CONSOLIDATED 3) Consolidated results for the third quarter of fiscal 2002 (1) Financial highlights The third quarter of FY2002 (Oct. 1, 2001 - Dec. 31, 2001) (Yen millions) % The third quarter of FY2001 (Oct. 1, 2000 - Dec. 31, 2000) (U.S.$ thousands) (Yen millions) change % % 180,174 100.0 -17.2 Net sales 149,177 Operating income (loss) (14,171) -9.5 (107,356) 18,083 10.0 - Income (loss) before income taxes (13,805) -9.3 (104,583) 15,552 8.6 - (9,759) -6.5 (73,932) 10,392 5.8 - Net income (loss) Net income (loss) per common share and per ADS 100.0 1,130,129 Yen (73.45) U.S.$ (0.56) Yen 78.08 Notes: 1. The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. 2. The figures for net income (loss) per common share are calculated based upon the weighted average number of shares of common stock (the total outstanding number). 3. During this consolidated accounting period, the company had 77 subsidiaries (26 in Japan and 51 overseas). The company also had 7 affiliates whose financial statements are accounted for by the equity method. 4. U.S.$1=Yen 132 (2) Sales breakdown The third quarter of FY2002 (Oct. 1, 2001 - Dec. 31, 2001) (Yen millions) % The third quarter of FY2001 (Oct. 1, 2000 - Dec. 31, 2000) (U.S.$ thousands) (Yen millions) change % % Electronic materials and components 107,592 72.1 815,091 141,922 78.8 -24.2 Electronic materials 39,384 26.4 298,364 56,062 31.1 -29.7 Electronic devices 26,048 17.5 197,333 39,304 21.8 -33.7 Recording devices 38,259 25.6 289,841 39,537 22.0 -3.2 Semiconductors & Others 3,901 2.6 29,553 7,019 3.9 -44.4 41,585 27.9 315,038 38,252 21.2 8.7 Total sales 149,177 100.0 1,130,129 180,174 100.0 -17.2 Overseas sales 108,283 72.6 820,326 119,148 66.1 -9.1 Recording media & systems Note: U.S.$1=Yen 132 7/11