AVR067: JTAGICE mkII Communication Protocol Features • • • • • Commands sent from AVR Studio to JTAGICE mkII Replies sent from JTAGICE mkII to AVR Studio Configurable Parameters Different Memory Types Special Characters and Packet Formats for Packet Synchronization and Error Control • Break Point Handling in JTAGICE mkII (tinyAVR / megaAVR devices only) 8-bit Microcontrollers Application Note 1 Introduction This document describes the communication protocol used between AVR Studio and JTAGICE mkII. The purpose of this document is to enable third party vendors to design their own front-end to the JTAGICE mkII. Rev. 2587D-AVR-11/09 2 Theory of operation The communication protocol operates in a master – slave environment, AVR Studio being the master and JTAGICE mkII being the slave. The JTAGICE mkII slave is always operating in one of three states (with enumeration): 1. STOPPED 2. RUNNING 3. PROGRAMMING Some commands can only be executed while the slave is in STOPPED mode, others may be allowed in all modes. The details are described for each different command. Events are messages sent from the slave with no prior commands given from the master. Serial communication is asynchronous by nature, so is the JTAGICE mkII protocol. All commands and responses have tokens and CRC checks included enabling the receiver to verify the validity of the received message. This transport protocol guarantees that every packet that is received is verified correctly, but it does not guarantee that every packet is received. Retransmission and lost packets are to be handled by the application layer, not the transmission layer. When USB is used, the hardware layer handles retransmission automatically. This is not the case with RS232. The protocol is “Little Endean”, LSB is always transferred first in memory addresses. 2.1 USB and RS-232 Connection The JTAGICE mkII has both a USB and an RS-232 interface for connecting to a host computer. They share the same message format (see section 3). USB is preferred due to speed. 2.1.1 RS-232 Connection The RS-232 connection’s power-on settings are 19,200 bps, 8N1, no handshake. However, using the Set Parameter command and the Baud rate parameter, the baud rate can be changed. 2.1.2 USB Connection The JTAGICE mkII has a USB port capable of USB full-speed connection (12Mbps). In addition to data transfer, the USB cable can also supply power to the emulator, so no external power is required. After enumeration, the emulator can draw up to 500mA from the USB hub. 2.1.3 USB Configuration The JTAGICE mkII has one configuration with one interface containing two bulk transfer endpoints. The USB descriptors can be found in section 7. The JTAGICE mkII messages are transferred through the bulk endpoints. Maximum packet size is shown in the endpoint descriptors. 2 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 In addition to the framing mechanisms supplied by the JTAGICE mkII frame format, the emulator uses short packets (both IN and OUT endpoints) to indicate which USB packet is the last one in a JTAGEICE mkII frame. The host driver must also support short packets. 3 Message Format All commands, responses and events share a common message format: <MESSAGE_START, SEQUENCE_NUMBER, MESSAGE_BODY, CRC> MESSAGE_SIZE, TOKEN, Table 3-1. Parameters of messages. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) [BYTE] SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented by one for each message sent. Wraps to zero after 0xFFFE. 0xFFFF is reserved for (asynchronous) EVENTS. [BYTE]*2, LSB first. MESSAGE_SIZE Size of the message body in bytes [BYTE]*4, LSB first TOKEN ASCII 14, making the protocol more robust. [BYTE] MESSAGE_BODY Message body [BYTE]*MESSAGE_SIZE CRC Uses all characters in message including MESSAGE_START and MESSAGE_BODY. [BYTE]*2 First byte of the message body is always the MESSAGE_ID. The size of the MESSAGE_BODY is at least 1 byte. • • • • • • Messages use MESSAGE_ID in the range from 0x01 to 0x3F Success responses use MESSAGE_ID in the range from 0x80 to 0x9F Failure responses use MESSAGE_ID in the range from 0xA0 to 0xBF Events use MESSAGE_ID in the range from 0xE0 to 0xFF Message start is ASCII 27 (0x1B), not to be changed. Token is ASCII 14 (0x0E), not to be changed. 4 Message parsing 4.1 Introduction Messages either way should be read as a byte stream by a state machine. Every time a MESSAGE_START character occurs, the state machine starts to decode the message, either completing the message or falling out of the byte stream if a message rule is violated. Messages can come in any order and there is no specific timing regarding required timeframes between commands. The emulator implements a message queue, when the state machine has parsed and verified a complete message it is serialized and put on a message queue. The emulator executes the messages in the sequence found 3 2587D-AVR-11/09 on the queue. Responses to the messages are given when they are processed by the emulator. The same state machine is used for both RS232 and USB transmission. An interrupt routine on the communication control processor in the JTAGICE mkII reads the appropriate UART and puts the incoming data in a FIFO implemented in SRAM. The state machine reads and parses the data from the FIFO. 4.2 Common State Machine Implementation Figure 4-1. State Diagram Char <> ASCII 27 E: CRC byte 1 C: CRC illegal A: Clear buffers update statistics E: Char == ASCII27 A: Start tim eout tim er Start E: Tim eout A: Send Tim eout response to m aster E: CRC byte 1 C: CRC legal A: Store com plete m essage in queue. Get Sequence Num ber Read bytes 0-1 E: CRC byte 0 CRC E: Illegal Token A: Clear m essage buffer, update illegal m essage statistics E: Tim eout A: Send Tim eout Response to Master E: Message ID read A: Start Tim eout Tim er E: New char C: nm b char == MESSAGE_SIZE Get Message Size Get Data E: New char C: nm b char < MESSAGE_SIZE 4 Read bytes 0-2 E: Legal Token C: Message Size > 0 A: Start tim eout tim er Get Token E: Message Size Com plete A: Start Tim eout Tim er AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Table 4-1. State table. Gray fields represent “message failed”, non grayed fields are “message valid”. Current State Event Condition Action Next State Start Read character from inbuf Char == ASCII 27 Start timeout timer Get Sequence Number Read character from inbuf Char <> ASCII 27 None Start Read character from inbuf Sequence Number Byte Counter == 2 Start timeout timer Get Message Size Read character from inbuf Sequence Number Byte Counter < 2 Start timeout timer Get Sequence Number Timeout None Update message statistics Start Read character from inbuf Message Size Byte Counter < 4 Start timeout timer Get Message Size Read character from inbuf Message Size Byte Counter ==4 Start timeout timer Calculate MESSAGE_SIZE Get Token Timeout None Update message statistics Start Read character from inbuf Char == ASCII 14 Start timeout timer Get Data Read character from inbuf Char <> ASCII 14 Update message statistics Stop timeout timer Start Timeout None Update message statistics Start Read character from inbuf Nmb char read == MESSAGE_SIZE Start timeout timer Get CRC Read character from inbuf Nmb char read < MESSAGE_SIZE Start timeout timer Get Data Timeout None Update message statistics Start Read character from inbuf CRC Byte Count == 2 CRC OK Calculate CRC Update message statistics Execute command Stop timeout timer Start Read character from inbuf CRC Byte Count == 2 CRC NOT OK Calculate CRC Update message statistics Stop timeout timer Start Read character from inbuf CRC Byte Count < 2 Start timeout timer Get CRC Timeout None Update message statistics Start Get Sequence Number Get Message Size Get Token Get Data Get CRC 5 Commands and responses 5.1 Master Commands 5.1.1 Sign off (CMND_SIGN_OFF: 0x00) The master issues this command when it terminates a debugging session. Slave state: All states. 5 2587D-AVR-11/09 Table 5-1. Message Format Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 0x01 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY None CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-2. Parameters Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x00 (CMND_SIGN_OFF) [BYTE] Table 5-3. Response 6 Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command was executed. RSP_FAILED The JTAGICE mkII is there, but it did not understand the command. AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 5.1.2 Check if Emulator is present (CMND_GET_SIGN_ON: 0x01) The master uses this command to see if an emulator is attached and alive. Slave state: All states. Table 5-4. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 0x01 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY None CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-5. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x01 (CMND_GET_SIGN_ON) [BYTE] Table 5-6. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_SIGN_ON Contains sign on string for JTAGICE mkII. Compatibility issues with other emulators must be resolved. Sign on (RSP_SIGN_ON : 0x86) RSP_FAILED The JTAGICE mkII is there, but it did not understand the command. TIMEOUT No slave response within the defined timeout time. The slave is either not there, or it is not turned on. Garbage If serial communication is used, HW error UART configuration error (wrong baud rate, parity bit setting etc) If USB communication is used, HW error. 7 2587D-AVR-11/09 5.1.3 Write Emulator Parameter (CMND_SET_PARAMETER: 0x02) The emulator hosts a number of set-up parameters. This command is used to write all parameters. The parameter ID identifies the parameter written. Slave state: Depending on the parameter. Table 5-7. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE The size of the MESSAGE_BODY in bytes. TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The message body consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, PARAMETER_ID, PARAMETER_VALUE> Table 5-8. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x02 (CMND_SET_PARAMETER) [BYTE] PARAMETER_ID Parameter ID [BYTE] PARAMETER_VALUE Parameter value, can be of any size [BYTE] * N, LSB first if applicable. Table 5-9. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The parameter is written OK. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER The JTAGICE mkII does not support the selected parameter (AVR Studio 4 – JTAGICE mkII FW incompatibility). RSP_ILLEGAL_VALUE The given value was invalid or out or range RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. The parameter description is found in a later section in this document. 