Design Assistance Customised Pack Sizes / Qtys Assembly Assistance Support for all industry recognised supply formats: Die handling consultancy Hi-Rel die qualification Hot & Cold die probing Electrical test & trimming o Waffle Pack o Gel Pak o Tape & Reel Onsite storage, stockholding & scheduling 100% Visual Inspection o MIL-STD 883 Condition A o MIL-STD 883 Condition A On-site failure analysis Bespoke 24 Hour monitored storage systems for secure long term product support On-site failure analysis Contact [email protected] For price, delivery and to place orders HMC899 Analog Devices Welcomes Hittite Microwave Corporation NO CONTENT ON THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT HAS CHANGED THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK HMC899 v00.0911 FILTERS - TUNABLE - SMT 3 FILTER - TUNABLE, BAND PASS 19 - 38 GHz Typical Applications Features The HMC899 is ideal for: Fast Tuning Response • Test & Measurement Equipment Excellent Wideband Rejection • Military RADAR & EW/ECM Single Chip Replacement for Mechanically Tuned Designs • SATCOM & Space • Industrial & Medical Equipment Functional Diagram Small Size: 2.5 x 1.2 x 0.10 mm General Description The HMC899 is a MMIC band pass filter which features a user selectable passband frequency. The 3 dB filter bandwidth is approximately 18%. The 20 dB filter bandwidth is approximately 35%. The center frequency can be varied between 19 and 38 GHz by applying an analog tune voltage between 0 and 14V. This tunable filter can be used as a much smaller alternative to physically large switched filter banks and cavity tuned filters. The HMC899 has excellent microphonics due to the monolithic design, and provides a dynamically adjustable solution in advanced communications applications. Electrical Specifications, TA = +25 °C Parameter Min. Fcenter Tuning Range Typ. 19 3 dB Bandwidth Max. Units 38 GHz 18 % 0.81 *Fcenter GHz High Side Rejection Frequency (Rejection >20 dB) 1.20 *Fcenter GHz Low Side Sub-Harmonic Rejection (Rejection >40 dB) 0.54 *Fcenter GHz High Side Sub-Harmonic Rejection (Rejection >40 dB) 1.32 *Fcenter GHz >50 GHz Low Side Rejection Frequency (Rejection >20 dB) Re-entry Frequency (Rejection <30 dB) Insertion Loss 7 dB Return Loss 10 dB dBm Input IP3 (Pin = 0 to +20 dBm) 25 Input Power @ 5° Shift In Insertion Phase (Vfctl = 0.5V) 14 dBm Input Power @ 5° Shift In Insertion Phase (Vfctl > = 1V) 16 dBm Frequency Control Voltage (Vfctl) 0 Source/Sink Current (Ifctl) 14 V ±1 mA Residual Phase Noise [1] (100 kHz Offset) -157 dBc/Hz Fcenter Drift Rate -3.2 MHz/°C < 100 ns Tuning Speed, Phase Settling to within 10° [2] [1] Optimum residual phase noise performance requires the use of a low noise driver circuit. [2] Tuning speed includes 40 ns tuning voltage ramp from driver. 3-1 For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or [email protected] HMC899 v00.0911 FILTER - TUNABLE, BAND PASS 19 - 38 GHz Broadband Insertion Loss vs. Vfctl -5 -20 RETURN LOSS (dB) INSERTION LOSS (dB) -10 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0V 3V 7V 14V -80 5 10 15 -10 7V 0V -15 -20 14V -25 -30 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 S11 S22 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 FREQUENCY (GHz) FREQUENCY (GHz) 50 0 0 0V 3V 7V 14V -4 -5 RETURN LOSS (dB) -2 INSERTION LOSS (dB) 45 Return Loss vs. Vfctl Insertion Loss vs. Vfctl -6 -8 -10 -12 -10 0V -15 7V -20 -14 14V S11 S22 -25 -16 -30 -18 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 15 50 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 FREQUENCY (GHz) FREQUENCY (GHz) Insertion Loss vs. Temperature, Vfctl = 7V Return Loss vs. Temperature, Vfctl = 7V 0 0 -2 +25C +85C -55C -4 -5 RETURN LOSS (dB) INSERTION LOSS (dB) 40 FILTERS - TUNABLE - SMT 0 0 -90 3 Broadband Return Loss vs. Vfctl -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 -16 -10 -15 -20 + 25C + 85C - 55C -25 -18 -30 -20 20 25 30 35 FREQUENCY (GHz) 40 45 20 25 30 35 40 45 FREQUENCY (GHz) For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or [email protected] 3-2 HMC899 v00.0911 FILTER - TUNABLE, BAND PASS 19 - 38 GHz 3 Center Frequency vs. Temperature Insertion Loss vs. Temperature CENTER FREQUENCY (GHz) 0 -2 INSERTION LOSS (dB) 40 35 30 25 +25C + 85C - 55C 20 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 +25C + 85C - 55C -14 15 -16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 22 0 21 -2 RETURN LOSS (dB) 20 19 18 17 +25C + 85C - 55C 15 10 12 