MC9S12VR Family Demonstration Lab Training

Freescale Semiconductor
Application Note
Document Number: AN4448
Rev. 0, 01/2012
MC9S12VR Family
Demonstration Lab Training
by: Carlos Aceff
Automotive & Industrial Solutions Group, Mexico
This document explains how to use the code contained in
the lab example package created for Freescale’s
MC9S12VR microcontroller. The lab example package
contains reference code that shows how to configure and
use the following modules:
• S12FTMRG (for flash memory writing)
• S12PWM8B8CV2 (for PWM generation)
• S12SCIV5 (for SCI communications)
• BATSV2 (to use the battery sensor)
• S12HSDRV1 (for high-side driver use)
• S12LSDRV1 (for low-side driver use)
• S12GMMCV1 (to navigate in the different flash
memory pages)
• S12SPIV5 (for SPI usage)
The lab example package can be downloaded from
© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2012. All rights reserved.
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1 Tool setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Board setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Demonstration lab examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.1 Flash programming example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3.2 BAT sensing demonstration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.3 PWM module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.4 MMC program flash paging window . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.5 SCI communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.6 SPI communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.7 LSDRV module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.8 HSDRV module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Useful reference materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Tool setup
The lab examples are intended to run on the evaluation board S12VR64EVB; this EVB can be purchased
from Freescale’s website.
Also, it is a prerequisite to install an evaluation (or permanent) version of CodeWarrior Development
Studio for S12VR; this software comes with the S12VR64EVB, and its installation guide is included in
Freescale document LL18UHVQSG, Quick Start Guide: S12VR64EVB, which also comes with the EVB.
Board setup
To properly configure the S12VR64EVB, the action items in this list must be performed.
1. The S12VR64EVB board must be configured with the default jumper settings as shown in the
Quick Start Guide: S12VR64EVB.
2. Power the board by connecting a 12 V power supply in J6 or in J4 and J5.
3. Push the on/off switch (SW3) to the on position.
4. Connect an A/B USB cable to an open USB port on the host PC, and the USB mini-connector to
the S12VR64EVB demonstration board. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the necessary
USB drivers, if required.
Demonstration lab examples
Flash programming example
The flash memory module is used mainly to write and protect the information in the flash memory from
change. This is done by writing commands to the register area of the flash memory module. Therefore this
program will show how to write these commands so that most of the flash memory sectors are written with
a known pattern.
Procedure LaunchFlashCommand in file flash.c is the routine used to write the flash commands.
Examining this procedure will help to understand how the registers need to be manipulated.
1. Open CodeWarrior.
2. From the CodeWarrior main menu, choose File  Open and select the
9S12VR64_FLASH_DEMO.mcp file.
3. Click Open. The project window opens.
4. From the main menu choose Project  Debug. This compiles the source code, generates an
executable file, and downloads it to the demo board.
5. A new debugger environment will open.
MC9S12VR Family Demonstration Lab Training, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
Demonstration lab examples
Notice that this program is loaded in RAM; this is necessary because the program flash memory cannot be
read while a mass erase is occurring or if the program flash memory is being updated.
Also, the flash configuration field will not be changed. If it is accidently erased (due to modifications in
the software made by the user) the part will be secured and further write operations will not be permitted.
For information on how to unsecure the uC, please refer to the P&E Micro website:
The purpose of this lab exercise is to show how to program most of the program flash memory that is
available and all of the data flash memory.
Simply press F5 to execute the instructions of the program; the debugger will automatically stop at
programmed locations where BGND instructions were inserted. BGND instructions activate the BDM,
causing the program flow to stop when running from the debugger.
First BGND location
The debugger will stop right before executing the divider configuration of the flash module (setting the
flash divider register is a prerequisite before being able to write flash commands). You can step through
the code by pressing F11. After examining this code you can press F5 again to stop at the next BGND
Second BGND location
The debugger will stop now at the function that writes the flash memory. Step through (by pressing F11)
to see the details of this function. You can press F5 anytime to continue with the execution of the program.
The lab exercise shows how to initialize the flash memory module and how to write commands in its
registers so that all the data flash memory and most of the program flash memory gets written with a known
data pattern.
