4) Consolidated results for fiscal 2001 (1) Financial highlights FY2001 FY2000 (April 1, 2000 - March 31, 2001) (April 1, 1999 - March 31, 2000) (Yen millions) Net sales % (U.S.$ thousands) (Yen millions) change % % 689,911 100.0 5,563,798 674,464 100.0 2.3 Operating profit 56,323 8.2 454,218 74,607 11.1 -24.5 Income before income taxes 64,516 9.4 520,290 73,414 10.9 -12.1 Net income 43,983 6.4 354,702 50,730 7.5 -13.3 U.S.$ 2.67 Yen 380.89 Net income per common share and per ADS Yen 330.54 Notes: 1. The financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. 2. The figures for net income per common share are calculated based upon the weighted average number of shares of common stock (the total outstanding number). 3. During this consolidated accounting period, the company had 78 subsidiaries (27 in Japan and 51 overseas). The company also had 9 affiliates whose financial statements are accounted for by the equity method. 4. In millions of Yen and thousands of U.S. Dollars, except for per share figures. 5. U.S.$1=Yen 124 (2) Sales breakdown FY2001 FY2000 (April 1, 2000 - March 31, 2001) (Yen millions) % (April 1, 1999 - March 31, 2000) (U.S.$ thousands) (Yen millions) change % % Electronic materials and components 552,195 80.0 4,453,185 525,807 78.0 5.0 Electronic materials 212,133 30.7 1,710,750 174,897 25.9 21.3 Electronic devices 145,216 21.1 1,171,097 129,025 19.1 12.5 Recording devices 169,140 24.5 1,364,032 200,748 29.8 -15.7 Semiconductors & Others 25,706 3.7 207,306 21,137 3.2 21.6 Recording media & systems 137,716 20.0 1,110,613 148,657 22.0 -7.4 Total sales 689,911 100.0 5,563,798 674,464 100.0 2.3 Overseas sales 467,821 67.8 3,772,750 442,525 65.6 5.7 Notes: 1. Effective from the fiscal year ending March 31, 2001, certain products that had been included in the Semiconductors & Others sector are now included in the Recording media & systems segment. Sales of the previous fiscal year have been restated accordingly. 2. In millions of Yen and thousands of U.S. Dollars. 3. U.S.$1=Yen 124 -9-