21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Microprocessor Datasheet September 1998 Order Number: 278115-001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Designers must not rely on the absence or characteristics of any features or instructions marked "reserved" or "undefined." Intel reserves these for future definition and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts or incompatibilities arising from future changes to them. The Product Name may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are available on request. Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications and before placing your product order. Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature may be obtained by calling 1-800548-4725 or by visiting Intel’s website at http://www.intel.com. Copyright © Intel Corporation, 1998 *Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Contents 1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................1–1 1.1 1.2 2 Signal Description ..........................................................................................................2–1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 3 Features ............................................................................................................1–1 1.1.1 Power Management .............................................................................1–2 System Applications ..........................................................................................1–2 PCI Signals........................................................................................................2–1 SA-110 Signals..................................................................................................2–3 ROM Signals .....................................................................................................2–5 SDRAM Signals.................................................................................................2–5 Serial Port Signals.............................................................................................2–7 Miscellaneous Signals.......................................................................................2–7 X-Bus/Arbiter Signals ........................................................................................2–8 2.7.1 X-Bus Selection ....................................................................................2–9 2.7.2 PCI Arbiter Selection ..........................................................................2–10 JTAG Signals ..................................................................................................2–10 Pin State During Reset....................................................................................2–11 Pin Assignment ...............................................................................................2–12 Pins Listed in Numeric Order ..........................................................................2–13 Pins Listed in Alphabetic Order .......................................................................2–17 Transactions...................................................................................................................3–1 3.1 3.2 SA-110 Originated Transactions .......................................................................3–1 3.1.1 CSR Write ............................................................................................3–1 3.1.2 CSR Read ............................................................................................3–1 3.1.3 SDRAM All-Banks Precharge...............................................................3–2 3.1.4 SDRAM Mode Register Set..................................................................3–3 3.1.5 SDRAM Write .......................................................................................3–3 3.1.6 SDRAM First Read ...............................................................................3–3 Lock .........................................................................................3–3 3.1.7 ROM Read ...........................................................................................3–3 3.1.8 ROM Write............................................................................................3–3 3.1.9 PCI Memory Write ................................................................................3–4 3.1.10 PCI Memory Read ................................................................................3–4 3.1.11 PCI I/O Write ........................................................................................3–4 3.1.12 PCI I/O Read ........................................................................................3–5 3.1.13 PCI Configuration Write........................................................................3–5 3.1.14 PCI Configuration Read .......................................................................3–5 3.1.15 PCI Special Cycle.................................................................................3–5 3.1.16 PCI IACK Read ....................................................................................3–5 3.1.17 X-Bus Write ..........................................................................................3–5 3.1.18 X-Bus Read ..........................................................................................3–6 3.1.19 Outbound Write Flush ..........................................................................3–6 3.1.20 SA-110 Cache Flush ............................................................................3–6 3.1.21 Reserved Addresses ............................................................................3–6 PCI Target Transactions ...................................................................................3–6 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet iii 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3 3.4 4 SDRAM and ROM Operation ......................................................................................... 4–1 4.1 4.2 iv Unsupported PCI Cycles As Target ..................................................... 3–7 Memory Write to SDRAM ..................................................................... 3–7 Memory Read, Memory Read Line, Memory Read Multiple to SDRAM ................................................................................................ 3–9 3.2.4 Type 0 Configuration Write ................................................................ 3–10 3.2.5 Type 0 Configuration Read ................................................................ 3–10 3.2.6 Write to CSR ...................................................................................... 3–11 3.2.7 Read to CSR ...................................................................................... 3–11 3.2.8 Write to I2O Address .......................................................................... 3–11 3.2.9 Read to I2O Address .......................................................................... 3–11 3.2.10 Memory Write to ROM........................................................................ 3–12 3.2.11 Memory Read to ROM ....................................................................... 3–12 PCI Master Transactions................................................................................. 3–13 3.3.1 Dual Address Cycles (DAC) Support ................................................. 3–13 For SA–110 Accesses........................................................... 3–13 For DMA Accesses................................................................ 3–14 3.3.2 Memory Write, Memory Write and Invalidate ..................................... 3–14 From SA-110 ......................................................................... 3–14 From DMA ............................................................................. 3–15 Selecting PCI Command for Writes....................................... 3–15 3.3.3 Memory Read, Memory Read Line, Memory Read Multiple .............. 3–15 From SA-110 ......................................................................... 3–16 From DMA ............................................................................. 3–16 Read Bursting Policy ............................................................. 3–16 3.3.4 I/O Write ............................................................................................ 3–16 3.3.5 I/O Read ............................................................................................. 3–17 3.3.6 Configuration Write ............................................................................ 3–17 3.3.7 Configuration Read ............................................................................ 3–19 3.3.8 Special Cycle ..................................................................................... 3–19 3.3.9 IACK Read ......................................................................................... 3–19 3.3.10 PCI Request Operation ...................................................................... 3–19 3.3.11 Master Latency Timer ........................................................................ 3–20 PCI Error Summary ......................................................................................... 3–20 3.4.1 Errors As PCI Target .......................................................................... 3–20 Address Parity Error .............................................................. 3–20 Write Data Parity Error .......................................................... 3–21 Read Data Parity Error .......................................................... 3–21 3.4.2 Errors As PCI Master ......................................................................... 3–21 Master Abort.......................................................................... 3–21 Write Data Parity Error .......................................................... 3–22 Target Abort on Write ............................................................ 3–22 Read Data Parity Error .......................................................... 3–22 Target Abort on Read............................................................ 3–22 SDRAM Control................................................................................................. 4–1 4.1.1 SDRAM Addresses .............................................................................. 4–2 4.1.2 Commands ........................................................................................... 4–3 4.1.3 Parity .................................................................................................... 4–4 ROM Control ..................................................................................................... 4–5 4.2.1 Addressing ........................................................................................... 4–5 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 5 SA-110 Operation...........................................................................................................5–1 5.1 5.2 5.3 6 Reads ...................................................................................................4–7 Writes ...................................................................................................4–7 Timing...................................................................................................4–7 Blank ROM Programming ....................................................................4–8 SA-110 Control..................................................................................................5–1 5.1.1 Address Map Partitioning .....................................................................5–1 5.1.2 Byte Enables ........................................................................................5–2 5.1.3 SA-110 Bus Arbiter...............................................................................5–2 X-Bus Interface..................................................................................................5–3 5.2.1 Address and Data Bus Generation.......................................................5–4 5.2.2 Device Support.....................................................................................5–5 5.2.3 Timing...................................................................................................5–5 Ordering and Deadlock Avoidance....................................................................5–6 5.3.1 Transaction Ordering............................................................................5–6 5.3.2 Ordering Rules .....................................................................................5–7 5.3.3 Deadlock Avoidance.............................................................................5–7 Functional Units..............................................................................................................6–1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 PCI Bus Arbiter..................................................................................................6–1 6.1.1 Priority Algorithm ..................................................................................6–1 6.1.2 Determining Priority..............................................................................6–2 DMA Channels ..................................................................................................6–2 6.2.1 DMA Channel Operation ......................................................................6–3 6.2.2 SDRAM-to-PCI Transfer.......................................................................6–6 6.2.3 PCI-to-SDRAM Transfer.......................................................................6–6 6.2.4 Channel Alignment ...............................................................................6–6 I2O Message Unit ..............................................................................................6–7 6.3.1 I2O Inbound FIFO Operation ................................................................6–9 6.3.2 I2O Outbound FIFO Operation .............................................................6–9 6.3.3 Circulation of MFAs ............................................................................6–10 Timers .............................................................................................................6–11 6.4.1 Timer 4 Application.............................................................................6–11 Serial Port........................................................................................................6–12 6.5.1 Data Handling.....................................................................................6–12 6.5.2 Initialization.........................................................................................6–12 6.5.3 Frame Format.....................................................................................6–12 6.5.4 Baud Rate Generation........................................................................6–13 6.5.5 Receive Operation..............................................................................6–13 6.5.6 Transmit Operation.............................................................................6–13 6.5.7 Serial Port Interrupts ..........................................................................6–14 UART Register Definitions ..............................................................................6–14 6.6.1 UARTDR—Offset 160h ......................................................................6–14 6.6.2 RXSTAT—Offset 164h .......................................................................6–15 6.6.3 H_UBRLCR—Offset 168h ..................................................................6–16 6.6.4 M_UBRLCR—Offset 16Ch .................................................................6–17 6.6.5 L_UBRLCR—Offset 170h ..................................................................6–17 6.6.6 UARTCON-Offset 174h ......................................................................6–18 6.6.7 UARTFLG—Offset 178h ....................................................................6–18 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet v 7 Registers ........................................................................................................................ 7–1 7.1 7.2 7.3 vi PCI Configuration Space Registers .................................................................. 7–1 7.1.1 Vendor ID Register—Offset 00h .......................................................... 7–2 7.1.2 Device ID Register—Offset 02h ........................................................... 7–2 7.1.3 Command Register—Offset 04h .......................................................... 7–3 7.1.4 Status Register—Offset 06h ................................................................ 7–5 7.1.5 Revision ID Register—Offset 08h ........................................................ 7–6 7.1.6 Class Code Register—Offset 0Ah........................................................ 7–6 7.1.7 Cache Line Size Register—Offset 0Ch ................................................ 7–6 7.1.8 Latency Timer Register—Offset 0Dh ................................................... 7–6 7.1.9 Header Type Register—Offset 0Eh...................................................... 7–6 7.1.10 BIST Register—Offset 0Fh .................................................................. 7–7 7.1.11 CSR Memory Base Address Register—Offset 10h.............................. 7–7 7.1.12 CSR I/O Base Address Register—Offset 14h ...................................... 7–8 7.1.13 SDRAM Base Address Register—Offset 18h ...................................... 7–9 7.1.14 CardBus CIS Pointer Register—Offset 28h ......................................... 7–9 7.1.15 Expansion ROM Base Address Register—Offset 30h ....................... 7–10 7.1.16 Capabilities Pointer—Offset 34h ........................................................ 7–10 7.1.17 Subsystem Vendor ID Register—Offset 2Ch ..................................... 7–11 7.1.18 Subsystem ID Register—Offset 2Eh .................................................. 7–11 7.1.19 Interrupt Line Register—Offset 3Ch ................................................... 7–11 7.1.20 Interrupt Pin Register—Offset 3Dh..................................................... 7–11 7.1.21 Min_Gnt Register—Offset 3Eh........................................................... 7–11 7.1.22 Max_Lat Register—Offset 3Fh........................................................... 7–12 7.1.23 Capability Identifier Register—Offset 70h .......................................... 7–12 7.1.24 Power Management Capabilities (PMC) Register—Offset 72h.......... 7–12 7.1.25 Power Management Control/Status (PMCSR) Register—Offset 74h 7–13 7.1.26 Data—Offset 77h ............................................................................... 7–14 PCI Control and Status Registers ................................................................... 7–14 7.2.1 Outbound Interrupt Status Register—Offset 30h ............................... 7–15 7.2.2 Outbound Interrupt Mask Register—Offset 34h ................................. 7–16 7.2.3 I2O Inbound FIFO Register—Offset 40h ............................................ 7–16 Reading I2O Inbound FIFO .................................................. 7–16 Writing I2O Inbound FIFO...................................................... 7–16 7.2.4 I2O Outbound FIFO Register—Offset 44h ......................................... 7–17 Reading I2O Outbound FIFO................................................ 7–17 Writing I2O Outbound FIFO.................................................. 7–17 7.2.5 Mailbox n Registers—Offset 50h to 5Ch ............................................ 7–17 7.2.6 Doorbell Register—Offset 60h ........................................................... 7–18 7.2.7 Doorbell Setup—Offset 64h ............................................................... 7–18 7.2.8 ROM Write Byte Address Register—Offset 68h................................. 7–18 SA-110 Control and Status Registers ............................................................. 7–19 7.3.1 DMA Channel n Byte Count Register—Offset 80h/A0h ..................... 7–21 7.3.2 DMA Channel n PCI Address Register—Offset 84h/A4h................... 7–22 7.3.3 DMA Channel n SDRAM Address Register—Offset 88h/A8h............ 7–22 7.3.4 DMA Channel n Descriptor Pointer Register—Offset 8Ch/ACh ................................................................. 7–23 7.3.5 DMA Channel n Control Register—Offset 90h/B0h ........................... 7–24 7.3.6 DMA Channel n DAC Address—Offset 94h/B4h................................ 7–25 7.3.7 CSR Base Address Mask Register—Offset F8h ................................ 7–26 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7.3.8 7.3.9 7.3.10 7.3.11 7.3.12 7.3.13 7.3.14 7.3.15 7.3.16 7.3.17 7.3.18 7.3.19 7.3.20 7.3.21 7.3.22 7.3.23 7.3.24 7.3.25 7.3.26 7.3.27 7.3.28 7.3.29 7.3.30 7.3.31 7.3.32 7.3.33 7.3.34 7.3.35 7.3.36 7.3.37 7.3.38 7.3.39 7.3.40 7.3.41 7.3.42 8 JTAG Test Port...............................................................................................................8–1 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 9 CSR Base Address Offset Register—Offset FCh ..............................7–27 SDRAM Base Address Mask Register—Offset 100h .........................7–27 SDRAM Base Address Offset Register—Offset 104h ........................7–28 Expansion ROM Base Address Mask Register—Offset 108h............7–29 SDRAM Timing Register—Offset 10Ch .............................................7–31 SDRAM Address and Size Registers—Offsets 110h to 11Ch ...........7–33 I2O Inbound Free_List Head Pointer Register—Offset 120h .............7–34 I2O Inbound Post_List Tail Pointer Register—Offset 124h ................7–34 I2O Outbound Post_List Head Pointer Register—Offset 128h ...........7–34 I2O Outbound Free_List Tail Pointer Register—Offset 12Ch .............7–35 I2O Inbound Free_List Count Register—Offset 130h .........................7–35 I2O Outbound Post_List Count Register—Offset 134h ......................7–35 I2O Inbound Post_List Count Register—Offset 138h .........................7–36 SA-110 Control Register—Offset 13Ch..............................................7–36 PCI Address Extension Register—Offset 140h..................................7–39 Prefetchable Memory Range Register—Offset 144h .........................7–40 X-Bus Cycle/Arbiter Register—Offset 148h .......................................7–41 X-Bus I/O Strobe Mask Register—Offset 14Ch .................................7–43 Doorbell PCI Mask Register—Offset 150h .........................................7–44 Doorbell SA-110 Mask Register—Offset 154h ...................................7–44 Interrupt Controller Registers .............................................................7–44 IRQStatus/FIQStatus Register—Offset 180h/280h ............................7–46 IRQRawStatus/FIQRawStatus Register—Offset 184h/284h..............7–47 IRQEnable/FIQEnable Register—Offset 188h/288h ..........................7–47 IRQEnableSet/FIQEnableSet Register—Offset 188h/288h ...............7–47 IRQEnableClear/FIQEnableClear Register—Offset 18Ch/28Ch..............................................................7–47 IRQSoft/FIQSoft Register—Offset 190h/290h....................................7–48 SA–110 DAC Address Registers—Offsets 200h to 204h...................7–48 SA-110 DAC Control Registers—Offset 208h ....................................7–49 PCI Address 31 Alias Register—Offset 20Ch ....................................7–49 Timer Control Registers .....................................................................7–50 TimerNLoad Register—Offsets 300h, 320h, 340h, and 360h ............7–50 TimerNValue Register—Offsets 304h, 324h, 344h, and 364h ...........7–50 TimerNControl Register—Offsets 308h, 328h, 348h, and 368h.........7–51 TimerNClear Register—Offsets 30Ch, 32Ch, 34Ch, and 36Ch .........7–51 Test Access Port Controller...............................................................................8–1 Boundary-Scan Implementation Exceptions .....................................................8–2 Instruction Register ...........................................................................................8–2 Bypass Register ................................................................................................8–2 Boundary-Scan Register ...................................................................................8–3 Electrical Specifications..................................................................................................9–1 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 PCI Electrical Specification Conformance.........................................................9–1 Absolute Maximum Ratings...............................................................................9–1 DC Specifications ..............................................................................................9–2 AC Timing Specifications ..................................................................................9–3 9.4.1 PCI Clock Timing Specifications ..........................................................9–3 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet vii 9.5 10 9.4.2 PCI Signal Timing Specifications ......................................................... 9–4 9.4.3 PCI Reset Timing Specifications .......................................................... 9–5 9.4.4 JTAG Timing Specifications ................................................................. 9–6 Memory and SA-110 Interface Timing .............................................................. 9–6 9.5.1 SA-110, 21285, and SDRAM Clock Signal Timing Specifications ....... 9–7 9.5.2 SA-110, 21285, and SDRAM Interface Timing Specifications ............. 9–8 Mechanical Specifications............................................................................................ 10–1 Support, Products, and Documentation ..............................................................................- Figures 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 3-1 3-2 4-1 4-2 5-1 5-2 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 7-1 7-2 8-1 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 10-1 21285 Host Bridge Application Diagram ........................................................... 1–2 SA-110 Coprocessor Application Diagram........................................................ 1–3 Intelligent Add-In Card Application Diagram ..................................................... 1–3 Clock Generation .............................................................................................. 2–8 21285 PBGA Pin Down View .......................................................................... 2–12 21285 Block Diagram ........................................................................................ 3–2 Mapping PCI Address to SDRAM Address ....................................................... 3–8 SDRAM Configuration ....................................................................................... 4–1 ROM Configuration ........................................................................................... 4–5 X-Bus Configuration .......................................................................................... 5–4 X-Bus Timing..................................................................................................... 5–6 Secondary Arbiter Example .............................................................................. 6–2 DMA Descriptor Read ....................................................................................... 6–3 SDRAM-to-PCI Transfers.................................................................................. 6–7 I2O Overview ..................................................................................................... 6–8 Circulation of MFAs ......................................................................................... 6–10 Timer Block Diagram....................................................................................... 6–11 PCI-Generated SDRAM Access ..................................................................... 7–29 Interrupt Source Configuration ........................................................................ 7–45 Test Access Port (TAP) Controller State Transitions ........................................ 8–1 PCI Clock Signal AC Parameter Measurement Conditions .............................. 9–3 PCI Signal Timing Measurement Conditions .................................................... 9–4 Clock Signal AC Parameter Measurement Conditions ..................................... 9–7 Interface Timing Measurement Conditions ....................................................... 9–8 Input Timing Measurement Conditions ............................................................. 9–9 256 Plastic Ball Grid Array (PBGA) Package .................................................. 10–1 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 PCI Signal-Type Abbreviations ......................................................................... 2–1 PCI Bus Interface Signals ................................................................................. 2–1 SA-110 Signals Connected to the 21285 .......................................................... 2–3 SA-110 Signals Not Connected to the 21285 ................................................... 2–4 ROM Signals ..................................................................................................... 2–5 SDRAM Signals ................................................................................................ 2–5 ma Signals ........................................................................................................ 2–6 Serial Port Signals............................................................................................. 2–7 Tables viii 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 5-1 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 7-1 7-2 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-11 7-12 8-1 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6 9-7 9-8 9-9 9-10 10-1 Miscellaneous Signals.......................................................................................2–7 X-Bus Signals....................................................................................................2–9 PCI Arbiter Signals ..........................................................................................2–10 JTAG Signals ..................................................................................................2–10 Pin State at Reset ...........................................................................................2–11 21285 PBGA Location Pin List ........................................................................2–13 21285 Pin Name Pin List.................................................................................2–17 SDRAM Address Generation ...........................................................................3–8 SA-110 Address Generation ..........................................................................3–14 DMA Address Generation ..............................................................................3–15 I/O Address Generation...................................................................................3–16 Configuration Address Generation ..................................................................3–17 Array Sizes ........................................................................................................4–2 SDRAM Addresses ...........................................................................................4–3 SDRAM Commands ..........................................................................................4–3 ROM Addressing ...............................................................................................4–6 ROM Address Generation for SA-110 Accesses ..............................................4–6 ROM Address Generation for PCI Accesses ....................................................4–6 SA-110 4GB Address Mapping .........................................................................5–1 DMA Channel Write...........................................................................................6–5 Final Write .........................................................................................................6–5 Aligning Byte Data .............................................................................................6–5 FIFO Pointers ....................................................................................................6–8 UART Interrupts ..............................................................................................6–14 Register Access ................................................................................................7–1 PCI Configuration Mapping ...............................................................................7–2 PCI Control and Status Registers ...................................................................7–15 SA-110 Control and Status Registers .............................................................7–19 Descriptor Block Format..................................................................................7–23 PCI Window Sizes...........................................................................................7–26 SDRAM Window Sizes....................................................................................7–28 Expansion ROM Window Sizes.......................................................................7–30 I2O Inbound and Outbound List Sizes.............................................................7–39 Interrupt Controller Registers ..........................................................................7–45 Interrupt Source Bits........................................................................................7–45 Timer Control Registers ..................................................................................7–50 Test Modes and Features .................................................................................8–2 Absolute Maximum Ratings...............................................................................9–1 Functional Operating Range .............................................................................9–1 DC Parameters..................................................................................................9–2 PCI Clock Signal AC Parameters......................................................................9–3 PCI Signal Timing Specifications ......................................................................9–4 PCI Signal Timing AC Parameters ....................................................................9–5 PCI Reset Timing Specifications .......................................................................9–5 JTAG Timing Specifications ..............................................................................9–6 SA-110, 21285, and SDRAM Clock Signal AC Parameters..............................9–7 Memory and SA-110 AC Parameters................................................................9–9 256 Plastic Ball Grid Array (PBGA) Package Dimensions ..............................10–2 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet ix Introduction 1 Intel Semiconductor’s 21285 is a single-chip interface between an SA-110 microprocessor, synchronous DRAM memory (SDRAM), read-only memory (ROM), and the PCI bus. It is designed to support the following three modes of operation: • PCI-based SA-110 computer. In this configuration, the SA-110 processor is the host Intelprocessor. It configures all PCI peripherals in the system. • Attached processor. In this configuration, the SA-110 processor system interfaces directly to the host system PCI bus. The 21285 is configured by the host processor in the system. • Intelligent add-in card. In this configuration, the SA-110 processor controls a PCI-based subsystem that is designed to be plugged into a host system PCI slot. Normally, a PCI-to-PCI bridge device interfaces the oncard PCI system to the host PCI system. The SA-110 processor typically configures the devices on the add-in card. Alternatively, these devices and the 21285 can be configured by the host processor in the system. The SA-110 bus must be configured for enhanced mode (SA-110 signal CONFIG is high), address pipeline enabled (SA-110 signal APE tied high), and asynchronous bus clock (SA-110 signal SnA tied low). The SA-110 bus interface and PCI interface clocks are asynchronous to each other (all synchronization is done within the 21285). However, the SA-110 bus clock frequency must always be greater than or equal to the PCI bus clock frequency. 