8 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 5.1.4 Read Emulator Parameter (CMND_GET_PARAMETER: 0x03) Reads emulator set-up parameters back to AVR Studio. Parameter descriptions found in a later section in this document. Slave state: Depending on the parameter. Table 5-10. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 0x02 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY Defined below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, PARAMETER_ID> Table 5-11. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x03 (CMND_GET_PARAMETER) [BYTE] PARAMETER_ID The requested emulator parameter [BYTE] Table 5-12. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_PARAMETER Returns the requested parameter. Parameter return (RSP_PARAMETER : 0x81) RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER The JTAGICE mkII does not support the selected parameter (AVR Studio 4 – JTAGICE mkII FW incompatibility). RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.5 Write Memory (CMND_WRITE_MEMORY: 0x04) Write a memory block to any address in any memory area. Slave state: STOPPED. Table 5-13. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE The size of the MESSAGE_BODY in bytes. 9 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Description TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, MEMORY_TYPE, BYTE_COUNT, START_ADDRESS, DATA> Table 5-14. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x04 (CMND_WRITE_MEMORY) [BYTE] MEMORY_TYPE Memory type (Flash, SRAM, EEPROM...) [BYTE] BYTE_COUNT Number of bytes to be written [BYTE]*4 LSB first START_ADDRESS Start memory address [BYTE]*4 LSB first DATA The data [BYTE] * BYTE_COUNT Definitions and parameter values of the different memory types are found in the Memory Types section. Table 5-15. Response. 10 Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The memory is written OK. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_MEMORY_TYPE The JTAGICE mkII does not support the selected memory. RSP_ILLEGAL_MEMORY_RANGE The memory write was outside the bounds of the selected memory area. RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 5.1.6 Read Memory (CMND_READ_MEMORY: 0x05) Read a memory block from any address in any memory area. Slave state: STOPPED Table 5-16. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 10 bytes. TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MEMORY_TYPE, BYTE_COUNT, START_ADDRESS> Table 5-17. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x05 (CMND_READ_MEMORY) [BYTE] MEMORY_TYPE Memory type (Flash, SRAM, EEPROM...) [BYTE] BYTE_COUNT Number of bytes to be read [BYTE]*4 LSB first START_ADDRESS Start memory address [BYTE]*4 LSB first Definitions and parameter values of the different memory types are found in the Memory Types section. Table 5-18. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_MEMORY The memory is read OK. Memory read (RSP_MEMORY : 0x82) RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_MEMORY_TYPE The JTAGICE mkII does not support the selected memory. RSP_ILLEGAL_MEMORY_RANGE The memory write was outside the bounds of the selected memory area. RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). 11 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Description RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.7 Write Program Counter (CMND_WRITE_PC: 0x06) Writes the AVR Program Counter. Slave state: STOPPED. Table 5-19. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 5 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below. CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, PROGRAM_COUNTER> Table 5-20. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage MESSAGE_ID 0x06 (CMND_WRITE_PC) [BYTE] Program Counter [BYTE]*4 LSB first. PROGRAM_COUNTER Format Table 5-21. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The program counter was written OK. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.8 Read Program Counter (CMND_READ_PC: 0x07) Reads the AVR Program Counter. 12 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Slave state: STOPPED. Table 5-22. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below. CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-23. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x07 (CMND_READ_PC) [BYTE] Table 5-24. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_PC The program counter is returned. Program Counter Read (RSP_PC : 0x84) RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 13 2587D-AVR-11/09 5.1.9 Start Program Execution (CMND_GO: 0x08) Starts program execution at current Program Counter address. Slave state: STOPPED or RUNNING. When the command is executed the state either changes to or remains in RUNNING. Table 5-25. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY None CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: < MESSAGE_ID > Table 5-26. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID CMND_GO : 0x08 [BYTE] Table 5-27. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command was executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.10 Single Step (CMND_SINGLE_STEP: 0x09) Starts one-step execution at current Program Counter address. Slave state: STOPPED. After execution the slave is in RUNNING state until it hits the next breakpoint. Then a Break Event is issued, and the slave returns to STOPPED state. Table 5-28. Message Format. 14 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Parameter Name Description SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 3 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY High level or low level flag, see below. CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, FLAG> Table 5-29. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x09 (CMND_SINGLE_STEP) [BYTE] FLAG 0x01 : Low level 0x02 : High level. [BYTE] STEP_MODE 0x00: STEP_OVER 0x01: STEP_INTO 0x02: STEP_OUT [BYTE] Table 5-30. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.11 Stop Program Execution (CMND_FORCED_STOP: 0x0A) Stops program execution. Slave state: STOPPED or RUNNING. After execution of the command the slave is in STOPPED state. Table 5-31. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 2 Bytes TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. 15 2587D-AVR-11/09 The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, MODE> Table 5-32. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x0A (CMND_FORCED_STOP) [BYTE] MODE 0x01: LOW LEVEL 0x02: HIGH LEVEL (stops at next high level statement) [BYTE] Table 5-33. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.12 Reset User Program (CMND_RESET: 0x0B) Emulator performs all actions to restart program execution Slave state: Any. If the slave is in RUNNING mode prior to this operation, the slave will change to STOPPED state prior to the execution of this command Table 5-34. Message Format. 16 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE Size of message body TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below High level or low level flag. High level typically returns to main. Give a procedure. Give low level reset with “run afterwards”. CRC 2-byte CRC. AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, FLAG> Table 5-35. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x0B (CMND_RESET) [BYTE] FLAG 0x01: Low level 0x02: High level (reset, then run to main) 0x04: Reset with debugWire disable. [BYTE] Table 5-36. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.13 Set Device Descriptor (CMND_SET_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR: 0x0C) Transmits all parameters relevant for a specific device set-up Slave state: STOPPED. Table 5-37. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE Size of message body TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY All parameters for a specific device set-up. CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, PARAMETERS> Table 5-38. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x0C (CMND_SET_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR) [BYTE] 17 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Usage Format PARAMETERS All parameters required to set up a device in raw binary form, identical to the JTAGICE descriptor. [BYTE] * 298 Table 5-39. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.14 Erase Page SPM (CMND_ERASEPAGE_SPM: 0x0D) Erases a whole page in Flash memory Slave state: STOPPED Table 5-40. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) MESSAGE_ID 0x0D (CMND_ERASEPAGE_SPM) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 5 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, PAGE_ADDRESS> Table 5-41. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x0D (CMND_ERASEPAGE_SPM) [BYTE] PAGE_ADDRESS Address to the page to be erased [BYTE]*4, LSB first Table 5-42. Response. Parameter Name 18 Description AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.15 Get Sync (CMND_GET_SYNC 0x0F) Sent from AVR Studio in order to regain synchronization with JTAGICE mkII, if lost Table 5-43. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-44. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x0F (CMND_GET_SYNC) [BYTE] Table 5-45. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.16 Self test (CMND_SELFTEST: 0x10) Makes the JTAGICE mkII perform self test and report back to the master. Slave state: STOPPED Table 5-46. Message Format. Parameter Name Description 19 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character). SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE Size of message body. TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY Parameters for self test (choose what to test). CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, FLAGS> Table 5-47. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x10 (CMND_SELFTEST) [BYTE] FLAGS FLAGS identifying which tests to be performed. bit 7: internal tests (SRAM, FIFO…) bit 6: <not used> bit 5: <not used> bit 4: <not used> bit 3: STK500 RESET JUMPER detector bit 2: JTAG PUSH PULL bit 1: debugWire Capacitance bit 0: debugWire PUSH PULL [BYTE] Table 5-48. