PAC52XX Using Watchdog, SysTick and GP Timers - Active-Semi

PAC52XX Using Watchdog,
SysTick and GP Timers
Power Application Controller TM
Marc Sousa
Senior Manager, Systems and Firmware
Copyright © 2014 Active-Semi, Inc.
No portion of this document may be reproduced or reused in any form without Active-Semi’s prior written consent
PAC52XX Using Watchdog, SysTick and GP Timers
Power Application Controller
APPLICATION NOTE ................................................................................................................................ 1
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Watchdog Timer (WDT) ................................................................................................................................ 4
WDT Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 4
WDT Interval Timer Mode ......................................................................................................................... 4
WDT Watchdog Mode ............................................................................................................................... 5
WDT Interval and Watchdog Timer Mode ................................................................................................. 5
General-Purpose Timer (GP Timer) .............................................................................................................. 7
GP Timer Overview ................................................................................................................................... 7
GP Timer Interval Mode ............................................................................................................................ 7
SysTick Timer (SysTick) ............................................................................................................................... 9
SysTick Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 9
SysTick Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 9
SysTick Interrupts ...................................................................................................................................... 9
About Active-Semi....................................................................................................................................... 11
© 2014 Copyright, Active-Semi International, Inc.
Rev 1.0 October, 2014
No portion of this document may be reproduced or reused in any form without Active-Semi’s prior written consent
PAC52XX Using Watchdog, SysTick and GP Timers
Power Application Controller
The PAC52XX family of devices supports a variety of different timer resources to enable flexible program
design for a variety of consumer and industrial applications.
This document describes the operation of three of the general-purpose timer resources available in the
PAC52XX family:
Watchdog Timer (WDT)
General Purpose Timer (GP Timer)
SysTick Timer (SysTick)
See the table below for a feature comparison for each of these timers.
Clock Sources
GP Timer
/2 to /65536
/2 to /65536
of bits
Deep Sleep
All three of these timer resources can be polled, or can be configured interrupt the ARM Cortex-M0 MCU.
See the sections below for the features and usage for all three of these timers.
© 2014 Copyright, Active-Semi International, Inc.
Rev 1.0 October, 2014
No portion of this document may be reproduced or reused in any form without Active-Semi’s prior written consent
PAC52XX Using Watchdog, SysTick and GP Timers
Power Application Controller
WDT Overview
The WDT is a 24-bit count-down timer peripheral available in the PAC52XX family of devices. The block
diagram for this timer is shown below.
The WDT is a 24-bit count-down timer. This timer may be configured to be clocked either from the FRCLK
(input to the PLL) or FCLK (output of the PLL). Because of this, this timer may be used as a wakeup timer
when the ARM Cortex-M0 is in deep sleep mode.
The typical use of the Watchdog timer is a low-frequency timer that can reset the device into a safe state
if the timer counts down to 0 before being reset. Because of this, the timer divider has a very wide
configurable range (from /2 to /65536).
Note that the WDT writes its registers according to its divided input clock, which may be significantly
slower than the MCU clock (HCLK). Because of this, after a register write to the WDT, the MCU must
check the status of the WDTCTL.WRBUSY bit, before it attempts to write another register. If the user is
using the PAC52XX SDK to configure the WDT, this is automatically handled. But if the user is writing to
the registers directly, then the user must make sure to check this busy bit in between write operations.
The WDT may be configured to be an interval timer, a watchdog timer or both. See the sections below on
each timer mode, and how to write software using the PAC52XX SDK to support these usage cases.
WDT Interval Timer Mode
When configured as an interval timer (WDTCTL.WDINTEN = 1), the WDT counts down from the
WDTCDV value (24-bits) to 0. The current timer count is available in the WDTCTR register. To reset the
timer, the user writes a pattern to the WDTCTL register, as described in the PAC52XX User Guide. When
the timer is reset, the WDTCDV value is assigned to WDTCTR.
If the value of WDTCTR reaches 0 and the WDTCTL.WDTINTEN interrupt enable is set to a 1, the timer
sets its interrupt flag (WDTCTL.WDTINT). If the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) has enabled
this interrupt signal, the ARM Cortex-M0 MCU will be interrupt upon this event.
After counting down to 0 the timer will auto-reload the WDTCTR register to the value of WDTCDV and
begins counting from that value upon the next clock pulse.
To configure the WDT for FCLK, a clock divider of /64 and interval mode and enable interrupts, the
following code may be used:
© 2014 Copyright, Active-Semi International, Inc.