1.1 Features The 21285 has the following features: • SDRAM interface • Flash ROM interface • PCI Revision 2.1 compliant interface (32 bit, 33 MHz) • DAC support (for Rev_ID 4 or higher) • Enhanced parity support (for Rev_ID 4 or higher) • Power Management Support (for Rev_ID 4 or higher) • DMA controllers • Interrupt controller • Programmable timers • Doorbell registers/mailboxes • I2O message unit • X-Bus (8-bit parallel port) • Serial port (UART) 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 1-1 Introduction 1.1.1 • PCI bus arbiter • Supports both 5-V and 3.3-V signaling environments • Provides an IEEE standard 1149.1 JTAG interface Power Management The 21285 REV_ID 4 or higher provides support to enable applications to be compliant with the PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification. Specifically, the required configuration registers are provided in the 21285 along with an interrupt to the SA-110 processor, indicating that the registers have been written by the host processor. This allows the application to provide firmware (run by the SA-110) to control subsystem power and meet the requirements of the PCI Bus Power Management Specification. 1.2 System Applications Figure 1-1 shows an application diagram of a 21285 based SA-110 system. Figure 1-1. 21285 Host Bridge Application Diagram Synchronous DRAM Memory ROM Address, Control D[31:0] SA-110 Processor A[31:0] 21285 PCI Bus Control FM-05671.AI4 Figure 1-2 shows an application diagram of the SA-110 coprocessor system. In this system: • • • • 1-2 SA-110 acts as a coprocessor of accelerator. Host CPU configures all PCI devices. The SA-110/21285 appears as a PCI device. SA-110 may allow host CPU to have a window to local memory. SA-110 can access system memory (as a PCI bus master). 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Introduction Figure 1-2. SA-110 Coprocessor Application Diagram PCI Device SDRAM/ ROM PCI Bus 21285 SA-110 PCI Device System Memory Host Core Logic Host CPU FM-05934.AI4 Figure 1-3 shows an application diagram of the intelligent add-in card system. In this system: • SA-110 is an embedded controller on add-in card. • Host CPU configures all PCI devices. Subsystem appears as a PCI device. • PCI devices on add-in card are private to SA-110. Figure 1-3. Intelligent Add-In Card Application Diagram Add-In Card PCI PCI Device Device SDRAM/ ROM SA-110 21285 PCI Bus PCI Device Embedded PCI-to-PCI Bridge PCI Bus Memory Host Core Logic Host CPU FM-05935.AI4 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 1-3 2 Signal Description The 21285 signals are categorized into one of several groups: PCI, SA-110, ROM, SDRAM, serial port, miscellaneous, X-Bus/Arbiter, and JTAG. Table 2-1 defines the PCI and SA-110 signal-type abbreviations used in the signal tables. These abbreviations use the same conventions and descriptions as found in the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1 and the Intel SA-110 Microprocessor Technical Reference Manual. Table 2-1. PCI Signal-Type Abbreviations 2.1 Signal Type Description I Standard input only. O Standard output only. TS Tristate bidirectional. STS Sustained tristate. Active low signal owned and driven by one and only one agent at a time. The agent that drives this pin low must drive it high for at least one clock before letting it float. A new agent cannot start driving this signal any sooner than one clock after the previous owner tristates it. A pull-up is required to sustain the inactive state until another agent drives it, and it must be provided by the central resource (that is, on a PC board). OD Standard open drain allows multiple devices to share as a wire-OR. A pull-up is required to sustain the inactive state until another agent drives it, and it must be provided by the central resource. ICOCZ Input, CMOS threshold, output CMOS levels, tristateable IC Input, CMOS threshold OCZ Output, CMOS levels, tristateable PCI Signals The timing of the PCI signals is referenced to the pci_clk. Table 2-2 describes the PCI bus interface signals. Table 2-2. PCI Bus Interface Signals (Sheet 1 of 3) Signal Name Type Description ad[31:0] TS Address/data. These signals are multiplexed address and data bus. The 21285 receives addresses as target and drives addresses as master. It receives write data and drives read data as target. It drives write data and receives read data as master. cbe_l[3:0] TS Command byte enables. These signals are multiplexed command and byte enable signals. The 21285 receives commands as target and drives commands as master. It receives byte enables as target and drives byte enables as master. par TS Parity. This signal carries even parity for ad and cbe_l. It has the same receive and drive characteristics as the address and data bus, except that it is one PCI cycle later. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 2-1 Signal Description Table 2-2. PCI Bus Interface Signals 2-2 (Sheet 2 of 3) Signal Name Type Description frame_l STS Frame. frame_l indicates the beginning and duration of an access. The 21285 receives as target and drives as master. irdy_l STS Initiator ready. irdy_l indicates the master’s ability to complete the current data phase of the transaction. The 21285 receives as target and drives as master. trdy_l STS Target ready. trdy_l indicates the target’s ability to complete the current data phase of the transaction. The 21285 drives as target and receives as master. stop_l STS Stop. stop_l indicates that the target is requesting the master to stop the current transaction. The 21285 drives as target and receives as master. devsel_l STS Device select. devsel_l indicates that the driving device has decoded its address as the target of the current access. The 21285 drives as target and receives as master. idsel I Initialization device select. idsel is used as a chip select during configuration read and write transactions. perr_l STS Parity error. perr_l is used to report data parity errors. The 21285 asserts this when it receives bad data parity as target of a write or master of a read. serr_l I, OD System error. serr_l as an input can cause an interrupt to the SA-110 if the 21285 PCI central function (pci_cfn) is asserted. As an output, it is asserted by the 21285 when a bit in the SA-110 control register is set by the SA-110, or in response to a PCI address parity error, when the 21285 pci_cfn is deasserted. req_l O Request. If the internal arbiter is not used, req_l is the request from the 21285 indicating that it wants to become bus master on the PCI bus. If the internal arbiter is used (see Section 6.1), req_l is the grant to the 21285 from the arbiter, and must be connected to gnt_l external to the 21285. gnt_l I Grant. gnt_l from the PCI arbiter (either external or internal), indicates that the 21285 can take control of the PCI bus. If the 21285 does not have any transactions to do on the PCI when gnt_l is asserted, it parks the PCI bus. pci_irq_l I, OD PCI interrupt. pci_irq_l is an output used to interrupt the host processor or the SA-110. It is asserted when there is a doorbell set or there are messages on the I2O outbound post_list. pci_rst_l I, TS PCI reset. pci_rst_l is used to bring all PCI devices to a known initial state. When it is asserted, all registers in the 21285 are put into their reset state, all transaction queues are reset, and all PCI-related state sequencers are initialized. When pci_cfn is deasserted, pci_rst_l is an input, and when asserted, the 21285 asserts nRESET to the SA-110. When pci_cfn is asserted, pci_rst_l is an output controlled by nRESET and the SA-110 control register. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Signal Description Table 2-2. PCI Bus Interface Signals (Sheet 3 of 3) Signal Name Type Description pci_clk I Clock. pci_clk is the reference for PCI signals and internal operations. pci_cfn I PCI central function. When pci_cfna is asserted, the 21285 is the PCI central function and: • nRESET is an input. • pci_rst_l is an output asserted when nRESET is asserted. • The 21285 provides bus parking during reset. • serr_l is received. When pci_cfn<superscript>a is deasserted, the 21285 is not the PCI central function and: • pci_rst_l is an input. • nRESET is an output asserted when pci_rst_l is asserted. • The 21285 does not provide bus parking during reset. • serr_l is an output. Vio a. 2.2 I I/O voltage. Vio must be tied to either 5 V or 3.3 V to correspond to the signaling environment of the PCI bus as described in the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1. The value on this pin may be read via the SA-110 control register. SA-110 Signals The timing of the SA-110 signals is referenced to the MCLK. Table 2-3 describes the SA-110 signals that are connected to the 21285. Table 2-4 describes the SA-110 signals that are not connected to the 21285 and must be forced to a 1 or 0 state. The SA-110 must be configured for little endian mode. The 21285 does not support big endian mode. Table 2-3. SA-110 Signals Connected to the 21285 (Sheet 1 of 2) Signal Name Type Description A[31:0] ICOCZ Address bus. The address is requested by the SA-110 on bits [31:2] and the two high-byte enables on bits [1:0]. These signals are also driven by the 21285 when accessing the ROM or X-Bus. D[31:0] ICOCZ Data bus. The data bus carries write data from the SA-110; output data from SDRAM, ROM, X-Bus, and PCI (through the 21285); and register data from the 21285. MAS[1:0] ICOCZ Memory access size. Indicates the low 2-byte enables during SA-110 bus cycles. These pins are driven by the 21285 during ROM and X-Bus accesses to keep them from floating. The level is undefined. nMREQ IC Memory request. Indicates that the SA-110 is doing a bus cycle in the following cycle. nRW IC Read/write. Indicates whether an SA-110 bus cycle is a read or a write. CLF IC Cache line fill. Indicates that an SA-110 bus cycle is a cache line read or a full cache block evict. The 21285 uses the information to control SDRAM and ROM bursts. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 2-3 Signal Description Table 2-3. SA-110 Signals Connected to the 21285 (Sheet 2 of 2) Signal Name Type Description LOCK IC Locked operation. Indicates that an SA-110 read is followed by a write. While it is asserted, it prevents rearbitration for the SA-110 bus; that is, no other transaction can happen on that bus except for SA-110 bus cycles. ABE OCZ Address bus enable. ABE is deasserted by the 21285 to tristate A[31:0] so it can access SDRAM and ROM. DBE OCZ Data bus enable. DBE is deasserted by the 21285 to tristate D[31:0] so it can access SDRAM and ROM. nIRQ OCZ Interrupt request. nIRQ is asserted when one or more of the interrupt sources is active, unmasked, and directed to normal interrupt. It is deasserted when all interrupt sources are removed or masked by writing the IRQEnable/FIQEnable registers. nFIQ OCZ Fast interrupt request. nFIQ is asserted when one or more of the interrupt sources is active, unmasked, and directed to fast interrupt. It is deasserted when all interrupt sources are removed or masked by writing the IRQEnable/ FIQEnable registers. nRESET ICOCZ SA-110 reset. When pci_cfn is negated, nRESET is an output and is asserted when pci_rst_l is asserted. When pci_cfn is asserted, nRESET is bidirectional. It is normally an input, but it will be driven asserted by the 21285 if the watchdog timer is enabled and expires. This signal requires an external pull-up resistor. MCLK OCZ 21285 to SA-110 clock. MCLK is an internally buffered and inverted version of osc, and is controlled by the 21285 to stall the SA-110 during SA-110 bus cycles. Table 2-4. SA-110 Signals Not Connected to the 21285 2-4 Signal Name Forced Status nWAIT 1 MSE 1 ABORT 0 APE 1 CONFIG 1 SnA 0 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Signal Description 2.3 ROM Signals Table 2-5 describes signal outputs that are used for accessing the ROM. Refer to Section 4.2.1 for additional ROM address bit connections. While the ROM is being accessed, signal rom_ce_l is asserted. Refer to Section 4.2 for a description of the address and data bus signals. Table 2-5. ROM Signals 2.4 Signal Name Type Description A[31] ICOCZ ROM write enable. This signal allows data to be stored in a flash ROM. A[30] ICOCZ ROM output enable. This signal allows the ROM to output data. A[29:28] ICOCZ Two low address bits of ROM. Table 4-4 describes the use of these bits. rom_ce_l OCZ ROM chip enable. Chip enable is asserted by the 21285 during ROM accesses. SDRAM Signals The timing of the SDRAM signals is referenced to the sdclk. The SDRAM data lines may be directly connected to D[31:0], or through transceivers, depending on the number of SDRAM chips. Table 2-6 describes the SDRAM signals. Note: The term array is used to represent a group of SDRAM chips that share a common chip select. Table 2-6. SDRAM Signals (Sheet 1 of 2) Signal Name Type Description ma[12:0] ICOCZ Memory addresses. ma[12:0] provides multiplexed row and column addresses to the SDRAMs. Some of the ma pins are used at reset to latch configuration information. Refer to Table 2-7. ba[1:0] OCZ Bank addresses. Selects SDRAM bank. cmd[2:0] OCZ Command lines. SDRAM row address strobe (RAS), column address strobe (CAS), and write enable (WE). dqm[3:0] OCZ Masks. Control write operations for each byte. dqm[3] controls D[31:24] dqm[2] controls D[23:16] dqm[1] controls D[15:8] dqm[0] controls D[7:0] cs_l[3:0] OCZ 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Chip selects. Selects the four arrays of SDRAM. 2-5 Signal Description Table 2-6. SDRAM Signals (Sheet 2 of 2) Signal Name Type Description d_wren_l OCZ SDRAM data bus buffer control. Used as the direction control for an optional data bus buffer between the SDRAM and the 21285/SA-110. Asserted during writes to the SDRAM. parity[3:0] ICOCZ Byte parity for D[31:0]. Used for SDRAMs if enabled in the SDRAM timing register. parity[3] for D[31:24] parity[2] for D[23:16] parity[1] for D[15:8] parity[0] for D[7:0] These signals should not be left floating. If SDRAM parity is not used; connect them to Vss or Vdd. If parity is used, then bus sustainers are required. sdclk[3:0] OCZ SDRAM clocks. These clocks are internally buffered versions of osc. There is one clock for each array of SDRAM chips. Table 2-7 describes the ma signals that are inputs when nRESET is asserted, and are latched at the deassertion of nRESET. These signals are used to control the configuration of various chip features. The pins have an internal pull-up resistor, therefore, any pins that are not terminated are considered to be a logical 1. A pull-down resistor can be used to supply a logical 0. Note: If external buffering is used on the ma pins, the internal pull-up resistor may be inadequate to force a reliable logic level on ma[8:2]. This occurs because buffers such as 74LVT16244A contain internal bus hold circuitry on their input pins that will force an input high or low if it attempts to float. The pull-up resistor internal to the 21285 is unable to supply enough current to overcome the hysterisis in the bus hold circuitry. In this case, a 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor should be fitted externally on each of the ma[8:2] pins. Table 2-7. ma Signals (Sheet 1 of 2) Signal Name Type Description ma[8] ICOCZ Intel reserved test mode. When 1: Normal operation. When 0: Enable Intel reserved test mode. ma[7] ICOCZ X-Bus/Arbiter mode. When 0: X-Bus/Arbiter pins are used for the internal PCI arbiter. When 1: X-Bus/Arbiter pins are used for the X-Bus. ma[6] ICOCZ Blank ROM program mode. When 1: Normal mode. The 21285 does not allow access from the PCI until after the 21285 CSRs have been initialized from the SA-110. When 0: Blank ROM mode. The 21285 allows access from the PCI prior to the normal initialization from the SA-110. See Section 4.2.5 for a description of all the specific differences. 2-6 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Signal Description Table 2-7. ma Signals (Sheet 2 of 2) Signal Name Type ma[5:4] ICOCZ Description ROM width. 11 - Byte 01 - Word 10 - Dword 00 - Reserved ma[3] ICOCZ Class code selection. When 1: Class code register reads B40001h. When 0: Class code register reads 0E0001h. ma[2] ICOCZ Intel reserved test mode. When 1: Normal operation. When 0: Enable ohold test mode. 2.5 Serial Port Signals Table 2-8 describes the serial port signals . Table 2-8. Serial Port Signals 2.6 Signal Name Type Description rx IC Receive data into the UART tx OCZ Transmit data from the UART Miscellaneous Signals Table 2-9 describes the miscellaneous signals. Table 2-9. Miscellaneous Signals (Sheet 1 of 2) Signal Name Type Description osc IC Reference input clock. Supplied by an oscillator and buffered to create MCLK, sdclk, and fclk. fclk OCZ Clock output for 21285. fclk is an internally buffered version of osc and must be connected on the circuit board to fclk_in (Figure 2-1). 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 2-7 Signal Description Table 2-9. Miscellaneous Signals (Sheet 2 of 2) Signal Name Type Description fclk_in IC Clock input for 21285. fclk_in must be connected on the circuit board to fclk (Figure 2-1). The etch length of the connection should be matched to the etch length of MCLK to the SA-110 and sdclk to the SDRAMs to minimize skew. irq_in_l[3:0] IC Interrupt inputs. These signals are general-purpose inputs that can assert nFIQ or nIRQ, can be masked, or can clock the timers. These signals are level sensitive with programmable priority and are synchronized before being used. scan_en IC Scan enable. This pin is used only in the chip manufacturing test for the internal scan chain. It must be 0 for normal operation. Figure 2-1. Clock Generation 4 Clocks for SDRAMs sdclk[3:0] SA-110 3.68 MHz Note: fclk to fclk_in connection on PC board. All clock etch lengths for fclk, MCLK, and sdclk should be the same. 2.7 fclk_in fclk MCLK osc Bus Frequency 21285 pci_clk FM-05936.AI4 X-Bus/Arbiter Signals The following group of pins can be configured either as a parallel port (X-Bus) or as a PCI arbiter. The configuration is determined by the value latched on ma[7] at reset. 2-8 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Signal Description 2.7.1 X-Bus Selection X-Bus (ma[7]=1) is a general-purpose parallel interface port that allows connection of 8- and 16-bit peripheral chips. The address to the peripherals is supplied by A[31:0] (or possibly a buffered version of this signal depending upon the number of devices). The data for the peripherals is transmitted on D[31:0], which is connected through transceivers controlled by xd_wren_l. Table 2-10 describes the X-Bus signals. Table 2-10. X-Bus Signals Signal Name Type Description xd_wren_l OCZ X-Bus data buffer control. Used as the direction control for a data bus buffer between the X-Bus and the 21285/SA-110. Asserted during writes to the X-Bus. xior_l OCZ X-Bus read strobe. Asserted by the 21285 to enable the X-Bus peripheral to drive read data. xiow_l OCZ X-Bus write strobe. Asserted by the 21285 to enable the X-Bus peripheral to accept write data. xcs_l[2:0] ICOCZ X-Bus chip selects. As outputs, xcs_l[2:0] are used as chip selects asserted by the 21285 during writes or reads to X-Bus devices. For information on address ranges, see Table 5-1. As inputs, xcs_l[2:0] can be used as interrupts providing that they are not used for X-Bus chip selects. The direction is controlled by the SA-110 control register. Signal xcs_l[1] is also used as the Power Management event signal pre_pme_l. To be used in this mode, it must be enabled as a output in the SA-110 Control Register. This output is asserted by the 21285 when PMCSR bits [15] (PME_Status) and [8] (PME_En) are both enabled. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 2-9 Signal Description 2.7.2 PCI Arbiter Selection The PCI arbiter (ma[7]=0) receives requests from five potential bus masters (four external and the 21285), and asserts a grant to the master with the highest priority. See Section 6.1 for a description of the PCI arbiter operation. Table 2-11 describes the PCI arbiter signals. Note: When the internal arbiter is selected, the req_l pin is the arbiter grant to the 21285 and must be connected to gnt_l external to the 21285. Table 2-11. PCI Arbiter Signals 2.8 Signal Name Type Description pci_gnt_l[0] OCZ pci_gnt_l[0] output xd_wren_l OCZ pci_gnt_l[1] output xior_l OCZ pci_gnt_l[2] output xiow_l OCZ pci_gnt_l[3] output xcs_l[2:0] ICOCZ pci_req_l[2:0] inputs pci_req_l[3] IC pci_req_l[3] input JTAG Signals JTAG is the IEEE 1149.1 test access port. The JTAG input signals have a weak pull-up resistor internal to the chip, so that any input not terminated will be interpreted as a high. Table 2-12 describes the JTAG signals. Table 2-12. JTAG Signals 2-10 Signal Name Type Description tck IC Test interface reference clock. This clock times all the transfers on the JTAG test interface. tms IC Test interface mode select. tms causes state transitions in the test access port (TAP) controller. tdi IC Test interface data input. tdi is the serial input through which JTAG instructions and test data enter the JTAG interface. tdo OCZ Test interface data output. tdo is the serial output through which test instructions and data from the test logic leave the 21285. trst_l IC Test interface reset. When asserted low, the TAP controller is asynchronously forced to enter a reset state, which in turn asynchronously initializes other test logic. This pin must be driven or held low to achieve normal device operation. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Signal Description 2.9 Pin State During Reset Table 2-13 defines the state of both the output (O) and bidirectional (TS) pins during reset. SA-110 related pins are controlled by nRESET and PCI related pins are controlled by pci_rst_l. Table 2-13. Pin State at Reset (Sheet 1 of 2) Signal Name Type Value (if O) ad O if pci_cfn is enabled, otherwise TS 00000000h cbe_l O if pci_cfn is enabled, otherwise TS 0h par O if pci_cfn is enabled, otherwise TS 0 frame_l TS — irdy_l TS — trdy_l TS — stop_l TS — devsel_l TS — perr_l TS — serr_l TS — req_l TS — pci_irq_l TS — A TS — D O Undefined MAS TS — ABE O Asserted (h) DBE O Deasserted (l) nIRQ O Undefined nFIQ O Undefined MCLK O — ba TS — ma TS — cmd O Undefined dqm O Asserted (h) cs_l O Deasserted (h) d_wren_l O Asserted (l) parity O Undefined sdclk O Follows osc tx O Asserted (h) fclk O Follows osc rom_ce_l O Deasserted (h) pci_gnt_l[3] TS — xd_wren_l TS — 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 2-11 Signal Description Table 2-13. Pin State at Reset 2.10 (Sheet 2 of 2) Signal Name Type Value (if O) xior_l TS — xiow_l TS — xcs_l TS — tdo O Undefined Pin Assignment This section describes the 21285 pin assignment and lists the pins according to location (numeric) and in alphabetic order. Figure 2-2 shows the 21285 256-point ball grid array, representing the pins in vertical rows labeled alphabetically, and horizontal rows labeled numerically. Table 2-14 and Table 2-15 use this location to identify pin assignments. Figure 2-2. 21285 PBGA Pin Down View Pin 1 Corner A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R T U V W Y 21285 Top View (Pin Down) 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 13 15 17 19 10 12 14 16 18 20 FM-05801.AI4 2-12 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Signal Description 2.11 Pins Listed in Numeric Order Table 2-14 lists the 21285 pins in order of location (numeric), showing the location code, name, and signal type of each pin. Figure 2-2 provides the map for identifying the pin location codes, listed in alphabetic order in the PBGA Location column in Table 2-14. Table 2-1 defines the signal-type abbreviations used in the Type column in Table 2-14. Table 2-14. 21285 PBGA Location Pin List (Sheet 1 of 4) PBGA Location Pin Name Type PBGA Location Pin Name Type A1 Vss P A2 Vdd P A3 D[3] ICOCZ A4 D[6] ICOCZ A5 dqm[0] OCZ A6 D[10] ICOCZ A7 D[12] ICOCZ A8 D[15] ICOCZ A9 D[16] ICOCZ A10 D[19] ICOCZ A11 D[20] ICOCZ A12 D[21] ICOCZ A13 parity[2] ICOCZ A14 D[24] ICOCZ A15 D[26] ICOCZ A16 D[30] ICOCZ A17 dqm[3] OCZ A18 nMREQ IC A19 sdclk[2] OCZ A20 Vdd P B1 ba[1] OCZ B2 Vss P B3 D[1] ICOCZ B4 D[4] ICOCZ B5 D[7] ICOCZ B6 D[8] ICOCZ B7 D[11] ICOCZ B8 D[14] ICOCZ B9 dqm[1] OCZ B10 D[18] ICOCZ B11 Vss P B12 Vdd P B13 dqm[2] OCZ B14 DBE OCZ B15 D[27] ICOCZ B16 D[31] ICOCZ B17 sdclk[1] OCZ B18 Vdd P B19 Vss P B20 Vss P C1 ma[10] ICOCZ C2 Vdd P C3 D[0] ICOCZ C4 Vss P C5 D[5] ICOCZ C6 parity[0] ICOCZ C7 D[9] ICOCZ C8 D[13] ICOCZ C9 Vss P C10 Vdd P C11 Vdd P C12 D[22] ICOCZ C13 Vss P C14 D[25] ICOCZ C15 D[29] ICOCZ C16 parity[3] ICOCZ C17 sdclk[0] OCZ C18 sdclk[3] OCZ 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 2-13 Signal Description Table 2-14. 21285 PBGA Location Pin List 2-14 (Sheet 2 of 4) PBGA Location Pin Name Type PBGA Location Pin Name Type C19 MCLK OCZ C20 fclk_in IC D1 Vss P D2 ba[0] OCZ D3 ma[12] ICOCZ D4 Vss P D5 D[2] ICOCZ D6 Vdd P D7 Vss P D8 Vss P D9 parity[1] ICOCZ D10 D[17] ICOCZ D11 Vdd P D12 D[23] ICOCZ D13 Vss P D14 D[28] ICOCZ D15 Vdd P D16 Vss P D17 Vss P D18 fclk OCZ D19 osc IC D20 LOCK IC E1 ma[7] ICOCZ E2 ma[8] ICOCZ E3 ma[9] ICOCZ E4 ma[11] ICOCZ E17 Vdd P E18 CLF IC E19 nRW IC E20 MAS[1] ICOCZ F1 ma[4] ICOCZ F2 ma[5] ICOCZ F3 ma[6] ICOCZ F4 Vdd P F17 Vdd P F18 ABE OCZ F19 A[0] ICOCZ F20 A[1] ICOCZ G1 ma[2] ICOCZ G2 Vss P G3 ma[3] ICOCZ G4 Vdd P G17 MAS[0] ICOCZ G18 Vss P G19 A[2] ICOCZ G20 A[3] ICOCZ H1 — NC H2 ma[0] ICOCZ H3 ma[1] ICOCZ H4 Vss P H17 Vss P H18 A[4] ICOCZ H19 A[5] ICOCZ H20 A[6] ICOCZ J1 irq_in_l[0] IC J2 irq_in_l[1] IC J3 irq_in_l[2] IC J4 irq_in_l[3] IC J17 A[7] ICOCZ J18 A[8] ICOCZ J19 A[9] ICOCZ J20 A[10] ICOCZ K1 Vss P K2 Vss P K3 Vdd P K4 Vdd P K17 A[11] ICOCZ K18 Vdd P K19 Vss P K20 Vdd P L1 cs_l[3] OCZ L2 cs_l[2] OCZ L3 cs_l[1] OCZ L4 cs_l[0] OCZ 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Signal Description Table 2-14. 21285 PBGA Location Pin List (Sheet 3 of 4) PBGA Location Pin Name Type PBGA Location Pin Name Type L17 Vdd P L18 A[13] ICOCZ L19 A[14] ICOCZ L20 A[12] ICOCZ M1 d_wren_l OCZ M2 cmd[2] OCZ M3 cmd[1] OCZ M4 cmd[0] OCZ M17 A[18] ICOCZ M18 A[17] ICOCZ M19 A[16] ICOCZ M20 A[15] ICOCZ N1 rom_ce_l OCZ N2 scan_en IC N3 tdi IC N4 Vss P N17 Vss P N18 A[20] ICOCZ N19 Vss P N20 A[19] ICOCZ P1 tdo OCZ P2 tms IC P3 tck IC P4 xd_wren_l OCZ P17 A[26] ICOCZ P18 A[23] ICOCZ P19 A[22] ICOCZ P20 A[21] ICOCZ R1 trst_l IC R2 xiow_l OCZ R3 xcs_l[2] ICOCZ R4 Vdd P R17 Vdd P R18 A[27] ICOCZ R19 A[25] ICOCZ R20 A[24] ICOCZ T1 xior_l OCZ T2 xcs_l[1] ICOCZ T3 tx OCZ T4 pci_req_l[3] IC T17 nRESET ICOCZ T18 A[30] ICOCZ T19 A[29] ICOCZ T20 A[28] ICOCZ U1 xcs_l[0] ICOCZ U2 rx IC U3 pci_rst_l I, TS U4 Vss P U5 ad[27] TS U6 Vdd P U7 idsel I U8 Vss P U9 Vdd P U10 Vdd P U11 stop_l TS U12 par TS U13 Vss P U14 Vss P U15 Vdd P U16 ad[4] TS U17 Vss P U18 nFIQ OCZ U19 nIRQ OCZ U20 Vdd P V1 pci_gnt[0] OCZ V2 pci_clk I V3 req_l O V4 ad[28] TS V5 ad[25] TS V6 Vdd P V7 ad[21] TS V8 ad[19] TS V9 ad[16] TS V10 trdy_l STS 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 2-15 Signal Description Table 2-14. 21285 PBGA Location Pin List 2-16 (Sheet 4 of 4) PBGA Location Pin Name Type PBGA Location Pin Name Type V11 Vdd P V12 serr_l I, OD V13 ad[14] TS V14 ad[11] TS V15 ad[8] TS V16 ad[7] TS V17 ad[3] TS V18 ad[1] TS V19 Vio I V20 A[31] ICOCZ W1 gnt_l I W2 Vss P W3 ad[31] TS W4 ad[29] TS W5 ad[24] TS W6 ad[23] TS W7 Vss P W8 ad[18] TS W9 cbe_l[2] TS W10 irdy_l TS W11 Vss P W12 perr_l TS W13 ad[15] TS W14 ad[12] TS W15 ad[10] TS W16 pci_irq_l OD W17 ad[6] TS W18 Vss P W19 Vss P W20 ad[0] TS Y1 Vdd P Y2 ad[30] TS Y3 ad[26] TS Y4 Vdd P Y5 cbe_l[3] TS Y6 ad[22] TS Y7 ad[20] TS Y8 ad[17] TS Y9 frame_l STS Y10 devsel_l STS Y11 Vdd P Y12 pci_cfn I Y13 cbe_l[1] TS Y14 ad[13] TS Y15 Vss P Y16 ad[9] TS Y17 cbe_l[0] TS Y18 ad[5] TS Y19 ad[2] TS Y20 Vdd P 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Signal Description 2.12 Pins Listed in Alphabetic Order Table 2-15 lists the 21285 pins in alphabetic order, showing the name, location code, and signal type of each pin. Figure 2-2 provides the map for identifying the pin location codes. Table 2-1 defines the signal-type abbreviations used in the Type column in Table 2-15. Table 2-15. 21285 Pin Name Pin List (Sheet 1 of 4) Pin Name PBGA Location Type Pin Name PBGA Location Type A[0] F19 ICOCZ A[30] T18 ICOCZ A[1] F20 ICOCZ A[31] V20 ICOCZ A[2] G19 ICOCZ ABE F18 OCZ A[3] G20 ICOCZ ad[0] W20 TS A[4] H18 ICOCZ ad[1] V18 TS A[5] H19 ICOCZ ad[2] Y19 TS A[6] H20 ICOCZ ad[3] V17 TS A[7] J17 ICOCZ ad[4] U16 TS A[8] J18 ICOCZ ad[5] Y18 TS A[9] J19 ICOCZ ad[6] W17 TS A[10] J20 ICOCZ ad[7] V16 TS A[11] K17 ICOCZ ad[8] V15 TS A[12] L20 ICOCZ ad[9] Y16 TS A[13] L18 ICOCZ ad[10] W15 TS A[14] L19 ICOCZ ad[11] V14 TS A[15] M20 ICOCZ ad[12] W14 TS A[16] M19 ICOCZ ad[13] Y14 TS A[17] M18 ICOCZ ad[14] V13 TS A[18] M17 ICOCZ ad[15] W13 TS A[19] N20 ICOCZ ad[16] V9 TS A[20] N18 ICOCZ ad[17] Y8 TS A[21] P20 ICOCZ ad[18] W8 TS A[22] P19 ICOCZ ad[19] V8 TS A[23] P18 ICOCZ ad[20] Y7 TS A[24] R20 ICOCZ ad[21] V7 TS A[25] R19 ICOCZ ad[22] Y6 TS A[26] P17 ICOCZ ad[23] W6 TS A[27] R18 ICOCZ ad[24] W5 TS A[28] T20 ICOCZ ad[25] V5 TS A[29] T19 ICOCZ ad[26] Y3 TS 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 2-17 Signal Description Table 2-15. 21285 Pin Name Pin List 2-18 (Sheet 2 of 4) Pin Name PBGA Location Type Pin Name PBGA Location Type ad[27] U5 TS D[18] B10 ICOCZ ad[28] V4 TS D[19] A10 ICOCZ ad[29] W4 TS D[20] A11 ICOCZ ad[30] Y2 TS D[21] A12 ICOCZ ad[31] W3 TS D[22] C12 ICOCZ ba[0] D2 ICOCZ D[23] D12 ICOCZ ba[1] B1 ICOCZ D[24] A14 ICOCZ cbe_l[0] Y17 TS D[25] C14 ICOCZ cbe_l[1] Y13 TS D[26] A15 ICOCZ cbe_l[2] W9 TS D[27] B15 ICOCZ cbe_l[3] Y5 TS D[28] D14 ICOCZ CLF E18 IC D[29] C15 ICOCZ cmd[0] M4 OCZ D[30] A16 ICOCZ cmd[1] M3 OCZ D[31] B16 ICOCZ cmd[2] M2 OCZ DBE B14 ICOCZ cs_l[0] L4 OCZ devsel_l Y10 TS cs_l[1] L3 OCZ dqm[0] A5 ICOCZ cs_l[2] L2 OCZ dqm[1] B9 ICOCZ cs_l[3] L1 OCZ dqm[2] B13 ICOCZ D[0] C3 ICOCZ dqm[3] A17 ICOCZ D[1] B3 ICOCZ d_wren_l M1 OCZ D[2] D5 ICOCZ fclk D18 OCZ D[3] A3 ICOCZ fclk_in C20 IC D[4] B4 ICOCZ frame_l Y9 TS D[5] C5 ICOCZ gnt_l W1 I D[6] A4 ICOCZ idsel U7 I D[7] B5 ICOCZ irdy_l W10 TS D[8] B6 ICOCZ irq_in_l[0] J1 IC D[9] C7 ICOCZ irq_in_l[1] J2 IC D[10] A6 ICOCZ irq_in_l[2] J3 IC D[11] B7 ICOCZ irq_in_l[3] J4 IC D[12] A7 ICOCZ LOCK D20 IC D[13] C8 ICOCZ ma[0] H2 ICOCZ D[14] B8 ICOCZ ma[1] H3 ICOCZ D[15] A8 ICOCZ ma[2] G1 ICOCZ D[16] A9 ICOCZ ma[3] G3 ICOCZ D[17] D10 ICOCZ ma[4] F1 ICOCZ 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Signal Description Table 2-15. 21285 Pin Name Pin List (Sheet 3 of 4) Pin Name PBGA Location Type Pin Name PBGA Location Type ma[5] F2 ICOCZ serr_l V12 I, OD ma[6] F3 ICOCZ stop_l U11 TS ma[7] E1 ICOCZ tck P3 IC ma[8] E2 ICOCZ tdi N3 IC ma[9] E3 ICOCZ tdo P1 OCZ ma[10] C1 ICOCZ tms P2 IC ma[11] E4 ICOCZ trdy_l V10 TS ma[12] D3 ICOCZ trst_l R1 IC MAS[0] G17 IC tx T3 OCZ MAS[1] E20 IC Vdd A2 P MCLK C19 OCZ Vdd A20 P nFIQ U18 OCZ Vdd B12 P nIRQ U19 OCZ Vdd B18 P nMREQ A18 IC Vdd C2 P nRESET T17 ICOCZ Vdd C10 P nRW E19 IC Vdd C11 P osc D19 IC Vdd D6 P par U12 TS Vdd D11 P parity[0] C6 ICOCZ Vdd D15 P parity[1] D9 ICOCZ Vdd E17 P parity[2] A13 ICOCZ Vdd F4 P parity[3] C16 ICOCZ Vdd F17 P pci_cfn Y12 I Vdd G4 P pci_clk V2 I Vdd K3 P pci_gnt_l[0] V1 OCZ Vdd K4 P pci_irq_l W16 OD Vdd K18 P pci_req_l[3] T4 IC Vdd K20 P pci_rst_l U3 I, TS Vdd L17 P perr_l W12 TS Vdd R4 P req_l V3 O Vdd R17 P rom_ce_l N1 OCZ Vdd U6 P rx U2 IC Vdd U9 P scan_en N2 IC Vdd U10 P sdclk[0] C17 OCZ Vdd U15 P sdclk[1] B17 OCZ Vdd U20 P sdclk[2] A19 OCZ Vdd V6 P sdclk[3] C18 OCZ Vdd V11 P 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 2-19 Signal Description Table 2-15. 21285 Pin Name Pin List 2-20 (Sheet 4 of 4) Pin Name PBGA Location Type Pin Name PBGA Location Type Vdd Y1 P Vss K1 P Vdd Y4 P Vss K2 P Vdd Y11 P Vss K19 P Vdd Y20 P Vss N4 P Vio V19 I Vss N17 P Vss A1 P Vss N19 P Vss B2 P Vss U4 P Vss B11 P Vss U8 P Vss B19 P Vss U13 P Vss B20 P Vss U14 P Vss C4 P Vss U17 P Vss C9 P Vss W2 P Vss C13 P Vss W7 P Vss D1 P Vss W11 P Vss D4 P Vss W18 P Vss D7 P Vss W19 P Vss D8 P Vss Y15 P Vss D13 P xcs_l[0] U1 OCZ Vss D16 P xcs_l[1] T2 OCZ Vss D17 P xcs_l[2] R3 OCZ Vss G2 P xd_wren_l P4 OCZ Vss G18 P xior_l T1 OCZ Vss H4 P xiow_l R2 OCZ Vss H17 P — H1 NC 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Transactions 3 All 21285 transactions occur between the SA-110, PCI, SDRAM, ROM, and X-Bus. Figure 3-1 shows the three FIFOs used in performing the various transactions. • Outbound FIFO (256 bytes) — SA-110 write addresses and data for PCI — SA-110 read addresses for PCI — DMA write addresses and data for PCI — DMA read addresses for PCI • Inbound FIFO (256 bytes) — PCI write addresses and data for SDRAM and ROM — PCI read addresses for SDRAM and ROM — DMA write data for SDRAM — SA-110 read data from PCI • PCI Read FIFO (128 bytes) — PCI read data from SDRAM and ROM 3.1 SA-110 Originated Transactions The following sections describe SA-110 originated bus transactions. These transactions are classified by their address spaces (refer to Table 5-1). The 21285 controls the SA-110 clock, MCLK, by stretching the high time to stall the SA-110 during bus cycles (indicated by assertion of nMREQ by SA-110). The number of cycles that MCLK stays high may be different for each address space and depends upon other 21285 activity at the time nMREQ asserts. 3.1.1 CSR Write The SA-110 write data is written to the selected CSR (the CSR with offset equal to SA-110 address A[10:2]). The SA-110 is normally stalled for three cycles, but can be stalled longer. If a nonexistent CSR is selected within the CSR address range, the write data is discarded (no error action is taken). The CSR address space is listed in Tables 7-2, 7-3, and 7-4. 3.1.2 CSR Read The selected CSR (the CSR with offset equal to SA-110 address A[10:2]) read data is driven onto D[31:0]. If a nonexistent CSR is selected within the CSR address range, zeros are read (no error action is taken). The SA-110 normally stalls for three cycles. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 3-1 Transactions The CSR address space is listed in Tables 7-2, 7-3, and 7-4. Figure 3-1. 