BAT sensing demonstration
The BATS module provides the functionality to measure the voltage of the battery supply pin VSENSE or
of the chip supply pin VSUP. The voltage present on either the VSENSE pin or the VSUP pin can be routed
via an internal divider to the internal analog-to-digital converter. Independent of the routing to the ADC,
it is possible to route one of these voltages to a comparator to generate a low- or a high-voltage interrupt
to alert the microcontroller.
Please read function BATS_SetAdcConnectionChannel in file bats_hal.c; this has the code required to
route the desired reference voltage to the ADCs.
MC9S12VR Family Demonstration Lab Training, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
Demonstration lab examples
1. Open CodeWarrior.
2. From the CodeWarrior main menu, choose File  Open and select the
S12VR64_BATS_DEMO.mcp file.
3. Click Open. The project window opens.
4. From the main menu choose Project  Debug. This compiles the source code, generates an
executable file, and downloads it to the demo board.
5. A new debugger environment will open.
6. Connect a serial cable between the evaluation board and the computer.
7. Open a serial terminal and configure it as follows:
— 57600 bps
— 8 data bits
— 1 stop bit
— No parity
Press F5 at the debugger to start the program. The terminal will show the digitalized value of VSENSE.
The serial terminal will show the changes in the power supply, so you will need to change the voltage in
the power supply to see the changes in the digitalization value of VSENSE.
This lab example shows how to configure the BATS module so that the internal VSENSE is routed to the
analog converter. The serial terminal shows the digitized value.
PWM module
Version 2 of the S12 PWM module is a channel-scalable and optimized implementation of S12 PWM8B8C
Version 1. The channel is scalable in pairs from PWM0 to PWM7. The available channel numbers are 2,
4, 6, and 8.
This lab example shows one possible way to set up and use the pulse width modulation (PWM) module to
create a 50% duty cycle output with different polarity settings. This behavior is best illustrated if all of the
PWM signals can be displayed simultaneously on a two-channel oscilloscope.
Please examine the main.c file for details on the configuration of the module.
These steps must be completed before running the lab example.
1. Start CodeWarrior by selecting it in the Windows Start menu.
MC9S12VR Family Demonstration Lab Training, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
Demonstration lab examples
2. From the CodeWarrior main menu, choose File  Open and select the
9S12VR64_PWM_DEMO.mcp file.
3. Click Open. The project window will open.
4. The C code of this demonstration is contained within the main.c file. Double-click on the file to
open it.
5. From the main menu choose Project  Debug. This compiles the source code, generates an
executable file, and downloads it to the demo board.
6. A new debugger environment will open. After the download to the demo board is complete, close
the debugger environment.
1. Press the RESET button SW4. The code must run and configure the PWM channels in this way:
50% duty cycle, 24.7 kHz signals on ports PP0 and PP1 (visible at J11, pin 2 and 5).
2. Try probing the two signals simultaneously if possible. This will show the polarity difference of
the signals.
The PWM is a common module on many microcontrollers; it can be used in applications such as a
dimming control where the on period determines the luminosity of the application. In this lab example it
was shown how to configure the PWM module to produce two signals of complementary polarity.
MMC program flash paging window
The memory of this microcontroller is paged, and the page is mapped between addresses 0x8000 and
0xC000. The page register is called PPAGE.
This lab example shows how to access all the memory regions by changing the memory page. For
information regarding how to update the PPAGE register, please see the main.c file in
These steps must be completed before running the lab example:
1. Start CodeWarrior by selecting it in the Windows Start menu.
2. From the CodeWarrior main menu, choose File  Open and select the
S12VR64_MMC_DEMO.mcp file.
3. Click Open. The project window will open.
4. The C code of this demonstration is contained within the main.c file. Double-click on the file to
open it.
5. From the main menu choose Project  Debug. This compiles the source code, generates an
executable file, and downloads it to the demo board.
6. A new debugger environment will open. Do not close the debugger environment.
MC9S12VR Family Demonstration Lab Training, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
Demonstration lab examples
This program is designed to stop at locations where the user is expected to see the memory page updated.
Thus, the user is required to press F5 at the beginning and again every time the program stops. When the
program stops, the user will be able to see the memory window and PPAGE register in the register section.
The user will note that information at address 0x8000 will change every time the PPAGE register is
updated. The user will have the chance to see the following pages: 0xD, 0xE, 0xF, 0xC.
