ZIC2410 Series ZIC2410 User Guide ZigBee™ Device Object 0005-05-08-06-001 (Rev B) ZIC2410 ZigBee Device Object Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 3 2 ZigBee2006 LAYER AND FRAME STRUCTURE.................................. 3 3 ZIGBEE DEVICE OBJECT (ZDO) .......................................................... 4 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 NODE MANAGER ............................................................................................. 4 NETWORK MANAGER ..................................................................................... 4 DEVICE AND SERVICE DISCOVERY ............................................................... 4 BINDING MANAGER ........................................................................................ 4 SECURITY MANAGER...................................................................................... 4 PRIMARY DISCOVERY CACHE DEVICE OPERATION ................................... 4 4 ZDO CONFIGURATION ATTRIBUTES .................................................. 4 4.1 MANDATORY ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................. 4 4.1.1 Node Descriptors .............................................................................................................. 4 4.1.2 Power Descriptors ............................................................................................................ 5 4.1.3 Simple Descriptors ........................................................................................................... 5 4.1.4 NWK Modes and Parameters ........................................................................................... 5 4.1.5 NwkScanAttempt............................................................................................................... 6 4.1.6 NwkTimeBtwnScan ........................................................................................................... 6 4.2 OPTIONAL ATTRIBUTES ................................................................................. 7 4.2.1 Join Direct Address .......................................................................................................... 7 4.2.2 PermitJoinDuration ........................................................................................................... 7 4.2.3 MaxAssoc .......................................................................................................................... 7 4.2.4 NwkBroadcastDeliveryTime ............................................................................................. 7 4.2.5 NwkTransPersistenceTime .............................................................................................. 7 5 ZIGBEE COORDINATOR ....................................................................... 7 5.1 NETWORK SEARCH ........................................................................................ 7 5.2 NETWORK FORMATION .................................................................................. 7 5.3 JOIN ALLOWANCE ........................................................................................... 7 5.4 DIRECT-JOIN .................................................................................................... 7 5.5 NORMAL STATE ............................................................................................... 7 6 ZIGBEE ROUTER .................................................................................. 8 6.1 NETWORK SEARCH ........................................................................................ 8 6.2 JOIN ................................................................................................................... 8 6.3 ROUTER ACTIVATION ...................................................................................... 8 6.4 JOIN ALLOWANCE ........................................................................................... 8 6.5 END-DEVICE-ANNCE ....................................................................................... 8 6.6 NORMAL STATE ............................................................................................... 8 7 ZIGBEE END DEVICE ............................................................................ 8 7.1 NETWORK SEARCH ........................................................................................ 8 7.2 JOIN ................................................................................................................... 8 7.3 END-DEVICE-ANNCE ....................................................................................... 8 7.4 NORMAL STATE ............................................................................................... 8 8 REVISION HISTORY .............................................................................. 