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_SELFTEST The command is executed. Selftest (RSP_SELFTEST : 0x85) RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII. RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.17 Set Breakpoint (CMND_SET_BREAK: 0x11) Set a breakpoint. (For hardware breakpoints on megaAVR devices with JTAG interface only, and software breakpoints) Slave state: STOPPED 20 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Table 5-49. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE Size of message body TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY Breakpoint setting (see format below). CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, TYPE, NUMBER, ADDRESS, MODE> Table 5-50. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x11 (CMND_SET_BREAK) [BYTE] TYPE 0x01: program memory breakpoint 0x02: data breakpoint 0x03:mask for data breakpoint [BYTE] NUMBER Breakpoint number, 0x01 to 0x04 (up to 4 breakpoints are supported 0x00 for SW BP [BYTE] ADDRESS Break address of mask value [BYTE] * 4, LSB first MODE 0x00: Break on memory read 0x01: Break on memory write 0x02: Break on memory read or write. 0x03: Program breakpoint [BYTE] 21 2587D-AVR-11/09 Table 5-51. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII. RSP_ILLEGAL_BREAKPOINT The breakpoint number does not exist. Illegal breakpoint (RSP_ILLEGAL_BREAKPOINT: 0xA8) RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. RSP_ILLEGAL_BREAKPOINT The breakpoint number is not supported (in this mode) Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.18 Get Breakpoint (CMND_GET_BREAK: 0x12) Used by the host to read back the current breakpoint setting in the JTAGICE mkII. (For hardware breakpoints on megaAVR devices with JTAG interface only, and software breakpoints) Slave state: STOPPED Table 5-52. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 2 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, NUMBER> Table 5-53. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x12 (CMND_GET_BREAK) [BYTE] NUMBER Breakpoint number, 0x01 to 0x04 (up to 4 breakpoints are supported [BYTE] Table 5-54. Response. Parameter Name 22 Description AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Parameter Name Description RSP_GET_BREAK The command is executed, breakpoint returned. Breakpoint read (RSP_GET_BREAK: 0x83) RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. RSP_ILLEGAL_BREAKPOINT The breakpoint number is not supported (in this mode) Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.19 Chip erase (CMD_CHIP_ERASE: 0x13) Used in order to do a complete chip erase. (megaAVR devices with JTAG interface only. Devices with debugWire interface automatically erase flash pages before programming. XMEGA devices use dedicated XMEGA Erase function, detailed later in this document. ) Table 5-55. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-56. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x13 (CMD_CHIP_ERASE) [BYTE] Table 5-57. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). 23 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Description RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.20 Enter programming mode (CMND_ENTER_PROGMODE: 0x14) Enter programming mode. Table 5-58. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-59. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x14 (CMND_ENTER_PROGMODE) [BYTE] Table 5-60. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_JTAG_ID The JTAG ID does not match the target device’s. Illegal JTAG ID (RSP_ILLEGAL_JTAG_ID : 0xA9) RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.21 Leave programming mode (CMND_LEAVE_PROGMODE: 0x15) Leave programming mode. 24 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Table 5-61. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-62. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x15 (CMND_LEAVE_PROGMODE) [BYTE] Table 5-63. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.22 Clear Breakpoint (CMND_CLR_BREAK: 0x1A) Clear a breakpoint. (For hardware breakpoints on megaAVR devices with JTAG interface only, and software breakpoints) Slave state: STOPPED Table 5-64. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE Size of message body TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY Breakpoint setting (see format below). 25 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Description CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, NUMBER, ADDRESS > Table 5-65. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x1A (CMND_CLR_BREAK) [BYTE] NUMBER Breakpoint number, 0x01 to 0x04 (up to 4 breakpoints are supported [BYTE] ADDRESS Break address (for SW BP) [BYTE] * 4, LSB first Table 5-66. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_BREAKPOINT The breakpoint number does not exist. Illegal breakpoint (RSP_ILLEGAL_BREAKPOINT : 0xA8) RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. RSP_ILLEGAL_BREAKPOINT The breakpoint number is not supported (in this mode) Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.23 Run to Address (CMND_RUN_TO_ADDR: 0x1C) Starts program execution at current Program Counter address and runs to the given Program Counter Address. Slave state: STOPPED. When the command is executed the state changes to RUNNING. Table 5-67. Message Format. 26 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 5 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY None AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Parameter Name Description CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: < MESSAGE_ID, P.C. Address > Table 5-68. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID CMND_RUN_TO_ADDR: 0x1C [BYTE] Program Counter Address to stop at [BYTE] * 4, LSB first Table 5-69. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command was executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.24 Universal SPI command (CMND_SPI_CMD: 0x1D) Runs a universal SPI command. Slave state: STOPPED. Table 5-70. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 5 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY None CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: < MESSAGE_ID, COMMAND [4]> Table 5-71. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID CMND_SPI_ENABLE_DW_FUSE : 0x1D [BYTE] 27 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Usage Format COMMAND 4 byte SPI command [BYTE] * 4 Table 5-72. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_SPI_DATA The command was executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (Must be in SPI mode). Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.25 Clear event memory (CMND_CLEAR_EVENTS: 0x22) Instructs the JTAGICE mkII to clear its event memory (for SW breakpoints). Must be called AFTER setting the device descriptor to ensure that only the required amount of event memory is cleared. Table 5-73. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID > Table 5-74. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x22 (CMND_CLEAR_EVENTS) [BYTE] Table 5-75. Response. 28 Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 5.1.26 Restore target (CMND_RESTORE_TARGET: 0x23) Instructs the JTAGICE mkII to restore the target device into a state where it can run freely. This is to be done upon terminating a debug session, before signing off and before disabling the OCD fuse (for JTAG). The command does the following: • • • • Stop target Replaces SW breakpoints with original instructions Reset target Run target Table 5-76. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID > Table 5-77. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x23 (CMND_RESTORE_TARGET) [BYTE] Table 5-78. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.27 Encapsulated ISP command (CMND_ISP_PACKET: 0x2F) Used to send any ISP programming commands to the JTAGICE mkII. An ISP packet compatible with the AVRISP mkII is encapsulated in a JTAGICE mkII packet. The JTAGICE mkII then operates on the ISP packet in the same way as the AVRISP mkII. Table 5-170 shows the ISP commands, which are supported on the JTAGICE mkII For further information regarding the ISP commands, consult document AVR069: AVRISP mkII Communication Protocol. 29 2587D-AVR-11/09 Table 5-79. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE Size of message body TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, ISP_PACKET> Table 5-80. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x2F (CMND_ISP_PACKET) [BYTE] ISP_PACKET Encapsulated AVRISP data [BYTE] * n Table 5-81. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. Table 5-170. Supported AVRISP mkII commands on the JTAGICE mkII 30 Command Usage CMD_SET_PARAMETER Sets a parameter CMD_GET_PARAMETER Reads back a parameter value CMD_OSCCAL Performs OSCCAL calibration sequence CMD_LOAD_ADDRESS Loads an address for programming functions CMD_ENTER_PROGMODE_ISP Puts the target device into programming mode CMD_LEAVE_PROGMODE_ISP Target device leaves programming mode CMD_CHIP_ERASE_ISP Perform a chip erase on the target device CMD_PROGRAM_FLASH_ISP Programs the flash memory on the target device CMD_READ_FLASH_ISP Reads the flash memory on the target device CMD_PROGRAM_EEPROM_ISP Programs the EEPROM on the target device CMD_READ_EEPROM_ISP Reads the EEPROM on the target device CMD_PROGRAM_FUSE_ISP Programs fuses on the target device CMD_READ_FUSE_ISP Reads fuses on the target device AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Command Usage CMD_PROGRAM_LOCK_ISP Programs lock bits on the target device CMD_READ_LOCK_ISP Reads lock bits on the target device CMD_READ_SIGNATURE_ISP Reads the signature bytes on the target device CMD_READ_OSCCAL_ISP Reads the OSCCAL byte on the target device CMD_SPI_MULTI Generic command used to execute ISP commands 5.1.28 Write JTAG Instruction (CMND_JTAG_INSTR: 0x24) Write a JTAG Instruction to IR Table 5-82. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 2 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, IR_VALUE> Table 5-83. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x24 (CMND_JTAG_INSTR) [BYTE] IR_VALUE Value to write to IR [BYTE] Table 5-84. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_SCAN_CHAIN_READ The command is executed, data returned RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.29 Write / read JTAG data (CMND_JTAG_DATA: 0x25) Writes and reads data to / from JTAG DR Table 5-85. Message Format. Parameter Name Description 31 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE N TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, BITS, DATA> Table 5-86. