rev. 1.0 SET CLR Q Q CEXn Crossbar Port I/O C8051F70x/71x 34.4. Register Descriptions for PCA0 Following are detailed descriptions of the special function registers related to the operation of the PCA. SFR Definition 34.1. PCA0CN: PCA Control Bit 7 6 5 4 Name CF CR Type R/W R/W R R Reset 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 CCF2 CCF1 CCF0 R R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xD8; SFR Page = All Pages; Bit-Addressable Bit Name Function 7 CF PCA Counter/Timer Overflow Flag. Set by hardware when the PCA Counter/Timer overflows from 0xFFFF to 0x0000. When the Counter/Timer Overflow (CF) interrupt is enabled, setting this bit causes the CPU to vector to the PCA interrupt service routine. This bit is not automatically cleared by hardware and must be cleared by software. 6 CR PCA Counter/Timer Run Control. This bit enables/disables the PCA Counter/Timer. 0: PCA Counter/Timer disabled. 1: PCA Counter/Timer enabled. 5:3 Unused Read = 000b; Write = Don’t care 2:0 CCF[2:0] PCA Module n Capture/Compare Flag. These bits are set by hardware when a match or capture occurs in the associated PCA Module n. When the CCFn interrupt is enabled, setting this bit causes the CPU to vector to the PCA interrupt service routine. This bit is not automatically cleared by hardware and must be cleared by software. Rev. 1.0 295 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 34.2. PCA0MD: PCA Mode Bit 7 6 5 Name CIDL Type R/W R R Reset 0 0 0 4 3 2 1 0 CPS2 CPS1 CPS0 ECF R R/W R/W R/W R/W 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xED; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7 CIDL Function PCA Counter/Timer Idle Control. Specifies PCA behavior when CPU is in Idle Mode. 0: PCA continues to function normally while the system controller is in Idle Mode. 1: PCA operation is suspended while the system controller is in Idle Mode. 6:4 Unused Read = 000b, Write = don't care. 3:1 CPS[2:0] PCA Counter/Timer Pulse Select. These bits select the timebase source for the PCA counter 000: System clock divided by 12 001: System clock divided by 4 010: Timer 0 overflow 011: High-to-low transitions on ECI (max rate = system clock divided by 4) 100: System clock 101: External clock divided by 8 (synchronized with the system clock) 110-111: Reserved 0 ECF PCA Counter/Timer Overflow Interrupt Enable. This bit sets the masking of the PCA Counter/Timer Overflow (CF) interrupt. 0: Disable the CF interrupt. 1: Enable a PCA Counter/Timer Overflow interrupt request when CF (PCA0CN.7) is set. 296 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 34.3. PCA0PWM: PCA PWM Configuration Bit 7 6 5 4 Name ARSEL ECOV COVF Type R/W R/W R/W R R R Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 ARSEL 2 1 0 CLSEL[1:0] SFR Address = 0xA1; SFR Page = F Bit Name 7 3 R/W 0 0 Function Auto-Reload Register Select. This bit selects whether to read and write the normal PCA capture/compare registers (PCA0CPn), or the Auto-Reload registers at the same SFR addresses. This function is used to define the reload value for 9, 10, and 11-bit PWM modes. In all other modes, the Auto-Reload registers have no function. 0: Read/Write Capture/Compare Registers at PCA0CPHn and PCA0CPLn. 1: Read/Write Auto-Reload Registers at PCA0CPHn and PCA0CPLn. 6 ECOV Cycle Overflow Interrupt Enable. This bit sets the masking of the Cycle Overflow Flag (COVF) interrupt. 0: COVF will not generate PCA interrupts. 1: A PCA interrupt will be generated when COVF is set. 5 COVF Cycle Overflow Flag. This bit indicates an overflow of the 8th, 9th, 10th, or 11th bit of the main PCA counter (PCA0). The specific bit used for this flag depends on the setting of the Cycle Length Select bits. The bit can be set by hardware or software, but must be cleared by software. 0: No overflow has occurred since the last time this bit was cleared. 1: An overflow has occurred since the last time this bit was cleared. 