21285 Block Diagram Inbound FIFO PCI Control SA-110 Control Outbound FIFO ad[31:0] D[31:0] PCI Read FIFO SA-110 Interface PCI Interface A[31:0] Interrupt Control SDRAM Control DMA Channels Doorbell, Timers, Serial Port Other CSRs Control and Status Registers FM-05672.AI4 3.1.3 SDRAM All-Banks Precharge An SA-110 read from one of the four SDRAM array mode register regions causes an all-banks precharge to be issued to the associated SDRAM array. An all-banks precharge must be performed to each SDRAM array as part of the power-up initialization sequence, prior to a SDRAM mode register set or any other access to SDRAM. The SA-110 is stalled while the precharge command is issued to the selected SDRAM array. The value on the low-order SA-110 address lines is ignored and read data should be ignored. During the precharge command, ba[1:0] is set to a value of 11 and ma[12:8] is set to a value of 11111. This ensures that, for any supported SDRAM type, the precharge command is interpreted as an all-banks precharge. SDRAM vendors recommend that the dqm signals into the SDRAMs be forced high at reset, and held high until an all-banks precharge command is issued to the array. The 21285 complies with this recommendation by forcing the dqm signals high at reset, and holding them high until four all-bank precharge commands have been issued (the internal logic that counts these commands increments on all-banks precharge, mode register set, and refresh commands). The programmer should ensure that one all-banks precharge is issued to each array, even if fewer than four arrays are present. 3-2 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Transactions 3.1.4 SDRAM Mode Register Set SDRAM mode register set occurs in response to an SA-110 write to one of four SDRAM array mode regions. SDRAMs require the mode register to be written after power-up and prior to accessing the SDRAM. The SA-110 is stalled while a mode register set command is issued to the selected SDRAM array. There are four different mode register address regions; one for each array. The value of SA-110 address A[8:2] is the data written into the SDRAM mode register via the ma[6:0] pins. Pins ba[1:0] are 00 and ma[12:7] are 000000. The write data on D[31:0] is ignored. The SA-110 software must calculate the address within the mode register set address range in order to send the correct mode configuration information to each array of SDRAM. The SDRAM mode registers should be configured for a burst size of 4 with linear burst addressing. 3.1.5 SDRAM Write The SA-110 is stalled while the selected SDRAM bank is addressed. It is unstalled after the data has been latched into the SDRAM from D[31:0]. 3.1.6 SDRAM First Read The SA-110 is stalled while the selected SDRAM bank is addressed. It is unstalled when the first SDRAM data has been driven to the D[31:0] bus. Lock When LOCK is asserted by the SA-110, PCI or DMA originated accesses to SDRAM (see Section 3.2.2) will not occur; access waits until LOCK deasserts. (The SA-110 asserts LOCK during the read part of the SWP instruction, and deasserts it immediately following the write that completes the instruction). 3.1.7 ROM Read The SA-110 is stalled while the ROM is read. Each Dword may require one, two, or four ROM reads, depending on the ROM width (latched at reset from the ma pins and readable in the SA-110 control register). The data is collected and packed into Dwords to be driven onto D[31:0]. When the ROM read(s) complete(s), the 21285 unstalls the SA-110. See Section 4.2 for a description of ROM accesses. 3.1.8 ROM Write The SA-110 is stalled while the ROM is written. The ROM write data must be placed on the proper byte lanes by software running on the SA-110, that is, the data is not aligned in hardware by the 21285. Only one write is done regardless of the ROM width. When the ROM write completes, the 21285 unstalls the SA-110. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 3-3 Transactions 3.1.9 PCI Memory Write The SA-110 address, write data, and byte masks are collected into the Outbound FIFO and written to PCI memory space at a later time. If there is room in the FIFO, the SA-110 stalls for one cycle. If there is no room in the FIFO, the SA-110 stalls until room is created by the unloading of some data to PCI. Data with ascending addresses is placed in the Outbound FIFO in such a way as to be written to PCI in a burst. In order to maximize the burst size, the 21285 does not attempt to unload the Outbound FIFO until one or more of the following conditions occur: • • • • • • An ascending address written from SA-110 16 entries have been merged An SA-110 read Two SA-110 cycles with no bus activity The Outbound FIFO is full A 4KB address boundary is crossed See the Intel Semiconductor SA-110 Microprocessor Technical Reference Manual for a description of the SA-110 write buffers and pin bus operation with sequential addresses. 3.1.10 PCI Memory Read The SA-110 address is compared to a PCI prefetch address latch inside the 21285. If it matches, and prefetch data is valid, then the read data is driven on D[31:0] and the SA-110 is not stalled. If it does not match, or there is no valid PCI prefetch data, the SA-110 is stalled while the 21285 performs PCI memory read. It becomes unstalled when the read data is returned and driven to the D[31:0]. During the wait time, PCI write data in the Inbound FIFO (if any) may be written to the SDRAM or the ROM. The 21285 may read more than one Dword (referred to as prefetching) from PCI depending on the contents of the prefetchable PCI range register (see Section 7.3.23). The prefetch read data is put into the Inbound FIFO. As each Dword is taken by the SA-110, PCI prefetch address latch is incremented by one Dword. If the SA-110 performs a read to an address that does not match PCI prefetch address latch, then all prefetched PCI read data is discarded. Also, if the SA-110 does not perform any external bus read cycles for two cycles, the prefetched read data is discarded; the two-cycle count is reinitialized each time some of the prefetched read data is consumed by the SA-110. 3.1.11 PCI I/O Write The SA-110 address, write data, and byte mask are collected into the Outbound FIFO and written to PCI I/O space at a later time. If there is room in the FIFO, the SA-110 stalls for one cycle. If there is no room in the FIFO, the SA-110 stalls until room is created by the unloading of some data to PCI. Unlike a PCI memory write, no burst packing is done. 3-4 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Transactions 3.1.12 PCI I/O Read The SA-110 is stalled while PCI controller performs PCI I/O read. It becomes unstalled when the read data is returned and driven to the D[31:0]. During the wait time, PCI write data in the Inbound FIFO (if any) can be written to the SDRAM and/or the ROM. No prefetching on PCI is done. 3.1.13 PCI Configuration Write The SA-110 address, write data, and byte masks are collected into the Outbound FIFO and written to PCI configuration space at a later time. If there is room in the FIFO, the SA-110 stalls for one cycle. If there is no room in the FIFO, the SA-110 stalls until room is created by the unloading of some data to PCI. Unlike a PCI memory write, no burst packing is done. Both type 0 and type 1 configuration cycles can be generated (see Table 3-5 and Section 5.1). 3.1.14 PCI Configuration Read The SA-110 is stalled while the 21285 performs the PCI configuration read. It becomes unstalled when the read data is returned and driven to the D[31:0]. During the wait time, PCI write data in the Inbound FIFO (if any) can be written to the SDRAM and the ROM. Both type 0 and type 1 configuration cycles can be generated (see Table 3-5 and Section 5.1). If the PCI configuration read ends in a master abort, the read data is replaced by FFFFFFFFh. Typically, this situation occurs when initialization code running on the SA-110 is scanning PCI bus to determine what devices are present. No prefetching on PCI occurs during a PCI configuration read. 3.1.15 PCI Special Cycle The SA-110 address, write data, and byte masks are collected into the Outbound FIFO and written as a PCI special cycle at a later time. If there is room in the FIFO, the SA-110 stalls for one cycle. If there is no room in the FIFO, the SA-110 stalls until room is created by the unloading of some data to PCI. Unlike a PCI memory write, no burst packing is done. 3.1.16 PCI IACK Read The SA-110 is stalled while the 21285 performs the PCI IACK read. It becomes unstalled when the read data is returned and driven to the D[31:0]. During the wait time, PCI write data in the Inbound FIFO (if any) can be written to the SDRAM or the ROM. No prefetching on PCI occurs during a PCI IACK read. 3.1.17 X-Bus Write The SA-110 is stalled while the 21285 performs the write to the X-Bus device. The SA-110 address and write data are driven to the X-Bus through transceivers. The SA-110 becomes unstalled when the write is complete. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 3-5 Transactions 3.1.18 X-Bus Read The SA-110 is stalled while the 21285 performs the read from the X-Bus device. It becomes unstalled when the read data is returned and driven to the D[31:0] (the software must be aware of the width of the device data, and ignore the bytes of the D bus that are not driven by the X-Bus device). 3.1.19 Outbound Write Flush This range of addresses can be used to force all pending translations in the Outbound FIFO to be written to the PCI. For a read that is within the Outbound Write Flush address range, the SA-110 is stalled while all writes in the Outbound FIFO (if any) are delivered. When the last data (if any) is written to PCI, the SA-110 is unstalled. The read data returned is undefined. For a write that is within the Outbound Write Flush address range, the SA-110 is stalled for several cycles, and an internal flag is set in the 21285. The write data is discarded. The flag clears when the Outbound FIFO is empty. Any subsequent SA-110 write to PCI is stalled until the flag is cleared. 3.1.20 SA-110 Cache Flush SA-110 accesses to the SA-110 cache flush region are not stalled. Write data is discarded and read data is undefined. The SA-110 software can use this region to displace data from internal caches by doing reads that evict dirty data to memory. Refer to the Intel Semiconductor SA-110 Microprocessor Technical Reference Manual for details describing the software Dcache algorithm. 3.1.21 Reserved Addresses If the SA-110 attempts an access to the reserved address space, it stalls for several cycles. Write data can possibly be written to some other destination (that is, CSRs PCI memory space, and so on). Read data is undefined. 3.2 PCI Target Transactions The 21285 signals retry to the PCI master in response to all configuration type 0 reads and writes (if its idsel is asserted) until the SA-110 has set the initialize complete bit ([0]) in the SA-110 control register. This gives the SA-110 software the chance to initialize registers, such as the SDRAM base address mask, prior to the host configuration code being able to read them. The command register memory space enable bit ([1]) must be set for the 21285 to respond to any memory transaction. The command register I/O space enable bit ([0]) must be set for the 21285 to respond to any I/O transaction. 3-6 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Transactions Note: Some master devices, such as Intel Semiconductor’s 21150, 21152, 21153, and 21154 PCI-to-PCI Bridge chips, discard a transaction after 224 retries. This takes approximately 1.9 seconds, which implies that the SA-110 should set the initialize complete bit before that time. The following sections describe the target response of the 21285 to various PCI cycles. 3.2.1 Unsupported PCI Cycles As Target The following PCI transactions are not supported by the 21285 as a target: • • • • • • • • • I/O write to SDRAM I/O read to SDRAM I/O write to ROM I/O read to ROM Type 1 configuration write Type 1 configuration read Special cycle IACK cycle Dual-address cycle The following commands are aliased: • Memory write and invalidate to memory write • Memory read line and memory read multiple to memory read for CSR and ROM address space only (that is, not SDRAM space) 3.2.2 Memory Write to SDRAM PCI memory write to SDRAM occurs if the PCI address matches the SDRAM base address register (at offset 18h) or the CSR base address register (at offset 10h with an offset greater than FFFh), and the PCI command is either a memory write or a memory write and invalidate. The PCI memory write data is collected in the Inbound FIFO and written to SDRAM at a later time. The 21285 requests the SDRAM at the end of each eight Dword boundary of the PCI burst (or at the end of the burst). If PCI address bits [1:0] are not 00 (that is, not linear increment mode), and the master attempts to continue the burst past the first Dword, the 21285 signals a target disconnect. The PCI address is mapped down to local address 0 and then mapped up by the offset (see Figure 3-2). 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 3-7 Transactions Figure 3-2. Mapping PCI Address to SDRAM Address 4GB Local Memory Space ... ... PCI Address Space Window Size SDRAM Base Address SDRAM Base Offset 0 0 FM-05937.AI4 Table 3-1 describes how the SDRAM address is derived from the PCI address. Note: If the match is to the SDRAM base address register, then the SDRAM base offset is used. If the match is to the CSR base address register, then the CSR base offset is used. Table 3-1. SDRAM Address Generation Bits Description 27:18 If the corresponding bit of the base address mask register is a 0, use the base offset register bit. If the corresponding bit of the base address mask register is a 1, use the PCI address bit. 17:2 PCI address bits [17:2]. 1:0 00 indicating an aligned Dword address. Subsequent SDRAM addresses in the burst are incremented by four. The SDRAM dqm signals are asserted for each Dword according to the corresponding byte enable from PCI. If the byte enable is not asserted, then the corresponding dqm signal is not asserted. If fewer than five Dwords are available in the Inbound FIFO at the start of the write, the 21285 signals retry to the PCI master. If the Inbound FIFO fills during the write, the 21285 signals target disconnect to the PCI master. 3-8 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Transactions 3.2.3 Memory Read, Memory Read Line, Memory Read Multiple to SDRAM PCI memory read from SDRAM occurs if the PCI address matches the SDRAM base address register (at offset 18h) or the CSR base address register (at offset 10h with an offset greater than FFFh), and the command is either a memory read, memory read line, or memory read multiple. The read is completed as a PCI delayed read. On the first occurrence of the read, the 21285 signals a retry to the PCI master. If the delayed read latch is not full, the 21285 latches the address and command, and places it into the Inbound FIFO. When the address reaches the head of the FIFO, the 21285 reads the SDRAM. Table 3-1 describes how the SDRAM address is derived from the PCI address. The amount of data that is read is a function of the following PCI commands: • Memory read—One to four Dwords depending on the PCI address. PCI Address Bits [3:2] Number of Dwords Read 00 4 01 3 10 2 11 1 • Memory read line—Up to one cache line. The amount of data read is from the PCI address up to the top Dword of the cache line. If the cache line size is not 4 or 16, then the value of 8 is used for the cache line. • Memory read multiple—Up to 32 Dwords. The amount of data read is from the PCI address up to the top Dword of the 32 Dword aligned block. Exceptions to the above rules for the memory read line and memory read multiple commands are: • If the PCI address bits [1:0] are not 00 (that is, not linear increment mode), read only one Dword. • Reads do not cross a SDRAM page boundary. When the read data is read from SDRAM into the PCI read FIFO, the 21285 begins decrementing its discard timer. If the PCI bus master has not repeated the read by the time the discard timer reaches zero, the 21285 discards the read data, invalidates the delayed read address, and sets a bit in the SA-110 control register (which interrupts the SA-110 if enabled). The discard timer counts 215 (32768) PCI clocks. When the master repeats the read command, the 21285 compares the address and checks that the command is a memory read, a memory read line, or a memory read multiple (that is, all memory read command types are aliased for a match). If there is a match, the response is as follows: • If the read data has not yet been read from SDRAM, the response is retry. • If the read data has been read from SDRAM, assert trdy_l and deliver the data. If the master attempts to continue the burst past the amount of data read from SDRAM, the 21285 target disconnects. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 3-9 Transactions If the delayed read latch is full and a new read to a different address is attempted, that read gets a retry and no change is made in the delayed read latch. In other words, the new read does not displace the in-progress read. A memory read multiple command initiates streaming prefetch from SDRAM so that it can supply read data at the maximum PCI bus data rate. Streaming prefetch works as follows: • The 21285 reads 32 Dwords when the read is initially queued. This means that the address must be aligned to 32 Dwords. • When the PCI master repeats the read, the 21285 starts to deliver data. When the PCI master consumes the 17th Dword, the 21285 reads the next 16 Dwords from SDRAM. • As long as the PCI master continues to consume the 16th Dword of subsequent blocks, the 21285 reads the next 16 Dwords. The 21285 never stalls trdy_l while supplying SDRAM read data. Streaming prefetch does not start if a PCI write to SDRAM or ROM is queued into the Inbound FIFO between the delayed read being started and the read data being delivered. This allows the write data to be written to SDRAM. In this case, only the first 32 Dwords are read. Streaming prefetch stops when any of the following events occur: • The address crosses a SDRAM page boundary. • The PCI master ends the cycle (by deasserting frame_l). In this case, the 21285 discards any remaining prefetched data immediately. • Other bus activity on the SA-110 bus prevents data from being available in time; the 21285 will never negate trdy_l for the burst 3.2.4 Type 0 Configuration Write PCI configuration write to the CSR occurs when idsel is asserted, the PCI command is a configuration write, and the PCI address bits [1:0] are 00. The PCI write data is written to the CSR selected by PCI address bits [7:2]. The PCI byte enables determine which bytes are written. If a nonexistent CSR is selected within the CSR address range, the data is discarded and no error action is taken. If the PCI master attempts to do a burst longer than one data phase, the 21285 target disconnects. 3.2.5 Type 0 Configuration Read PCI configuration read to the CSR occurs when idsel is asserted, the PCI command is a configuration read, and the PCI address bits [1:0] are 00. The data from the CSR selected by PCI address bits [7:2] is returned on ad[31:0]. If a nonexistent CSR is selected within the CSR address range, the data returned is zeros and no error action is taken. If the PCI master attempts to do a burst longer than one data phase, the 21285 target disconnects . 3-10 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Transactions 3.2.6 Write to CSR PCI write to a CSR occurs if either of the following conditions are satisfied: • The PCI address matches the CSR memory base address register (see Section 7.1.11), and the PCI command is either a memory write or memory write and invalidate. • The PCI address matches the CSR I/O base address register (see Section 7.1.12), and the PCI command is an I/O write. The data is written to the CSR with offset equal to PCI address bits [7:2]. The I2O CSR addresses, offsets 40h and 44h, are handled differently (see Section 3.2.8). The PCI byte enables determine which bytes are written. If a nonexistent CSR is selected within the CSR address range, the data is discarded and no error action is taken. If the PCI master attempts to do a burst longer than one data phase, the 21285 target disconnects. 3.2.7 Read to CSR PCI read to a CSR occurs if either of the following conditions are satisfied: • The PCI address matches the CSR memory base address register (see Section 7.1.11), and the PCI command is either memory read, memory read line, or memory read multiple. • The PCI address matches the CSR I/O base address register (see Section 7.1.12), and the PCI command is an I/O read. The data from the CSR with offset equal to PCI address [7:2] is returned onto ad[31:0]. The I2O CSR addresses, offsets 40h and 44h, are handled differently (see Section 3.2.9). If a nonexistent CSR is selected within the CSR address range, the data returned is zeros. If the PCI master attempts to do a burst longer than one data phase, the 21285 target disconnects. 3.2.8 Write to I2O Address PCI write to I2O address space occurs when the PCI address matches the CSR memory base address register (see Section 7.1.11), the PCI command is either memory write or memory write and invalidate, and the register offset is either 40h or 44h. The write data is placed into the Inbound FIFO. When it reaches the head of the FIFO, it is written into SDRAM at the address in the inbound post list tail pointer register (for offset 40h), or the outbound free list tail pointer register (for offset 44h). If the PCI master attempts to do a burst longer than one data phase, the 21285 target disconnects. Write data is discarded if the PCI address matches the CSR I/O base address register (see Section 7.1.12), the PCI command is an I/O write, and the register offset is either 40h or 44h. 3.2.9 Read to I2O Address PCI read to I2O address space occurs when the PCI address matches the CSR memory base address register (see Section 7.1.11); the PCI command is either memory read, memory read line, or memory read multiple; and the register offset is either 40h or 44h. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 3-11 Transactions This read is completed as a delayed read. On the first occurrence of the read, the 21285 signals a retry to the PCI master. If the delayed read latch is not full, the 21285 latches the address and command, and places it into the Inbound FIFO. When the read address reaches the head of the FIFO, the 21285 reads the SDRAM at the address in the inbound free list head pointer register (for offset 40h), or the outbound post list head pointer register (for offset 44h). If the list being read is empty, the value FFFFFFFFh is substituted for the data read from the SDRAM. When the master repeats the read command, the 21285 compares the address and checks that the command is a memory read, a memory read line, or a memory read multiple (that is, all memory read command types are aliased for a match). If there is a match, the response is as follows: • If the read data has not yet been read from SDRAM, the response is retry. • If the read data has been read from SDRAM, assert trdy_l and deliver the data. If the PCI master attempts to do a burst longer than one data phase, the 21285 target disconnects. If the delayed read latch is full and a new read from a different address is attempted, that read gets a retry and no change is made in the delayed read latch. In other words, the new read does not displace the in-progress read. If the PCI address matches the CSR I/O base address register (see Section 7.1.12), the PCI command is an I/O read, and the register offset is either 40h or 44h. The 21285 returns 0 for read data. For more information about CSR and I2O registers, see Chapter 7. 3.2.10 Memory Write to ROM PCI memory write to ROM occurs when the PCI address matches the expansion ROM base address register, bit [0] of the expansion ROM base address register is a 1, and the PCI command is either memory write or memory write and invalidate. The PCI memory write address and data is collected in the Inbound FIFO to be written to ROM at a later time. The 21285 target disconnects after one data phase. Only a single ROM write cycle is done regardless of the PCI byte enable and the ROM width field settings in the SA-110 control register. In addition, the data to be written must be put into the proper byte lanes by software. See Section 4.2 for a description of the ROM write cycle and the way in which the ROM write address is derived from the PCI address. 3.2.11 Memory Read to ROM PCI memory read to ROM occurs when the PCI address matches the expansion ROM base address register, bit [0] of the expansion ROM base address register is a 1, and the PCI command is either a memory read, memory read line, or memory read multiple. The read is completed as a PCI delayed read. On the first occurrence of the read, the 21285 signals a retry to the PCI master. If the delayed read latch is not full, the 21285 latches the address and command, and places it into the Inbound FIFO. 3-12 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Transactions When the address reaches the head of the FIFO, the 21285 reads the ROM. The ROM is read from one to four times, depending on the ROM width setting in the SA-110 control register, and the data is collected and packed. See Section 4.2 for a description of the ROM read cycle and the way in which the ROM read address is derived from the PCI address. When the master repeats the read command, the response is one of the following: • If the read data has not yet been read from ROM, the response is retry. • If the read data has been read from ROM, assert trdy_l and deliver the data. If the master attempts to continue the burst beyond one Dword, the 21285 target disconnects. If the delayed read latch is full and a new read from a different address is attempted, that read gets a retry and no change is made in the delayed read latch. In other words, the new read does not displace the in-progress read. 3.3 PCI Master Transactions The following sections describe the PCI master transactions performed by the 21285. All PCI master transactions performed by the 21285 are caused by either SA-110 bus cycles that fall into the various PCI address ranges (see Section 5.1.1), or by DMA channels. PCI write cycles are caused by SA-110 writes and SDRAM-to-PCI DMAs. PCI read cycles are caused by SA-110 reads and PCI-to-SDRAM DMAs. The command register bus master bit must be set for the 21285 to perform any of the transactions in this section. 3.3.1 Dual Address Cycles (DAC) Support Rev_ID 4 or higher of the 21285 can generate DAC cycles as PCI bus master, enabling it to access any address in the full 264 bit PCI memory space address range. DAC cycles can be done for PCI transaction types Memory Write, Memory Write and Invalidate, Memory Read, Memory Read Line, and Memory Read Multiple. For both SA-110 accesses and DMA accesses, the 21285’s PCI bus master controller performs a DAC as needed (when all bits in address [63:32] are not 0). The address is sent onto AD low 32 bits first (in the same cycle as FRAME_L assertion) with a command code D, indicating DAC. In the next cycle, the high 32 bits of address are driven on AD with the appropriate command code, such as Memory Read and Memory Write, as shown in the PCI specification For SA–110 Accesses PCI memory accesses to an address above 4GB are controlled by the contents of two registers which are set up by the SA-110: • SA–110 DAC Address (Section 7.3.35) • SA–110 DAC Control (Section 7.3.36) The software must write the full, high 32 bits of the address, which becomes address [63:32] on the PCI bus. The actual load or store is then done to the PCI memory space address region; the offset into that region supplies the lowest 31 bits ([30:2], [1:0] will be 00b) of the address. Bit [31] of the PCI address is the value in bit [15] of the PCI Address Extension Register. This means that the software can address a 2GB region of PCI memory space without rewriting the registers. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 3-13 Transactions Note that the SA–110 software must ensure that writes to the address registers and the actual loads and stores to PCI DAC space are performed as atomic operations. The following methods can provide this atomicity: • Have each routine that modifies the DAC address registers save them prior to modifying, and restore them prior to returning. • Allow only one process to use the address registers. All DAC accesses must be done as calls through that routine, which is run with interrupts disabled. • Allow multiple processes that can use the address registers. All such processes must run with interrupts disabled during the critical region. • Have multiple routines coordinate access to the address registers via a semaphore or equivalent method. For DMA Accesses Each DMA channel has a register which holds the upper 32 bits of the PCI address. 3.3.2 Memory Write, Memory Write and Invalidate This section describes memory write and memory write and invalidate commands from either the SA-110 or DMA. The following general rules apply to the command transactions: • If the 21285 receives either a target retry response or a target disconnect response before all of the write data has been delivered, it resumes the transaction at the first opportunity, using the address of the first undelivered Dword. • If the 21285 receives a master abort, it discards all of the write data from that transaction and sets the status register received master abort bit [29], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. • If the 21285 receives a target abort, it discards all of the remaining write data from that transaction, if any, and sets the status register received target abort bit [28], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. • The 21285 can deassert frame_l prior to delivering all data due to the master latency timer (see Section 3.3.11). If this occurs, it resumes the memory write at the first opportunity, using the address of the first undelivered Dword. From SA-110 PCI memory write or memory write and invalidate commands are completed when the SA-110 address writes to the PCI memory space. Table 3-2 shows how the PCI address is derived from the SA-110 address. Table 3-2. SA-110 Address Generation 3-14 Bits Description 31 From the PCI address extension register, PCI memory space upper address bit [15]. 30:2 Equal to SA-110 address bits [30:2]. 1:0 00 indicating linear increment mode. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Transactions The PCI byte enables for each data phase are derived from the SA-110 A/MAS signals. The length of the burst is determined by how much sequential data was collected into the Outbound FIFO (see Section 3.1.9). From DMA PCI memory write and memory write and invalidate commands are completed by a DMA channel programmed for SDRAM-to-PCI transfer. Table 3-3 shows how the PCI address is derived from the DMA address. Table 3-3. DMA Address Generation Bits Description 31:2 From the DMA channel n PCI address register. 1:0 00. The PCI byte enables are all asserted with the possible exception of the first or last Dword of a DMA transfer. For more information about DMA channels, see Section 6.2. The length of the burst is normally 8 or 16 Dwords, with the possible exception of the first or last burst of a DMA transfer. Selecting PCI Command for Writes The 21285 attempts to use a memory write and invalidate command when the following conditions are met. If any condition is not met, the 21285 uses the memory write command. • Memory write and invalidate enable bit [4] in the command register is a 1. • Cache line size is set to a value of 4, 8, or 16. • The address of the first Dword in the burst is aligned to a cache line as defined in the cache line size register. • The number of Dwords in the burst is an integer multiple of the cache line size. • There are no unoccupied bytes in the burst. 3.3.3 Memory Read, Memory Read Line, Memory Read Multiple This section describes memory read, memory read line, and memory read multiple commands from either the SA-110 or DMA. The following general rules apply to the command transactions: • If the 21285 receives a target retry response, it repeats the same PCI command at the first opportunity. • If the 21285 receives a master abort, it substitutes FFFFFFFFh for the read data and sets the status register received master abort bit [29], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. • If the 21285 receives a target abort, it sets the status register received target abort bit [28], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 3-15 Transactions From SA-110 PCI memory reads are done when the SA-110 performs reads from the memory space. The actual PCI command used is based on whether or not there is a match to the prefetchable PCI range register. For no match, the command is a memory read. For a match, the command type is specified in the prefetchable PCI range register. Table 3-2 shows how the PCI address is derived from the SA-110 address. For memory read, the PCI byte enables are derived from the SA-110 A/MAS signals. For memory read line and memory read multiple, the PCI byte enables assert for all data phases. For memory read, one Dword is read. For memory read line and memory read multiple, the maximum number of Dwords that can be read is specified in the prefetchable memory range register. From DMA The PCI command used is specified by the DMA channel PCI read type field in the DMA channel control register. Table 3-3 shows how the PCI address is derived from the DMA address. The PCI byte enables assert for all data phases. The maximum number of Dwords that can be read is specified in the DMA channel control register. Read Bursting Policy The 21285 attempts to read Dwords from the start address upwards, and continues to accept read data until either the target disconnects or the 21285 deasserts frame_l. This situation occurs when the 21285 has read all the data that it requires, or the Inbound FIFO becomes full. However, all Dwords beyond the first Dword are optional. If the target disconnects after delivering the first Dword, the 21285 does not resume the read at that time (for a DMA originated read, it resumes at the address of the next unread Dword after the normal channel interburst delay). For an SA-110 read, all Dwords that have been read are eligible to be delivered to the SA-110 as prefetched read data. For a DMA read, all Dwords that have been read are written to SDRAM. 3.3.4 I/O Write The I/O write is completed when the SA-110 address is in the PCI I/O space. Table 3-4 shows how the PCI address is derived from the I/O address. Table 3-4. I/O Address Generation Bits Description 31:16 From the PCI address extension register, PCI I/O space upper address bits [31:16]. 15:0 Equal to SA-110 address bits [15:0]. The PCI byte enables for each data phase are derived from the SA-110 A/MAS signals. One Dword is written. 3-16 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Transactions The following general rules apply to the command transactions: • If the 21285 receives a target retry response, it repeats the I/O write command at the first opportunity. • If the 21285 receives a master abort, it discards the write data and sets the status register received master abort bit [29], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. • If the 21285 receives a target abort, it discards the write data and sets the status register received target abort bit [28], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. 