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x25 (CMND_JTAG_DATA) [BYTE] BITS Number of bits to write / read [BYTE] DATA Data to write to DR [BYTE] * 4 Table 5-87. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_SCAN_CHAIN_READ The command is executed, data returned RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.30 Write data to SAB (CMND_JTAG_SAB_WRITE: 0x28) Writes data to the AVR32 SAB Table 5-88. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 10 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, ADDRESS, DATA> 32 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Table 5-89. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x28 (CMND_JTAG_SAB_WRITE) [BYTE] ADDRESS SAB address to write data to [BYTE] * 5 DATA Data to write to the SAB [BYTE] * 4 Table 5-90. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_VALUE The command is given with illegal value. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.31 Read SAB data (CMND_JTAG_SAB_READ: 0x29) Reads data from AVR32 SAB Table 5-91. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 6 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, ADDRESS> Table 5-92. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x25 (CMND_JTAG_DATA) [BYTE] ADDRESS SAB address to read data from [BYTE] * 5 Table 5-93. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_SCAN_CHAIN_READ The command is executed, data returned 33 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Description RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.32 JTAG data block read (CMND_JTAG_BLOCK_READ: 0x2C) Reads a block of data from AVR32 SAB Table 5-94. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 7 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, SIZE, ADDRESS> Table 5-95. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x2C (CMND_JTAG_BLOCK_READ) [BYTE] SIZE Number of 32-bit words to read [BYTE] ADDRESS SAB address to read data from [BYTE] * 5 Table 5-96. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_SCAN_CHAIN_READ The command is executed, data returned RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.33 JTAG data block write (CMND_JTAG_BLOCK_WRITE: 0x2D) Writes a block of data to the AVR32 SAB Table 5-97. Message Format. Parameter Name 34 Description AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE N TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, SIZE, ADDRESS, DATA> Table 5-98. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x28 (CMND_JTAG_SAB_WRITE) [BYTE] SIZE Number of 32-bit words to write [BYTE] ADDRESS SAB address to write data to (padded) [BYTE] * 8 DATA Data to write to the SAB [BYTE] * 4 Table 5-99. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_VALUE The command is given with illegal value. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.1.34 XMEGA Erase (CMND_XMEGA_ERASE : 0x34) XMEGA erase functions Slave state: PROGRAMMING Table 5-100. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) MESSAGE_ID 0x34 (CMND_XMEGA_ERASE) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Incremented for each packet sent. MESSAGE_SIZE 5 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. 35 2587D-AVR-11/09 The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, ERASE_MODE, ADDRESS> Table 5-101. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x34 (CMND_XMEGA_ERASE) [BYTE] ERASE_MODE 0x00 XMEGA_ERASE_CHIP 0x01 XMEGA_ERASE_APP 0x02 XMEGA_ERASE_BOOT 0x03 XMEGA_ERASE_EEPROM 0x04 XMEGA_ERASE_APP_PAGE 0x05 XMEGA_ERASE_BOOT_PAGE 0x06 XMEGA_ERASE_EEPROM_PAGE 0x07 XMEGA_ERASE_USERSIG [BYTE] ADDRESS Address of the area to be erased [BYTE]*4, LSB first Table 5-102. Response. Parameter Name Description RSP_OK The command is executed. RSP_FAILED The command was not understood by the JTAGICE mkII RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE The operation cannot be performed in this emulator mode. (JTAG / debugWire). RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE The operation cannot be performed with the target MCU in its current state. Timeout No response from the slave within the timeout time. 5.2 Slave Responses 5.2.1 OK (RSP_OK : 0x80) Acknowledge: The slave understood the command and everything is OK. Table 5-103. Message Format. 36 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-104. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x80 (RSP_OK) [BYTE] 5.2.2 Failed (RSP_FAILED: 0xA0) The slave did not understand the command and did nothing. The message body can be extended to encompass detailed information on WHAT actually failed, this specification may be updated at this point. Table 5-105. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-106. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xA0 (RSP_FAILED) [BYTE] 5.2.3 Illegal Parameter (RSP_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER: 0xA1) The master has tried to write or read an emulator parameter that does not exist. Table 5-107. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: 37 2587D-AVR-11/09 <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-108. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xA1 (RSP_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER) [BYTE] 5.2.4 Parameter return (RSP_PARAMETER: 0x81) The emulator returns the requested parameter. Table 5-109. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE See below TOKEN ASCII 14. MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, PARAMETER_VALUE> Table 5-110. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x81 (RSP_PARAMETER) [BYTE] PARAMETER_VALUE The parameter value [BYTE]*N 5.2.5 Illegal Memory Access (RSP_ILLEGAL_MEMORY_TYPE: 0xA2) The master has tried to write or read emulator memory type that does not exist. Table 5-111. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: 38 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-112. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xA2 (RSP_ILLEGAL_MEMORY_TYPE) [BYTE] 5.2.6 Illegal Memory Access (RSP_ILLEGAL_MEMORY_RANGE: 0xA3) The master has tried to write or read an unsupported memory size. Table 5-113. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-114. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xA3 (RSP_ILLEGAL_MEMORY_RANGE) [BYTE] 5.2.7 Memory read (RSP_MEMORY: 0x82) The emulator returns the requested memory block Table 5-115. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE The size of MESSAGE_BODY in bytes. TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: 39 2587D-AVR-11/09 <MESSAGE_ID, DATA> Table 5-116. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x82 (RSP_MEMORY) [BYTE] DATA Memory read! [BYTE] * N 5.2.8 Breakpoint read (RSP_GET_BREAK: 0x83) The emulator returns only the requested breakpoint: Table 5-117. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE The size of MESSAGE_BODY in bytes. TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, TYPE, ADDRESS, MODE> Table 5-118. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x83 (RSP_GET_BREAK) [BYTE] TYPE 0x01: program breakpoint 0x02: data breakpoint [BYTE] ADDRESS Address [BYTE] * 4, LSB first MODE 0x00: (Program breakpoint – not used) 0x01: Break on memory read 0x02: Break on memory write 0x03: Break on memory read or write. [BYTE] 5.2.9 Operation cannot be performed (RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE: 0xA4) The master has requested an operation that cannot be performed in the current emulator mode: Table 5-119. Message Format. Parameter Name 40 Description AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 2 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, CURRENT_MODE> Table 5-120. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xA4 (RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE) [BYTE] CURRENT_MODE 0x00: EMULATOR_MODE_DEBUGWIRE 0x01: EMULATOR_MODE_JTAG 0x02: EMULATOR_MODE_UNKNOWN [BYTE] 5.2.10 Operation cannot be performed (RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE: 0xA5) The master has requested an operation that cannot be performed in the current operating state of the target MCU: Table 5-121. Message Format Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 2 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, CURRENT_MODE> Table 5-122. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xA5 (RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE) [BYTE] 41 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Usage Format CURRENT_MODE 0x00: STOPPED 0x01: RUNNING 0x02: PROGRAMMING [BYTE] 5.2.11 Program Counter Read (RSP_PC: 0x84) Returns the current program counter to the master Table 5-123. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 5 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, PROGRAM_COUNTER> Table 5-124. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x84 (RSP_PC) [BYTE] MESSAGE_BODY Program counter [BYTE] * 4, LSB first 5.2.12 Selftest (RSP_SELFTEST: 0x85) Returns the result of a self-test. Content of self-test is described later. The self-test serves two purposes: 1. Verifying the integrity of the unit itself. 2. Verifying that the actual debug set-up is working (device interface is ok, no stuck lines etc) Table 5-125. Message Format. 42 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE The size of MESSAGE_BODY in bytes. TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 The MESSAGE_BODY consists of 9 parts: < MESSAGE_ID, SELFTEST_0, …, SELFTEST_7> Table 5-126. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x85 (RSP_SELFTEST) [BYTE] SELFTEST_0 TEST_SPECIFIC_RESULT [BYTE] - ... - - ... - - ... - SELFTEST_7 TEST_SPECIFIC_RESULT [BYTE] Up to 8 individual self-test functions can be selected by the CMND_SELFTEST command. Each test returns one byte to the response, regardless of whether it is executed or not. The individual results are SELFTEST values, which can be customized further for each specific test. Table 5-127. Response. Self-test response Value Meaning SELFTEST_SKIPPED 0x00 This self-test was not executed SELFTEST_OK 0x01 Self-test passed SELFTEST_FAILED 0x80 Self-test failed ST_USART_FAILURE 0x81 Internal USART test failed ST_FIFO_M_FAILURE 0x82 Master side FIFO reading failed ST_FIFO_S_FAILURE 0x83 Slave side FIFO reading failed ST_FIFO_M_EMPTY_FAILURE 0x84 Master side EMPTY bit reading failed ST_FIFO_S_EMPTY_FAILURE 0x85 Slave side EMPTY bit reading failed ST_FIFO_M_FULL_FAILURE 0x86 Master side FULL bit reading failed ST_FIFO_S_FULL_FAILURE 0x87 Slave side FULL bit reading failed ST_FIFO_M_NINE_FAILURE 0x88 Master side NINTH bit reading failed ST_FIFO_S_NINE_FAILURE 0x89 Slave side NINTH bit reading failed ST_SRAM_FAILURE 0x8A Internal SRAM read-write test failed ST_JTAG_TMS_STUCK_HIGH 0x8B JTAG TMS line cannot be driven low! ST_JTAG_TCK_STUCK_HIGH 0x8C JTAG TCK line cannot be driven low! ST_JTAG_TDI_STUCK_HIGH 0x8D JTAG TDI line cannot be driven low! ST_JTAG_TMS_STUCK_LOW 0x8E JTAG TMS line cannot be driven high! ST_JTAG_TCK_STUCK_TMS 0x8F JTAG lines TCK and TMS are possibly tied together. ST_JTAG_TDI_STUCK_TMS 0x90 JTAG lines TDI and TMS are possibly tied together. ST_JTAG_TCK_STUCK_LOW 0x91 JTAG TCK line cannot be driven high! ST_JTAG_TMS_STUCK_TCK 0x92 JTAG lines TMS and TCK are possibly tied together. 