4:2 Unused Read = 000b; Write = don’t care. 1:0 CLSEL[1:0] Cycle Length Select. When 16-bit PWM mode is not selected, these bits select the length of the PWM cycle, between 8, 9, 10, or 11 bits. This affects all channels configured for PWM which are not using 16-bit PWM mode. These bits are ignored for individual channels configured to16-bit PWM mode. 00: 8 bits. 01: 9 bits. 10: 10 bits. 11: 11 bits. Rev. 1.0 297 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 34.4. PCA0CPMn: PCA Capture/Compare Mode Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name PWM16n ECOMn CAPPn CAPNn MATn TOGn PWMn ECCFn Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Addresses: PCA0CPM0 = 0xDA, PCA0CPM1 = 0xDB, PCA0CPM2 = 0xDC SFR Pages: PCA0CPM0 = F, PCA0CPM1 = F, PCA0CPM2 = F Bit Name Function 7 PWM16n 16-bit Pulse Width Modulation Enable. This bit enables 16-bit mode when Pulse Width Modulation mode is enabled. 0: 8 to 11-bit PWM selected. 1: 16-bit PWM selected. 6 ECOMn Comparator Function Enable. This bit enables the comparator function for PCA module n when set to 1. 5 CAPPn Capture Positive Function Enable. This bit enables the positive edge capture for PCA module n when set to 1. 4 CAPNn Capture Negative Function Enable. This bit enables the negative edge capture for PCA module n when set to 1. 3 MATn Match Function Enable. This bit enables the match function for PCA module n when set to 1. When enabled, matches of the PCA counter with a module's capture/compare register cause the CCFn bit in PCA0MD register to be set to logic 1. 2 TOGn Toggle Function Enable. This bit enables the toggle function for PCA module n when set to 1. When enabled, matches of the PCA counter with a module's capture/compare register cause the logic level on the CEXn pin to toggle. If the PWMn bit is also set to logic 1, the module operates in Frequency Output Mode. 1 PWMn Pulse Width Modulation Mode Enable. This bit enables the PWM function for PCA module n when set to 1. When enabled, a pulse width modulated signal is output on the CEXn pin. 8 to 11-bit PWM is used if PWM16n is cleared; 16-bit mode is used if PWM16n is set to logic 1. If the TOGn bit is also set, the module operates in Frequency Output Mode. 0 ECCFn Capture/Compare Flag Interrupt Enable. This bit sets the masking of the Capture/Compare Flag (CCFn) interrupt. 0: Disable CCFn interrupts. 1: Enable a Capture/Compare Flag interrupt request when CCFn is set. 298 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 34.5. PCA0L: PCA Counter/Timer Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PCA0[7:0] Name Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xF9; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 Function PCA0[7:0] PCA Counter/Timer Low Byte. The PCA0L register holds the low byte (LSB) of the 16-bit PCA Counter/Timer. SFR Definition 34.6. PCA0H: PCA Counter/Timer High Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PCA0[15:8] Name Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Address = 0xFA; SFR Page = 0 Bit Name 7:0 Function PCA0[15:8] PCA Counter/Timer High Byte. The PCA0H register holds the high byte (MSB) of the 16-bit PCA Counter/Timer. Reads of this register will read the contents of a “snapshot” register, whose contents are updated only when the contents of PCA0L are read (see Section 34.1). Rev. 1.0 299 C8051F70x/71x SFR Definition 34.7. PCA0CPLn: PCA Capture Module Low Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PCA0CPn[7:0] Name Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Addresses: PCA0CPL0 = 0xFB, PCA0CPL1 = 0xE9, PCA0CPL2 = 0xEB, SFR Pages: PCA0CPL0 = 0, PCA0CPL1 = 0, PCA0CPL2 = 0, Bit Name Function 7:0 PCA0CPn[7:0] PCA Capture Module Low Byte. The PCA0CPLn register holds the low byte (LSB) of the 16-bit capture module n. This register address also allows access to the low byte of the corresponding PCA channel’s auto-reload value for 9, 10, or 11-bit PWM mode. The ARSEL bit in register PCA0PWM controls which register is accessed. Note: A write to this register will clear the module’s ECOMn bit to a 0. SFR Definition 34.8. PCA0CPHn: PCA Capture Module High