Rev 1.0 October, 2014
No portion of this document may be reproduced or reused in any form without Active-Semi’s prior written consent
PAC52XX Using Watchdog, SysTick and GP Timers
Power Application Controller
pac5xxx_watchdog_config_clock(WDTCTL_CLKSEL_FRCLK, WDTCTL_PS_DIV64);
pac5xxx_watchdog_config(1, 0, countdown_value);
// Configure clock input as FRCLK, /64 divider
// Configure interval mode, with CDV
// Enable NVIC for the WDT peripheral
// Enable global interrupt flag
If the user wishes to reset the counter for the WDT, they should call this function
When interrupt handler is called (due to WDTCTR counting down to 0), then the WDT IRQ handler is
called, as shown below.
void WDT_IRQHandler(void)
// WDT interval timer interrupt. Insert code here to handle:
// OPTIONAL: Disable WDT timer, if we don’t need it. If we don’t it will auto-reload
pac5xxx_wdt_config(0, 0, 0);
// interval enable, por enable, count-down value
// Disable NVIC interrupt for WDT
// Clear interrupt flag to prepare for
WDT Watchdog Mode
When configured as a watchdog timer (WDTCTL.WDTRSETEN = 1), the WDT counts down from the
WDTCDV value (24-bits) to 0. The current timer count is available in the WDTCTR register. To reset the
timer, the user needs to write a pattern to the WDTCTL register, as described in the PAC52XX User
Guide. The PAC52XX SDK provides a function to reset the WDT. When the timer is reset, the WDTCDV
value is assigned to WDTCTR.
If the value of WDTCTR ever reaches 0 and the WDTCTL.WDTRESETEN = 1, then the PAC52XX
performs a soft reset of the MCU.
If the user wishes to reset the counter for the WDT, they should call this function
WDT Interval and Watchdog Timer Mode
The WDT has a special feature that allows a combination of the interval and watchdog timer modes. If
both of these modes are enabled at the same time (WDTCTL.INTEN = 1 and WDTCTL.WDTRESETEN =
1), then the timer operates as follows:
Timer counts down from WDTCDV to 0
The first time the timer reaches 0, the WDTCTL.INT flag is set (for an interrupt like when the WDT
is configured for interval timer mode)
The timer then auto-reloads the WDTCDV into WDTCTR and continues to count down
© 2014 Copyright, Active-Semi International, Inc.
Rev 1.0 October, 2014
No portion of this document may be reproduced or reused in any form without Active-Semi’s prior written consent
PAC52XX Using Watchdog, SysTick and GP Timers
Power Application Controller
If the timer reaches 0 a second time without being reset, then a soft reset is asserted by the
This feature allows this single timer to be used as both an interval timer and watchdog timer.
To configure the WDT for both interval and watchdog modes, the user may call the following function:
pac5xxx_watchdog_config(1, 1, countdown_value);
© 2014 Copyright, Active-Semi International, Inc.
// Enable both interval and watchdog modes
Rev 1.0 October, 2014
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PAC52XX Using Watchdog, SysTick and GP Timers
Power Application Controller
GP Timer Overview
The General-Purpose Timer (GP Timer) is a 24-bit count-down timer peripheral available in the PAC52XX
family of devices. The block diagram for this timer is shown below.
The GP Timer is a 24-bit count-down timer. This timer may be configured to be clocked either from the
FRCLK (input to the PLL) or FCLK (output of the PLL). Because of this, this timer may be used as a
wakeup timer when the ARM Cortex-M0 is in deep sleep mode.
Note that the GP Timer writes its registers according to its divided input clock, which may be significantly
slower than the MCU clock (HCLK). Because of this, after a register write to the GP Timer, the MCU must
check the status of the GPTCTL.WRBUSY bit, before it attempts to write another register. If the user is
using the PAC52XX SDK to configure the GP Timer, this is automatically handled. But if the user is
writing to the registers directly, then the user must make sure to check this busy bit in between write
The GP Timer may be configured only as an interval timer. See the sections below on how to write
software using the PAC52XX SDK to support these usage cases.
GP Timer Interval Mode
When enabled (GPTCTL.GPINTEN = 1), the GP Timer counts down from the GPTCDV value (24-bits) to
0. The current timer count is available in the GPTCTR register. To reset the timer, the user writes a
pattern to the GPTCTL register, as described in the PAC52XX User Guide. When the timer is reset, the
GPTCDV value is assigned to GPTCTR.
If the value of GPTCTR reaches 0 and the GPTCTL.GPTINTEN interrupt enable is set to a 1, the timer
sets its interrupt flag (GPTCTL.GPTINT). If the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) has enabled
this interrupt signal, the ARM Cortex-M0 MCU will be interrupt upon this event.