3.3.5 I/O Read I/O read is completed when the SA-110 address is in the PCI I/O space. Table 3-4 shows how the PCI address is derived from the I/O address. The PCI byte enables for each data phase are derived from the SA-110 A/MAS signals. One Dword is read. The following general rules apply to the command transactions: • If the 21285 receives a target retry response, it repeats the I/O read command at the first opportunity. • If the 21285 receives a master abort, it substitutes FFFFFFFFh for the read data and sets the status register received master abort bit [29], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. • If the 21285 receives a target abort, it substitutes FFFFFFFFh for the read data and sets the status register received target abort bit [28], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. 3.3.6 Configuration Write Configuration write is completed when the SA-110 address is in the PCI configuration space. Table 3-5 shows how the PCI address is derived from the configuration address. Table 3-5. Configuration Address Generation Bits (Sheet 1 of 2) Description Note: If SA-110 address bits [23:22] are not equal to 11, or the SA-110 address is in PCI type 1 configuration space, then the PCI address is derived directly from the SA-110 address as shown in the next three row entries. 31:24 All bits are 0. 23:2 Equal to SA-110 address bits [23:2]. 1:0 If the SA-110 address is in PCI type 0 configuration space, it equals 00. If the SA-110 address is in PCI type 1 configuration space, it equals 01. Note: 31:11 If SA-110 address bits [23:22] are equal to 11, and the SA-110 address is in PCI type 0 configuration space, then the PCI address is derived directly from the SA-110 address bits [15:11]. Derived from the following decodes: SA-110 A[15:11] PCI ad[31:11] 00000 000000000000000000001 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 3-17 Transactions Table 3-5. Configuration Address Generation Bits Description 31:11 (Cont.) Derived from the following decodes (Cont.): (Sheet 2 of 2) 00001 000000000000000000010 00010 000000000000000000100 00011 000000000000000001000 00100 000000000000000010000 00101 000000000000000100000 00110 000000000000001000000 00111 000000000000010000000 01000 000000000000100000000 01001 000000000001000000000 01010 000000000010000000000 01011 000000000100000000000 SA-110 A[15:11] PCI ad[31:11] 01100 000000001000000000000 01101 000000010000000000000 01110 000000100000000000000 01111 000001000000000000000 10000 000010000000000000000 10001 000100000000000000000 10010 001000000000000000000 10011 010000000000000000000 10100 100000000000000000000 10101 through 11111 000000000000000000000 10:2 Equal to SA-110 address bits [10:2]. 1:0 00. It is the responsibility of SA-110 software to generate an address that is meaningful for the PCI configuration cycle. For example, normally ad[23:11] bits are used for idsel of PCI devices during a type 0 configuration cycle, so only one of those bits is a 1. The PCI byte enables for each data phase are derived from the SA-110 A/MAS signals. One Dword is written. The following general rules apply to the command transactions: • If the 21285 receives a target retry response, it repeats the configuration write command at the first opportunity. • If the 21285 receives a master abort, it discards the write data and sets the status register received master abort bit [29], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. • If the 21285 receives a target abort, it discards the write data and sets the status register received target abort bit [28], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. 3-18 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Transactions 3.3.7 Configuration Read Configuration read is completed when the SA-110 address is in the PCI configuration space. Table 3-5 shows how the PCI address is derived from the configuration address. The PCI byte enables for each data phase are derived from the SA-110 A/MAS signals. One Dword is read. The following general rules apply to the command transactions: • If the 21285 receives a target retry response, it repeats the configuration read command at the first opportunity. • If the 21285 receives a master abort, it substitutes FFFFFFFFh for the read data and sets the status register received master abort bit [29], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. • If the 21285 receives a target abort, it substitutes FFFFFFFFh for the read data and sets the status register received target abort bit [28], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. 3.3.8 Special Cycle Special cycle is completed when the SA-110 address is in the PCI IACK/Special space. The special cycle is caused by an SA-110 write. The PCI address is undefined. The PCI byte enables for each data phase are derived from the SA-110 A/MAS signals. One Dword is written. Special cycles are broadcast to all PCI agents, so devsel_l is not asserted and no errors can be received. 3.3.9 IACK Read IACK read is completed when the SA-110 address is in the PCI IACK/Special space. An IACK read is caused by an SA-110 read. The PCI address is undefined. The PCI byte enables for each data phase are derived from the SA-110 A/MAS signals. One Dword is read. The following general rules apply to the command transactions: • If the 21285 receives a target retry response, it repeats the IACK read at the first opportunity. • If the 21285 receives a master abort, it substitutes FFFFFFFFh for the read data and sets the status register received master abort bit [29], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. • If the 21285 receives a target abort, it substitutes FFFFFFFFh for the read data and sets the status register received target abort bit [28], which, if enabled, interrupts the SA-110. 3.3.10 PCI Request Operation The 21285 asserts req_l to act as bus master on the PCI for SA-110 and DMA originated transactions. It deasserts req_l for two cycles when it receives a retry or disconnect response from the target. However, if gnt_l is asserted, the 21285 can start a PCI transaction regardless of the state of req_l. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 3-19 Transactions When the 21285 requests the PCI bus, it performs a PCI transaction when gnt_l is received. Once req_l is asserted, the 21285 never deasserts it prior to receiving gnt_l (nor deasserts it after receiving gnt_l without doing a transaction). 3.3.11 Master Latency Timer When the 21285 begins a PCI transaction as master, asserting frame_l, it begins decrementing its master latency timer. When the timer value reaches zero, the 21285 checks the value of gnt_l. If gnt_l is deasserted, the 21285 deasserts frame_l (if it is still asserted) at the earliest opportunity. This is normally the next data phase for all transactions except for the memory write and invalidate command (MWI). For MWI, it is at the data phase at the top of a cache line. When the command is MWI and the latency timer expires while the last Dword of a cache line is being delivered, and frame_l is still asserted, the master will deliver the entire next cache line before stopping the transaction. 3.4 PCI Error Summary This section summarizes the various PCI error conditions and the response of the 21285 to these conditions. 3.4.1 Errors As PCI Target PCI target errors are listed as follows: • Address parity error • Write data parity error • Read data parity error Address Parity Error An address parity error is detected when par driven by the PCI master does not match the expected parity for the address and command. This causes the following actions to occur: • The status register detected parity error bit [31] is set. • If the (potentially corrupted) address or command matches any of the 21285 base address registers, then the 21285 claims the cycle and proceeds as though the address was correct. • If the command register parity error response bit [6] is a 1, command register SERR enable bit [8] is a 1, and pci_cfn is a 0, then serr_l is asserted for one cycle and the status register signaled system error bit [30] is set. 3-20 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Transactions Write Data Parity Error A write data parity error is detected when the par that is received by the 21285 does not match the expected parity for data and byte enables. This causes the following actions to occur: • The status register detected parity error bit [31] is set. • If the command register parity error response bit [6] is a 1, then: — perr_l is asserted. — If the data destination is SDRAM, and SDRAM parity is enabled, incorrect parity is written to the SDRAM. The write is completed to the intended destination (that is, CSR, SDRAM, or ROM) despite the detection of a parity error. Read Data Parity Error A read data parity error is detected when the PCI master asserts perr_l in response to read data driven by the 21285. No action is taken by the 21285. 3.4.2 Errors As PCI Master PCI master errors are listed as follows: • • • • • Master abort Write data parity error Target abort on write Read data parity error Target abort on read Master Abort A master abort occurs when devsel_l is not asserted within five cycles after the 21285 asserts frame_l. This causes the following actions to occur: • Status register received master abort bit [29] is set (except if the transaction is a special cycle). • If the transaction was a write from SA-110 or DMA, all write data for the transaction is discarded. • If the transaction was an SA-110 read, FFFFFFFFh is inserted for read data. • If the transaction was a DMA read or write, channel n error bit [3] in the channel control register is set, stopping the channel. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 3-21 Transactions Write Data Parity Error A write data parity error occurs when the PCI target asserts perr_l in response to write data driven by the 21285. This causes the following actions to occur: • If the command register parity error response bit [6] is a 1, then: — The status register detected parity error data bit [24] is set. — If the transaction was a DMA, channel n error bit [3] in the channel control register is set, stopping the channel. Target Abort on Write When the PCI target signals a target abort, the following actions occur: • Status register received target abort bit [28] is set. • Any remaining write data is discarded. • If the transaction was a DMA, channel n error bit [3] in the channel control register is set, stopping the channel. Read Data Parity Error A read data parity error is detected when the par that is received by the 21285 does not match the expected parity for data and byte enables. This causes the following actions to occur: • The status register detected parity error bit [31] is set. • If the command register parity error response bit [6] is set, then the status register data parity error detected bit [24] is set and the 21285 asserts perr_l. • Dwords with bad parity are marked as such in the Inbound FIFO. — For DMA operations, if SDRAM parity is enabled, incorrect parity is written to the SDRAM. The channel n error bit [3] in the channel control register is set, stopping the channel. Target Abort on Read When the PCI target signals a target abort, the following actions occur: • If the read is a demand read for the SA-110, it substitutes FFFFFFFFh for the read data. • If the read was prefetched for the SA-110, all prefetching stops. All data prefetched prior to the target abort can be delivered to the SA-110 using a normal prefetch operation. • If the transaction was a DMA, channel n error bit [3] in the channel control register is set, stopping the channel. 3-22 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 4 SDRAM and ROM Operation This chapter describes the operation of the SDRAM and ROM. 4.1 SDRAM Control The SDRAM controller on the 21285 controls from one to four arrays of synchronous DRAMs (SDRAMs). SDRAM supported parts include: 8Mb, 16Mb, and 64Mb. All SDRAMs share command and address bits, but have separate clock and chip select bits (see Figure 4-1). Figure 4-1. SDRAM Configuration SDRAM Optional Transceiver OE A sdclk [3:0] cs_l [3:0] cmd [2:0] ma [12:0] ba [1:0] B D[31:0] d_wren_l SA-110 Note: When SA-110 reads or writes SDRAM, the data does not pass through 21285. 21285 FM-05938.AI4 SDRAM operations performed by the 21285 are refresh, read, write, and mode register set. Reads and writes are generated by either the SA-110, PCI bus masters (including I2O accesses), or DMA channels. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 4-1 SDRAM and ROM Operation Mode register set is generated in response to an SA-110 write to a specified address space (see Section 5.1.1). The mode register of the SDRAMs must be written before any SDRAM writes or reads can be done. The mode register burst length field (bits [2:0]) must be written to a value of 2h to indicate a burst size of four, and the burst type field (bit [3]) must be written to a value of 0h to indicate sequential burst. Memory reads and writes are done in bursts of four Dwords. For a read that requires less than four Dwords (for example, a memory read from PCI), the 21285 discards the unused data. For a write that requires less than four Dwords, the 21285 uses the dqm pins to inhibit writing to some Dwords. The dqm pins also inhibit writing to unoccupied bytes. Table 4-1 lists the available array sizes. The row/column multiplexer mode is the value programmed into the SDRAM address and size register (see Section 7.3.13). Table 4-1. Array Sizes SDRAM Type Banks Depth Width Address Bits Bank Row Col. SDRAMs Array Row/Column in Array Size Multiplexer Mode 1 1MB 000 8Mb Parts 2 128K 32 1 9 8 2 256K 32 1 10 8 1 2MB 000 2 512K 16 1 11 8 2 4MB 001 2 1M 8 1 11 9 4 8MB 001 2 2M 4 1 11 10 8 16MB 001 16Mb Parts 64Mb Parts 4.1.1 2 1M 32 1 12 8 1 8MB 010 4 512K 32 2 11 8 1 8MB 011 2 2M 16 1 13 8 2 16MB 010 4 1M 16 2 12 8 2 16MB 100 2 4M 8 1 13 9 4 32MB 010 4 2M 8 2 12 9 4 32MB 100 2 8M 4 1 13 10 8 64MB 010 4 4M 4 2 12 10 8 64MB 100 SDRAM Addresses The SDRAM addresses are driven on the ma[12:0] bits. In Table 4-2, the row address is always equal to bits [23:21], [18:9] of the address being accessed, however, some SDRAMs do not use all of the addresses. The column address is determined by the address multiplexer mode field of the SDRAM address and size register for the selected array. The array selection is based on bits [27:20] of the address (see Section 7.3.13). The SDRAM bank address is driven on ba[1:0] (indicating that it is an A[20:19] where A[20] may not be used) during both row and column time. 4-2 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet SDRAM and ROM Operation Note: “—” in Table 4-2 indicates that the address is not used by the SDRAM in this configuration. The pin is driven by the 21285 and its value can be either 0 or 1. Note: “ap” in Table 4-2 indicates the autoprecharge bit that is used by the SDRAM during column address time. A low (deasserted), indicates no autoprecharge, which occurs during read and write commands when there is another burst pending to the same page. A high (asserted), indicates autoprecharge, which occurs during read and write commands of the last burst. Banks are always closed by autoprecharge during read or write, not by using the autoprecharge command. Table 4-2. SDRAM Addresses BA Mode 1 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 000 1 Row — 19 — — — — 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 000 1 Col. — 19 — — — — ap 18 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 000 0 Row — 19 — — — 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 000 0 Col. — 19 — — — ap — 20 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 001 x Row — 19 — — 21 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 001 x Col. — 19 — — ap 23 22 20 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 010 x Row — 19 23 22 21 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 010 x Col. — 19 — — ap 25 24 20 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 011 x Row 20 19 — — 21 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 011 x Col. 20 19 — — ap — — 22 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 100 x Row 20 19 — 22 21 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 100 x Col. 20 19 — — ap 25 24 23 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 a. 4.1.2 Sizea SDRAM Address ma[12:0] Size references the least significant bit of the array size field of the SDRAM address and size register (see Section 7.3.13). Commands The SDRAM command is driven onto the cmd[2:0] bits (RAS, CAS, and WE for the SDRAMs). The command is only valid when chip select (cs_l) is asserted (or as described in Section 7.3.12, on the cycle before cs_l is asserted). The cs_l asserts either during the same cycle as the command, or one cycle later depending on the value in the SDRAM timing register. Table 4-3 lists the SDRAM command usage. Table 4-3. SDRAM Commands (Sheet 1 of 2) SDRAM Command cmd[2:0] Description Mode register set 000 Mode register set is issued in response to a SA-110 write to mode register address region. Auto refresh 001 Auto refresh is done at the earliest time after refresh interval timer expiration, that is, after any SDRAM operation in progress finishes. All arrays are refreshed at the same time. Precharge 010 Precharge is issued in response to a SA-110 read to the mode register address region. It is only used by initialization software to wake up the SDRAMs after power-up. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 4-3 SDRAM and ROM Operation Table 4-3. SDRAM Commands 4.1.3 (Sheet 2 of 2) SDRAM Command cmd[2:0] Description Bank activate 011 A bank activate command is required before the start of a read or write if the bank is not open. This command can only follow an earlier read or write with autoprecharge or an auto refresh. Row address is driven on ma[12:0] and bank address is driven on ba[1:0] at the same time. Write 100 Write command follows an earlier bank activate, or a read or write without autoprecharge. Column address is driven on ma[12:0] and bank address is driven on ba[1:0] at the same time. Four Dwords from either the SA-110 or 21285, and also the corresponding dqm[3:0] from the 21285, are driven on the same cycle and the next three sequential cycles. If fewer than four Dwords are written, the dqm[3:0] inhibit writing. Read 101 Read command follows an earlier bank activate, or a read or write without autoprecharge. Column address is driven on ma[12:0] and bank address is driven on ba[1:0] at the same time. From one to four Dwords are latched by either the SA-110 or 21285 after CAS latency. Parity The SDRAM can be optionally protected by byte parity. Parity is enabled by bit [12] in the SDRAM timing register. When parity is enabled, the 21285 drives even parity for each of the bytes of the D[31:0] bus (refer to Table 2-6) for SDRAM writes, and receives and compares parity for SDRAM reads. When parity is disabled, the parity pins are tristated and ignored for reads. In this case, the parity pins must not be left floating; connect them to V ss or Vdd. When writing from the PCI or a DMA channel, parity is driven at the same time as data. During a write from the SA-110, the operation depends on bit [13] of the SDRAM timing register. • If a 0, data is received by the 21285 and flows through an internal parity generator onto parity. Therefore, it is necessary to run a parity-enabled memory subsystem slower than a comparable parity-disabled memory to allow for the parity computation. • If a 1, the SA-110 provides the parity information for the write. The 21285 leaves its parity pins tristate. When a SDRAM read has bad parity, the following results: • SA-110 originated read transaction—data is delivered to the SA-110 as is. Bit [4] sets in the SA-110 control register, which interrupts the SA-110 if enabled. • PCI originated read transaction—bad parity is delivered to the PCI bus master with the data. Bit [5] sets in the SA-110 control register. • DMA channel originated read transaction—bad parity is not sent by the 21285 to the PCI target. Bit [6] sets in the SA-110 control register. 4-4 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet SDRAM and ROM Operation 4.2 ROM Control Figure 4-2 shows the ROM configuration. The ROM output enable and write enable are connected to address bits [30:31] respectively. The ROM address is connected to address bits [24:2]. Figure 4-2. ROM Configuration A[30] A[31] A[24:2] OE_L WE_L ROM A D CE_L A (Address) rom_ce_l D (Data) SA-110 21285 FM-05939.AI4 This section describes the following aspects of the 21285 ROM interface: • • • • • 4.2.1 Addressing Reads Writes Timing Blank ROM programming Addressing The ROM can always be addressed by the SA-110 at 41000000h through 41FFFFFFh as listed in Table 5-1. After reset, the ROM is also aliased at every 16 megabytes throughout memory space, blocking access to SDRAM. This allows the SA-110 to boot from ROM at address 0. After any SA-110 write, the alias address range is disabled. The ROM address pins should be connected to the SA-110 address (A) pins depending on the ROM width as described in Table 4-4. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 4-5 SDRAM and ROM Operation Table 4-4. ROM Addressing ROM Width ROM Address [23:2] ROM Address [1] ROM Address [0] Byte A[23:2] A[29] A[28] Word (2 bytes) 0, A[23:3] A[2] A[29] Dword (4 bytes) 00, A[23:4] A[3] A[2] During ROM accesses from the SA-110, the 21285 latches the address and drives it back onto A. Table 4-5 shows how the ROM address is derived from the SA-110 address. Table 4-5. ROM Address Generation for SA-110 Accesses Bits Description A[29:28] Controlled by the 21285 depending upon the ROM width (refer to Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3). A[23:5] Same value that was driven by the SA-110. A[4:2] Initial value as driven by the SA-110. For cache line fills, subsequent values are generated by the 21285. A[1:0] Driven, but not defined. During a ROM access from the PCI, A is driven by the 21285. Table 4-6 shows how the ROM address is derived from the PCI address. Table 4-6. ROM Address Generation for PCI Accesses Bits Description A[29:28] Controlled by the 21285 depending upon the ROM width (refer to Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3). A[23:20] If the corresponding bit of the expansion ROM base address mask register is a 0, the address bit is 0. If the corresponding bit of the expansion ROM base address mask register is a 1, use the PCI address. A[19:6] PCI address bits [19:6]. A[5] If the PCI accesses the lower 32 bytes of ROM, this address is the inverse of PCI address bit [5]. Otherwise, it is equal to PCI address bit [5]. A[4:2] PCI address bits [4:2]. The reason for the conditional inversion of bit 5 is that the SA-110 needs to read a vector from ROM address 0h, and the PCI requires the expansion ROM header to be at ROM address 0h. To accommodate both needs, ROM addresses 20h through 3Fh are swapped with 0h through 1Fh when addressed from the PCI. The SA-110 vector should be placed in ROM address 0h, and the PCI expansion ROM header should be placed in ROM address 20h through 3Fh, as seen from the SA-110. 4-6 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet SDRAM and ROM Operation 4.2.2 Reads During ROM reads, the 21285 asserts rom_ce_l and A[30], which should be connected to the ROM output enable (oe_l) signal. For reads from a byte-wide ROM, the 21285 performs the following: • Sequences A[29:28] with values 3,2,1,0 • Latches and packs the ROM data read from D[7:0] internally For reads from a word-wide ROM, the 21285 performs the following: • Toggles A[29] from 1 to 0 • Latches and packs the ROM data read from D[15:0] internally For reads from a Dword-wide ROM, the 21285 latches the data from D[31:0]. If the read is from the SA-110, the 21285 drives the packed data back onto D[31:0]. If the read is from the PCI, the data is sent back to the PCI. For cache line fill reads from the SA-110, the 21285 reads eight Dwords from the ROM in wrapped order by sequencing A[4:2]. 4.2.3 Writes The ROM’s write mechanism is provided to allow reprogramming of Flash ROM. During ROM writes, the 21285 asserts rom_ce_l and A[31], which should be connected to the ROM write enable (we_l) signal. The value for the low-order ROM address lines (driven on A[29:28]) is provided by the value written to the ROM write byte address register. Only one write is done to the ROM regardless of the ROM width and byte enables. When writing to the ROM from the PCI, it is important for software to synchronize writes to the ROM byte address register with writes to the ROM itself. This is necessary because writes to the ROM are placed into the Inbound FIFO, while CSR writes are performed immediately. Since a PCI read from the ROM flushes the Inbound FIFO, synchronization can be achieved by using the following algorithm: 1. Read data from ROM address x (where x is any ROM address). 2. Write the byte address for address y to the ROM write byte address register. 3. Write data to ROM address y. 4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for ROM address y+1. 4.2.4 Timing Timing during ROM accesses can be controlled by values in the SA-110 control register. The ROM access time, burst time, and tristate time can be specified. For SA-110 accesses to the ROM, the SA-110 is stalled until the access is complete. For PCI accesses to the ROM, address bus enable (ABE) and data bus enable (DBE) are deasserted. The SA-110 will be stalled if it attempts to start an external bus cycle while the PCI ROM access is in progress. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 4-7 SDRAM and ROM Operation All ROM address, data, and control signals are controlled synchronously to fclk_in. The ROM read timing is as follows: • At the start of the cycle, the address is driven and rom_ce_l is asserted. • After one fclk_in cycle, rom_oe_l is asserted (this signal is driven on A[30]). • After a further ROM access time fclk_in cycle, the ROM data is latched, rom_oe_l negates, and the address changes. • If another read is required (either to pack a Dword or to fulfill an SA-110 cache line fill), then the new address remains valid for ROM burst time fclk_in cycles and rom_oe_l is reasserted after one fclk_in cycle. This means that rom_oe_l is negated for the first fclk_in cycle of the access. This is a deliberate policy to provide compatibility with some designs of the ROM emulator. • When the final read has been completed, there is a delay of ROM tristate time fclk_in cycles before another device is enabled onto the D bus. This feature allows ROMs with slow data turn-off times to be accommodated. The ROM write timing is as follows: • At the start of the cycle, the address and data are driven and rom_ce_l is asserted. • After two fclk_in cycles, rom_we_l is asserted (this signal is driven on A[31]). • After the address has been valid for a total of 1 + ROM access time fclk_in cycles, rom_we_l is negated. • After a further fclk_in cycle, rom_ce_l negates and the address and data go invalid. • The ROM tristate time delay is imposed after ROM writes, but serves no useful purpose. 4.2.5 Blank ROM Programming The 21285 has a mode that allows programming of blank Flash ROMs in place on a circuit board. This mode is enabled if both ma[6] and pci_cfn are 0 when the 21285 is reset. When this mode is enabled: • nRESET is asserted by the 21285 to keep the SA-110 in reset state. (This is necessary since there may be no code in the ROM yet.) • The initialize complete bit [0] in the SA-110 control register is set internally by the 21285. This allows the 21285 to complete type 0 configuration accesses. • The expansion ROM base address mask is reset to 00F00000h (this is the normal default) causing the expansion ROM base address to request 16MB. This is the largest size ROM address space. • The SDRAM base address mask is reset to 00FC0000h causing the SDRAM base address to request 16MB. This guarantees that there will be a 16MB address region allocated in PCI address space, but not used by the device. Flash programming software can reallocate that space to the ROM when the BIOS has not allocated any address space to the ROM. • The normal PCI configuration software running on the host processor can load both the expansion ROM base address register and the command register, allowing the 21285 to respond to PCI memory cycles. The host processor can then perform normal ROM writes. 4-8 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 5 SA-110 Operation This chapter describes the operation of the following: • SA-110 interface • X-Bus interface • Ordering and deadlock avoidance 5.1 SA-110 Control This section provides descriptions for the following: • Address map partitioning • Byte enables • SA-110 bus arbiter 5.1.1 Address Map Partitioning Table 5-1 describes the address map partitioning the SA-110’s 4GB address space. Note: SDRAM and ROM address regions are the only regions that the SA-110 can mark as cacheable. All other regions must be noncacheable. CSR space is larger than required to address all CSRs. Address bits [11:0] are used to select the CSR. Bits [19:12] are ignored. Reserved space should not be used by SA-110 software. Accidental accesses to reserved space will not cause the 21285 bus interface to hang, however, because the reserved address can alias to another valid address, a write can change the state of a SDRAM, a CSR, and so on. Both Single Address Cycles and Dual Address Cycles (DAC) are performed using PCI memory space. DAC are performed if the upper address bits contained in the SA–110 DAC Address register are not all zero. Table 5-1. SA-110 4GB Address Mapping (Sheet 1 of 2) Function Start Address End Address Size SDRAM 0000 0000h 0FFF FFFFh 256MB Reserved 1000 0000h 3FFF FFFFh — SDRAM array 0 mode register 4000 0000h 4000 3FFFh 16KB SDRAM array 1 mode register 4000 4000h 4000 7FFFh 16KB SDRAM array 2 mode register 4000 8000h 4000 BFFFh 16KB SDRAM array 3 mode register 4000 C000h 4000 FFFFh 16KB X-Bus XCS0 4001 0000h 4001 0FFFh 4KB 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 5-1 SA-110 Operation Table 5-1. SA-110 4GB Address Mapping 5.1.2 (Sheet 2 of 2) Function Start Address End Address Size X-Bus XCS1 4001 1000h 4001 1FFFh 4KB X-Bus XCS2 4001 2000h 4001 2FFFh 4KB X-Bus no CS 4001 3000h 4001 3FFFh 4KB Reserved 4001 4000h 40FF FFFFh — ROM 4100 0000h 41FF FFFFh 16MB CSR space 4200 0000h 420F FFFFh 1MB Reserved 4210 0000h 4FFF FFFFh — SA-110 cache flush 5000 0000h 50FF FFFFh 16MB Reserved 5100 0000h 77FF FFFFh — Outbound write flush 7800 0000h 78FF FFFFh 16MB PCI IACK/special space 7900 0000h 79FF FFFFh 16MB PCI type 1 configuration 7A00 0000h 7AFF FFFFh 16MB PCI type 0 configuration 7B00 0000h 7BFF FFFFh 16MB PCI I/O space 7C00 0000h 7C00 FFFFh 64KB Reserved 7C01 0000h 7FFF FFFFh — PCI memory space 8000 0000h FFFF FFFFh 2GB Byte Enables During SA-110 bus cycles, the byte enables are driven on A[1:0] concatenated with MAS[1:0] (SA-110 must be in enhanced mode). The byte enables are used during SDRAM writes and PCI writes and reads, with the exception of memory read line and memory read multiple, which assert all PCI byte enables despite the state of the SA-110 byte enables. 5.1.3 SA-110 Bus Arbiter The purpose of the SA-110 bus arbiter is to choose which of several operations to perform when more than one is possible at a given time. The operations that use the SA-110 bus are as follows: • Refresh SDRAM • SA-110 originated operations — Read SDRAM — Write SDRAM — Read ROM — Write ROM — Read CSR — Write CSR — Read PCI 5-2 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet SA-110 Operation — Post write to PCI — Read X-Bus — Write X-Bus • PCI operations (that come through the Inbound FIFO) — Read SDRAM (nonprefetch) — Read SDRAM (prefetch) — Write SDRAM — Read ROM — Write ROM • DMA operations — Read SDRAM — Write SDRAM The arbiter rules are as follows: 1. SDRAM refresh is always the highest priority. 2. The SA-110 is always the second highest priority, except for the cycle immediately following the completion of an SA-110 transaction, when it is the lowest priority. This rule gives the SA-110 high priority but prevents it from continually blocking lower priority operations. 3. When a DMA and Inbound FIFO operation are both outstanding, priority alternates between DMA and the Inbound FIFO. 5.2 X-Bus Interface The X-Bus interface allows low-performance 8-, 16-, and 32-bit peripherals with ISA-bus-like interfaces to be attached to the SA-110 side of the 21285. Typical devices that can be attached include: • • • • • • • • Super I/O controller UARTs Nonvolatile RAM Real-time clock I2C IrDA (for wireless infrared communication) Input buffer (soft inputs), such as switches Output latch (soft outputs), such as LEDs Figure 5-1 shows the X-Bus configuration. Only programmed I/O from the SA-110 is supported; the X-Bus does not support DMA or PCI accesses. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 5-3 SA-110 Operation Figure 5-1. X-Bus Configuration X-Bus Device OE Optional Transceiver OE A xior_l xiow_l xcs_l B D[31:0] A SA-110 xd_wren_l 21285 FM-05940.AI4 5.2.1 Address and Data Bus Generation The X-Bus address and data buses are generated by buffering the address and data buses (A and D). Low voltage TTL buffers must be used for D since the SA-110 buses are not 5-V tolerant. The X-Bus address bus buffer is unidirectional and is permanently enabled. The X-Bus data bus buffer is bidirectional and is permanently enabled. Its direction is controlled by the xd_wren_l pin from the 21285. A standard 74LVT24S part can be used for the data transceiver. The behavior of xd_wren_l has been designed so that during a 21285 write, the transceiver’s T/nR pin will be low. Therefore, the transceiver B port should connect to the SA-110/21285 and the A port should connect to the X-Bus devices. This also suits the use of the National Semiconductor LCX family, which has a 5-V tolerant A port and a 3.3-V tolerant B port. The xcs_l[2:0] signals assert based on the SA-110 address space, and can be used as chip selects for three devices. More devices can be attached by using the no CS space and decoding the address externally. Signal xior_l asserts for a read and xiow_l asserts for a write. 5-4 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet SA-110 Operation 5.2.2 Device Support The X-Bus can support 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit devices. An 8-bit peripheral device data bus is wired to the low-order byte lane of the buffered D bus. A 16-bit peripheral device data bus is wired to the two low-order byte lanes of the buffered D bus. The peripheral device address bus is wired so that its least-significant address line is wired to A[2] and so on. An 8-bit peripheral will be accessed at address offset 0, 4, 8, C, and so on, in X-Bus space. The X-Bus does not provide byte lane control. 