43 2587D-AVR-11/09 Self-test response Value Meaning ST_JTAG_TDI_STUCK_TCK 0x93 JTAG lines TDI and TCK are possibly tied together. ST_JTAG_TDI_STUCK_LOW 0x94 JTAG TDI line cannot be driven high! ST_JTAG_TMS_STUCK_TDI 0x95 JTAG lines TMS and TDI are possibly tied together. ST_JTAG_TCK_STUCK_TDI 0x96 JTAG lines TCK and TDI are possibly tied together. • JTAG self-test messages should be in the form: “JTAG connection failed: %message. Please check the physical connection between the ICE and the target.” • If the debugWire Capacitance test fails, the message should read: “The JTAGICE mkII has detected a high capacitance on the RESET line, which may be affecting the debugWire communication. Please remove any capacitors from the reset line in your target circuit.” • If the debugWire PUSH PULL test fails, the message should read: “The JTAGICE mkII is unable to pull the reset line low in your target application. Using a too strong pull-up resistor (to low resistance) can cause this. The recommended value is in the order of 10k.” 5.2.13 SPI data returned (RSP_SPI_DATA: 0x88) Returns the data clocked out from an SPI command. Table 5-128. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE Size of message body in bytes TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-129. Parameters. 44 Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x88 (RSP_SPI_DATA) [BYTE] DATA Data clocked out from SPI command [BYTE] AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 5.2.14 Illegal Command (RSP_ILLEGAL_COMMAND: 0xAA) The master has tried to access an illegal emulator command. Table 5-130. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-131. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xAA (RSP_ILLEGAL_COMMAND) [BYTE] 5.2.15 Illegal Value (RSP_ILLEGAL_VALUE: 0xA6) The master has tried to write an illegal value to an emulator parameter. Table 5-132. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-133. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xA6 (RSP_ILLEGAL_VALUE) [BYTE] 45 2587D-AVR-11/09 5.2.16 Sign on (RSP_SIGN_ON: 0x86) Response to the Master sign on command. The purpose of the response is to tell AVR Studio which device is attached and which HW and FW versions are in use. Table 5-134. Message Format Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE Size of message body in bytes TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, COMM_ID, M_MCU_BLDR, M_MCU_FW_MIN, M_MCU_FW_MAJ, M_MCU_HW, S_MCU_BLDR, S_MCU_FW_MIN, S_MCU_FW_MAJ, S_MCU_HW, SERIAL_NUMBER, DEVICE_ID_STR> Table 5-135. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x86 (RSP_SIGNON) [BYTE] COMM_ID Communications protocol version [BYTE] M_MCU_BLDR M_MCU boot-loader FW version [BYTE] M_MCU_FW_MIN M_MCU firmware version (minor) [BYTE] M_MCU_FW_MAJ M_MCU firmware version (major) [BYTE] M_MCU_HW M_MCU hardware version [BYTE] S_MCU_BLDR S_MCU boot-loader FW version [BYTE] S_MCU_FW_MIN S_MCU firmware version (minor) [BYTE] S_MCU_FW_MAJ S_MCU firmware version (major) [BYTE] S_MCU_HW S_MCU hardware version [BYTE] SERIAL_NUMBER (USB) EEPROM stored s/n [BYTE] * 6, LSB FIRST DEVICE_ID_STR “JTAGICE mkII\0” Null terminated ASCII string identifying the device [BYTE] * N 5.2.17 Illegal breakpoint (RSP_ILLEGAL_BREAKPOINT: 0xA8) The master has attempted to set or get a breakpoint, which does not exist. Table 5-136. Message Format. 46 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Parameter Name Description TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-137. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xA8 (RSP_ILLEGAL_BREAKPOINT) [BYTE] 5.2.18 Illegal JTAG ID (RSP_ILLEGAL_JTAG_ID: 0xA9) The master has attempted to enter programming mode but the JTAG ID does not match the target device. Table 5-138. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-139. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xA9 (RSP_ILLEGAL_JTAG_ID) [BYTE] 5.2.19 Illegal Command (RSP_ILLEGAL_COMMAND: 0xAA) The master has attempted to execute an unknown command. Table 5-140. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 47 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Description TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-141. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xAA (RSP_ILLEGAL_COMMAND) [BYTE] 5.2.20 Illegal Target Power State (RSP_NO_TARGET_POWER: 0xAB) The master has attempted to execute a command but the target device is switched off or disconnected. Table 5-142. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-143. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xAB (RSP_NO_TARGET_POWER) [BYTE] 5.2.21 DebugWire sync failed (RSP_DEBUGWIRE_SYNC_FAILED: 0xAC) The master has attempted to enter debugWire mode, but the target did not respond to a reset pulse. DebugWire synchronization was not achieved. Can only be returned by a set_parameter emulator mode to debugWire, or possibly other debugWire mode commands. 48 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Table 5-144. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-145. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xAC (RSP_DEBUGWIRE_SYNC_FAILED) [BYTE] 5.2.22 JTAGICE mkII has not enough power to run (RSP_ILLEGAL_POWER_STATE: 0xAD) This response is sent to any command when the JTAGICE mkII is running off USB power but has only enumerated for 100mA operation. The JTAGICE mkII is in power save mode and will not respond normally to any commands. Table 5-146. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 5-147. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xAD (RSP_ILLEGAL_POWER_STATE) [BYTE] 5.2.23 Scan chain read (RSP_SCAN_CHAIN_READ: 0x87) Returns data from successful direct reading of the JTAG scan chain Table 5-148. Message Format. Parameter Name Description 49 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER Identical to the associated request MESSAGE_SIZE N+1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, DATA> Table 5-149. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0x87 (RSP_SCAN_CHAIN_READ) [BYTE] DATA DATA read from the JTAG scan chain [BYTE] * N, LSB first 6 Events 6.1 Introduction Events are messages sent from the slave (JTAGICE mkII) to the master (AVR Studio) with no prior command going the other way. A typical example of an event is a BREAK, the emulator can go on running forever, but suddenly a break condition is true, and the emulator breaks. The emulator issues a BREAK event to the master, who takes the appropriate actions. This section lists all events. 6.2 Events 6.2.1 Event Break (EVT_BREAK: 0xE0) A break condition is met; the emulator goes from RUNNING to STOPPED state. Table 6-1. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0xFFFF (reserved for EVENTS) MESSAGE_SIZE 6 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, PROGRAM_COUNTER, BREAK_CAUSE> 50 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Table 6-2. Parameters (tinyAVR / megaAVR devices). Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xE0 (EVT_BREAK) [BYTE] PROGRAM_COUNTER Program counter... [BYTE]*4, LSB first BREAK_CAUSE 0x00 = unspecified 0x01 = program break 0x02 = data break PDSB 0x03 = data break PDMSB [BYTE] 6.2.2 Event Target Power On (EVT_TARGET_POWER_ON: 0xE4) The emulator sends this event if the target power is off and then is turned on. AVR Studio must act accordingly. Table 6-3. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0xFFFF (reserved for EVENTS) MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 6-4. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xE4 (EVT_TARGET_POWER_ON) [BYTE] 6.2.3 Event Target Power Off (EVT_TARGET_POWER_OFF: 0xE5) The emulator sends this event when target power is on and then is turned off. AVR Studio must act accordingly. Table 6-5. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0xFFFF (reserved for EVENTS) MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below 51 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Description CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 6-6. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xE5 (EVT_TARGET_POWER_OFF) [BYTE] 6.2.4 Event Target External Reset (EVT_EXT_RESET: 0xE7) The target is reset externally (is still running). Table 6-7. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0xFFFF (reserved for EVENTS) MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 6-8. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xE7 (EVT_EXT_RESET) [BYTE] 6.2.5 Event Target Enter Sleep (EVT_TARGET_SLEEP: 0xE8) The target is running, but has entered sleep mode. Table 6-9. Message Format. 52 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0xFFFF (reserved for EVENTS) MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Parameter Name Description CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 6-10. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xE8 (EVT_TARGET_SLEEP) [BYTE] 6.2.6 Event Target Wakeup (EVT_TARGET_WAKEUP: 0xE9) The target has woken up from sleep. Table 6-11. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0xFFFF (reserved for EVENTS) MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 6-12. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xE9 (EVT_TARGET_WAKEUP) [BYTE] 6.2.7 Event illegal power state (EVT_POWER_ERROR_STATE: 0xEA) The JTAGICE mkII has entered an illegal power state (e.g.: tries to get power from an un-powered USB hub) and cannot continue debugging. Table 6-13. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0xFFFF (reserved for EVENTS) MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 53 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 6-14. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xEA (EVT_ICE_POWER_ERROR_STATE) [BYTE] 6.2.8 Event power OK (EVT_POWER_OK: 0xEB) The JTAGICE mkII power source is OK for full operation. Table 6-15. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0xFFFF (reserved for EVENTS) MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 6-16. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xEB (EVT_ICE_POWER_OK) [BYTE] 6.2.9 Event IDR dirty (EVT_IDR_DIRTY: 0xEC) The target device has written the IDR register. Table 6-17. Message Format. 54 Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0xFFFF (reserved for EVENTS) MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 Parameter Name Description CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID, IDR value> Table 6-18. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID 0xEC (EVT_IDR_DIRTY) [BYTE] IDR Value written to IDR by the target app [BYTE] 6.2.10 DebugWire Error Events (EVT_ERROR_PHY_X) Table 6-19. Error Events. Event Name Value EVT_ERROR_PHY_FORCE_BREAK_TIMEOUT 0xE2 EVT_ERROR_PHY_RELEASE_BREAK_TIMEOUT 0xE3 EVT_ERROR_PHY_MAX_BIT_LENGTH_DIFF 0xED EVT_ERROR_PHY_SYNC_TIMEOUT 0xF0 EVT_ERROR_PHY_SYNC_TIMEOUT_BAUD 0xF4 EVT_ERROR_PHY_SYNC_OUT_OF_RANGE 0xF5 EVT_ERROR_PHY_SYNC_WAIT_TIMEOUT 0xF6 EVT_ERROR_PHY_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 0xF7 EVT_ERROR_PHY_RECEIVED_BREAK 0xF8 EVT_ERROR_PHY_OPT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT 0xF9 EVT_ERROR_PHY_OPT_RECEIVED_BREAK 0xFA EVT_RESULT_PHY_NO_ACTIVITY 0xFB Table 6-20. Message Format. Parameter Name Description MESSAGE_START ASCII 27 (ESC character) SEQUENCE_NUMBER 0xFFFF (reserved for EVENTS) MESSAGE_SIZE 1 TOKEN ASCII 14 MESSAGE_BODY See below CRC 2-byte CRC. The MESSAGE_BODY consists of: <MESSAGE_ID> Table 6-21. Parameters. Parameter Name Usage Format 55 2587D-AVR-11/09 Parameter Name Usage Format MESSAGE_ID (EVT_ERROR_PHY_X) [BYTE] 7 USB Descriptors This section list the descriptors used in relation to the JTAGICE mkII USB communication. 7.1 DEVICE Descriptor Table 7-1. Device descriptors. Offset Field Value Description 0 bLength 0x12 The size of this descriptor is 18 bytes 1 bDescriptorType 0x01 DEVICE Descriptor Type 2 bcdUSB 0x0110 Device compliant to the USB specification version 1.10 4 bDeviceClass 0xFF The device class is vendor-specific 5 bDeviceSubClass 0x00 Each interface specifies its own subclass information 6 bDeviceProtocol 0x00 No protocols on the device basis 7 bMaxPacketSize0 0x10 Maximum packet size for endpoint zero is 16 8 idVendor 0x03EB Vendor ID is 1003: Atmel Corporation 10 idProduct 0x2103 The Product ID is 0x2103 12 bcdDevice 0x0200 The device release number is 2.00 14 iManufacturer 0x01 The index of the string descriptor describing the manufacturer is 1 15 iProduct 0x02 The index of the string descriptor describing the product is 2 16 iSerialNumber 0x03 The index of the string descriptor describing the serial number is 3 17 bNumConfigurations 0x01 The device has 1 possible configurations 56 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 7.2 CONFIGURATION Descriptor Table 7-2. Configuration descriptors. Offset Field Value Description 0 bLength 0x09 The size of this descriptor is 9 bytes 1 bDescriptorType 0x02 CONFIGURATION Descriptor Type 2 wTotalLength 0x0020 The total length of data for this configuration is 32. This includes the combined length of all the descriptors returned 4 bNumInterfaces 0x01 This configuration supports 1 interfaces 5 bConfigurationValue 0x01 The value 1 should be used to select this configuration 6 iConfiguration 0x00 The device doesn't have the string descriptor describing this configuration 7 bmAttributes 0x80 Configuration characteristics:Bit 7: Reserved 8 MaxPower 0xFA Maximum power consumption of the device in this configuration is 500 mA 7.3 INTERFACE Descriptor Table 7-3. Interface descriptors. Offset Field Value Description 0 bLength 0x09 The size of this descriptor is 9 bytes 1 bDescriptorType 0x04 INTERFACE Descriptor Type 2 bInterfaceNumber 0x00 The number of this interface is 0 3 bAlternateSetting 0x00 The value used to select alternate setting for this interface is 0 4 bNumEndpoints 0x02 The number of endpoints used by this interface is 2(excluding endpoint zero) 5 bInterfaceClass 0xFF The interface class is vendor-specific 6 bInterfaceSubClass 0x00 The subclass code is 0x00 7 bInterfaceProtocol 0x00 The interface doesn't use any class-specific protocols 8 iInterface 0x00 The device doesn't have the string descriptor describing this interface 7.4 IN ENDPOINT Descriptor Table 7-4. In end-point descriptors Offset Field Value Description 0 bLength 0x07 The size of this descriptor is 7 bytes 1 bDescriptorType 0x05 ENDPOINT Descriptor Type 2 bEndpointAddress 0x82 This is an IN endpoint with address (endpoint number) 2 3 bmAttributes 0x02 Types –Transfer:BULKSync:No SyncUsage:Data EP 4 wMaxPacketSize 0x0040 Maximum packet size value for this endpoint is 0x40(Bits 12-11: Addtl. Transactions/frame) 6 bInterval 0x0A bInterval:10. The polling interval value is bInterval or 2**(bInterval-1) 57 2587D-AVR-11/09 7.5 OUT ENDPOINT Descriptor Table 7-5. Out end-point descriptors. Offset Field Value Description 0 bLength 0x07 The size of this descriptor is 7 bytes 1 bDescriptorType 0x05 ENDPOINT Descriptor Type 2 bEndpointAddress 0x02 This is an OUT endpoint with address (endpoint number) 2 3 bmAttributes 0x02 Types –Transfer:BULKSync:No SyncUsage:Data EP 4 wMaxPacketSize 0x0040 Maximum packet size value for this endpoint is 0x40(Bits 12-11: Addtl. Transactions/frame) 6 bInterval 0x0A bInterval:10. The polling interval value is bInterval or 2**(bInterval-1) 8 Parameters The following table describes all JTAGICE mkII parameters maintained through the Set and Get Parameter commands. Table 8-1. Parameter Description ID Description Format Access Value 0x01 Hardware Version [BYTE] M_MCU ver [BYTE] S_MCU ver R Hardvare version string 0x02 FW version [BYTE] M_MCU_min [BYTE] M_MCU_maj [BYTE] S_MCU_min [BYTE] S_MCU_maj R Firmware version string 0x03 Emulator MODE (debugWire or JTAG) [BYTE] R/W 0x00: debugWire 0x01: JTAG for megaAVR 0x02: unknown / none (default) 0x03: SPI 0x04: JTAG for AVR32 0x05: JTAG for XMEGA 0x06: PDI for XMEGA 0x04 (not used) 0x05 Baud rate (the default value is 4 : 19200) The RS232 setup is: Baud rate, No Parity, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit. [BYTE] R/W 0x01 : 2400 0x02 : 4800 0x03 : 9600 0x04 : 19200 default 0x05 : 38400 0x06 : 57600 0x07 : 115200 0x08 : 14400 0x06 OCD Vtarget [BYTE] * 2, LSB first R Read from target 0x07 OCD JTAG Clock [BYTE] R/W Delay between setting and clearing the JTAG clock. 0x00 for no delay (target at 4MHz+) 0x08 OCD Break Cause [BYTE] R Read from target upon break 58 (not used) AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 ID Description Format Access Value 0x09 Timers Running when target device is in stopped mode [BYTE] R/W 0x00 : Timers stopped (default) 0x01 : Timers Running 0x0A Break on Change of Flow [BYTE] R/W 0x00 0x0B Break Addr1 [BYTE] * 2, LSB first R/W (not used) 0x0C Break Addr2 [BYTE] * 2, LSB first R/W (not used) 0x0D CombBreakCtrl [BYTE] R/W (not used) 0x0E JTAGID string [BYTE] * 4 R Device specific 0x0F (not used) (not used) 0x10 (not used) (not used) 0x11 (not used) (not used) 0x12 (not used) (not used) 0x13 External Reset [BYTE] R/W 0x00 : No 0x01 : Yes (default) 0x14 Flash Page Size [BYTE] * 2, LSB first R/W Device specific 0x15 EEPROM Page Size [BYTE] R/W Device specific 0x16 (not used) 0x17 PSB0 [BYTE] * 2, LSB first R/W (not used) 0x18 PSB1 [BYTE] * 2, LSB first R/W (not used) 0x19 (not used) 0x1A Target MCU STATE [BYTE] R 0x1B Daisy chain info [BYTE] units before [BYTE] units after [BYTE] bits before [BYTE] bits after R/W 0x1C Boot address [BYTE] * 4, LSB first R/W 0x1D Target Signature [BYTE] * 2, LSB first R 0x1E (not used) 0x1F Program entry point [BYTE] * 4, LSB first W 0x22 Read CAN mailbox [BYTE] R/W 0x00: Don’t read CAN-mailbox 0x01: Read CAN-mailbox 0x23 Enable IDR events [BYTE] W 0x00: Access OSCCAL 0x01: Access IDR 0x24 Allow page programming in a scan chain [BYTE] W 0x00: Not allowed 0x01: Allowed 0x2D Soft reset (after signing off) [BYTE] W 0x00: Hard reset 0x03: No reset 0x31 PDI offset of NVM controller [BYTE] * 4, LSB first W Device specific 0x32 PDI offset of flash application section [BYTE] * 4, LSB first W Device specific 0x33 PDI offset of flash boot section [BYTE] * 4, LSB first W Device specific (not used) (not used) 0x00 : STOPPED 0x01 : RUNNING 0x02 : PROGRAMMING Read from target (not used) 59 2587D-AVR-11/09 ID Description Format Access Value 0x37 AVR32 JTAG enable sequence [BYTE] W 0x00: No JTAG enable 0x01: Use JTAG enable sequence 0x38 Run after programming [BYTE] W 0x00: Hold target stopped 0x01: Allow target to run 0x40 Packet parsing errors [BYTE] * 4, LSB first R 0x41 Valid packets received [BYTE] * 4, LSB first R 0x42 Intercommunication TX failures [BYTE] * 4, LSB first R 0x43 Intercommunication RX failures [BYTE] * 4, LSB first R 0x44 CRC errors [BYTE] * 4, LSB first R 0x45 Power source [BYTE] R 0x00 : External 0x01 : USB 9 Device Descriptor fields Figure 9-1. Defined parameters used by the “Set Device Descriptor” command. unsigned char ucReadIO[8]; //LSB = IOloc 0, MSB = IOloc63 unsigned char ucReadIOShadow[8]; //LSB = IOloc 0, MSB = IOloc63 unsigned char ucWriteIO[8]; //LSB = IOloc 0, MSB = IOloc63 unsigned char ucWriteIOShadow[8]; //LSB = IOloc 0, MSB = IOloc63 unsigned char ucReadExtIO[52]; //LSB = IOloc 96, MSB = IOloc511 unsigned char ucReadIOExtShadow[52]; //LSB = IOloc 96, MSB = IOloc511 unsigned char ucWriteExtIO[52]; //LSB = IOloc 96, MSB = IOloc511 unsigned char ucWriteIOExtShadow[52];//LSB = IOloc 96, MSB = IOloc511 unsigned char ucIDRAddress; //IDR address unsigned char ucSPMCRAddress; //SPMCR Register address and dW BasePC unsigned long ulBootAddress; //Device Boot Loader Start Address unsigned char ucRAMPZAddress; //RAMPZ Register address in SRAM I/O //space unsigned int uiFlashPageSize; //Device Flash Page Size, Size = //2 exp ucFlashPageSize unsigned char ucEepromPageSize; //Device Eeprom Page Size in bytes unsigned int uiUpperExtIOLoc; //Topmost (last) extended I/O //location, 0 if no external I/O unsigned long ulFlashSize; //Device Flash Size unsigned char ucEepromInst[20]; //Instructions for W/R EEPROM unsigned char ucFlashInst[3]; //Instructions for W/R FLASH unsigned char ucSPHaddr; // Stack pointer high unsigned char ucSPLaddr; // Stack pointer low unsigned int // number of pages in flash uiFlashpages; unsigned char ucDWDRAddress; // DWDR