9 Rev B Document No. 0005-05-08-06-001 Page 2 of 9 ZIC2410 ZigBee Device Object 1 INTRODUCTION This document explains the ZigBee Device Object (ZDO) of the CEL ZigBee Stack. The CEL ZigBee Stack, the ZigBee Stack Library, provided by CEL supports both the IEEE 802.15.4 and the ZigBee2006 standards. The CEL ZigBee Stack includes the API functions to support the functionality defined in the ZigBee standard and the communication functions defined in IEEE 802.15.4. 2 ZigBee2006 LAYER AND FRAME STRUCTURE Figure 1 and Figure 2 shows ZigBee2006 layer and frame structure for each layer. Figure 1 – ZigBee2006 Layer Figure 2 – ZigBee2006 Frame Structure Rev B Document No. 0005-05-08-06-001 Page 3 of 9 ZIC2410 ZigBee Device Object 3 ZIGBEE DEVICE OBJECT (ZDO) The ZigBee Device Object (ZDO) is an application which employs network and application support layer primitives to implement ZigBee End Devices, Routers and Coordinators. It controls the basic function of a device. All ZigBee devices should have a ZDO and the end point of the ZDO is set to 0. 3.1 NODE MANAGER The ZDO has ZDO Configuration Attributes. These attributes determine the device properties. Therefore, ZDO Configuration Attribute needs to be initialized in ZDO when a device works. 3.2 NETWORK MANAGER The ZDO controls network functions such as Network Formation, Join, and Route-Discovery through NWK primitives. 3.3 DEVICE AND SERVICE DISCOVERY The ZDO gets information from other devices in the network by the ZigBee Device Profile (ZDP) command. 3.4 BINDING MANAGER The ZDO generates or deletes a binding entry by the ZDP command and the APSME primitive. 3.5 SECURITY MANAGER For network security, the ZDO performs Encryption Key exchange, data encryption, etc. 3.6 PRIMARY DISCOVERY CACHE DEVICE OPERATION The device can work as a cache device based on the device properties. The ZDO controls it. 4 ZDO CONFIGURATION ATTRIBUTES The ZDO Configuration Attributes are parameters to set the device characteristics. They can behave differently depending on the role of application and the device type. When a device is started, a user application should initialize ZDO Configuration Attribute according to the device function. 4.1 MANDATORY ATTRIBUTES The Mandatory ZDO configuration parameters are as shown in Table 1. Name 4.1.1 Range Table 1 – Mandatory Attributes of the ZDO Description Node Descriptors It decides node characteristic. Avail_Type UINT8 Freq_Aps UINT8 Rev B bit [7:5]: reserved bit [4]: 1= User Descriptor is on. bit [3]: 1= Complex Descriptor is on. bit [2:0]: Device Type. 0=ZC, 1=ZR, 2=ZED bit [7]: reserved bit [6]: 1= Support 2.4GHz bit [5]: 1= Support 900MHz bit [4]: 1= Support 800MHz bit [3]: reserved bit [2:0]: APS Flag. Always 0 in ZigBee2006. Document No. 0005-05-08-06-001 Page 4 of 9 ZIC2410 ZigBee Device Object Name Range MacCapability UINT8 Manufacture UINT16 0x00 ~ 0x7F 0x0000 ~ 0xFFFF MaxBufSize MaxTransSize ServerMask 4.1.2 Maximum ASDU size one packet can transmit Maximum data length which is transmitted by one transaction. UINT16 bit [15:6]: reserved bit [5]: 1=Operate as Backup Discovery Cache bit [4]: 1= Operate as Primary Discovery Cache bit [3]: 1=Operated as Backup Binding bit [2]: 1=Operated as Primary Binding Table Cache bit [1]: 1=Operated as Backup Trust Center bit [0]: 1= Operated as Primary Trust Center Power Descriptors AvailaPwrSrc_C urrPwrMode UINT8 CurrPwrLevel_C urrPwrSrc UINT8 4.1.3 Description bit [7]: 1=Assign the address of the Child device. bit [6]: 1=Use security bit [5:4]: reserved bit [3]: RxOnWhenIdle. 1= Receiver is on when in the idle state. bit [2]: PowerSource. 1=Mains-Power bit [1]: DeviceType. 1=FFD, 0=RFD. bit [0]: 1=Support Alternative PAN Coordinator. Manufacturer’s code. bit [7:4]: Available Power Source bit [7]: reserved bit [6]: 1=Support Disposable Battery bit [5]: 1=Support Rechargeable Battery bit [4]: 1=Support Mains-Power bit [3:0]: Current Power Mode. 0=Receiver is turned on periodically, but only when Node Descriptor is in RxOnWhenIdle state. 1= Receiver is turned on periodically 2= Receiver is turned on when there is an external input. 3 ~ 15 : reserved bit [7:4]: CurrPwrLevel. Shows current power level. 0=Critical, 1=33%, 2=66%, 3=100% bit [3:0]: CurrPwrSrc. Shows current power source. bit [3] : reserved bit [2] : Operate as Disposable Battery bit [1] : Operate as Rechargeable Battery bit [0] : Operate as Mains-Power Simple Descriptors It includes the information for the end point in a node. Multiple simple descriptors can be in a single device because each simple descriptor should be in an end point. EndPoint UINT8 The number of end point AppProID UINT16 Protocol ID of an application. AppDevID UINT16 Device ID of an application. bit [7:4] : reserved DevVersion UINT8 bit [3:0]: Device version NumInClus UINT8 The number of Incoming Cluster in end point. UINT16 Incoming Cluster List. InClusList Array There is a list as well as the number of NumInClus NumOutClus UINT8 The number of Outgoing Cluster which end point has. UINT16 Outgoing Cluster List. OutClusList Array There is a list as well as the number of NumOutClus. 