5.2.3 Timing Timing on the X-Bus is controlled by two CSRs: X-Bus cycle and X-Bus I/O strobe mask. The following two parameters control each of the X-Bus address spaces: • Length—the total duration of the access. • Strobe mask—a bit mask where bit 0 represents the state of the strobe for the first clock of the access, and more significant bits represent the state of the strobe for subsequent clock cycles. The strobe is asserted when the bit is set to 0 and negated when the bit is set to 1. Unused bits must be set to 1. The X-Bus logic is clocked at the fclk_in frequency prescaled by 1, 2, 3, or 4. The prescaler is controlled by the X-Bus cycle register. The strobe mask field is shifted out, cycle by cycle, to the xior_l or xiow_l strobe pin. By setting the length and strobe fields, the user can impose address setup, strobe duration, and address hold. If the cycle length is set to x cycles, the c least significant bits of the strobe mask field are set, and the next b bits of the strobe mask are clear, then let a = x - b - c. For a prescaler of p, Figure 5-2 shows the cycle timing. For example, if the cycle length is set to 7, the strobe mask field is set to F1h, and the prescaler is set to 2, then: • • • • b=3 c=1 a = 7 - 3 -1 = 3 The strobe will be asserted after four cycles and will remain asserted for seven cycles. The access will continue for an additional seven cycles. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 5-5 SA-110 Operation Figure 5-2. X-Bus Timing xcs_l A 2 1 xior_l, xiow_l cp+2 ap+1 bp+1 D (write) Valid 1 1 X-Bus Device Data (Read) Tsu Thld FM-05982.AI4 On reads, the X-Bus device drives read data to the SA-110, and the 21285 unstalls the SA-110 after the cycle count has expired. On writes, the SA-110 drives write data to the X-Bus device, and the 21285 unstalls the SA-110 after the cycle count has expired. 5.3 Ordering and Deadlock Avoidance This section provides a description of transaction ordering, ordering rules, and deadlock avoidance. 5.3.1 Transaction Ordering Transaction ordering refers to the order, in time, in which posted writes and reads must be delivered to their destination relative to the way in which each was received from the source. These rules are necessary in order to comply with the PCI specification, and for software and bus mastering (DMA) devices to communicate properly. Complying with the ordering rules is complicated by the presence of FIFOs for posted write data and prefetched read data. The following FIFOs are located on the 21285: • Outbound FIFO — SA-110 to PCI write data — SDRAM to PCI DMA 5-6 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet SA-110 Operation • Inbound FIFO — SA-110 read data and prefetch read data from PCI — PCI to SDRAM/ROM write data — PCI to SDRAM DMA • PCI read FIFO — PCI read data from SDRAM/ROM 5.3.2 Ordering Rules The following ordering rules must be observed (refer to the rules in the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1). 1. SA-110 posted writes to PCI must finish on PCI in the order in which they were accepted from SA-110. 2. PCI posted writes to SDRAM must finish in SDRAM in the order in which they were accepted from PCI. 3. An SA-110 read (either I/O, configuration, IACK, or memory) to PCI must force all SA-110 generated writes to PCI to finish before starting the read on PCI. 4. PCI reads from SDRAM must force all PCI writes to SDRAM to finish before starting the read. Note: Rule 5 is not enforced in hardware because the read data is in a different FIFO than the write data. When required, software must write the outbound write flush address to enforce ordering. 5. PCI reads from SDRAM must force all SA-110 posted writes to PCI to finish on PCI before completing the read. 6. An SA-110 read (either I/O, configuration, IACK, or memory) to PCI must force all PCIgenerated writes to SDRAM to finish before completing the read. Register reads and writes are not posted and, therefore, are not ordered with respect to PCI/SDRAM accesses. 5.3.3 Deadlock Avoidance To avoid deadlocks, PCI posted writes to SDRAM and/or ROM must be able to complete while the SA-110 is stalled during an access to the PCI. This can happen for either of the following cases: • An SA-110 read to PCI • An SA-110 write to PCI if the Outbound FIFO is full To break the deadlock, the 21285 must be able to write data to SDRAM and/or ROM while the SA110 is stalled. To do so, the 21285 deasserts both the address and data bus enables (ABE and DBE) to the SA-110. Any PCI writes that get posted after the SA-110 access has started, as well as those that had been posted prior to it, may need to be done. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 5-7 Functional Units 6 This chapter contains descriptions of the following functional units: • • • • • 6.1 PCI bus arbiter DMA channels I2O message unit Timers Serial port PCI Bus Arbiter The 21285 contains a PCI bus arbiter that supports four external masters in addition to the 21285. In order to enable the arbiter, ma[7] must be a 0 at reset. The arbiter and X-Bus cannot both be used at the same time since they share I/O pins. When the PCI arbiter is selected, the xcs_l pins are request inputs and the xcs direction bits in the SA-110 control register must not be written to a 1. 6.1.1 Priority Algorithm The arbiter supports a programmable two-level rotating priority algorithm. Two groups of masters are assigned, a high-priority group and a low-priority group. The low-priority group as a whole represents one entry in the high-priority group; that is, if the high-priority group consists of n masters, then in at least every n+1 transactions, the highest priority is assigned to the low-priority group. Priority rotates evenly among the low-priority group. Therefore, members of the highpriority group can be serviced n transactions out of n+1, while one member of the low-priority group is serviced once every n+1 transactions. Figure 6-1 shows an example of an arbiter where three masters, including the 21285, are in the high-priority group, and two masters are in the low-priority group. Using this example, if all requests are always asserted, the highest priority rotates among the masters in the following fashion (high-priority members are given in italics, low-priority members are given in boldface type): B, m0, m1, m2, B, m0, m1, m3, B m0, m1, m2, B, m0, m1, m3, and so on. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 6-1 Functional Units Figure 6-1. Secondary Arbiter Example m1 lpg m0 B m2 Note: B – 21285 mx – Bus Master Number lpg – Low-Priority Group m3 Arbiter Control Register = 0011b FM-05867.AI4 Each bus master, including the 21285, can be configured to be in either the low-priority group or the high-priority group as determined by the value of the corresponding priority bit in the arbiter control register. Each master has a corresponding bit. If the bit is a 1, the master is assigned to the high-priority group; if the bit is a 0, the master is assigned to the low-priority group. If all the masters are assigned to one group, the algorithm defaults to a straight rotating priority among all the masters. 6.1.2 Determining Priority Priorities are reevaluated every time frame_l is asserted, that is, at the start of each new transaction on the PCI bus. From this point until the time that the next transaction starts, the arbiter asserts the grant signal corresponding to the highest priority request that is asserted. If a grant for a particular request is asserted, and a higher priority request subsequently asserts, the arbiter deasserts the asserted grant signal and asserts the grant corresponding to the new higher priority request on the next PCI clock cycle. When priorities are reevaluated, the highest priority is assigned to the next highest priority master relative to the master that initiated the previous transaction. The master that initiated the last transaction now has the lowest priority in the group. If the arbiter detects that an initiator has failed to assert frame_l after 16 cycles of both grant assertion and PCI bus idle condition, the arbiter deasserts the grant. That master does not receive any more grants until it deasserts its request for at least one PCI clock cycle. To prevent bus contention, if the PCI bus is idle, the arbiter never asserts one grant signal in the same PCI cycle in which it deasserts another. It deasserts one grant, and then asserts the next grant no earlier than one PCI clock cycle later. If the PCI bus is busy, that is, either frame_l or irdy_l is asserted, the arbiter can deassert one grant and assert another during the same PCI clock cycle. 6.2 DMA Channels There are two DMA channels; each of which can move blocks of data from SDRAM to PCI or PCI to SDRAM. The DMA channels read parameters from a list of descriptors in memory, perform the data movement, and stop when the list is exhausted. 6-2 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Functional Units Figure 6-2 shows DMA descriptors in local memory. Each descriptor occupies four Dwords and must be naturally aligned. The channels read the descriptors from local memory into working registers. Figure 6-2. DMA Descriptor Read Local Memory Byte Count, Direction, End of Chain Offset 0h PCI Bus Address Offset 4h Local Memory Address Offset 8h Next Descriptor Offset Ch 4 3 1 2 Channel Control Registers Descriptors 6.2.1 FM-05941.AI4 DMA Channel Operation DMA channel operation is as follows: 1. The SA-110 sets up the descriptors in SDRAM. If there is only one operation to do, this step may be omitted. Each descriptor is composed of four Dwords that provide the following information: •The number of bytes to be transferred and the direction of transfer. •The PCI bus address of the transfer. •The SDRAM address of the transfer. •The address of the next descriptor in SDRAM or the DAC address. Bit 31 of the SDRAM address (third word of the descriptor) is called the D4 mode bit; it defines the information contained in the fourth Dword of the descriptor. If 0: — The fourth Dword of the descriptor is the local memory address of the next descriptor, assuming the end-of-chain bit is not set. If the end-of-chain is set, the fourth Dword of the descriptor is loaded into the Descriptor Register, which will not be used. — The Channel n DAC register is left unchanged when the descriptor is read. — Note that if the first descriptor in the chain does not specify the DAC address, the DAC register must be initialized by software if a nonzero value is required prior to setting the Channel Enable bit. If 1: — The fourth Dword of the descriptor is the value of the upper 32 bits of the PCI address for the current transfer (that is, pertaining to the descriptor currently being fetched from memory) and is loaded into the Channel n DAC register. Note that this is the case 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 6-3 Functional Units regardless of the value of the end-of-chain bit, and that this value can be 0 if the PCI address of the transfer has 0 for its upper 32 bits. — The address of the next descriptor (if any) is the address of the current descriptor plus 16. This gives DMA control software the flexibility to provide PCI addresses anywhere in 64-bit PCI memory space, as well as the ability to locate descriptors anywhere in local memory, except for one limitation: when a descriptor has specified the upper 32-bit PCI address, the next descriptor must be located contiguous in memory (that is, an address that is 16 greater than the descriptor just fetched. When the first descriptor is in the DMA channel registers, the channel DAC Address register must be initialized (if a nonzero value is required,) and the D4 mode bit (bit [31] of the SDRAM Address register) must be written to 0. 2. The SA-110 writes the address of the first descriptor into the DMA channel n descriptor pointer register. As an alternative, the SA-110 can write the values of the parameters of the first (or only) descriptor directly into the registers. If there is only one descriptor, the end of chain bit [31] in the DMA channel n byte count register must be set, and the value of the DMA channel n descriptor pointer register is a don’t care; otherwise, it must be the address of the next descriptor. 3. The SA-110 writes the DMA channel n control register with other miscellaneous parameters, and sets the channel enable bit. If the descriptor was written into the registers in step 2, the channel initial descriptor in register bit [4] in the DMA channel n control register must also be set. 4. If the channel initial descriptor in register bit [4] is clear, the channel reads the descriptor block into the channel control, channel PCI address, channel SDRAM address, and channel descriptor pointer registers. 5. The channel transfers the data until the byte count is exhausted, and then sets the channel transfer done bit [2] in the DMA channel n control register. 6. If the end of chain bit [31] in the DMA channel n byte count register (which is in bit [31] of the first word of the descriptor) is clear, the channel reads the next descriptor and transfers the data. If it is set, the channel sets the chain done bit [7] in the DMA channel n control register and then stops. The channel initial descriptor in register bit [4] in the DMA channel n control register is useful for nonchained transfers. It allows operation of the channel without the need to set up a list in SDRAM. There is no restriction on byte alignment of the source address or the destination address. DMA reads are always unmasked reads (all byte enables asserted), either from SDRAM or PCI. For PCI-to-SDRAM transfers, the PCI command is memory read, memory read line, or memory read multiple according to the PCI read type field bits [6:5] in the DMA channel n control register. After each read, the byte count is decremented by the number of bytes read, and the source address is incremented. After each write, the destination address is incremented by the number of bytes written. On the initial write, some low-order bytes can be masked based on the low two bits of the destination address as described in Table 6-1. After the first write, the destination address is incremented so that it is Dword aligned. 6-4 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Functional Units Table 6-1. DMA Channel Write Initial Destinationa Address [1:0] Initial Byte Enable (Active High) 00 1111 01 1110 10 1100 11 1000 a. Destination is SDRAM for PCI-to-SDRAM transfers, and PCI for SDRAM-to-PCI transfers. In Table 6-2, on the final write, some of the high-order bytes can be masked depending on the byte count and the initial destination address. Table 6-2. Final Write Final Byte Enable (Active High) Byte Count DIV 4 Remainder Initial Destination Addressa [1:0] 00 01 10 11 0 1111 0001 0011 0111 1 0001 0011 0111 1111 2 0011 0111 1111 0001 3 0111 1111 0001 0011 a. Destination is SDRAM for PCI-to-SDRAM transfers, and PCI for SDRAM-to-PCI transfers. The 21285 may need to realign the data depending on the initial source and destination addresses. The data in each byte lane is rotated right or left by 0, 1, 2, or 3 byte lanes as described in Table 6-3. Data is packed into Dwords before being written to the destination. Table 6-3. Aligning Byte Data Initial Destinationa Address [1:0] Initial Sourceb Address [1:0] 00 01 10 11 00 0 Left 1 Left 2 Left 3 01 Right 1 0 Left 1 Left 2 10 Right 2 Right 1 0 Left 1 11 Right 3 Right 2 Right 1 0 a. b. Destination is SDRAM for PCI-to-SDRAM transfers, and PCI for SDRAM-to-PCI transfers. Source means PCI for PCI-to-SDRAM transfers, and SDRAM for SDRAM-to-PCI transfers. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 6-5 Functional Units 6.2.2 SDRAM-to-PCI Transfer For a SDRAM-to-PCI transfer, the channel reads the SDRAM and places the data into the Outbound FIFO when the following conditions are met: • There is enough free space in the FIFO (according to the SDRAM read length field bits [18:16] of the channel control register). • The PCI interburst delay for the channel has elapsed. The number of Dwords read from SDRAM is specified by the read length field bits [18:16] of the channel control register. At the beginning or end of a transfer, fewer Dwords may be read depending on alignment and byte count. 6.2.3 PCI-to-SDRAM Transfer For a PCI-to-SDRAM transfer, the channel enqueues a read request to the PCI (in the Outbound FIFO) when the PCI interburst delay for the channel has elapsed. The 21285 attempts to read the number of Dwords specified by the read length bit [15] of the channel control register (or the number of Dwords remaining in the transfer, if that is smaller). If the target disconnects before that number of Dwords has been read, the 21285 waits for the PCI interburst delay before starting another read. The 21285 also terminates the cycle prior to reading the requested number of Dwords if the Inbound FIFO fills or if the master latency timer expires. In all cases, all Dwords that were read are written into SDRAM. 6.2.4 Channel Alignment The performance of the DMA channels varies depending on the alignment of the PCI address space relative to the SDRAM space. There are three cases: • Fully Aligned—Bits [3:0] of the initial address in PCI space are equal to bits [3:0] of the initial address in SDRAM space. This means that the addresses are aligned to a 16-byte resolution, which is important because 16 bytes is the burst length of the SDRAMs (burst length of SDRAM is 4, and the D bus is 4 bytes wide). • Dword Aligned—Bits [1:0] of the initial address in PCI space are equal to bits [1:0] of the initial address in SDRAM space. This means that the addresses are aligned to a 4-byte (Dword) resolution. • Unaligned—Bits [1:0] of the initial address in PCI space are not equal to bits [1:0] of the initial address in SDRAM space. The alignment affects the way that the DMA channels handle the data. SDRAM-to-PCI Transfers - For all alignment cases, the DMA channels align the PCI address to the value specified by SDRAM read length field bits [18:16] of the channel control register to maximize the use of the PCI memory write and invalidate command. For the first burst at the start of a transfer, the channel can write a partial PCI cache line (depending on the initial address in PCI space) to get the address aligned. After the first burst, subsequent bursts are aligned as stated in one of the three cases described at the beginning of this subsection. 6-6 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Functional Units For Dword aligned and unaligned cases, the DMA channels may need to read more data from SDRAM than is transferred to the PCI bus for each burst. Figure 6-3 shows an example of this case. The PCI address is 100h and the SDRAM address is 208h. To write eight Dwords at PCI addresses 100h through 11Ch (a cache line), the channel must read three blocks from SDRAM 200h through 22Ch. The Dword data from SDRAM 208h transfers to PCI 100h, and so on. The first two and last two Dwords are discarded by the channel, but still consume SDRAM cycles. When the next burst of data is moved, the SDRAM block starting at 220h is read again, and the first two Dwords are discarded. Figure 6-3. SDRAM-to-PCI Transfers SDRAM Blocks 200h 204h 208h 20Ch 100h 104h 210h 108h 214h 10Ch 218h 110h 21Ch 114h PCI Cache Lines 220h 118h 224h 228h 22Ch 11Ch FM-05675.AI4 PCI-to-SDRAM Transfers - For all alignment cases, the DMA channels align the PCI address to the value specified by the PCI read length bit [15] of the channel control register. For the first burst at the start of a transfer, the channel may read a smaller number of Dwords (depending on the initial address in PCI space) to get the address aligned. After the first burst, subsequent bursts are aligned as stated in one of the three cases described at the beginning of this subsection. For Dword aligned and unaligned cases, the DMA channels may need to write more SDRAM blocks (with appropriate masking via dqm), in a similar way to the SDRAM-to-PCI example shown in Figure 6-3. 6.3 I2O Message Unit This section describes the operation of the 21285 I2O message unit. Sections 7.3.14 through 7.3.20 of this specification describe the I2O registers. The message unit provides a standardized message-passing mechanism between a host and a local processor (the SA-110 is the local processor). It provides a means for the host to read and write lists over the PCI bus at offsets of 40h and 44h from the first base address. The message unit supports four logical FIFOs (see Figure 6-4): • • • • Inbound free_list FIFO Inbound post_list FIFO Outbound free_list FIFO Outbound post_list FIFO 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 6-7 Functional Units The FIFOs are used to hold message frame addresses (MFAs). The MFAs are offsets (pointers) to the message frames. The 21285 does not interpret the MFA values other than to recognize the special indicator for an invalid MFA (which is FFFFFFFFh), nor does it access the message frames. The I2O Inbound FIFOs are used to manage messages that are I/O requests from the host processor to SA-110. The I2O Outbound FIFOs are used to manage messages that are replies from SA-110 to the host processor. The FIFOs are stored in SA-110 SDRAM. Each FIFO has two pointers: a head pointer and a tail pointer. Table 6-4 lists the four pointers that are maintained in the 21285 hardware, and the four pointers that are maintained by SA-110 as variables in software. Figure 6-4. I2O Overview Local Memory Inbound Free List Inbound Post List Inbound Message Frames SA-110 Outbound Free List Outbound Post List Outbound Message Frames 21285 PCI Bus Host Processor FM-05942.AI4 Each FIFO is the same size as determined by the I2O size field [12:10] in the SA-110 control register. Table 6-4. FIFO Pointers 21285 6-8 SA-110 Inbound free_list head Inbound free_list tail Inbound post_list tail Inbound post_list head Outbound free_list tail Outbound free_list head Outbound post_list head Outbound post_list tail 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Functional Units 6.3.1 I2O Inbound FIFO Operation The I2O Inbound FIFO operation is as follows: Initialization 1. The I2O inbound FIFOs are initialized by the SA-110. During operation, the host sends messages to the local processor (SA-110). The local processor operates on the messages. 2. The SA-110 allocates memory space for both the inbound free_list and inbound post_list FIFOs, and initializes the inbound pointers (both 21285 registers and software variables) with the address of the first MFA. 3. The SA-110 initializes the inbound free_list FIFO by writing valid MFA values to all entries. For each write to the inbound free_list FIFO, the SA-110 must also do a write to the inbound free_list count register to increment the number of entries. Host posts an inbound message 1. When it needs to send a request message, the host processor removes an MFA from the head of the inbound free_list (via a read over the PCI bus to the 21285 register offset 40h). 2. The host processor writes the request message to the MFA in SA-110 memory (via writes over the PCI to SA-110 SDRAM). 3. The host processor places the MFA onto the tail of the inbound post_list (via a write over the PCI bus to offset 40h). The 21285 internally increments the inbound post_list count register, which interrupts SA-110 (if not masked by IRQEnable/FIQEnable). The write to offset 40h is ordered with respect to the PCI-to-SDRAM write. SA-110 accepts inbound message 1. The SA-110 removes the MFA from the head of the inbound post_list. For each read of the inbound post_list, the SA-110 must also do a write to the inbound post_list count register to decrement the number of entries. 2. The SA-110 reads the request message from the MFA and performs the application-specific action based on the message. 3. The SA-110 writes the MFA to the tail of the inbound free_list so that the message frame can be reused at a future time. It also writes to the inbound free_list count register to increment the number of entries. 4. It is possible for the host to post more than one message before the SA-110 accepts any posted messages. The interrupt to the SA-110 remains asserted as long as there is at least one message posted. 6.3.2 I2O Outbound FIFO Operation The I2O Outbound FIFO operation is as follows: Initialization 1. The I2O outbound FIFOs are initialized by the SA-110. During operation, the local processor (SA-110) sends messages to the host. The host operates on the messages. 2. The SA-110 allocates memory space for both the outbound free_list and outbound post_list FIFOs, and initializes the outbound pointers (both 21285 registers and software variables) with the address of the first MFA. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 6-9 Functional Units 3. The host processor initializes the outbound free_list FIFO by writing valid MFAs to all entries. SA-110 posts an outbound message 1. When it needs to send a reply message, the SA-110 removes an MFA from the head of the outbound free_list. 2. The SA-110 writes the reply message to the MFA in local memory (via SA-110 writes to local memory). 3. The SA-110 places the MFA onto the tail of the outbound post_list. The SA-110 must also do a write to the outbound post_list count register to increment the number of entries. The 21285 asserts pci_irq_l when the value in the outbound post_list count register is not zero (if not masked by outbound interrupt mask register). Host accepts outbound message 1. The host processor removes the MFA from the head of the outbound post_list (via a read over the PCI bus to offset 44h). The 21285 internally decrements the value in the outbound post_list count register. 2. The host processor reads the reply message from the MFA and performs the applicationspecific action based on the message. 3. The host processor writes the MFA to the tail of the outbound free_list (via a write over the PCI bus to offset 44h) so that the message frame may be reused at a future time. 6.3.3 Circulation of MFAs Figure 6-5 shows the circulation of MFAs from free lists to post lists and back. Initially all inbound MFAs are on the inbound free_list and all outbound MFAs are on the outbound free_list. Figure 6-5. Circulation of MFAs Host Inbound Free List Inbound Post List SA-110 Host Request to Local Processor Local Processor Process Request Message 1 Read MFA from inbound free_list (40h). 2 Write message to message frame in l ocal memory (through SDRAM base address). 3 Write MFA to inbound post_list (40h). lnterrupt is posted to SA-110. Outbound Free List 1 Read MFA from inbound post_list (local read). 2 Read message from local memory. 3 Place MFA back on inbound free_list (local write). 4 Perform specific message action. Outbound Post List SA-110 Host Local Response to Host Processor 1 Read MFA from outbound free_list (local read). 2 Write message to message frame in local memory (local write). 3 Write MFA to outbound p ost_list (local write). Interrupt is posted to host. Local Memory Host Processor Process Response Message 1 Read MFA from outbound p ost_list (44h). 2 Read message from local memory (through PCI SDRAM base address). 3 Place MFA back on outbound free_list (44h). 4 Perform specific message action. Over PCI FM-05943.AI4 6-10 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Functional Units 6.4 Timers The 21285 contains four timers. Each timer is a 24-bit timer that can be preloaded and either freerun, or decremented to zero and then reloaded. Each timer is clocked in one of four ways: • • • • fclk_in fclk_in divided by 16 fclk_in divided by 256 External input When a timer reaches zero it generates an interrupt. The interrupt can be enabled or disabled in the IRQEnable/FIQEnable registers. The interrupt remains asserted until cleared by a write (any data) to the associated TimerClear register. Figure 6-6 shows a block diagram of the timer function for each timer. Figure 6-6. Timer Block Diagram System Clock Divide by 16 Load Control Load Register Control Register Divide by 16 24-Bit Down Counter Terminal Count Interrupt irq_in_l Value FM-05674.AI4 The timer count signal can be an external event connected on the irq_in_l pins. Signal irq_in_l[0] is connected to timer 1, irq_in_l[1] is connected to timer 2, and so on. The assertion edge is detected, synchronized, and used to advance the timer by one count. The edge-detector circuit is reenabled when the signal becomes deasserted. 6.4.1 Timer 4 Application Timer 4 can be used as a watchdog timer if pci_cfn is asserted. If the watchdog enable bit [13] in the SA-110 control register is set, a reset sequence is initiated when timer 4 counts to zero. This reset sequence is as follows: the nRESET and pci_rst_l pins assert for several cycles, and then nRESET is deasserted (pci_rst_l is deasserted by SA-110 software clearing bit [9] in the SA-110 control register). When pci_cfn is asserted, nRESET is normally an input driven by the power-on reset circuitry on the board, but in this case, it must be driven by the 21285. So, to use the watchdog timer, the power-on circuitry must drive nRESET with an open-drain driver on the board. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 6-11 Functional Units System software can use the watchdog as follows. Set timer 4 for periodic interrupts and disable the interrupt on nIRQ/nFIQ. A periodic process (based on one of the other timers) would write to Timer4Load. If that process ever fails to write to Timer4Load within the countdown time, then both the SA-110 and the 21285 reset. Once the watchdog enable bit is set, it can only be cleared by a chip reset. 6.5 Serial Port The serial port is a general-purpose, full-duplex, universal asynchronous receivertransmitter (UART), which supports similar functionality to the 16C550 UART. It can operate at baud rates from approximately 225 bps to approximately 200 Kbps; the exact range is dependent upon the fclk_in frequency. It supports five to eight bits of data; odd, even, or no parity; one start bit; either one or two stop bits; and can transmit a continuous break signal. The external pins dedicated to this interface are tx and rx. Modem control signals (RTS, CTS, DTR, and DSR) are not implemented. The UART registers are only accessible to the SA-110; these registers cannot be accessed via the PCI bus. 6.5.1 Data Handling A 16-entry, 8-bit FIFO is used to buffer outgoing data, and a 16-entry, 10-bit FIFO is used to buffer incoming data (two bits per entry are used to store framing and parity error flags for each character received). It is possible to provide single data buffering by disabling all FIFO entries but one. 6.5.2 Initialization Following reset, the UART is disabled. Operation is initialized by the following: 1. Program the UART control register with the desired mode of operation. 2. Write the H_UBRLCR, L_UBRLCR, and M_UBRLCR registers setting up baud rate, parity, stop bits, word length, and enable FIFO. 3. Set the enable bit in the UARTCON register. Once programmed, transmission and reception of data begins on the transmit (tx) and receive (rx) pins. 6.5.3 Frame Format Nonreturn to zero (NRZ) encoding is used by the UART. Each data frame is between 7 and 12 bits long depending on the size of the data programmed, if parity is enabled, and if a second stop bit is enabled. The frame begins with a start bit that is represented by a high-to-low transition. Next, either 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits of data are transmitted beginning with the least significant bit. An optional parity bit follows, which is set if even parity is enabled and an even number of ones exist within the data byte, or if odd parity is enabled and the data byte contains an odd number of ones. The data frame ends with either one or two stop bits (selected within the control register) that is represented by one or two successive bit periods of a logic one. 6-12 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Functional Units 6.5.4 Baud Rate Generation The baud rate is derived by dividing down the 21285 clock (fclk_in). The signal fclk_in is divided by four and used as the reference clock. That clock is first divided by a programmable number between 1 and 1024, and then by a fixed value of 16. The receive/transmit baud clock is synchronized with the data stream each time a transition is detected on the receive data line. Receive data is sampled halfway through each bit period by counting 8 of the 16 clocks that are produced before the fixed divide by 16 takes place. 6.5.5 Receive Operation The UART receives incoming data using a serial shifter; latches the frame; and strips it of its start, parity, and stop bits; and then places the data within the receive FIFO. If parity is enabled, the number of data bits (that are one) are counted, as data is extracted from each frame. Parity is then checked by comparing this value to the stripped parity bit. Either odd or even parity is used as specified by the programmer. If a parity error is detected, the parity error bit is set in the FIFO entry corresponding to the data. If a logic zero is detected by the receive logic where a stop bit (or bits) was expected, the framing error bit is set in the FIFO entry corresponding to the data. When the FIFO fills more than halfway, an interrupt is signaled. If the data is not removed soon enough, and the FIFO is completely filled, an overrun bit is set in RXSTAT if the receive logic attempts to place additional data within the FIFO. If the UART is disabled and a one-to-zero transition is detected (a start bit), the receiver status interrupt is signaled. (This dual-purpose interrupt is also signaled if the UART is enabled, the receive FIFO contains valid data, and a 32-bit period has elapsed without the reception of data on rx.) 6.5.6 Transmit Operation The UART transmit logic operates at the same time as the receive logic (full-duplex). Data is taken from the transmit FIFO; start, parity, and stop bits are added to generate a frame; and the value is loaded into a serial shift register. The contents are shifted out onto the tx pin and clocked by the baud clock. When the transmit FIFO is emptied more than halfway, an interrupt is signaled. If new data is not supplied soon enough, and the FIFO is completely emptied, the transmit line is forced high (one) to indicate the idle state. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 6-13 Functional Units 6.5.7 Serial Port Interrupts Table 6-5 describes how serial port interrupts can be generated. Table 6-5. UART Interrupts Name Source Condition RXINT Rx interrupt Asserted when the UART is disabled and a low level on the receive line has been detected (start bit). This interrupt is cleared when one of the events that generates it becomes false (when the UART becomes enabled or the receive line goes high). Also asserted when the receive FIFO is enabled and is more than half full, or when the receive FIFO is not empty and there is no data for more than a 32-bit period, or when the receive FIFO is disabled and data is received. The Rx interrupt is cleared when the receive FIFO is less than half full or the holding register is empty. TXINT 6.6 Tx interrupt Asserted when the transmit FIFO is less than half full, or when the transmit FIFO is disabled and the holding buffer is empty. The Tx interrupt is cleared when the transmit FIFO is more than half full or the holding register is full. UART Register Definitions This section describes the seven UART registers. 6.6.1 UARTDR—Offset 160h The UART data register (UDR) corresponds to the top-most entry of both the transmit and receive FIFOs. When the UDR is read, the top-most entry of the receive FIFO is accessed. Note: 6-14 Dword Bit Name R/W Description 7:0 Data R/W Bits [7:0] contain FIFO data. Error data associated with the received character is available in RXSTAT. After the read, the data in the next location of the receive FIFO is automatically transferred up to the UDR. When the UDR is written, the top-most FIFO entry of the 8-bit transmit FIFO is accessed. Write data is placed in the FIFO. After a write, the data is automatically transferred down to the next location of the transmit FIFO. For data sizes other than eight bits, the upper bits of this field are zero extended. 