register address unsigned char ucDWBasePC; // Base/mask value of the PC unsigned char ucAllowFullPageBitstream; // FALSE on ALL new 60 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 //parts unsigned int uiStartSmallestBootLoaderSection // unsigned char EnablePageProgramming; // For JTAG parts only, // default TRUE unsigned char ucCacheType; // CacheType_Normal 0x00, // CacheType_CAN 0x01, unsigned int uiSramStartAddr // Start of SRAM unsigned char ucResetType; // Selects reset type. 0x00 unsigned char ucPCMaskExtended; // For parts with extended PC unsigned char ucPCMaskHigh; // PC high mask unsigned char ucEindAddress; // EIND IO address unsigned int EECRAddress; // EECR IO address 10 Memory Types Table 10-1. Memory Types. Memory area MEM_TYPE value IO_SHADOW 0x30 SRAM 0x20 EEPROM 0x22 EVENT 0x60 SPM 0xA0 FLASH_PAGE 0xB0 EEPROM_PAGE 0xB1 FUSE_BITS 0xB2 LOCK_BITS 0xB3 SIGN_JTAG 0xB4 OSCCAL_BYTE 0xB5 CAN 0xB6 XMEGA_APPLICATION_FLASH 0xC0 XMEGA_BOOT_FLASH 0xC1 XMEGA_USER_SIGNATURE 0xC5 XMEGA_CALIBRATION_SIGNATURE 0xC6 When reading SRAM three different actions can be taken depending on the address range. If the address is in the range 0x0000 to 0x001F JTAGICE mkII will fetch the data from the general purpose working register file. If the address is in the range 0x0020 to 0x005F data will be fetched from the IO register file. If the AVR supports Extended IO registers and the address is in the range less than 0x00FF data will be fetched from the External IO register file. If the address is beyond 0x005F data is fetched from internal/external SRAM when no external IO register file is used. If external IO register file is used the address must be beyond 0x0FF to fetch data from internal/external SRAM. 61 2587D-AVR-11/09 Read memory type SPM reads a single program word while FLASH_PAGE reads a whole page. Write memory uses FLASH_PAGE to program the whole flash. SPM is used only for programming a single page. Memory type EEPROM_PAGE uses page write and byte read. Memtypes FUSE_BITS, LOCK_BITS and OSCCAL_BYTE use byte read and (write). The address sent to JTAGICE mkII is byte address for all memory types. Only the start address needs to be supplied. The Emulator program reports Read Memory errors as Resp_FAILED. Unknown Read Memory types are ignored. Write Memory unknown types are also ignored. Memory Type CAN is handled by reading 300 bytes each time the memory type is accessed. The access of the CAN memory type is controlled by parameter Read CAN mailbox. If parameter Read CAN mailbox = TRUE then read all the 300 bytes if not (FALSE) don’t read. Writing to the CAN-mailbox is also done by using MemType_CAN. For each byte edited/written there should be a Cmnd_Write_Memory call for this memory type along with the address for the byte. 11 Breakpoints (megaAVR devices with JTAG interface) The OCD system uses Break Point Comparators to set Break Points. The Break Point control unit contains two single Program Memory Break Points, and two combined Break Points. Together, the four Break Points can be configured as either: (One Break Point is always used for single step.) • • • • 4 single Program Memory Break Points. 3 Single Program Memory Break Point + 1 single Data Memory Break Point 2 Single Program Memory Break Point + 2 single Data Memory Break Point 2 Single Program Memory Break Point + 1 Program Memory Break Point with mask (“range Break Point”) • 2 Single Program Memory Break Point + 1 Data Memory Break Point with mask (“range Break Point”) The Data Memory Break Point can be set to one out of three modes; Data Memory Read, Data Memory Write, or Data Memory Read or Write. A Data Memory break sets the AVR CPU in the Stopped mode after finishing the instruction causing the break condition. Break on data content is not supported. The OCD system contains different registers in the Break Point control unit. PSBO and PSB1 – Program Break on single address – are 16-bit compare registers for the Program Counter from the CPU. PDMSB – Program/Data Mask or Single Break – is the register used for setting a single program Break Point on either a Program Memory or a Data Memory address. Alternatively, PDMSB can act as a mask on the address to the PDSB comparator, thereby implementing a “range-break”. PDSB – Program/Data Single Break – is used for setting a single Break Point on either a Program Memory or a Data Memory address. Alternatively, PDMSB can mask the address to the PDSB Comparator, thereby implementing a "range-break". 62 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 BCR – Break Control Register – is among other things used to control the settings of the four different Break Registers mentioned above. To set Break Points in the JTAGICE mkII, AVR Studio uses CMND_SET_PARAMETER to set the PSB0 or PSB1 Registers. In this case, the address of the Set Parameter command is the address where the Break Points will be located, and the value indicates if the PSB0 or PSB1 Break Points should be set to this location (0 = PSB0, 1 = PSB1). Necessary modification of BCR is done automatically. CmndSetParameter and Parameter BreakAddr set the PDMSB and PDSB Registers. BCR is not automatically modified in this case. To activate the PDMSB and PDSB Break Points the command CmndSetParameter and parameter CombBreakCtrl should be used to set BCR to the proper value. When the JTAGICE mkII breaks, all Break Points are cleared therefore, Break Points must be set prior to each run. There is no need for Clear Break Points commands. 12 CRC16 Calculations The following source code performs CRC16 calculation and verification for the JTAGICE mkII Communication Protocol. Use the VerifyChecksum function to verify the integrity of a received command. Returns TRUE if the message integrity is maintained, returns FALSE otherwise. Use the AppendChecksum function to append the 2 CRC16 bytes to a message prior to sending the message. Figure 12-1. File: crc16.h. #ifndef CRC16_H #define CRC16_H class Crc16 { public: // Calculate the checksum of a message. static unsigned short Checksum( const unsigned char* message, unsigned long length, unsigned short crc = 0xffff); // Verify that the last two bytes is a (LSB first) // valid CRC of the message. static bool VerifyChecksum( const unsigned char* message, unsigned long length); // Append a two byte CRC (LSB first) to message. // length is size of message excluding crc. // Space for the CRC bytes must be allocated in advance! static void AppendChecksum( unsigned char* message, unsigned long length); }; #endif 63 2587D-AVR-11/09 Figure 12-2. File: crc16.cpp #include "Crc16.h" // Code taken from DataTransportLayer crc16.h // CRC16 Definitions const unsigned short crc_table[256] = { 0x0000, 0x1189, 0x2312, 0x329b, 0x4624, 0x57ad, 0x6536, 0x74bf, 0x8c48, 0x9dc1, 0xaf5a, 0xbed3, 0xca6c, 0xdbe5, 0xe97e, 0xf8f7, 0x1081, 0x0108, 0x3393, 0x221a, 0x56a5, 0x472c, 0x75b7, 0x643e, 0x9cc9, 0x8d40, 0xbfdb, 0xae52, 0xdaed, 0xcb64, 0xf9ff, 0xe876, 0x2102, 0x308b, 0x0210, 0x1399, 0x6726, 0x76af, 0x4434, 0x55bd, 0xad4a, 0xbcc3, 0x8e58, 0x9fd1, 0xeb6e, 0xfae7, 0xc87c, 0xd9f5, 0x3183, 0x200a, 0x1291, 0x0318, 0x77a7, 0x662e, 0x54b5, 0x453c, 0xbdcb, 0xac42, 0x9ed9, 0x8f50, 0xfbef, 0xea66, 0xd8fd, 0xc974, 0x4204, 0x538d, 0x6116, 0x709f, 0x0420, 0x15a9, 0x2732, 0x36bb, 0xce4c, 0xdfc5, 0xed5e, 0xfcd7, 0x8868, 0x99e1, 0xab7a, 0xbaf3, 0x5285, 0x430c, 0x7197, 0x601e, 0x14a1, 0x0528, 0x37b3, 0x263a, 0xdecd, 0xcf44, 0xfddf, 0xec56, 0x98e9, 0x8960, 0xbbfb, 0xaa72, 0x6306, 0x728f, 0x4014, 0x519d, 0x2522, 0x34ab, 0x0630, 0x17b9, 0xef4e, 0xfec7, 0xcc5c, 0xddd5, 0xa96a, 0xb8e3, 0x8a78, 0x9bf1, 0x7387, 0x620e, 0x5095, 0x411c, 0x35a3, 0x242a, 0x16b1, 0x0738, 0xffcf, 0xee46, 0xdcdd, 0xcd54, 0xb9eb, 0xa862, 0x9af9, 0x8b70, 0x8408, 0x9581, 0xa71a, 0xb693, 0xc22c, 0xd3a5, 0xe13e, 0xf0b7, 0x0840, 0x19c9, 0x2b52, 0x3adb, 0x4e64, 0x5fed, 0x6d76, 0x7cff, 0x9489, 0x8500, 0xb79b, 0xa612, 0xd2ad, 0xc324, 0xf1bf, 0xe036, 0x18c1, 0x0948, 0x3bd3, 0x2a5a, 0x5ee5, 0x4f6c, 0x7df7, 0x6c7e, 0xa50a, 0xb483, 0x8618, 0x9791, 0xe32e, 0xf2a7, 0xc03c, 0xd1b5, 0x2942, 0x38cb, 0x0a50, 0x1bd9, 0x6f66, 0x7eef, 0x4c74, 0x5dfd, 0xb58b, 0xa402, 0x9699, 0x8710, 0xf3af, 0xe226, 0xd0bd, 0xc134, 0x39c3, 0x284a, 0x1ad1, 0x0b58, 0x7fe7, 0x6e6e, 0x5cf5, 0x4d7c, 0xc60c, 0xd785, 0xe51e, 0xf497, 0x8028, 0x91a1, 0xa33a, 0xb2b3, 0x4a44, 0x5bcd, 0x6956, 0x78df, 0x0c60, 0x1de9, 0x2f72, 0x3efb, 0xd68d, 0xc704, 0xf59f, 0xe416, 0x90a9, 0x8120, 0xb3bb, 0xa232, 0x5ac5, 0x4b4c, 0x79d7, 0x685e, 0x1ce1, 0x0d68, 0x3ff3, 0x2e7a, 0xe70e, 0xf687, 0xc41c, 0xd595, 0xa12a, 0xb0a3, 0x8238, 0x93b1, 0x6b46, 0x7acf, 0x4854, 0x59dd, 0x2d62, 0x3ceb, 0x0e70, 0x1ff9, 0xf78f, 0xe606, 0xd49d, 0xc514, 0xb1ab, 0xa022, 0x92b9, 0x8330, 0x7bc7, 0x6a4e, 0x58d5, 0x495c, 0x3de3, 0x2c6a, 0x1ef1, 0x0f78 }; // CRC calculation macros #define CRC_INIT 0xFFFF #define CRC(crcval,newchar) crcval = (crcval >> 8) ^ crc_table[(crcval ^ newchar) & 0x00ff] unsigned short Crc16::Checksum( const unsigned char* message, unsigned long length, 64 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 unsigned short crc) { for(unsigned long i = 0; i < length; i++) { CRC(crc, message[i]); } return crc; } bool Crc16::VerifyChecksum(const unsigned char* message, unsigned long length) { // Returns true if the last two bytes in a message is the crc // of the preceding bytes. unsigned short expected = Checksum(message, length - 2); return (expected & 0xff) == message[length - 2] && ((expected >> 8) & 0xff) == message[length - 1]; } void Crc16::AppendChecksum(unsigned char* message, unsigned long length) { unsigned long crc = Checksum(message, length); message[length] = (unsigned char)(crc & 0xff); message[length+1] = (unsigned char)((crc >> 8) & 0xff); } 65 2587D-AVR-11/09 13 Table of Contents Features ............................................................................................... 1 1 Introduction ...................................................................................... 1 2 Theory of operation ......................................................................... 2 2.1 USB and RS-232 Connection.............................................................................. 2 2.1.1 RS-232 Connection ................................................................................................... 2 2.1.2 USB Connection........................................................................................................ 