Advanced Power Electronics Corp. APE8865 300mA LOW DROPOUT LINEAR REGULATOR FEATURES DESCRIPTIOON The APE8865 series are low dropout, positive linear regulators with very low quiescent current. The APE8865 can supply 300mA output current with a low dropout voltage at about 250mV. The APE8865 regulator is able to operate with output capacitors as small as 1 µ F for stability. Other than the current limit protection APE8865 also offers on chip thermal shutdown feature providing protection against overload or any condition when the ambient temperature exceeds the junction temperature. The APE8865 series are offering several fixed output voltage types including 1.2V ~ 3.3V. The APE8865 series are available in low-profile, space-saving SC-70-4L 、 SC-70-5L 、 SOT-23 & SOT23-5L packages. Low Dropout Voltage of 250mV at 300mA Guaranteed 300mA Output Current Very Low Quiescent Current at about 30uA ±2% Output Voltage Accuracy for 1.2V~3.3V Needs Only 1µF Capacitor for Stability Thermal Shutdown Protection Current Limit Protection Output Voltage Fast Discharge Low-ESR Ceramic Capacitor for Output Stability. Tiny SC-70-4L、SC-70-5L、SOT-23 & SOT-23-5L Packages RoHS Compliant & Halogen Free High PSRR APPLICATIONS DVD/CD-ROMs, CD/RWs Wireless Devices LCD Modules Battery Power Systems Card Readers XDSL Routers TYPICAL APPLICATION APE8865 Figure 1. Typical Application Circuit of APE8865 Note : To prevent oscillation, it is recommended to use minimum 1uF X7R or X5R dielectric capacitors if ceramics are used as input / output capacitors. ORDERING INFORMATION APE8865X - XX -HF Halogen Free Package Type Output Voltage N : SOT-23 NR : SOT-23 NL : SOT-23 Y5 : SOT-23-5L U4 : SC-70-4L U5 : SC-70-5L 12 : 1.2V 19 : 1.9V 24 : 2.4V 29 : 2.9V 15 : 1.5V 20 : 2.0V 25 : 2.5V 30 : 3.0V 16 : 1.6V 21 : 2.1V 26 : 2.6V 31 : 3.1V 17 : 1.7V 22 : 2.2V 27 : 2.7V 32 : 3.2V 18 : 1.8V 23 : 2.3V 28 : 2.8V 33 : 3.3V Data and specifications subject to change without notice 1 20120810B Advanced Power Electronics Corp. APE8865 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Input Voltage (VIN) ----------------------------------------- 6V SHDN Voltage (VSHDN) ------------------------------------ GND - 0.3V to VIN + 0.3V Power Dissipation (SOT23-5L) -------------------------- 0.4W (SOT-23) ------------------------------- 0.4W (SC70-4L) ------------------------------ 0.23W (SC70-5L) ------------------------------ 0.23W Storage Temperature Range ---------------------------- -65°C To 150°C Maximum Junction Temperature ----------------------- 150°C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Input Voltage (VIN) ----------------------------------------- 2.8 to 5.5V -40 to 125 oC Operating Junction Temperature Range (T J) ------- Ambient Temperature (T A) ------------------------------- -40 to 85 oC PACKAGE INFORMATION 1 GND 2 SHDN 3 (Top View) (Top View) (Top View) VIN 5 VIN VOUT GND 1 3 4 BP VOUT 3 VOUT 1 (Top View) 4 VIN VIN 2 GND SOT-23 (N) Rthja=250℃/W SOT-23 (NR) Rthja=250℃/W SOT-23-5L (Y5) Rthja=250℃/W EN GND 2 (Top View) 1 2 3 VOUT VIN 1 GND 2 SHDN 3 SC-70-4L (U4) Rthja=420℃/W 5 VOUT 4 BP SC-70-5L (U5) Rthja=420℃/W (Top View) VOUT 1 GND 2 3 VIN SOT-23 (NL) Rthja=250℃/W ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ( VIN=VOUT+1V or VIN=2.8V whichever is greater, C IN=1uF, COUT=1uF, TA=25oC, unless otherwise specified) Parameter SYM MIN TYP MAX UNITS Output Voltage Accuracy ∆VOUT IO= 1mA -2 - 2 % ILIMIT RLoad=1Ω 300 - - mA IQ IO= 0mA - 30 55 µA 1.2V ≦ VOUT ≦ 2.0V - 1000 - Dropout Voltage (Note 1) VDROP IO=300mA 2.0V < V OUT ≦ 2.8V - 350 - 2.8V < VOUT ≦ 3.3V - 250 - Line Regulation ∆VLINE IO=1mA, VIN=VOUT +1V to 5V - 1 5 mV Load Regulation (Note 2) ∆VLOAD IO=0mA to 300mA - 6 20 mV Io=1mA, COUT=1uF, fRIPPLE = 100Hz - -73 - f RIPPLE = 10KHz - -50 - - 50 - TSD - 160 - o C ∆TSD - 25 - o C Current Limit Quiescent Current Ripple Rejection Temperature Coefficient Thermal Shutdown Temperature Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis Shutdown Pin Current PSRR TC TEST CONDITION IOUT = 1mA, VIN = 5V mV dB ppm/ oC ISHDN - - 0.1 µA Shutdown Pin Voltage (ON) VSHDN(ON) 1.4 - - V Shutdown Pin Voltage (OFF) VSHDN(OFF) - - 0.4 V - 150 - µs Shutdown Exit Delay Time ∆T