31:8 — R Read only as 0. The received data must be read first (UARTDR) followed by the status error associated with the data (RXSTAT). This read sequence cannot be reversed. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Functional Units 6.6.2 RXSTAT—Offset 164h Reading from the RXSTAT provides the error status associated with the data received on UARTDR. Flags in this register indicate error conditions, such as overrun, framing, and parity errors, which occurred during the unpacking of a received frame. Each entry in the receive FIFO contains two error bits that correspond to the data stored within the same FIFO entry. The parity error bit is set when parity is enabled (PE = 1) and the parity type programmed using OES does not correspond to the parity check of the incoming serial data stream that is calculated by the receive logic. The parity error bit is set when the expected parity does not match the received parity. The framing error bit is set when the stop bit, within a frame of incoming serial data, is a zero instead of a one. Note: Dword Bit Name R/W Description 0 Frame error R This bit is set if a framing error (FE) occurred. 1 Parity error R This bit is set if a parity error (PER) occurred. 2 Overrun error R The overrun error (ORE) bit is set if more data is received by the UART when the FIFO is full. (It is cleared by reading the UARTDR register.) 31:3 — R Read only as 0. The received data must be read first (UARTDR) followed by the status error associated with the data (RXSTAT). This read sequence cannot be reversed. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 6-15 Functional Units 6.6.3 H_UBRLCR—Offset 168h Writing to this register sets the bit rate and mode for the UART. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 0 Break R/W When the break (BRK) bit is set, the UART first completes generation and transmission of the frame currently being processed, stops fetching data from the transmit FIFO, and forces the transmit pin low. The transmit pin remains low until the BRK bit is cleared or a reset occurs. The break signal does not affect the receive portion of the FIFO, thus normal operation on the receive line continues during the signaling of a break. 1 Parity enable R/W The parity enable (PE) bit is used to enable or disable parity checking by the receive data logic. Parity generation by the transmit logic is not affected by the PE bit. When parity is enabled (PE = 1), the odd/even parity select (OES) control bit is decoded to determine which type of parity should be checked, and each piece of data placed within the receive FIFO is checked. If the parity type programmed in the OES bit does not match the parity of the data received, the data is tagged by setting bit [8] of the FIFO location corresponding to the data that provides the parity error. 2 Odd/even select R/W The odd/even parity select (OES) bit is used to select whether odd or even parity should be used by the transmit and receive logic. When the OES is 1, even parity is selected; when the OES is 0, odd parity is selected. The MSB in each frame is used as the parity bit. (The transmit logic generates a parity bit by counting the number of ones within the data to be transmitted, and sets the parity bit if the type of parity selected matches the parity of the data. The receive data logic strips the parity bit and counts the number of ones in the received data. If the parity type of the data does not match the parity selected by OES, the parity error status flag is set within the status register, as well as bit [8] of the FIFO location corresponding to the data that produced the parity error.) 3 Stop bit select R/W The stop bit select (SBS) bit selects whether one or two stop bits should be used in transmission. When SBS = 0, one stop bit is inserted in the transmit frame for each character, and the receive data logic looks for and strips one stop bit per character. 4 Enable FIFO R/W The enable FIFO (EF) bit is used to select whether the whole FIFO should be used, or whether just the top-most entry should be used to buffer both transmit and receive data. When EF = 1, all 16 entries in both the transmit and the receive FIFO are used. When EF = 0, only the top-most entries are used. The programming of this bit also affects generation of the RXINT and TXINT interrupts. When only the topmost entry is enabled, a service request is generated each time a frame is received or transmitted. If the FIFO is filled halfway, 8 of 16 entries contain valid data. 6:5 Data size select R/W Specifies the UART data length as follows: 11 = 8 bits 10 = 7 bits 01 = 6 bits 00 = 5 bits When this field is programmed to be less than eight bits, the data is right justified in the FIFO, and the unused bits are zero filled. 31:7 6-16 — R Read only as 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Functional Units 6.6.4 M_UBRLCR—Offset 16Ch The 12-bit baud rate divisor (BRD) field (top four bits of M_UBRLCR and lower eight bits from L_UBRLCR) is used to select the baud rate of the UART. A total of 4096 different baud rates can be selected, ranging from a minimum of approximately 225 bps (depending on the clock frequency) to a maximum of 200 Kbps. Refer to Section 6.5.4 for a description of baud rate generation. A desired baud rate, given a specific BRD value, or the required BRD value, given a desired baud rate, can be calculated using the following two respective equations, where BRD is the decimal equivalent of the binary value programmed into the bit field: Note: baud_clk = fclk_in/4. Baud rate = baud_clk / 16 x (BRD + 1) BRD = (baud_clk / 16 x baud rate) - 1 6.6.5 Dword Bit Name R/W Description 3:0 High baud rate divisor R/W Writing to these bits set the top four bits of the 12-bit baud rate for the UART. 31:4 — R Read only as 0. L_UBRLCR—Offset 170h The 12-bit baud rate divisor (BRD) field (top four bits of M_UBRLCR and lower eight bits from L_UBRLCR) is used to select the baud or bit rate of the UART. (For more information on M_UBRLCR and for a complete description of the BRD, see Section 6.6.4). Note: Dword Bit Name R/W Description 7:0 Low baud rate divisor R/W Writing to these bits set the bottom eight bits of the 12-bit baud rate for the UART. 31:8 — R Read only as 0. Internally to the UART, H_UBRLCR, M_UBRLCR, and L_UBRLCR forms a single 19-bit register (UBRLCR), which is updated on a single write strobe generated by an H_UBRLCR write. In order to internally update the contents of M_UBRLCR or L_UBRLCR, an H_UBRLCR write must always be performed at the end. The three registers must be updated with the following sequence: • L_UBRLCR write, M_UBRLCR write, and H_UBRLCR write UARTCON—Offset 174h 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 6-17 Functional Units 6.6.6 UARTCON-Offset 174h This register controls the encoding and protocols. The UE bit is the only control bit that is reset to a known state to ensure that the UART is disabled following a reset. The reset state of all other control bits is unknown and must be initialized before enabling the UART. 6.6.7 Dword Bit Name R/W Description 0 UART enable R/W The UART enable (UE) bit is used to enable and disable all UART operation. When UE = 1, the UART is enabled for serial transmission. It is required that the user first program all other control bits before setting UE. If the UE bit is cleared to zero while the UART is actively transmitting data, transmission is permitted to complete on the current byte of data that is being processed by the receiver or transmitter, and the UART is disabled, keeping all data in the FIFOs intact. UE is the only bit within the UART that is reset to a known state. 1 S R/W The SIREN HP SIR protocol enable bit. This bit has no effect if the UART is not enabled. 2 I R/W The RTXM IrDa Tx mode bit controls the IrDa encoding strategy. Clearing this bit means that each zero bit transmitted is represented as a pulse of width 3/16th of the bit rate period. Setting this bit means that each zero bit transmitted is represented as a pulse of width 3/16th of the 115000 bps (1.6 µs), regardless of the selected bit rate. Setting this bit uses less power but may reduce the distance for good quality transmissions. 31:3 — R Read only as 0. UARTFLG—Offset 178h The UARTFLG register provides the status of the FIFO. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 2:0 Reserved — Read as 0. 3 Transmitter busy R The transmitter busy flag (TBY) is a read-only bit that is set when the transmitter is actively processing data for transmission, and is cleared when the transmitter is idle or the UART is disabled (UE=0). 4 Receive FIFO status R When 1: No characters available. 5 Transmit FIFO status R When 1: Busy. When 0: One or more characters available. When 0: Ready to accept a character. 31:6 6-18 — R Read only as 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7 Registers This chapter describes the following categories of registers: • PCI configuration space registers • PCI control and status registers • SA-110 control and status registers — Interrupt controller registers — Timer control registers — DMA control registers — I2O control registers — Miscellaneous registers 7.1 PCI Configuration Space Registers PCI configuration space registers conform to the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.1. These registers are accessed from the PCI by configuration reads and configuration writes, and are byte writable. They are also accessible from the SA-110 (offset is from address 4200 0000h). Table 7-1 shows the allowable access to each register. Table 7-1. Register Access Abbreviation Definition R Read only. Writes have no effect. R/W Read/write. W1C Read. Write 1 to clear. W0C Write zero to clear. W1S Read. Write 1 to set. WO Write only. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-1 Registers Table 7-2 lists the PCI configuration mapping. Table 7-2. PCI Configuration Mapping 31 24 23 16 15 8 Device ID Status 0 00h Command 04h Revision ID Header Type Latency Timer Cache Line Size CSR I/O Base Address 14h SDRAM Base Address 18h Reserved (Unused Base Address) 1Ch Reserved (Unused Base Address) 20h Reserved (Unused Base Address) 24h CardBus CIS Pointer 28h Subsystem Vendor ID Cap_Ptr Reserved Min_Gnt Interrupt Pin 7.1.1 Reserved 34h 38h Interrupt Line Reserved PMa Capabilities 2Ch 30h Reserved a. 0Ch 10h Expansion ROM Base Address Data 08h CSR Memory Base Address Subsystem ID Max_Lat Offset Vendor ID Class Code BIST 7 3Ch 4Ch – 69h PM Capability Identifier 70h PM Control and Status 74h Power Management Vendor ID Register—Offset 00h Dword Bit Name R/W Description 15:0 Vendor ID R Identifies Intel Corporation as the vendor of this device. Internally hardwired to be 1011h. 7.1.2 Device ID Register—Offset 02h Dword Bit Name R/W 31:16 Device ID R Description Identifies this device as the 21285. Internally hardwired to be 1065h. 7-2 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.1.3 Command Register—Offset 04h Dword Bit Name R/W Description (Sheet 1 of 2) 0 I/O space enable R/W When 0: The 21285 does not respond to PCI I/O transactions as a target. When 1: The 21285 response to I/O transactions for CSR accesses when the address matches the CSR I/O base address register. Reset value: 0. 1 Memory space enable R/W When 0: The 21285 does not respond to PCI memory transactions as a target. When 1: The 21285 response to memory transactions for CSR accesses when the address matches the CSR memory base address register, the SDRAM base address, or the configuration ROM base address. Reset value: 0. 2 Master enable R/W When 0: The 21285 does not become a PCI bus master. When 1: The 21285 becomes a PCI bus master in response to SA-110 originated cycles to the PCI or DMA channel accesses. This bit does not affect the 21285 placing SA-110 or DMA originated addresses and/or data into the Outbound FIFO. However, if this bit is 0, address and data remain in the FIFO. Reset value: 0. 3 Special cycle enable R The 21285 ignores special cycle transactions as target, so this bit is read only and returns 0. 4 Memory write and invalidate enable R/W When 0: The 21285 never uses the memory write and invalidate as master. When 1: The 21285 uses memory write and invalidate if other conditions are met (see Section 3.3.2). Reset value: 0. 5 VGA palette snoop enable R Reads as 0 to indicate that the 21285 never snoops VGA palette writes. 6 Parity error response R/W Controls the 21285’s response when a parity error is detected on the primary interface. When 0: The 21285 does not assert perr_l or serr_l in response to data and address parity errors, respectively. When 1: The 21285 asserts perr_l or serr_l (if enabled) in response to parity errors. The 21285 sets status register bit [31] when a parity error is detected regardless of the state of this bit. Reset value: 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-3 Registers Dword Bit Name R/W Description (Sheet 2 of 2) 7 Wait cycle control R Reads as 0 to indicate that the 21285 does not perform address or data stepping. 8 SERR# enable R/W Controls the enable for serr_l. When 0: Signal serr_l cannot be driven by the 21285. When 1: Signal serr_l can be driven low by the 21285 under the conditions described in Section 2.1. Reset value: 0. 9 Fast back-toback enable R/W When 0: The 21285 does not generate fast back-to-back transactions as the master. When 1: The 21285 is enabled to generate fast back-to-back transactions. Reset value: 0. 15:10 7-4 Reserved R Reserved. Returns 0 when read. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.1.4 Status Register—Offset 06h Dword Bit Name R/W Description 19:16 Reserved R Reserved. Returns 0 when read. 20 Reserved R Reserved. Returns 1 when read. Indicates that the 21285 parts with a REV_ID of 4 or greater supports PCI management. 21 66-MHz capable R Reads as 0 to indicate that the 21285 is not capable of 66-MHz operation. 22 UDF supported R Reads as 0 to indicate that the 21285 does not support user-defined features. 23 Fast back-toback capable R Reads as 1 to indicate that the 21285 is capable of accepting fast back-to-back transactions as a target. 24 Data parity error detected W1C This bit is set to 1 when the command register parity error response bit [6] is set and either of the following are true: • The 21285 is master of a PCI write and perr_l is asserted by the target. • The 21285 is master of a PCI read and asserts perr_l to indicate that the read data had bad parity. Reset value: 0. 26:25 DEVSEL#timing R Reads as 01 to indicate that the 21285 asserts devsel_l with medium timing. 27 Signaled target abort R Reads as 0 to indicate that the 21285 never signals target abort as a target. 28 Received target abort W1C This bit is set to 1 when the 21285 is the master of a transaction that terminates with a target abort. Reset value: 0. 29 Received master abort W1C 30 Signaled system error W1C This bit is set to 1 when the 21285 is the master of a transaction (except for special cycles) that terminates with a master abort. Reset value: 0. This bit is set to 1 when the 21285 has asserted serr_l. This occurs either when the SA-110 control register assert SERR bit is set by the SA-110, or in response to a PCI address parity error. Reset value: 0. 31 Detected parity error W1C This bit is set to 1 when the 21285 detects one of the following conditions: • Address parity error • Incorrect write data parity when the 21285 is the target of a write • Incorrect read data parity when the 21285 is the master of a read Reset value: 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-5 Registers 7.1.5 7.1.6 Revision ID Register—Offset 08h Dword Bit Name R/W Description 7:0 Revision ID R Indicates the revision number of this device. The initial revision reads as 0. Subsequent revisions increment by 1. Class Code Register—Offset 0Ah Dword Bit Name R/W 31:8 Class code R Description Reads as 0B4001h if ma[3] = 1 at reset. Reads as 0E0001h if ma[3] = 0 at reset. 7.1.7 Cache Line Size Register—Offset 0Ch Dword Bit Name R/W Description 7:0 Cache line size R/W Indicates the number of Dwords in the host processor’s cache line. Legal values are 4, 8, or 16. Other values are treated as 8. Used during memory writes initiated by the 21285 to determine whether to use the memory write or memory write and invalidate command. Reset value: 0. 7.1.8 Latency Timer Register—Offset 0Dh Dword Bit Name R/W Description 15:8 Latency timer R/W Indicates the value of the latency timer, which limits the length of a burst that the 21285 performs as master when its bus grant is removed. Reset value: 0. 7.1.9 7-6 Header Type Register—Offset 0Eh Dword Bit Name R/W Description 23:16 Header type R Reads as 0 indicating a header type of zero. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.1.10 BIST Register—Offset 0Fh Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:24 BIST R/W The SA-110 can write to this field to indicate to a host that it provides BIST. The 21285 does not interpret or set this field, however, bit [30] (bit [6] of the BIST field that the host processor uses to invoke BIST) can be enabled to interrupt the SA-110. Reset value: 0. 7.1.11 CSR Memory Base Address Register—Offset 10h Dword Bit Name R/W Description 6:0 Memory address space R Reads as 0 or 8 as determined by bit [18] of the CSR base address mask register. 17:7 CSR base address R/W Read/write or read-only 0 as determined by bit [18] of the CSR base address mask register. 27:18 CSR base address R/W Read/write or read-only 0 as determined by the corresponding bit of the CSR base address mask register. 31:28 CSR base address R/W Contains the base address of the CSRs. Reset value: 0. The read/write capability of the CSR base address register is controlled by the CSR base address mask register with the following values: • A 1 in the mask register causes the corresponding bit in the base address register to act as a read-only bit. • A 0 in the mask register causes the corresponding bit in the base address register to act as a read/write bit. Using this mechanism, the SA-110 can program the mask register in such a way as to have the base address register indicate to the configuration software the amount of PCI address space required. The mask takes precedence over the base address, that is, if the mask is a 1, then the corresponding bit position of the address is not compared in determining if a PCI access hits the base address register. The address selects either CSRs or SDRAM as listed in the following table. Address Value Region Selected 0—7Ch CSR 80—FFCh Read-only 0 1000—FFFFFFFCh SDRAM For more information about the CSR base address mask register, see Section 7.3.7. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-7 Registers 7.1.12 CSR I/O Base Address Register—Offset 14h Dword Bit Name R/W Description 6:0 CSR address space R Reads as 1 to indicate that the CSRs require 128 bytes of I/O address space. 31:7 CSR base address R/W Contains the base address of the CSRs. Reset value: 0. 7-8 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.1.13 SDRAM Base Address Register—Offset 18h The read/write capability of the SDRAM base address register is controlled by the SDRAM base address mask register with the following values. For more information about the SDRAM base address mask register, see Section 7.3.9. • A 1 in the mask register causes the corresponding bit in the base address register to act as a read-only bit. • A 0 in the mask register causes the corresponding bit in the base address register to act as a read/write bit. Using this mechanism, the SA-110 can program the mask register in such a way as to have the base address register indicate, to configuration software running on a host processor, the amount of PCI address space required. The mask takes precedence over the base address, that is, if the mask is a 1, then the corresponding bit position of the address is not compared in determining if a PCI access hits the base address register. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 3:0 Memory space indicator type and prefetchable R If bit [31] of the SDRAM base address mask register is 0, this field is read as 8, indicating that the SDRAM must be mapped to PCI memory space, may be located anywhere in 32-bit PCI address space, and is prefetchable. If bit [31] of the SDRAM base address mask register is 1, this field reads as 0. 17:4 — R Read only as 0. 27:18 SDRAM base address, Lower R/W Read/write or read-only 0 as determined by the corresponding bit in the SDRAM base address mask register. Reset value: 0. 31:28 SDRAM base address, Upper R/W Read/write or read-only 0 as determined by bit [31] in the SDRAM base address mask register. Reset value: 0. 7.1.14 CardBus CIS Pointer Register—Offset 28h The CardBus CIS pointer register is not used. It is read as 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-9 Registers 7.1.15 Expansion ROM Base Address Register—Offset 30h The read/write capability of the expansion ROM base address register is controlled by the expansion ROM base address mask registers with the following values. • A 1 in the mask register causes the corresponding bit in the base address register to act as a read-only bit. • A 0 in the mask register causes the corresponding bit in the base address register to act as a read/write bit. Using this mechanism, the SA-110 can program the mask register in such a way as to have the base address register indicate, to configuration software running on a host processor, the amount of PCI address space required. The mask takes precedence over the base address, that is, if the mask is a 1, then the corresponding bit position of the address is not compared in determining if a PCI access hits the base address register. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 0 Expansion ROM address decode enable R/W Read/write or read-only 0 as determined by bit [31] in the expansion ROM base address mask register. Reset value: 0. 19:1 — R Read only as 0. 23:20 Expansion ROM base address, Lower R/W Read/write or read-only 0 as determined by the corresponding bit in the expansion ROM base address mask register. Reset value: 0. 31:24 Expansion ROM base address, Upper R/W Read/write or read-only 0 as determined by bit [31] in the expansion ROM base address mask register. Reset value: 0. 7.1.16 Capabilities Pointer—Offset 34h Dword Bit Name R/W Description 7:0 Capabilities Pointer R Indicates the offset in configuration space of the first new capability; in this case, Power Management. Value: 70h. 31:8 7-10 R Reset value: 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.1.17 Subsystem Vendor ID Register—Offset 2Ch Dword Bit Name R/W Description 15:0 Subsystem vendor ID R/W The 21285 does not interpret or set this field. Reset value: 0. 7.1.18 Subsystem ID Register—Offset 2Eh Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:16 Subsystem ID R/W The 21285 does not interpret or set this field. Reset value: 0. 7.1.19 Interrupt Line Register—Offset 3Ch Dword Bit Name R/W Description 7:0 Interrupt line R/W The 21285 does not interpret or set this field. Reset value: 0. 7.1.20 Interrupt Pin Register—Offset 3Dh Dword Bit Name R/W Description 11:8 Interrupt pin R/W from SA110, R from PCI The SA-110 sets this field according to the routing of pci_irq_l. Usually, pci_irq_l is routed to INTA# and this field is programmed with a value of 1. The 21285 does not interpret or set this field. Reset value: 0. 15:12 7.1.21 — R Read only as 0. Min_Gnt Register—Offset 3Eh Dword Bit Name R/W Description 23:16 Min_Gnt R/W from SA110, R from PCI The 21285 does not interpret or set this field. It can be written by the SA-110 software to inform the system BIOS of subsystem grant requirements. Reset value: 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-11 Registers 7.1.22 Max_Lat Register—Offset 3Fh Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:24 Max_Lat R/W from SA110, R from PCI The 21285 does not interpret or set this field. It can be written by the SA-110 software to inform the system BIOS of subsystem latency requirements. Reset value: 0. 7.1.23 7.1.24 Capability Identifier Register—Offset 70h Dword Bit Name R/W Description 7:0 Cap_ID R Value of 01h identifies the capability of PCI Power Management. 15:8 Next Item Ptr R Value of 0 indicates there is no next item. Power Management Capabilities (PMC) Register—Offset 72h The PMC register is used to indicate to system software which power management features are supported. In the 21285, this register is Read/Write from the SA-110 and Read-Only from the PCI. This enables the SA-110 firmware to determine exactly what features of the PCI Power Management Interface Specification are supported. The field names from this specification are listed here for reference; however, the 21285 does not interpret or use these bits for any hardware-specific function, other than register reads and writes. This register is cleared at reset . Dword Bit R/W Description (Sheet 1 of 2) 15 R/W from SA-110 PME# can be asserted from D0. R from PCI 14 R/W from SA-110 PME# can be asserted from D1. R from PCI 13 R/W from SA-110 PME# can be asserted from D2. R from PCI 12 R/W from SA-110 PME# can be asserted from D3hot. R from PCI 11 R/W from SA-110 PME# can be asserted from D3cold. R from PCI 10 R/W from SA-110 D2 Power Management state is supported. R from PCI 9 R/W from SA-110 D1 Power Management state is supported. R from PCI 7-12 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers Dword Bit R/W 8:6 R0 5 R/W from SA-110 R from PCI 4 R/W from SA-110 R from PCI 3 R/W from SA-110 R from PCI 2:0 R/W from SA-110 R from PCI 7.1.25 Description (Sheet 2 of 2) Device-specific initialization (DSI) is required following the transition to D0 state. Auxiliary Power Source. Support for PME# in D3cold state requires auxiliary power supplied by the system by way of proprietary delivery vehicle. PME Clock. Indicates that the function relies on the presence of the PCI clock for PME# operation. Version. Indicates the version of the PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification with which the function complies. Power Management Control/Status (PMCSR) Register— Offset 74h This register is used by the system software to manage and monitor the PCI function’s power management state. Any write to this register sets a status bit that can be enabled in IRQ/FIQEnable to interrupt the SA-110. A write by the SA-110 to this register clears this status bit. The field names from the PCI Power Management Interface Specification are listed here for reference; however, only the Power State field, PME_Status, and PME_En are used by the 21285 (other than for register reads and writes). This register is cleared at reset. Dword Bit 15 R/W Description R/W from SA-110 PME_Status. Indicates that the device would assert PME# if PME_En is set. If this bit and PME_En in this register are both set, the 21285 will assert Pre_PME_l. R from PCI 14:13 R/W from SA-110 R from PCI Data Scale. Scaling factor used when interpreting the value of the data register. 12:9 R/W Data Select. Selects the value to be reported through the data register. 8 R/W PME_En. Enables the function to assert PME#. If this bit and PME_Status in this register are both set, the 21285 will assert Pre_PME_l. 7:2 R0 1:0 R/W Power State. Determines the power state of the function. When the value in this field is D3 and the PMCSR register is written, a soft reset occurs; that is, the 21285 chip asserts nRESET and resets the internal state as if PCI_RST had been asserted. The sticky-bit operation described in the PCI Bus Power Management Interface Specification must be emulated by SA-110 firmware. The following events must take place: 1. The SA-110 firmware wakes up the system and writes PMCSR[15] to 1. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-13 Registers 2. The 21285 asserts Pre_PME due to the SA-110 setting the PME_Status bit (assuming that PME_En is set). 3. System software, in response to PME#, writes Power State from D3 to D0. This causes the 21285 to assert nRESET, which clears all registers, including PMCSR, and resets the SA-110. 4. When initializing the 21285, the SA-110 must write PME_Status and PME_En to 1 to indicate to system software that this device was the one that requested the system to wake up. This implies some state, visible to the SA-110, which is not changed by nRESET assertion. Because the SA-110 can lock out host configuration register reads until initialization software is complete, the firmware is guaranteed time to set the bits before the host can read them. 7.1.26 Data—Offset 77h This register can be used by the SA-110 software to report data values in response to writes by the host to the Data_Select field of the PMCSR register. This register is cleared at reset. Dword Bit 7:0 R/W Description R/W from SA-110 Data. This register is used to report the state-dependent data requested by the Data_Select field. The value of this register is scaled by the value reported by the Data_Scale field. R from PCI 7.2 PCI Control and Status Registers PCI control and status registers, which are not defined in the PCI specification, are specific to the 21285. These registers are accessed from PCI by memory and/or I/O commands. These registers are also accessible from the SA-110 (offset is from address 4200 0000h). The mailbox registers are byte writable; all other registers are writable as Dwords. The outbound interrupt status register and the outbound interrupt mask register (at offsets 30h and 34h respectively) are not accessible to the SA-110. SA-110 accesses to offset 30h will access the expansion ROM base address register. SA-110 accesses to offset 34h are reserved. I2O registers are used to implement a message unit. The message unit is described in Section 6.3. The associated SA-110 control and status registers are described in Section 7.3. The 21285 provides the mailbox and doorbell registers to allow for communication between the SA-110 and the host processor. 7-14 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers Table 7-3 lists the PCI control and status registers. Table 7-3. PCI Control and Status Registers 31 0 Reserved 00h to 2Ch Outbound Interrupt Status 30h Outbound Interrupt Mask 34h Reserved 38h to 3Ch Inbound FIFO (I2O) 40h Outbound FIFO (I2O) 44h Reserved 48h to 4Ch Mailbox 0 50h Mailbox 1 54h Mailbox 2 58h Mailbox 3 5Ch Doorbell 60h Doorbell Setup 64h ROM Write Byte Address 68h Reserved 7.2.1 Offset 6Ch to 7Ch Outbound Interrupt Status Register—Offset 30h The outbound interrupt status register indicates the reasons why the 21285 is asserting pci_irq_l. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 1:0 — R Read only as 0. 2 Doorbell interrupt R Reads as 1 to indicate that for at least one bit position, both doorbell PCI mask and doorbell register have that bit set. Reset value: 0. 3 Outbound post list interrupt R Reads as 1 to indicate that the outbound post_list count register is not equal to 0; that is, there is at least one MFA on the outbound post_list. Reset value: 0. 31:4 — 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet R Read only as 0. 7-15 Registers 7.2.2 Outbound Interrupt Mask Register—Offset 34h The outbound interrupt mask register is used to allow the host processor to disable the 21285 from asserting pci_irq_l. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 1:0 — R Read only as 0. 2 Doorbell interrupt mask R/W When 1: Disables doorbell interrupts. Reset value: 0. 3 Outbound post list interrupt mask R/W When 1: Disables outbound post list interrupts. 31:4 — R Read only as 0. Reset value: 0. 7.2.3 I2O Inbound FIFO Register—Offset 40h The I2O Inbound FIFO register is used to access the inbound free_list and inbound post_list from PCI memory space. This register appears as a read-only register if accessed by the SA-110. Reading I2O Inbound FIFO When the I2O Inbound FIFO is read from PCI (from CSR memory base address—offset 40h), the 21285 reads the SDRAM using the value in the inbound free_list head pointer register as the address. • If the inbound free_list count register is not equal to 0, then it: a. Returns the data read from SDRAM to the PCI master. b. Increments the value in the inbound free_list head pointer register modulo I2O FIFO size. c. Decrements the value in the inbound free_list count register. • If the inbound free_list count register is 0, then it returns FFFFFFFFh to the PCI master. Writing I2O Inbound FIFO When the I2O Inbound FIFO is written from PCI (from CSR memory base address—offset 40h), the 21285 does the following: 1. Writes SDRAM using the value in the inbound post_list tail pointer register as the address. The data written to SDRAM is the PCI write data. 2. Increments the value in the inbound post_list tail pointer register modulo I2O FIFO size. 3. Increments the value in the inbound post_list count register that will interrupt the SA-110 if enabled. 7-16 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.2.4 I2O Outbound FIFO Register—Offset 44h The I2O Outbound FIFO register is used to access the outbound free_list and outbound post_list from PCI memory space. This register appears as a read-only register if accessed by the SA-110. Reading I2O Outbound FIFO When the I2O Outbound FIFO is read from PCI (from CSR memory base address—offset 44h), the 21285 reads the SDRAM using the value in the outbound post_list head pointer register as the address. • If the outbound post_list count register is not equal to 0, then it: a. Returns the data read from SDRAM to the PCI master. b. Increments the value in the outbound post_list head pointer register modulo I2O FIFO size. c. Decrements the value in the outbound post_list count register. • If the outbound post_list count register is 0, then it returns FFFFFFFFh to the PCI master. Writing I2O Outbound FIFO When the I2O Outbound FIFO is written from PCI (from CSR memory base address—offset 44h), the 21285 does the following: 1. Writes SDRAM using the value in the outbound free_list tail pointer register as the address. The data written to SDRAM is the PCI write data. 2. Increments the value in the outbound free_list tail pointer register modulo I2O FIFO size. 7.2.5 Mailbox n Registers—Offset 50h to 5Ch The mailbox n registers consist of four registers: mailbox 0 through mailbox 3. The mailbox n registers can be read and written, with byte resolution, from both the SA-110 and PCI. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 Mailbox n data R/W Passes messages between the SA-110 and the host processor. Usage is application dependent. The messages are not used internally by the 21285 in any way. Reset value: Contents of mailbox n are undefined. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-17 Registers 7.2.6 Doorbell Register—Offset 60h Each bit in the doorbell register is write-1-to-set from the SA-110, write-1-to-clear from the PCI bus. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 Software interrupt R/W1S from SA-110 and R/ W1C from PCI Causes a software interrupt from the SA-110 to host processor, or from the host processor to SA-110. Reset value: Contents are undefined. 7.2.7 Doorbell Setup—Offset 64h Doorbell setup is an alias of the doorbell register to allow for initialization and test. It is a read/write register. To initialize the doorbells: 1. Write doorbell PCI mask register (see Section 7.3.26) with a 1 in all bit positions used for SA-110-to-PCI notification. 2. Write doorbell SA-110 mask register (see Section 7.3.27) with a 1 in all bit positions used for PCI-to-SA-110 notification. 