Byte Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PCA0CPn[15:8] Name Type R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SFR Addresses: PCA0CPH0 = 0xFC, PCA0CPH1 = 0xEA, PCA0CPH2 = 0xEC, SFR Pages: PCA0CPH0 = 0, PCA0CPH1 = 0, PCA0CPH2 = 0, Bit Name Function 7:0 PCA0CPn[15:8] PCA Capture Module High Byte. The PCA0CPHn register holds the high byte (MSB) of the 16-bit capture module n. This register address also allows access to the high byte of the corresponding PCA channel’s auto-reload value for 9, 10, or 11-bit PWM mode. The ARSEL bit in register PCA0PWM controls which register is accessed. Note: A write to this register will set the module’s ECOMn bit to a 1. 300 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x 35. C2 Interface C8051F70x/71x devices include an on-chip Silicon Labs 2-Wire (C2) debug interface to allow Flash programming and in-system debugging with the production part installed in the end application. The C2 interface operates using only two pins: a bi-directional data signal (C2D), and a clock input (C2CK). See the C2 Interface Specification for details on the C2 protocol. 35.1. C2 Interface Registers The following describes the C2 registers necessary to perform Flash programming functions through the C2 interface. All C2 registers are accessed through the C2 interface as described in the C2 Interface Specification. C2 Register Definition 35.1. C2ADD: C2 Address Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name C2ADD[7:0] Type R/W Reset Bit 0 0 0 0 Name 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function 7:0 C2ADD[7:0] C2 Address. The C2ADD register is accessed via the C2 interface to select the target Data register for C2 Data Read and Data Write commands. Address Name Description 0x00 DEVICEID Selects the Device ID Register (read only) 0x01 REVID Selects the Revision ID Register (read only) 0x02 FPCTL Selects the C2 Flash Programming Control Register 0xBF FPDAT Selects the C2 Flash Data Register 0x96 CRC0AUTO* Selects the CRC0AUTO Register 0x97 CRC0CNT* Selects the CRC0CNT Register 0x91 CRC0CN* Selects the CRC0CN Register 0xD9 CRC0DATA* Selects the CRC0DATA Register 0x95 CRC0FLIP* Selects the CRC0FLIP Register 0x94 CRC0IN* Selects the CRC0IN Register Note: CRC registers and functions are described in Section “29. Cyclic Redundancy Check Unit (CRC0)” on page 211. Rev. 1.0 301 C8051F70x/71x C2 Register Definition 35.2. DEVICEID: C2 Device ID Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name DEVICEID[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 1 1 C2 Address: 0x00 Bit Name 7:0 2 1 0 1 1 0 Function DEVICEID[7:0] Device ID. This read-only register returns the 8-bit device ID: 0x1E (C8051F70x/71x). C2 Register Definition 35.3. REVID: C2 Revision ID Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name REVID[7:0] Type R/W Reset Varies Varies Varies Varies C2 Address: 0x01 Bit Name 7:0 Varies 2 1 0 Varies Varies Varies Function REVID[7:0] Revision ID. This read-only register returns the 8-bit revision ID. For example: 0x00 = Revision A. 302 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x C2 Register Definition 35.4. FPCTL: C2 Flash Programming Control Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name FPCTL[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 0 C2 Address: 0x02 Bit Name 7:0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function FPCTL[7:0] C2 Flash Programming Control Register. This register is used to enable Flash programming via the C2 interface. To enable C2 Flash programming, the following codes must be written in order: 0x02, 0x01. Once C2 Flash programming is enabled, a system reset must be issued to resume normal operation. C2 Register Definition 35.5. FPDAT: C2 Flash Programming Data Bit 7 6 5 4 3 Name FPDAT[7:0] Type R/W Reset 0 0 0 0 C2 Address: 0xBF Bit Name 7:0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Function FPDAT[7:0] C2 Flash Programming Data Register. This register is used to pass Flash commands, addresses, and data during C2 Flash accesses. Valid commands are listed