22mm Push Button Accessories Boots for Booted Actuators C olor C at No. White 2BT1 Black 2BT2 G reen 2BT3 R ed 2BT4 B lue 2BT6 C lear 2BT7 Yellow 2BT8 Replacement Bulbs Filament Bulbs C olor C lear C lear C lear C lear C lear Voltage 12V AC /DC 24V AC /DC 48V AC /DC 110V AC /DC 230V AC /DC LED Bulbs C olor Voltage 12V A C /DC White 12V AC /DC G reen 12V AC /DC R ed 12V AC /DC Amber 12V AC /DC B lue 12V AC /DC Yellow 12V AC /DC C at No. B A9S 12 B A9S 24 B A9S 48 B A9S 110 B A9S 220 C at No. Lenses for Pilot Lights with LED C olor C at No. White 2PLL1L G reen 2PLL3L R ed 2PLL4L Amber 2PLL5L B lue 2PLL6L C lear 2PLL7L Yellow 2PLL8L Lenses for Pilot Lights with Filament Bulb C olor C at No. White 2PLL1 G reen 2PLL3 R ed 2PLL4 Amber 2PLL5 B lue 2PLL6 C lear 2PLL7 Yellow 2PLL8 LED Bulbs C olor 110V A C White G reen R ed Amber B lue Yellow Voltage C at No. 110V 110V 110V 110V 110V 110V 24V A C /DC White 24V G reen 24V R ed 24V Amber 24V B lue 24V Yellow 24V AC AC AC AC AC AC AC /DC AC /DC AC /DC AC /DC AC /DC AC /DC Lenses for Illuminated Actuators with LED (flush/projecting) C olor C at No. White 2LAL1L G reen 2LAL3L R ed 2LAL4L Amber 2LAL5L B lue 2LAL6L C lear 2LAL7L Yellow 2LAL8L Lenses for Illuminated Actuators with Filament Bulb C olor C at No. White 2LAL1 G reen 2LAL3 R ed 2LAL4 Amber 2LAL5 B lue 2LAL6 C lear 2LAL7 Yellow 2LAL8 Voltage C at No. MC B 91110 MC B 93110 MC B 94110 MC B 95110 MC B 96110 MC B 98110 C olor 230V A C White G reen R ed Amber B lue Yellow 230V 230V 230V 230V 230V 230V AC AC AC AC AC AC MC B 91230 MC B 93230 MC B 94230 MC B 95230 MC B 96230 MC B 98230 MC B 9124 MC B 9324 MC B 9424 MC B 9524 MC B 9624 MC B 9824 230V DC White G reen R ed Amber B lue Yellow 230V 230V 230V 230V 230V 230V DC DC DC DC DC DC MC B 91230D MC B 93230D MC B 94230D MC B 95230D MC B 96230D MC B 98230D 48V A C /DC White 48V G reen 48V R ed 48V Amber 48V B lue 48V Yellow 48V MC B 9112 MC B 9312 MC B 9412 MC B 9512 MC B 9612 MC B 9812 AC /DC AC /DC AC /DC AC /DC AC /DC AC /DC MC B 9148 MC B 9348 MC B 9448 MC B 9548 MC B 9648 MC B 9848 Maximum Power Consumption: S upply Voltage 12V 24V 48V 110V 240V LED P ower (max) in Watts 0.5W 0.5W 0.5W 0.5W 1W F IL A ME NT B UL B S C urrent max 20mA max 20mA max 20mA max 15mA max 10mA P ower (max) in Watts 2W 2W 2W 2.6W 2.6W C urrent max 166mA max 85mA max 45mA max 20mA max 20mA T hes e bulbs are available in various colors and Voltages . A filament bulb can be directly replaced with thes e LE D bas ed bulbs without having to change any other expens ive part of your exis ting lamps . T hes e bulbs us e high brightnes s LE D chips which las t for more than 100,000 hours and cons ume very little power. Heat generated by LE D bas ed bulbs is negligible hence no damage to the body of the lamp or any operator in cas e of Illuminated pus h buttons . T hes e bulbs can be us ed to replace 12V AC /DC , 24V AC /DC , 48V AC /DC , 110V AC or DC and 240V AC or DC circuits directly. LE D color indication is given on the bulb for eas y identification. C onforming S tandards : UL508, C S A 22.2, IE C 60947-5-1 Altech C orp. ® • 35 R oyal R oad • F lemington, NJ 08822-6000 • P hone (908)806-9400 • FAX (908)806-9490 • www.altechcorp.com 39