3. Write doorbell setup register such that all bit positions used for SA-110-to-PCI notification are written with 0, and all bit positions used for PCI-to-SA-110 notification are written with 1. Unused bits can be written to either value. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 Read/write data address R/W Writes to this address; place data directly into the doorbell register. Reads to this address; read the value in the doorbell register. 7.2.8 ROM Write Byte Address Register—Offset 68h The ROM write byte address register is used to supply the two low-order bits of the ROM address during write cycles. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 1:0 ROM address R/W Supplies the two low-order bits of the ROM address during write cycles. It must be controlled by software during writes to byte or word wide ROMs, since neither the SA-110 or PCI can put the data on the low-byte lane(s) and simultaneously place the correct byte (word) address on the two low-order address bits. Reset value: Undefined. 31:2 7-18 — R Read only as 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.3 SA-110 Control and Status Registers SA-110 control and status registers are accessible only from the SA-110 (offset is from address 4200 0000h). These registers are not byte writable. Table 7-4 lists the control and status registers. Table 7-4. SA-110 Control and Status Registers (Sheet 1 of 3) Register Offset DMA Channel 1 byte count 80h DMA Channel 1 PCI address 84h DMA Channel 1 SDRAM address 88h DMA Channel 1 descriptor pointer 8Ch DMA Channel 1 control 90h DMA Channel 1 DAC address 94h Reserved 98h to 9Ch DMA Channel 2 byte count A0h DMA Channel 2 PCI address A4h DMA Channel 2 SDRAM address A8h DMA Channel 2 descriptor pointer ACh DMA Channel 2 control B0h DMA Channel 2 DAC address B4h Reserved B8h to ECh CSR base address mask F8h CSR base address offset FCh SDRAM base address mask 100h SDRAM base address offset 104h Expansion ROM base address mask 108h SDRAM timing 10Ch SDRAM address and size (array 0) 110h SDRAM address and size (array 1) 114h SDRAM address and size (array 2) 118h SDRAM address and size (array 3) 11Ch Inbound free_list head pointer (I2O) 120h Inbound post_list tail pointer (I2O) 124h Outbound post_list head pointer (I2O) 128h Outbound free_list tail pointer (I2O) 12Ch Inbound free_list count (I2O) 130h Outbound post_list count (I2O) 134h Inbound post_list count (I2O) 138h SA-110 control 13Ch 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-19 Registers Table 7-4. SA-110 Control and Status Registers 7-20 (Sheet 2 of 3) Register Offset PCI address extension 140h Prefetchable memory range 144h X-Bus cycle/Arbiter 148h X-Bus I/O strobe mask 14Ch Doorbell PCI mask 150h Doorbell SA-110 mask 154h UARTDR 160h RXSTAT 164h H_UBRLCR 168h M_UBRLCR 16Ch L_UBRLCR 170h UARTCON 174h UARTFLG 178h Reserved 17Ch IRQStatus 180h IRQRawStatus 184h IRQEnable/IRQEnableSet 188h IRQEnableClear 18Ch IRQSoft 190h SA-110 DAC addressa SA-110 DAC addressa 200h 204h SA-110 DAC control 208h PCI address 31 alias 20Ch Reserved 194h to 19Ch FIQStatus 280h FIQRawStatus 284h FIQEnable/FIQEnableSet 288h FIQEnableClear 28Ch FIQSoft 290h Reserved 294h to 2FCh Timer1Load 300h Timer1Value 304h Timer1Control 308h Timer1Clear 30Ch Reserved 310h to 31Ch Timer2Load 320h Timer2Value 324h Timer2Control 328h 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers Table 7-4. SA-110 Control and Status Registers Register Offset Timer2Clear 32Ch Reserved 330h to 33Ch Timer3Load 340h Timer3Value 344h Timer3Control 348h Timer3Clear 34Ch Reserved 350h to 35Ch Timer4Load 360h Timer4Value 364h Timer4Control 368h Timer4Clear 36Ch Reserved 370h to 7FCh a. 7.3.1 (Sheet 3 of 3) This register is accessed by two different addresses. DMA Channel n Byte Count Register—Offset 80h/A0h The DMA channel n byte count register (n = 1 or 2) contains the following fields. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 23:0 Byte count R/W Indicates the number of bytes to be transferred. It is updated internally after each read as the DMA operation progresses. Reset value: Undefined. 29:24 Channel interburst delay R/W Indicates the number of counts of the prescaled value (see Section 7.3.5 bits [9:8]) that the channel will wait before attempting another PCI burst. Reset value: Undefined. 30 Channel transfer direction R/W When 0: PCI to SDRAM. When 1: SDRAM to PCI. Reset value: Undefined. 31 End of chain R/W When 0: Indicates that more descriptor list entries follow. When 1: Indicates that the current operation is the last in the chain. Reset value: Undefined. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-21 Registers 7.3.2 DMA Channel n PCI Address Register—Offset 84h/A4h The DMA channel n PCI address register (n = 1 or 2) contains the low 32 bits of the DMA transfer’s PCI address. It is the address of the source of data for PCI-to-SDRAM transfers, and of the destination of data for SDRAM-to-PCI transfers. It is loaded with the start address of the transfer and is updated internally after each PCI transaction as the transfer proceeds. The initial value does not need to be Dword aligned. The PCI byte enable is adjusted according to the two low-order bits of the address. After the first PCI access, the updated value is Dword aligned. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 PCI address R/W Contains the address on the PCI bus for reads (PCI to SDRAM) or writes (SDRAM to PCI). It is updated internally as the DMA operation progresses. Reset value: Undefined. 7.3.3 DMA Channel n SDRAM Address Register—Offset 88h/A8h The DMA channel n SDRAM address register (n = 1 or 2) contains the SDRAM address of the DMA transfer. It is the address of the source of data for SDRAM-to-PCI transfers, and of the destination of data for PCI-to-SDRAM transfers. It is loaded with the start address of the transfer and is updated internally after each SDRAM transaction as the transfer proceeds. The initial value does not need to be Dword aligned. The SDRAM dqm is adjusted according to the two low-order bits of the address. After the first SDRAM access, the updated value is Dword aligned. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 27:0 SDRAM address R/W Contains the address of the SDRAM for reads (SDRAM to PCI) or writes (PCI to SDRAM). It is updated internally as the DMA operation progresses. Reset value: Undefined. 31 Descriptor/DAC control R/W This bit determines if the fourth Dword of the descriptor represents the next descriptor address of the DAC address, which can be 0. 0 = Next descriptor 1 = DAC address When the channel initial descriptor in register bit [4] of the Channel Control Register is set, the software writes 0 to this bit. Reset value: 0 30:28 7-22 — Reserved. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.3.4 DMA Channel n Descriptor Pointer Register—Offset 8Ch/ACh The DMA channel n descriptor pointer register (n = 1 or 2) contains the SDRAM address of the next DMA descriptor for this channel. If the end-of-chain bit in the DMA channel n byte count register is 0, the DMA channel reads the next descriptor from SDRAM when the current transfer is done. The descriptor must be aligned, that is, the four low-order bits of the address must be 0. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 3:0 — R Read only as 0. 27:4 Descriptor pointer R/W Contains the address of the next descriptor in SDRAM. Reset value: Undefined. 31:28 — R Read only as 0. Table 7-5 lists the format of the descriptor block in memory. Table 7-5. Descriptor Block Format Offset from Descriptor Pointer Description 0h Byte count 4h PCI address 8h SDRAM address Ch Next descriptor pointer or DAC Address 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-23 Registers 7.3.5 DMA Channel n Control Register—Offset 90h/B0h The DMA channel n control register (n = 1 or 2) contains values that control the DMA channels for the duration of a chain operation. Dword Bit Name R/W Description (Sheet 1 of 2) 0 Channel enable R/W When 0: Channel not active. When written from 0 to 1: Channel fetches the first descriptor block (unless channel initial descriptor in register bit [4] of this register is a 1), and then performs DMA operations until it does a transfer with the end-ofchain bit equal to 1. This bit is cleared internally when channel chain done is set. Reset value: 0. 1 — R Read only as 0. 2 Channel transfer done W1C Indicates that a transfer has completed, that is, the transfer count from one of the descriptors has reached 0. Reset value: 0. 3 Channel error W1C Indicates that the channel detected either a PCI master abort, target abort, or parity error during a PCI transfer, or bad SDRAM parity during a SDRAM read. When set, the channel stops operation regardless of the byte count and/ or end-of-chain bits. Reset value: 0. 4 Channel initial descriptor in register R/W When 0: Indicates that the channel must read the first descriptor from SDRAM. When 1: Indicates that the SA-110 has written the first descriptor to the channel registers. Channel reads of subsequent descriptors, if any, are not affected by this bit. Note that if this bit is set, the DAC register must be loaded along with the other transfer parameters if a nonzero value is required. Reset value: Undefined. 6:5 Channel PCI read type R/W This field is only meaningful if the transfer direction is PCI to SDRAM, that is, reads are from the PCI bus. It defines the command type that should be used during the PCI reads. • 00=Memory read • 01=Memory read line • 10=Memory read multiple • 11=Memory read multiple Reset value: Undefined. 7-24 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers Dword Bit Name R/W Description (Sheet 2 of 2) 7 Channel chain done W1C Indicates that a chain has completed either normally or due to an error condition. When this bit is a 1, it can interrupt the SA-110 if enabled in the FIQ/IRQEnable register. Reset value: 0. 9:8 Channel interburst delay prescale R/W Indicates the prescale value for the counter that determines the number of SA-110 cycles that the channel waits before attempting another PCI burst. The number of counts of the prescaled value is read in the descriptor. • 00=4 • 01=8 • 10=16 • 11=32 Reset value: Undefined. 14:10 — R Read only as 0. 15 PCI read length R/W This field defines the number of Dwords that the 21285 attempts to read per burst from the PCI during PCI-toSDRAM transfers (during the beginning or end of a transfer the number may be less). • 0=8 Dwords • 1=16 Dwords Reset value: Undefined. 18:16 SDRAM read length R/W This field defines the number of Dwords read from SDRAM per burst for SDRAM-to-PCI transfers (during the beginning or end of a transfer the number may be less). • 000=1 Dword • 001=2 Dword • 010=4 Dword • 011=8 Dword • 100=16 Dword • 101, 110, 111=Reserved Reset value: Undefined. 31:19 7.3.6 — R Read only as 0. DMA Channel n DAC Address—Offset 94h/B4h The DMA channel n DAC Address register (n = 1 or 2) holds the upper 32 bits of the 64-bit PCI address. If this register has a value of zero, the PCI address is in the low 4GB of PCI memory space and DAC cycles are not performed on the PCI. If the value is nonzero, then DAC cycles are performed. This register can be written by software prior to enabling the channel, or from the fourth Dword of the first descriptor (if the first descriptor is fetched from memory). As each subsequent descriptor is fetched from memory, this register is either left unmodified or written from the fourth Dword of the descriptor. In both cases, the decision whether to update this register from the descriptor is determined by a bit in the third Dword of the descriptor. See Section 6.2.1 for more information about DMA channel operation. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-25 Registers The DMA channel n DAC Address register is cleared by chip reset, and also when the channel-done bit is set at the completion of a DMA chain. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 DAC Address RW Provides bits 63:32 of the PCI address. Reset value: 0. Note: 7.3.7 This register does not increment during a DMA transfer. This means that a transfer that crosses a 4GB boundary must be performed with two descriptors. CSR Base Address Mask Register—Offset F8h Dword Bit Name R/W Description 17:0 — R Read only as 0. 27:18 Mask R/W When 1: Causes the corresponding bit in the CSR memory base address register to act as a read-only 0 bit. When 0: Causes the corresponding bit in the CSR memory base address register to act as a read/write bit. Reset value: 0. 31:28 — R Read only as 0. Table 7-6 lists the values that should be programmed into the CSR base address mask register to enable the different window sizes from the PCI. All other values are illegal. Table 7-6. PCI Window Sizes 7-26 Window Size Value 128B 00000000h 512KB 00040000h 1MB 000C0000h 2MB 001C0000h 4MB 003C0000h 8MB 007C0000h 16MB 00FC0000h 32MB 01FC0000h 64MB 03FC0000h 128MB 07FC0000h 256MB 0FFC0000h 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.3.8 CSR Base Address Offset Register—Offset FCh Dword Bit Name R/W Description 17:0 — R Read only as 0. 27:18 Offset R/W Each bit of this register is used as a CSR address if the corresponding bit of the CSR base address mask register is a 0. Reset value: 0. 31:28 7.3.9 — R Read only as 0. SDRAM Base Address Mask Register—Offset 100h The SDRAM base address mask register must be written by the SA-110 before the initialize complete bit [1] in the SA-110 control register is set. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 17:0 — R Read only as 0. 27:18 Mask R/W When 1: Causes the corresponding bit in the SDRAM base address register to act as a read-only 0 bit. When 0: Causes the corresponding bit in the SDRAM base address register to act as a read/write bit. Reset value: 0. 30:28 — R Read only as 0. 31 SDRAM window disable R/W When 1: Causes bits [31:28] in the SDRAM base address register to act as read-only 0 bits. When 0: Causes bits [31:28] in the SDRAM base address register to act as read/write bits. SA-110 software can indicate to configuration software to allow for no window to SDRAM by making the entire SDRAM base address register read as 0. This is accomplished by setting this bit and the mask field of this register to all 1s. Reset value: 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-27 Registers Table 7-7 lists the values that should be programmed into the SDRAM base address mask register to enable the different window sizes from PCI into SDRAM. All other values are illegal. Table 7-7. SDRAM Window Sizes 7.3.10 Window Size Value 256KB 00000000h 512KB 00040000h 1MB 000C0000h 2MB 001C0000h 4MB 003C0000h 8MB 007C0000h 16MB 00FC0000h 32MB 01FC0000h 64MB 03FC0000h 128MB 07FC0000h 256MB 0FFC0000h No window 8FFC0000h SDRAM Base Address Offset Register—Offset 104h The SDRAM base address offset register must be written by the SA-110 before the initialize complete bit [1] in the SA-110 control register is set. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 17:0 — R Read only as 0. 27:18 Offset R/W This field contains the upper address bits for PCIgenerated SDRAM accesses (see Figure 7-1). Each bit of this register is used as a SDRAM address if the corresponding bit of the SDRAM base address mask register is a 0. 31:28 — R Read only as 0. Reset value: 0. 7-28 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers Figure 7-1. PCI-Generated SDRAM Access 27 18 17 2 SDRAM 27 Address 18 17 Mask Register [n] 0 18 Offset Register [n] 27 18 PCI Address [n] Note: [n] = [27:18] 7.3.11 PCI Address Multiplexer 1 27 2 FM-05809.AI4 Expansion ROM Base Address Mask Register—Offset 108h The expansion ROM base address mask register must be written by the SA-110 before the initialize complete bit [1] in the SA-110 control register is set. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 19:0 — R Read only as 0. 23:20 Mask R/W When 1: Causes the corresponding bit in the expansion ROM base address register to act as a read-only 0 bit. When 0: Causes the corresponding bit in the expansion ROM base address register to act as a read/write bit. Reset value: Fh. 30:24 — R Read only as 0. 31 ROM window disable R/W When 1: Causes bits [31:24] and bit [0] in the expansion ROM base address register to act as read-only 0 bits. When 0: Causes bits [31:24] and bit [0] in the expansion ROM base address register to act as read/write bits. SA-110 software can indicate to configuration software to allow for no window to ROM by making the entire expansion ROM base address register read as 0. This is accomplished by setting this bit and the mask field of this register to all 1s. Reset value: 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-29 Registers Table 7-8 lists the values that should be programmed into the expansion ROM base address mask register to enable the different window sizes into ROM. All other values are illegal. Table 7-8. Expansion ROM Window Sizes 7-30 Window Size Value 1MB 00000000h 2MB 00100000h 4MB 00300000h 8MB 00700000h 16MB 00F00000h No window 80F00000h 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.3.12 SDRAM Timing Register—Offset 10Ch This register controls timing for all SDRAMs. All cycles are referenced to fclk_in. Refer to the SDRAM specification for information about the proper values to use in this register. Dword Bit Name R/W Description (Sheet 1 of 2) 1:0 Row precharge time (Trp) R/W The minimum number of cycles from autoprecharge internally in the SDRAM to the next row activate or autorefresh command. For reads, autoprecharge is assumed to start four clock cycles after the read command. If the next command is row activate to a different SDRAM bank, it does not need to wait for Trp. • 00=1 cycle • 01=2 cycles • 10=3 cycles • 11=4 cycles Reset value: 0. 3:2 Last data in to activate or refresh (Tdal) R/W On write cycles, this is the minimum number of cycles from the last (4th) data being written to the next activate or refresh command. Tdal will generally be greater than Trp due to the relationship Tdal = Trp + Tdpl (where T dpl is the time from the last data being written to the start of the autoprecharge). • 00=2 cycles • 01=3 cycles • 10=4 cycles • 11=5 cycles Reset value: 0. 5:4 RAS-to-CAS delay (Trcd) R/W The number of cycles from a row activate command to the first read or write command. • 00=Reserved • 01=Reserved • 10=2 cycles • 11=3 cycles Reset value: 0. 7:6 CAS latency (Tcas) R/W The number of cycles from a read command to valid data from the SDRAM. This value must be the same as is written to the SDRAM mode register bits [5:4]. (Bit [6] of the SDRAM mode register must be 0.) • 00=Reserved • 01=Reserved • 10=2 cycles • 11=3 cycles Reset value: 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-31 Registers Dword Bit Name R/W Description (Sheet 2 of 2) 10:8 Row cycle time (Trc) R/W The minimum number of cycles from an auto-refresh command to the next row activate command. (If bit [11], command drive time, of this register is a 1, then Trc will be one cycle longer than selected here; that is, the command is asserted on cmd at the end of Trc and cs_l is asserted one cycle later.) • 000=Reserved • 001=4 cycles • 010=5 cycles • 011=6 cycles • 100=7 cycles • 101=8 cycles • 110=9 cycles • 111=10 cycles Reset value: 0. 11 Command drive time R/W Indicates the number of cycles from ba, ma, and cmd lines valid to cs_l asserted. This can be used to allow for buffer delay in a large memory system. When 0: Same cycle. When 1: 1 cycle. Reset value: 0. 12 Parity enable R/W Controls whether or not parity is enabled for the SDRAMs. When 0: No parity enabled. The pins parity[3:0] are tristate. No parity check on reads. When 1: Parity is enabled. The pins parity[3:0] are driven on writes; value received from SDRAMs is checked on reads. Reset value: 0. 13 SA-110 Prime R/W Indicates that the SA-110 chip will drive parity information when it is performing a write. This bit should not be written to 1 if Parity Enable (bit [12] of this register) is not a 1. Reset value: 0. 15:14 — R Read only as 0. 21:16 Refresh interval (Tref) R/W Indicates the number of cycles, prescaled by 32, between SDRAM refresh operations. A value of 0h disables refresh. The auto-refresh command will be done at the next SA-110 bus arbitration point (see Section 5.1.3) after the refresh interval expires, but the timer reloads and counts immediately; that is, it does not wait for the refresh to occur before reloading. All SDRAMs are refreshed at the same time. Reset value: 0. 31:22 7-32 — R Read only as 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.3.13 SDRAM Address and Size Registers—Offsets 110h to 11Ch The SDRAM address and size registers consist of four registers controlling array 0 through array 3. These four registers define each of the four SDRAM arrays’ start address, size, and address multiplexing. Software must ensure that the arrays of SDRAM are mapped so there is no overlap of addresses. The arrays do not need to all be the same size, however, the start address of each array must be naturally aligned to the size of the array. The arrays do not need to form a contiguous address space, but to do so with different size arrays, place the largest array at the lowest address, next largest array above, and so on. Note: The 21285 does not detect memory accesses to nonexistent memory locations. The SDRAM sequencer may possibly toggle address and command pins, return unpredictable read data on reads, and discard data on writes. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 2:0 Array size R/W Indicates the size of the SDRAM array. This field is decoded to form a mask that is used in comparing the memory address to the array base field when determining if the address is in this array. • 000=0 (array disabled) • 001=1MB (compare bits [27:20]) • 010=2MB (compare bits [27:21]) • 011=4MB (compare bits [27:22]) • 100=8MB (compare bits [27:23]) • 101=16MB (compare bits [27:24]) • 110=32MB (compare bits [27:25]) • 111=64MB (compare bits [27:26]) Reset value: Undefined. 3 — R Read only as 0. 6:4 Address multiplex R/W Controls the row and column multiplexer and implicitly defines the number of banks in the SDRAM array according to Table 4-2. 19:7 — R Read only as 0. 27:20 Array base R/W Indicates the base address of the array. This value is compared to address bits [27:20], masked by the decoded array size field, to determine which array of SDRAMs the address is located in. 31:28 — R Reset value: Undefined. Reset value: Undefined. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Read only as 0. 7-33 Registers 7.3.14 I2O Inbound Free_List Head Pointer Register—Offset 120h The value written into the inbound free_list head pointer register represents the address in SA-110 SDRAM space of the head (next entry to be read by a PCI read to 40h) of the I2O inbound free_list. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 1:0 — R Read only as 0. 27:2 Inbound free_list entry R/W Address of I2O inbound free_list head. Reset value: Undefined. 31:28 7.3.15 — R Read only as 0. I2O Inbound Post_List Tail Pointer Register—Offset 124h The value written into the inbound post_list tail pointer register represents the address in SA-110 SDRAM space of the tail (next entry to be written by a PCI write to 40h) of the I2O inbound post_list. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 1:0 — R Read only as 0. 27:2 Inbound post_list entry R/W Address of I2O inbound post_list tail. 31:28 — R Read only as 0. Reset value: Undefined. 7.3.16 I2O Outbound Post_List Head Pointer Register—Offset 128h The value written into the outbound post_list head pointer register represents the address in SA-110 SDRAM space of the head (next entry to be read by a PCI read to 44h) of the I2O outbound post_list. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 1:0 — R Read only as 0. 27:2 Outbound post_list entry R/W Address of I2O outbound post_list head. Reset value: Undefined. 31:28 7-34 — R Read only as 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.3.17 I2O Outbound Free_List Tail Pointer Register—Offset 12Ch The value written into the outbound free_list tail pointer register represents the address in SA-110 SDRAM space of the tail (next entry to be written by a PCI write to 44h) of the I2O outbound free_list. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 1:0 — R Read only as 0. 27:2 Outbound free_list entry R/W Address of I2O outbound free_list tail. 31:28 — R Read only as 0. Reset value: Undefined. 7.3.18 I2O Inbound Free_List Count Register—Offset 130h The contents of the inbound free_list count register contain the number of entries available on the I2O inbound free_list. When the SA-110 writes to this address, the action is dependent on the value of bit 31 of the data. If 0, the value in the register is incremented by one (disregarding the rest of the write data); if 1, the data is written into the register. When a PCI bus master removes an entry from the free_list (via a read to offset 40h), the value is decremented by one. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 15:0 Inbound free_list count R/W I2O inbound free_list count. Reset value: 0. 31:16 7.3.19 — R Read only as 0. I2O Outbound Post_List Count Register—Offset 134h The contents of the outbound post_list count register contain the number of entries available on the I2O outbound post_list. When the SA-110 writes to this address, the action is dependent on the value of bit 31 of the data. If 0, the value in the register is incremented by one (disregarding the rest of the write data); if 1, the data is written into the register. When a PCI bus master removes an entry from the post_list (via a read to offset 44h), the value is decremented by one. When the value is not equal to 0, the 21285 asserts pci_irq_l (if not masked by the outbound interrupt mask). Dword Bit Name R/W Description 15:0 Outbound post_list count R/W I2O outbound post_list count. Reset value: 0. 31:16 — 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet R Read only as 0. 7-35 Registers 7.3.20 I2O Inbound Post_List Count Register—Offset 138h The contents of the inbound post_list count register contain the number of entries available on the I2O inbound post_list. When a PCI bus master places an entry onto the post_list (via a write to offset 40h), the value is incremented by one. When the SA-110 writes to this address, the action is dependent on the value of bit 31 of the data. If 0, the value in the register is decremented by one (disregarding the rest of the write data); if 1, the data is written into the register. When the value is not equal to 0, an interrupt is posted to the SA-110 (if not masked by IRQEnable/FIQEnable). Dword Bit Name R/W Description 15:0 Inbound post_list count R/W I2O inbound post_list count. Reset value: 0. 31:16 7.3.21 — R Read only as 0. SA-110 Control Register—Offset 13Ch Dword Bit Name R/W Description (Sheet 1 of 3) 0 Initialize complete R/W This bit indicates that the SA-110 software has initialized the 21285 CSRs. Specifically, the following CSRs should be loaded before this bit is set. • SDRAM base address mask register • SDRAM base address offset register • Expansion ROM base address mask register When 0: The 21285 returns retry response as the target of PCI configuration cycles, and will not assert devsel_l to the PCI, I/O, or memory commands. When 1: The 21285 returns normal response to PCI configuration cycles. This allows the SA-110 to initialize CSRs such as subsystem vendor ID, base address masks, and so on before the host processor’s configuration software can read them. Reset value: 0. 1 Assert SERR R/W When 1: The 21285 asserts serr_l for one cycle if pci_cfn is deasserted and command register bit SERR# enable bit [8] is a 1. Reset value: 0. 2 — R Read only as 0. 3 Received SERR W1C Set when serr_l is asserted by an external device and pci_cfn is asserted. It can cause an interrupt to the SA-110 if enabled in the IRQEnable/FIQEnable registers (see Section 7.3.31). Reset value: 0. 7-36 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers Dword Bit Name R/W Description (Sheet 2 of 3) 4 SA-110 SDRAM parity error W1C Set when an SA-110 read from the SDRAM has bad parity and the SDRAM parity is enabled. It can cause an interrupt to the SA-110 if enabled in the IRQEnable/FIQEnable registers (see Section 7.3.31). Reset value: 0. 5 PCI SDRAM parity error W1C Set when a PCI-originated read from the SDRAM has bad parity and the SDRAM parity is enabled. It can cause an interrupt to the SA-110 if enabled in the IRQEnable/FIQEnable registers (see Section 7.3.31). Reset value: 0. 6 DMA SDRAM parity error W1C Set when a DMA read from the SDRAM has bad parity and the SDRAM parity is enabled. It can cause an interrupt to the SA-110 if enabled in the IRQEnable/ FIQEnable registers (see Section 7.3.31). Reset value: 0. 7 — R Read only as 0. 8 Discard timer expired W0C Set when the discard timer counts to 0 and the 21285 has discarded read data (see Section 3.2.3). It can cause an interrupt to the SA-110 if enabled in the IRQEnable/ FIQEnable registers (see Section 7.3.31). To clear this error, software must write a 0 to this bit. Reset value: 0. 9 PCI not reset R/W When 1: The 21285 does not assert pci_rst_l. When 0: The 21285 asserts pci_rst_l if pci_cfn is asserted. This bit may be used to assert pci_rst_l without resetting the SA-110 or 21285. Software must meet the minimum specification timing when pci_rst_l asserts. In addition, assertion of this bit resets the Inbound FIFO, the Outbound FIFO, and the PCI data FIFO. While this bit is set, no SA-110-to-PCI transactions can be enqueued. Reset value: 0. 12:10 I2O list size R/W Indicates how many entries are in the I2O inbound and outbound lists, and controls which bits of the I2O head and tail registers count, and which are constant. Table 7-9 lists the entry and control data. Reset value: 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-37 Registers Dword Bit Name R/W Description (Sheet 3 of 3) 13 Watchdog enable W1S When 1: Timer 4 resets the SA-110 when it is enabled and reaches 0. This bit is a write 1 to set (W1S); once it has been written to a 1, it can only be cleared by a chip reset. Reset value: 0. 15:14 ROM width R Indicates the width of the ROM that controls the number of ROM accesses to pack on ROM reads. Reflects the value latched from the ma[5:4] lines. • 11=Byte width • 01=Word width • 10=Dword width • Undefined 19:16 ROM access time R/W Indicates the number of fclk_in cycles to wait from address, chip enable, and output enable driven to the ROM, until ROM data is latched on the first ROM access of a Dword. Exception: a value of 0 means 16 cycles; values of 1 and 2 are illegal. All other values are valid. Reset value: 0. 23:20 ROM burst time R/W Indicates the number of fclk_in cycles to wait from address incremented to the ROM, until ROM data is latched on the second, third, and fourth ROM accesses of a Dword (if required). Exception: a value of 0 means 16 cycles; values of 1 and 2 are illegal. All other values are valid. Reset value: 0. 27:24 ROM tristate time R/W Indicates the number of fclk_in cycles to wait from ROM output enable deasserted, until the 21285 allows any other agent, that is; the SA-110, SDRAM, X-Bus, or 21285 to drive D. Exception: a value of 0 means 16 cycles. A value of 1 is illegal. 30:28 XCS direction R/W Controls the direction of xcs_l[2:0]. Reset value: 0. When 0: Input. When 1: Output. Note: When the PCI Arbiter is selected, these bits must not be written to a 1. Reset value: 0. 31 7-38 PCI central function R This bit reflects the value on the pci_cfn pin. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers Table 7-9 lists the size of the I2O inbound and outbound lists. Table 7-9. I2O Inbound and Outbound List Sizes 7.3.22 Value Number of Entries Count Bits 000 256 [9:2] 001 512 [10:2] 010 1K [11:2] 011 2K [12:2] 100 4K [13:2] 101 8K [14:2] 110 16K [15:2] 111 32K [16:2] PCI Address Extension Register—Offset 140h Bit [15] of this register provides bit [31] of the PCI address during both dual address and single address cycles. Bit [15] is written with SA-110 write data bit [15] during writes to the PCI Address Extension Register address. It is cleared by any write to the SA-110 DAC Address Register at offset 200h: it is set by any write to the SA-110 DAC Address Register at offset 204h. It is also readable at the PCI Address 31 Alias Register (offset 20Ch). Dword Bit Name R/W Description 14:0 — R Read only as 0. 15 PCI memory space upper address bit R/W This bit provides PCI address [31] during SA-110-originated PCI memory accesses. Reset value: Undefined. 31:16 PCI I/O space upper address field R/W These bits provide PCI address [31:16] during SA-110-originated PCI I/O accesses. Reset value: Undefined. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-39 Registers 7.3.23 Prefetchable Memory Range Register—Offset 144h Dword Bit Name R/W Description 0 Prefetch range enable R/W When 0: There is no match to the prefetchable memory range. All SA-110-to-PCI memory space reads use the memory read command. Reset value: 0. 1 Prefetch read type R/W Determines the command to use for an SA-110-to-PCI memory space read when there is a match to the prefetchable memory range. When 0: Memory read line command. When 1: Memory read multiple command. Reset value: 0. 4:2 Prefetch length R/W Determines the maximum number of Dwords that the 21285 attempts to prefetch when there is a match to the prefetchable memory range. • 000=1 Dword • 001=2 Dwords • 010=4 Dwords • 011=8 Dwords • 100=16 Dwords • 101=32 Dwords • 110=Reserved • 111=Reserved Reset value: 0. 7:5 — R Read only as 0. 18:8 Mask R/W When 1: Ignore the corresponding bit in the compare for prefetchable PCI memory space. Bits [18:8] mask bits [30:20] of the address respectively. The mask allows for the prefetchable range to be from 1MB (no bits masked) to 2GB (all bits masked). The size of the prefetchable memory range must be naturally aligned. Reset value: 0. 19 — R Read only as 0. 30:20 Base address R/W The value in this field is compared to SA-110-generated PCI address bits [30:20] (masked by the mask field of this register) to determine if it is in the prefetchable range. If it is in the prefetchable range, the command specified by the prefetch read type field of this register is used on reads. If it is not in the prefetchable range, the memory read command is used. Reset value: 0. 31 7-40 — R Read only as 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.3.24 X-Bus Cycle/Arbiter Register—Offset 148h This register is used either to control the parallel port (X-Bus) or the internal PCI Arbiter. The choice is based on the value latched on ma[7] at reset. When X-Bus is selected (ma[7]=1), the register contents are as follows. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 2:0 Device 0 cycle length R/W Contains the number of X-Bus cycles for an access to the X-Bus device in xcs_l[0] range. 5:3 Device 1 cycle length R/W Contains the number of X-Bus cycles for an access to the X-Bus device in xcs_l[1] range. 8:6 Device 2 cycle length R/W Contains the number of X-Bus cycles for an access to the X-Bus device in xcs_l[2] range. 11:9 Device n cycle length R/W Contains the number of X-Bus cycles for an access to the X-Bus device in no chip select range. 13:12 Strobe shift divisor R/W fclk_in is divided by the value in this field to determine the frequency of the clock that is used to time the cycle length and shift the strobe mask. Reset value: 0. Reset value: 0. Reset value: 0. Reset value: 0. • 00=1 • 01=2 • 10=3 • 11=4 Reset value: 0. 22:14 — R Read only as 0. 23 PCI Arbiter R Read only as 0. Allows software to determine that the X-Bus is selected. 