2 2.1.3 USB Configuration..................................................................................................... 2 3 Message Format............................................................................... 3 4 Message parsing.............................................................................. 3 4.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Common State Machine Implementation ............................................................ 4 5 Commands and responses ............................................................. 5 5.1 Master Commands .............................................................................................. 5 5.1.1 Sign off (CMND_SIGN_OFF: 0x00)........................................................................... 5 5.1.2 Check if Emulator is present (CMND_GET_SIGN_ON: 0x01) .................................. 7 5.1.3 Write Emulator Parameter (CMND_SET_PARAMETER: 0x02) ................................ 8 5.1.4 Read Emulator Parameter (CMND_GET_PARAMETER: 0x03) ............................... 9 5.1.5 Write Memory (CMND_WRITE_MEMORY: 0x04)..................................................... 9 5.1.6 Read Memory (CMND_READ_MEMORY: 0x05) .................................................... 11 5.1.7 Write Program Counter (CMND_WRITE_PC: 0x06) ............................................... 12 5.1.8 Read Program Counter (CMND_READ_PC: 0x07)................................................. 12 5.1.9 Start Program Execution (CMND_GO: 0x08) .......................................................... 14 5.1.10 Single Step (CMND_SINGLE_STEP: 0x09).......................................................... 14 5.1.11 Stop Program Execution (CMND_FORCED_STOP: 0x0A)................................... 15 5.1.12 Reset User Program (CMND_RESET: 0x0B)........................................................ 16 5.1.13 Set Device Descriptor (CMND_SET_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR: 0x0C).................. 17 5.1.14 Erase Page SPM (CMND_ERASEPAGE_SPM: 0x0D)......................................... 18 5.1.15 Get Sync (CMND_GET_SYNC 0x0F) ................................................................... 19 5.1.16 Self test (CMND_SELFTEST: 0x10)...................................................................... 19 5.1.17 Set Breakpoint (CMND_SET_BREAK: 0x11) ........................................................ 20 5.1.18 Get Breakpoint (CMND_GET_BREAK: 0x12) ....................................................... 22 5.1.19 Chip erase (CMD_CHIP_ERASE: 0x13) ............................................................... 23 5.1.20 Enter programming mode (CMND_ENTER_PROGMODE: 0x14)......................... 24 5.1.21 Leave programming mode (CMND_LEAVE_PROGMODE: 0x15) ........................ 24 5.1.22 Clear Breakpoint (CMND_CLR_BREAK: 0x1A) .................................................... 25 5.1.23 Run to Address (CMND_RUN_TO_ADDR: 0x1C)................................................. 26 5.1.24 Universal SPI command (CMND_SPI_CMD: 0x1D).............................................. 27 5.1.25 Clear event memory (CMND_CLEAR_EVENTS: 0x22) ........................................ 28 5.1.26 Restore target (CMND_RESTORE_TARGET: 0x23) ............................................ 29 5.1.27 Encapsulated ISP command (CMND_ISP_PACKET: 0x2F) ................................. 29 5.1.28 Write JTAG Instruction (CMND_JTAG_INSTR: 0x24)........................................... 31 5.1.29 Write / read JTAG data (CMND_JTAG_DATA: 0x25) ........................................... 31 5.1.30 Write data to SAB (CMND_JTAG_SAB_WRITE: 0x28) ........................................ 32 5.1.31 Read SAB data (CMND_JTAG_SAB_READ: 0x29).............................................. 33 5.1.32 JTAG data block read (CMND_JTAG_BLOCK_READ: 0x2C) .............................. 34 5.1.33 JTAG data block write (CMND_JTAG_BLOCK_WRITE: 0x2D) ............................ 34 66 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 AVR067 5.1.34 XMEGA Erase (CMND_XMEGA_ERASE : 0x34) ................................................. 35 5.2 Slave Responses .............................................................................................. 36 5.2.1 OK (RSP_OK : 0x80)............................................................................................... 36 5.2.2 Failed (RSP_FAILED: 0xA0) ................................................................................... 37 5.2.3 Illegal Parameter (RSP_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER: 0xA1)........................................ 37 5.2.4 Parameter return (RSP_PARAMETER: 0x81)......................................................... 38 5.2.5 Illegal Memory Access (RSP_ILLEGAL_MEMORY_TYPE: 0xA2) .......................... 38 5.2.6 Illegal Memory Access (RSP_ILLEGAL_MEMORY_RANGE: 0xA3) ...................... 39 5.2.7 Memory read (RSP_MEMORY: 0x82)..................................................................... 39 5.2.8 Breakpoint read (RSP_GET_BREAK: 0x83) ........................................................... 40 5.2.9 Operation cannot be performed (RSP_ILLEGAL_EMULATOR_MODE: 0xA4)....... 40 5.2.10 Operation cannot be performed (RSP_ILLEGAL_MCU_STATE: 0xA5)................ 41 5.2.11 Program Counter Read (RSP_PC: 0x84) .............................................................. 42 5.2.12 Selftest (RSP_SELFTEST: 0x85) .......................................................................... 42 5.2.13 SPI data returned (RSP_SPI_DATA: 0x88)........................................................... 44 5.2.14 Illegal Command (RSP_ILLEGAL_COMMAND: 0xAA) ......................................... 45 5.2.15 Illegal Value (RSP_ILLEGAL_VALUE: 0xA6)........................................................ 45 5.2.16 Sign on (RSP_SIGN_ON: 0x86)............................................................................ 46 5.2.17 Illegal breakpoint (RSP_ILLEGAL_BREAKPOINT: 0xA8) ..................................... 46 5.2.18 Illegal JTAG ID (RSP_ILLEGAL_JTAG_ID: 0xA9) ................................................ 47 5.2.19 Illegal Command (RSP_ILLEGAL_COMMAND: 0xAA) ......................................... 47 5.2.20 Illegal Target Power State (RSP_NO_TARGET_POWER: 0xAB)......................... 48 5.2.21 DebugWire sync failed (RSP_DEBUGWIRE_SYNC_FAILED: 0xAC)................... 48 5.2.22 JTAGICE mkII has not enough power to run (RSP_ILLEGAL_POWER_STATE: 0xAD) ............................................................................................................................... 49 5.2.23 Scan chain read (RSP_SCAN_CHAIN_READ: 0x87) ........................................... 49 6 Events ............................................................................................. 50 6.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 50 6.2 Events................................................................................................................ 50 6.2.1 Event Break (EVT_BREAK: 0xE0) .......................................................................... 50 6.2.2 Event Target Power On (EVT_TARGET_POWER_ON: 0xE4) ............................... 51 6.2.3 Event Target Power Off (EVT_TARGET_POWER_OFF: 0xE5) ............................. 51 6.2.4 Event Target External Reset (EVT_EXT_RESET: 0xE7) ........................................ 52 6.2.5 Event Target Enter Sleep (EVT_TARGET_SLEEP: 0xE8)...................................... 52 6.2.6 Event Target Wakeup (EVT_TARGET_WAKEUP: 0xE9) ....................................... 53 6.2.7 Event illegal power state (EVT_POWER_ERROR_STATE: 0xEA) ......................... 53 6.2.8 Event power OK (EVT_POWER_OK: 0xEB)........................................................... 54 6.2.9 Event IDR dirty (EVT_IDR_DIRTY: 0xEC) .............................................................. 54 6.2.10 DebugWire Error Events (EVT_ERROR_PHY_X)................................................. 55 7 USB Descriptors ............................................................................ 56 7.1 DEVICE Descriptor............................................................................................ 56 7.2 CONFIGURATION Descriptor.............................Error! Bookmark not defined. 7.3 INTERFACE Descriptor..................................................................................... 57 7.4 IN ENDPOINT Descriptor.................................................................................. 57 7.5 OUT ENDPOINT Descriptor.............................................................................. 58 8 Parameters ..................................................................................... 58 9 Device Descriptor fields ................................................................ 60 67 2587D-AVR-11/09 10 Memory Types.............................................................................. 61 11 Breakpoints (megaAVR devices with JTAG interface) ............. 62 12 CRC16 Calculations ..................................................................... 63 13 Table of Contents......................................................................... 66 68 AVR067 2587D-AVR-11/09 Headquarters International Atmel Corporation 2325 Orchard Parkway San Jose, CA 95131 USA Tel: 1(408) 441-0311 Fax: 1(408) 487-2600 Atmel Asia Unit 1-5 & 16, 19/F BEA Tower, Millennium City 5 418 Kwun Tong Road Kwun Tong, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2245-6100 Fax: (852) 2722-1369 Atmel Europe Le Krebs 8, Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud BP 309 78054 Saint-Quentin-enYvelines Cedex France Tel: (33) 1-30-60-70-00 Fax: (33) 1-30-60-71-11 Atmel Japan 9F, Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg. 1-24-8 Shinkawa Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan Tel: (81) 3-3523-3551 Fax: (81) 3-3523-7581 Technical Support [email protected] Sales Contact www.atmel.com/contacts Product Contact Web Site http://www.atmel.com/ Literature Request www.atmel.com/literature Disclaimer: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. 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Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel’s products are not intended, authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life. © 2009 Atmel Corporation. All rights reserved. Atmel®, logo and combinations thereof, AVR® and others, are the registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others. 2587D-AVR-11/09