TDK Corporation April 28, 2008 Non-Consolidated results for FY March 2008 Term Item Net sales Operating income Current income Net income(loss) Total assets Total net assets Per common share : Net income(loss) / Basic Net income / Diluted Stockholders' equity Capital expenditures Depreciation and amortization Research and development Result of financial income Number of employees Dividends per share FY2007 FY2008 (April 1, 2007 - March 31, 2008) (April 1, 2006 - March 31, 2007) (Yen millions) (Yen millions) % % Change (U.S.$ thousands) (Yen millions) Change(%) 347,280 17,647 31,774 18,719 100.0 5.1 9.1 5.4 353,034 5,450 16,787 (785) 100.0 1.5 4.8 -0.2 3,530,340 54,500 167,870 (7,850) 5,754 (12,197) (14,987) (19,504) 580,379 475,366 - 544,736 417,870 - 5,447,360 4,178,700 (35,643) (57,496) Yen (6.06) Yen Yen 3,236.08 Yen 141.45 Yen 141.29 Yen 3,589.45 31,391 29,555 28,917 4,807 5,202 8.5 8.3 - 73,830 32,657 31,814 5,659 5,300 Yen 110.00 1.7 -69.1 -47.2 - U.S.$(0.06) U.S.$ U.S.$32.36 9.3 9.0 - Yen 130.00 738,300 326,570 318,140 56,590 - 42,439 3,102 2,897 852 135.2 10.5 10.0 17.7 U.S.$1.30 (Sales breakdown) Term Product Electronic materials and components Electronic materials Electronic devices Recording devices Other electronic components Recording media Total sales Overseas sales FY2008 (April 1, 2007 - March 31, 2008) FY2007 (April 1, 2006 - March 31, 2007) (Yen millions) (Yen millions) % % Change (U.S.$ thousands) (Yen millions) Change(%) 318,730 91.8 328,573 93.1 3,285,730 9,843 3.1 160,141 100,245 28,803 46.1 28.9 8.3 160,427 103,145 32,056 45.5 29.2 9.1 1,604,270 1,031,450 320,560 286 2,900 3,253 0.2 2.9 11.3 29,540 8.5 32,943 9.3 329,430 3,403 11.5 28,550 347,280 219,461 8.2 100.0 63.2 24,461 353,034 232,630 6.9 100.0 65.9 244,610 3,530,340 2,326,300 (4,089) 5,754 13,169 -14.3 1.7 6.0 Notes: 1. Any portion less than Yen one million is disregarded, the same being applicable hereinafter. U.S.$1=Yen 100(U.S. dollar translation is added herein solely for convenience of readers outside Japan.) 2. The figures for net income per common share are calculated based upon the weighted average number of shares of common stock (the total outstanding number). 2