Supplementary data for the FY March 2010 (April 1, 2009 – March 31, 2010) April 30, 2010 Corporate Communications Dept. FY March 2010 (April 30, 2010) 1 Cautionary Statements with Respect to Forward-Looking Statements This Thismaterial materialcontains containsforward-looking forward-lookingstatements, statements,including includingprojections, projections,plans, plans,policies, policies, management managementstrategies, strategies,targets, targets,schedules, schedules,understandings understandingsand andevaluations, evaluations,about aboutTDK TDKororitsits group groupcompanies companies(TDK (TDKGroup). Group). These Theseforward-looking forward-lookingstatements statementsare arebased basedon onthe thecurrent current forecasts, forecasts,estimates, estimates,assumptions, assumptions,plans, plans,beliefs beliefsand andevaluations evaluationsofofTDK TDKGroup Groupininlight lightofof information informationcurrently currentlyavailable availabletotoit,it,and andcontain containknown knownand andunknown unknownrisks, risks,uncertainties uncertaintiesand and other otherfactors. factors.TDK TDKGroup Grouptherefore thereforewishes wishestotocaution cautionreaders readersthat, that,being beingsubject subjecttotorisks, risks, uncertainties uncertaintiesand andother otherfactors, factors,TDK TDKGroup’s Group’sactual actualresults, results,performance, performance,achievements achievementsoror financial financialposition positioncould couldbe bematerially materiallydifferent differentfrom fromany anyfuture futureresults, results,performance, performance, achievements achievementsororfinancial financialposition positionexpressed expressedororimplied impliedby bythese theseforward-looking forward-lookingstatements, statements, and TDK Group undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking and TDK Group undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements statementsafter afterthe theissue issueofofthis thismaterial materialexcept exceptas asprovided providedfor forininlaws lawsand andordinances. ordinances. The Theelectronics electronicsmarkets marketsininwhich whichTDK TDKGroup Groupoperates operatesare arehighly highlysusceptible susceptibletotorapid rapidchanges. changes. Risks, Risks,uncertainties uncertaintiesand andother otherfactors factorsthat thatcan canhave havesignificant significanteffects effectson onTDK TDKGroup Groupinclude, include, but butare arenot notlimited limitedto, to,shifts shiftsinintechnology, technology,fluctuations fluctuationsinindemand, demand,prices, prices,interest interestand andforeign foreign exchange rates, and changes in economic environments, conditions of competition, laws exchange rates, and changes in economic environments, conditions of competition, lawsand and regulations. regulations. FY March 2010 (April 30, 2010) 2 Capital expenditures, Depreciation and amortization, Research and development FY March 2010 [Results] Projections on Apr. 30 '10 Capital expenditures 64.4 75.0 Depreciation and amortization 83.8 82.0 Research and development 53.9 53.0 6.7% 6.0% Unit:Yen billions (Share of net sales) <Net sales> FY March 2010 (April 30, 2010) 808.9 FY March 2011 880.0 3 Sales by major customer industry Year on Year IT Home Electronics High-Speed, Large Capacity Networks Car Electronics Others Sales Weight 0% 65% Minus 13% 10% Plus 8% 9% Minus 10% 16% Recording media and EPCOS results are not included. FY March 2010 (April 30, 2010) 4 Sales and Operating income ratio Sales (Yen in billions) (Excluding EPCOS results) 250 15% 200 0% 150 -15% 100 -30% 50 -45% 0 Sales 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q -60% 207.9 190.6 205.9 155.9 107.0 144.6 161.1 168.7 165.5 Operating income ratio 6.4% 2.8% 4.4% -1.4% -49.2% 0.1% 6.3% 7.7% 5.1% FY Mar. '08 FY Mar. '09 FY Mar. '10 5 Share of sales by products (Q4 of FY Mar. '10) Others 13% Electronic Materials 21% Sales for Electronic materials (Excluding EPCOS results) Electronic devices 23% Recording devices 43% Sales (Yen in billions) 50 40 30 20 10 0 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q Sales 45.9 45.7 46.5 32.0 20.9 28.5 FY Mar. '08 FY Mar. '09 2Q 3Q 4Q 33.7 34.7 FY Mar. '10 34.5 6 Share of sales by products (Q4 of FY Mar. '10) Others 13% Sales for Electronic device Electronic Materials 21% (Excluding EPCOS results) Electronic devices 23% Recording devices 43% Sales (Yen in billions) 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Sales 51.4 48.7 50.1 38.4 29.0 34.0 36.6 39.7 38.2 FY Mar. '08 FY Mar. '09 FY Mar. '10 7 Share of sales by products (Q4 of FY Mar. '10) Others 13% Electronic Materials 21% Sales for Recording devices (Excluding EPCOS results) Electronic devices 23% Sales (Yen in billions) Recording devices 43% 100 80 60 40 20 0 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Sales 87.9 72.4 77.6 58.4 38.8 62.6 FY Mar. '08 FY Mar. '09 70.8 73.6 72.1 FY Mar. '10 8 Share of sales by products (Q4 of FY Mar. '10) Others 13% Electronic Materials 21% Sales for Others (Excluding EPCOS results) Electronic devices 23% Recording devices 43% Sales (Yen in billions) 50 40 30 20 10 0 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q Sales 22.7 23.8 31.7 27.1 18.2 19.6 FY Mar. '08 FY Mar. '09 2Q 3Q 4Q 20.0 20.8 20.7 FY Mar. '10 9 EPCOS results Sales (Yen in billions) Before the deduction of goodwill depreciation Sales 50 10% 40 0% 30 -10% 20 -20% 10 -30% 0 -40% 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 32.1 37.0 43.2 42.9 45.9 2.3% 2.6% Operating income ratio -17.8% -10.2% 0.3% FY Mar. '09 FY Mar. '10 FY March 2010 (April 30, 2010) 10