CBP=0.1uF, COUT=1uF, IOUT=30mA Note 1:The dropout voltage is defined as V IN-VOUT, which is measured when VOUT drop about 100mV. Note 2:Regulation is measured at a constant junction temperature by using 30ms current pulse and load regulation in the load range from 0mA to 300mA. 2 Advanced Power Electronics Corp. APE8865 PIN DESCRIPTIONS PIN SYMBOL PIN DESCRIPTION VIN Power is supplied to this device from this pin which is required an input filter capacitor. In general, the input capacitor in the range of 1µF to 10µF is sufficient. The output supplies power to loads. The output capacitor is required to prevent output voltage unstable. The VOUT APE8865 is stable with an output capacitor 1µF or greater. The larger output capacitor will be required for application with large transit load to limit peak voltage transits, besides could reduce output noise, improve stability, PSRR. GND BP SHDN Common ground pin Reference Noise Bypass ( the Bypass Capacitor ≧ 1nF ) Chip Enable (Active High) BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 2. Block Diagram of APE8865 With Auto Discharge 3 Advanced Power Electronics Corp. APE8865 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Dropout Voltage vs Output Current Dropout Voltage vs. Temperature 500 500 400 Dropout Voltage (V) Dropout Voltage (mV) 400 TJ=125oC 300 TJ=25oC TJ=-40oC 200 300 200 100 100 0 0 100 200 -40 300 -20 0 25 50 85 125 o T J , Junction Temperature ( C) Output Current(mA) VIN=4.3V, VOUT=3.3V, IOUT=1 ~ 300mA VIN=4.3V, VOUT=3.3V, IOUT=1 ~ 300mA Quiescent Current vs Temperature Quiescent Current vs Input Voltage 50 70 IQ , Quiescent Current (uA) IQ , Quiescent Current(uA) 48 60 50 40 30 46 44 42 40 -40 -20 0 25 50 85 125 4.3 4.5 o VIN=4.3 ~ 6V, VOUT=3.3V 5.5 6 VIN=4.3 ~ 6V, VOUT=3.3V Line Regulation Load Regulation 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 V O U T, Output Voltage (V) V O U T, Output Voltage (V) 5 V IN , Input Voltage(V) T J , Junction Temperature ( C) 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.1 3 3 4.3 4.5 5 5.5 V IN , Input Voltage (V) VIN=4.3 ~ 6V, VOUT=3.3V, IOUT=1mA 6 1 10 50 100 200 300 I OUT , Output Current (mA) VIN=4.3V, VOUT=3.3V, IOUT=1 ~ 300mA 4 Advanced Power Electronics Corp. APE8865 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Load Transient Current Limit vs Temperature 500 Current Limit (mA) 460 420 380 340 300 -40 -20 0 25 50 85 125 o T J , Junction Temperature ( C) VIN=4.3V, VOUT=1.8V, ELOAD=10~300mA VIN=4.3V, VOUT=3.3V, ELOAD= Short GND Power ON Power OFF VIN=4.3V, VOUT=3.3V, ROUT=11 Ω VIN=4.3V, VOUT=3.3V, ROUT=11 Ω Enable ON Enable OFF VIN=4.3V, VOUT=3.3V, ROUT=11 Ω VIN=4.3V, VOUT=3.3V, ROUT=11 Ω 5 Advanced Power Electronics Corp. APE8865 MARKING INFORMATION SOT-23-5L SOT-23-5L VOUT Part Number : RL Output Voltage : see Identification Code RL&SS Date Code : SS SS:2004,2008,2012… SS:2003,2007,2011… SS:2002,2006,2010… SS:2001,2005,2009… Identification Identification VOUT Code Code 1.2V 2 2.4V T 1.5V 5 2.5V F 1.6V S 2.6V f 1.7V X 2.7V D 1.8V A 2.8V E 1.9V a 2.9V h 2.0V e 3.0V H 2.1V B 3.1V x 2.2V C 3.2V U 2.3V v 3.3V I SOT-23 Part Number : RX RL : APE8865N ; Rl : APE8865NR ; rl : APE8865NL Output Voltage : see Identification Code RX&SS Date Code : SS SS:2004,2008,2012… SS:2003,2007,2011… SS:2002,2006,2010… SS:2001,2005,2009… SOT-23 VOUT Identification Identification VOUT Code Code 1.2V 2 2.4V T 1.5V 5 2.5V F 1.6V S 2.6V f 1.7V X 2.7V D 1.8V A 2.8V E 1.9V a 2.9V h 2.0V e 3.0V H 2.1V B 3.1V x 2.2V C 3.2V U 2.3V v 3.3V I SC-70-5L SC-70-5L VOUT Part Number : U Output Voltage : see Identification Code U&SS Date Code : SS SS:2004,2008,2012… SS:2003,2007,2011… SS:2002,2006,2010… SS:2001,2005,2009… SC-70-4L Identification Identification VOUT Code Code 1.2V B 2.4V T 1.5V C 2.5V F 1.6V S 2.6V f 1.7V X 2.7V w 1.8V D 2.8V G 1.9V a 2.9V h 2.0V e 3.0V H 2.1V b 3.1V x 2.2V O 3.2V U 2.3V v 3.3V I SC-70-4L VOUT Part Number : U Output Voltage : see Identification Code U&SS Date Code : SS SS:2004,2008,2012… SS:2003,2007,2011… SS:2002,2006,2010… SS:2001,2005,2009… Identification Identification VOUT Code Code 1.2V B 2.4V T 1.5V C 2.5V F 1.6V S 2.6V f 1.7V X 2.7V w 1.8V D 2.8V G 1.9V a 2.9V h 2.0V e 3.0V H 2.1V b 3.1V x 2.2V O 3.2V U 2.3V v 3.3V I 6