4.1.4 NWK Modes and Parameters It decides NWK layer characteristic. Rev B Document No. 0005-05-08-06-001 Page 5 of 9 ZIC2410 ZigBee Device Object Name Range ChanList UINT32 EPID UINT8[8] ProVer UINT8 StackProf BO SO BattExt UINT8 UINT8 UINT8 UINT8 4.1.5 Description Displays the channels which can be used. A channel list used in Network Formation, Network Discovery and Join. Several channels can be set. bit [31:27] : reserved bit [26:11] : 2.4GHz bandwidth channel setting bit [26] : Channel 26 … bit [11] : Channel 11 bit [10:1] : 900MHz bandwidth channel setting bit [10] : Channel 10 … bit [1] : Channel 1 bit [0] : 800MHz bandwidth channel setting bit [0] : Channel 0 Extended Pan ID Protocol Version 0=ZigBee2004, 1=ZigBee2005, 2=ZigBee2006 Stack Profile Beacon Order Superframe Order Battery Extension NwkScanAttempt The number of retried time in Network Discovery. NwkScanAttem 0x01 ~ Default Value :5 pt 0xFF 4.1.6 NwkTimeBtwnScan Time interval for the discovery when Network Discovery is tried in several times. NwkTimeBtwnS 0x01 ~ Default Value :5 ; Unit: second can 0xFF Rev B Document No. 0005-05-08-06-001 Page 6 of 9 ZIC2410 ZigBee Device Object 4.2 OPTIONAL ATTRIBUTES Name 4.2.1 Range Table 2 – Optional Attributes of the ZDO Description Join Direct Address A device which is possible to join directly when ZC or ZR is initialized IEEE Addr UINT8[8] IEEE Address of the device to join directly. CapaInfo UINT8 The information for capability of the device to join directly. MasterKey UINT16 Master Key of the device to join directly. It is valid when using security. 4.2.2 PermitJoinDuration Used by NWK-PERMIT-JOIN.req to set the allowed time window for joining. PermitJoinDurati UINT8 Allowed time window for Joining. on 4.2.3 MaxAssoc Determines the allowed number of child devices. This attribute can be set by the Stack Profile. ZR UINT8 Allowed number of ZigBee router. ZED UINT8 Allowed number of ZigBee end device. 4.2.4 NwkBroadcastDeliveryTime Broadcast frame decides retained time for Broadcast Transaction Table. It is decided by used Stack Profile NwkBroadcastD UINT8 Unit: second eliveryTime 4.2.5 NwkTransPersistenceTime The time period for which the ZC or ZR will keeps transaction data when the child device is not in wakeup mode. The transmission data is kept by the parent for this period of time. (A ZED doesn’t use this attribute.) NwkTransPersis UINT8 Unit : second tenceTime 5 ZIGBEE COORDINATOR The device, which is to be operated as a ZigBee Coordinator is configured as such by ZDO Configuration Attributes as follows: 5.1 NETWORK SEARCH Search network by NWK-NETWORK-DISCOVERY.req primitive. The searched channels are determined by a ZDO Configuration Attribute. 5.2 NETWORK FORMATION Format the network by NWK-NETWORK-FORMATION.req primitive. The channel to be operated is determined by ZDO Configuration Attribute. 5.3 JOIN ALLOWANCE When the network formation is successful, a child device is allowed to join by NWK-PERMITJOIN.req primitive. 5.4 DIRECT-JOIN Join the device, which is set already, as child without association by NWK-DIRECT-JOIN.req primitive. 5.5 NORMAL STATE When all the procedures are completed, the device operates as a coordinator and performs its normal functions. Rev B Document No. 0005-05-08-06-001 Page 7 of 9 ZIC2410 ZigBee Device Object 6 ZIGBEE ROUTER The device, which is to be operated as a ZigBee router is configured as such by ZDO Configuration Attributes as follows: 6.1 NETWORK SEARCH Search network by NWK-NETWORK-DISCOVERY.req primitive. The searched channels are determined by a ZDO Configuration Attribute. 6.2 JOIN Select the network to join based on the results of the network search. Attempt to join by setting selected information of the network in the parameter of NWK-JOIN.req primitive. 6.3 ROUTER ACTIVATION When the join is successful, set it to operate as router using the NWK-START-ROUTER.req primitive. 6.4 JOIN ALLOWANCE Allow child to join by NWK-PERMIT-JOIN.req primitive. 6.5 END-DEVICE-ANNCE It informs network join by broadcasting END-DEVICE-ANNCE command of ZDP commands. This procedure can be skipped 6.6 NORMAL STATE When all the procedures are completed, the device operates as a router and performs its normal functions. 7 ZIGBEE END DEVICE The device, which is to be operated as a ZigBee End Device is configured as such by ZDO Configuration Attributes as follows: 7.1 NETWORK SEARCH Search network by NWK-NETWORK-DISCOVERY.req primitive. The searched channels are determined by a ZDO Configuration Attribute. 7.2 JOIN Select the network to join based on the results of the network search. Attempt to join by setting selected information of the network in the parameter of NWK-JOIN.req primitive. 7.3 END-DEVICE-ANNCE When the join is successful, it informs the network of its registration by broadcasting an ENDDEVICE-ANNCE ZDP command. 7.4 NORMAL STATE When all the procedures are completed, the device operates as an End Device and performs its normal functions. Rev B Document No. 0005-05-08-06-001 Page 8 of 9 ZIC2410 ZigBee Device Object 8 REVISION HISTORY Revision A B Rev B Date 3Sep08 13Jan09 Description Released Updated Figure 1; adjusted wording in Sections 5, 6 and 7 Document No. 0005-05-08-06-001 Page 9 of 9