14 Maximum Return Loss in a 2 dB Bandwidth vs Temperature 3 dB Bandwidth vs. Temperature 16 8 Vfctl (Vdc) Vfctl (Vdc) BANDWIDTH (%) FILTERS - TUNABLE - SMT 45 +25C + 85C - 55C -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 14 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 14 8 10 12 14 Vfctl (Vdc) Vfctl (Vdc) Low Side Rejection Ratio vs. Temperature [1] High Side Rejection Ratio vs. Temperature [1] 1.25 +25C + 85C - 55C 0.84 F20dB To Fcenter RATIO F20dB TO Fcenter RATIO 0.85 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.8 +25C + 85C - 55C 1.23 1.21 1.19 1.17 1.15 0 2 4 6 8 Vfctl (Vdc) 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Vfctl (Vdc) [1] Rejection ratio is defined as the ratio of the frequency at which the relative insertion loss is 20 dB to the insertion loss at ƒcenter. 3-3 For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or [email protected] 14 HMC899 v00.0911 FILTER - TUNABLE, BAND PASS 19 - 38 GHz 3000 0.5 2000 1500 1000 +25C + 85C - 55C 500 1 2 3 4 5 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 14 10 Vfctl (Vdc) Group Delay vs. Fcenter 30 0.3 25 0.2 + 25C + 85C - 55C 0.1 15 20 25 30 35 FREQUENCY (GHz) 40 45 50 Input IP3 vs. Temperature 0.4 INPUT IP3 (dBm) GROUP DELAY (nS) 0V 2V 7V 14V 0.4 GROUP DELAY (ns) SENSITIVITY (MHz/V) 2500 20 + 25C + 85C - 55C 15 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 1 14 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 -110 45 APPROXIMATE Fcenter (GHz) -130 -140 -150 -160 1e+3 1e+4 14 1e+5 OFFSET FREQUENCY (Hz) 1e+6 1e+7 8 Approximate Fcenter 40 7 35 6 30 5 25 4 20 3 Delta Phi 15 2 10 1 5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 DELTA PHI (RAD/V) + 1.0V + 7.0V + 14.0V -120 13 Phase Sensitivity vs. Vfctl Residual Phase Noise -170 1e+2 8 Vfctl (V) Vfctl (Vdc) RESIDUAL PHASE NOISE (dBc/Hz) 3 Group Delay vs. Frequency FILTERS - TUNABLE - SMT Tuning Sensitivity vs. Vfctl 0 14 Vfctl (Vdc) For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or [email protected] 3-4 HMC899 v00.0911 FILTER - TUNABLE, BAND PASS 19 - 38 GHz 3 Frequency Shift vs. Pin Phase Shift vs. Pin 0 -5 Vfctl = 0.5V Vfctl = 1V Vfctl = 7V Vfctl = 12V Vfctl = 14V -10 -15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 FREQUENCY (MHz) PHASE (DEGREES) FILTERS - TUNABLE - SMT 0 -20 -40 Vfctl = 0.5V Vfctl = 1V Vfctl = 7V Vfctl = 12V Vfctl = 14V -60 -80 0 1 2 3 4 INPUT POWER (dBm) Absolute Maximum Ratings Frequency Control Voltage (Vfctl) -0.5 to +15V RF Power Input 27 dBm Storage Temperature -65 to +150 °C ESD Sensitivity (HBM) Class 1 A 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 INPUT POWER (dBm) Reliability Information Junction Temperature to Maintain 1 Million Hour MTTF 150 °C Nominal Junction Temperature (T= 85 °C and Pin = 27 dBm) 103 °C Operating Temperature -55 to +85 °C ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICE OBSERVE HANDLING PRECAUTIONS 3-5 For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or [email protected] HMC899 v00.0911 FILTER - TUNABLE, BAND PASS 19 - 38 GHz 3 FILTERS - TUNABLE - SMT Outline Drawing Die Packaging Information [1] NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHES [MILLIMETERS] Standard Alternate WP-9 [2] 2. DIE THICKNESS IS .004”. 3. TYPICAL BOND PAD IS .004” SQUARE.. 5. BOND PAD METALIZATION: GOLD 6. BACKSIDE METALIZATION: GOLD [1] Refer to “Waffle-Pak & Gel-Pak” section for die packaging dimensions. [2] For alternate packaging information contact Hittite Microwave Corporation. 7. BACKSIDE METAL IS GROUND 7. CONNECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR UNLABELED PADS. For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or [email protected] 3-6 HMC899 v00.0911 FILTER - TUNABLE, BAND PASS 19 - 38 GHz FILTERS - TUNABLE - SMT 3 Pin Descriptions Pin Number Function Description Die Bottom GND Die bottom must be connected to RF/DC ground. 2 RFIN This pad is AC coupled and matched to 50 Ohms. 5 RFOUT This pad is AC coupled and matched to 50 Ohms. 7, 8 Vfctl Center frequency control voltage. Pads are connected together internally. Interface Schematic Assembly Diagram 3-7 For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or [email protected] HMC899 v00.0911 FILTER - TUNABLE, BAND PASS 19 - 38 GHz 3 FILTERS - TUNABLE - SMT NOTES: For price, delivery and to place orders: Hittite Microwave Corporation, 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at Application Support: Phone: 978-250-3343 or [email protected] 3-8