Supplementary Data 1 Full Year Projections in FY March 2012 Term Item Net Sales Operating Income Income before income taxes Net income attributable to TDK Capital expenditures Depreciation and amortization Research and development FY2012 FY2012 FY2011 (April 1, 2011 March 31, 2012) (April 1, 2011 March 31, 2012) (April 1, 2010 March 31, 2011) Forecast in July'11 (Yen billions) Forecast in June'11 (Yen billions) 890.0 67.0 65.0 50.0 85.0 85.0 53.0 890.0 67.0 65.0 50.0 85.0 85.0 53.0 vs. FY2011 Changes Actual (Yen billions) (Yen billions) % 875.7 63.8 60.1 45.3 78.6 77.6 53.0 14.3 3.2 4.9 4.7 6.4 7.4 - 1.6 5.0 8.2 10.4 8.1 9.5 - Average Ex-rate projections from 2Q of FY March 2012 onward US$=80 yen EURO=110 yen 2 Dividends Forecast of FY March 2012 Dividend forecast per a common share Interim dividend 40 yen Year-end dividend Annual dividend 50 yen 90 yen 3 Expenses (Yen billions) FY2011 1Q Results FY2012 1Q Results Change Yen billions % Capital expenditures 13.9 26.8 12.9 93.3 Depreciation and amortization 18.8 (0.1) -0.6 Research and development 12.8 18.7 13.6 0.8 6.2 4 Quarterly Results (1Q vs. 1Q) Yen billions 1Q of FY 2011 Apr 1- Jun 30, 2010 (A) (4Q vs. 1Q) 4Q of FY 2011 Jan 1- Mar 31, 2011 (C) 1Q of FY 2012 Apr 1- Jun 30, 2011 (C) YoY Change (C)-(A) Yen billions QoQ Change (C)-(B) % Yen billions % 221.9 213.6 206.8 (15.2) -6.8 (6.8) -3.2 105.0 85.2 101.7 82.7 (3.0) -2.9 (3.3) -3.1 Magnetic Application Products 104.7 100.3 (17.6) -17.5 (2.5) -2.9 other 17.0 23.4 22.4 5.4 32.0 (1.0) -4.3 20.2 9.4 5.6 (14.6) -72.1 (3.8) -40.4 Passive Components 6.3 4.8 (2.5) -39.6 (1.0) -20.8 Magnetic Application Products 16.1 6.8 3.8 7.6 (8.5) -53.0 0.8 11.8 other 1.0 (3.2) 1.5 (7.2) 0.5 53.1 0.5 50.0 Corporate and eliminations 1.0 (3.1) (4.1) - (4.0) - Operating Income Margin 9.1% 4.4% 2.7% △6.4pt - △1.7pt - Net Sales Breakdown Passive Components Operating Income Breakdown Ex-rate US$ Yen 92.01 Yen 82.31 Yen 81.74 EURO Yen 117.03 Yen 112.66 Yen 117.62 5 Quarterly Sales and Operating Income by Segment FY March 2011 Yen billions Net Sales Passive Components Capacitors Breakdown Inductive Devices Other Passive Components Magnetic Application Products Recording Devices Other Magnetic Application Products Other Operating Income Passive Components Breakdown Magnetic Application Products Other Sub-total Corporate and Eliminations Ex-rate ¥/USD ¥/EURO FY March 2012 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Total 1Q 221.9 220.3 219.9 213.6 875.7 206.8 104.7 38.0 32.1 34.6 100.3 71.7 28.6 17.0 108.7 37.7 33.6 37.5 92.2 65.3 26.9 19.3 107.1 35.2 32.6 39.3 90.8 63 27.7 22.0 105.5 34.5 31.9 38.6 85.2 57.5 27.7 23.4 425.6 145.4 130.2 150.0 368.5 257.5 111.0 81.7 101.7 36.1 32.9 32.8 82.7 55.2 27.4 22.4 20.2 17.0 17.2 9.4 63.8 5.6 6.3 16.1 1.0 23.3 (3.1) 92.01 117.03 7.3 12.5 1.7 21.5 (4.5) 85.88 110.67 6.2 11.5 2.0 19.7 (2.6) 82.65 112.20 4.8 6.8 1.0 12.6 (3.2) 82.31 112.66 24.5 46.9 5.7 77.1 (13.3) 85.73 113.12 3.8 7.6 1.5 12.8 (7.2) 81.74 117.62 2Q 3Q 4Q Total 6 7 8 Cautionary Statements with Respect to Forward-Looking Statements This Thismaterial materialcontains containsforward-looking forward-lookingstatements, statements,including includingprojections, projections,plans, plans,policies, policies, management managementstrategies, strategies,targets, targets,schedules, schedules,understandings understandingsand andevaluations, evaluations,about aboutTDK TDKor orits its group groupcompanies companies(TDK (TDKGroup). Group). These Theseforward-looking forward-lookingstatements statementsare arebased basedon onthe thecurrent current forecasts, estimates, assumptions, plans, beliefs and evaluations of TDK Group in light forecasts, estimates, assumptions, plans, beliefs and evaluations of TDK Group in lightofof information informationcurrently currentlyavailable availabletotoit,it,and andcontain containknown knownand andunknown unknownrisks, risks,uncertainties uncertaintiesand and other factors. TDK Group therefore wishes to caution readers that, being subject to risks, other factors. TDK Group therefore wishes to caution readers that, being subject to risks, uncertainties uncertaintiesand andother otherfactors, factors,TDK TDKGroup’s Group’sactual actualresults, results,performance, performance,achievements achievementsor or financial financialposition positioncould couldbe bematerially materiallydifferent differentfrom fromany anyfuture futureresults, results,performance, performance, achievements or financial position expressed or implied by these forward-looking achievements or financial position expressed or implied by these forward-lookingstatements, statements, and TDK Group undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking and TDK Group undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements statementsafter afterthe theissue issueofofthis thismaterial materialexcept exceptas asprovided providedfor forininlaws lawsand andordinances. ordinances. The electronics markets in which TDK Group operates are highly susceptible to The electronics markets in which TDK Group operates are highly susceptible torapid rapidchanges. changes. Risks, Risks,uncertainties uncertaintiesand andother otherfactors factorsthat thatcan canhave havesignificant significanteffects effectson onTDK TDKGroup Groupinclude, include,but but are arenot notlimited limitedto, to,shifts shiftsinintechnology, technology,fluctuations fluctuationsinindemand, demand,prices, prices,interest interestand andforeign foreign exchange rates, and changes in economic environments, conditions of competition, exchange rates, and changes in economic environments, conditions of competition,laws lawsand and regulations. Also, since the purpose of these materials is only to give readers a general outline regulations. Also, since the purpose of these materials is only to give readers a general outlineofof business businessperformance, performance,many manynumerical numericalvalues valuesare areshown shownininunits unitsofofaabillion billionyen. yen.Because Because original originalvalues, values,which whichare aremanaged managedininunits unitsofofaamillion millionyen, yen,are arerounded roundedoff, off,the thetotals, totals, differences, differences,etc. etc.shown shownininthese thesematerials materialsmay mayappear appearinaccurate. inaccurate.IfIfdetailed detailedfigures figuresare are necessary, please refer to our financial statements and supplementary materials. necessary, please refer to our financial statements and supplementary materials. 9