The first time the program stops, register PPAGE will have a 0x0D value. At location 0x8000, the user will
see the message 0D PPAGE. After that message is seen, the user should press F5 again to see the next page;
in this case PPAGE will point to 0x0E and the memory region will show 0E PPAGE.
Please repeat this procedure to check all the memory regions.
The S12GMMC is capable of mapping up to 64 KB of flash memory, 512 bytes of EEPROM, and 2 KB
of RAM into the global memory map. The access of some of this global memory is through a page register.
In this lab example it was shown how to change the PPAGE register to access all the paged memory.
SCI communications
The SCI allows asynchronous serial communications with peripheral devices and other CPUs.
This lab example shows how to configure the SCI module to transmit and receive data using the following
• 57600 bps
• 8 data bits
• No parity
• 1 stop bit
For information regarding the configuration of the hardware, please refer to the main.c file in this project.
These steps must be completed before running the lab example.
1. Start CodeWarrior by selecting it in the Windows Start menu.
2. From the CodeWarrior main menu, choose File  Open and select the
9S12VR64_SCI_DEMO.mcp file.
3. Click Open. The project window will open.
4. From the main menu choose Project  Debug. This compiles the source code, generates an
executable file, and downloads it to the demo board.
5. A new debugger environment will open.
MC9S12VR Family Demonstration Lab Training, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
Demonstration lab examples
6. The software uses the RS-232 port to interact with the user. Open a terminal window
(baud rate = 57600, data bits = 8, parity = N, stop bits = 1, flow control = none) to see the RS-232
port data.
7. Connect a serial cable between DB9 in the EVB and your host computer.
Press F5 to execute the program; the code begins execution and configures the SCI to the selected baud
rate. The serial terminal will show the information transmitted by the SCI module. You can send back data
to the SCI following the information displayed in the serial terminal. Choose some options and observe
the configuration of the registers.
In this lab example, the SCI module was used to provide information regarding the state of the hardware,
showing how to configure the SCI to output and input information.
SPI communications
The SPI module allows duplex, synchronous, serial communication between the MCU and peripheral
devices. In this lab example it is shown how to configure the module as master to continually transmit a
data byte.
For information regarding the configuration of the module, please refer to file main.c in this project.
An oscilloscope and three scope probes are required for this demo. These steps must be completed before
running the lab example:
1. Start CodeWarrior by selecting it in the Windows Start menu.
2. From the CodeWarrior main menu, choose File  Open and select the S12SPIV5.mcp file.
3. Click Open. The project window will open.
4. The C code of this demonstration is contained within the main.c file. Double-click on the file to
open it.
5. From the main menu choose Project  Debug. This compiles the source code, generates an
executable file, and downloads it to the demo board.
6. A new debugger environment will open. After the download to the demo board is complete, close
the debugger environment.
7. Attach scope probes to signals CLK_SPI, SPI_MISO, and SPI_SS on header J16. For information
regarding this jumper, consult the schematics of the evaluation board available at
8. Configure the oscilloscope to trigger on the falling edge of CLK_SPI.
MC9S12VR Family Demonstration Lab Training, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
Demonstration lab examples
Execute these instructions to run the lab example.
1. Press the RESET button SW4. The code begins execution and configures the SPI to transmit a byte
of data at a baud rate of 3.125 Mbit/s.
2. Monitor the SPI transmission on the oscilloscope to see the relationship between slave select, data
transmitted on MOSI, and the serial clock signals.
The SPI module can be used to allow duplex synchronous serial communication between peripheral
devices and the MCU. In this lab example it is shown how to set up and use the SPI module in master mode
to transmit constant information.
LSDRV module
The LSDRV module provides two low-side drivers typically used to drive inductive loads (relays). This
lab example shows how to configure the hardware to show the following functionality: low-side driver
enable and over-current detection.
Details regarding use of the drivers can be found in file main.c in this project.
1. Start CodeWarrior by selecting it in the Windows Start menu.
2. From the CodeWarrior main menu, choose File  Open and select the S12VR64_LS_DEMO.mcp
3. Click Open. The project window will open.
4. The C code of this demonstration is contained within the main.c file. Double-click on the file to
5. From the main menu choose Project  Debug. This compiles the source code, generates an
executable file, and downloads it to the evaluation board.