27:24 Interrupt input level R/W These bits control the assertion level of irq_in_l[3:0]. The values are 0 for low assertions and 1 for high assertions. 30:28 X-Bus chip select R/W These bits control the assertion level of xcs_l[2:0]. The values are 0 for low assertions and 1 for high assertions. 31 PCI interrupt request R/W This bit controls the assertion level of pci_irq_l when used as an input pin. The value is 0 for low assertion and 1 for high assertion. Reset value: 0. Reset value: 0. Reset value: 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-41 Registers When the internal PCI Arbiter is selected (ma[7]=0), the register contents are as follows. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 4:0 Arbiter priority R/W Indicates which priority group each master is assigned to. 0=Low priority. 1=High priority. Bit [4] controls the 21285 priority; bits [3:0] controls request [3:0] respectively. Reset value: 0. 13:5 Undefined R/W — 22:14 — R Read only as 0. 23 PCI Arbiter R Read only as 1. Allows software to determine that the PCI Arbiter is selected. 27:24 Interrupt input level R/W These bits control the assertion level of irq_in_l[3:0]. The values are 0 for low assertions and 1 for high assertions. 30:28 X-Bus chip select R/W These bits control the assertion level of xcs_l[2:0]. The values are 0 for low assertions and 1 for high assertions. 31 PCI interrupt request R/W This bit controls the assertion level of pci_irq_l when used as an input pin. The value is 0 for low assertion and 1 for high assertion. Reset value: 0. Reset value: 0. Reset value: 0. 7-42 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.3.25 X-Bus I/O Strobe Mask Register—Offset 14Ch Dword Bit Name R/W Description 7:0 I/O device 0 strobe mask R/W Strobe mask shifted out to xior_l or xiow_l (for read or write respectively) during an access to X-Bus device in xcs_l[0] range. When 1: Strobe asserts. When 0: Strobe deasserts. Reset value: 0. 15:8 I/O device 1 strobe mask R/W Strobe mask shifted out to xior_l or xiow_l during an access to X-Bus device in xcs_l[1] range. When 1: Strobe asserts. When 0: Strobe deasserts. Reset value: 0. 23:16 I/O device 2 strobe mask R/W Strobe mask shifted out to xior_l or xiow_l during an access to X-Bus device in xcs_l[2] range. When 1: Strobe asserts. When 0: Strobe deasserts. Reset value: 0. 31:24 I/O device n strobe mask R/W Strobe mask shifted out to xior_l or xiow_l during an access to X-Bus device in range. When 1: Strobe asserts. When 0: Strobe deasserts. Reset value: 0. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-43 Registers 7.3.26 Doorbell PCI Mask Register—Offset 150h The doorbell PCI mask register is used to individually enable each bit of the doorbell register to assert an interrupt to PCI. An internal signal, doorbell PCI interrupt, is asserted if the corresponding bits of doorbell PCI mask and doorbell registers are both set. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 Doorbell PCI mask interrupt R/W Doorbell PCI interrupt causes the assertion of pci_irq_l if enabled in the outbound interrupt mask register. Reset value: 0. 7.3.27 Doorbell SA-110 Mask Register—Offset 154h The doorbell SA-110 mask register is used to individually enable each bit of the doorbell register to assert an interrupt to SA-110. An internal signal, doorbell SA-110 interrupt, is asserted if the corresponding bits of doorbell SA-110 mask is set and doorbell is clear. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 Doorbell SA-110 mask interrupt R/W Doorbell SA-110 interrupt causes the assertion of nIRQ or nFIQ if enabled in the IRQEnable or FIQEnable registers (see Section 7.3.31). Reset value: 0. 7.3.28 Interrupt Controller Registers There are 27 interrupt sources, and each interrupt source can be used to generate nIRQ or nFIQ (or neither, or both). The control registers for the nFIQ and nIRQ control are identical. The interrupt controller does not impose any priority on the interrupts; all enabled interrupts are delivered at equal priority. The Status and RawStatus are read-only, and EnableClear and Soft are write-only. Also, Enable and EnableSet share the same address for reads and writes respectively. Figure 7-2 shows the configuration for each interrupt source. 7-44 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers Figure 7-2. Interrupt Source Configuration Interrupt Source (1 of 27) IRQEnable Register FIQEnable Register To nIRQ RawStatus Register To nFIQ CSR Read FM-05944.AI4 Table 7-10 lists the interrupt controller registers. Table 7-10. Interrupt Controller Registers Address Read Write 180h IRQStatus — 184h IRQRawStatus — 188h IRQEnable IRQEnableSet 18Ch — IRQEnableClear 190h — IRQSoft 280h FIQStatus — 284h FIQRawStatus — 288h FIQEnable FIQEnableSet 28Ch — FIQEnableClear 290h — FIQSoft Table 7-11 lists the 32 available interrupt source bit positions. Unused bit positions are reserved for future use and read as 0 for read-only registers, and must be 0 for write-only registers. The bit position for each of the interrupt sources is the same for all registers. All interrupts are levelsensitive; the specific mechanism for clearing each interrupt source is also listed in the table. Table 7-11. Interrupt Source Bits (Sheet 1 of 2) Bits Interrupt Source 0 Reserved — 1 Soft interrupt Write 0 to IRQSoft/FIQSoft bit 1 2 Console RX Refer to serial port 3 Console TX Refer to serial port 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet How Cleared 7-45 Registers Table 7-11. Interrupt Source Bits 7.3.29 (Sheet 2 of 2) Bits Interrupt Source How Cleared 4 Timer 1 Write to TIMER1Clear (any data) 5 Timer 2 Write to TIMER2Clear (any data) 6 Timer 3 Write to TIMER3Clear (any data) 7 Timer 4 Write to TIMER4Clear (any data) 8 irq_in_l[0] Specific to external device 9 irq_in_l[1] Specific to external device 10 irq_in_l[2] Specific to external device 11 irq_in_l[3] Specific to external device 12 xcs_l[0] Specific to external device 13 xcs_l[1] Specific to external device 14 xcs_l[2] Specific to external device 15 Doorbell from host Write to doorbell SA-110 mask or doorbell registers 16 DMA channel 1 W1C bit in DMA control register 17 DMA channel 2 W1C bit in DMA control register 18 pci_irq_l Specific to external device 19 PMCSR written by host Write PMCSR from SA-110 21:20 Reserved — 22 Start BIST Write 0 to BIST register bit [6] 23 Received SERR W1C bit in SA-110 control register 24 SDRAM parity W1C bits in SA-110 control register 25 I2O inbound post_list Retire all inbound posted entries 26 Reserved — 27 Discard timer expired W1C bit in SA-110 control register 28 Data parity error detected W1C bit in PCI status register 29 Received master abort W1C bit in PCI status register 30 Received target abort W1C bit in PCI status register 31 Detected parity error W1C bit in PCI status register IRQStatus/FIQStatus Register—Offset 180h/280h This read-only register is a bit-wise AND of RawStatus and IRQEnable/FIQEnable. 7-46 Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 IRQStatus/ FIQStatus R A 1 in a bit position indicates that the associated interrupt source is both active and enabled. The nIRQ/nFIQ output pin is the NOR of all of the bits in this register. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.3.30 IRQRawStatus/FIQRawStatus Register—Offset 184h/284h The IRQRawStatus and FIQRawStatus read-only registers always contain identical data. 7.3.31 Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 IRQRawStatus/ FIQRawStatus R A 1 in a bit position indicates that the associated interrupt source is active. IRQEnable/FIQEnable Register—Offset 188h/288h This read-only register is used to mask the interrupt input sources and defines which active sources generate an interrupt request to the SA-110 on nIRQ/nFIQ. The value of this register can only be changed by writing to the EnableSet and EnableClear registers. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 IRQEnable/FIQEnable R A 1 indicates that the associated interrupt source is enabled and allows an interrupt request. A 0 indicates that the interrupt is disabled. Reset value: 0. 7.3.32 IRQEnableSet/FIQEnableSet Register—Offset 188h/288h This write-only register is used to set bits in the IRQEnable/FIQEnable register. 7.3.33 Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 IRQEnableSet/ FIQEnableSet WO When writing to this location, each data bit that is high causes the corresponding bit in the enable register to be set. Data bits that are low have no effect on the corresponding bit in the enable register. IRQEnableClear/FIQEnableClear Register—Offset 18Ch/28Ch This write-only register is used to clear bits in the IRQEnable/FIQEnable register. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 IRQEnableClear/ FIQEnableClear WO When writing to this location, each data bit that is high causes the corresponding bit in the enable register to be cleared. Data bits that are low have no effect on the corresponding bit in the enable register. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-47 Registers 7.3.34 IRQSoft/FIQSoft Register—Offset 190h/290h This write-only register can be used to generate an IRQ/FIQ under software control. 7.3.35 Dword Bit Name R/W Description 0 — — Don’t care. 1 RawStatus register bit [1] WO This bit generates bit [1] (as either 0 or 1) of the RawStatus register (and its current state can be found by reading that register). 31:2 — — Don’t care. SA–110 DAC Address Registers—Offsets 200h to 204h This register provides bits 63:32 of the PCI address for SA-110 accesses to PCI memory space. It is accessed by two different addresses. For both addresses, this register is written with the SA-110 write data. The two addresses are used to control bit [15] of the PCI Address Extension register (Offset 140h) which supplies bit [31] of the PCI address for all SA-110 accesses to PCI memory space. Writing this register at address 200h will clear bit [15] of the PCI Address Extension register. Writing this register at address 204h will set bit [15] of the PCI Address Extension register. Dword Bit 31:10 Name DAC Address R/W R/W Description Provide bits 63:32 of the PCI address. Reset value: 0 7-48 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.3.36 SA-110 DAC Control Registers—Offset 208h This register provides information used to control prefetching for SA-110 loads from DAC PCI memory space. DACs are performed if the value of all bits in the SA-110 DAC address register is not equal to 0. Dword Bit Name R/W 31:4 — R 3 DAC PF R/W Description Specifies if a DAC read should prefetch. When 0: PCI command is Memory Read and 1 Dword is read. When 1: PCI command is specified by DAC Read Command field of this register. Reset value: 0 2 DAC Read Command R/W Specifies the PCI command type for DAC read (if PF bit of this register is a 1). 0 = Memory Read Line 1 = Memory Read Multiple Reset value: 0 1:0 DAC Burst Length R/W Specifies the number of Dwords to be prefetched for a DAC read (if PF bit of this register is a 1). 00 = 4 01 = 8 10 = 16 11 = 32 Reset value: 0 7.3.37 PCI Address 31 Alias Register—Offset 20Ch This register provides an alternate way to read the value of bit [15] of the PCI Address Extension Register, which provides the value for bit [31] of the PCI address during all SA-110 accesses to PCI memory space. Dword Bit Name R/W 31:3 — R 2 PCI Address 31 R 1:0 — R 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Description Bit [15] of the PCI Address Extension Register 7-49 Registers 7.3.38 Timer Control Registers The following CSRs control the timers. Table 7-12 lists the addresses of the registers. TimerNValue is read-only and TimerNClear is write-only. Table 7-12. Timer Control Registers Register 7.3.39 Address Timer1Load 300h Timer1Value 304h Timer1Control 308h Timer1Clear 30Ch Timer2Load 320h Timer2Value 324h Timer2Control 328h Timer2Clear 32Ch Timer3Load 340h Timer3Value 344h Timer3Control 348h Timer3Clear 34Ch Timer4Load 360h Timer4Value 364h Timer4Control 368h Timer4Clear 36Ch TimerNLoad Register—Offsets 300h, 320h, 340h, and 360h This register holds the initial value of the counter. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 23:0 Initial counter value R/W The act of writing to this register causes the counter to reload with the initial value. Reset value: 0. 31:24 7.3.40 — R Read only as 0. TimerNValue Register—Offsets 304h, 324h, 344h, and 364h This register holds the current value of the counter. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 Current counter value R Contains the current counter value. Reset value: Undefined. 7-50 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Registers 7.3.41 TimerNControl Register—Offsets 308h, 328h, 348h, and 368h This register controls the timer functions. Timer4 can be used as a watchdog timer. When the watchdog enable bit [13] in the SA-110 control register is set to a 1, Timer4Control cannot be written to. Therefore, software must load Timer4Control prior to setting the watchdog enable bit. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 1:0 — R Read only as 0. 3:2 Select timer pre-scaler R/W The decodes are: • 00=fclk_in • 01=fclk_in/16 • 10=fclk_in/256 • 11=External event on irq_in_l pin: irq_in_l[0] = Timer1 irq_in_l[1] = Timer2 irq_in_l[2] = Timer3 irq_in_l[3] = Timer4 Reset value: 0. 5:4 — R Read only as 0. 6 Mode R/W When 0: Timer is free running (when the timer reaches 0 it will wrap to FFFFFFh and continue to decrement). When 1: Timer is periodic (when the timer reaches 0 it will reload with the value in TimerN Load). Reset value: 0. 7 Enable R/W When 1: Timer is enabled. When reenabled, it will resume from the current TimerNValue. When 0: Timer is disabled. If a counter is disabled its TimerNValue can still be read. Reset value: 0. 31:8 7.3.42 — R/W Read as 0. Ignored on write. TimerNClear Register—Offsets 30Ch, 32Ch, 34Ch, and 36Ch Any write to the TimerNClear register (any data) clears the associated interrupt. The write has no effect if the associated interrupt was already clear. TimerNClear is a write-only register. Dword Bit Name R/W Description 31:0 Clear W Clears interrupt. Data is ignored. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 7-51 8 JTAG Test Port The 21285 contains a serial scan test port that conforms to IEEE standard 1149.1, IEEE Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture. 8.1 Test Access Port Controller The test access port controller is a finite state machine that interprets IEEE 1149.1 protocols received through the tms input. The state transitions in the controller are caused by the tms signal on the rising edge of tck. In each state, the controller generates the appropriate clock and control signals that control the operation of the test features. After entry into a state, test-feature operations are initiated on the rising edge of tck. Figure 8-1 shows the state transitions. Figure 8-1. Test Access Port (TAP) Controller State Transitions Test-Logic reset tms=1 tms=0 Run-Test/Idle tms=1 Select-DR-Scan tms=0 tms=1 Select-IR-Scan tms=0 tms=1 Capture-DR tms=0 tms=1 tms=0 Shift-IR tms=1 tms=0 tms=1 tms=0 Exit1-DR Exit1-IR tms=0 tms=0 Pause-DR Pause-IR tms=1 tms=0 tms=1 tms=0 tms=0 Exit2-DR Exit2-IR tms=1 tms=1 Update-DR tms=1 Capture-IR tms=0 Shift-DR tms=0 tms=1 Update-IR tms=0 tms=1 tms=0 FM-05927.AI4 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 8-1 JTAG Test Port 8.2 Boundary-Scan Implementation Exceptions The critical timing of the clocking signals osc, fclk, sdclk[3:0], and MCLK force the exception of the IEEE 1149.1 standards for these device pins. The following modifications have been implemented: Note: BC_1, BC_2, and BC_4 are all defined in the IEEE Standard 1149.1, IEEE Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture. • Signal osc is an input, but uses a BC_1 cell to allow the state to be set by the BSR operation. • Signals fclk, sdclk[3:0], and MCLK do not use boundary-scan cells. In boundary-scan mode, these pins are logically equivalent to the osc pad, which can be controlled in unison from the osc BSR cell. 8.3 Instruction Register The 4-bit instruction register selects the test modes and features. Table 8-1 lists the instruction register encodings that are interpreted as instructions. All other values are illegal. The instructions select and control the operation of the boundary-scan and bypass registers. The instruction register is loaded through the tdi pin, and has a shift-in stage that enables the instruction to be loaded in parallel. Table 8-1. Test Modes and Features Instruction Register Contents Instruction Name (Test Mode or State) Test Register Selected Operation 0000 EXTEST Boundary-scan External test (the 21285 drives pins using the data in the boundary-scan register). 0001 SAMPLE/PRELOAD Boundary-scan Samples I/O. 0010 HIGHZ Bypass Tristates all output and I/O pins except the tdo pin. 0011 CLAMP Bypass Drives pins from the boundary-scan register and selects the bypass register for shifts. 0100 IDCODE Idcode Reads the manufacturer’s identification number, the design part number, and the design version number.a 1111 BYPASS Bypass Selects the bypass register for shifts. a. 8.4 The manufacturer’s identification number is 000001101011, the design part number is 0100000110010100, and the design version number is based on the latest revision. Bypass Register The bypass register is a 1-bit shift register that provides a means for effectively bypassing the JTAG test logic through a single-bit serial connection through the chip from tdi to tdo. At boardlevel testing, this helps reduce the overall length of the scan chain. 8-2 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet JTAG Test Port 8.5 Boundary-Scan Register The boundary-scan register is a single-shift register-based path formed by boundary-scan cells placed at the chip’s signal pins. The register is accessed through the JTAG ports tdi and tdo pins. A machine-readable boundary-scan index (BSDL.TXT) for each I/O cell in the 21285 design is located at the following URL: http://ftp.digital.com/pub/Digital/info/semiconductor/literature/dsc-library.html#bridges The list is ordered from tdi to tdo, and the index starts at 1 and ends at 360. tdi is applied on a rising edge of tck. tdo is valid on the falling edge. Notes: The tx pin is always configured as an output except when the JTAG HIGHZ state is asserted. The tdo pin is enabled per the JTAG specification. All other tristate pins are controlled by the boundary-scan register scan cell indicated in BSDL.TXT, as well as the JTAG HIGHZ instruction. All input ports are monitored by BC_4 type cells except for osc, which is controlled by a BC_1. EXTEST overrides the clock. All outport ports are controlled by a BC_1 cell. All bidirectional ports contain a BC_1 for the output path, and a BC_4 for the input path. The enable is controlled by a BC_2 cell. fclk, MCLK, and sdclk[3:0] are not monitored or controlled by the boundary-scan register. These signals are indirectly controlled through, and are logically equivalent to the osc boundary-scan cell. tx enable is controlled by the JTAG HIGHZ instruction and not by a boundary-scan register cell. During normal operation, this is an output port only. tdo is controlled by the TAP controller. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 8-3 9 Electrical Specifications This section specifies the following electrical behavior of the 21285: • • • • 9.1 PCI electrical conformance Absolute maximum ratings dc specifications ac timing specifications PCI Electrical Specification Conformance The 21285 PCI pins conform to the basic set of PCI electrical specifications in the PCI Local Bus Specification,Revision 2.1. See that document for a complete description of the PCI I/O protocol and pin ac specifications. 9.2 Absolute Maximum Ratings The 21285 is specified to operate at a maximum frequency of 33 MHz at a junction temperature (T(j)) not to exceed 125°C. Table 9-1 lists the absolute maximum ratings for the 21285. Stressing the device beyond the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage. These are stress ratings only. Operating beyond the functional operating range is not recommended, and extended exposure beyond the functional operating range may affect reliability. Table 9-1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Minimum Maximum Junction temperature, Tj — 125°C Supply Voltage, Vdd — 3.9 V Maximum voltage applied to signal pins — 5.5 V Maximum power PWC — 1.77 W @ 33 MHz Storage temperature range, Tstg -55°C 125°C Table 9-2 lists the functional operating range. Table 9-2. Functional Operating Range Parameter Minimum Maximum Voltage supply, Vdd 3.0 V 3.6 V Operating ambient temperature, Ta 0°C 70°C 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 9-1 Electrical Specifications 9.3 DC Specifications Table 9-3 defines the dc parameters met by all 21285 PCI signals under normal operating conditions. Note: In Table 9-3, currents into the chip (chip sinking) are denoted as positive (+) current. Currents from the chip (chip sourcing) are denoted as negative (–) current. Table 9-3. DC Parameters Symbol Parameter Condition Minimum Maximum Unit — 3.0 3.6 V Power Signal Vdd Supply voltage PCI Signals Vil Low-level input voltagea — –0.5 0.3 Vdd V Vih High-level input voltagea — 0.5 Vdd V dd + 0.5 V V Vol Low-level output voltageb Iout = 1500 µA — 0.1 Vdd V Vol5V Low-level output voltagec Iout = 6 mA — 0.55 V Iout = –500 µA 0.9 Vdd — V Iout = –2 mA 2.4 — V Voh Voh5V High-level output voltage b High-level output voltage d a,e Iil Low-level input leakage current 0 < Vin < Vdd — ±10 µA Cin Input pin capacitance — — 10.0 pF CIDSEL idsel pin capacitance — — 8.0 pF Cclk pci_clk pin capacitance — 5.0 12.0 pF — 0.8 × Vdd V dd + 0.5 V — –0.5 0.2 × Vdd V 0 < Vin < Vdd –10 10 µA Non-PCI Signals IC input high voltaged,e Vihc Vilc Iilc IC input low voltage f Input leakage current g d,e Vohc High-level output voltage Ioh = –4 mA 2.4 — V Volcg Low-level output voltaged,e Iol = 4 mA — 0.4 V Vohch High-level output voltaged Ioh = –12 mA 2.4 — V Volc Low-level output voltage Iol = 12 mA — 0.4 V h Its Tristate leakage current — — 100 µA Cin Input pin capacitance — — 5 pF Cio Input/output pin capacitance — — 12 pF Idd Power supply current — — 490 mA a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 9-2 d,e Guarantees meeting the specification for the 5-V signaling environment. For 3.3-V signaling environment. For 5-V signaling environment. Voltage measured with respect to Vss. IC-CMOS-level inputs (include IC and ICOCZ pin types). Leakage currents for ma[12:0] and ba[1:0] are -200 µA minimum and 200 µA maximum. Not including clocks. Including clocks (MCLK, fclk, and sdclk[3:0]). 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Electrical Specifications 9.4 AC Timing Specifications The next sections describe the following specifications: • • • • 9.4.1 PCI clock timing PCI signal timing PCI reset timing JTAG timing PCI Clock Timing Specifications The ac specifications consist of input requirements and output responses. The input requirements consist of setup and hold times, pulse widths, and high and low times. The output responses are delays from clock to signal. The ac specifications are defined separately for each clock domain (pci_clk and fclk_in) within the 21285. Figure 9-1 shows the ac parameter measurements for the pci_clk signal, and Table 9-4 specifies pci_clk parameter values for clock signal ac timing. See also Figure 9-2 for a further illustration of signal timing. Figure 9-1. PCI Clock Signal AC Parameter Measurement Conditions V t1 V t2 pci_clk Vt3 T high T low T f T r Note: Vt1 _ 2.0 V for 5-V clocks; 0.5 Vcc for 3.3-V clocks V _ 1.5 V for 5-V clocks; 0.4 V for 3.3-V clocks t2 cc Vt3 _ 0.8 V for 5-V clocks; 0.3 Vcc for 3.3-V clocks FM-05688.AI4 Table 9-4. PCI Clock Signal AC Parameters Symbol Parameter Minimum Maximum Unit Tcyc pci_clk cycle time 30 ∞ ns Thigh pci_clk high time 11 — ns Tlow pci_clk low time 11 — ns pci_clk slew ratea 1 4 V/ns a. 0.2 Vcc to 0.6 Vcc 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 9-3 Electrical Specifications 9.4.2 PCI Signal Timing Specifications Figure 9-2 and Table 9-5 show the PCI signal timing specifications. Table 9-6 correlates the ac parameters with the 21285 signal pins. Figure 9-2. PCI Signal Timing Measurement Conditions PCI_CLK V test T val T Output inval Valid T T on Input T off Valid su T h Note: Vtest _ 1.5 V for 5-V signals; 0.4 Vcc for 3.3-V signals FM-05676.AI4 . Table 9-5. PCI Signal Timing Specifications Symbol Tval pci_clk to signal valid delay — bused signals a,b,c a,b,c Minimum Maximum Unit 2 11 ns Tval(ptp) pci_clk to signal valid delay — point-to-point 2 12 ns Ton Float to active delaya,b 2 — ns — 28 ns 7 — ns Toff Active to float delay Tsu a,b Input setup time to pci_clk—bused signals a,b,c a,b,c Tsu(ptp) Input setup time to pci_clk—point-to-point 10, 12 — ns Th Input signal hold time from pci_clka,b 0 — ns a. b. c. 9-4 Parameter See Figure 9-2. All PCI interface signals are referenced to pci_clk. Point-to-point signals are req_l and gnt_l. Bused signals are ad, cbe_l, par, perr_l, serr_l, frame_l, irdy_l, trdy_l, devsel_l, stop, and idsel. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Electrical Specifications Table 9-6 lists the ac parameters that are applied in Table 9-5. Table 9-6. PCI Signal Timing AC Parameters 9.4.3 Name Tval Tval (ptp) Ton, Toff Tsu, Th Tsu (ptp), Th ad[31:0] y — y y — cbe_l[3:0] y — y y — par y — y y — frame_l y — y y — irdy_l y — y y — trdy_l y — y y — stop y — y y — devsel_l y — y y — idsel — — — y — perr_l y — y y — serr_l y — — — — req_l — y — — — gnt_l — — — — y pci_irq_l y — — — — PCI Reset Timing Specifications Table 9-7 shows the reset timing specifications for pci_rst_l. Table 9-7. PCI Reset Timing Specifications Symbol Parameter Trst pci_rst_l active time after power stablea Trst—clk Trst—off a pci_rst_l active time after pci_clk stable pci_rst_l active-to-output float delay pci_rst_l slew a. b. ratea b Minimum Maximum Unit 1 — ms 100 — µs — 40 ns 50 — mV/ns Applies to rising (deasserting) edge only. All PCI output drivers are asynchronously floated when pci_rst_l is asserted (except ad, cbe_l, and par, which are driven to 0 if pci_cfn is asserted). 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 9-5 Electrical Specifications 9.4.4 JTAG Timing Specifications Table 9-8 shows the JTAG timing specifications. Table 9-8. JTAG Timing Specifications Symbol Parameter Minimum Maximum Unit Tjf tck frequency 0 10 MHz Tjht tck high time 45 — ns Tjlt tck low time 45 — ns Tjrt tck rise timea — 10 ns — 10 ns Tjft tck fall time Tjs tdi, tms setup time to tck rising edge 10 — ns Tjh tdi, tms hold time from tck rising edge 25 — ns Tjd tdo valid delay from tck falling edgec — 30 ns Tjfd tdo float delay from tck falling edge — 30 ns a. b. c. 9.5 b Measured between 0.8 V and 2.0 V. Measured between 2.0 V and 0.8 V. C1 = 50 pF. Memory and SA-110 Interface Timing The timing parameters specified in this section are valid for the full range of voltage and temperature variations as stated in Sections 9.2 and 9.3. The ac specifications consist of input requirements and output responses. The input requirements consist of setup and hold times, pulse widths, and high and low times. The output responses are delays from clock to signal. All signal timings are referenced to the rising edge of fclk_in unless otherwise stated. All rise/fall AC parameters are measured from 10% to 90% of Vdd. All other AC parameters are measured from 50% Vdd of fclk_in to 50% Vdd of signal specified. 9-6 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Electrical Specifications 9.5.1 SA-110, 21285, and SDRAM Clock Signal Timing Specifications Figure 9-3 and Table 9-9 show the SA-110, 21285, and SDRAM clock signal timing specifications. Figure 9-3. Clock Signal AC Parameter Measurement Conditions Toscrt Toscft osc Tckoof Tckoor fclk Tckosr Tckosf sdclk Tsdclkrt Tsdclkft Tmclkft Tmclkrt MCLK Tckomf Tckomr FM-05930.AI4 Table 9-9. SA-110, 21285, and SDRAM Clock Signal AC Parameters Name (Sheet 1 of 2) Parameter Minimum Maximum Unit osc period 15.0 <Tcyc ns osc high time 6.7 — ns osc low time 6.7 — ns Tckoor osc rising fclk rising 1.9 4.4 ns Tckoof osc falling fclk falling 1.9 4.0 ns Toscrt osc rise time 0.5 2.0 ns Toscft osc fall time 0.5 2.0 ns — — ns 1.6 3.4 ns delaya Tckoi fclk to fclk_in Tckomf fclk to MCLK delay - fclk rising Tckomr fclk to MCLK delay - fclk falling 1.8 3.9 ns Tmclkrt MCLK rise time 0.5 2.0 ns Tmclkft MCLK fall time Tckosr Tckosf 0.5 2.0 ns b 1.6 3.6 ns fallingb 1.6 3.2 ns fclk to sdclk delay - fclk rising fclk to sdclk delay - fclk 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 9-7 Electrical Specifications Table 9-9. SA-110, 21285, and SDRAM Clock Signal AC Parameters Name Parameter Minimum Maximum Unit Tsdclkrt sdclk rise time 0.5 1.0 ns Tsdclkft sdclk fall time 0.5 1.0 ns Tskew1 Skew between rising edges on any two of sdclk[3:0] — 0.5 ns Tskew2 Skew between MCLK falling and any of sdclk[3:0] rising — 0.5 ns a. b. 9.5.2 (Sheet 2 of 2) This delay is not specified. It is imposed by etch delays in the module design. In the module design, the capacitive load and etch length on the following nets should be matched: 21285 fclk output to 21285 fclk_in; 21285 MCLK output to SA-110 MCLK pin; 21285 sdclk[3:0] outputs to SDRAM CLK pin. Any of sdclk[3:0]. SA-110, 21285, and SDRAM Interface Timing Specifications Figures 9-4 and 9-5 with Table 9-10 show the memory and SA-110 interface timing specifications. Figure 9-4. Interface Timing Measurement Conditions fclk_in Txxz Txzx Bus Outputs Txout (max) Txout (min) Outputs Txlh Timing Symbol(s) Txhl Corresponding Parameter Value Txzx Tdzx, Tpzx, Tazx, Tdqmzx, Tmazx, Tcmdzx, Tcszx Txxz Txout (max),Txout (min) Tdxz, Tpxz, Taxz, Tdqmxz, Tmaxz, Tcmdxz, Tcszx Txlh Tdout, Tpout, Taout, Tdqmout, Tmaout, Tcmdout, Tcsout Txwlh, Tdwlh, Trcslh, Trdlh, Twrlh, Txcslh, Tabelh, Tdbelh Txhl Txwhl, Tdwhl, Trcshl, Trdhl, Twrhl, Tabehl, Tabehl, Tdbehl FM-05928.AI4 9-8 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Electrical Specifications Figure 9-5. Input Timing Measurement Conditions fclk_in Falling Input Rising Input Txih Txis Timing Symbol(s) Corresponding Parameter Value Txih Tdih, Tmrih, Tloih, Trwih, Tclih, Tpih Tdqmh, Taih Txis Tdis, Tmris, Tlois, Trwis, Tclis, Tpis, Tdqms, Tais FM-05929.AI4 Table 9-10. Memory and SA-110 AC Parameters Name Tdis Parameter Tdis data-in setupa a (Sheet 1 of 2) Minimum Maximum Unit 0.5 — ns Tdih Tdih data-in hold 1.6 — ns Tpis Tpis parity-in setup 0.5 — ns Tpih Tpih parity-in hold 1.6 — ns Tdout Data-out delay 4.9 11.4 ns Tpouta Asynchronous parity-out delay (SA-110 write) 2.9 10.0 ns Tpouts Synchronous parity-out delay (21285 write) 4.9 11.8 ns Tdzx Data turn-on time 4.0 11.2 ns Tdxz Data turn-off time 4.0 11.2 ns Tpzx Parity turn-on time 4.0 11.1 ns Tpxz Parity turn-off time 4.0 11.1 ns Tais Address input setup 1.7 — ns Taih Address input hold 1.0 — ns Taout Address output delay (includes rom_oe_l, rom_we_l) 4.4 11.8 ns Tazx Address turn-on time 4.3 13.0 ns Taxz Address turn-off time 4.3 13.0 ns Tdqma dqm[3:0] maximum output delay during SA-110 write, timed from SA-110 address in — 9.1 ns Tdqmh dqm[3:0] minimum output hold during SA-110 write, timed from rising fclk_in 4.6 — ns 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 9-9 Electrical Specifications Table 9-10. Memory and SA-110 AC Parameters Name Parameter Tdqms dqm[3:0] output delay during 21285 write 4.5 10.6 ns Tmaout ma, ba output delay 4.7 10.8 ns Tcmdout cmd[2:0] output delay 5.0 11.5 ns Tcsout cs_l[3:0] output delay 5.0 11.4 ns Txwhl xd_wren_l assertion delay 5.3 11.1 ns Txwlh xd_wren_l negation delay 5.1 11.7 ns Tdwhl d_wren_l assertion delay 4.5 9.3 ns Tdwlh d_wren_l negation delay 4.6 10.0 ns Trcshl rom_ce_l assertion delay 4.5 9.6 ns Trcslh rom_ce_l negation delay 4.6 10.2 ns Trdhl xrd_l assertion delay 5.3 10.6 ns Trdlh xrd_l negation delay 5.1 11.1 ns Twrhl xwr_l assertion delay 5.4 10.8 ns Twrlh xwr_l negation delay 5.1 11.2 ns Txcshl xcs_l assertion delayb 5.0 11.1 ns Txcslh xcs_l negation delayb 5.0 11.4 ns Minimum Maximum Unit Tabehl ABE negation delay 5.1 10.3 ns Tabelh ABE assertion delay 4.8 10.4 ns Tdbehl DBE negation delay 4.4 9.1 ns Tdbelh DBE assertion delay 4.5 9.6 ns Tmris nMREQ input setup 1.6 — ns Tmrih nMREQ input hold 0.9 — ns Tlois LOCK input setup 0.9 — ns Tloih LOCK input hold 0.6 — ns Trwis nRW input setup 0.5 — ns Trwih nRW input hold 1.1 — ns Tclis CLF input setup 1.0 — ns Tclih CLF input hold 0.6 — ns a. b. 9-10 (Sheet 2 of 2) For SA-110 writes to 21285, 21285 reads of SDRAM, and 21285 reads of ROM. For xcs signals that are configured as outputs. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet 10 Mechanical Specifications The 21285 is contained in an industry-standard 256 plastic ball grid array (PBGA) package, as shown in Figure 10-1. Figure 10-1. 256 Plastic Ball Grid Array (PBGA) Package _A_ aaa _C_ D // bbb C D1 Pin 1 Corner _B_ Pin 1 I.D. 30o E1 E Top View o 45 Chamfer 4 Places A2 A1 A C 20 19 18 17 16 A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R T U V W Y 15 14 13 12 Pin 1 Corner 10 08 06 04 02 11 09 07 05 03 01 b / / 0.30 / 0.10 S S CA C S B S 21285 e (J) Note: ( _ Basic Dimension ) _ Reference Dimension Bottom View (I) 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet FM-05687.AI4 10-1 Mechanical Specifications Table 10-1 lists the package dimensions in millimeters . Table 10-1. 256 Plastic Ball Grid Array (PBGA) Package Dimensions Symbol Dimension Minimum Value Nominal Value Maximum Value e Ball pitch — 1.27 BSCa — A Overall package height — 2.15 3.50 A1 Package standoff height 0.50 0.60 0.70 A2 Encapsulation thickness — — 2.50 b Ball diameter 0.60 0.75 0.90 c Substrate thickness 0.10 — 2.50 aaa Coplanarity — — 0.20 bbb Overall package planarity — — 0.25 D Overall package width 26.80 27.00 27.20 D1 Overall encapsulation width — 24.00 24.70 E Overall package width 26.80 27.00 27.20 E1 Overall encapsulation width — 24.00 I Location of first row (x-direction) — 1.44 reference — J Location of first row (y-direction) — 1.44 referenceb — a. b. 10-2 24.70 b ANSI Y14.5M-1982 American National Standard Dimensioning and Tolerancing, Section 1.3.2, defines Basic Dimension (BSC) as: A numerical value used to describe the theoretically exact size, profile, orientation, or location of a feature or datum target. It is the basis from which permissible variations are established by tolerances on other dimensions, in notes, or in feature control frames. The value for this measurement is for reference only. 21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Datasheet Support, Products, and Documentation If you need technical support, a Product Catalog, or help deciding which documentation best meets your needs, visit the Intel World Wide Web Internet site: http://www.intel.com Copies of documents that have an ordering number and are referenced in this document, or other Intel literature may be obtained by calling 1-800-332-2717 or by visiting Intel’s website for developers at: http://developer.intel.com You can also contact the Intel Massachusetts Information Line or the Intel Massachusetts Customer Technology Center. Please use the following information lines for support: For documentation and general information: Intel Massachusetts Information Line United States: 1–800–332–2717 Outside United States: 1–303-675-2148 Electronic mail address: [email protected] For technical support: Intel Massachusetts Customer Technology Center Phone (U.S. and international): 1–978–568–7474 Fax: 1–978–568–6698 Electronic mail address: [email protected]