below. Code Command 0x06 Flash Block Read 0x07 Flash Block Write 0x08 Flash Page Erase 0x03 Device Erase Rev. 1.0 303 C8051F70x/71x 35.2. C2CK Pin Sharing The C2CK pin is shared with the RST signal on this device family. If the RST pin is used by other parts of the system, debugging and programming the device can still be accomplished without disrupting the rest of the system. If this is desired, it is normally necessary to add a resistor to isolate the system’s reset line from the C2CK signal. This external resistors would not be necessary for production boards, where debugging capabilities are not needed. A typical isolation configuration is shown in Figure 35.1. RST C2CK C2D C2 Interface Master Figure 35.1. Typical C2CK Pin Sharing The configuration in Figure 35.1 assumes the RST pin on the target device is used as an input only. Additional resistors may be necessary depending on the specific application. 304 Rev. 1.0 C8051F70x/71x DOCUMENT CHANGE LIST Revision 0.5 to Revision 1.0 Updated “Electrical Characteristics” on page 47. Updated “Port Input/Output” on page 180. Revision 0.4 to Revision 0.5 Removed Incorrect Pin Connections in Figure 1.4 on page 21 and Figure 1.6 on page 23. Updated Specifications in Section “9. Electrical Characteristics” on page 47. Updated Section “15. Capacitive Sense (CS0)” on page 80 for clarity. Corrected “CJNE A, direct, rel” instruction timing in Table 16.1. Noted that a minimum SYSCLK speed is required for Flash writes or erases in Section “22.1. Programming The Flash Memory” on page 148, and for EEPROM writes in Section “23.3. Interfacing with the EEPROM” on page 155. Corrected P0.3 overvoltage capabilities throughout document. Revision 0.3 to Revision 0.4 Updated Section “15. Capacitive Sense (CS0)” on page 80 to reflect Revision B enhancements. Added C8051F716 and C8051F717 devices, package information, and features. Updated Register 19.1, “HWID: Hardware Identification Byte,” on page 128. Corrected minor typographical and formatting errors throughout document. Revision 0.2 to Revision 0.3 Corrected Dimension D in the QFN-48 Package Specifications. Updated Table 9.1 on page 47. Updated Register 10.1, “ADC0CF: ADC0 Configuration,” on page 59. Updated Register 14.3, “CPT0MX: Comparator0 MUX Selection,” on page 79. Updated Section “28.1.1. Port Pins Configured for Analog I/O” on page 181. Updated Register 35.2, “DEVICEID: C2 Device ID,” on page 302. Rev. 1.0 305 C8051F70x/71x CONTACT INFORMATION Silicon Laboratories Inc. Silicon Laboratories Inc. 400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701 Tel: 1+(512) 416-8500 Fax: 1+(512) 416-9669 Toll Free: 1+(877) 444-3032 Please visit the Silicon Labs Technical Support web page: https://www.silabs.com/support/pages/contacttechnicalsupport.aspx and register to submit a technical support request. The information in this document is believed to be accurate in all respects at the time of publication but is subject to change without notice. Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions, and disclaims responsibility for any consequences resulting from the use of information included herein. Additionally, Silicon Laboratories assumes no responsibility for the functioning of undescribed features or parameters. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice. Silicon Laboratories makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Silicon Laboratories assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. Silicon Laboratories products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use in applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Silicon Laboratories product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Silicon Laboratories products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Silicon Laboratories harmless against all claims and damages. Silicon Laboratories and Silicon Labs are trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc. Other products or brandnames mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. 306 Rev. 1.0