FLYBACK TRANSFORMER 1: 0.15 + 1% 1: 0.15 + 1% 1: 0.15 + 1% 1: 0.07 + 1% Turns Ratio (1-2 : 3-4) (1-2 : 8-7) (1-2 : 6-7) (1-2 : 5-7) Parameter Min. Typ. Inductance 1-2 Leakage Inductance 1 DC Resistance 1 - 2 DC Resistance 3 - 4 DC Resistance 5 - 7 DC Resistance 6 - 7 DC Resistance 8 - 7 Hi-Pot Primary to Secondary Max. Units 1.50 mH 14.0 µH 2.65 0.57 0.05 0.29 0.27 Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω 1000 1 8 2 7 3 6 4 7 5 7 VRMS 1. Measure on pins 1-2 with (3,4,5,6,7,8) shorted. .850 (21.60) Typ Schematic Diagram Designed to meet the requirements for national ISDN U-INTERFACE chip TP3410 .780 (1980) Typ .630 (16.00) Typ. .197 (5.00) NOM. .200 (5.08) TYP. Pin Position Grid 0.100 (2.54) Holes For Bobbin Pins .600 (15.24) Pin Diameter is 0.026 (0.66) 8 7 6 5 inches (mm) Bottom View 1 2 3 Physical Dimensions 4 RHOMBUS P/N: T-1388 CUST P/N: NAME: DATE: 01/11/01 SHEET: Rhombus Industries Inc. Transformers & Magnetic Products 15801 Chemical Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Phone: (714) 898-0960 FAX: (714) 896-0971