This program has a BGND instruction inserted at a point where the user is required to input a parameter.
Therefore the user can start the execution of the program by pressing F5. When the program stops, the user
is required to change the variable “test” — this variable is shown in the data window. The possible values
that this variable can take are:
To activate LS0
To activate LS1
MC9S12VR Family Demonstration Lab Training, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
Demonstration lab examples
To deactivate LS0
To deactivate LS1
To test the over-current functionality in LS0 7
To test the over-current functionality in LS1 8
After changing variable “test,” please press F5 to execute the test.
To test the over-current functionality you must:
1. Change the variable “test” to 7 or 8.
2. Run the program.
3. Connect a 20  resistor between J21 and R12 (for LS0) or J22 and R13 (for LS1).
4. Observe how the variable LS0OC_Flag or LS1OC_Flag sets and the output is turned off.
To exit this test mode please reset the microcontroller by pressing Ctrl+R.
The LSDRV module provides two low-side drivers typically used to drive inductive loads (relays). In this
lab example it was shown how to configure the low-side drivers to activate a relay and detect over-current
conditions. Please note that the maximum current these drivers can handle is 150 mA.
HSDRV module
The HSDRV module provides two high-side drivers typically used to drive LED or resistive loads (typical
240 ). An incandescent or halogen lamp is not considered here as a possible load.
This lab example will show how to configure the hardware to enable the following functionality: high-side
driver enable and over-current condition.
Please read file main.c to learn more about the hardware configuration of the module.
1. Start CodeWarrior by selecting it in the Windows Start menu.
2. From the CodeWarrior main menu, choose File  Open and select the S12VR64_HS_DEMO.mcp
3. Click Open. The project window will open.
4. The C code of this demonstration is contained within the main.c file. Double-click on the file to
open it.
5. From the main menu choose Project  Debug. This compiles the source code, generates an
executable file, and downloads it to the evaluation board.
MC9S12VR Family Demonstration Lab Training, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
This program has a BGND instruction inserted at a point where the user is required to input a parameter.
Therefore the user can start the execution of the program by pressing F5. When the program stops, the user
is required to change the variable “test”; this is shown in the data window. The possible values that this
variable can take are:
To activate the HS0
To activate the HS1
To deactivate the HS0
To deactivate the HS1
To test the over current functionality in HS0
To test the over current functionality in HS1
After changing variable “test,” please press F5 to execute the test.
To test the over-current functionality you must:
1. Change the variable “test” to 7 or 8.
2. Run the program.
3. Connect a 20 resistor between the anode and cathode of D7 (for HS0) or the anode and cathode
of D8 (for HS1).
4. Observe how the variable HS0OC_Flag or HS1OC_Flag sets and the output is turned off.
To exit this test mode please reset the microcontroller by pressing Ctrl+R.
The high-side drivers in the MCS12VR64 can be used to drive small loads. In this lab example it was
shown how to configure them to drive LEDs and a relay; also, the open loop and over-current condition
functionality was presented.
The MCS12VR family of microcontrollers (MCUs) offers the enhanced features of 16-bit
microcontrollers; this family comes with high- and low-side drivers that allow direct handling of relays
and LEDs. This family is ideal for a wide range of central body control applications, such as low-end
window lifters or sunroof controllers.
A zip file,, containing the complete CodeWarrior projects for the lab examples
accompanies this application note. The file can be downloaded from
Useful reference materials
The following material is available at
MC9S12VR Family Demonstration Lab Training, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
Useful reference materials
Software development tools:
• CodeWarrior Development Studio for HCS12(X) Microcontrollers, Rev 5.9
Application notes:
• AN2612 — PWM Generation Using HCS12 Timer Channels, Rev. 1, 1/2006
• AN2428 — An Overview of the HCS12 ATD Module, Rev. 0, 01/2003
• AN2883 — Serial Communication Interface as UART on HCS12 MCUs, Rev. 1.0, 05/2005
Reference manual:
• MC9S12VRRMV2, MC9S12VR-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 2.2, June 20, 2011
MC9S12VR Family Demonstration Lab Training, Rev. 0
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Document Number: AN4448
Rev. 0
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