After counting down to 0 the timer will auto-reload the GPTCTR register to the value of GPTCDV and
begins counting from that value upon the next clock pulse.
© 2014 Copyright, Active-Semi International, Inc.
Rev 1.0 October, 2014
No portion of this document may be reproduced or reused in any form without Active-Semi’s prior written consent
PAC52XX Using Watchdog, SysTick and GP Timers
Power Application Controller
To configure the GP TImer for FCLK, a clock divider of /64 enable interrupts, the following code may be
used :
pac5xxx_rtc_config_clock(RTCCTL_CLKSEL_FRCLK, RTCCTL_PS_DIV64);
pac5xxx_rtc_config(1, 0, countdown_value);
// Configure clock input as FRCLK, /64 divider
// Configure interval mode, with CDV
// Enable NVIC for the GP Timer peripheral
// Enable global interrupt flag
If the user wishes to reset the counter for the GP Timer, they should call this function
When interrupt handler is called (due to GPTCTR counting down to 0), then the GP Timer IRQ handler is
called, as shown below.
void RTC_IRQHandler(void)
// WDT interval timer interrupt. Insert code here to handle:
// OPTIONAL: Disable GP Timer, if we don’t need it. If we don’t it will auto-reload
pac5xxx_rtc_config(0, 0, 0);
// interval enable, por enable, count-down value
// Disable NVIC interrupt for GP Timer
// Clear interrupt flag to prepare for
Note that the PAC52XX SDK uses the prefix “rtc” for the GP Timer.
© 2014 Copyright, Active-Semi International, Inc.
Rev 1.0 October, 2014
No portion of this document may be reproduced or reused in any form without Active-Semi’s prior written consent
PAC52XX Using Watchdog, SysTick and GP Timers
Power Application Controller
SysTick Overview
The SysTick Timer is a 24-bit count-down timer available in the ARM Cortex-M0 in the PAC52XX family of
This timer may be configured to be clocked either from the FCLK /3 (output of the PLL divided by 3) or
HCLK by setting the SYST_CSR register field “CLKSOURCE”. Because this timer has clock sources that
are not gated during deep sleep mode, this timer may NOT be used as a wakeup timer when the ARM
Cortex-M0 is in deep sleep mode.
The SysTick timer may be configured to generate an interrupt to the ARM Cortex-M0 MCU when it counts
down to 0, or it may be sampled.
For more information on the SysTick timer, see the PAC52XX User Guide or the ARM Cortex-M0
SysTick Configuration
The SysTick timer is a part of the ARM Cortex-M0 core, so it is configured via the ARM Cortex System
Control Block (SCB). To configure the SysTick time for FCLK /3 (default is FCLK /3), the following code
may be used:
SysTick->LOAD = countdown_time;
SysTick->VAL = 0;
// Set the reload value
// Set the current value, so next clock is VAL = LOAD
SysTick->CTRL |= SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;
// Enable the timer
SysTick Interrupts
The user may reset the SysTick timer (and prevent it from counting down to 0) by writing the VAL register
as follows:
SysTick->VAL = countdown_time;
// Set the current value, so next clock is VAL = LOAD
In order to generate an interrupt when the timer counts down to 0, the user should enable the NVIC
interrupt for SysTick and the global interrupt flag as follows:
SysTick->LOAD = countdown_time;
SysTick->VAL = 0;
Set the reload value
Set the current value, so next clock is VAL = LOAD
Enable the SysTick exception in the NVIC
Enable global interrupt flag
SysTick->CTRL |= SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Msk;
// Enable the timer
When the interrupt is received, override the following function:
void SysTick_IRQHandler(void)
© 2014 Copyright, Active-Semi International, Inc.
Rev 1.0 October, 2014
No portion of this document may be reproduced or reused in any form without Active-Semi’s prior written consent
PAC52XX Using Watchdog, SysTick and GP Timers
Power Application Controller
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PAC52XX Using Watchdog, SysTick and GP Timers
Power Application Controller
Active-Semi, Inc. headquartered in Dallas, TX is a leading innovative semiconductor company with
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Active-Semi’s latest family of Power Application Controller (PAC)™ ICs offer high-level of integration with
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low-voltage and high-voltage gate drives. PAC IC offers unprecedented flexibility and ease in the systems
design of various end-applications such as Wireless Power Transmitters, Motor drives, UPS, Solar
Inverters and LED lighting, etc. that require a microcontroller, power conversion, analog sensing, highvoltage gate drives, open-drain outputs, analog & digital general purpose IO, as well as support for wired
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